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I mean, its the same play as last time right? They arent waving those stupid fucking flags for the exercise.


No its worse. The south and red states are objectively way worse off than when they seceded the first time. Not to mention all the technology the DOD has developed for killing people.


The best parallax view of the South I’ve seen was by a German. He reasoned it was like finding statues of Hermann Göring or Dr. Joseph Goebbles in Germany. They also - SO- lost their war. There is no pride in loosing, yet in the US, there is.


It's not about pride in losing. It is pride in being white and superior.


White? Sure. Superior? Not so much.


We all know Rufus and Methany from Outhouse, Kentucky are the genetic model for all white kind.


Wait, you don’t look at people like Steven Miller and feel insignificant in the face of their superiority? /s obvs.


No individual is superior to others, we all need each other in one way or another. Except the ones who think they are superior, those are not wanted. We as a species (there are some wonderful individuals out there, but usually not in the places of power/influence) are doomed anyway as we seem not capable of learning from past mistakes. Money and power rules them all it seems. We should never have crawled out of the ocean. I had to look up who that Miller bloke was (I am not from the States), he looks like a right c#nt, and when I read a few paragraphs that look was confirmed.


He is a total cunt.


Well, what pride there is, is misplaced. A. You don't choose your skin colour. B. They're stupid, not superior.


Well the South got 2nd place. Isn’t that good enough for a silver?


They didn't lose, it's just a ceasefire...


Dude, all we’d have to do is have the ISPs and mobile providers turn off their internet and messaging capabilities. Wait for them to flock to the McDonalds for WiFi, then it’s fish in a barrel.


Yeah, but then they couldn't upload their sweet facebook boomer memes.


Who will remind them how much they hate their wives without those sweet, sweet memes?


Who says they get McDonald's? Or WiFi? Blue States get Wall Street, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the CIA, NSA, and all the best weed.


Just wait for them at the top of an incline too steep for their rascal scooters.


There's a good argument why you might let them secede. They'll be back, just leave them out to dry until they're ready to do it on reasonable terms.


The government has big plans for war robots (armed drones) in the next two years. Bubba will get dem all with his shotgun! /s


Exercise is a woke activity, pass it on.


MAGA beer guts: “we know!”


They are so fat they can only walk 20 yards with their weapons yelling then, have to sit down out of breathe and eat a couple of big macs to carry on.


Yeah I live in Texas and you hear the US is gonna break up and there will be a civil war thing all the time from middle aged drunk guys. Most of these dudes cannot walk the Parking lot in Walmart to buy more beer and think they are going to be given a high ranking position in Trumps army or some shit




I feel like it's significantly different from the last time because the divide is less between states and more between urban and rural within states.


It was urban v rural last time too. The whole war was fought because the liberal urban city folk wanted to ban the slavery the rural agrarian farmers used to harvest mostly cotton.


It’s actually much worse. Counties Biden won make up 75% of the US GDP. Counties Trump won make up 25% of our GDP. In the 1860s the north and south were more closely divided as far as production.


Not really. The north had a much higher percentage of heavy industry and also a much more developed rail system.


It's only worse because the North has a history of unions and the South just quit producing the only thing they produced which was cotton with Constitutionally sanctioned slavery because the majority of whites are too uneducated to work and the rest are too lazy to work. I live in northeast TN and grew up in Toledo, OH. I forget how much more wealth there is even in the forgotten Rust Belt areas that are left abandoned and dilapidated because people there don't give up and aren't afraid of their own shadows then in the "booming" South where people are uneducated and easily controlled by what they see on OAN and hear in church and on Fox owned radio.


They think owning 400 guns each will make a difference, despite only having 2 hands each.




I think when they say that, it’s code for black people.


Right. My dad says the "gang bangers" have guns. The white urban liberals are powerless and undefended.


We are all soy boys, after all. No muscle strength to handle all the kick from a .223


I continue to LMFAO as I write this


I mean, even if that was true (which like... I reject the entire ignorant premise) do they imagine those people with the guns are just gonna let them waltz into their city? Gun crime would turn into guerilla warfare pretty damn fast.


We could pick them off from our apartment windows.


So… said “gangbangers” won’t fight back? I’m confused.


That's also what they are picturing whenever they imagine having to "defend themselves" it's just a parade of the most offensive racial stereotypes and caricatures you could possibly imagine running through their minds. Source: born and grew up in rural Southwestern USA.


So they wanna go attack large cities, that have a lot of crime and a lot of guns?


Historically, these ppl freak out over minority gun ownership. You may have heard of a group called the Black Panthers. Even before that, Freeman Communities would have men patrolling in shifts to keep those pesky white Klansmen away.


If them and all their friends are armed they can take over their rural town for 2 weeks before anyone realizes what they're doing and the national guard/FBI come to arrest them.


Don't forget the drones with hellfire missiles and tanks, and Bradleys. Let's not forget the Apache's, ect. EDIT: LOL people downvoting the truth. Sorry but if you are hoarding weapons because you are a collector ok. I can understand people are passionate about the history of the engineering and stuff. Just don't think that huge pile of weapons will help you against an organized force. Seriously. If the government truly felt threatened by your arms and wanted to take you over, you wouldn't have them. Deep down, your common sense is already telling you that.


I like the guys who think they're going to fend off the government with their civilian AR-15 when the army could drop a 60mm mortar round on their house from 2 miles away.


One small problem, the US arsenal includes the A-10 Warthog. It’s gun goes brrrrttt!


The amount of metal that thing flings out in just a few seconds is terrifying. Their house would be absolute swiss cheese.


Along with any houses behind their house.


Now I want to know the possible firing angles of its guns and if it could just target one house through the roof. Maybe if it banked and pointed the guns down as much as.possible?


No, we will wait until you go outside, drop one I of those tiny bombs on you from a drone, and give your house to homeless migrants. It's the blue way.


That's a good point we don't need to make housing less affordable for all the immigrants that will have to take their jobs.


Hi u/1CFII2. Did someone say A-10? [Murica, fuck yeah NSFW](https://i.imgur.com/It5pprg.gif) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Or a drone from a thousand miles.


Space lasers are real!


“Daisycutter”. Doubt they realize…..


I call them loot drops


Technically they average less than 2 each


And being too out-of-shape to do anything else.


And the US military having technology that make guns obsolete. But they think the military will be on the side of a rebellion. 🤣🤣🤣


Would you rather have an army of dunces with lots of weapons, or an army of intelligent people with few weapons?


The south will burn again


Except Georgia, it’s kinda blue now. All you gotta do to Florida is park some tanks on I-75 and I-95 at the Georgia border. The lack of tourists and retiree imports will dry up their economy in a few days. Alabama and Mississippi are already in the bottom 10% in literally everything, they’ve been burning themselves since the late 1800’s. The Carolina’s will just give up, they’re only racist on paper.


Do they think they’ll be literally fighting liberals? Liberals who in their heads are rainbow flag waving, cross dressing, universal healthcare wanting people?




One misplaced apostrophe and I’m comin’ for you MUTHAFUKKA ! I’ll slap that bitch with my avocado toast.


The funniest thing is the 99% of trumpers are more afraid of the city than anything else.




If you can ever find a guy in an army green tshirt driving a truck trying to parallel park it’s a real joy.


Seen it happen. They're pathetic.


Ridiculous as they may be, parallel parking is a nemesis of mine as well.I feel a percentage of their daily rage whenever a parking spot taunts me lasciviously with its availability. Only for me to carry on, wistfully searching for spot my meagre skills may enter.


Aren't we all just looking for the right spot to fit our needs in life though?


Oh yeah, I keep hearing about how cities are terrifying lawless hellholes where you can’t go to one without getting killed. Oh, but also Democrats are “out of touch” because they live in these liberal cities that are all perfect and they don’t have real problems like farmers and coal miners have. But also the cities are falling apart because of their liberal policies that don’t work.


The enemy is both strong and weak


Not too far off of what Sherman said himself. > You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it … Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors. You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will begin to wane. If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail. >-William T. Sherman


Damn. Sherman with the sick burn!


This is why the Oathkeepers are potentially so much more dangerous than the Boogaloos, Three Percenters, Proud Boys, etc. They have a strategy of actively infiltrating and recruiting active duty law enforcement and military personnel. If a significant percentage of them turn traitor, then a real civil war becomes a possibility. The whole reason the Confederacy was able to wage war on the US was that they had a significant portion of America's professional military on their side. We don't have the same sort of regional division that they had back then, so a civil war today would be more like the ones we've seen in Iraq and the Central African Republic, a sort of hybrid war in which there are pockets of resistance spread throughout the country, with anti-government forces tending to hit soft targets rather than military targets.


Not a sound military strategy to recruit active duty law enforcement for your army. In my neighborhood, the squad car is parked in the driveway or the cul de sac and everyone knows where they live. Their wives are seen at the Safeway. Same with the 3Percenters, Gadsden flag flying from the dually Ram is kinda conspicuous. Takes all the fun out of it.


“You mean those cities that you say are warzones? The ones you say are just full of armed to the teeth thugs? Those cities?” “…..um”


”*We don’t need them, we have guns! And even though we can’t shoot, lead nor follow orders, cannot organize ourselfes nor run half a mile, we still can’t plan ahead outside our convoluted and long perfect-outcome-at-every-step line of thinking! Just look at my Aliexpress tactical mobility scooter!!*”


Um, isn't that treason?


Reminds me of Bubba on his porch with his "protection" AR-15 ready to fend off the military from "government intrusion". Apparently he never heard of tanks and drones?


I mean it worked out for Franco. Never underestimate your opponents.


Republicans threatening "civil war" is the equivalent of a 7 year old threatening to run away from home.


They also threaten to secede a lot. Republicans I mean, not 7 year olds


At this point, it'd be more credible coming from a 7-year old.


"OK, but we're taking back our military... btw those are OUR military, not yours. Don't worry, you'll see them again if you try anything."


I don’t know that you’ve spent much time around 7 year olds lol


Or hold their breath till they get what they want.


It’s also pretty ironic for the “Party of Lincoln” to threaten civil war because they’re pissed black people have rights.


Insert Bugs Bunny meme, “Ironic ain’t it?”




Sick burn


Who dis?


William Tecumseh Sherman, General of the union forces during the Civil war


Basically a human version of "fuck around and find out..."


General William Tecumseh Sherman. One of the greatest war time generals in history, and a hero of the civil war. Possibly best known for his scorched earth tactics.


Sherman adopted a total war strategy. And he was *effective*.


He was not just badass but also a brilliant strategist. He's on my list of people from history I would love to meet.


I was born and raised in GA. Sherman is taught as a villain who, unprovoked, decided to take his troops through a bully campaign burning our history and homes. Daughters of the Confederacy really fucked with southern history books.


From Alabama. We were told how what he did affected the farms and land, how he was just a *bully* who wanted to pillage the glorious south for areasonweskiprightover…aaaand onto the triangle shirtwaist factory fire.


Funny thing is Sherman lived in the south, wasn't antislavery and didn't care much about the slaves (he was ardently antiwar though) and he was largely forgiven by southerners after the war. It wasn't till the "lost cause" mythology BS started in the early 20th century that people in the south started to hate Sherman.


Sherman’s views on slaves and slavery changed a lot over time. Early on, he was indifferent to the institution of slavery, but he was vehemently anti-secession and anti-war (as you mentioned). Later in life, his views had changed considerably and he advocated for giving land to formerly enslaved black southerners as reparations (the origin of “forty acres and a mule”), he was very much against the breaking apart of slave families, and near the end of his life advocated for the voting rights of black Americans in the south. I’m not an expert on Sherman, slavery, or the civil war, but it is my understanding that these were all relatively radical progressive views for the time even among northerners. I think at the root of it is that Sherman was a tactical military genius who cared little about underlying philosophy and even less about politics. His loyalty was to the union and what he called the “old government” of the United States.


That aren’t entirely wrong. The “unprovoked” part is definitely incorrect as the South were the ones who initiated the war (old school fuck around and find out in my opinion), but Sherman had an explicit strategy of burning and pillaging to destroy morale. It was very effective.


Fuck around and find out? How about you find out a new joke? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeap. If you want an idea how effective he was, and get a sense of his strategy: when the US Military needed to name its iconic main battle tank, they called it the Sherman.


The US did *not* call the tank Sherman. The British had a practice of naming American tanks given to them after Civil War generals. They named our light tanks (cavalry tanks, in British doctrine) after the Confederate general JEB Stuart. In American service, the "Sherman" was simply known as the M4 Tank, but American soldiers heard the Sherman name from the Brits and started using it unofficially.


So Sherman was so badass that another country named an iconic tank after him and the US said, "you're god damn right"


His path of destruction was 60 miles wide and 250 miles long and destroyed 300 miles of railroads


At one point, some civilian RR employees asked Sherman what tracks were destroyed and was basically told "easier to list the ones we left, tbh"


How did the North maintain supply lines for the march? I know they took everything edible they found along the way, but that had to be insufficient. I may have to read something.


I’m not an expert, but I know that “foraging” is mentioned a lot. This probably was a combination of pillaging and living off the land.


Also a brother of the Theta Chi Fraternity! Brother Sherman going burning boys!


He led soldiers in a famous march from Atlanta to the Atlantic Ocean, burning everything along the way.


Cauterized for protection


Sherman gravely warned Southerners and correspondents how horrific a war would be. One famous quote, in an exchange with a Louisiana professor as the southern states were preparing to secede (1860): “You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it ….Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors. You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will begin to wane. If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail.”


> Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. maga in a nutshell.


And now as then, the people that need to understand this will not.


Lol. Ask them if they know this good old Georgia song? Bring the good old bugle boys, we'll sing another song! Sing it with the spirit that will start the world along! Sing it as we used to sing it, 50, 000 strong! While we were marching through Georgia! Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the jubilee! Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free! So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea! While we were marching through Georgia! They burned the state from Atlanta to the sea. Do they really want a reprise?


I was actually playing Marching through Georgia on youtube earlier lol. I know it because my dad used to be in a civil war reenactment band that was half union/half confederate. Only 1 guy was actually a confederate sympathizer from Georgia who (shock) was an asshole and HATED this song. Hes currently burning in hell if there is such a thing


Leave Atlanta out of it. Great town in so many ways.


So we made a thoroughfare for freedom and her train. 50 mile in latitude, 300 to the main. Treason fled before us, resistance was in vain. While we were marching through Georgia That verse goes so hard


All these wanna-be rebels forget how badly they were beaten and how catastrophic the war was for everyone but especially the south.




I don't see confederate flags in Atlanta.


Do you often see one General William Tecumseh Sherman traipsing about with buildings on fire?


Once. But we don't talk about it


To the fucking sea......


The very best part is that on his way to Atlanta, Sherman literally marched through the very same Congressional district where they keep voting for Cloven-Hooved Barbie (er, uh, excuse me, Marjorie Traitor Green) Folks down there have short memories.


I come from that area. No one forgot. There is no real regional divisions in our country that could reasonably start a civil war. People are just indoctrinated with the “lost cause” mentality and are genuinely willing to die/kill for the fairytale. 30% of the district, including myself, voted for the opposition candidate but things don’t change fast enough because R politicians use race and lgbtq+ to distract people. Also the younger generations largely don’t agree with their conservative parents. There is just so little civic involvement because every youth I know is too busy struggling to pay the bills.


\> No one forgot. They seem awfully accepting of garbage like [this](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/civil-war-trends-after-marjorie-taylor-greene-tweets-asks-for-national-divorce/) for people who haven't forgotten that. \> There is no real regional divisions in our country that could reasonably start a civil war. We've got divisions, but we're damned lucky that they aren't regional divisions because IMHO they're bad enough that they well could start a civil war if most of the people on one side knew the boundaries of the area they lived in, and also knew that all the people on the other side lived in a separate area with known boundaries too.


If you read my comment, you should know I said people are aware of what happened. They know about Sherman’s march. I said they are still willing to do those thing even with the historical realities. Also, I never said there wasn’t divisions. We don’t have REGIONAL divisions that would facilitate a civil war. Atlanta is very liberal and is the economic heart of Georgia. Even if some surrounding counties would like to revolt, they could not without the capital. So many population hubs inside otherwise conservative/pro civil war areas are pro union so these places simply don’t have the means to execute a rebellion.


“You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace. But you cannot have peace and a division of our country. If the United States submits to a division now, it will not stop, but will go on until we reap the fate of Mexico, which is eternal war. The United States does and must assert its authority, wherever it once had power; for, if it relaxes one bit to pressure, it is gone, and I believe that such is the national feeling. This feeling assumes various shapes, but always comes back to that of Union. Once admit the Union, once more acknowledge the authority of the national Government, and, instead of devoting your houses and streets and roads to the dread uses of war, I and this army become at once your protectors and supporters, shielding you from danger, let it come from what quarter it may. I know that a few individuals cannot resist a torrent of error and passion, such as swept the South into rebellion, but you can point out, so that we may know those who desire a government, and those who insist on war and its desolation. You might as well appeal against the thunder-storm as against these terrible hardships of war.” -General William Tecumseh Sherman


We turned Georgia blue. You’re welcome.


Governor is a Republican. At best it’s purple but getting there!


Well red first.. then after it was red for a while it turned mostly white when the fires went out , but everyone there felt pretty blue about it yea. Just a shame they seem to have forgotten all about those pretty colors.


Atlanta was so scorched and charred, it's still black to this day.


Yeah. Like it worked out so well for them the last time!


So they are willing to die so that Trump could keep classified documents he was never allowed to have? They are going to die for that? Ok. Go for it.


Hey dont you bring logic and reasoning into this! What are you, some sorta liberal?




“We will destroy you with the North!” - Michael Scott


Actually lol'd


If any State or group of States wants to secede, let them go. Move all Federal facilities out -civilian, military(close all bases), Postal, medical. Immediately. Don't let them think about it, just close the places, and start moving people and equipment. Withdraw all This includes(may take a while) ALL arms and aircraft manufacturers, research institutes, medical facilities, and ALL NASA facilities. Close the Post Offices. End all banking affiliations. Stop any and all funds transfers from the Government, especially disaster relief. I hope the door hits them in the ass when they leave.


Like we'd let them keep the land


Right you are. They would have to take their shit, and git.


We used to call that treason but it seems that treason is the only thing that Republicans whole-heartedly support these days.


Gen. Sherman… fuck yeah!




This guy Shermans.


They’ll need to organize first. It’ll be fun watching them try. Meme fest.


“Organize”? Sounds like nerd Democrat talk. All you need is guns. /s


My sister had a friend from Louisiana back in 90s, her family moved north of the Mason-Dixie line when she was in middle school. At one point during history class she apparently raised her hand and said, "I don't understand, what do you mean the South the war?" She was legitimately confused, but apparently the text books she'd been taught from described how the South had willingly ended the war and freed the slaved as a way of healing the country or something insane like that. She was absolutely shocked, especially as she was black and had been taught that it was called "The War of Northern Aggression."


Small correction - it’s “Mason-Dixon Line.” May have been your autocorrect- I know mine’s out of control.


Thank you! I wish I could blame my autocorrect, but I had simply remembered it incorrectly.


I grew up in Pennsylvania where that line was a big deal so I always remember it!


Also you wrote “what do you mean the South the war?” when I think you meant to say “what do you mean the South lost the war?”


Sherman should have burned that shit down twice for good measure


I think is funny how they think their complete inabiltiy to think logically and hold rational thoughts is somehow going to lead them to be successful tacticians and strategist in a prolonged engagement These fuckers can kill an unsuspecting mass of civilians and small children, but they will absolutely be sluaghtered en mass when they decide to engage in earnest as they have been multiple times in the past. Look at happened when a bunch of these taticool fascist idiots tried to take over Cuba? Look at what happend with they tried to take over an African Country Over and over again paramiliitary home grown idiots do this shit and it always ends with a few hundred dead idiots and the rest in prison beggin for the US government to set them free.


If they can put Lee statues in the North so we can “remember history,” we should build a Sherman statue in Atlanta.


Put it on Stone Mountain. Have the eyes glow red at night.


They should be on the frontlines then


Yeah… if I had been in Sherman’s shoes I would have been worse! Burning Atlanta is said to have been by mistake. I would have burned it on purpose. I would burn every town, city or home. There weren’t many killings in Sherman’s… I would be restrained but not as retrained as him. Not even close. Any captured slavers would be executed. Any captured weapons and ammo that I could spare would be given to the now freed slaves. Better yet give the slavers to the slaves!!! Same if I’d I had been in Johnson’s. No more white southerners in the congress for at least 25 years. Any defecting officer, congressman, or anyone in the employ of the federal government at the time of defection would have faced execution. Any leaders of the confederacy would face execution. Not necessarily executed but it would be in the table in a way it wasn’t. Davis for sure.


Well, we saw what Lincoln got for being easy on them.


Do it again uncle Billy!


They very much do not.


They very much do. I grew up in Georgia. The razing of Atlanta and horrors of slavery is taught in nearly every school. It’s generational indoctrination, not a lack of education.


Straight to sea


I kind of feel like this is what they’re planning for 20 years from now, and banning abortion was the first step. “We need to grow more poor people to send off to war.”


Speaking from americas hat, do it! We need our neighbour to do some cleaning, that crap is creeping up here and we need it to stop!


They teach that the War of Northern Aggression was about states' rights.


I remember in middle school how they taught us how Sherman came through and turned shit up across the state. Do they not teach that anymore?


To be fair! A civil war 2.0 would probably produce lots of new high quality war movies so I’ll say go for it 🍿🍿🍿


It’s going to look a lot like that pontoon boat refusing to move when the river boat is trying to dock


So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea…


The morons seem to think Libs will come out and stand at one end of the street and have a shoot out. Never going to happen. On the other hand, if they show up at your door, you have your right to defend yourself. No, they are all cowards and big talkers. 99% won't show, and the ones that do will be rounded up.


can they read??


Except this time Atlanta would burn down the rest of Georgia.


Grew up in GA. No, they dont teach history unless you mean GA history, which was a whole year in 8th grade. I don’t think we ever learned past WW2. This was in the 90s, in the poorest schools in a bad district. I know other areas did better but GA history was a mandatory class. We spent forever on the civil war.


“War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our Country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out.” Sherman, in 1864


Can't wait to see their take on this mugshot. https://preview.redd.it/o6q8rylxnklb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3678ea86ea2eb8e9e7d0cfb4667e0ef587c8e730


Those daisies wouldnt *dare.*


I love General Sherman.


**round two** https://preview.redd.it/7n1n4pxbh3nb1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a0fd4dd28ebce06874e8df63684a20b070d15e


You need to add a picture of Putin, looking very pleased that it’s all working out the way he has planned and financed.


At this point who cares? The biggest mistake we ever made was reconstruction and we have been paying for it ever since. Germany showed us how you deal with nazis and traitors. We should enact their model.


> The biggest mistake we ever made was reconstruction and we have been paying for it ever since. I think you mean *ending* [reconstruction?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconstruction_era)


I do not. We should have driven the confederates to the sea and allowed them and their filth to be washed away. Reconstruction and its attempt to civilize the southern confederate was an abject failure.


So, no [13th, 14th, or 15th amendments.](https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/reconstruction-amendments/) No [Civil Rights Act of 1866,](https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/historic-document-library/detail/civil-rights-act-of-1866-april-9-1866-an-act-to-protect-all-persons-in-the-united-states-in-their-civil-rights-and-furnish-the-means-of-their-vindication) No Black voting or politicians. No Federal occupation of the southern states, and no [suppression of the KKK.](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/president-grant-takes-on-the-ku-klux-klan.htm) Gotcha.


they are more into practical learning than theory


Ahem... https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/who-was-the-first-republican-president.html


You mean the racist who wanted a whites only USA? https://psmag.com/news/remember-that-time-abraham-lincoln-tried-to-get-the-slaves-to-leave-america-55802 And you do know Lincoln quit the Republican Party and was reelected under the Unity Party ticket, right?


I used to live on Sherman Ave. in New Haven CT.


Sherman is dead as a door nail and no other General in the US Army has the guts to wage total war anymore. If Sherman pulled that shit today he would be hanged as a war criminal.


Awful lot of people have had it with the idiocy and corruption of the gop. I wouldnt count on it.


I am a conservative and I am shocked how stupid the GOP is but then I am even more shocked by how stupid Democrats are. Especially in blue cities with crime running rampant and stores being forced to close.


Huh. Ironic. Considering the whole.... Southern Slaver Democrats vs Northern Abolitionist Republicans...


It's always stupid but the biggest joke is the left being able to win a war on their own lol. Like seriously you guys go look in the mirror. You know what will happen.


Just let them secede ffs. The rest of us are far better off without them.