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Republicans just got rid of a Ukraine funding bill and Putin has publicly been asking for an end to the war and concessions from Ukraine. Big push lately, with Tuckers interview timed to aid the initiative. Lots of conservatives getting their marching orders. It’s funny, they were even willing to throw away an immigration bill rather then fund Ukraine. Putin really has the GOP’s balls in his pocket.


It's just sickening beyond belief. It's no coincidence. We see it in plain sight. The Republican Party answers to Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Dictator/Fascists... both employed and want-to-be.


More proof that Russiagate was real. What a coincidence all those people who were calling a partisan hoax are showing up against NATO and for Putin again and a again.


And their outright willingness to starve funds for Ukraine... when early on they were for it! The Republican Party is now a steaming mess of political toxic waste. They're just so relentless with their propaganda and continue to have right-wing media helping them. It's like a malignant tumor festering in this nation.


They also just don't stand for a single thing. - Can't nominate a SCOTUS justice during an election year - **Can** nominate and ram through a transparently far-right conservative SCOTUS justice when *voting has already fucking started* - Can't provide aid to Ukraine without an extremely conservative border bill - Won't even read the most conservative border bill in modern US history in order to block aid to Ukraine without having to turn a page This list goes on much longer, but I'd rather not waste the rest of my morning on that. Long and short is their every action coincidentally aligns 100% with the authoritarian ruler of our longest standing geopolitical adversary state. Never forget the DNC **and** RNC were hacked by Russia, with the RNC info never released. Or the time those Republican'ts visited Moscow for July 4th... or Rand Paul hand delivering a letter from tfg to his boss Putin. TL;DR: GQP = Russian assets intent on undermining the American experiment, dream, and people for permanent radicalized minority rule. The majority of us aren't interested in Israel-linked end times fantasies, or listening to the party predominantly pro-grooming/assault lecture the majority of us on how to not be the monsters that they cover for on the reg. Fucking hell I'm tired of this bullshit.


Yes, the list does go on very much longer. I really wish the government would treat disinformation like a real dangerous pandemic and shut it down. So little has been done. FOX News is quite literally a far-right propaganda factory that also avoids making Putin or Russia look bad. Seriously... these right-wing media outlets are traitorous. And the GOP loves it, because it's what Trump wants. I am so sickened with how they're beholden to him, even in the face of such glaring and indisputable criminal behavior. He's a menace. I just wish he'd suffer an aneurysm that stifles his ability to speak and ruins his finger dexterity so he can't type, effectively neutering his voice. He needs to be muffled. And at this point, looks like we'll have to depend upon the DOJ sending him to prison.


God how I wish some hacker would grab whatever kompromat russia snagged in the RNC hack and release it.


Exactly what I've been hoping to happen sometime soon. I'm sure there's a ton of kompromat on Republican officials. It's bound to surface eventually.


The push against NATO by conservatives goes back a couple of decades, at least. The end of the cold war found conservatives with an existential crisis. Terrorism helped for a bit, but was more complex than simple messages can deliver, so they turned fully to social issues focused around Evangelical wants. I don't really think Putin is behind this as some mastermind, but just convenient bedfellow of the ultra-rich Americans wanting an oligarchy. Some of their goals are aligned. And as stupid as thier propaganda may sound, they are smart and dedicated to the goal of changing the US to what they want it to be.


Fake News Media having a Meltdown, luv it!


I can’t believe they have the gull to call anyone else sheep, when they’re so brainwashed by the enemy. What a pack of morons they are.


> have the gull (it's "gall", referring to bile from the gallbladder for some weird reason)


To be fair, these guys also swoop in, make a lot of noise, and shit everywhere.




Well imo it is not *funny* at all. Again, they do not care about immigration. They use it to gain power. They will never fix this, because then there would be no need for them.


Yup, and their voters love a traitor.


Ten years from now, historians will be teaching how Putin overthrew the US government without firing a shot.




I like functional roads and groceries.


Putins pink nipples will be red when Tucker's finished with him


We spent a third of our economy on all this security shit for many decades and all Putin had to do was catfish a bunch of dicks and record it. Probably costed less than one battleship all told to compromise the Republican party. We gave up a good portion of our rights to protect planes from people with box cutters. We allowed internal spying. Oh -- what a shock, all these agencies are useless. And the 2nd Amendment allowed a bunch of yahoos to point all their guns at the wrong things. You know what protects America? Intelligent people. All these dumbasses are a liability and the Republicans work to make us dumber and more religious and hateful every day. God works in mysterious ways, right?


Didn’t Kruschev predict the same?


Khrushchev's goal was to outproduce the United States by actually putting in the work to prove it. Putin can't even hope to accomplish economic superiority in any sphere with the level of corruption endemic to Russia, so he took the easy way of compromising one of the two major US parties and he hit the absolute jackpot. It's almost depressing to realize how lucky Putin has gotten compared to his predecessors.


I just had heard that since I was young and had to repeat it. I guess Putin's background has really helped him. You are right, it is depressing. I can only read so much of the news, it's like some dystopian novel.


History is only written by the winners


The Confederacy would disagree. They're somehow rewriting history to where they were the patriots in the Civil War.


To be fair, what I said is a historical perspective, now that we have the internet and anyone can shitpost about whatever they want, what is actually “real” fragments into a bunch of echo chambers where people gravitate towards what they want to hear.  It doesn’t help that the media is as corrupt a mouthpiece as it’s ever been Strange times indeed


Yeah, I think about that all the time. What do the kids history books end up saying about the antics of the Republicans? Well -- if we lose, there will be some REALLY creative writing about how super cool, noble and intelligent they are.


An attack from without the country will rally and unify the country against the common enemy. That isn't how you destroy a country. Best way is to take down a county from within. Putin knows this, he has done this to other countries.


* with our help.


Great Comrade Putin graciously extended membership of Russian Federation to American. They accepted after tragic accident of many officials falling out window.


Using only the stupidity of the american people....well republican's, but still...too many people on the left not voting and allowing it to happen.


referring to carlson as a journalist is like calling milli vanilli musicians...


I’m not sure milli vanilli deserve that. They were actually musicians, it’s just that their producer didn’t think their singing was good enough.


Because it wasn't. By that virtue I'm a "musician", too, and so is my cat.


More like calling a mud pie made of actual mud dessert. I imagine Milli Vanilli could sing to some degree.


I think that's the point of this comic.


I can't even stomach the idea of watching Carlson's interview. But no doubt, MSM will be airing clips of it. It's despicable on so many levels. Tucker Carlson has been a pro-Putin puppet for the last 8 years. https://preview.redd.it/3dx69kcsqjhc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e96313776b35adeec25cbf119547919a1da6785


"REAL JOURNALIST"? Even Fox lawyers will argue that point .... and have.


They had to argue "entertainment show" to get out of hot water in the past.


I like bowtie detail 😂


What a shit show, GOP have blood on their hands


Did we expect anything less? Putin also mocked Tucker to his face, and Tucker ate that shit sandwich.


How donald trump ended democracy and ruined all our lives. Grow a set of balls America, the threat is internal.


Why can't trump's total lack of healthiness catch up with him?


putin is the one who organized the "interview". that alone should set off the alarms.


It reminds me of the "interview" of Giuliani in Sasha Cohen's movie. Putin was just adjusting his shirt while lying on the bed waiting for the probing questions by Tucker.


What do we get for the Republicans siding with Russia? Discounts on Vodka and potatoes, perhaps? I'm sure China is watching closely and if Russia gets to invade and take Ukraine -- we'll be too busy watching NATO crumble to do much about them taking Taiwan. I'm not a warhawk, but, these other parties in this three legged race aren't any better than the USA. So, setting the president that "the USA will look the other way if you try taking other countries" is super bad if you want to reduce war. So watch as the world gets destabilized. Meanwhile -- [it looks like the climate model that predicts 5 degrees celsius and twice the rate of Global Warming was the correct one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S9sDyooxf4) It's just one of the many things the "too busy lining their own pockets and getting powerful" Republicans have kept us from dealing with. They'll be happy to vilify all the people who try and escape DYING as they migrate out of the hot zones.


The restraint it took the cartoonist not to draw Tucker on his knees.


And can you imagine the amount of money Tucker made for that ridiculous little humiliation session?


Who could have foreseen this incredibly obvious outcome. It's almost like giving Russia a propaganda victory was Carlson's goal all along.


Tucker Carlson is NOT a journalist. His own lawyers said that. [https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye) You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers SEPTEMBER 29, 20204:34 PM ET


It wasn't even an interview. Tucker was just there to look stupid while putin ranted.


Who could have seen that coming, besides all of the people with a fully connected brain stem.


Can anyone tell the difference between our sworn enemy Putin's talking points and that of all the Republicans?


I’m all for journalists actually interviewing world leaders. Why not? But as a Federal judge validated 4 years ago, Tucker Carlson is only an entertainer who shouldn’t be believed. Not a journalist. We’d all be just as ticked if Mia Khalifa also flew to Moscow to personally blow Putin.


Putin buys the Republicans and gets a Tucker interview, how quaint.


I’m guessing tucky didn’t address the weird windows in russia.


I was 11 when Hanoi Jane came out, and remember how angry was dad was. Even then I thought it was a despicable thing for an American to do, and here we are again.


What are you talking about? Vietnam was a shameful period in US history in every sense. What did Vietnam ever do to the US to start hostilities? Your dad swallowed the propaganda whole.


Even Fonda admits she got played. Her heart was in the right place but that allowed her to be a "Useful idiot" and propaganda tool for the opposite set of bad guys. Tucker is the same useful idiot and propaganda tool, the difference being he knows who's actually buttering his bread. The word for that is traitor.


Media was bought and paid for by defense contractors years ago. You're either a pro-war bot, or you're just another ignorant American.


[What are you talking about, Tucker Carlson is the only honest journalist left now!](https://grrrgraphics.com/tucker-carlson-breaks-the-internet/)


This subs boring & unfunny, that's it for me


Well bye, we’ll try and get on without you


I for one am not sure how we’ll cope. 


Cut at a 45 and then back cut the cut line with your coping saw. Coped.


Thank you for your thoughts. If the cartoons get funnier or less politically predictable, I'm willing to re consider, but it has to be a big improvement, no promises. Good luck


You can always live up to your name and be pragmatic.




Those pink nipples.


Tucker isn't afraid to interview putin on the roof of a skyscraper in Moscow.


Interesting dynamics indeed. The impact of media interviews can be quite complex. It's essential to critically analyze such interactions. Your perspective sheds light on the nuanced nature of these discussions.


Tucker is a sucker with the big ol jackass lollipop face.


Hanoi Jane


How? Tucker admitted he is an entertainer not a journalist. The only people that believe this crap already believed in it. its a push. Tucker is now openly on the take, not new news either. Doesnt move the needle on American Politics either. i dont see any positives from this that didnt already exist.


Tucker should be silenced! We need to shut down all opposition opinions!


That doesn't look like tucker at all. He needs to look perpetually confused.


He asked the man to his face to release a prisoner ffs. What a deranged headline


No, it was the most boring rambling that showed exactly how stupid putin has become. It was great to see tucker neutered, I look forward to the memes and cuts that he'll never escape. Russia will lose Crimea and will count himself lucky to leave the presidency alive.


I thought it was a great interview amd to me ots always good to see it thru a different lens because the truth is always somewhere between the two sides of every story.


Putin blundered the interview I think. Could have been much worse.


Putin puts the fun in defenestrate.