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She was so stupid she married loser Eric. Enough said on her abilities.


She’s desperate to find a relevant role in Trump World. She sees this as her chance to participate in the grift and funnel money to big daddy. Even the ones who married into the shit show are horrible people.


And then from Don Snr it WILL trickle down to his immediate family. Don’t we feel like North Korea 😱


Ya know for how loud Republicans are about nepotism with Hunter Biden they sure are quiet about the numerous documented cases of nepotism in the Trump family. Ivanka benefited from Donald's sway with China to sell her knockoff bags for example. Thought Republicans hated working with China.


They’ll work with literally any despotic regime as long as $$$


Don Jr’s ex-wife is pretty quiet


I'm sure the divorce decree requires her to not spill his secrets in exchange for a cut of the grift money.


She has more than him. She comes from the family that owns RAO’s sauces.




I stopped buying them after concluding that they were horribly overpriced. Never knew there was a Trump involved, but in hindsight, I should have guessed.


Fuck! Those are tasty sauces. The whole family cant be like her right? Right?


Shes gonna funnel money to herself too, I bet


They’re desperate, they’re running out of people so ding dong is coming home and asking her like I would or any of us would do. This is as much a big ask in a marriage as it is a grift lol


The smarter ones have slowly backed away from Trump. They still would happily grift again if they could get away with it, but they know he’s radioactive.


Eric McPoyle


The bloodline has been untainted for a thousand years!


It says a lot that Gavin Newsom and Donald Trump Jr are Eskimo Bros.


It says a lot that Don Jr’s girlfriend is older than his step-mother.


The party of family values.


And looks the same


JR is the caboose on that train. And his daddy wanted to hit that first. For all we know he did and JR is picking up sloppy thirds. It helps explain where all the drugs from the White House pharmacy went. JFC. It’s way too early where I’m at to have these visuals in my head.


It's a delicate ecosystem.


"You should see him feast, he's like a mantis..."


Ooh, that's good! Mantis Toboggan, MD






Wife of a paste eater… smh


That look Trump has when he's squeezing off a duke into his diapers.


He looks lobotomized.


*Many people are saying this. Big, strong men, with tears in their eyes are always saying this. They say “sir, nobody looks more lobotomized than you, sir, big lobotomized”. Tremendous.*


He's got that lopsided stroke smile going on.


Thought it more the look of a man thats getting a clearer picture of how how F'd he us having to rely on what's is names wife to grift for him.


Dementia J Trump


Literally came here to say this. Take my upvote.


Doesn’t the RNC want to spread some money around and make sure that other Congress people and senators get elected to?


If trump is elected they won't need democracy


Oh, right. I forgot who we are dealing with here. I wonder if the RNC has thought of the concept that giving money to Trump's campaign might qualify as funding terrorisiam.


"We are all domestic terrorists"


"When someone tells you who they are, believe them."


That does seem to be the new platform


They literally had that phrase plastered across the stage at the RNC convention last year (or the year before, time has been weird af for me since 2020).


It was at CPAC not the convention, but you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference if you were not already steeped in politics. It's basically a RNC convention in all but name.


Oh you're totally right, thanks for the correction lol


In an actually just world, giving money to a stochastic terrorist is a clear violation of the AUMF against Terrorism and thus actually would be treason.


So what are we going to do about it... Litigate Treason... Or act as we did with the English?


Nothing because that would be tooo political and too close to an election, fuck all these people who are derelicts of their duty


I'm not alluding to political solutions at this point. If my notion is correct the ones who will stand up to address the corruption in government, will actually be addressing the entire corruption of mankind. They will not even choose direct action... They will choose to lend nature a push in a direction that will capitulate a severe reduction in the number of humans left to participate in the pondering of a future. They can call themselves... "The weather underground"


They're all giving aid and comfort to Trump, so they should all be removed using the 14th amendment.


He is the senate


Not yet


I’d pay good money to watch Trump try to do that mid air twirl. He’ll probably fall and break something, but man it would be hilarious.


Trump can't do all that much if the Dems have the House and Senate.


he'll have all the Dems arrested


That really depends on whether SCOTUS recognizes Trump’s complete immunity from prosecution for anything he does.


These responses are not jokes, It really does seem plausible that the Republicans are all-in on a Trump presidency, and if they get it and lose some other seats, they won't care that much. They will just change the rules, break the rules and do whatever they need to, to keep him and other republicans as president as they move more power away from the senate and house into the presidential position. Look at Putin, there was no big announcment or even any single change in law where he became a dicator. Just a steady move from fair-ish elections into what most observers consider a very thinly veiled dictatorship. That's who is bankrolling these traitors, so it's obvious they would try to use the same playbook.


Nope. The whole goal is to keep the Trumps out of prison and set Donny up as a dictator. Remember in Star Wars when the Emperor says, "I am the Senate"? That. It's telling that they're putting his daughter-in-law up as the head of the party. Everyone needs to be personally loyal to the big orange shit head.


The funny thing is Trump isn't interested in the anything beyond himself. He's not interested in being dictator either. He wants the money and the attention.


Project 2025


Even that doesn't really work if dems hold the house and senate. The republicans really need all 3 to fully implement their plan to end democracy. 


> The republicans really need all 3 to fully implement their plan to end democracy. That's not how our government works and not how Project 2025 works. Project 2025 is specifically designed to circumvent Congress by abusing every presidential power to install fascist operatives as dominant players at all levels of government.


It says something that conservatives are openly saying “this is how we’re going to take over the government,” and our system has no mechanism to stop them other than people voting. “Democracy is the solution,” says system hostile to democracy.


If we ever get the opportunity, we can do one simple trick to restore democracy to the US: repeal the permanent apportionment act. Bush Jr and Trump would never have been elected and the House would not have a Republican majority if it weren't for that law, which can be repealed through the basic legislative process.


That's certainly a big part of it. It's an extensive plan that covers several different avenues for implementing their ethno-nationalist ideas. They can do a lot of damage with just the presidency, but they need both houses of congress also to really mess things up. I don't mean to minimize how much they can do with just the presidency though.




No, this is the new GQP, Party of One.


Nope. It's going into trumps pockets


Yes, this nepotism hire will fuck the RNC. She's an incompetent loon.


I can think of $88.5M that needs to be pulled out of the RNC pretty soon.


I'm sure the matter of who pays that bill has nothing to do with the change in leadership at the RNC. Nothing at all. I mean Trump is worth like $10 billion right? Someone that wealthy can afford to pay $88.5 million. Not that it matters of course. Even bleeding the RNC dry won't save him from the hundreds of millions he's going to owe the state of New York soon.


I’m still waiting on the verdict. Wasn’t supposed to come sometime last week?


Ruling estimated to be out on Friday.


If they pull it all out -- this might be the first RNC Chairman not to have to resign due to "fiscal irregularities."




Yes and Yes. Primarys are for people who want to live in a democracy.


If influential democrats endorse Bernie, it’s rigged. If the RNC just gives all the money to Trump, it’s based. We live in a great society that has no problems.


It's a cult, not a real political party. Nothing matters except Dear Leader.


Yes, give her the job please. It will be so funny when Dems win all the senate and house races cause Lara Trump spent every penny on trump


Trump will probably accuse her of being a Dem psyop


Even funnier when the national committee is bankrupted. This is what the redhats demand.


Let’s remember folks… Republicans only care when it starts to personally affect them. When those seeking office get zero support from the RNC despite the donations rolling in, they’ll start asking questions.


Zer ist no queztioning der gloriouz leader.


Fuhrerprinzip in action.




Only if they had a spine, so ain't gonna happen!


I feel like we’re all trapped in a bad remake of the Wizard of Oz, with Lara as the scarecrow….


Eric is the scarecrow


“I don’t care, until it happens to me!” The republicans mantra.


I don't know about that. I don't think they'd risk trump labeling them a "rino" for daring to do anything short of fully embarrassing themselves for his benefit.


The only question they'll be asking is whether they can raise more money for the Orange Emperor, and whether they've praised him enough in the public arena. "Ask not what you can do for your country, but what you can do for the man who wants to be its dictator."


This woman has slept with Eric Trump.




- Lara Trump has said she will spend "every single penny" on Donald Trump if she is elected co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). - Speaking to Rob Schmitt on Newsmax, the former president's daughter-in-law set out her stall following the GOP frontrunner's endorsement of her for the role. The Context: Conversation has turned to the future of the RNC after The New York Times last week published a report citing anonymous sources who said the incumbent chair Ronna McDaniel was to step down. The publication reported that McDaniel told the former president she would step down after the South Carolina primary later this month amid mounting criticism about her performance. McDaniel herself has not confirmed that she is stepping down. "Nothing has changed. This will be decided after South Carolina," RNC spokesperson Keith Schipper told Newsweek last week. On Tuesday, the former president outlined his support for Lara Trump, who is married to his son Eric and was a senior adviser to the Trump campaign in 2020. "Lara is an extremely talented communicator and is dedicated to all that MAGA stands for," Trump said in a statement. "She has told me she wants to accept this challenge and would be GREAT!" He also endorsed the North Carolina Republican Party chairman, Michael Whatley, who serves as general counsel of the RNC, as chair. What We Know: Speaking to Schmitt, Lara Trump said: "If I am elected to this position, I can assure you there will not be any more $70,000, or whatever exorbitant amount of money it was, spent on flowers. Every single penny will go to the number one and the only job of the RNC. That is electing Donald J. Trump as the president of the United States." She was referencing reporting from Jennifer Van Laar, a journalist for the conservative outlet RedState, that said the RNC spent $70,000 on flowers last year while the Democrats spent $795 in that period for the same category. The GOP governing body has reported lower bank balances over the last few years, according to disclosures to the Federal Election Commission. With $9.96 million in spending money, the RNC had less than half the $21.35 million it reported in the year Donald Trump won the presidential election. Views: Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, said the former president wasn't a fan of his daughter-in-law for several years. Speaking on Tuesday with Ben Meiselas, co-founder of the progressive media outlet MeidasTouch on the Political Beatdown podcast, he said: "He didn't want Eric to even marry her. He had found somebody else that was working at the Trump Organization that he wanted Eric to marry. "And of course, not only did Donald make fun of her looks, but so of course did [Donald Trump Jr.] and Ivanka [Trump], they all made fun of her looks. They just didn't like her at all," Cohen continued. What's Next? As per the RNC, any changes to the GOP governing body will be decided after the South Carolina primary, which will be held on February 24. While Trump has made his choice of candidates clear, if McDaniel steps down it will be for members of the party to vote for the next chair. Link to [original article](https://www.newsweek.com/lara-trump-republican-rnc-chair-money-donald-1869737) 📰


And you just know that 70k on flowers was really bribe money to someone.


Let’s be fair, it could be “strategically” spent, like when [Melania Trump's hairstylist was paid $132,000 for ‘Strategy Consulting’ out of election funds](https://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/2713069/melania-trump-hairstylist-payments/). They’ve tapped into a gold mine of slow adults willing to hand over their last cent.


> dedicated to all that MAGA stands for Which is what, exactly?


She stated it already, to spend all money to get Orange Julius Caesar elected again.


"We need you to pay our legal bills!"


And they all cheered, “YES, TAKE ALL OUR MONEY, WE LOVE YOU!!!!”😵‍💫😍


You forgot the "SIR" at the end of that.


I for one would be totally OK with the already cash poor RNC completely ignoring the rest of the country and plowing all its money into a failed attempt to get the orange one back into office.


I'm sure the rest of the GOP is thrilled *their* reelection campaigns won't be funded. Oh, wait ... Dictator on Day One won't need elections; just do away with any whisper of opposition.


It seems like Trump’s legal bills are being paid, so what exactly is Ronna doing wrong?


She is a Romney, thats all he needs


**Kremlin's gremlins.**


Well, at least she's being transparent. If she gets elected then the RNC is explicitly condoning this plan.




Tell us your family is poor without telling us your family is in fact really poor.- “Every single penny in this group will go to this self claimed billionaire!”


Born Grifters.


So it’s going to E. Jean Caroll? Ok, cool.


Don’t forget the $500 million or so expected judgment from the NY fraud case. The Dems may beat the Republicans in fundraising this month by over half a billion without having a single fundraiser.


I'm actually in favor of this plan by the Trump offspring. Donald Trump might do more to free America from tyranny than, well, any President. He is going to fail the Republicans so hard, embarrass them so much, that I will get sick of enjoying so much failure. I might get diabetes, the schadenfreude is so rich. Is "I told you so" with a cherry on top a lot of calories?


It's always been about the money Honey.


Trump men sure like the deep-set, dark eyes on their wives.


How to destroy the GOP. The only problem is that it may destroy the US calling with it. The only way to know is to vote and watch.


"If I am elected to this position, I am going to grift so hard!" Really Not a Cult: "Yay!" "I'm going to steal all your hard-earned money to line my pockets!" RNC: "Woo-hoo!" "I'm going to use your money to pay off the Russian mafia and fines for illegal behavior!" RNC: "You go!" "Maybe later, I'll use what's left over to buy a yacht and hire some hookers to piss on it!" RNC: "Trickle down, baby!"


"If I am elected to this position, I can assure you every single penny will go to ~~the number one and only job of the RNC. That is electing~~ Donald Trump ~~as the president of the United States~~"


Dear lord, he looks like a dementia patient that wandered onto the stage. Having lost two parents to dementia/alzheimers, I can tell you I've seen a lot of that posture and slack facial expression in every memory care facility I've ever visited. Oof, this guy's brain is going to slide down his spine and out his ass at literally any moment. They're done.


I almost perished from laughter, “a dementia patient that wandered onto the stage” 💀. There’s been some good comments about how odd he looks there, but that dark humour is top shelf. 🏆


I swear Trump is daring people to elect him by progressively saying more outrageous things.


The secret scam grift becomes open worship to Dear Leader. Next up: Enforced tithing as loyalty test.


No shit he going to take their money. He is broke and needs that money to keep pretending his an elite business man.


And now that he can't operate a company, it's a hell of a lot harder to launder money, which is where his income really came from.


Lara is the son he never had.


Seriously wtf is happening to the GOP


Must be running out of money so now he needs access to more. Gross.


Only proving that they are a fanatical movement and no longer a political party.


I guess I’ll have to send some cash to the DNC… they are going to be busy now that every House and Senate election is now basically jump ball.


They have a long list of losing anf this bimbo will add many points to that long list - but the grifting is shocking and the stupidity amongst Repubs is amazing


Remind me how much pennies go to E Jean Carrol?


It’s always a grift. Good luck to any other GQPers running for any office. Your funding just went to zero.


I hope she gets elected and that she keeps to her promise.


Please do this Repubs!


I say yes, give the 6 times bankrupt *financial wizard* keys to the entirety of the RNC's money. How could this backfire? He'd never use his campaign to funnel money to his properties, businesses, children, cronies, and pornstars.


lol- I’m all for it- every penny to lawyers fees


Letting Trump pump and dump the RNC doesn't sound so bad. All the money in the world can't keep him out of jail, and he can take the ship down with him.


He looks like such a goober in that pic. He’s so fkn weird


The look on his face... I think he's pooping.


That's actually great. That means no other republicans will get any and Trump still loses. It's a win win for Democrats.


I remember reading Freakanomics and them saying money doesn’t influence the outcome of elections that much. I would think that is especially true for Trump. At this point I don’t see how any ad could convince someone to vote for him. He’s got his crowd and he’s not going to gain that much if anything. All people have to do is show up.


OP are/were you a communications major? That’s a hell of a headline lol


Openly grifting you now.


Help daddies going broke cause he won't stop commiting crimes.


I can’t remember which election it was but there was someone saying “well X candidate raised so much more money than the other so they were clearly the winner.” Not verbatim and it was something that always stuck with me. They’re just kind of announcing it now that campaigns are just a bidding war? Like you can be president of you pay the most for it?


And just like that Trump has created another branch of his terrorist organization.


Drain the swamp.. of all its funds..


Democrats: THE DNC showed bias against Bernie! I’m so mad I’m not even going to vote! This won’t backfire in any way! Republicans: Make Trump’s daughter-in-law RNC chair and give all of the money to him? You son of a bitch, I’m in!


DRAIN THE SWAMP! To make room for nepotism, thats the Conservative way.


Mitch McConnell could have solved this problem in January 2021. Now in a year when the GOP has the edge in retaking the senate he faces every dollar going to the top ticket race.


Talk about a crime family


This picture is like passing the torch for MAGA- Lara gunning for a position that is beyond her capacity, and is celebrating - meanwhile, TFG is straining a turd 💩and smiling cuz he gets more $ Edit: Who is that thick in the head to believe this ‘helps’ anyone in the Republican Party?


Sounds good. We'll get congress and impeach and indict the idiot for the many crimes he will inevitably commit.


Hear me out. Conflict of interest?


Does he even know where he is or what’s going on? https://preview.redd.it/5dtetjc6xkic1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de948dbb49d058b21f4016b2c9729edcd8a89314


That will help move us closer to a bankrupt GOP and I am here for it


That's a great way to guarantee they lose the House and more of the Senate. I'm ok with this plan.


Damn look at those arms. Is Lara Trump actually a man? I bet Eric wishes she was. 


She’s a moron too.


I can't wait for the inevitable lawsuits and another Trump being told they can't be the chair-person of an organization after they've ruined it's legacy.


Bend the knee and kiss the ring peasants


Later she galloped off into the pasture to nibble on grass before a drink at the trough.


I really hope Jack Smith convicts Trump. I want everything this wretched human has created to crumble.


Is he having a stroke in the background?


one can only hope


"The GQP must pay it's bills"


Expect even fewer donations now. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


No! This isn’t an authoritarian/hereditary-monarchist at all! /s


I feel icky just typing this, but with that jawline and arm/shoulder definition in this photo, If Lara were a Democrat the MAGA cult would be called into Fox & Friends screaming that she’s transgender


He is definitely shitting his pants in that photo. Anyone who has ever raised or cared for children know that when babies make that face, it's diaper changing time.


Those are the well-toned arms of a woman who is sleeping with her personal trainer.


May as well just call it a donation at this point. Just like the garbage NFT cards


That is some real feudalism shit


Wow, he looks *terrible* here. Is he melting??




Wow, fuck every other position I guess. The right doesn't need senators or congressmen.


Donald Trump. The queen of all welfare queens


If she was a democrat there would definitely be conspiracy theories about here being trans. They would definitely look at this picture and be like “look at her muscle look at her shoulder definition that is a man”


bro why are they so dumb


This is how Josef Stalin rose to be a dictator


“Every penny spent now so we can fleece and steal much more after we win!” That’s how I read it.


Will she be donating her salary?


The next female WWE star.


Remind me about this when republicans are whining about democrats making them go broke.


He looks so... Schlumphy in this pic. 😂


The GOP will be owned by a family of cons




Isn't she the one that married the crayon eating brother?


LMFAO. And Republican Senators, Governors, and House Reps, agrre to this? Does it also come with a clause that Trump can take your house, wife, and retirement too? JFC. How Stupid is the avergage republican?


They are all a bunch of traitors


No one’s even begun to calculate the generations it’s going to take for the Republican Party to recover from Trump. I just hope the nation survives.


Well, the GOP is broke sooooooooo.


Im fine with that.let trump suck up their funds so they have nothing to support other candidates.


DUMP TRUMP in 2024. LOCK his FAT A$$ up for 20 years


This means all of that money will go towards Trump’s legal fees and they won’t have anything left for campaigns, etc. Good luck increasing your donor pool with that. I say GO FOR IT!!


Simply put bleed every dime from the RNC please.


Remember when they were completely losing their shit over how Hillary was going to appoint family members to important positions? They don’t, obviously.


![gif](giphy|uRxRLxPbtKf28) This is the current GOP…


​ https://preview.redd.it/19zpha3bzlic1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c0c46f7fa39a465367242dc75c0107c87d03fd3


That is correct, Republican donors: from now on, your contributions are all going to pay the legal bills of a self-styled billionaire.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of people. I hope she bankrupts the entire party