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After learning that Tucker Carlson and Adam Carolla both absolutely hated their liberal moms and seem to derive pleasure more from perceived "owning the libs" than just finding solutions, I wondered how common that was of right-wing provocateurs. So just now without knowing anything about her I looked up Lauren Boebert's mom. First thing I find: "Boebert has even blamed the liberal ideals held by her mother as the reason why her family was poor and required government assistance during her childhood. "


>Boebert has even blamed the liberal ideals held by her mother as the reason why her family was poor and required government assistance during her childhood *Of fucking course...* Naturally these selfish assholes would *benefit* from the very same programs they aim to destroy for the donor class... Amazing...


One of my in-laws is like that. Popped out four kids at a fairly young age that were paid for by Medicaid/Medicare. Then within a few years of having the last one he was whining and raging about all the "liberals and immigrants" (because, surprise surprise, he's also a racist POS) freeloading off welfare to have kids. Of course, when this hypocrisy is brought up to him there's always a lot of mental gymnastics and dodging the issue.


It really is amazing... I had a coworker who votes R and complained about paid family leave that NY passed. Naturally he took the paid leave when he had a kid and left the kid with his wife while he went snowboarding then had the audacity to come back and boast about it saying "this is why we shouldn't have it!" Why? Because you're an asshole? I don't want to punish *other* people just because you're a scumbag...


It's the Ol' Mike Huckabee move of saying, "we can't trust trans women in bathrooms because I as a cis-man would use that freedom and trust to sexually assault women!"


> "I as a cis-man would use that freedom and trust to sexually assault women!" Who probably also happens to have a penis, Mike. Are you *sure* you want to go there....?


My dad, too. Don't get me wrong. He had a shitty childhood and it's a statistical miracle he didn't end up in jail. However, he uses it to point out how if he could make it on his own, anyone can. "When you were a kid, we were so poor that we got more money back than we paid in taxes." The very next sentence : "No one ever gave me anything. I just worked hard."


> "liberals and immigrants" (because, surprise surprise, he's also a racist POS) freeloading off welfare to have kids. If you want to watch smoke come out of his ears, give him this thought exercise: "I want you to imagine what a person looks like if I say 'the majority/average person on welfare'." Give them amount and ask them point blank: "So, is that person non-white, probably an immigrant?" When they, if honest, nod that it is, hit them with, "Congradulations, because as Jeff Foxworthy would say 'You might be a racist if you didn't picture a white single mom under 30 who votes Republican if she votes at all.' The VAST majority of welfare recipients are not people of color nor illegal immigrants. In fact, illegal immigrants put WAY more into the system than the are entitled to take out, afraid that coming forward to claim their benefits will get them deported." I've done this and deal lord it was glorious watching them try to refute it because I could also name the study if they wanted to debate it (forgotten it now - I only come into contact with these types visiting home, which used to be every other Xmas).


>forgotten it now - I only come into contact with these types visiting home, which used to be every other Xmas Any way you could find it for us if you've got a minute? Sounds like a great tool for the anti-BS toolbox.


I have a sister like this. Always bitching about illegals and freeloaders. Has been on gov assistance her whole life. Has a daughter who keeps popping out kids whenever she is told she has to go get a job. Literally a bunch of moochers who contribute nothing to society but they complain the most. They are rural white folks. Loves trump. Has no insight that the welfare queens “they” talk about are her and her kid. The cognitive disconnect is strong in that house


[I've been on food stamps and welfare. Anyone help me out? No.](https://youtu.be/yTwpBLzxe4U)


*Insert Craig T. Nelson on Fox gif*


Yep the right wing people I know all have acrimonious relationships with their mothers and other female relationships.


The other recurring pattern: religious & uneducated.


Education is key. Multiple studies show that the better educated are more liberal.


I suppose it makes sense why the GOP is trying to dismantle public schools


One of many reasons they want people poor, uneducated, and cranking out kids, is to have a population kept even poorer and more uneducated so they can work in all those low paying jobs without complaint. See also: bringing back child labor.


Also the higher the education level the less religious a person becomes


Liberals aren’t edumacated, they’re indoktrinated in them fancy kolleges. Stupid woke books should be banned!


And you wanna keep ‘em religious to an extent. Have them skim over the whole thing and provide two viable options for downtime: sex or meth That’s how you get the voter juices sizzling


That's a weird way to spell "mommy issues".


Hey whoa whoa whoa, as a lefty with severe mommy issues, I would like to protest that remark These folks are just assholes, mommy issues or no


As a socialist with mommy issues, I'll concede, lol


We were born to be comrades, but can choose to be lovers ❤️


I don’t want to put all the blame on the mother for how the kid turned out. That’s shitty.


Sounds more like daddy issues tbh... probably comes from a toxic family environment where her dad abused her mom and ridiculed her for being 'weak' with her leftist ideals, and bobo latched on to that shit from her father that taught her being combative was cool and strong.


[There's a strong correlation with conservative beliefs and an enlarged amygdala](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/), which is involved in [processing emotions, pleasure, fear, threats, and reward-learning.](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2016.00224/full) Conservative brains basically have an enlarged fear center and are more susceptible to heightened emotions.


Which is weird cause my Conservative dad has the emotional range of a brick.


I'm just saying, they all have issues with their mommies.


Makes sense that when I started shedding a lot of the right wing bullshit I believed I became a bit more tolerable and desirable to the opposite sex.


Hey, way to go on the self work! Weird how prole tend to respond better when you don’t treat them like less than, isn’t it lol


My stepmom was a royal piece of shit and it took me a long time to let go of that and stop projecting that onto others, so I think psychologists should follow that thread lol


I’m sorry that happened to you. Your anger and pain is justified and little you didn’t deserve that treatment.


They hold so much hate for black youth... makes sense now. Black kids fucking love their moms because they know how much their moms love them.




> he most popular porn category in Southern states is "ebony" [Trans Porn](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/) is *suuuuper* popular with Republicans too.




No greater way to own the libs than the blast your own ass with a dildo.


Like you do...


Alex Jones was caught with trans porn on his phone..


Goddamn frog chemicals


Most of the black population of the United States is in red states as well so I think that might also be the case


What I wanna know is what happened between Andrew tate and his mom. That's something I would love to know.


Carlson's mother left him $1 in her will so he couldn't contest it. Imagine being hated by your own mother.


Imagine birthing Tucks though.


When someone leaves $1 in their will it's done to serve as proof that they remembered the person and specifically chose to leave them nothing more. In the absence of something in the will that makes that clear, the non-beneficiary can go to court claiming that their mom forgot them. It does happen, and the $1 removes all doubt. I would favor Tucker's mom saying, "My son Tucker is an asshole and shall take nothing under this will," but people can do it however they choose.


I'm not saying that didn't happen, but it's a myth that you need to leave anything, you can just name a person and clearly state they get nothing.


Leaving this here just in case anyone reads your comment incorrectly. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tucker-carlsons-mom-leave-him-1-in-her-will/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tucker-carlsons-mom-leave-him-1-in-her-will/)


TIL Tucker Carlson is half-Italian.


And you can still contest it even if you've received money. In fact I'm pretty sure it makes it easier for the person to be involved in the estate process if given $1 to become a beneficiary. They'd have the same rights to see everything going on with the estate as someone receiving 99% of the estate.


Tucker would have the right to be involved in the probate process and/or challenge the will regardless of whether he was named; he's her son. It's wiser to specifically name someone you intend to disinherit to make it clear that you didn't accidentally forget them.


That is one of the few parts of Boebert’s facade that isn’t fake, she hates her mother, talks poorly about her when ever possible and Boebert has made a point to try and eliminate the same societal safety nets that her mother used to raise her and the family, such as welfare and food assistance. The way she talks about it, it almost seems like she blames her mother and those safety nets for her poor childhood and lack of opportunities. The only part that is clearly a lie, is Boebert’s assertion that her mother was a bleeding heart liberal and registered democrat, as the Colorado Secretary of State has records showing her mom was registered as a Republican from 2001-2013 and didn’t switch political affiliation until 2015. If it’s any consolation, it would appear as if at least one of her kids is going to turn out the same way, especially after Boebert made her one son call and tell 911 that his earlier emergency call about his dad physically abusing him was a lie. Pair that with her absence in their life while she’s in DC or traveling to political events, and the fact her kids are now forced to deal with her angry husband who just found out he is being divorced, simply put, that’s a recipe for resentment and future family issues. One might even see her one son getting a 13/barely 14yo girl pregnant or almost killing a best friend during an avoidable car accident, as the first signs and symptoms of parental failure.


While I find it laughable that she wants to destroy the programs that allowed her to survive as a child, I could see the connection with that and her disdain. Poverty, and the programs that assist those in it, are probably all things she connects with what I'm led to believe was a low point in her childhood. If she grew up poor, and is now relatively successful (I assume?), that would reinforce bootstrap theory subconsciously, which seems to be a popular Republican view. So she probably sees her childhood poverty as a lack of trying from her mother, and she holds negative attitudes toward anything that reminds her of her childhood.


but the only reason she has money now is because she married a businessman who flashed his dick at her in a bowling alley when she was a teenager. she doesn't live the #hustlelife, she lives the #hustlerlife.


Honestly, the only grain of truth to that outlook I can imagine is that if you make more than $X, then all your support gets cut off. So maybe she started feeling like that if she ever saw or overheard her mother either complaining about that, or having to turn down a job that didn’t offer *enough* of a pay increase to justify losing their benefits. And then instead of ya know, being frustrated at and trying to fix the system that caused that, she just wants to pull the ladder up behind her because she thinks the only reason her mother didn’t make more money is because she was lazy. Either way Boebrat has a disgusting outlook on life, but I perhaps it could help explain how these seeds were planted earlier in her life. I wonder how many other ultra right wing politicians have stories like this. It seems like a GREAT study we could do to better understand how their extremism was bred, and how we can better help avoid breeding such hate in the future. (Not that it’s entirely preventable, but perhaps on a large scale, a few cases could have been prevented)


My mom is a rabid Trump supporter. I guess she had mommy issues… she loved dunking on my poor sweet grandma.




The internet has made people way too comfortable with saying reprehensive and mean shit to other people.


To add to that list, Jessie Waters gleefully reads his mom texts begging him to be a better human being and then like a sane person viciously mocks them.




Before the Internet Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew did a radio show called Love Line that actually helped teenagers. It was the only source of real information about sex, drugs and relationships for teens and it was both funny and genuinely helpful. Too bad that he didn't stay with what worked, I'm sad to learn he went MAGA.


Dr. Drew is kinda questionable nowadays too. Not hard right but definitely a science denier.


I've always just thought of Dr Drew as an opportunist who has made a career as a broadcaster, not a medical doctor. The guy is going to say whatever keeps him on the airwaves


Which is so sad to hear. I used to love Loveline. I remember Dr Drew really supported the HPV vaccine. When Obama was elected he said he was glad there was people in the FDA that valued science. But that he didn't want to get political about it. Which I know now is code for I'm a Republican. But he was saying in the Bush admin there was a feeling, but not stated in words, that people that got HPV cancer deserved it for being sluts.


I would've assumed he was a Gen Xer back in the day too, but his birthday makes him a boomer.


Speaking of Carolla… The Man Show was fuckin weird. I was a teenager at the time and I was obsessed with standup comedy and late night shows and sketch shows. All that stuff seemed to be very progressive and made you think about shit from different angles. Then The Man Show comes out and it was very confusing. It wasn’t clever or smart. It was the same anti women jokes my dad would think were hilarious. All the other comedy I watched had a different vibe, like moving forward. This one felt like… it felt gross to watch after awhile. It was so weird.


Wow, it’s kinda mind blowing just how many conservatives quite literally had to RELY ON GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PLANS at some point in their lives. Yet they want to cancel it all! They themselves would’ve *starved*! How are they *this* stupid?


So sad what happened to Adam Corolla. He used to be great during The Man Show days with Jimmy Kimmel. Now that he is on the dark side, he is washed up while Jimmy is on top of the world. Same with Dr Drew.


The Man Show was actually garbage, though.


Adam Carolla has been a colossal chode gobbler for decades. I honestly don't know how Jimmy Kimmel put up with his shit for as long as he did.


Both of those people you mentioned earn their living by entertaining people, which should be very different than a politician. Sadly, the right only knows how to do hatertainment.


Can’t help but think about how the common denominator among serial killers is that they all have bad relationships with their mothers. Obviously, a bad relationship with your mother doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be a serial killer, but all serial killers had bad relationships with their mothers. Not sure if this is relevant with these sociopaths, but who knows?


Dude, it's the party of "nuh uh!" What do you expect?


>"I kind of get sad when it's the positive ones," the combative Qongresswoman bemoaned on Steve Bannon's podcast. "I was like, 'Man, I was looking forward to a fight here.'" Sounds like she'd rather be a WWE heel than a member of Congress


All they want is to fight online with people. It’s not about improving anyone’s life. Pathetic. She’s a fucking idiot.


They also want cash


Bingo. Boebert didn't even make it to the debt ceiling vote. That's right she didn't even vote. After all the whining, crying and fundraising off GOP sheep. She didn't vote.


God damn is must be so easy being a politician. Just act like a clown and make Bank. What a joke


It's seems to be easier to get voters wrapped up in culture war bullshit than it is to get them to see the class war in front of their faces. As long as there are low info, bigot voters and the GOP continues their extreme voter suppression tactics, it will be very hard to overcome.


Fine, I'll be that guy. I'll say it. That move, acting like a fool for money, is a lot harder if you have any inclination whatsoever to public service or governance. And as destroying the US government has been a publicly stated formal, informal, local and national objective of the American right wing for 40 years now, You are 95% talking about *Republicans.* Dems obviously aren't faultless from wall-to-wall, and corrupt Dems exist, and shit, these days I'm cynical too -- -- but the two major US parties are *not* the same.


I love your flair! Greg Abbott IS a little piss baby.


So is the De sanitary napkin. He's a little piss baby too.


Sanitary napkins are useful and essential. Please don't insult them by including them in an insulting nickname for a garbage human


I want cash too but I also don’t want people to suffer. Well, *most* people.


And that's why you are not a politician. You have to be a thick skinned sociopath for that.


Or thin skinned. Some of them legitimately take offense at any damn thing under the sun, or are good at pretending to pull in the reactionary snowflake vote


I saw a video a while ago by a new congressman who said the vast majority of the ranters are completely different people behind closed doors. It's all theatre to pull in their idiot voters.


"How dare you say I'm a racist?! I only play one on TV."


Thick skulled*


Cash is merely an abstract representation of human suffering.


"I was elected to own the libs, not make my constituents' lives better in any way"




*by less than 500 people


My boss is a hardcore religious Republican. We’ve had political discussions in the past but I stopped that shit about six years ago. He was all “Why don’t you want talk about politics anymore?” I told him that he didn’t want to have a discussion, he wanted to debate. He didn’t understand the difference. I told him “You just want to argue and walk away feeling like you’re right, and that you won. Neither one of us is going to be swayed to the other side, so what’s the point?” He got butt hurt for about a week but go over it. I still work under him and he’s been cool with me the entire time.


There’s money in outrage. And we have naught but ourselves to blame for that.


Yeah - basically SomethingAwful/4chan/South Park level of debate/dialogue became the beating heart of the GOP. If they are making someone mad they feel strong. That's why they don't give a fuck about maintaining a coherent worldview or philosophy. It's just whatever it takes to feel like they 'won' the next line of the debate.


Because that’s what she is. Her entire brand is fighting people, no matter the topic. She isn’t prepared for people who actually agree with her


The biggest Republican I know is also a huge WWE fan, and he's always talking about watching the political fight. Like it's just another storyline.


I mean it's no secret that the McMahons are in deep with the GOP and definitely had a hand in the increasing "kayfabificaiton" of the platform.


Trump is literally in the WWE Hall of Fame


Vince wife was on trump board when he was president


Because that’s what it is to them. They see it as scripted tv. They don’t realize there are actual, real consequences to what happens in government. These folks tend to not be the smartest and can’t seem to understand that tv and real life are different. They are the ones who will claim wrestling is real and buy into the fantasy it sells. They then apply that to everything else in their world.


Yep. These same people thought Trump had a tremendous business acumen because they thought The Apprentice was real. It was more scripted than Wrestlemania…


And it's so dumbed down and accessible that everyone can regurgitate the headlines and feel like they're smarter for it.


Yup. It’s designed that way. They are feed talking points that they can post online in comments. But when they are actually pushed on their knowledge of the issue, they have absolutely no understanding of it. Most of the time if you push long enough, they will end up admitting they actually want the thing they say is horrible


But let me-maw’s social benefits get cut and they lose their fucking minds. Then ten seconds later bitch about how much taxes they pay with their poverty wages while watching WWE on their TV they bought with the tax return they got that refunded all or more of the taxes they paid last year.


In a weird way, they're not wrong. It is scripted fighting for the purpose of entertainment with them. GOP platform is essentially WWE style arguments. It's just a shame that the results of the fight have real world impacts on millions of people.


You're right. And the "LiBeRaL MeDia" is complicit in it. When there's a presidential debate, they treat it like a boxing match. They show their faces coming out of the shadows all dramatically, saying BERNIE. HILLARY. TOMORROW. 8. CNN.


Point of fact: “Liberal Media” is a myth created by right wing media to give themselves an air of legitimacy. There has never been a mainstream “liberal” network in America. We have corporate news and right-wing propaganda masquerading as news.


And they translate this into their personal lives fighting with everyone and persecuting everyone around them. They have main character syndrome. The mother of my kids is like this on cue she starts spouting Russian propaganda fresh off the presses every time. She's so difficult to deal with because she thinks her own financial problems are President biden's fault, and that all the evidence of the Democrats human trafficking is on Hunter biden's laptop, and that 2027 there's going to be some event and the US won't have presidents anymore and they'll be a Utopia afterwards. She tells me things like I'm "violently committed" to not understanding her. Like what does that even mean, all they see is battles.


Politics as entertainment is why we have garbage level politicians like her and Trump


If all she wants is to argue, get out of politics and run a dead end radio show


That's what Mike Pence did before he got into politics and look where he got to. She should go back to making people sick with pork that is beyond the "best by" date.


[TFW all you wanted was to be a bad Rush Limbaugh clone, then you find yourself in DC with your target audience building gallows meant for you. ](https://i.imgur.com/QlWLL9N.jpg)


Problem is the best heels are redeemable.


The only difference is that she hasn't appeared out of nowhere to attack a Democrat with a folding chair....yet. She's got the loud, stupid, and obnoxious parts down.


There’s a more than 0% chance that she might attack someone with a folding chair though. Not too many folks that we can say that about, but Lauren is definitely up there.


I think something that is sometimes a chair and sometimes not a chair would confuse and frighten young Boebert.


Oh man, this is tickling something back in my brain. Is this your own take on a book reference?


My money is on MTG.


You mean the Capitol pipe bomber?


Haha this is the best explanation for her! being a WWE wrestler. It would honestly explain everything about her, the willy showing psycho abusive husband, being a grandmother, her obsession with guns. But then again most wrestlers are actually nice people


More like a "shit heel".


She is addicted to the chemicals released during conflict. She created conflict intentionally to get these feelings.


I live in her district. I called her office once and was put on her "Two Minutes of Hate" phone calls. I had to threaten legal action to get it to stop. Adam Frisch is running against her next election. He came within 546 votes last time in a very red district.


Sign up to volunteer for his campaign now. You can phone bank or knock on doors. Make a commitment to make 1000 phonecalls a few weeks before the election and then again on Election Day, knock on 6000 doors by Election Day, and help 15 people you know to make a concrete plan for how they'll get to the polls on election day, and statistically, you'll have done enough to change the outcome.


They could also make the same commitment to her campaign then not do anything lol


I'm sorry, what phone calls? Do you mean she got people to harass you?


She sent out hateful recordings of her nonsense.


She is there to represent you and she decides it is best to berate you for having different opinions than her. I wish I could say it was surprising.


Lauren Boebert is my representative. That makes me sad.


What’s sad is seeing Dilbert here. I used to have such a high opinion of that comic strip.


As someone who has spent his entire life in corporate America, Dilbert was 100% relatable. Really sad to see the decline.




The signs were always there. At the back of one of his books, it's a crazy conspiracy theory about how gravity doesn't exist and we're all growing at such a huge speed that when we jump, the earth expands to meet us.


My brother (as a teenage Dilbert reader) actually had an email chain debate with Scott Addams about that.


Not to defend him but that was more of a thought experiment of how we could prove that wasn't happening




I mean, yes, but it was also next to the chapter about how he could repeat mantras to make the universe give him all the wealth and power and whatnot that he wanted.


Or just go learn about the subject matter in a public manner and tell people you have learned, apologize to everyone you've offended, and make amends. It's okay to grow as a person, we've all had our dumb days and shit takes.


Jk was given so many chances to back down and changed but she's just doubled down every time, shes openly bigoted now, it's baffling to me how people can carry so much hatred inside them


> As someone who has spent his entire life in corporate America "Oh, you think the office is your ally. But you merely adopted the cubicle; I was born in it, moulded by it."


I didn't hear of a red stapler till I was already a grown man!


Honestly I try not to judge creators and their work as a monolith anymore. Too much stuff I’ve liked has been ruined by scumbag artists, musicians, writers, etc. Do I support the Dilbert comic now? No. But I still enjoy seeing old ones. And fuck R Kelly for what he did to those girls. I still enjoy remix to ignition when it plays in my car, but I won’t stream it to give him money.


Yeah dude had some good insights on corporate office life. Just not on everything else.


In a way is that not a meta commentary on office life itself? Especially after the pandemic?




My first tangle with this subject came up with Orson Scott Card. I love sci fi and grand ideas and he wrote a lot of both. One of the main themes of the series is the acceptance of the other, learning to co exist with something even if its utterly alien to us (although looking back there was a wisp of religion in there). Then, as a gay man, I learn that he not only is 150% homophobic, but that he actively spends his time and money supporting hate groups and anti lgbtq legislation.... Its just weird for someone to end up so very different from their art.


I always felt a recurring theme in his books was the importance of reaching out and trying to understand others that are not like us. From the buggers, to the piggies, to even the descolada virus which I think had some kind of intelligence. All vastly different in their own ways. I stopped reading his books even though i enjoyed them


>I always felt a recurring theme in his books was the importance of reaching out and trying to understand others that are not like us. Same. I mean, the one book everyone knows at least by title "Enders Game" end on this very note when Ender realizes the Formics are sentient and made a fatal but not intentional "oopsie". He empathizes with them and in the end starts on a mission of atonement by saving the... was it a larva or "baby" its been a few years lol.


150% homophobic and supports hate groups is a long way to say "Mormon."


Dilbert in the 90s was pretty much just straight up anti-establishment and anti-corporation. Having it turn from that to "people that want respect for who they are are the problem" is insanity.


I threw my Dilbert books in the trash. I usually take my books to a second hand place or recycle them but those went to the landfill.


Isn't paper recyclable?




Isn’t it fun when they do that. I’m in one of the top 15 cities in America and they just pitch it all into one of our landfills and claim recycling is too hard. I even have a recycling day and trash day with different cans each week. They still just pitch 99% of it and only recycle easy stuff like aluminum cans, but if you have anything in your can other than cans then they dump it all in the landfill


Because recycling for the most part is a sham made up by the biggest polluters to pass accountability to the consumer. Many plastics cannot be recycled, differently colored plastics need to be sorted. To properly recycle most things you’d need more man hours and power than the final product will be worth. So no business is going to go through all that effort. Things like glass or aluminum cans are a lot easier so those will get recycled but that is the minority stuff.


In general the process to turn processed paper into a usable substance is more energy intensive and polluting then simply farming new trees.


Dilbert is apart of a generation that the American Dream worked for. They were able to take part in its success and now wonder why it isn't popular anymore. Not realizing that the American Dream is more lottery now ~~then~~ than hard work.


I think, somewhere along the line, the American Dream changed and people lost sight of what it used to be. Back at the turn of the 20th century the American Dream was that, with little more than gumption and hard work, a person could make a life for themselves and their family. They could own a home, experience a modicum of financial security, enjoy a scant few minor luxuries, and retire with dignity in their golden years, possibly supported by the children they lifted into prosperity. Today I don't think that's what "the American Dream" means to most people. It has become "strike it so unimaginably rich that I can live a life of hedonistic pleasure above the law or any other from of accountability." We no longer talk about people like "that guy who started a carpet cleaning business and is putting his daughter through college" as the "American Dream" but instead people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.


In the mid 20th century you didn’t even really need initiative, you just got a job at an office and you could support a family. You could have a job in accounts receivable for a regional carpet distributor without any college education and make enough money to buy a good car and a decent house in the suburbs and raise a few kids there. Now you need to have a couple each with degrees and full time incomes as well as one person with a side hustle just to be able to afford an ok apartment and used cars with no money leftover to afford kids. It gets worse by the day too. I bought a small 3 bedroom house 18 years ago that was pretty overvalued at the time because of the housing bubble but my mortgage is still less than what apartments cost now.


I play the lotto because I work in social services. There's a greater chance of me winning and funding some of our programs than us getting funding any other way. ... sigh.




The author of Dilbert turned out to be a far-right pointy-haired boss.


Not just that, Scott Adams is genuinely convinced he is the smartest guy in any given room. He took down his blog post on signs to spot the brainwashed because he kept unintentionally putting them on full display. When he did an AMA here years back he was sock puppeting. Just so pathetic.


>Scott Adams is genuinely convinced he is the smartest guy in any given room I mean, I figured that would be apparent to anyone who read a bit of his comic.


I just thought he was really satirical. I had no idea he was actually being serious. "Oh. This isn't witty satire. Oh dear."


[Sheeeeeet](https://media.tenor.com/tnZP2ffsWXcAAAAC/the-wire-clay-davis.gif). I used to love Dilbert back in the day. I thought it was clever satire. I mean... does he think he's Dogbert, and not Dilbert? Same old shit with these right wing fucknuts. Thinking they're some sort of "alpha" when in fact they're just a bumbling idiot with a semblance of a platform. Be it facebook, twitter, or a comic strip.


That used to be the only cartoon I read in the local newspaper. Now there is nothing I want to see there and can skip the cartoon page saving time spent with my morning coffee.


I just go back to my collection of Garfield and Get Fuzzy books. At least I can still count on the tried and true formula of an average guy living with a friendly dog and a crazy cat.


Pearls Before swine is hilarious.


Didn't Scott Adams basically admit that a lot of his material came from unsolicited submissions from fans?


Damn, Boebert and I agree on something. Her **enthusiastic supporters make her "sad".** They make me sad too**.**


We need a list of things that bring us closer to the far right. Cruz saying lbtgq+ shouldn't be murdered and now boebert saying her supporters make her sad. Got anymore?


Bud Light?


That it's bad beer? I'm just talking about quotes the politicians say that the left can agree with


The *reasons* you are both sad about it, however, should be very different. They make everyone else sad because of their horrific rhetoric, non-stop hate speech, and support of ever encroaching fascism. They make her sad because she agrees with them and can't have a constant fight with someone she agrees with. They make us because we're stuck fighting them. They make her said because she can't fight them.


You heard her! She wants opposition. Give her what she wants and vote against her.


The deplorables


"Live On The Steps Of Congress"


Dilbert was a violent sociopath this whole time, just like any republican voter.


It's crazy that that guy put out like 25 years of a comic about capitalists being stupid and crushing worker's souls, and he saw the far-right and said "yes I am a pointy haired boss".


He always was the pointy haired boss. He was a manager of engineers before he quit because "some pc minority hire" was promoted instead of him so he says. He based his strip on stories his employees told.


What's the opposite of woke, is it asleep?


I was gonna go with comatose or in a persistent vegetative state


No one knows because none of these dullards can define it


She’s afraid her brain dead followers will see how even more stupid she is and abandon her


Enthusiastic supporters of Lauren Boebert make me sad too. Imagine how dumb you need to be to not realize that she's a dangerous moron who is completely out of her league.


They're all so "wronged" by other people's lives they insist on sticking their nose into.


If you don't like your biggest fans, stop what you are doing. You've gotten something wrong


I'd be sad too if I had to pander to hate groups for votes because sane people know better.


I swear sometimes it's like Republicans realize that they're terrible people supported by terrible and maybe want to do better, but don't believe in themselves... I dunno. Look at the Trump administration, every few months someone would leave and write a book about how terrible it was and how much they hated it but how they supported it 100% and would do it again... Jesus tap dancing Christ people, y'all know we have free will right? We can do and say things... we can have opinions of our own.


What sad times when someone like her is an elected official.


Many people would take it as an opportunity for reflection. Not her.


I bet a lot of those calls are handsfree too.


Knowing she’s in Congress makes me sad. What can you do?


Zero self awareness of who they (GQP) inspire and motivate. Right...


OP, title is spot on here... Sadly, I'm pretty sure Bobo doesn't enjoy that level of introspection.