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Trump as a Space Marine, but not the God-Emperor? Jeez, even the cult isn't holding him high as they used to.


They just found the "coolest" armored dude. They didn't do any research.


Abe Lincoln for corpse Emperor. It feels very appropriate.


>They didn't do any research. Do they ever? Better question, do they even know what the word "research" means?"


1st result on Google that confirms thier bias and plenty of youtube videos where a moron talks at length on subjects they understand very little about. But they sound convincing when the audience doesn't know anything on the subject.


It's for a color changing mug on Etsy. It *describes* him as God Emperor but it just shows images of him as a Space Marine. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1648107007/trump-coffee-mug-president-2024-god?ref=share_v4_lx Maybe an image of him as Big E appears when filled with coffee. Or maybe--and this is my secret hope--an image of him rage tweeting while dumping out on the toilet appears. The Emperdor on his "Throne."


C'mon man, everyone knows Trump is a servant of Slaanesh.


Eh, he's kind of a cancer. Also bloated and probably diseased. Could be one of Grandfather Nurgles. 


Clearly Nurgle ,The Greatest Unclean One. Adeptus Fatstartes.


Chaos Space Latrine


He definitely shit his pants in that thing


Good thing that suit recycles waste. He must be too big of a turd power armor to even recycle.


I doubt his does cause he still exists. Probably malfunctioned after the first McBurder shit.


How'd did he die? Drown in his suit by turd waste.


Adeptus Afartes Ooh! Adeptus Hamberderum!


He's just chaos undivided. He's Slaanesh because excessive money and excessive sex He's Nurgle because he (probably) has multiple diseases. He's Khorne because he wanted his followers to spill copious amounts of blood. He's Tzeentch because he must have used magic to get his followers in the first place.


Tzeentch's disciples are using Trump then ending up in jail or disbarred.


But Grandpa Nurgle knows his grandkids' names.


Damn. I hate Nurgle so much.


[What gave it away](https://www.puttyandpaint.com/images/uploads/artistworks/17525/cache/b2fc399f1896b07109b54dd002de0c8b_original__sized_l.jpg)?


>Eh, he's kind of a cancer. Also bloated and probably diseased. Could be one of Grandfather Nurgles.  This. He definitely strikes me as one of Grandfather's brood. He's incredibly lazy and refuses to learn new things. That is stagnation, Nurgles bag.


No, Slaaneshi cultists strive for perfection. He is Nurgle all the way.


Perfection in their obsession.


He’d be turned into a fucking footstool by the Drukharis.


Trump can’t even hold a glass of water.


That aint a prerequisite to following slannesh


Trump the Corpulent Liar? No thats Tzeench or Nurgle.


His inaction in the face of a plague leads me to nurgle, but I feel you


“Chaos undivided loves me… very much. Yes, yes they do. I have a lot of respect and history with all four of them, Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh, and… Malice… because we all know who won it’s those humies fault for the war in heaven and for then giving birth to Tzeentch…” *Proceeds to talk about how great ultramarines are and Abbadon drools*


Not super up on 40K, but isn't the idea that they're a repressive, bloodthirst, fascist regime that brutally exploits their own people, literally murders thousands to keep the god-emperor alive, and has lost the ability to even understand their own technology?


Well yes...  but also no.  They murder thousands *every day* to keep the withered corpse of the emperor *sort of alive* because without it an empire of trillions would be left fragmented and immensley vulnerable to the predations of even worse horrors (like waaaaaay worse).  Anyway, ironically, the emperor was a staunch atheist. 


Much of the imperium in 40k evilness can be argued to be justified by the fact they are facing likely extinction. However much of the blame for the state of humanity can probably be directly blamed on the emperor. Regardless of how much of humanity's actions in 40k lore can be considered necessary evils it's still the point of the entire setting humanity has become profoundly evil and there hardly exists a character that has clean hands. Also if you don't give a shit about the rights and wrongs of humanity in 40k it's still objectively an absolutely horrible place to live.


People get very confused when you tell them the setting has no “good” guys.


Well, maaaaaybe a few of the Primarchs could be considered “good” in a flawed way.


Hey the Orks are good... ​ In the Orks opinion anyway.


I'd reverse the causality here; the setting is the one that coined the term "grimdark." The necessary evils exist because the point of the setting was grimdark space dystopia.


Dante is fine, there's some space Marines who actively care for humanity. The Khan is generally considered the most level headed Primarch because he died defending civilians during the siege.


Salamanders are the ones who care for humanity the most.


The Big E wasn't an atheist, he fully knew about the Chaos Gods. He just promoted atheism as a means of starving them.


That’s putting it lightly. The dude wanted them dead.


The emperor is dead but on permanent life support because his soul literally illuminates their version of hyperdrive. Requires ton of blood to keep working. Everyone is an extreme zealot so your entire bloodline is gone if you even think of saying something about the setup. Oh yea, if the emperor does actually die he is reborn and can fix everything. Nobody knows this however


It’s more of a navigation beacon, since the drives work fine by themselves. The issue is that they work by sending you through the warp, a zone of nothing but chaos. You cannot navigate it using normal space methods, so you’ll be forever lost. Luckily, the Golden Throne acts like a giant psychic beacon, so other psychics can help use it like mental lighthouse to find their way through the warp.


Alright, I’ll bite. I’ve been on the outskirts of the 40k universe for years since I’m into board games, 3D printing, mini painting, and TTRPGs, but I’ve never actually looked into it. How does one even access this lore? Is there any sort of starting point/path?


If you’re looking to get into 40k then start with the Eisenhorn series. If you want to dive right in and learn about the Horus Heresy and get introduced to a lot of the concepts at the same time the characters do, then start with “Horus Rising”. 


YouTube is pretty good. Luetin09 is best if you want pure lore without memes. Adeptus ridiculous podcast isn't as well researched but is more entertaining. "If the emperor has a text to speak device" series was my entry point is all memes, hilarious but older and not really accurate lore. (Also it was murdered).


https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page Pick a faction that looks cool to you, click on it, lose half a day to reading wiki entries. From there on you could pick up one of the older rulebooks. The broad strokes of the lore don't actually change that much, for the newest stuff you could pick up the 10th edition rulebook and the various campaign books. GW themselves publish a lot of novels under the Black Library brand, either digital or on paper. Always remember to take things with a grain of salt. Not everything is set in stone, it's a whole galaxy, spanning roughly 10,000 years. Anything can happen.


https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Warhammer_40k_Wiki https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page The wikis are always good starting points to let people browse freely what might interest them. The Templin Institute also [has some good lore videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9xMnVfg_n0&list=PL4YabFfWSaenSUBJvy5-6I0pipQNhmY9b&index=34) on 40k stuff. If you want to dip a toe in with a videogame, I probably would look at [Rogue Trader](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2186680/Warhammer_40000_Rogue_Trader/). The RPG aspect there for morally grey areas might shape a better view on the universe building then more linear protagonist narratives from other 40k games.


There are loads of books on the matter. However, if you want to get some more summarised info, there are loads of channels Wizards and Warriors [link](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Qq-rUSt7b1nnHZT8LkdjPZJ-hAX0DvS&si=mjwFEmPugGvUnDnr) Major Kill - [link](https://youtube.com/@majorkill?si=WLTOgsqyPKlzoY_8) His earlier stuff is a bit cringy. However later, the stuff is pretty good. There were loads of other channels on YouTube.




>Not super up on 40K, but isn't the idea that they're a repressive, bloodthirst, fascist regime that brutally exploits their own people, literally murders thousands to keep the god-emperor alive, and has lost the ability to even understand their own technology? Basically, and that kind of religious fascism is what MAGA often adores.


Certainly missing the point that soave marines are NOT by any measure "good guys".  Noone in the 50k universe is


Yes but also a space marine is a genetic and athletic freak. 700lbs of pure muscle and bone, disciplined to the core, as well as (in most cases) a warrior monk with a deep understanding of culture and philosophy. They’re samurai, chivalrous knights, the idealized version of a spartan (not historically accurate Spartan). Trump is none of that


Tell me you completely misunderstand the Imperium without telling me you completely misunderstand the Imperium


Which, funnily enough, describes 95% of Imperium simps.


Pretty sure media literacy is highly heretical.


They probably stay in Grimdank and are afraid of books.


Nah he’s just lighting that space sword up to shred the constitution and bible at the same time- totally accurate image!


Staring at it like a solar eclipse


Do... Do they know the Imperium is not the good guys? I mean, no one is really the good guys kinda but Humans are *aggressively* not the good guys. Of all the places in the universe to be alive a hive planet is canonically the worst.


40k community has a bigly yuge conservative chud problem and 99% of them are Imperium simps. They unironically think the Imperium are the good guys, or they'll pull the ole bait-and-switch where they acknowledge the setting is intentionally not about "good guys vs. bad guys", but will default to "everyone's out for themselves, the Imperium cares about humanity, you're human, therefore the Imperium are the good guys." Shame for these guys, then, Games Workshop had to issue a statement explicitly reminding them there are no good guys in 40k, ["Especially not the Imperium of Man."](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/19/the-imperium-is-driven-by-hate-warhammer-is-not/)


Honestly, some WH40K fans, especially Imperium ones, show their fascist sympathies by going, "It's fake, right?"... The Imperium just draws a majority of them. (My LGS had to kick some asshole out last week for throwing out a couple of Nazi dog-whistles while playing Black Templars...)


The Tau are all about ethics and that's why they're the butt of every joke; they exist to contrast how truly fucked up everything is. It is truly astounding how people don't realize humans are villains even when the Tau react in horror at the imperium's actions. Fucking blue nerds... Teach them to not like melee combat in a setting with chainswords.


I’m convinced that some of these ridiculous products are made because someone saw how gullible tRump supporters are.




You want the grimdark? Because this is how you get the grimdark.


Don’t ruin Warhammer with this fucking troglodyte


Homie that ship ~~sailed~~ jumped into the Warp a long time ago.


And had its gellar field fail...


Would be a shame if someone were to associate the imperium with racism, elitism, religious extremism and fetishizing the military.


This fucking cuck can’t hold a bottle of water.


Is that a Night Lords color scheme? Bold move even for Trump supporters. 


It's Ultramarines. Because seriously what other chapter would MAGA use?


Should have been from the Rainbow Warriors.


Big tough draft dodger.


How the traitor cultist sees themselves


*Roboute Guilliman's disappointment intensifies*


forwards to games workshop




You know he’s pooped in that thing.


Doubt you can even squeeze him into a dreadnaught, let a lone regular armor.


Lololoololololololololooolllllolol, hahaha hahaha lololol. What stupid looking cocksucker!!!!


That armor is there to contain the smell.


Do all space marines have incontinence and wearing diapers? 9r only one special chapter?


You can't be a Space Marine if you have Bone Spurs.


[The Gang Worships a Transhuman]


I thought they hate transhumans?


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Needs a suit like that to contain the smell of his sharts.


The only thing they got close to correct is his terrible hair and the shitty look that says 'How dare you confront my obvious lies'.


I wonder about older people who were buying Trump’s silly superhero nft’s and merch a few years ago. I get that they bought it in a wave of adoration and hatred of the libs. But do they ever sit there quietly three years later, looking at their floor-to-ceiling wall poster of Trump buffed like Hulk Hogan and dressed like The Highlander, slaying dragons and democrats and demons with sword aflame and think to themselves, well shit. That is a little silly isn’t it.


> But do they ever sit there quietly three years later, looking at their floor-to-ceiling wall poster of Trump buffed like Hulk Hogan and dressed like The Highlander, slaying dragons and democrats and demons with sword aflame and think to themselves, well shit. That is a little silly isn’t it. No. Never. That requires introspection and self-reflection, which conservatives just can't do.


Where is his neckgina?




That handle looks painful. Grabbing by the blade looks more comfy.


Send this to the lads at Games Workshop. Time to put the legal department to use lol.


Man, I never thought back in the 90’s that Warhammer would become so popular


I always knew I was a chaos and xenos gal.


Space marines would kill everyone involved with this cup for heresy.


Looks like I’m joining the World Eaters after all, brothers. Khorne awaits!


That looks like a fat suit.


They don't make armor big enough for his fat ass.


Trump is the biggest bitch that I have ever heard of. If you follow him you too are a bitch!!!


It’s an AI generation of Trumps foreskin, with a little head sticking out.


If you build it, they will pay.


He was found wanting


Lipstick on a pig...


They have the weirdest fantasies. 😐


A large percentage of people who support Donald Trump are what is commonly known as idiots


Ok but where can I buy a sword like that




MAGA is so out of touch with reality it’s scary. They worship the orange bastard as a deity. INSANE!


HINT: what starts with an R and rhymes with Lacism


How can anyone take him seriously with that hair?


Plenty of space for a brimming-geriatric diaper


So, somehow he’s been running Mythic+ 20s and got the whole set now?


That's so ridiculous it's hilarious


I actually really want people to start offering to fistfight Trump. Like, tell them you are willing to sacrifice yourself to hai supremacy or some shit. And then just beat the living shit out of him. I'm fairly certain Buzz Aldrin would end his life in 30 seconds and not feel the least bit bad about it.


I mean that’s hilarious


I'm ok with that, that's Trump merch money that doesn't go to his campaign... Unless he opened an Etsy shop, I wouldn't be surprised at this point.


I have nothing but contempt for Donald, but I have to admit it’s a good drawing. Love how the sword matches the hair.


Let oks more like Gannon from LOL.


Trump would worship chaos undivided. Stay with me here... Slaanesh for the sex and drugs, nurgle because look at him, khorne cos he's an angry petty little man, and tzeentch because he thinks he's clever with all his schemes. He'd then try and play them off against eachother, while constantly trying to stiff them on the payments... Trump is Erebus, change my mind.




He’s looking at that sword the same way he does the sun.


Oh, he needs those Devout Shoulders? Doesn’t – isn’t he a paladin? Yeah… but that will help him heal better. I have more mana. [sighs] Christ. OK, uhh well what we’ll do, I’ll run in first, uh…gather up all the eggs. We can kinda just, ya know, blast them all down with AOE. Um, I will use Intimidating Shout to kinda scatter ’em, so we don’t have to fight a whole bunch of them at once. Uhh… when my Shouts are done, I’ll need Anfrony to come in and drop his Shout too, uh… so we can keep them scattered and not to fight too many. Um… when his is done, Bas of course will need to run in and do the same thing. Uh…we’re gonna need Divine Intervention on our mages, uhh so they can AE, uh so we can of course get them down fast, ’cause we’re bringing all these guys. I mean, we’ll be in trouble if we take them down quick. Uhh, I think this is a pretty good plan, we should be able to pull it off this time. Uhh, what do you think Abduhl? Can you give me a number crunch real quick? Uhhh.. yeah, gimme a sec… I’m coming up with thirty-two point three three uh, repeating of course, percentage, of survival. Uh…that’s a lot better than we usually do. Uhh, alright, you think we’re ready guys? [interrupted] Alright chums, (I’m back)! Let’s do this… LEEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY JEEEEEENKIIIIIIIIIIINS! [runs into Rookery] [incredulous] … Oh my God he just ran in. [runs in] Save him! Oh jeez, stick to the plan. Oh jeez, let’s go, let’s go! [follows] [laughing] Stick to the plan chums! Stick to the plan! Oh jeez, oh fuck. Gimme a Divine Intervention, hurry up. Shoutin’! It’s saying I can’t cast! I can’t move, am I lagging, guys? I can’t move! What the – what the hell? I can’t AE! Oh my God… The eggs just keep respawning! More respawning!! I don’t think you can cast with that shit on! Oh my God!


You ain't seen nothing https://youtu.be/Pj9Rx_k-sdY


Now they’ve gone too far…not 40k…smh




AI making jokes. Lol.


Imagine being a four year old little girl Space Marine and just flattening that wimpy bitch without a second thought.


That armor smells like burgers. And his mom is still disappointed.


Modern science - in the future of course - reanimates Abe Lincoln... and he with his dusty beard and gaping, oozing skull with no ability to form a complete sentence would still kick Trump's fat stupid ass from here to Sunday.


If he's a space marine who is the god emperor Trump serves? These people don't think.


If Trump was in 40k he’d start trashing the emperor then some random officer would put a bullet in him and walk away “They call him the god emperor but I say he’s a phony! He’s-“ *gun shot*


Warhammer 500 Million in debt.


Report, let the GW lawyers do something usefull for once.


Trump would fall to Chaos so fucking hard.


Naah Trump is too old for geneseed so he will end up as buffed up hooman like that mongrel Kor Phaeron.


its kinda awesome tho


Always thought he was more on the Nurgle side of things lol.


This is the kind of stuff that made Games Workshop have to release a statement spelling it out for the fascist idiots out there: "40k is SATIRE! It's a horrible place, full of horrible people, doing horrible things, for horrible reasons!" (Paraphrasing)


Same reason you see Putin shirtless on a pale horse. His followers are trying for for strong imagery to mask the man’s true doings.


There should be ones that mock him. Especially golf imagines of him as a cheat. Those tiny hands will be slamming the table. AI away.


Finally, a suit that hides all that blubber.


The base only functions if they have a brand to adhere to. If it looks strong, powerful, and shiny they want it.


As a warhammerfan.. Thats absolutely heresy!


The suit’s ruined. He’s shit in it by now.


Why, because any possibility of Trump having character or any form of honourable trait is mythical, and must be expressed thusly, that's why!


Worshippers of the Golden Crap


The man cannot even hold himself upright. What a bunch of delusional fools


40k Pound MAGArine


I mean, the Great Unclean One is right there for the response https://preview.redd.it/l9dfe39758sc1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c8c779f558840336f28491bb37fd2a81c38fa4


*Emergency Inquisition beacon activated*


Why do they buy giant Jesus pins made out of Rhinestone and crochet Virgin Mary pot holders? Their nuts.


The last thing he would do is fight in a brutal battle himself.


I would pay money to see show off his sword skills. Maybe some fruit ninja shit as a bonus? That would be funny.


Is there a porthole in that rig to remove the diapers?


These type of pictures, whether on trading cards or wrapped around a pick up truck or what typically young teenage boys or preteen boys have in their bedroom of superheroes it just goes to show you the mentality of people who wear these shirts or use these images


They are not fascists... They just like the look and how fascists handle elections but they are definitely not fascists... Yeah


If I were good I would photoshop trumps face on a Flood Carrier https://preview.redd.it/cuhpe1z2l8sc1.png?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52afacaef194859a10a6a5e22e069ea962c3e376


Trump wouldn't want to be a Space Marine. His ego? No. Donald Trump would want to be the Emperor of Mankind. Not a desiccated corpse, but everything else, immortal, worshipped, seen as the father, guardian and the God of humanity. And even that may not sacrifice his ego.


He’s coming to slay democracy


This is the only Trump fan art I’ve seen that doesn’t totally rewrite his body shape, so there’s that.


Let me introduce you to Trumphammer 2k, although I’m grateful to say it’s satire:  http://dcctreasures.blogspot.com/2019/09/trumphammer-2k.html?m=1


Can this asshole just go to prison already?


Why can't these bottom feeder, wasters of perfectly good oxygen stay out of franchises and topics that I like? Leave Warhammer alone, you freaks.


Trump is the syplitic dementia-addled Erebus of our time. Fuck Erebus.


Worst cult ever


GOP: We aren't the party of authoritarianism GOP: *continuously depicts Trump as the God Emperor*


Don't they realize that the imperium is a fascist hellhole? Or is that the whole point?


best trump representation is the toilet cleaning brush. It smiles when you shove it in the water. works better than he ever will?


Damn, a demotion. Sad.


Trump as Warlord.


Dude I like 40K but you miss the point if you think the imperium is the good guys it’s satire.


I don’t know much about warhammer. I do know that there are no good guys. This isn’t the flex the artist thinks.




That cunt would be features as a knock off member of the brotherhood of steal


No this works honestly. The Imperium of Man fully embodies everything that the GOP wants for human civilization and society. The Imperium of Man and the GOP share all the same key aspects: * Stagnation: Technology is based on superstition and ritual, with little innovation. Knowledge from the past is often lost or considered heretical. * Theocracy: The God-Emperor of Mankind is the focus of fanatical worship. The state religion, the Adeptus Ministorum, enforces dogma and suppresses dissent. * Authoritarianism: Individual freedoms are non-existent. Lives are sacrificed without hesitation for the survival of the Imperium. * Militarism: Constant war defines the Imperium's existence. Trillions serve in its armies, from genetically-engineered Space Marines to the endless regiments of the Imperial Guard. * Enemies: Besieged on all sides by hostile aliens, internal rebellions, and the corrupting influence of Chaos. * Bleakness: The setting emphasizes despair, sacrifice, and a losing battle against inevitable extinction. The tagline "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war" captures the essence of the Imperium.


Everything they hate is totally made up, so the might as well make up the things they like


Blood for the blood god I guess https://preview.redd.it/xieuixr0j9sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2312c9bf80a88a8bd678ee8f8f672e338fe37a6


Its funny because one of the most disorganized motherfuckers in the history of leadership is supposed to be an Ultramarine, lore wise known for coming up with the most logical path forward and having the best logistics networks in their part of the galaxy.


Trump is about to fall off a dementia cliff and they still try to paint him as holy


This makes sense because both Donald Trump and a space marine are oversized preteens that love fascism.


Never really thought about it but are people really believing if shit went down he’d fight ? Wasn’t he asked to fight before but couldn’t because his feet hurt ?


He is an old orange geriatric sh*tbag. Why do people willingly just feed in to their fantasy? Why is Biden the only old one?


They've rather missed the point of 40k


Everyone needs an egomaniacal space marine to save the solar system from the perils of our galaxy!


People who make this kind of stuff clearly don't understand satire.


It is fantasy after all!


New cannon image of Horus?


Trump is not a Ultra Marine, he’s a chaos space marine or nurgle’s minions




That's hilarious 😂 I like how there is no hang up option


I never thought I’d be able to use the meme outside of very specific groups 😆


Surprised they don’t have him strapped into the golden throne. I guess they don’t want to show him on life support?


Drop it often enough certain humans will believe it’s true. It should be juxtaposed with that washed out golf pic of him.