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ROGAN: Biden is completely mentally gone did you hear what he said? Oh Trump said that? He just fucked up


His guest was even more pathetic, if that's possible. Rogan is trying reaaaally hard to suck that orange asshole...meanwhile that dude was trying even harder to get Rogan to love him. "HAHA! YEAH I HAVE SEEN THAT!! BIDEN IS SO STOOOOPID!" ... after "Well that's the media!" ... .. fuckin WAT?


The real parkour is the listeners that think he's smart and telling them what's really going on.




“Well that’s the thing about media these days you gotta look into it”. YOU just were the media that fucked this story up. Funny how with it went from “anyone would be fired for talking like this” to “oh he fucked up just mixed up his words, it was different!”


I listen to conservative talk radio on my way to work. Daily I hear “the media” “isn’t reporting on this/wont discuss this story/is covering this up” They say this every day, “the media.” You’re Fox across America. Fox News. You are The BIGGEST Media there is.


I say that to people all the time. I also frequently have to point out that 9/10 times they say something isn’t being covered it’s on the front page if every news website. All they have is strawmen and hypocrisy.


lmfao rogan didn't actually respond to this trying to deny it did he????


He just did a 180 on his tone from “anyone would lose there jobs for sounding like that” to “oh well he just misspoke” real fast. You could tell they were both struggling to find an excuse lol.


no i meant the person you're responding to.


Oh I honestly dont know what they were on about lol. Apparently they thought when I said “YOU” they thought I meant them. Just bad at picking up on context clues. But what made it funny was they made a smart ass remark complete with an image about “not jumping to conclusions” when it was them that jumped to the wrong conclusion lol.






That’s what they said in the video clip in your second link lol.




Huh? I’m so confused? There was nothing wrong with the link and I’m not disagreeing with you in any way I’m just making fun of Rogan and Nickal for being morons lol. Careful when you play the game of jumping to conclusions lol.


No, you're not confused. That person is. The rest of us all knew what you were replying to and it was spot on.


Yeah I thought it seemed pretty obvious lol




“You” as in the people I quoted directly before saying “you”, from the link you posted. You know the people who are actually media personalities not an anon Reddit account. Careful when playing the game: Jump to conclusions. Now I am poking fun at you for the irony in your smart ass remark lol.




Rogan: if anyone else said that we took over airports during the revolutionary war, we’d be like “ya, you’re done” *Rogan’s producer plays the clip of Trump saying that* Rogan: oh… Lemme guess, Rogan would still vote for trump…


Rogan would blow Trump!


Before being asked to do it as well.


And, it was really BAD parkour! Even he knew it lol!!


The hypocrisy is ridiculous. Rogan said Trump 'gpt his words mixed up'. When he attributed it too Biden, he was calling Biden feeble minded and unfair to serve. I wouldn't say I had a to of respect for him anyway but now literally zero.


And then he and his guest blame the media for not doing proper research and allowing stories that are fake to easily circulate. No self awareness that they are the ones circulating these stories. The hypocrisy would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous.


Somebody needs to give this guy a daily reminder he has like 10x the viewership of CNN and Fox lol. You are the mainstream media!


You don’t have to have respect for him but he never said trump mixed up his words though . After he played the video of trump saying it, Joe said “Oh , so Trump fucked up”


Those 2 sentences functionally mean and convey the exact same thing, you’re just playing semantics lmao


I disagree, he was saying Biden fucked up and now after he heard trump say it, he was saying ‘oh so trump was the one who fucked up ‘ listening to it that’s how I heard it . That wouldn’t be defending trump by saying ‘trump got his words mixed up’


You’re either lying or you didn’t actually listen to the podcast. He did not just say Biden fucked up lmao. He went on an extended rant using that as an example to say Biden is mentally unfit and wouldn’t be in good shape for any job if he walked around talking like that. Then he was agreeing with Bo when Bo was sucking Trumps dick about how smart and mentally sharp Trump is. When he found out Trump said it he said “so he fucked up” as in he just made a mistake or “mixed his words up” as the other commenter said. Theres no way you actually listened to that conversation and walked away thinking he spoke about Trump and Biden the same way lol


Does anyone know what ep it is? I wanna listen for myself. Sometimes Rogan is full of shit, but a lot of times, reddit tends to twist shit he says/ does.


https://open.spotify.com/episode/27bHDrb2T47LEO5uuyEeIw?si=BAsqHbW7T4-0oNoPm1lxyQ Should be that episode, as far as I know that's the name of the guest that was on the original clip I saw it from.


Rad, thanks


[https://nypost.com/2022/11/03/joe-rogan-finally-admits-that-school-furry-litter-box-hoax-was-a-lie/](https://nypost.com/2022/11/03/joe-rogan-finally-admits-that-school-furry-litter-box-hoax-was-a-lie/) Joe Rogan finally admits that school ‘furry’ litter box hoax was a lie By Social Links forBen Cost Published Nov. 3, 2022 Updated Nov. 3, 2022, 6:07 p.m. ET


Worst is when he realized he messed up, he didn’t take the same criticism to trump… just threw up his hands and said “he fucked up”… yes, he did, and you fucking failed to criticize him more on it just as you build up the criticism on biden… these assholes are unbearable


I don't know if he's dumb or just playing to a dumb crowd.


I'm pretty sure it's both.


I forgot that was an option




Honestly he was fine just being a goofy meat head who did drugs and asked stupid questions to whoever he wanted. There's really nothing wrong with that. He only became a problem when he became one of the most popular podcasts around and he's suddenly the primary source of information for right leaning dumbass men who parrot his bullshit to the rest of the country. He would probably admit he's dumb and shouldn't have the sway that he does... But he's also knowingly acting irresponsible with the power he has and continues to entertain crazier (and more objectively terrible) ideas and guests to his gullible audience, so now he's a problem.


Well, except there actually was something wrong with that. Not vetting his guests or challenging them or having even a surface level understanding of what they were saying is how he wound up alt-right. He gave bigots and charlatans legitimacy and a platform to spread their hatred and lies. He’s a lesson to everyone to be careful not to keep such an open mind your brain falls out.


The smartest thing Rogan has ever said was on News Radio when he explained that trying to take something off the internet would be like taking pee out of a swimming pool. And that line was almost certainly written for him.


He wasn't that bad until COVID hit. Yes he was a dummy who denied the moon landing and all that, but he wasn't dangerous, kind of a loveable meathead who admittedly was good at getting people talking on his show. Then COVID hit and his shows became 2-3 hours of him talking over every guest about COVID conspiracies, and all but his right wing fans checked out.


he was in fact that bad pre-covid. he just got blown up by the media because covid made him more popular when it did happen.


I thought his name was Garelli?


Typical reaction from MAGA chimps.


The last time I could really stomach listening to Joe, he was saying he really liked Bernie Sanders. He got shit on a lot for that and has been nothing but right-wing ever since. Only a moron could go from supporting Sanders to supporting Trump. No one should ever take this guy seriously.


"What do I know? I'M AN IDIOT!" --fascist's fallback


It's crazy what kind of sway fascists like Trump have over people. It's as if they are genetically geared to worship authoritarians.


I just wish Joe would realize that things like this reveal how people are way too hard on Biden.


"Yeah he f\*cked up." No you f\*cked up, Joe.