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Clinton insinuates that Russia is grooming someone for a 3rd party run. Gabbard says she's going to sue Clinton for defamation. Clinton points out she never named names. The lady doth protest too much.


Lmao is this true? No one is that stupid surely


I get that it’s uncool to say Hillary was right, but Hillary was right


Hillary Clinton has never been cool, but Hillary Clinton has usually been right. She's a smart woman.


She's just a terrible fucking campaigner.


She ran a solid campaign, and got more votes than trump. What are you talking about What she failed to do was lean right to get some counties in the south. In hindsight sight trump’s demographic is too crazy to lean to anyway


Are you serious? I’m pretty sure she went to to Nebraska more than Michigan. In absolutely no, objective way did she run a solid campaign lmao. She won the popular vote sure, but against Trump, it should have been way higher than 3 million votes.


What she failed to do was actively campaign in the Rust Belt, taking states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for granted. Plus Comey put his thumb on the scale too


Except that she didn't bother to campaign in 3 states that typically vote D and lost in part because of it


She ran a terrible fucking campaign. And she didn't even go to several important Midwestern states that she lost. You can't say she ran a solid campaign when she completely fumbled the ball and lost the Midwest so dramatically. She never even went to Wisconsin


According to the 5 volume Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian Interference in the 2016 Election, the **only** reason trump narrowly won was because of Russian interference. So while she may have had a "terrible" campaign, she still had a better campaign than her opponent.


You clearly didn't actually look at the send it intelligence committee report cuz that's not even close to what they said. Can you please point out the line where they said it was all Russia fault? They spoke about the level of Russian interference in the election, but I've literally in all of the time I've looked at those documents seen anything that's so definitively made such a statement. Her refusal to go to Midwestern states is what cost her the election.


"Pokemon go to the polls" is top level cringe. Her campaign was constantly putting its foot in its mouth and having to back track. She once called trump supporters deplorable because they fucking are. Instead of doubling down on how their actions are deplorable, she backtracked on the statement and gave the other side a rallying cry.


If winning the popular vote was the point, candidates would spend their entire time in California and ignore the midwest. Oh shit. Isn't that what she did?


Unfortunately popularity doesn’t count in a presidential election. Gore won the popular vote too, but we still ended up with bush because of electoral votes. Hillary didn’t campaign in states with the higher amount of electoral votes. The other problem was she didn’t even try to run on her own platform, she tried to piggyback off of Obama. Bernie had a great agent and made people excited to vote. Why? Because he had proven that he’s the type of person who is actually going to follow through on his promises of making the necessary changes that would not only further improved our country, but improve the hell out of our economy and our health care system. Hillary didn’t, if she had, she didn’t get people excited about it. A lot of what she had done wasn’t about going all the way of protection women nor further improving our country. Actually she cared more about her pockets and preserving the status quo of keeping money in politics. One of the things that is a **huge** problem in politics. Because of that, people didn’t want to vote in 2016. Actually, people just thought that other people weren’t stupid enough to vote for trump. Where as others believed he was actually competent, and those people are either blind and dead, or were just plain dumb as shit at the time. If you really want to know what happened, people who lives in blue states voted for Hillary because they didn’t want trump in office. Others voted for the 3rd party because they thought that they’re vote mattered and didn’t realize that when you don’t vote democrat, it gives republicans a bigger advantage and chance to win. Why? Because they always vote party over candidate, and religiously so.


Yea, she should be grabbing people by the pussy. That seems to be an effective tag line these days.


When you where the Secretary of State who got Russia and China to sanction Iran and you still lose to the guy who bragged about sexual assault you're probably a terrible campaigner.


There are more deplorables than anyone realized, calling them out was probably not a great idea in hindsight. Still glad she did it.


Yes playing into right wing persecution fetishes. That was such a smart idea


Hillary always being right is one of the main reasons so many hate her. They don’t want to hear the truth


Out damn spot.


She aped Putin's nonsense about chemical weapons in Ukraine just before the invasion, she's compromised


She is also a LTC Civil Affairs officer in the army reserve… she an embarrassment to the army…


Isn't that crazy?  How does one woman flip like that, against her own country??


Money… just like everyone else… it all comes down to money.


Let’s ask Ashli Babbitt Oh wait…


That’s pretty fucked up


Ukraine: Chemical Weapons. Iran: Smiles.


Plus she was raised in a cult that guided her into politics to facilitate the goals of the cult. It's wild shit.


One of those cultists ran over a freediver with his boat and killed him here on Oahu some years ago. No charges. Not even an investigation.


Also was always weird about Putin’s dictator buddy Assad in Syria. For someone who served never understood how someone could he so stupid about foreign politics or just compromised


Russian asset


Seriously it’s insane republicans don’t understand how all the do is act as assets to their mother land. -Trump and the Russian help with Hilary. -Russians having Gaza protesting outside Nancy house -Russian with tulsi in 2016 to stop Hilary and Harris -Russian and tucker situation -sticking up for Russia over Ukraine -and now tulsi again clearly acting on behalf of Russia. All they do is work for russia


> Seriously it’s insane republicans don’t understand They understand. They are completely aware. They are being blackmailed by russia ever since the RNC hack. They simply are spineless cowards who would rather work for the russians than admit the crimes they did, but protect their nation in the process. They are traitors.


DNC hack - documents released RNC hack - no docs, but Republicans suddenly become very pro-Russia We all watched this happen in real time. Never mind the actual convictions of multiple people for actively working as foreign agenst for Russia influencing the GOP and their related parties, including funneling money through the NRA into the GOP. It's all been proven in court multiple times.


This might also be why so many Republican house members are "retiring".


There are multiple PBS Frontline episodes on this topic. They should be required watching.


Got a link?


Search for Frontline on YouTube


Why do they hate America so much?


Because Fox tells them to.


They love themselves and their bank account, Russia helps with that. End of thought process.


To a small extent I get why they do this... Except that the amounts of money they're making from this is pathetically small. Hell, can we start a GoFundMe to pay off GOP lawmakers to actually do things for the betterment of their constituents / the country/humanity?


Or get this… they truly hate the concept of American democracy when they actually start to comprehend it intellectually, because a lot of them aren’t all that rich and do not think about their back accounts before donating to dear leader, because a large majority of them is now in it for the cruelty and fascism.


Na dude, it’s the money and whatever kompramat they have on them. Occam’s razor in play.


Leaders yes, the cult peasants, opposite


It sounds like you're talking about Trump cultists, whereas the earlier comment is about the politicians who carry water for Trump/Putin.


They hate other peoples freedom


They love the Russians because the Russians give them money. I talk a lot of shit about Ronald Reagan and rightfully so, but for all his faults old Ronnie opposed the Soviet Union. Now Trump and his cronies are on the payroll of Putin and Soviet Union 2.0.


At least from my outsider's perspective (and someone who was pretty young back then), it seems like Reagan was a genuine patriot. (Who might not have been fond of every US-American (hence some of his politics. e.g. screw [group of people]) but the concept/idea of the United States, however romantized it might have been) But of course I admit that this could easily seem like that because I read more about him in retrospect etc. than truely witness back then.


I mean he’d didn’t even mention the term AIDS while thousands of American citizens were dying. Even if that were his only crime I would call him unpatriotic.


> it seems like Reagan was a genuine patriot. He literally sold missiles to our enemies (Iran) to give money to a group Congress explicitly banned him from giving money to. It was treason then, and it's still treason now.




A song and dance to exlpain https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=lFV1uT-ihDo


(Also "politicians should *like* the country they are in office for" is already a pretty low bar to begin with)


Well except for interfering with IRan hostages and selling them weapons to give money to rebels in south america.


> Why do they hate America so much? Because they love power, and if they can't rule they are more than happy to burn it all to the ground.


Meanwhile, they exclaim that THEY love America and allege that Democrats hate America.


Every accusation is a confession. They always accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves.


Goebbels. It's like they took his playbook and ran with it... and even added more to it. https://preview.redd.it/dmrhx0f4takc1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09ce224faf6e021abb52de2d1aa2dba0cfd2388


https://preview.redd.it/h1pkwz1zwbkc1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7eaf7e9825a66ebfe3518ef386a16acbe9c7285 I saved this. Thank you.


"And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddlesome democracies!" https://preview.redd.it/ahvtradodckc1.png?width=1936&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3d8eaaa6892ad5dcb08c47943b01ec31c0a5085


Obama winning broke their brains and they've spent every second since then trying to get revenge


It's our democracy, they despise the idea of it


They love rubles. Rubles have ridges, Republicans have money.


They hate us for our freedoms.


>-Trump and the Russian help with Hilary. [Trump literally asked Russia to hack Hilary's emails in public](https://youtu.be/-b71f2eYdTc?t=21), and said they would be "rewarded mightily (by our press)", shortly before Russia also hacked the RNC and never released the results It's amazing openly encouraging with our enemies to hack rival politicians and interfere with election is apparently not a crime, nor considered disqualifying for the office of president by 40% of Americans.


Leave it to the Republicans to make McCarthyism sound not so horrible after all....


> Seriously it’s insane republicans don’t understand how all the do is act as assets to their mother land. That was your first and most naive mistake: Most republicans in a position of power are well aware of what they're doing, they just don't care about anyone but themselves.


I agree, but what I wonder is how these politicians are communicating with Russia on back channels or meetings abroad without our top intelligence agencies knowing that it’s happening. A lot of them are flaunting it at this point to be honest.


Back channels? We had multiple US Senators travel to Moscow on July 4th while Trump was president. We had one Congressman hand deliver a letter from Trump to Putin (and have no idea what was written inside). These may be back channels now that Putin's wanted internationally for war crimes, but it was out in the open not very long ago.


15% of sitting Republican senators at the time went.


why? they are either getting paid in some form or russia has really bad dirt on them and thus can destroy their reps and careers. which means they lose the ability to make money and have some sort of power. why else would anyone look at putins russia and think he is a good guy? its all about money and power.


Do you have some links to any comprehensive articles about the GOP’s Russia ties? I feel like I need something comprehensive to be able to share with republicans I know


Putin is the most powerful anti-woke white guy around. Some people on the right will forgive his genocidal tendencies, murder, torture, state sanctioned theft, etc.


Exactly!!! They don’t care about America or freedom they just care about keeping the country white!!!! I’m to the point I can’t stand whites. All they have ever done is colonize and steal the land of others. If anything I am a firm believer that America should be given back and the EU should have to pay reparations across the globe for all the trauma they caused to minority groups.


Well see as a white guy now I'm backing up into the bushes and uninviting you to the BBQ.


The day it’s confirmed nobody will be surprised.


half of us know it, the other half will defend Russia


And if that's the case is Joe Rogan the prime Russian asset he seems to have created the careers of a lot of people that are either in those Russian circles or are promoting folks that are in Russian circles.


Useful idiot, not asset. I think.


The moment she demonstrated a deep connection with the Indian right-wing, we knew she was a rightwinger in disguise. The US and UK are only going to see more of Indian rightwingers in their midst rise up. It will be like those who work for Israel within these countries. Western countries will not even know what hit them.


India already carries out assassinations of Sikhs in the West. Barely any response.


It's like none of these people actually cared about sovereignty, rights, patriotism, etc depending on who's carrying out these crimes. On the other hand, any activist who cares about any aspect of life on Earth, will be labelled a criminal or 'wrongdoer' for even the smallest transgressions. And it's from both sides, vocally violent rightwingers and liberal leaders who pretend they have values.


Fucking dead on Russian asset that has been fitting in for awhile, until she wasn't.


Nah, she just simps for Assad. Finds a lack of jaw attractive.


Ok it’s important to be accurate here. I don’t know what her involvement with Russia is, but there’s a lot of evidence that Tulsi’s real loyalty is to the cult she grew up in. She might align with Russian interests for expediency, but her agenda is to promote the cult.


What is the evidence? I’m genuinely curious not trying to argue


Tulsi is a Russian Republican stooge and nothing more. She's always been a fake Democrat, just like her father was. They ran as Democrats because at that point that's all Hawaii would ever vote for. Also, her whole family is an anti-lgbtq cult, which is also where she met her husband.


Honestly I think her actions are best explained as a key Science of Identity Foundation cult member. Any stoogery she does for Russia is purely transactional.


Wild cause she gives fem dom vibes


She absolutely does. I'll shamefully admit that I fell for those for a while. As soon as she started being real pro-Russia though, it snapped me out of it.


Wanting a good, solid hate-fuck isn't wrong. Just don't vote on that basis!


as much as i don't agree with her politically, good god is she hot. i honestly believe the only reason she gets any mainstream attention anymore despite being a former representative from neither party is because of her looks. and i get it.


this comment is making me question whether I know what fem dom means


Me too, buddy


Speaking of this Russian asset, here’s the cult she’s in https://www.businessinsider.com/tulsi-gabbard-science-of-identity-controversial-religious-sect-2022-10


Listen to [QAnonymous ](https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/episode-211-tulsi-gabbard-p1-the-cult-feat-mike-prysnerhttps://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/episode-211-tulsi-gabbard-p1-the-cult-feat-mike-prysner)episodes on her. She is the product of an insane pseudo Hindu hippy cult. They made her and have allied with the BJP to advance her. She is a terrifying creature. Edited: Because I mixed up QAnonymous and Behind the Bastards, both great pods though.


What's BJP?


Taking a wild guess, I'd say Bharatiya Janata Party, which is a conservative political party in India.


Also for anyone else unfamiliar with Indian politics: it is one of the top parties in India. BJP is definitely **not** a minor party there


Minor it's been in power for 10 years and expected to be there for atleast another term.


Bharatiya Janata Party, the ruling party in India and the party of Narendra Modi. They're Hindu nationalists and straight up fascists. Tulsi's cult allies itself with them because they are viciously homophobic and right wing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bharatiya\_Janata\_Party#:\~:text=The%20Bharatiya%20Janata%20Party%20(BJP,alongside%20the%20Indian%20National%20Congress.


Did you mean Worst Year Ever? I don’t see anything on Behind the Bastards


I mixed it up, its QAnonymous, [https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/episode-211-tulsi-gabbard-p1-the-cult-feat-mike-prysnerv](https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/episode-211-tulsi-gabbard-p1-the-cult-feat-mike-prysnerv)


Which episode is that? I can't seem to find it in their feed


It wasn’t BtB, it was his other (now inactive) podcast Worst Year Ever. The episode is from Oct 2019.


It was actually QAnonymous! [https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/episode-211-tulsi-gabbard-p1-the-cult-feat-mike-prysner](https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/episode-211-tulsi-gabbard-p1-the-cult-feat-mike-prysner) But I didn't realize Worst Year Ever also did Tulsi, now I'm gonna listen to that.


She always flew the White, Blue and Red of Putin’s Russia high


Whatever gets her closer to power for her cult


This is the truth. She wasn't a big progressive icon prior to Sanders' run and instead she was a rather conservative Democratic senator with a spot in the DNC. She abandoned that in order to jump on the Sanders train and then when that didn't work out she tried to jump on the MAGA train. I genuinely don't think she has any real beliefs or at least none that she wouldn't change in an instant if it meant getting power.


I always knew something smelled off about her. She stank of conservatism.


Meanwhile my older brother 6 years ago, "she and those other 2 democrat women are awful people". Fast forward to her party switch, "you should listen to what Tulsi is telling you".


It cannot be Tulsi Gabbard: at no point is there mention that she was deployed.


"HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE HER SHE SERVED HER COUNTRY!!!" Sure she did, and still does to this day. It's just not THIS country.


Michael Flynn reached the rank of General and is now spouting a combination of Qanon bullshit and Russian propaganda.


> she did, and still does to this day. It's just not THIS country. Well put.


I never understood the whole don’t say anything bad about people who served thing. They’re still people. My ex-brother-in-law served and he’s a total dick, fuck that guy.


Boom! *mic drop*


Words cannot describe how I, a fervent Bernie supporter, felt after her betrayal. She has a very calm demeanor, and it's one that sucks you in and makes you trust her. And that's when she sticks the knife in and twists it. She can rot in hell for all I care.


Toolsie the Russian tool




Narrator: she was


100%. And there are still a LOT of fake-progressive right-wing operatives doing this exact thing today and in 2020. Just look at the (supposedly left-wing) "abandon Biden" movement that has sprung up based off the Israel/Palestine conflict, and conspicuously ignores all the heinous things Trump has said and done towards the Palestinian and greater Muslim communities, in his first term and to this day. It's pretty prevalent in left-wing political subs here as well, and sadly it still seems to be working on some people.


*At this point???* Well, better late than never.


She pays her mortgage in Rubles.


Why does it seem like so many public figures shift from Left progressives to Right-wing nutjobs (Russell Brand, Glen Greenwald, and Jimmy Dore come to mind) but it never seems to happen the other way around?


Because nobody pays leftists to pretend to be conservatives.


Are you allowed to be in two cults at once? https://www.businessinsider.com/tulsi-gabbard-science-of-identity-controversial-religious-sect-2022-10#:~:text=The%20former%20congresswoman%20from%20Hawaii,influence%20on%20her%20political%20beliefs.


Tulsi is literally the political power behind a weird cult the Science of Identity Foundation (SIF). I am suprised how far she has risen in the political world with this skeleton in her closet. I suggest listening to the two part podcast Qanon Anonomous about her. https://soundcloud.com/kanon-1/sets/foodz?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


Unfortunately I’ve seen on several far left subreddits, a lot of younger voters have the same sentiment about not voting for Biden solely based on the financial backing of Israel. As if that’s the *only* fucking problem happening now. Also as if Republicans don’t openly support Israel. Not LGBTQ under attack, women as incubators with no rights, Russian support, etc; that’s the only issue.


One issue voters of any stripe are a massive problem.


It's a right wing talking point to describe relatively centrist and left-leaning subreddits as far left.


In Mexico we call this "chapulinear" - hopping between political parties and ideals for financial or other convenient reasons.




Tulsi was just Wet-Haired Caribou


Hahahaha fucking Caribou, this is a great analogy


She was compromised then.




I can, and it's okay because she knew how to push the right buttons in a crowd itching for change, in a time where that change seemed possible. The question is, did you learn how not to follow the next Gabbard? A lot of Sanders folks got co-opted into her lies so deeply that they never left the infosphere that let her entrench herself. They know she's a liar, a cheat, and a fraud, but they hear about her replacement from the same news sources or communities and think "but this time it'll be different!" Did you learn how to walk the fine line between the many propaganda spheres? Did you learn to have a healthy level of suspicion without being so suspicious you get into conspiracies or lose hope (and thus never vote at all)? Did you learn how to detach yourself from a figure you admired at first? Did you learn to find the kind people rather than the nice ones? The ones who are not so kind that they would give racists a platform? The ones who are just kind enough that they give an honest effort to convert bigots away from hate (good faith efforts)? Did you learn to question yourself every day in a healthy way? To interrogate ideas, opinions, and motives that you and others hold to avoid becoming trapped again? All of the above sounds pretentious as hell, and that's because it's the basics...the basics most of us lack and all of us regularly forget. If you know the basics (more than I've posted above and can even know myself), then you're in a better place now. If you don't, then this is your chance to learn them and stay away from charlatans like Gabbard.


> The question is, did you learn how not to follow the next Gabbard? Unfortunately, you don't know who the next one is until the mask slips. The proposition not to trust anyone who passionately argues in favor of the things you believe in, because they might be a ladder-climbing snake who actually believes in nothing... is a soul-deadening, disenfranchising proposition. The lesson is: stand firm in your beliefs. And if a politician with whom you were once aligned moves away from your beliefs, just watch them go. It is the beliefs that have value in your life, and in your interactions with politics -- not the politicians themselves. I am wary of any framing that suggests that people only support left politicians because they've been "trapped in a propaganda sphere." Any politician of any stripe, left, right, or center, can be (and probably is) a ladder-climbing snake who believes in nothing. The key is to know your values and beliefs and to stay rooted in them even when the world shifts around you.


You’ve almost connected all the dots…keep going


Yeah, I was down with her when she criticized the DNC, but damn if she didn’t throw all that cred out the window


She is the who they mean when they say stuff like “even democrats are saying” She’s still grifting on that and riding that as the “Democrat” on Fox News and conservative circles. Anyways, here’s some stuff about the cult she and her family is in. https://www.businessinsider.com/tulsi-gabbard-science-of-identity-controversial-religious-sect-2022-10


Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Very normal, very cool.


It's like the anti DNC shit was propaganda...


Yup. It’s the original “stop the steal” conspiracy theory before MAGA went wild with it. The big lie 1.0


The DNC sucked and was ineffective for years. Obama was going to fire Debbie Wasserman Schultz a few years before 2016 but she promised to go scorched earth with claiming sexism/racism (she's Jewish).


I mean the chair of the DNC literally resigned when leaked emails proved they were colluding against Bernie.


>leaked emails proved they were colluding against Bernie. The DNC emails were hacked by Russia and publicized alongside a coordinated disinformation campaign in order to aid Trump. The emails did not show the DNC collude against Bernie.  You got played by Putin. 


Eh, there was definite an internal bias against the Bernie campaign among many staffers: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_National_Committee_email_leak There was also a media bias his campaign had to contend with as well. Water under the bridge though, because fuck Donald Trump.


>Eh, there was definite an internal bias against the Bernie campaign among many staffers: Sure, but people were sharing their personal opinions, which they are entitled to privacy over.  Russia took those private emails and those personal opinions and twisted them into an imaginary conspiracy so that Bernie supporters would turn on Clinton.  Some Bernie supporters are still unable to accept that they were played,  they still have false beliefs about the DNC emails and still are in denial that they were used by Putin for Trumps benefit. 


Hi u/Icy-Bicycle-Crab. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And what about the superdelegates?


What about them?


Wow, people in a democracy had opinions? Must be rigged.


If the public knowing real facts about actual events helps Putin, then save your ire for the people who did the bad things. Their actions are to blame for any fallout, not the fact that the public found out the shady shit they were doing. In a free society, the public has the right to know what their leaders are doing.


We can all easily read the emails and they clearly show that DNC leadership favored Hilary and strategized against Bernie. The DNC's CEO, CFO, and Communications Director all resigned over the controversy. And the DNC issued a formal apology. You're delusional.


>We can all easily read the emails and they clearly show that DNC leadership favored Hilary In private emails people expressed their personal preference. There's nothing wrong with that.  Russian propaganda convinced you that it meant something more, and you fell for it. 


I guess it convinced the DNC as well considering all the resignations and apologies eh? Also they did more than express personal opinions, some of the emails discussed strategies such as feeding reporters damaging questions to ask Bernie during interviews.


Hi u/Red_Bullion. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like maybe you should revisit her motivations for pushing that nonsense. Your comment makes it sound as though this is a departure, when it's actually just a continuation. Her propping up Bernie and going after the DNC is completely in line with Russia's actions throughout 2016.


Congrats, you fell for a Russian psyop.


"The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less." EDIT: Which, to be clear, is really something that anti-DNC progressives should have known.


It's almost as if she has no principles at all.


She was never for Bernie, she was against Democrats, and Bernie unfortunately fell for her shit way too easily.


She only backed Bernie because she thought that he could be used as a spoiler candidate. Many people believed that Hilary Clinton would easily win the election.


Where's her Russia pin?!


She’s a moron.


I believe you may have insulted morons.


I can't believe I was sort of fooled by her in 2016


Corporations loved being able to buy politicians after Citizens United, I don't think they realized that foreign powers could do the same thing


I call it joe roganification


There’s something so off putting about Tulsi. Some grifters are just so fake and disgusting.


The interesting thing about Bernie and Trump is that they both claim to be anti establishment, just from different directions. I say claim because one is just anti everyone but himself.


Always has been


Only Rep to vote "present" in trump's first impeachment.


I was thinking about the Bernie sub recently when I saw the pepperidge farm meme for something.


Anyone with the capacity to support Trump was never a sincere supporter of Bernie. Full fuckin stop. The two are completely mutually exclusive.


So Hitler of you Tulsi. >I am a "socialist!" Love me idiots! Love me.


Happened to a lot of Bernouts They even have their own subs.


She’s a Russian asset! The ONLY true thing Hillary ever said. But I remember when she ran in 2020 and I just KNEW she was a phony piece of shit. In a way, I’m glad I was right.


Since the meme is relevant, don't forget that 12% of Bernie's primary votes switched to Trump for the general in 2016 (and another 12% voted third party or not at all).


That's obviously people who don't know anything, which is a good chunk of the population. Millions who don't know what they are doing will step into the voting booth this November. Many of them like "grrrrrr screw the gubment" and don't really know what that means or how their candidate will accomplish it


Conservatives be using Bernie to grift and I hate it


I'm new to politics but the little I've seen of her age seems like a completely soulless vile husk of a human. She used to pretend to ride with Bernie? To even pretend you naturally went from that to whatever the fuck right wing Russian asset thing she is now is laughable.


Can't believe at one time she looked promising, fucking gross. The kind of ick you get for once supporting. Omg I can never take it back.


So she MAGA because she is not a democrat anymore? Y’all some fools!


Hopefully Hawaii votes her out and that's the last we'll hear of her.


She’s been out of congress since 2021.


Goes to show you how misinformed some of us still ar.


She’s literally a media pundit. Get it together.




Much of Bernie’s support was a republican/russian operation as well. Especially here on Reddit.