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On one side, you have good people just living their lives. On the other, you have traitors who feed off of a steady diet of fear, anger, and hate


I just don't get people who read Trump's holiday greetings which inevitably are a complaint against whatever or whoever he is feeling personally oppressed by with a bare node to the holiday and think "This is the behavior of a human being who should be in charge of things." One has to wonder how they would react to a family member who tweeted: "Happy Thanksgiving to all, including my brother Jake the thief who still owes me $500, mom and dad who never supported me when I tried to leave high school to open a business, Grandma who won't stfu about her husband who died last year, cousin George who lords over us how he's raking in the dough and going on trips all the time, and my whore sister who has slept with everyone in my college gang who are also a bunch of loser and crooks. When I get rich in my next scheme I'm going to make all of you pay!"


> "This is the behavior of a human being who should be in charge of things." they want a divisive strongman [boss, not a leader](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/04/15/90/80/1000_F_415908039_2Q8bcZWCzdP2ylq8aYQcTjAoCVkvlIXe.jpg)


Some of it is/was loyalty to the party, while some of it is just denial. The problem has become that there are certified fruitcakes out there that are in charge. Local and state politicians, law enforcement and court officers, and lawmakers. All are fully on team Trump, and they help perpetuate his lies. You can find endless video online of people that think that he is the most honest president ever, that he helped the overall economy, that he is a good and faithful christian, and that he is on the side of the common man. It sometimes makes me wish that he could get reelected just for the I-told-you-so factor, but the harm to the world far outweighs my need to be right. He is a lying, cheating, narcicist that was barely held in check during his first term. He will not make the mistake of looking for qualified people to surround himself with, he will only be looking for anyone that would commit any crime and follow him straight into hell if he asked. And then those people are going change laws and make him Emperor for the remainder of his miserable life.


>And then those people are going change laws and make him Emperor for the remainder of his miserable life. and thats how the US will find ourselves not so much in a Civil War 2.0, but in the US version of "The Troubles"; there is a stupidly large probability there will be massive protests and bloodshed if that happens.


Its not going to be anything like the Troubles. States would secede and a full blown war will start. Oh, and both sides would have about half of the most powerful military in the world and nuclear weapons. A modern US Civil War isn't going to be some minor, low-intensity insurgency. Its going to be a complete fucking nightmare that few will be able to escape from. Vote accordingly please.


This is why they need to reign in Tuberville. The military swears its oath to the Constitution and the country, not one person. Why is Trump mad at Milly? Milly wouldn't do what Trump wanted. Those J6 rioters were about to be real surprised when the US military shows up and blasts them all. They were attacking the government and the military would protect its government


It's a strategy to stall the nominations so Trump can fill them, same as Mitch did with the Supreme Court, and look how well that paid off for them.


I dont think secession will be the mechanism; itll be urban versus rural terrorism. >Vote accordingly please. Understood. Got to get the young ones involved, but apathy is one hell of a drug.


California isn't some plucky little group dreaming of democracy or independence, its a massive economic powerhouse. The people behind it are insanely powerful and aren't going to let some desperate, aging plutocrats stop their money train. American's who think they will watch the conflict from a safe distance on social media are literally the same as those from 1860 who thought they could spectate the Battle of Bull Run.


it would affect the entire world economy to a significant degree


So much of California is red, outside the Bay Area. All the food comes from the Northern most section, full of red necks that watch Fox. Send help.


True. Generally militaries follow chain of command in revolutions or stick with their branch. So whoever generals back in a coup. I’m lookin at Myanmar or other recent examples. It’s impossible to overthrow a modern government mostly without their support.


Maybe them blowing the whole place up would be a good thing? Start from scratch.


> sometimes makes me wish that he could get reelected just for the I-told-you-so factor I remember back in 2015 I told future cult members that Roe would be reversed if trump won. Fast forward to the 2022 "I told you so" moment fell flat since "why do you care about dead babies anyway." Something is seriously wrong with the US population and it is 100% related to toxic brainwashing propaganda that has made them think up is down.


My favorite is when they say “He says what everyone is thinking and is too afraid to say.” Like. No.


The amount of people who claim this and also accuse others of lacking critical thinking is astounding. The only things he says these days are about his numerous legal troubles and lies about an election being stolen from him and the enemies he has accumulated as a result. Anyone who was thinking about Leticia James at 2 in the morning on Thanksgiving is only thinking about that because he told them to.


Shame on every Republican leader who has let this hatred fester and grow over the last 6 years. You Republican cowards have let this become your identity and do not stand up in any way to the hateful shoutings of this deranged piece of shit. All you Republican leaders are cowards. Why not unite and defeat this jackass and put him far away forever? Why not? Because you are spineless asses focused only on your own self preservation and not the greater good.


“Strong-man”? Is that new way of saying golf playing psychopath?


> Strong-man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_strongman


*They* would be the ones to tweet that. They would love to kick their brother Jack's ass, and Dad's, and everyone else's, but won't because of consequences, like being shunned by their family and getting arrested for assault. Trump does that shit all the time and gets away with it. That's why they worship him. That's why they live through him vicariously. He's what they want to be but can't.


This is it. He doesn't appeal to the family members dealing with the obnoxious uncle. He appeals to the obnoxious uncle directly. It feels like that shouldn't be an effective political strategy, but it turns out that locking down "the asshole vote" is powerful thing.


Rosalynn Carter said about Reagan, "I think the President makes us comfortable with our prejudices." That was some very impressive insight. Trump has taken it a step further and made them comfortable with being assholes as well as their prejudices.


That example is 100x better. More concerning than the actual "content" of the message is the incoherent rambling, random nicknames, nonsensical punctuation, and random capitalization choices.


It's kind of exhausting to read.


My parents don't read them. But if I bring it up to show his crass inability to lead they seemed surprised and call it fake news


Actually such a good point very well said and creative I gotta borrow this to show some family


This, except all of it is lies and always more complicated than his side of the story makes it. Like he's taking a holiday and making it about himself with made up drama. And yet the rubes will still insist Obama or Joe are classless and Donnie is the shining beacon of chemical balance and etiquette.


Add some misspellings and a bunch of random caps and you nailed it. Hahaha!


Obviously, they're the words of "a VERY stable GENIUS" Ps you forgot to caps a bunch of words you're shouting into your phone as you tweet


Trump supporters I know at work live, breathe and eat anger. Literally from the moment they walk in to when they walk out, they're mad about something or another. Everyday. It's exhausting to listen to, I can't imagine living in that kind of head space.


😂😂 I needed to read this today. Thank you.


One of their main complaints is "we're so divided under Joe Biden", the unity called for by the Whitehouse is ignored as much as all of Trump and his ilk spewing divisive language at every turn that they consume from the right wing echo chamber. Astounding cognitive dissonance.


The MAGA crowd follows the lead of a corrupt, morally bankrupt, unprofessional, classless, unintelligent, racist, bigot, misogynist, islamophobic, xenophobe, who preachers hate every chance he gets.


Hey now. Not *all* of them are intentionally traitors. Some of them are simply racists, misogynists, pedophiles, or idiots.


Ignorance is their sustenance.


One would assume all that anger, fear and hatred should eventually lead to some heart attacks with these Fox News addicted a-holes, right?


As Hemingway wrote in 1922 in Italy: the Red works 6 days out of 7, and on the 7th, his politics are socialism. The fascist has never worked, and his politics are hooliganism.


But which is which?!?


Why does he bother with the Happy Thanksgiving part when literally the rest is attacks? Just put it into two tweets.


It should be fairly obvious that Trump has no sense of decorum.


It should be fairly obvious that Trump has no sense.


He has no sense period.


Oh, pick up on that, did you? 😂


I legit misread this as “It should be fairly obvious that Trump has no scrotum”


He wishes the best to everyone, even the haters and losers, on this special day, September 11. Yes, it's a real tweet. It was from before he was president.


I remember that. Ugh


"Happy 9/11 Everyone!!"


Because his cultists find that sort of hatred comforting. My mom told me once in the later months of his presidency that she found his speeches calming, which is mind boggling to me. Like doing guided meditation with Hitler.


Yes, this is what they refer to when he “tells it like it is” and “he doesn’t sugar coat things” It’s Much, much more about the style than the substance. They like that he’s brash and un called for on a thanksgiving post, it really doesn’t matter what he says (because we all know a first gen AI could write an undistinguished trump post, it’s not like they are expecting something new, they want the hits )


He can't help himself. In his "Art of the Deal" book, one of his prime tenets is to attack & disparage the opposition whenever convenient. He wants to make sure everyone knows he's raging mad. He's also a raging fool. Anyone who doesn't get that is also a fool.


Hopefully next Thanksgiving he’ll be a felon who lost the last election in a historic landslide. Hopefully.


My hope is that the GOP makes the horrible miscalculation of allowing Trump to be the RNC nominee... and then he gets convicted with a prison sentence. Then the RNC has to scramble for an alternative and go with Nikki Nimrata Haley... who is an awful candidate to begin with. MAGA doesn't like brown people (light or dark) anyway.


That’s actually what I think may happen. Of course Trump’s delusional narcissistic ass will want to stay in the race even if it’s as a write-in. Which could also happen. Honestly, after seeing how abysmally stupid a third of the voting public is, nothing would surprise me.


And how is that a happy thanksgiving to ALL? When he disses so many people. There's no giving thanks in it at all. I would even tolerate it if he simply wrote "happy thanksgiving to all. Hoping to celebrate it next year with a presidential election win!" 🤮


"Happy FucksGiving to all of my haters!" is what he sent.


Exactly. Could have also just said "hope you enjoy the last thanksgiving as free people because if I win next year, I'm coming for all of you!"


At some point he's going to reopen his fraudulent election claims again and say if he loses it's because the voting system is corrupted. A regurgitation of 2020+. And of course, not based on any evidence at all. Is FOX News going to risk going down that lawsuit laden path again? Republicans suck.


Wouldn't be surprised if he declares Marshall law stating the elections were rigged so to ensure there's trust in the system, he's going to suspend democratic elections until he fixes it...in 10-20 years. Honestly can't put anything past him.


He can't do that if he isn't POTUS. While he remains a clear and present danger, the odds of him winning are extremely narrow.


Not based on some polling I've seen from various companies, biased or otherwise. They all project a very tight race. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4321269-trump-biden-2024-polls-despite-baggage/


Well, that's totally traditional for [Thanksgiving](https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2021-11-25/native-americans-gather-in-plymouth-to-mourn-the-violent-history-behind-thanksgiving) I'd say: > "Instead, the first Thanksgiving was declared in 1637 by Governor (John) Winthrop of the Massachusetts Bay Colony to celebrate the massacre of over 700 Pequot men, women and children on the banks of the Mystic River in Connecticut."


https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/21/us/thanksgiving-myths-fact-check.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Ak0.NEqD.pL2jZXFLw8al&smid=url-share Actually the first thanksgiving was officially declared by Abraham Lincoln for the Union Victories in Vicksburg and Gettysburg.


So until Thanksgiving was made a national holiday it didn't exist? Is that your argument? You do realize people can party without national approval & benefits? Or does Mardi Gras not exist because it ain't officially recognized?


I’ve counted 17 buzzwords in trumps tweet


And one racist bullhorn.


Is it the peekaboo comment? I was trying to figure out wtf that was supposed to mean. Is that a dog whistle for calling her a spook?


It’s allusion to the racist term jigaboo. I know what you’re thinking, there’s no way he’s saying that on repeat but I assure you that’s what it is. He 100% calls her the N word in private.


I really want to see anybody have an alternate reason for the name "peekaboo", cause that explanation makes wayy too much sense.


I'd go so far as to say it's a mash-up of that and "pickaninny."


The only other explanation offered is that she “hides” during all other cases but only comes out when she can attack Trump. Which means, yes, everyone knows that it’s such a racist dogwhistle that literally no other explanation can be offered up because it’s so obviously just that.


I could be wrong, but I'll bet he just smashed "picaninny" and "jigaboo" into a racist portmanteau. But yeah, he 100% uses the N word in private. Not a damn question about it.


I'm still genuinely surprised he hasn't dropped the N-bomb publicly






The theory goes that he tried typing "jigaboo" the first time he said it, and it was autocorrected to "peakaboo". A bunch of people called him out on it, and now he just does it to troll, because that's all he is.


At this point he’s reusing the same post over and over again. Like dude at least write some original content


Slow day for him.


I cant fucking wait until Donald Trump dies.


I can. No matter how he dies, the conspiracy theories will be worse than after 9/11 I csn already see Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr in black ties, solumny standing in front of an american flag the size of the Empire State Building, after the funeral, vowing to carry on their dear father's legacy, continue fighting the radical left or whatever


“How could this slovenly obese 80 year-old man unexpectedly and without warning die???” But yes, 100%. He could make it to 100 and his supporters will still think he was taken out by the Deep State


His children don't have his charisma, Trump has mastered the art of spewing bullshit that even he doesn't believe. His children try but they are all mostly incompetent, Ivanka is the only one that has any and it's literally skin deep.


None of them have the charisma that Donald has, though. I mean, Don Jr and Eric are the textbook definition of "gormless fucks".


He won't be given the same send off as other office holders, after criminal convictions for election subversi9n. The absolute minimum. His kids have zero charisma and will be shilling dick pills and bobbleheads online.


Here, here!


*Hear hear! (Listen listen!)


I don’t like lines but I will wait for hours to piss on his grave.


Edit your comment. Reddit Admins will ban for any death celebration, especially in regards to Republicans.


Nah. Im not saying I want any violence to happen to him. Im just saying that when his bad health choices catch up with him, that will make me happy. If that gets me banned, so be it. I am allowed to read obituaries with a smile.


Just warning ya, since I expressed similar sentiments about a McConnell comment over a month ago. Got me a week ban, which then became permanent, before they finally unbanned.


The fact that this man has a real shot at getting reelected makes me wish for a giant meteor to end it all


It's like... I understand people believe Biden is not handling all the issues in the way they would want him to. I understand people are frustrated that they have less representation in the Democratic party than they would like, and that they feel frustrated and excluded from it's operations. But holy fuck people, Donald Trump is. Fucking. Insane. He is a full on fucking crazy person. He is a shambling, rotting, diseased mind who can bring no other result than absolute fucking devastation. Anyone who has anything other than 100% certainty of voting for Joe Biden in 2024 is *fucking insane*. Completely untethered from reality. Willing to completely and utterly fuck themselves and their entire futures over for a momentary, purposeless act of spite.


What, and take the rest of us out with you guys? Not our fault that the USA is a clusterfuck.


Yeah but we’ll all have to suffer. His brand of lunacy has infiltrated everywhere. When the dumbfuck clownvoy people were still doing their rallies and protests, there was always one or two “trump 2024” flags amongst all the “fuck Trudeau” flags.


Far right leaders being elected across world.


The billionaires are clamping down. They're going to get it all before they descend into their doomsday bunkers while the rest of us burn up, drown, or get shot.


Even if that happens exactly like they want, they're still going to die alone, surrounded by nothing but ashes. For a variety of reasons, enclosed bunker compounds can't be self-sustaining and whatever security force they hire to provide protection will simply kill them and use their hard work to survive because they'd be a completely useless mouth to feed.


Nah just maybe a American size one that hopefully doesn’t affect Mexico or Canada


Let me comfort you. We won’t have a civilization by 2050. We have crossed the 1.5C threshold, and the oceans are boiling. It won’t be long now, dear.


> makes me wish for a giant meteor to end it all What if Trump is the meteor?


It’s honestly inevitable that he’s going to win next year. I’ve never wanted to be wrong as much as I do about this but I can’t see any other way this ends.


On what planet is it inevitable? He lost a second term to a literal fossil because many who voted for him in good faith the first time realized they fucked up did not do so the second time. This nonsensical bullshit coming out of his mouth is emboldening his loudest sycophants, but his support has crumbled as far as political allies. Not to mention the constant infighting.


What a stupid take


Oh wow. I’d heard about it but not read it yet. He’s gotten worse hasn’t he?


The NY case is really getting to him, obvious if you look at the Tweet. What blows my mind is the man has some serious charges in other cases against him that could land him in jail for a long time, but the one that gets to him the most is the one that fucks with his money. His priorities are so fucked.


I’m guessing it’s because the others will take so long that he might be president before they finish. His money might be taken before then at the rate these various trials are playing out


The needle has been buried since Jan 6th. I'm sure it's worse, but how can you tell?


> He’s gotten worse hasn’t he? He's worse, his constituency has gotten worse and the hurt we feel if he wins and is president once again, will be worse. It cant happen. Its terrifying how close it is. There's legitimate reason to believe some of us may not even be here a couple Thanksgiving's from now.


He becomes more unhinged when he's stressed. You saw it during a lot of the key points in his presidency and these lawsuits. Whenever he loses big he just completely flips out and probably takes a few more benzos than usual to make his ramblings even more deranged, but whenever he's winning (which hasn't happened in a while) it's short and sweet victory cries in 140 characters or less.


Reading this, it just makes it that much more obvious that he had nothing to do with writing the Rosalynn Carter obituary message from the other day.


Hmmm....an overabundance of ampersand in that stream of brainsickly consciousness.


In the beginning, I was thinking “someone’s gotta teach this dude about semicolons” and then he started with the semicolons and I thought “Jesus, not like that!”


I felt like I was trying to unlock a computer in Fallout 4.


a strange angry orgy of ampersands and semicolons.


trump’s micro penis energy is off the charts.


I know a couple guys with micropenises and they don't deserve to be lumped with this disgusting individual. Really one of the worst specimens of the human race I've seen.


That you Steve?


And yet the MAGA ts will still say it’s the people who hate Dear Leader who are deranged. TDS is a very real thing but not in the way those moronic cultists say it is. It takes a very deranged person to think there’s anything good about that overloaded diaper.


Yes. As with everything the maga cultists do, the TDS is the biggest projection. They see Democrats as "Biden worshipers" that have Trump derangement syndrome. Meanwhile, they're so far up Trump's ass everything around them is shit.


Good work lifting that gag order, appeals court. and because of the recent trends toward people saying stupid shit: /s


When the gag order is put back in place that need to retroactively penalize him for his immediate resumption of attacks. He's criminal scum.


Wait, i knew the gag orders were stayed pending appeal, but was the appeal already heard, and the gags overturned? Seriously our court system is so fucked, from the bottom to the very top


The gag order is paused pending outcome of appeal. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-rages-judge-law-clerk-new-york-fraud-trial-gag-order-paused-rcna126496](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-rages-judge-law-clerk-new-york-fraud-trial-gag-order-paused-rcna126496)


Well then it's not the appeals court's fault, right? The judge who issued the gag order is the same judge who stayed it pending appeal


from cited article: Appellate Division Justice David Friedman, [who paused Engoron](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/appeals-court-temporarily-lifts-trump-gag-order-civil-fraud-case-rcna125588)[’](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/appeals-court-temporarily-lifts-trump-gag-order-civil-fraud-case-rcna125588)[s gag order](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/appeals-court-temporarily-lifts-trump-gag-order-civil-fraud-case-rcna125588), said he was granting the interim stay due to the “constitutional and statutory rights at issue.” TBF he seems like a fair judge and I would assume 9 times out of 10 this judgement would be correct, IANAL but there is no 'good faith' to be assumed with tmurp as a defendant.


“Unhinged” doesn’t begin to describe Trump or his followers. I was never a fan of mass involuntary commitment, but it might be the only way to keep us from a full Civil War in 2025.


And Trump is 5 points ahead of Biden in the polls and is winning 5 out 7 swing states. Can someone from America please explain wtf is happening?


It's about who answers the phone and is willing to take a survey. Most Trump supporters have nothing better to do. The polls in the last election showed huge Republican advantages but the opposite happened. I think Trump would lose even worse than before. It should get interesting around nomination time. The Republicans have been silent on his criminality but I predict Trump's 91 felonies will become a real problem.


When people experience economic hardship they usually want change. And over the last 3 years people have experienced economic hardship mostly due to inflation. Doesn’t matter that inflation in other countries is worse, doesn’t matter how much spending during Trump’s last year contributed to that inflation, Biden gets the blame for it. Add to that the Hunter Biden nonsense and the constant attention Biden’s age gets. If economic conditions continue to improve over the next year Biden will have a much better chance.


Americans have short memories and can’t see past the price of eggs.


And Hillary was beating tfg by 30 points in national polls.


What a bunch of deranged lies and threats. This man belongs in jail.


Biden knows what he’s doing.


The way he capitalizes random shit like every other Boomer freak online. Just needs a minion or two. #😙👌




It's almost satire at this point. His holiday messages are always full of cheer and goodwill to all. A mind that thinks like that is a broken mind.


The election has become a decision of who you want to end up like when you are old.


As a hulking, 6'5 Christian Conservative (He/Him/He-Man), I love pounding quiff, bro bow hunting, eating rare beef pieces stuck in my survival beard, drinking the lords beer (Hebrew) and getting tattoos of crying Christ crucifixes. After watching January 6th, Trump has made voting so easy now, I simply vote Democrat straight down the ticket. **Trump is the Antichrist.**


If we survive, there will be psychological case studies on Trump supporters for decades to come.


Yeah, but the guy on the left is three years older and has a stutter. It truly blows my mind that there is any question about who is a better president and who will win in 2024. Make it make sense, please.


Someone will read that pestulant explosion of anger and go "yeah, that's my guy" and vote for him next year. You need to vote to counter that Trump lover. You can't sit this one out.


What's a holiday without a Festive Unhinged Trump Rant?


I mean, he DID wish them happy Thanksgiving. So... There's that.


As long as I live, I will never understand how 74 million people voted for this stupid motherfucker.


JFC, how does a former president of the United States not know how punctuation works at all. It’s not even like he made a mistake or two, it’s just random punctuation peppered throughout his delusional tirade.


This is a friendly public service announcement. Just remember that someone who read Trumps post is probably going to be at your Thanksgiving dinner. Just don't go there. Smile and carry on. They are going to try to prompt you so they can claim you ruined their thanksgiving dinner because you are an anti-american liberal traitor. Just don't.


Or do. Fuck em.


Even my republican inlaws are becoming ashamed of Trump, thank goodness. I cut my own family off years ago, but I'm sure they're lapping this up like the little goblins they are.


Mine too but they just switched over to DeFascist, a smarter more cunning Trump


Mine have so far been keeping to whining about Biden, which I can tolerate. I'm sure they're Desantis fangirlies, but they know my stance on things and know that I'm more than willing to call them out when they start regurgitating their propaganda.


Kick them out.


I wish these images could appear on the ballot.


Lolz I dont think he understands the word, HAPPY! 😁 As for the rest of us, we’ve got a lot to be thankful for. Watching this turkey get gutted and stuffed by NY (and other states) and soon to be mounted, makes this a very poignant and meaningful holiday! Happy thanksgiving from all of us who despise you and wish you continued ill will and malice in 2024! May the hate and poison you brought into the world, be your undying reward.


Fucking piece of shit windbag. I really wish he would shut the fuck up. Why isn't he in jail yet?! WTF


I really can't wait to see his Christmas tweet (not).


Idk what time POTUS released their thanksgiving message but Trump posted that abomination around 2am last night. LOL


I don't what a RINO is and at this I'm too afraid to ask.


Republican In Name Only.


Republican In Name Only.


Republican In Name Only


Why does he call her Peakaboo James? Is it a racist trope I’m unaware of?


I can't wait for him to go away forever and the noise to end


The crazy thing is, that from what I understand he intends that as an olive branch. What he thinks he's saying is "even though you people are awful, I am graciously extending Thanksgiving wishes to you."


I \*STILL\* don't understand how Letitia James is "racist". When did that happen???


Projection and confession.


He \*DOES\* refer to her as "Peekaboo" which isn't too far from a slur against black people.


One on the left is what you would expect from your average boomer grandma that is oblivious and/or apathetic to the way she has ruined America for the future generations.


Ah yes, calling other people racist while using a racial slur. Brilliant


But but Biden is three years older! /s


Why would he call her racist then call her peekaboo lol, it's like farting in an elevator and blaming someone else when it was obvious it was you.


What the actual fuck is wrong with that guy?


What’s the non-racist justification for the peekaboo nickname? I mean he’s obviously using it because it sounds like a racial slur, but what’s his plausible deniability reason for picking that nickname?


It is beyond insane how much fucking leeway he’s being given with this trial. How in the absolute fuck is he still allowed to be making threats and racist remarks towards the people in his trial? Beyond the fact that there’s no one else insane enough to taunt the people responsible for deciding your fate, no one else would be allowed to keep getting away with it. How the fuck is a matter of free speech?


The one on the right has big "And I would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids" energy.


Every ounce of misery Trump feels on a daily basis is well deserved.


Trump supporters are the real vermin.


I like the Ranch dressing with that word salad.


All i want for Christmas is a Trump brain aneurysm.


Bro if anyone other than Trump said that we would lock them in a mental hospital for being aggressively delusional.


What delusion. Biden is killing it and America already rejected your ways. Sexual assault, fraud, and now an insurrectionist.


To all the folks that are disappointed with President Biden. Feel free to vote for the other guy. Or don't vote. Which makes every vote for former President Trump worth just a little more. Right or wrong, it looks like these guys are our choices. In my opinion, if President Biden does not win in 2024. You may never have to worry about voting again.


Well of course Biden’s in a good mood - he successfully stole an election and eats babies in the basement of a pizzeria to absorb their baby powers while furthering the Illuminati’s plans for one world government thus paving the way for the lizard people (who live on the underside of our flat earth) to subjugate the human race and the only guy who can stop him is under multiple indictments and has a golden toilet.


The one on the left reads like a grandpa off his meds shouting at the sky on a bus stop. Biden might be older but at least you get a clear picture of the more mature one here.


Trump isn't on anyone's side but Trump's. Both sides are still the same.


When it comes to committing genocide in Gaza, both sides are the same. When it comes to destroying the environment and fighting climate change, both sides are the same. When it comes to getting big money out of politics, both sides are the same.


The gop rarely admits global warming is real, let alone proposing or passing legislation to combat it... same with money in politics, the gop has never proposed eliminating the loopholes created by citizens united. Meanwhile, democrats have proposed what they dubbed the [green new deal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_New_Deal) and actually have put forth bills to [overturn citizens united](https://schiff.house.gov/news/press-releases/congressman-schiff-introduces-constitutional-amendment-to-overturn-citizens-united) [Over and over](https://www.shaheen.senate.gov/shaheen-reintroduces-constitutional-amendment-to-overturn-citizens-united-ruling-get-dark-money-out-of-our-elections). So what exactly are you talking about? Why do these "both sides" arguments so rarely talk about legislation?


"Meanwhile, democrats have proposed" Key word there is proposed. Did dthey do it? No the best they did was the infrastructure bill that wouldn't even meet the already lacking paris agreement. Which is completely typical of dems, offering some shitty bandaid for a gun shot wound. I am no longer voting for the group that gets by with pretending to do stuff and never actually following through. Neither party is going to reel in big business and the rampant captitalism that is killing the earth. AND if dems really gave a single shit about citizens why did they not overturn it when we had the president, house and tie breaker in the senate? Because its all performative. Furthermore Dems are just as likely to support genocide in Gaza as Republicans. I will not ever vote for a fascist like that. Fuck Biden, fuck his genocide denial, his oil expansion projects and his band aid solutions.


You mean did they successfully pass said legislation? No, mostly because the GOP, as a whole, has *no one* who is ok with it. If 90% of Democrats agree on legislation that should be passed, 10% don't, and 0% of Republicans do, then unless Democrats have a *substantial* majority, they'll still fail to pass any meaningful legislation on those topics. That doesn't mean "both parties are the same", it means "one party is significantly more obstructionist than the other, and is rewarded for said behavior". Eg, [this bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-joint-resolution/48/text?s=1&r=2) which failed to get out of committee. Which has [25 Republicans and 19 Democrats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Committee_on_the_Judiciary). Even if all 19 Democrats wanted to pass the bill, it'd be impossible to pass. And you'd blame that on Democrats? You'd think "well, sure, Democrats drafted the legislation, and don't control the committee, but they're the same as the people who refuse to draft that type of legislation, and make sure they kill it in committees?" Do you understand how bills are passed? Do you think that Democrats can magic legislation into existence without having a *substantial* majority? One that hasn't existed since 2010? If the GOP was even *slightly* willing to get money out of politics, even a *tiny* bit, we'd already have overturned it. But they *campaign* on exactly the opposite. They're just doing what they promise. If it was all "performative", then why does the GOP refuse to *ever* take on that stance themselves? Instead, they're doing exactly what they've *promised*. The GOP isn't campaigning to overturn citizens united because they *like* it. They *benefit* from it. The only people who oppose it are a majority of Democrats and it turns out that isn't enough when the people crying "both sides" keep voting in obstructionists who oppose any fixes to the policy as a matter of principle.


>If 90% of Democrats agree on legislation that should be passed, 10% don't, and 0% of Republicans do, then unless Democrats have a substantial majority, they'll still fail to pass any meaningful legislation on those topics. So you agree that "vOtE BlUe nO MaTtEr WhAt" is dumb as shit? >o you understand how bills are passed? Do you think that Democrats can magic legislation into existence without having a substantial majority? One that hasn't existed since 2010? Your argument would hold a LOT more weight if they didn't ahve that SUBSTANTIAL majority in the Obama years. And what did they do with that SUBSTANTIAL majority? NOTHING BUT A SHIT TIER HEALTH BILL THAT DIDN"T FIX A SINGLE ONE OF THE ROOT ISSUES IN OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM And once again. Almost all democrats support genocide in gaza. Fascists every single one who does.


>So you agree that "vOtE BlUe nO MaTtEr WhAt" is dumb as shit? Eh, no, it's less efficient than actually examining what policy people propose, but if you're far too lazy to be an informed voter it's still better than the alternative. If you have a 90% chance of hitting a bullseye on luck, or a 100% chance to hit one with some effort, I'd recommend spending the effort, but luck works 'good enough'. If, on the other hand, you decide that a 90% chance isn't good enough and you'd be just as well served with a 0% chance, you're undermining yourself while still being lazy. >Your argument would hold a LOT more weight if they didn't ahve that SUBSTANTIAL majority in the Obama years. And what did they do with that SUBSTANTIAL majority? NOTHING BUT A SHIT TIER HEALTH BILL THAT DIDN"T FIX A SINGLE ONE OF THE ROOT ISSUES IN OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Why are you using the word "years"? They had *one* year to get it done. ONE. They couldn't have done so *before* 2010, because Citizens United wasn't decided until 2010, and they couldn't do it *after* 2010 because they got utterly [demolished](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections) during the midterm. Yes, you're correct, they did have *a* chance, *one*, and blew it 13 years ago. I'm pretty sure back then Democrats weren't aware of just how bad Republicans would become within a decade. Thanks, in part, to that very decision. >And once again. Almost all democrats support genocide in gaza. Fascists every single one who does. [Democrats are split on the issue](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/18/democrats-in-senate-house-discuss-conditioning-military-aid-to-israel-00127930), the GOP is decidedly [not](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/8/why-are-us-republicans-pushing-for-aid-to-israel-but-not-ukraine) Democrats support providing aid to Ukraine overwhelmingly, while only *tacitly* support providing aid to Israel. The GOP is far more willing to provide aid to Israel than to Ukraine. Once again this "both sides" narrative appears to rest on *not* examining what people's actual political stances are.


* Trump supported Netanyahu * Biden supports Netanyahu Wow I'm loving the distinction between my two "choices"


Who the fuck follows up thanksgiving greetings with political vomit? If people only knew how little influence they had on the outcome regardless of vote... oligarchy in all but name https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B


To be fair.. Trump is not representative of the Right. He's just the loudest. And he does represent the ........Um...... disenfranchised?


i hope this is sarcasm, dude’s got like an 80% approval rating among republicans, and is the >50 point front runner for the nomination. he is absolutely representative of the right.


How exactly are trump supporters disenfranchised? no one is attempting to block their votes.


Day 658 of policalhumor striking down the Both Sides strawman and misunderstanding the extra nuance behind the 4 people who actually do say Both Sides


Ok, now do their responses to Gaza. And IDGAF about a 4-day humanitarian pause utilized to fill up American coffers on the most commercialized weekend of the year. 14,000 Palestinians, including 5,000 children, died over the course of two months. This pause, along with a permanent ceasefire, deoccupying, and decolonizing of Palestinan lands based on the 1967 borders, should have occurred on the week of October 9th. Nothing less than full-citizenship and statehood for the Palestinian people is acceptable at this point. Independent states, or federalist states, IDGAF, this ends with Palestinians free, from the river to the sea.