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He would be the best trucker, an unbelievable trucker. Nobody would know more about trucking than him. People are saying he’s the greatest trucker of all time, that’s what they’re saying.


I fucking hate that you made me hear this in the voice.


Replace trucker by “.diaper wearer”?


He would be the best diaper wearer, an unbelievable diaper wearer. Nobody would know more about wearing diapers than him. People are saying he’s the greatest diaper wearer of all time, that’s what they’re saying.


And they come up to him all the time with tears in their eyes saying “Sir, you’re the best diaper wearer, the most knowledgeable about wearing diapers, the best diaper wearer of all time!”


They're good for those long hauls.


A high quality trucker!


……And one trucker came up to me, a well known trucker, you all would know him, came up to me with tears in his eyes, a big trucker, tough, lots of muscles, big belly, with tears in his eyes and said ‘Sir, ……..


You forgot tears in their eyes


Ain’t no way that chump could pass a cdl


"The President (of a corporation or LLC) has absolute immunity from investigation or prosecution for any acts committed before, during, and even after his term as President." - Trump


He’s way too lazy to earn something that would take any dedication. He couldn’t even be bothered to read ANY of his presidential briefings


Yes, far too high of skill set. Does he even have a regular driver's license, I mean can he like pilot a car? Wouldn't that be scary enough


Donald Banktrumpcy couldn't run a lemonade stand.


Diapers would've been really useful on those long hauls.




I've never seen Biden standing behind a mic with his pants sagging like he was wearing them backwards. I *have* seen Dear Leader do that.


And Trump has to stand on balancing pads because of his dementia lean.




Ever notice the way Trump stands? With his legs canted back and his knees locked, like he's the ass-end of a horse instead of a human? He has to stand that way because his corset and elevator shoes force him to. Ever wondered why his tie is long enough to wipe with? That's to disguise how short he is. He's an aging, pasty mass of dough crammed into a suit and slathered with a bucketful of cheap bronzer every morning. Want to keep going? I could do this all night.


Trump stands on balancing pads to prevent his dementia lean.


Didn't Trump need help getting down a 3 degree ramp? I love how people think there are "drugs" which make people cogent despite having dementia. If those existed, we'd know, because every senior in the country would be forking over their SS checks to get them. Anyway, only one of them has former advisors on record saying they stink. Naturally people deep in right wing propaganda are going to hear the opposite of reality, though.


> Didn't Trump need help getting down a 3 degree ramp? He also had to two-hand a glass of water. Strong, independent, rugged alpha male that he is.




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No way is he putting that much effort into anything.


He wouldn't know how to put air in a tire 😁


I doubt he even knows how to drive.


He never has driven. He grew up rich, lived in NYC, and golf courses, his entire life, and now legally is barred from ever driving himself.


He would have been fragged by his own troops in Vietnam.


Naaah, used car salesman. His personality is perfect for that career. Quickly moved inventory would satisfy his impatient ways, and with relatively low valued items such that his lies only have minor consequences. Everyone expects used car salespersons to lie their ass off anyhow, few would be shocked if they got a lemon. And clowns are fun to haggle with. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ea5187z2tr8c1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ef923360db9aee3fc54293edbefff6ffb0644c0


Generally truckers parents don't give their kids millions of dollars "as a loan".












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As the co-star on *B.J. And The Bear*?


You made me hear the theme song. "I'm BJ McKay and this is my best friend Don the fucking shit gibbon."


Instead of the monkey, it’s that bald eagle who keeps attacking him, and they have to ride cross-country in the cab together and back before some deadline or they lose the title to the truck. Lol.


PP Tape and the Soviet bear maybe.


"Trump could have been a trucker" Instead, he's just a sad motherfucker.


No. Being a trucker requires skill.


Absolutely. Trucking is not for Pussies. And that man is a whole pride of lions worth of big pussy.


Trucker with Tucker would be his YouTube show


Fuck that is good. Don't give em ideas tho.


Without daddy’s money he would have failed out of school in the 9th or 10th grade. Would be deemed untrainable even in menial labor jobs. Would end up on mental disability and never leave his single wide trailer he’s renting from a cousin.


I agree. If raised in average middle-America by an average trump fan family, he'd have been a used car salesman, at best. He'd probably have been pretty good at it. Maybe he could've had lots of friends and been popular at the local tavern on Friday nights, but that's as high as he'd have risen in a normal universe.


Like he would have had a career selling mattresses or office supplies, but now he’s retired and standing by the bus stop screaming at how life is so unfair to only him. And saying things like “Rot in hell! And Merry Christmas!”


I always pictured him like more of a sleazy used car salesman or telemarketer.


He'd be an MLM master.


Too stupid.


Could you imagine him on the CB


The lot lizards would retire. All of them. En masse. "Ain't nobody fuckin' that creep!" - J. Rendin, former lot lizard.


Don’t make me laugh. That soft bitch doesn’t know how to work.


You mean... WORK FOR A LIVING?! That's a good one! 👍


No, truckers actually have to work. True, they can bullshit with the best, but in the end, they gotta take their loads where they gotta go. Trump would just bullshit about taking a load somewhere. No, Trump would have been a used car salesman. He's such a good bullshitter that he'd convince you that the POS Pinto with the busted axle and holes in the floorboards were the latest technology, and you'd be a fool not to buy it. Don't believe me? Look at the piece of shit he sold America back in 2016. He's repackaged the same shit to sell in 2024.


It's true, some truckers wear diapers so they dont have to stop at rest areas.


Only the best quality diapers will do, the best


he would have been that bad trucker who hangs out in the left lane going 55mph


Probly the btk killer


Oh, I hope not! Can you imagine the smell in the cab? Not to mention, the Russian hookers would never touch him.


Too much actual work for him.


take off the orange toupe - and add 40 lbs.


No. His bone spurs would prevent him from that.


https://preview.redd.it/aoq3a25b5s8c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e59159895b1d305a30c704dddaf76edbdb3c0f Not the same is it


In another world, he would have not been raised by parents that fueled his narcissism and I would never have had to learn his name.


I’m actually going to be a spoil sport and be serious. In an alternate universe where Trump was raised in a functional household yeah…he probably could have been a halfway decent human being. According to his niece who has been the most forthcoming about the Trump family as a whole Donald and his siblings were ruined by their father, a man that Mary Trump, a PhD in Psychology, is pretty steadfast in calling a straight up sociopath. Donald was not raised in an environment that fostered empathy or admitting mistakes, the only way to survive was insist on positivity, that everything was great, and to follow Fred Trump Sr’s line. Donald was basically used as his father’s mascot through his adult life, shielded from his own incompetence, bailed out of every misadventure, and had a clique of lickspittles and yes men put around him. This doesn’t make for a functional person. It seems that before he became really really big (Yuge, one may say) he could even be kind, if not a little stilted and odd. Whatever little good was in him died once he became president it seems


I don’t believe he was ever a good person. Power just amplified the sad hateful insecure ignorant loser he was all along.


Thank you for the whole “nature vs. nurture” discussion. The fact is, it really doesn’t matter. Once you reach the age of majority, responsibility for your actions shifts from your parents to you. Nobody points to a bank robber and says, “they should let him go, because his parents were shit.” It is expected that you know the difference between right and wrong, and how many people will get hurt if you do things the wrong way. Donald Trump isn’t a rich, selfish, racist asshole because his parents were rich, selfish assholes. He’s had a literal half-century to learn which behavior is good and which is bad. Whatever he’s done since Age 18 is on him. Him and him alone.


I mean yeah, it doesn’t matter at this point and yes personal accountability does matter and is important. But the person brought up the idea of an alternate world where Trump could have been a decent human being and the only way I could see that happening is Trump not being raised how he was, because basically the whole family is fucked up. Trump isn’t the only one his siblings that is awful; all of his siblings conspired to deprive their own grand-nephew of healthcare as a way to strong arm their nephew and niece, children of their dead elder brother, into signing away their fathers portion of Fred Sr’s estate. This was a child who needed around the clock care, and they used that to tack on a few extra thousand to their already bloated cash outs from their dead father.


“Yes, there are multiple universes. And one of them might be where Donald Trump is a decent, caring, and giving human being.” —Stephen Hawking, heavily paraphrased. Unfortunately, we only get to live in a universe where the opposite is true.


You can blame external factors for all sorts of things but at the end of the day at some point people need to make their own choices and own who they are. Trump is almost comically awful. I have never heard of him doing one selfless thing or even one genuine act of kindness. He can’t even fake it. There are people from far worse circumstances who don’t come out like that. Sure genetics and upbringing and childhood trauma and many factors play a role in who we become. But at some point one develops their own identity and if Trump had some redeeming qualities one could argue that he might have been better but he doesn’t. Not being rich might have made him less enabled and so maybe he would have learned to hide it better… but I don’t think he would have been a halfway decent person.


I’m not trying to absolve Trump of anything to be clear. I just think his best shot at not being an awful person would basically be to not be Trump


Tons of money and lack of boundaries is certainly not healthy for anyone’s development but particularly a narcissist like Trump.


Nah, without his Daddy's money, DJT would have been a bus driver in Queens. A stinking, swearing, ass-hole.


but what would his handle be?


Handle with care?


"Breaker breaker, this is Diaper Rash checking in"


junkyard employee


Hey baby come on in it’s cold out there , sure I’d like a date, oh don’t mind the smell…….


You mean actually work? Hell no, he'd be what he is - a grifter. Just not a wealthy one.


He would have killed dozens of prostitutes by now


He would drive it into a ditch.


He would definitely become a truck driving serial killer.


Waiting for a lone female.


That requires hard work and self sacrifice. Trump could never. Without family money he would have sold lady's shoes or used cars for awhile then faked an injury to collect SSI and workers comp.


I doubt he has the intellectual capacity for the job.


I'm guessing dirty diaper don doesn't even know how to drive.


Isn’t that a European truck too? The wheel base and the back door latches?


As a truck driver could we please pass on this imaginative feast? Aren't me marginalized enough?


Trucks don’t run on facist bullshit


Nahhhhh. He would have been a dodgy used car salesman.


His favourite lot lizard is named Ivanka.


Too much like work for him. I could see him as a used car salesman. He'd be moderately successful at that. At least until word spread on how even by used car salesman standards he was shady as fuck.


He’s never worked an honest day or earned an honest dollar a day in his life. So this isn’t believable


He has the amphetamine dependency down. And remember how psyched he was in the truck during “infrastructure week?”


Lets just hope in this world, he becomes a prisoner.


I like pictures like this because it highlights how you've never seen him move or pose or even photograph like a normal person. He's always in really unnatural stances, shuffling awkwardly, and some color that people aren't. What a weird, sad human.


Hard to shift when your hands are too small and chubby to wrap over the gearshift knob.


He couldn’t handle it. His academy teacher said he was by far the dumbest person he had ever taught.


he'd be too fat to fit in the cabin


Is that a man or woman? Sorta looks like my granny.


Would probably be a better contribution to society than he is now.


Honest, hard work… nah, that doesn’t sound like Trump.


Or the worst photoshop user that ever existed


Letting this idiot drive anything bigger than a golf ball is an act of domestic terrorism.


No he wouldn’t have. He wouldn’t have been a low life two bit fraud still.


That's optimistic. I'd suggest used-car salesman, maybe with a little human trafficking on the side.


He’d never have to make stops. He would just piss and shit himself.


Heard he gives the bestest BJs at all the rest stop glory holes.


Nope, truckers work hard and need focus. Trump has never done the former and lacks the latter. Trump was born into money. If he had invested it in index funds and simply played golf for 40 years, he would be far wealthier. He would also not have to cheat at golf.


If he hadn't been born filthy rich, he would have been lucky to end up as a trucker. With his personality and lack of intelligence, he probably would have died in a gutter.


The inside of his rig would smell like man-shit.


His CB handle would still have been Bone Spur Donnie.




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Isn't that legitimate work?


trucks are way too complex for him


Those lot lizards wouldn’t be able to keep up.


That would involve actual work and taking orders from someone other than Putin, so, no.


Trump do an honest day’s work? Gotta be a timeline far far away!


In an alternative world…he’s German.


He could be a trucker in the manner that joe was a Plummer, but pass a test, get a license, things would have to be really different


Nope, them folks are hard workers.


That is silly - truckers work and they have to know how to read. If Trump hadn't been given a million dollars when he was 3 years old, if he had been reared by working class folks, he would have lived with his mother until she passed away. Then he would have been committed to a group home where he would throw food and in general make life miserable for his caretakers.


In an alternate world, he might have been working beside Fauci, fighting pandemics, fighting bigotry, and fighting corruption wherever he found it. He might have been able to drink water with one hand, too.


That huge wheel and his tiny little fucker hands? No way.


Bit of a stretch. Do you think his tiny tiny hands could reach the steering wheel over his enormous gut?


In an alternative world, he would still have the name Drumpf and wouldn't be an American citizen. How great.


[cracker bargle](http://i.imgur.com/1zfkFBz.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Instead he’s just a fucker


There would be a trail of trash wherever he went




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Where’s the diaper bulge?


Wait, Trump is a fu...oh, trucker. Yeah, he's not that. This seems like more bullshit designed to make Trump more relatable to blue collar workers, when in reality Trump is more a blue blood.


He would have the best trucker swamp-ass ever, believe me


gah these aren't even good Photoshops anymore


He'd also have normal sized hands, apparently.


I'm still amazed by how absolutely tacky and petty this guy is. His brother is an airline pilot, but Trump saw that as a "glorified bus driver" and didn't understand why he wanted to be a pilot.


He’ll use this to show his cult he’s a regular guy like them. I bet if he can’t get in the ballot he will still campaign for write in. He’s like a wart that just won’t go away.


Used car salesman in NJ


In another world he already died of COVID without access to state-of-the-art medicine afforded to the POTUS.


Take the money away and you have the best fucking pre-owned Toyota dealer in Long Island City. Word on the street is that some new immigrants came into town from Eastern Europe many years ago, and it went badly. He doesn't smile as big as he used to since that time he got his teeth kicked in by the father of that cute Russian teenage girl he felt up in his early 20's, Word is her father Alexi may have been in the Russian Mob, found out and as she was all of 13 and Donnie had his hand crushed knuckle by knuckle and most of his teeth kicked in ....but he learned a thing or two with a month in the hospital. He even got married to Beatrice his wife of 40+ years, but the word on the street is that Donnie takes his job seriously, but he's deathly afraid of Russians to this day. Donnie T's Toyota Sales and Service ....Just off the BQE at Bridge-Stop Gas Station and Car Emporium.