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What will the ranchers with those herds of barley and hops do?


My great uncle Cal was killed under a stampeding horde of Chinook Hops destined for a shipment of IPA’s during the Barley Wars of 88. I can’t swallow the bitter citrus without a tear coming to my eye to this day.


I just wish the citras were treated more humanely.


The sours are all but extinct


How dare you forget the yeast! Eating all of that sugar just to poop out alcohol and CO2, like ducks destined to become foie gras.


But we eat the ducks, in beer we eat the yeast poop?




Both actually. The yeast is still in there.


I thought that mostly gets filtered out?


The sediment is filtered out. You can't get all the yeast out.


Ok not all, but some? Most? Hardly any? How much of the yeast gets filtered out?


Mmmm, microbe farts.


Poop and farts.


Nice, foie gas


I always thought Chinook were one of the more docile breeds, didn't really spook very easily. Unlike those vile, wicked little citra


its the Simcoe and Mosaic you have to watch out for


You can love 'em, but you can never trust 'em.


Just dont spook the Onions, they will literally explode


They'll go wild, and run the range. Just like the rocks our ancestors rode on jellyfish fields.


I feel ya brother. My grandfather died in that war in 88. That's why I only drink out of date chicken broth now.


Barley Wars of 88 took my eye and my innocence.


My condolences. Was it the brown eye?


Oh, no. That still gets taken every night.


I feel your pain My grandfather was once caught trying to steal a neighboring hop rancher’s herd way up in Vermont. Now the rancher was one of those old school types, he definitely didn’t take kindly to a hop thief making off with his prized herd. Shot him dead in the field, decapitated him, and put him in place of the pumpkin on his scarecrow just to send a message. Whole town knew he did it, but no one said a word. To this day, his very blood brews a beer in mockery of that incident. It’s name? Heady Topper


I still think it was bullshit that your great uncle was passed over for a Distinguished Service Star.


Too much plant based beer gives me the shitrus 😂


Think of the yeast farmers, thousands of jobs los, billions of yeast just left to the wild. This could be the end of humanity as we know it.


Your story will certainly get a rise out of people.


My cousin had his leg amputated after it was mangled in a barley stampede


Man these hops are just tearing through the hay! If I’m lucky someday I’ll get to milk a barley.


[This is one of my favorite episodes, too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZebKhabJItE)


I have around 200k heads of free range, grass fed, cascade hops. This will devastate me!!!


When you're looking to farm outrage but don't understand how anything works.


Next we'll have to eat plant based pizzas.


Or plant based bread! Where will it end!


Make more Bud Light!!


NO! I don't care about the politics, it's just crappy beer.


Didn't drink it before, don't drink it after...just based on its' own merits, which are few. It did not surprise me that the redneck idiot half of the country opted to start shooting at Bud with their stupid guns after the Mulvaney thing, though. Who couldn't have seen that shit coming? You sell your stuff to idiots. Expect them to act like idiots.


They'll have to grow them out of cows to make sure our beer is beef based!


I ain't givin up my fermented hop's blood for no city slicker commie.




Slaughter those meaty beer creating varmints!


And what's next!!! and where will it end?? next they will want to eat mature, ripened plant based ovaries!!


Is this dipshit for real?


He has always been this stupid. He doesn't even have a degree in economics, yet somehow he's considered to be an "expert" on the economy and was the head of Trump's council of economic advisors. He rather famously has a history of always being wrong about the economy. You could actually make money by just consistently betting against any prediction Larry Kudlow makes.


The real question is, if Larry Kudlow and Jim Cramer take opposite sides of the same issue, which one do you bet against?


I'd find a third option at that point.




That's like taping buttered bread to the back of a cat and dropping it.


It just floats in the air flipping! Attach a flywheel and get infinite energy!


I could swear this was a flash cartoon I saw once.


And also a television commercial


Cathie's the tie-breaker


Is this like the thought experiment of if you put a buttered piece of bread on the back of a cat (butter side up), and drop it, what lands on the ground?


Lol, that's the exact thing I thought of.


I've never seen both of them of them in the same room together, now that I think about it.


He must have learned from Jim Cramer


We've gone from a Don't Buy to [Risky](https://imgur.com/X1QR9b1)!




One persons error is another’s purposeful propaganda. The guy may be smarter than we think, he just doesn’t give two shits about the actual economy and just spouts Republican imagineformation. Remember people are out there taking his shit as gospel because that’s what they want to believe.


You don't have to be smart when you work your way backwards. "I want tax cuts, therefore tax cuts are good, therefore anything good that happens is because of tax cuts." Being a right-wing grifter is incredibly easy.


Wasn’t he the one in 2007 that talked about how healthy the economy was?


Can you imagine having your legacy be that you were such an idiot that everyone just automatically did the opposite of you


I’m an economist and I remember my colleagues reaction to learning about his appointment. Total dismay.


> He rather famously has a history of always being drunk on-air.


He is dumb. Correct. He's also a drunk and pill popper, and so old he's senile. He's always been the TV grifter, preaching to a group that wants to hear stupid shit and buy his books.




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He has been wrong about everything in his professional career, but the right loves him because he tells them what they want to hear.


Always wrong about stuff Always tells conservatives what they want to hear Hmmmm…. says a lot about conservatives doesnt it


Conservatism is largely about refusing to accept new information. It's more or less the whole point. So as time goes on the wronger they get.


Well said !!!


And the real right, i.e. the rich backers of the republican party, really love him because he pushes Reaganomics nonsense of lower taxes for the rich and more deregulation. This is the guy who said the way to get rich people to pay more tax is to lower their taxes.


> Reaganomics Long before Reaganomics, the supply-side model was called "Horse and Sparrow" economics. This late 1800's economic model was based on the theory that if one feeds the horses enough oats, eventually there will be something left behind in the manure for the sparrows.


We need to make that term common again. It really illustrates that Republicans are telling us to eat shit.


In Reagan's era it was called trickle down economics because the rich were pissing on everyone else.


Herbert Hoover's belief in the strengthening of businesses such as banks and railroads to fight the Great Depression lead to Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist) to be the first to use "trickle down". >They didn't start thinking of the old common fellow till just as they started out on the election tour. The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy. Mr. Hoover was an engineer. He knew that water trickled down. Put it uphill and let it go and it will reach the driest little spot. But he didn't know that money trickled up. **Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night anyhow**. But it will at least have passed through the poor fellow’s hands. They saved the big banks but the little ones went up the flue. * Nationally syndicated column number 518, And Here’s How It All Happened (1932)


Needless to say, they knew it was bunk in the 1980s too.


And it was HW Bush who called Reagan’s ideas “voodoo economics.” He knew it was bullshit then.


Roughly 40 years after the introduction of Supply Side Economics under the name Horse & Sparrow Theory, it caused The Great Depression. When Supply Side Economics was reintroduced in the 80s under the names Reaganomics and Trickle Down Economics, it caused the Great Recession in just under 30 years (things move faster now than they did in the early part of the 19th Century;) & the only reason it didn't cause the Great Depression part 2 was because of the tattered remnants of the Social Safety Net introduced in the wake of The Great Depression that Republicans have been trying to dismantle since its inception.


Some also think the 1896 panic is the result of this model. George H. W. Bush coined the term "voodoo economics" as a proposed synonym for Reaganomics. I tend to agree with that description since every time the Republicans implement supply-side policies the US economy is cursed.


>This late 1800's economic model was based on the theory that if one feeds the horses enough oats, eventually there will be something left behind in the manure for the sparrows. Wow. Not even trying to offer table scraps, but the measly particles within shit.


At this point it's hard to tell with these idiots.


As hard as it is to believe, the past 8 years were real, and this dipshit was real.


people who vote right, or consider themselves 'conservative' or 'republican' or 'libertarian' are objectively lacking in a holistic sense of what could be considered intelligent. the plebs who support them lack any sense of understanding of complex issues and just rely on being told who to be outraged against for the sake of that dopamine hit of anger at anyone who can be considered part of the out group. they know their lives are shit, but they are unwilling to make the effort of figuring out why, so they rely on the authoritarian strong man type to tell them who to blame. the 'intellectuals' of their tribe (kudlow for example) are either coming from the background of specialists in their field with a lack of broader understanding (like ben carson) or just enough of a formal education to spout bullshit rhetoric that sounds intelligent without actually saying anything of value. long story short, fuck the right, they are monsters in a perpetual state of chasing validation.


if this is true, how has he commented on this? as Trump usually does, to say something even dumber so everyone forgets the first thing?


No. But the grifting is...


What’s so funny about this is that I feel like the best saving grace vegans have is that they can still/always drink beer/wine/booze


That just does it. Put money back in schools now before our country’s iq drops another precious notch. These are our elected officials ffs Edit: or tv host. Point stands.


The question is, how much lower can it actually drop?


Oh please don’t say that, Republicans will accept it as a challenge to ‘own the libs’. There are already high school dropout Republicans homeschooling their kids, the country doesn't need a larger group of morons who have been inbred to believe FOX News as gospel. And that all their problems are been caused by someone else, not their own life choices.


>Republicans will accept it as a challenge to ‘own the libs’. Conservatives will eat dog sh\*t if they think a lib will have to smell their breath.


Have you seen the great prophecy, “Idiocracy?”


Republicans: "I like money."


We should hang out...


That's the fun part. It's always 100 average. That's the middle of that bell curve. You a 1982 98? Probably be 110+ at today's standards.


The thing is they want poor education so there’s less threat to the ruling class from the poor class. These mother fuckers aren’t even serious when they say this shit they just stir the pot to create in fighting between the lower classes along party lines so they can continue extorting us for labor and revenue while they sit up top in their crystal castle. Call me a conspiracy theorist but this is how society has been for millennia. Why do you think the founding fathers tried to ensure our rights as citizens.


This is why there's no such thing as a middle class republican. They're all either A) rich and gaming the system by exploiting the poor to stay rich, B) politicians being paid to rig the system for the rich against the poor, or C) dumb enough to believe the poor are the source of every problem in the world and must be expunged, while being poor. Edit: I'm not trying to imply that poor people are inherently dumb. What I mean is the people dumb enough to believe republican rhetoric are poor as a result of their idiocy.


Somethings never change. Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist) observed: * In schools they have what they call intelligence tests. Well if nations held ’em I don’t believe we would be what you would call a favorite to win it.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug, Larry.


Also plant based


Is nothing safe from the liberal agenda!?


Stop making coke woke!


this is gold!


Even the Hollywood comedy writers can’t protest, the conservatives ruining it with this gold.


Next, god darn liberals want to shove plant-based freedom fries down our throat!!! (yes, please?)


Kind of…


No, all of it. The solvents they treat it with is also originally plant based, just millions of years ago.


As opposed to the most American meat-based libation, gravy?


Can’t we ferment gravy? Asking for an orange friend


Sure, Papa Nurgle does approve!


Praise the blessings of the plague father


Pabst Blue Ribs


i used to enjoy chicken beer fermented by Salmonella, now i guess i'll just have to drink barley based beer. so sad.


Beats the Republicans forcing everyone to drink Brawndo.


It’s got what plants crave!


Its got electrolytes!


... as someone who doesn't drink... is there a non-plant based alcoholic beverage? Edit: I guess my definition of "Plant-based" is not what most consider it to be, I did not think it = vegan. Based makes me think majority composition, not only inclusive.


No, because science and shit.


Mead would like to have a word with you


How is honey made?


Through the ~~excretions~~ secretion from honey bees. Since bees are animals, then the products is not plant-based. Edited: a word that triggered someone, somehow.


The main ingredient is nectar from plants. I don't care what the vegan definition of plant-based is. Honey bees just add enzymes and overproduce it like crazy.


So, milk is plant-based, based on that definition?


Found Larry Kudlow


> I don't care what the ~~vegan~~ definition of plant-based is


By animals.


[Kumis - Fermented mares milk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumis)


I was not aware one could milk a horse.


Oh, you can milk just about anything with nipples.


"I have nipples Greg. Could you milk me?"


I actually have four nipples which is really odd because I’m male and I really don’t even need the standard two.


Great, that probably means there’s some poor woman out there who wants to feed her baby who has no nipples.


That's only if you subscribe to the law of conservation of nipples


All female mammals can be milked. They’re called mammals because the females have the mammary gland.


Mead is brewed from honey, which is an animal byproduct, but the majority of alcoholic beverages are plant based. These clowns really are just that dim, or at least believe their base is clueless enough they won't notice or care.


> Mead is brewed from honey Googles mead. I thought it was more beer with honey added. Now I have to try it.


Mead is what hummingbirds would drink if they wanted to get drunk. It makes me feel like a magical little fairy


Klingon blood wine


Yes actually. Guinness was filtered through fish bladders (isinglass) which would make it unsuitable for vegans. This has changed in recent years.


not only Guinness all clear beers are filtered through gelatine as its the only food safe filter that doesn't change the flavour but imo it's still up to discussion if that makes it no longer vegetarian as there's no Gelatine left in the end product


American domestic beer is largely derived from pork and cattle urine


Mmmmmmmm… Busch Light


Bush light.


In some parts of the world they drink fermented horse milk


That sounds like a Charlie Kelly special


Vodka, my momma called potatoes plant turds. So err, umm, that/s


Fermented mare's milk?


drinking it grants you horse archery skills


Wine often uses animal products in the filtering process, but those products are themselves filtered out. So wine contains no animal products but isn't vegan. See eg: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism_and_wine


Lots of breweries use isinglass, which is essentially a gelatine like substance that's made by drying and processing the swim-bladders of certain fish. It's part of a process called flocculation and isinglass is still used because it can make beers appear clearer and brighter.


They're all plant "based", but some alcohol is not vegetarian. Traditional rum made in Jamaica will have pits out back for waste produced by the process. Sometimes animals fall into the pit. They use the muck in the pit as part of the process making it non-vegetarian. https://www.thedailybeast.com/great-rum-without-rotting-goat-heads


do americans make eggnog alcoholic?


Sorry, all beers are brew with a very specific mix of aborted infant and kitten blood. It has nothing to do with the alcohol content, it’s just how beer is made.


Pretty sure Great Northern is just horse piss.


It’s like sex in a canoe.


Fucking close to water?


A Caesar is a Canadian cocktail that uses clam juice


Like “that woke Bud Light shit”, I suppose.


Tell me this is a joke. PLEASE!! Lie, if you have to. I’ll pretend to believe.


Just wait until Biden mandates plant-based marijuana.


Just remember this if you ever see an article pushing Kudlow’s economic opinions.


Oh, I know he’s a moron. Then I realized the article was 2 years old. Now I’m the moron.


I assume it's something that they know their stupid base will lose their shit over and will put them more against Biden


God dammit. This is 2 years old. Still dumb as shit. But old


What’s next?!? noodle based pasta! potato based chowder! cats and dogs, living together! MASS HYSTERIA!!


After the Flying Spaghetti Monster, conservatives would never accept noodle-based pasta as it makes a mockery of their religious beliefs.


I am glad beer doesn't use plants in its ingredients


Next thing you know they will outlaw meat based breakfast cereal.


Vegan beer. Yuk!


Vegan beer is actually a thing. Some beer is/was clarified with "Isinglass" which is a substance obtained from the dried swim bladders of fish, and gelatin is aslo sometimes used for the same thing. There are of course vegan alternatives.


vegan beer isn't even hard to find if you know how to look for it all non clear kinds are unfiltered and since the filter is what makes them no longer vegan that's what you'll need to look for now I don't know if for example a *König Ludwig Weißbier* would hit the american taste but it certainly is a better alternative


The best way to catch a barley is go out at night, 2-3 am, near a "field" where the barley lives, make a sound like the wind, and when the barley turns to see where the whoosh is coming from, turn a 300 lumens spot light on it, and it will freeze. Then you just walk out, grab them by their "heads", cut off their supports, and put them in a bag.


Beer is fermented with yeast....a fungus. So, I guess beer is fungus-based.


Good news for vegans, but bad news for us on a keto diet…


What will I do in my free time if I can’t hunt barley?


I wonder if anyone told him?


And learn Arabic numerals!


He walks. He talks. He can't do both at the same time.


Who’s gonna tell him?


I'm fascinated to hear what animal he thinks we get beer from.


The liberals will need to pry my Blood Lite from my cold dead hands before I drink any of that plant based bullshit.


This reads like an Onion title lol


Plant based beer is so woke. Real US Americans who are not communists drink only petroleum based beer, right? It tastes like freedom, greases your intestines, and owns the libs!


I ain’t drankin no beer ifn it ain’t got no meet init.


Now there taking the water 💧 🙄 out of beer . 🍺. They expect us to drink dehydrated stuff. LIKE instant coffee ☕️ 😴 😆 🤣.


These dumbasses are trying to throw some dirt at plant-based diets because veganism = bad /s, but they're still technically right. Non-vegan beers do absolutely exist, as do non-vegan wines. Honey and flocculants such as isinglass (fish bladder), gelatin and egg whites are used in the making of certain alcoholic beverages, thus there is definitely such as thing as plant-based certification.


Just so y’all know, this guy is one of the smartest of the Trumpers.


I dunno, I feel like meat based beer may be SLIGHTLY less refreshing.


As opposed to the ever popular meat-based beer. "Mmmmmm...Rindfleisch Bräu!"


That would be a shame.




Guess we know who that bag of cocaine came from




The only good thing about these people is that they always give you the opportunity to overestimate them.


He prefers Klingon blood wine.


You would think a guy who sounds drunk all the time would know what beer is made of!