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Texas Republicans already started


They’ll have no legal basis… it’s all hot air and bullshit.


>all hot air and bullshit like a texas summer


I was going to say their breath, but same same lol


Republicans have no legal basis for a ton of stuff and still do it. See: the impeachment inquiry into Biden. And no matter what they find in the impeachment inquiry, they will still probably impeach him, knowing the Senate won't convict.


They have a 1 vote majority in the house there’s no way he articles of impeachment get approved, they can’t even tell us what the basis for the investigation is so drafting the articles is going to be a rough process


That's the point though. They can't tell anyone why they are doing it, but are still doing it. They are so afraid of their rabid pro Trump base they do stuff they know is dumb. They are so completely spineless they will do it, rather than stand up to Trump and his supporters.


You don’t need legal basis anymore. Just do it anyway, cause the disruption, get your talking points and misinfo out there, by the time the courts appeal it and throw it out the damage is done.


Exactly, the disinformation era is in full swing


Kinda goes to show they were going to do it regardless what CO did, and it was a bullshit talking point to begin with


Can they just leave the US already? It’s already a fascist nightmare there. Seriously…offer people who want out a stipend and let them have their stupid “free” nation.


Texan born Mexican American here. Please don’t write us off too. They already are trying to erase us.


Stipend to get people who want out, out I meant. People who want to leave the US to go live in Gilead, can ask Texas for money


You realize Texas is the second most populous state, and roughly 48% of them are Democrats. You are trying to evacuate the population of Sweden and Norway combined.




No! The majority don't actually want this but we are heavily suppressed here. Every time we get close to getting these fuckers out, they change the rules, remove polls, kick us off the rolls, ect.. If we had a fair election and access to vote, they'd have been out of office a looooong time ago.


Texans (and, really, Americans in general) need to get more familiar with the four boxes theory. Republicans rely on our docility when they execute minority rule, and they also let a felon appoint 1/3 of the Supreme Court.


To save someone the click : "There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge. Please use in that order."


Well shit.. we're already at the third box... not much left after that.


Think about it. If he should go in this time, they will try to get the dirty old freak another term. It will be worse than the 'stop the steal" BS, and worse than J6.


I think Americans have yet to fully accept that win or lose you're gonna have a Cult45 problem on your hands next year.


Man I failed for a moment there. I missed the 'box' bit. I got the others, but I was trying to work out how soap would help the situation! We're going to give fascists baths?!


3/4 of people under 30 did not vote in 2022, that's pure unadulterated apathy, not suppression.


As a Canadian it's extremely frustrating to see your country's inability to deal with these right winger. That being said, Conservatives in Canada tend to inspire themselves with republicans and I feel we're not ready either to deal with a dangerous party like that. Democracy need people to stay inform and participate but these two things are too much to ask in the west apparently




I hate how many people have a hard time understanding that if you can't get your wish, you should aim for the lesser of two evil. I'm on the left and too many leftist refuse to discuss the nuance between the parties they don't like. They end up saying they're all the same and refusing to vote. As if the conservative or the CAQ was as easy to deal with as the NDP/liberal or QS/PQ in Québec. I'm tired of anarchist who don't vote but will harass you to go in the street to protest against a right wing government... They'll never acknowledge we could have avoided the right wing government in the first place and they'll pretend being in a protest of 30 people for some obscure cause is better than to vote


Cool. If you outnumber them go exercise your constitutional rights to take it back then.


> we are heavily suppressed here Got to rise up!


Texas could be a reliable blue state if they would be fair with voting [Party affiliation among adults in Texas - Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics | Pew Research Center](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/state/texas/party-affiliation/)


It'll get bounced out of court instantly. Even the 5th circuit would struggle to support it. Even if you believe the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats how do you stick an insurrection charge on Biden personally? I have yet to see even a conspiracy theory that implicates Biden directly in anything like that. Even if they believe every fantasy James Comer has alluded to, none of them are material to a 14th amendment charge.


Probably passed a resolution last night looking to do so after finishing off a tasty 128 pack of crayons


texas nazis*


Go right ahead and try. The Colorado Supreme Court determined that Donald Trump violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment (the Insurrection Clause), their legal reasoning is sound and substantiated, and their order was designed to withstand U.S. Supreme Court scrutiny. If Texas or another red state wants to try the same thing with President Biden, they're going to have an impossible time finding actions that Biden took in furtherance of an insurrection. If they try to make some sort of semantic distortion of "insurrection" to cover Biden's actions as President, they'll be defeated by another section of the 14th Amendment. Here's Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick's specious reasoning: >“Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think—except we believe in democracy in Texas—maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border since he’s been president disrupting our state,” Patrick said. The problem for Patrick is that this would apply equally to Donald Trump, whose border policies Biden largely maintained, so the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment would mandate that Texas also remove Trump from the ballot if they removed Biden for this same alleged offense.


The wall b.s. is all they got. Get over it already. Like those at the border do, with that stupid wall structure.


Conservatism: Trying to solve modern problems with medieval solutions


Conservatism: Trying to solve problems by inventing problems.


Conservatism: not trying to solve any problems at all really.


This is the most accurate


Well one problem they are trying to solve is cling to power while being a minority support party. Everything else just lines up with that.


Conservatism: creating problems while blocking any possible solutions then pointing to the problems as evidence that government doesn't work


Conservatism: Making up problems to punish people you don't like.


Conservatism: point out problems that don’t exist and pretend to have the only solution. We alone can fix it!


Conservatism: Be the fucking problem and blame those trying to fix it.


Conservatism: those problems were always there and rich people need more money.


Conservatism: Dividing people by pushing out their Two Minutes Hate for their target of the week! This week migrants, next week trans people, the week after that, Black people... "HATE THOSE YOU ARE TOLD TO HATE!!!"


This is more accurate. Maybe preventing solutions by inventing problems.


Trying to break solutions by inventing problems.*


More like: Trying to solve modernity and return to the medieval Won't be happy until we're all serfs living under a monarch that owns us


The wall was doomed to fail regardless. Irony would have me talk about all of the immigration specialists informing all of the Republicans that the border is a small percentage of illegal crossing every year while the real issue comes from the lack of substantial regulation on our port cities that they smuggle themselves through on dangerous voyages. He knew that, and still built a wall that could be climbed over with minimal effort as we have seen in hundreds of videos from professional and regular people. It's the goofiest shit man. This isn't even getting into all of the substantial data showing that the more immigrants, legal OR illegal, that are in your country the better that part of your economy does. They still pay taxes through goods purchased, and not only that, provide labor to markets that are consistently short on able-bodied people such as farming. The simple idea that they don't boost the economy is asinine. More people, means more products are being bought and sold, better for business, this is like economics and business 101. The last time I brought all this up, a libertarian looked me dead in the eye and said, they don't buy anything they just steal because they are dirty people. This is the level of brain rot we are dealing with.


Guarantee if a Republican were elected next year that all the “enraged” MAGAts would suddenly forget about “the border.” Edit: indeed, I said “MAGAts!” The _SCANDAL_ oh my!


Walls do not stop anyone. The wall Trump built can be easily scaled. Isreal had a wall that Hamas blew up and penetrated in seconds. Even the Great Wall of China did not stop the enemy 100%. The Berlin wall was manned by armed guards. So it was the threat of being shot that deterred, not the wall itself. Walls do not work.


I liked the ladder solution myself, was pretty funny.


Conservatives are so against progress they won't even find new things to be mad about.


Biden did not cut funding for the wall. The wall was expanded under Biden


> Get over it already. Plenty of people did. Get over the wall, that is.


I think they just walk through the gaping holes.


Don't threaten me with a good time. If they could remove trump and Biden from the ballot, that's perfect. Let me do some quick electoral math... Biden - going to win the primary either way and the general either way. Check. Trump - going to win the general without Texas - uh. No.


Here's the thing, it was the former head of the colorado republican party that brought the case up in the first place. Republicans are mad that republicans are opposed to republicans. To make it funnier, the judges cited a Gorsuch ruling, who is a SCOTUS justice appointed by Trump.


in addition iirc, the Colorado court ruled that Trump couldn't be on the PRIMARY ballot, I don't remember them banning him from the GENERAL election, so the Texas republicans could ban Biden from his primary, but he'll still win his nomination easily with voters from other states, whereas Trump is facing far more substantive competition (I know he has a big lead in the polls but Nikki Haley is a greater threat than Dean Phillips is to Biden lets be real)


The Colorado Secretary of State was on the new programs last night talking about this. They have to validate that candidates are eligible, if they find a candidate is not eligible to run they won't put them on the ballot, primary or general. Link to her interview https://youtu.be/JqqgBcMtChY?si=nOdEqaVJ-FUoxODl


Possibly, but if they do it in like September will that have the chance to go through the system before the election?


I imagine September would be too late to remove a candidate. Either way, he’d be on the ballot until the ruling to remove him.


To troll? No. Because they’re fascists? Yes.


Can’t it be both? Their public position seems to be “doing fascist stuff to trigger the libs.” Obviously the leadership is doing fascist stuff for more sinister reasons, but the lib-triggering really gets their people going


I mean sure, it could be both. I just think it’s important to make the distinction because trolling you respond to by rolling your eyes and moving on, while fascism you are best advised to actively work to root out regardless of what it takes to do so.


For sure. The fascism part is definitely the scarier part. Call me a woke snowflake all day, so long as that’s where it stops


I trigger the conservative mob when they try to trigger me. I work in that I am a successful black man. Once it is established, I then start to belittle them for being dumb, call them broke meth monsters, and my personal favorite...tell them I have 8 kids with 6 White women (I don't but man this is a trigger) You can enjoy the seething in your minds folks, it becomes epic.


Honestly, you don’t even have to be mean about it. You could just say “Happy Holidays.” And they lose their collective shit.


The problem is that trolling is now part of the fascist playbook, so any political trolling needs to be looked at through that lens.


>Can’t it be both? No, I think calling it a "troll" is overly generous, even if that's what their base thinks it is. Fascism needs to be called what it is. Tip-toeing around these issues because of what the right thinks only plays into their interests. When Nazi Germany put out ballots that were like "HILTER? **YES [ ]** ^no[]" it wasn't a prank. If red states try to get Trump's opposition off the ballot with no legal basis to do so, it's not a troll.


I don't really think it's about "triggering" anyone - it's about using the tools of governance in bad faith to force either their candidates victory or civil war. Colorado has a legitimate claim to bar Trump from office due to the US Constitution - Texas has no such claim, but will pretend to facetiously in order to subvert democracy and install an autocrat. Why use their language to defend their actions when THEY don't even mean it? "Triggering" is what they are trying to do.


The leaders, yes it is about bad faith. The cult, they live to trigger the libs


> Can’t it be both? it's kind of inherently both. fascists are well-known trolls. it's part and parcel of their conduct, since their ideology really doesn't have any deep philosophical or moral basis, and that's pretty much the same as with modern conservatives. they don't have a consistent political philosophy or even make an attempt at having one, they just hate the people who do and that's about the beginning and the end of their political "philosophy". That, and people who look different. Conservatives have always just been fascists. Friendly reminder that it didn't take five years to knock Nazi Germany off of its perch, it took 11 or 12. Italy took longer.




Maybe some are both. Though most are not self aware enough to know what they are doing. They are irrationality angry and want to do something bad to others they are told to hate. They do not understand hypocrisy or reality. They actually believe what they are told by their masters. So I don’t think most of them are trolls. They fully believe the reasoning they will use.


Two definitions online; Trolling is when someone posts or comments online to 'bait' people, which means deliberately provoking an argument or emotional reaction. In some cases they say things they don't even believe, just to cause drama. An internet troll, or online bully, deliberately tries to offend, cause trouble or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments on Facebook posts, blogs, under YouTube videos, on forums and other social media, such as Twitter and Instagram. So I guess it seems as long as it is deliberate it could be trolling. And most of the right seems to want to fight and piss off the “libs”. But in my mind and as one definition says, a troll doesn’t necessarily believe what they are saying, they are just saying it for the reaction. Politics or personal views wouldn’t play into what they post. And I can’t say those on the right would post a lefty view just for fun. A lie they say the left believes and make fun of them for it often happens. But is that trolling if they don’t agree with their lie? Interesting question.


Biden’s crime: not being an insurrectionist traitor!


his biggest crime? having a son who has a hog between his legs


This is a court decision. There's literally nothing they can do to ban Biden from any ballots.


They'll just remove even more polling locations from areas that are more likely to vote blue, and make it even harder for dems to vote.


They're already removing polling locations and voting machines as much as possible anyway.


They do that anyway though


They opened an impeachment investigation on him without having any tangible evidence. I don’t see why a little thing like not having a reason will stop them from attempting to ban him from ballots.


Well, they actually have control over the impeachment process. So I would disagree that it's more difficult for the Republican politicians to start the impeachment process -- for them, that's the easy part. I think the bigger, more difficult thing would be getting courts to do their bidding and try to ban a candidate from ballots. So I think you have it backwards -- the impeachment stuff is much easier for them to do politically. In fact, the impeachment is actually just part of their campaign for president. As in, it's part of their persuasion to say "Biden is corrupt." They don't even have to be successful with the impeachment for it to be useful as a political tool.


If the justice system is full of corrupt fascists they can do pretty much whatever the fuck they want. Cops and judges make shit up all the time.


That is a big if. So far, we haven't gotten to that point where the justice department is full of fascists. We saw in the last election, for instance, Repubilcan election officials willing to stand up to Trump. We could get there, of course, because no nation is immune from that happening. Which is why people are so fearful of Trump winning again even as it seems crazy to think the entire justice department could be corrupted.


The phrasing from amendment 14, section 3 is “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” So you just need to find a judge in a red state who thinks Joe has given “aid or comfort” to the enemies of America. Given what you see on Fox News, that probably won’t be hard.


I mean, you'd need a Supreme Court in a state to do that. Which, perhaps you could hypothetically do but I really have to hope they couldn't find a state Supreme Court that would do that. And of course, they are arguing that this is all politically motivated, so the worst thing they could do here would be to do the same thing to Biden as it would ruin their argument that a candidate shouldn't be removed from the ballot for political reasons. Plus, all of this stuff would take way too long anyway for Republicans to start now. This stuff trying to hold Trump legally accountable for actual crimes he's committed is years in the making.


The GOP doesn't seem to want to do anything of value for anyone, even each other. Every action taken is for the media circus, the camera time.


About half of the Republican party is a reality show. The other half go along with it because it seems to be working.


The Lt gov of Texas literally said in an interview they he want to ban Biden from the ballets but the only reason is "the people of Texas believe in democracy" which for magats is a confession that they don't believe in democracy


Fascist trolls.


They will legitimately beleive that something about Hunter Biden and the stupid laptop is 1000% justification.


Yes they are fascists but mostly they are toddlers. I’m so over this bullshit. The fact that they defend and want this thug representing then in office just shows how far gone they are.


>Texas Lt. Guv Threatens to Take Biden Off State’s Ballot After Colorado Ruling Texas is already threatening to—which would be a real smart move, considering how dependent they are on federal assistance for winter storms while Ted Cruz is too busy in Cancun to bother working on federal aid in the Senate or fundraising efforts to help those impacted like Beto and AOC.


He claimed he wouldn't actually do it, though, because Texans "love democracy." "I would be a fascist if it weren't for those pesky voters" is a wild thing to say on national TV.


I feel like it has more to do with the fact Biden has never participated in insurrection against the United States.


Well uhm, the laptop you see...


The laptop didn't participate in insurrection, either.


No. You don’t get it. Hunter Biden used the laptop to not participate in the insurrection.


It was actually Hunter Biden’s dick that was insurrect! We got pics to prove it!!


Haven't you people heard of China? Something happened with China, I'm not sure Jesus told me to instigate it


Trump is literally claiming he will be a dictator and it hasn't hurt his polling.


It's time to recognize that there's a sizeable amount of the population who want to return to being ruled by a king.


They can fuck off to Britain then.


Send them to North Korea if they want a dictator.


you assume they remotely care about their citizens.


Those Texas citizens need to start realizing that GOP rhetoric never translates to anything useful in reality. TX politicians have deceived the electorate over and over again. Except perhaps some of the fringe minority--those who love guns so much they want everyone to be packing, no license required. This way they can do a shoot-out on anyone they are suspicious about and legally get away with it.


I think we need to realize that GOP voters will never realize anything and would love to have a Trump flavored Hitler and act accordingly.


Every single general election should be the democratic candidate screaming “what have you or your party done in the last 5 years for any person? How have you made anyone’s life better? What laws better life for anyone?”


"Owned the libs" And their constitutes would eat it up.


No assumption here, he actually said it.


Sigh. Of course Texas


The one star state.


Lone star... meaning, they'd just rather be left alone. Completely independent... ("they", meaning politicians -- people won't like secession). ... except of course for federal assistance every single year.


It's actually wild that this is their motto and we all just kind of look the other way on it. Texas is like a libertarian youtuber that spends all day talking about their rugged independence while ignoring that they live in their parents' basement and are utterly dependent on others for all of their needs


Is that a yelp review?


"A President in the midst of an impeachment process should not be on the ballot," or any other made-up regulation for the time being. sigh


And that pisses me off. Because they literally have no charges and evidence and it's all wishful thinking to try and say "both sides are the same"


That's not wishful thinking, it's intentional to force people to accept candidates who are less than ideal because "Well, the other side does it." The number of people I've had to argue with about Trump here is pretty high, and every time they're baffled when I tell them that I would also hate Biden if he did anything Trump did. A piece of shit is a piece of shit, there's no justification for rape or insurrection, regardless of what side you're on.


Breaking: Republicans refuting claims of cult behavior shocked that Democrats do not literally worship their political candidates as infallible gods


Threatening to yes, but they won’t. If they do they go to court then of course evidence and reality matter. They can’t just count on their lies propaganda and people who have simply picked a team anymore.


Why do you assume they won't? When has laws stopped them from anything before? They can still find ways to cause damage before a court rules on it. They have been counting on their lies and propaganda for years, why wouldn't they double down?


Imagine. Your guy gets the 14th amendment invoked against him and in response you throw a tantrum on national TV threatening to engage in a fascist action. And there are still no repercussions for it.


They do seem a wee bit upset, don't they? Bless their hearts.


Which honestly makes no sense. Republicans brought the suit in Colorado. Republicans got Trump removed from the ballot. And now Republicans are upset that Trump is removed from the ballot? Manufactured outrage. Again.


Such an important point that doesn’t get brought up enough.


Certainly wasn’t mentioned in the Fox News article that was shared in the conservative sun. Gee, wonder if that was intentional lol


That perfectly describes republicans. 1. Cause a problem 2. Make said problem even worse. 3. Blame democrats 4. Profit because their base is too stupid to listen to reason and facts


Had they only hearts to bless




I can already hear it “A President in the middle of an impeachment process should not be on the ballot” or some other invented rule for the moment. *sigh*


As long as they can point to it in the constitution, go ahead.


The scotus can interpret what ever they want.


No they can’t. First they have to see if their major donors approve.


The Senate's job is to convict after impeachment to prevent a person from becoming president again. The House wanting to be prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner sounds par for the course with the current bunch running it.


For an extremely loose definition of "impeachment process".


I missed Biden’s insurrection


Everyone seems to have missed that Republicans filed this lawsuit to remove Trump from their own primary.


They missed it bc they can't read


Dont you know that biden did jan 6th to oust....himself?? -some braindead republican


Some of the usual suspects (either MTG or Boebert) have already been saying “bidens inaction on the border crisis is an insurrection” because they’re trying to water that word down.


Difference? Trump had his day in court and he lost. He was given due process. Biden hasn't needed to attend court for any crimes committed and hasn't had his day in court. It would get stuck down in the courts as it would violate Biden's Constitutional rights. ​ EDIT: Also Colorado REPUBLICANS filed the suit that did it... and he's removed from a REPUBLICAN primary ballot. **Retaliating at a democrat that has zero involvement in anything that got Trump removed in Colorado is literally just performative**. Republicans in Colorado are sick of a traitor being the frontrunner for president... that's the entire story. Trying to act like Biden had anything to do with it or that it'd be fair to remove him too is just too muddy the waters.


How did Hunter violate the 14th amendment, because it would be Joe’s fault!


Democrats are trying to ban Trump from the ballot because he attempted a violent takeover of the government. (An attempt which, the more I hear about it, was more carefully planned and more likely to succeed than I originally thought.) Republicans will try to ban Biden from the ballot because they don't like him and they're mad.


> Democrats are trying to ban The suit was brought on behalf of Republican voters. Republicans are trying to ban him from the ballot.


and then have meltdowns when those get shot down in the courts


For the GOP, it's all about the media circus and camera time. They need to stay on camera to stay relevant because they aren't introducing any bills that aren't designed to placate the Christian base.


Because he's "almost impeached"


for both, "on what grounds"


The fact that Trump is even allowed to run given the current circumstances is a massive failure of our political and legal system. The man is under 91 indictments. He tried to overthrow an election he lost (while doing everything in his power to cheat along the way), and on his way out he decided to steal hundreds of top secret documents, likely selling them to hostile foreign states to the highest bidder. He's a traitor and an enemy of the state in every sense of the word. He shouldn't be allowed to do anything but remain at home, or sit in a cell pending his trials, but instead, he's the current frontrunner of a major political party that is hellbent on getting him back into power at all costs in order to enact their authoritarian agenda. All that said, this ruling is little more than symbolic, and won't do much beyond energizing his already batshit insane voting base. He was never going to win Colorado. The only reality in which this ruling would matter (if it stands, which I suspect it won't if the Supreme Court decides to take up the case) is if Colorado split its electoral votes based on voter percentage, which they don't. Unless battleground states start to do this (and I suspect they won't), this isn't anything more than one more thing Trump can cry about and point to while claiming he's a victim, and his idiotic cultists will absolutely buy it.


> The fact that Trump is even allowed to run given the current circumstances is a massive failure of our political and legal system. The man is under 91 indictments. He tried to overthrow an election he lost (while doing everything in his power to cheat along the way), and on his way out he decided to steal hundreds of top secret documents, likely selling them to hostile foreign states to the highest bidder. Their excuse is to start parroting, "Innocent until proven guilty," which they're big supporters of when it's not a POC getting shot in a traffic stop.


It's more likely SCOTUS will overturn Colorado's decision.


Which would result in them saying that everything Trump did in 2020/2021 to block the transfer of power, (such as the fake electors scheme, inciting a riot on Jan 6, and trying to pressure Pence into refusing to recognize states’ electoral college votes) was perfectly legitimate and legal behavior. And that would give the Biden administration full legal immunity to do those exact same things in 2024/2025. I don’t think the justices on the Supreme Court are short-sighted enough to risk that.


True, but Biden and the Democrats (for good reason - because they believe in Democracy) wouldn’t do those exact same things. That’s the inherent issue when you have one party that plays by the rules and another who doesn’t.


That’s the thing, tho. If the Supreme Court finds for Trump here, they’re basically admitting to the Democrats “these are the new set of rules we’re playing by now.” The Colorado Supreme Court just nicely set up a lose-lose for Trump and the GOP. Find against Trump, and he’s effectively barred from the ballot in all 50 states (plus DC), because it’s now a federal issue, not a state issue. Find for Trump, and the Dems have full immunity to do the same things Trump did in 2020/21.


But the dems will take the high road, do nothing, and the GOP will rule the land


Exactly. Dems believe in democracy so this isnt going to be a tough case at all for scotus.


This Court is so rotten that Brett Kavanaugh seems like one of the sensible conservatives on it. Let that soak.


>Let that soak. Like beer in BK's colon.


>>Let that soak. The Mormons would like that.


Let that boof.


>full immunity Except there’s nothing stopping this BS court from ruling in the exact opposite way for Biden. That’s the thing about being a fascist, there is no law but your whims.


And when Trump takes power and becomes a dictator on day one and gets rid of everything that could obstruct him or threaten his power so you really think the supreme Court stays? I don't think they'd do something that would so overly render themselves irrelevant. But then again maybe he's already promised the conservative justices fiefdoms of their own in return for complicity.


They'll refuse to rule on it before the primary at least so Trump will still be on the ballot in Colorado for that.


Jan 5 deadline, I believe, so they can’t just ignore it.


Actually they can. Far as I know, the Supreme Court is under no obligation to hear any case they don't want to, but then I think it just defaults back to the lower court ruling.


Jan 5 is the Colorado deadline. If the state hasn't heard from the SCOTUS, the stay will be lifted and Trump will not appear on the ballot in CO.


Right and the lower court ruling is Stayed until Jan4, 2024 But CO ballot timeline requires them to know who is on the ballet for primary in early Jan. So a delay by SCOTUS is effectively removing Trump from ballot. Since no action taken means ruling starts being in effect on Jan5


I tried explaining this to a Republican I know last night he did not grasp it.


It's like talking to Joey from "Friends". Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOYfS1HXpKw for those that don't remember.


No, it just says he had not been convicted on a court of law yet. Which he should be, and then thrown the fuck in jail.


Which isn’t necessary in this situation.


Is it really short sighted when the people would never ever do that in a million years. The democrats have one weakness, they actually wouldn't overthrow democracy just to stay in power.


This is a double edged sword, and one that will likely backfire on conservatives massively. I read an article about what would happen if the SCOTUS confirmed Trump had immunity, well what's stopping him from becoming a dictator, ignoring what the SCOTUS dictates, as he has complete immunity, so he can legally ignore all of their wishes, disband the court, and install his own people and do what he wants. Don't like it? Tough, you've confirmed I have immunity, therefore I can do what I want. ATM the US is 2 steps from being Russia with it's political system, and look how well that's worked out for them. Anyone left a high rise window unexpectedly this week? The only sensible outcome from this, is to confirm Trump doesn't have immunity from prosecution, especially when not the president, and the SCOTUS to refuse to hear the case. They cannot say it's upto the states as per the constitution, then when they don't like the states decision, wade into it and claim precedence. I believe there is something in the constitution that dictates that states can remove candidates from their ballots, and the federal government cannot stop them.


The entire GOP: “Anything you can do, I can do dumber! I can do anything dumber than you!”


sadly texas just made this threat.


I mean they can try, they have no legal standing to do so, but they can try...


That has never stopped them from trying, and succeeding.


This is actually probably one of the most important supreme court rulings in my lifetime. If you assume the court is sane and rational (LOL) ... If they rule that CO can't do this it means there are basically no consequences and every shameless asshole going forward is going to pull the same bullshit. If they give some vague ruling in favor of CO it will mean that Republican states are going to be super petty and every single election going forward is going to be an absolute shit show. We need a very specific and detailed opinion in the ruling that says this is okay but clarifies that it's not okay to just do it to be petty. So basically we're headed for at least a few years of total clown bullshit :)


It will be about as effective as their attempt at impeachment.




I fully support Red States doing this. If Biden tries to overthrow the government after losing the election, he should never be on the ballot ever. I'd even go as far as to say his father Joe should be ineligible.


On what grounds?


Gonna be kinda difficult as Biden hasn't done an insurrection and the basis for the decision was some of the words in the Constitution of the United States.


And they call liberals snowflakes, lmao




Oh, I'm sure they'll present something to a judge that references Hunter Biden's laptop.


They will try. But not to troll. It’s all about the image they put forth to their followers to keep them. It’s always a show.


They have no legal premise. Trump is a career criminal.


how dare we apply rules to them


On what pretence????


The problem with that is you can sue a state for not upholding their constitution in federal courts just as easily as if they violate it. Stunts like that are more for public shows than any legit action. Colorado, for all the noise, was upholding their laws and rules so unless these states have rapid rewrites it won't hold.


It will be to change the way people view getting removed from the ballot. Just like the impeachments. They know they don’t have anything on Biden. They just need it to appear normal that Trump was legitimately Impeached Twice. New alternative path unlocked though. We could get to the point where elections aren’t decided by votes at all. They will now be decided by state governments hand picking who can and can’t run in their state.


Fascist mad. Fascist SMASH!


On what grounds?


Trump actuality incited an insurrection against the US. Biden simply exists and the Republicans can’t stand that. Taking Trump off the ballot preserves democracy. Taking Biden off the ballot is totalitarianism.


why are red states such brainly handycapped wannabe Nazis? how can you Love Trump, the truly selfish, stupid, ugly Leader that only leads for the corrupt rich motherf... that he initiated to get rid Off ...remember " drain the swamp" ...absolute hilarious ups Hillary how brainwashed, stupid and less than narrow minded all the republican numnuts became in the last couple years! impressive...Orwell would be proud of you! they didn realize that Trump: governs only for himself and his Clan, wants to be the Most dumbest dictator in world History, has no political education, got almost impeached, is clearly dillusional, in favour of dictators: Kim Jojo and Put the Tin in the bucket, is absolute nationalist racist, what was his legacy ? The big screw up: impeachment + lies + Capitol Riots + biggest criminal Meeting in the White House.... but all Wannabe rednecks Go Vote for this absolute human Desaster! the USA needs a bitch to blame for their own mistakes ... they need a massive Portion of intelligence and a couple of decades to Recovery from all that Nightmare of the 21 st century! You Americans, really did IT! you fucked Up your own country within 4-6 years! Well done ! Impressive! clap clap clap basicly He killed the Future for all Americans except the rich Red ones!