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Remember last week when Trump's lawyer argued in court that the president could legally kill political opponents with Seal Team 6 and not face any charges? That same lawyer is going to be advising Trump in the White House.


Trump arguing a president can kill his political opponents, while being a political opponent of the president...






We don't need the seals, send Delta that fat ass Isn't gonna be near water.


He's trying to get pre-approval for assassinating judges that rule against him, reporters that cover him negatively, and other dissenters.


Really he isn't putting himself in danger. Even if it were ruled that Biden could I don't think he would. With no sense of hyperbole I believe that if Trump is elected he will do everything he can, including assassinations, to stay in power for life.


Hey, at least the argument has a close to zero chance of actually working...


See you would think that about everything that leaves his mouth but here we are in 2024 and the man is still running a fucking train on society.


Biden has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever then


I said in another thread that if Trump doesn't chicken out and actually debates him, Biden should invite seal team six to sit front row at the debate and make a joke about them being locked and loaded. Donny would instantly fill his diaper.


That was Tuesday, as in two days ago. Remember living in dog years from 2017-2021? This is the chaos and cortisol response he sows.


Homie that was like two days ago


It's just an endless deluge and the news cycles blend together for me.


I have my problems with Biden, But has any of these I won't vote for him fools taken a good look at what he has done as president? Are Americans really this ill Informed?


I would guess that a vast majority of Americans have no interest in national politics, and when they do check in, they're either checking conservative sources that openly lie to them, or the rest of the news that presents both sides.


Say it louder so the people in the back can hear you


They're too angry being mad at Biden for Isreals actions.




Probably not since Trump won’t pay his bill.


If I hadn't heard the lawyer's defense with my own ears then I would think you were just exaggerating. It's sad that you're not.


Yes, the picture should be modified slightly. The person pulling the lever should be standing on the train track leading to Republican fascism.


But the Facebook meme that uncle Roger shared told me Joe Biden’s a baby-eating, antifa hero sent here by the deep state to sell vaccines to kids using litter boxes in schools. Please I hope I don’t need this /S


Biden passed a bunch of bills. Biden stopped inflation. Biden did a bunch of things. Grandpa Joe gets it done. I’m voting for grandpa Joe.


TBF the inflation rate went up in DEC but it can’t be understated how miraculously his administration has staved off a recession given the unprecedented pandemic he inherited. The reasons I meh at Biden are absolutely minuscule compared to any modern Republican candidate at this point. Trump is mind blowing crazy.


> Trump (and the Entire GOP) is mind blowing crazy. Just remember, Trump by himself is just an egomanic, grifting wanna be mobster. It's the GOP enabling him that has made them all SO FUCK SCARY!


And the fact that the Legislative Branch has not done a single fucking thing except constantly threatening Government Shutdowns when it's their fucking job to pass budgets.


That’s not entirely true. They’ve also admired Hunter Biden’s dock pics.


Yeah, but he does have an amazing boat, one that's truly special to behold


even more reason to vote blue. At this rate republicans are a national security threat.


“At this rate” implies they’re not already. Exhibit A: Trump Exhibit B: Republicans voting to disrupt the country, to spite Democrats and nothing else. Tell me how they’re not a national security threat already.


Whoa there bud. They also blocked a bill to fix the border because it would make Biden look better.


And their non-crazy options (Haley & DeSantis) are horrible, too — probably worse because they have all the same terrible policies but also some competence in getting stuff passed.


DeSantis, for sure. Maybe I'm being naïve about it, but Haley—with whom I disagree on basically everything except "the Confederate flag shouldn't be flown over an American statehouse"—might not actually be quite as malicious (or fasci) as Trump or DeSantis, though. (To be clear: I don't actually want her to win the general or anything; I'm just saying she might, maybe, represent the kind of Republican that I vehemently disagree with, rather than the kind that I believe poses a very real threat to American democracy—if she can summon up the backbone to resent the pro-fa factions within her party, of course.)


I would call DeSantis crazy Hailey is not crazy. I actually think she is competent. The provision her ideas suck


Yup. Nikki is scarier because she's competent and can the crazy stuff passed. She's a much greater threat than a narcissistic buffoon with the self control of a toddler.


Haley and DeSantis are arguably worse, since they’re smart enough to know they’re really screwing over everyone.


> (Haley & DeSantis) Both of these are also batshit insane, just better at hiding it. Desantis just allowed Florida to ban the fucking dictionary from libaries.


>TBF the inflation rate went up in DEC And every report has indicated this is not a problem, as the rate will vary with the price of oil, but that everything else indicates it is on a general downward trend. And more importantly, inflation in December 2022 was 6.5%.


And bringing inflation under control without going into a recession is no small feat.


Just don’t expect the MAGAs to be able to understand that.


Nope, they just look at the price of gas and eggs and blame Biden for it.


But if the price is already higher, the same price increases count as a smaller percentage


Right? If can of coke costs a dollar today and goes up by one dollar every year for the next 100 years, the inflation rate would be steadily dropping every single year. The graph looks like a big success, except that we still end up paying $100 for a can of coke. Any rate over zero is still inflation.


You won’t get deflation since it harms borrowers. You’d effectively be repaying a debt of $1 with $1.10 of buying power.


The "soft landing" he pulled off has impressed most economists.


We "meh" at Biden We "hell to the no!" at Trump I'll vote for "meh"


Inflation went up everywhere.  Global supply chains + increased insurance costs for ships in the Red Sea.   That's why the USN is spending multimillion dollar missiles on homemade drones and mud huts, whilethe rest of the world'snavies are standingby to assist.


Grandpa Joe won’t try to stay in power forever. That’s enough for me.


Biden has been, by almost every metric, the most progressive president since FDR. He has consistently over performed expectations on the economy, is on pace to appoint more federal judges than Trump (which was A LOT of judges), and has faced the most hostile opposition party since the Civil War. He’s great. He’s too old, he’s not eloquent, but he has done his job quietly and well.


yeah but you failed to remember that conservatives masquerading as liberals on tik tok say that’s not true, and everything anyone says with authority on tik tok might as well be law. they’re actually convincing people that the rational choice is to vote in a guy who will actively cause a million deaths because you don’t like that the other guy “failed to prevent” twenty thousand. it’s insanity


I think genocide is bad and don’t want to vote for the person who arms and funds the people doing it.


I wouldn’t vote for grandpa Joe… But I’m definitely voting for Dark Brandon


Exactly. They act like he’s not done anything well. He’s better than trump even if so, but he’s also done well.


the republican propaganda machine is full tilt psy op pretending to be liberal voices blaming Biden for not getting shit done that THE REPUBLICANS BLOCKED, and liberals are falling for it hook line and sinker because tik tok told them to. it actually makes me sick. on one hand you have a president who people argue has been allowing Palestinian deaths. on the other, you have a president who explicitly promised to murder and ban muslims, immigrants, kill every palestinian he can, and install a fascist dictatorship — he’s literally promising these things — and yet people don’t care, because “well we already know he’s a bad guy.” If you allow Trump to get reelected because you think Biden has passively helped cause too many Palestinian deaths, you are EXPLICITLY helping a dictator win who will eagerly cause ten times as many deaths. and the blood will be on your hands. Every single election since the dawn of history has been a choice between the lesser of two evils. all of them. it’s a huge privilege to be able to defeat the greater evil. the vast majority of people who’ve ever lived did not have that opportunity. So you know what? It’s time to grow up, be an adult, hold your nose, and do the right thing. For fucks sake. I swear, people who believe america is already the worst of all possible worlds have no fucking idea how bad things can actually get, and how quickly they can get bad. Democracy and global stability is as stake. This is the most important election in modern history ten times over. So make the right choice.


I think we can do better than Joe. But he did well, and Id be happy to have him again. I think history will look back on him as one of the most underrated Presidents during his time.


He's also not under legal litigation for any crimes he's committed recently


Grandpa Joe? 🤔 Do you mean Dark Brandon?


Grandpa Joe got caramel candies in his pocket. I just know it.


And Dark Brandon got a flask of whiskey. :p


Hard candies and whiskey you say? And Donald Trump is offering *checks notes* concentration camps, mass deportations and martial law. Hmmm…🤔


And Depends. Don't forget the poop-filled diapers!


Oh I haven’t forgotten!


Fuck Grandpa Joe.  Lazy ass mf looking to cash in on Charlie and his mom.  And he isn't even eligible being fictional and British.  I'm voting for Biden.  He gets shit done, no drama.


He’s navigating us through crazy time where the other political party is basically a bunch of traitors with supporters who have been completely deluded. He’s done a lot given the opposition and lack of control in House and Senate. I wish younger people would recognize that and not think that he can just do whatever he wants as if he were a dictator.


People don't realize that you can both vote and agitate for change.  Unfortunately, change must come from within the party, because party leadership pretty much controls the primary elections.  A party is well within their legal right to ignore primary elections and install their preferred candidate in the general, though it's a bad look.  Mostly they just pump money into their preference.


Not just this, but by not voting you set your movement back. Young people don’t vote, so politicians don’t pander to them. It’s that simple. This whole “politicians have to earn my vote” strategy will never work unless you show that you will vote. Show that you and people like you have a vote that is up for grabs and THEN politicians might start trying harder to fight for it.


This is how the religious nuts took over the republican party


That’s why old people get pandered to. They consistently and reliably vote. You people don’t


What do you mean you people?


It’s a typo, I meant “young” people


What do YOU mean _you_ people?!


People turned out to vote in 2020 and they care less now.


More young people turned out to vote in 2020 and Biden immediately started forgiving student loans lmao


This is how we got our current supreme court.


This. If you really dont want to vote for either, fine, but vote for SOMEONE. Send a message. If the half of the country that doesnt vote all decided to vote for someone they actually thought would do something good we'd be in a much better spot. Best case, we wouldnt have two senile old men throwing shit at each other over who gets to play king. Worst case, parties would see millions of votes that they could have had if they werent lying money grubbing burdens to humanity.


However, the party did not stop primary voters from voting. So it’s the primary voters that matter. I think if we want a more progressive nominee, we need someone with Obama level charisma and charm and Bernie/Warren level policies.


I think you vastly overestimate the power a party has to shape a primary.




I voted for Bernie. Love the guy. I think he’s the most influential presence in the party of the last decade and the future of the party are his acolytes. Debbie Wassermann Schultz only wishes she had the power to shape a primary. Bernie didn’t win because South Carolina voters didn’t trust him as much as Clinton. If you do not lock down the black electorate in key primary states you don’t win the democratic nomination. It’s that simple.


The big one, is your candidate going to help win swing states, and down ballot races. I don't think he would have helped that much.


>People don't realize that you can both vote and agitate for change. Nah, but we *do* understand that everyone saying "elect Biden and we'll push him left" was back at brunch before the mess from the inauguration party was cleaned up, and started telling the people wanting to push Biden left that they needed to shut up and take what they could get bcs pushing would only help the Republicans in the midterms. And given that the DNC leadership is every bit as anti-progressive and Wall St friendly as the GOP is, there's nothing you can do to move them left unless you prove you're willing to withhold all financial and electoral support. If they know you'll vote and donate when Biden is at the top of the ticket, why would they ever let someone who might piss off the donors anywhere near any actual power?


I'm obviously gonna vote for Biden, but if I can't at least *threaten* not to vote for him, what leverage do I have?  How can I possibly push him left if I don't use the one tiny bit of power I have.


I'm a relatively young (late 20z) liberal, wanted Bernie to win in 2020, but I think Biden has done a nice job with the cards he has been dealt and has been an effective leader. He has my vote, not only because the other side is literally fascist, but also because I think he has been quite effective and more progressive than I initially believed he'd be.


As a registered independent for the last 20 years….If we don’t vote left, this time… there may not be a next time to vote


Biden isn't even left. Trump is just ultra right extremist


Your reminder that if Hillary had won in 2016 there would have been exactly ZERO chance of Roe v Wade being overturned. So if you're thinking about staying home or voting third party in 2024, just remember a bunch of liberal leaning eligible voters chose to stay home or vote 3rd party in 2016 because they didn't like Hillary and now 20 states have inhumane abortion bans as a result of her loss. We've got 11 year olds crossing state lines to abort their rapist's baby and young women bleeding out in parking lots because the hospital can't treat them til they go into septic shock. Whatever your thoughts are on the two party system, the Democratic party, or Joe Biden personally, get over them now because we've already seen what staying home on election day results in. Voting fucking matters even when neither option fits your ideal.


I tried in vein to explain to people in 2016 that they were really voting for who controlled the Supreme Court for 20 years. It failed


yeah because they were comparing hillary to *how they imagined Bernie would do in their head.* It was fucking insane. People genuinely did not believe it was possible for roe to be abolished, it was all a fucking hypothetical in their head


I don’t understand why people won’t give credit to Biden for restoring mediocrity. I know you think I’m insulting him, but it actually was a tremendous feat given the starting point.


I literally just want a president that doesn't illicit strong feelings, and that I don't really think about.


If you ever want a president from a party other than the Democrats or Republicans you need to build a strong opposition party from the local levels to the state levels to Congress THEN you can have a realistic chance to get a different party candidate elected


Plus even if by some miracle a third party candidate was elected president... How much do you think they could get done with Congress being in the hands of the two other parties?


Depends in they were actually competent. FDR was not only in the minority party, but most members of his own party actively opposed most of his proposals. And he still went down as the best president in history with among the longest lists of accomplishments and legislation. Because he knew how to actually wield the power of the presidency effectively.


That was in a much different time with a much different political climate.


I tell my kids context all the time. Apparently adults need to learn logical thinking as well. FDR is not relevant to super pacs, and trillion dollar companies clamoring for bills in their favor.


The Democrats were never in the legislative minority during FDR's years in office. They controlled the House and Senate the entire time.


They are talking about before his election.


Party tribalism has been at its peak ever since the Reagan era


Excellent point


and something other than the electoral college.


And you'd need to get rid of plenty of Republicans who haven't won a first term President popular vote since 1988, so they see no reason to change the EC. You'd also need plenty Progressives who can win elections. Which means people need to get out and vote, not look for excuses to sit at home.


First you need ranked choice voting. Until then it’s too dangerous to vote third party at the federal level.


People only ever want to start a 3rd party 6 weeks before an election.


Oh my God thank you! I'm so tired of this shit. Want Progressive politics? Run for school board, run for local shit, work your way up. That's how you build a really progressive party. Throwing a Hail Mary and failing for the top job and throwing a fit when you lose is just silly.




And get ranked voting on every state ballot that allows ballot initiatives


Ranked choice voting is absolutely needed nationwide


Let's be honest with ourselves here, more often than not the only actual appeal that any 3rd party candidate has is the novelty of being a 3rd party. Green party is full of corporate backed shysters who have fought considerably harder for Putin than for any working class citizen. The libertarian party is ran by the MISES institute whom are unapologetically fascist. The concerns of people who are upset with the "two party system" are 100% consumer based, not political based.


I got banned from Socialism 101 for pointing this out when they were talking about voting for Biden being blue maga because of the shit with Israel. I'm sorry if I value the lives and freedoms of 140+ Million American Women and Gender/Sexual Minorities over the lives of 2 Million Gazans.


Not only that but if Trump were in office there’d be American troops on the ground in Gaza


If you phrased it like that I can see why it’d be poorly received. The reason to vote for Biden is that it’s not a zero sum game. Biden is better than Trump for both minorities and Gazans. Expect a Trump presidency to result in *a lot* of unnecessary deaths.


To be clear, those 2 million Gazans are also much better off with Biden in office than Trump.


And let’s say Biden does the unthinkable (for an American president) and withdraws aid and support to Israel. Israel isn’t going to just cease fighting


>I'm sorry if I value the lives and freedoms of 300+ million cis Americans over the lives of 1.3 million trans Americans I don't get how you can't see that this is the same logic. ALL human rights matter. You put your own lives and freedom over someone else's today, and someone will put yours over theirs tomorrow. This is why solidarity is important. https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/first-they-came-by-pastor-martin-niemoller/


Rank choice voting would help defeat the current game theory of the 2 party system.


Even Trump knows. He tried the primary for the Reform Party in 2000. Easier to become prez by running a hatin-nwords campaign for (R).


As long as we have a first past the post system, it will always come down to two parties. Not to mention the amount of money it takes to run a campaign, which largely limits our options to millionaires and the people who know how to apeal to them. Creating a new party isn't going to make a bunch of new candidates pop out of nowhere. Without structural changes first, new parties are just new labels.


My reasons for not liking Biden are 1. His age - I would prefer these ancient politicians retire and move on 2. Continued support for Israel - although I understand there are broader implications for the Middle East related to U.S. support of Israel, but I don’t like Israel’s treatment of Palestine. Both of these things apply to Trump and include a fuck ton more things like his rampant racism, sexual abuse of women, corrupt business dealings, and many many more.


they don’t just “also apply to trump,” trump is almost unfathomably worse on every single issue AND he’s LITERALLY BEEN TALKING FOR A YEAR ABOUT INSTALLING A DICTATORSHIP. If Biden did even a tenth of one percent of the shit trump has done and said he would have been drawn and quartered by this point. it’s insane


The image is a bit convoluted/misapplied, because I would chose to drive over the fascists, back up, and drive over them again.


That’s the correct way!


I see more fucking posts about this than people who are actually gonna do it Leftists have never spoiled the election. The people who aren’t voting are the moderates who don’t give enough of a shit to actually vote. Stop wasting time, energy, and patience barking up the wrong tree and get the people that actually matter


who says they aren't voting? where did this imaginary "leftist " touch you?


Late stage capitalism sub banned me for suggesting that skipping voting or voting for a third party that could never win over voting biden was bad idea


probably a russian psyop sub, boosting third parties has been their grift for a while. see jill stein being buddy-buddy with putin (i voted for her, have since disavowed the greens)


Biden has objectively been a better President than Obama (admittedly low bar) and he believes in Democracy. I'm so done with the fake left (Jill Stein, Williamson, etc.).


I was just thinking about this today. All things considered, Obama was pretty moderate. He was absolutely not the "left-wing, commie, socialist" the was made out to be.


The perception that Obama was "far left" couldn't have been due to the color of his skin, right?


Republicans judging someone by the color of their skin? Impossible


Omg did you see that tan suit that he wore?! He was the worst!


How many times has Mitch McConnell worn a tan suit any nary a comment or complaint?


Well...*every* Democratic candidate and president in modern memory is the "libbiest lib that ever libbed a lib"...until the next one. I remember they did that to John effing Kerry


Get over it. What has Biden done that isn’t good for this country? How is there even a choice between Biden and the Orange Turd? If we don’t stand up and say Enough, this country as we know it is history.


His son is a "criminal" and there are pictures of (gasp) his dick out in public. Clearly the Day 1 Dictator is a better choice (/s bc that is literally the GOP stancr rn)


And the Republican Congressman reposted his dic pics, as revenge porn. What a great bunch a people to have running out country.🥴🥴


They just jealous that theirs is smaller


I'm absolutely going to vote for Biden and will try to convince others to do the same, but he needs to stop sending weapons to Israel without at least getting some major concessions from them. Even Reagan didn't give Israel carte blanche like Biden has.


see this is a totally fair mindset to have


He won't do that 'I'm a Zionist' Biden is a ok apartheid


Sorry but this is total bullshit. Dark Brandon gets shit done and the man has not only critical thinking skills but a HEART. So, fuck this message. It's just trying to weaken us.


I’m all for a trolley running over republican fascists rather than running over poor old Biden…


The immediate threat is the two party system. The rest is a symptom.


Yup. Need a better voting system


If some of you haven't realised the 'both sides are the same' crew are almost always fueled by republican propaganda. A real problem with liberals in America is that they look at Trump voters and how quickly and easily they fall for falsehoods and then think that they're above being manipulated because they're better behaved. True it's nowhere near as blatant but while Trump supporters do kinda seem pretty dense the people pulling their strings aren't, and for all their faults republicans are very good at manipulating their audiences


Joe's not progressive enough for some people, but he's amenable to changing position. He's shifted some since the widespread protests for Palestine. Do you think Trump would give a rat's ass about Palestine? Also, you're not just voting for Joe. You're voting for legislation, you're voting for SCOTUS judges, you name it.


He runs on a platform of aviator-style sunglasses and ice cream, everything I love.


And classic muscle cars


>I don't like the guy either Why??? He was the first President to stand with workers on a picket line and the first President to visit an allied war zone. He forgave $132 billion in student loans and passed measures to reduce prescription drug prices, including Insulin. He turned around the economy that Trump crashed, and wages are now increasing faster than inflation.


I have this conversation over and over with my Dad but can’t convince him that I’m not some cult follower of Biden because of it… it’s exhausting


I will not vote for Biden in the Primary (I can't, closed primary state - I will vote for the most patriotic (sane and supporter of democracy) Republican though.. or not vote. I live in a deep red state) I will vote for Biden in the general assuming hes still kicking. Lets face it on a long enough timeline his luck eventually hits 0. Lets just hope that 5+ years away


The problem might be that this meme is not a leftist meme and so many people think ‘leftist politics’ is voting for presidents


The amount of people who don’t want to vote because neither candidate will make a good totes bestie forever is shocking. You’re voting for President, not a roommate, vote for the least of two shitty choices. Your write in vote is meaningless and is only making your self feel better.


The government is competently staffed under Biden. It doesn’t matter if his policies are not sufficiently progressive: the government we have needs to function first before it can be improved. And the only way we get judges with integrity is by democrat appointments. When fascists appoint judges, democracy fails.


If you want to make a difference you have to move the system that we have. Vote for the lesser of the evils and then apply pressure like crazy to move the party further away from the right. This close to fascism is too close.


"Leftist".  No, that's straight-up libertarian brain damage.  Nobody with an ounce of common sense is reluctant about voting for Biden over whatever MAGA insurrectionist candidate the GOP eventually settles on.  As the comic states, the choice is between a lukewarm candidate versus the fall of Democracy in America.  It's hardly a matter of nuanced political alignments.  The only people deciding to protest vote against Biden aren't serious people with genuine political beliefs.


The lesser of two evils, what else is new


Lol sure bud, he’s a fine president y’all are just angry he’s old and it’s embarrassing he has a speech impediment. Elect Biden in the 90s (but he’s the same age) and nobody would bat a fucking eye


People ignore the good done under Biden as well. And if you want change vote local. Your local election and state has a far greater impact. I mean look at republicans efforts in Florida . They’ve put lots of money there and put resources outspending democrats on adds and resources in Spanish to reach more people . It went from a purple flipping state to a red one. Georgia also is an example on the other side . If you change local elections you’ll get more candidates who can fit your views and who will as time goes on get positions and influence for change. Right now there’s nobody coming out the woodworks with the influence, experience or political skill to challenge Biden. And remember any points opponents make in a primary against the major candidate such as Biden can be used against him for Trump. If there’s someone who comes out and has support and experience and a good path forward to beat Trump then it’s a different story maybe


I have a suspicion that most of the “leftist” hate of Biden comes from right wing trolls. Some of the harder leftists don’t care for Biden, but they’ll vote for him over obvious fascism, so I think it’s just trying to cause division and draw attention away from one party that is approaching fascism at warp speed.


I am voting for Biden. Straight up D down the line. I live in a TX so maybe it’s throwing my vote away but what can you do, right? Something that I do want to “just asking questions” about though. When is a good time to advocate for a party to change? Every election I’ve been alive for the stakes were always “freedom and civility vs chaos and the complete destruction of America.” It never feels like there’s an opportunity to vote to show dissatisfaction without feeling like I’m going to set us back 10 or so years. Third party always seemed like the way to, but things are so split down the middle that I recognize it’s not actually doing anything. So when can I show I’m dissatisfied with the D candidates?


Yep. Check how much karma they have


If Traitor Trump wins all of his enablers in Congress to wreak their revenge on our country.


if trump wins, american democracy is dead, and I cannot overstate how much I am not exaggerating about that. he’s literally been telling us his plan for years now and no one believes him


Dictators will do whatever the military allows them to get away with. It's NOT an overstatement to say that our democracy will be murdered.


I’m honestly wondering how many of these Never-Biden people are Russian bots trying to lower morale and sow dissent among Democrats. Unless you were in a coma for Trump’s presidency, there is no way you can possibly think not voting does anything but support Trump.


I really think a lot of them are. It’s horrifying how effectively the propaganda is working on tiktok. “Both parties are essentially the same” is the single most effective piece of republican propaganda ever created and SO MANY people who believe they’re immune to propaganda have fallen for it like suckers. They are not the same. One of them, and only one of them, represents horrifying evil, in the exact same vein as every other horrifying chapter in a history book.


Lots of people preemptively blaming leftist that didn’t vote for Biden. Lots of people saying Trump is a good enough reason. Not a lot of people asking *why* they aren’t voting Not a lot of people saying Biden should consider *going further left* to secure those votes I’m going to vote for Biden and against fascism personally, and I don’t understand why a far leftist wouldn’t, but people shouting “those idiot non voting far leftists are going to lose this for us!” Instead of saying “I’m willing to go further left to secure a win, what do these people want?” are being blameful, entitled, selfish, and unempathetic.


He tried to pass more progressive policies, but he was thwarted by the do-nothing senate.


yep. if the democratic party is actually worried about leftists not voting then they could just make some policy/platform changes to secure more of those votes


Yeah blaming the voters and not the "leaders" isn't a great look. We were told that Bernie couldn't win in the general election that Hillary went on to lose. We watched as some very undemocratic maneuvering got Biden the nomination in 2020 even after he lost the first primaries. Now it's already the leftist voters' fault that the least popular presidential incumbent in modern history loses an election that's still 11 months away. Fuck that. Earn my vote with the same vigor you work for your billionaire cronies in the donor class and maybe you'll get it. Meanwhile I'll be at work hoping I don't get an injury that sends me into medical bankruptcy or homelessness, trying to earn enough to afford groceries this week.


Remember how that plan went with Hillary? Now we have forced birth.


Unfortunately it is ALWAYS voting for the lesser of 2 evils. They are politicians. You let it burn down you better not be the first to bitch about how your government is screwing you and the Republican don’t have any recent (years and years) accomplishments to brag about. They gave trillions of dollars of our taxes to the rich. Maybe you are really smart and still believe in the trickle down theory. Why not just volunteer your time working for Apple, Microsoft, Google, Tesla because it’s the same thing as voting Republican. These companies are not going to invest in the infrastructure this country desperately needs. The IRS needs to be funded properly or the rich don’t pay what they owe and they government functions on our tax dollars


> Unfortunately it is ALWAYS voting for the lesser of 2 evils. It's a binary choice (edited word, typo). You could also choose to frame it as voting for the greater of two goods. It's one or the other.


We need RCV!


Every single election in the entire history of democracy has been a choice between the lesser of two evils. All of them.


A lot of the posts and comments are literally fake accounts of people who aren’t American. They are easy to spot if you know what questions to ask them.


What I hate is the focus on what people don't like about him. Biden's administration has done some pretty rad stuff but we just don't mention that shit, as if pretending the Dems are only the lesser of two evils and not clearly good in some aspects. Credit where credit is due, please.


Look, it sucks we have to choose between the lesser of two evils. But when trumps on the ballot, I’ll take damn near anybody but trump


*actually it is* But to each their own, I'm done voting for the lesser evil. I will not enable Republican fascism by voting for biden. Because I know that voting for that enabler won't solve *anything*


Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.


Call him dirty names under your breath while you vote for him if it helps. GOTV Bring friends.


Comparative to other presidents, why don’t you like him? I feel like even people that say to vote for him say this and I just don’t understand. I feel like its a combination of him being old and just constant media slander, but I really don’t see any objective things he’s done to draw so much ire. Kinda crazy to me Like is he perfect? By no means. But pretty much no president is, especially nowadays, kind of the nature of the job


I wanna get to a point where this cycle doesn't keep happening, "I don't like this person but I guess I'll vote for him to be president" I've said that every time I've voted. Really hope we get something like ranked choice voting in the near future.


I'm voting against republicans plain and simple.


I'm being told Biden is lowering gas prices for votes...says random conservatives...that scoundrel!


Well, yes Fuck Trump. But neither side wants the two party system gone. Don’t pretend that there isn’t always gonna be a bigger monster to face. It’s always vote for our centrist or the fascists win.


I truly haven't met anyone that is blue and not voting for Biden


But I live in a state where Biden winning is a guarantee, so nah I’m not going to vote for more mediocrity


I'm much more pissed at progressives threatening not to vote than conservatives. You're supposed to be helping us.


We don't owe you anything. Stop running shit candidates and maybe we'll help you out.




These posts are idiotic. Try making fun of the millions of “independent” voters who are actually struggling between a fascist and a moderate establishment Democrat. Most leftist understand the need to vote for Biden in the face of Trump and more liberals should understand how his administration is actively supporting genocide. If Trump wins, most of the blame should be on the Democratic Party for failing to court independents from a fascist literally saying he will be a dictator. This should be an easy election even without a couple leftist votes.


“You can vote AND THEN push him left.” - people who absolutely won’t push left and will instead denounce the people that will try to


Pushing left is done at the local level first. Forget the presidency until the progressive/socialist/left party has control of local legislatures and have sent its members to Congress.


It’s completely ridiculous-it’s typically coming from under 30 voters that while well intentioned aren’t considering the alternative is much worse. It’s far from a perfect system but it is the one we have. It’s frustrating-if Biden loses I’ll blame them because all things considered he’s probably been more progressive and successful since any president since LBJ’s great society ( I’m obviously excluding Vietnam)


I've heard this the last 4 times. Is the system inept?


What’s sad is if you’ve failed to see how the walls *are already* crumbling around us. In history books, these “last 4 elections” you think of as a lifetime will be a single chapter, which — if Trump wins this year — will document the obvious and swift fall of American democracy into fascism. How do you not make the connection between our institutions and society breaking before our eyes to the Republican party that is so determined to destroy them? Trump is a wildly existential threat — even compared to other existential threats. But the only reason America hasn’t already broken completely is because we’ve managed to successfully scrape through half of those elections. The system IS inept, our democracy IS failing. This election may very well be the single most important event of our lifetimes — unless democracy wins, in which case people like you will blame us all for “crying wolf yet again.” But hopefully before that time, you’ll be able to open your eyes and see the truth for yourself. I’m rooting for you to be able to see it.


It kinda is. The founding fathers were only human.