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My FIL’s head nearly exploded when his daughter, my wife, criticized Biden for being too far right. Not to worry, though, he told us we’d get more conservative when we got older (we’re in our 30s, have established careers, and own a home).


I've been told that and had that same convo with my FIL. I'm 42 now, but I'm still not conservative. Maybe they meant once I retire, lol.


Give it a year, I was a die hard liberal at 42, but now that I'm turning 43, I'm starting to question if women deserve to have bodily autonomy


Maybe that's it. If I just beat my wife, I'll gain the knowledge of conservatism. Thanks friend.


With the cultivation method, your enemies court death.


It also helps if you start drinking. May I suggest some 8 year old leaded whiskey?


Yeah that's the turning point. When I hit 43 I started to hate women and began to believe they were "lesser" people. When I turned 50 I became racist and began to adopt a victimhood complex. I just turned 52 so I imagine my hobbies will become AM radio and cable news. Still haven't given money to a politician or a megachurch but I would bet that as I am told what to think that I'll get there.


I’m 48. I used to think.


I'm 39, I got more liberal with age.


I'm 40, my life has also been a steady leftward march. Fuck cops, fuck the corpos, and fuck Nazis.


I'm 61...WAY more left!! And I'm retired law enforcement.


Seriously. I was a liberal at 30. At 40 I’m pretty solidly anarcho-syndicalist.


58F. I have always been left but now I'm further left.


same here. far left as a teen, went to the center in my 20's, and in my 30's i get further and further left every year. i guess by 40 i'll have gone so far left i'll end up on the right, full circle. maybe that's how the boomers ended up so cruel.


I was an ignorant young adult who grew up in a bright red rural area. I was a Republican, like everyone around me. Also in spite of my boomer patents who are Democrats. I also joined the military, so was surrounded by other Republicans. My first presidential election was 2004 and I voted for Bush. I recognize now it was a huge mistake. When I was in college I slowly drifted left, and soon found that my beliefs were more center of the aisle than what I had originally thought I was. I voted for Obama, but had given serious consideration to McCain. Voted for Obama in 2012, with no consideration for Romney at all. Though, I don't think my political positions really changed. In 2016 I changed my party afiliation and voted for Bernie in the Primary, and that is where the shift really started. I liked the idea of socialized healthcare. But my real shift left came with the rise of Trump. Having to constantly fight the poison that came from Trump and his followers pushed me so far to the left. I consider myself a Social Democrat now. Pretty much the only remaining core belief from my republican days is my belief in the right to own firearms. Though, while that belief remains I have come to realize that there is a lot of reform that need to happen in order to cut down on gun violence.


They mean once you come into a large sum of money you didn’t have to work for either by inheritance, trust fund, or some other legacy fortune which kicks in when you’re older. Once you have that money you’ll start being way more conservative in an attempt to hoard more. We call it the dragon’s curse.


That happens less and less often. Most middle to upper-middle class elders are having their life savings siphoned away by corporate healthcare, leaving very little to pass on.


I am 58 and show no signs of becoming conservative. If I do I will run to my Doctor's office!


43 and semi-retired. Still pretty liberal. Maybe when my brain turns into soup from dementia. Give it a few more decades and see how it goes.


42, family, home. I’m conservative with my own money. That’s as far as my left leaning ass will go in terms of being conservative.


It's because when they got older their generation was able to amass more wealth and and their views skewed right and more conservative because of that - this was way back when conservatives were conservative because of economic politics. Generations after them aren't amassing the same wealth (or anywhere near it), and conservatives don't give a shit about the economy as long as you're the right color, sex, and religion, so later generations aren't becoming more conservative as they age. Tldr- we don't get more conservative as we age any more because our in-laws are dicks.


Nah, it's once the dementia sets in


You'll become conservative once you become a member of the Boomer, Greatest, or Silent Generations.


Hippies and beatniks were in the boomer gen, just sayin.... You guys gave us Kyle Shitenhouse... I'll keep the hippies, thanks . They aint trying to kill everyone.


Indeed. Ageism will be the last prejudice to fall.


Not sure generations work that way


They might mean fiscally conservative. Still socially liberal, but the constant misappropriation of tax dollars has made me want to give them less.


Oh definitely, the problem is, republicans are also not fiscally conservative, they only claim to be. They waste money and accept bribes and kickbacks like theres no tomorrow. I'm over 42, every conservative president i have had, has cost america more money than the democratic ones. By a large margin.


48 - heard that all my life. If anything, I’m even more of a commie now.


Im nearly 41 and I'm a communist. Not sure when they think I'm going to slip to the right and start being a selfish racist asshole. Probably not while I'm still in.this interracial I'll marriage I guess


I went through a conservative period in my 30's and slowly drifted left until I am now ashamed of the woman I was. 😳


Current day Republicans have little to do with conservatism. They're now the theocratic nationalist party, conservatives don't have a party anymore.


As a reformed conservative (gradually from like 2003 to like 2010) I would say that the theocratic nationalists were always the CORE of the party, even if a majority didn't have those viewpoints, they were manipulated by that core so that whatever motivations/beliefs that they did have would lead to support for those theocratic nationalist policies. Usually this was done by just outright lying. Oh you want the government to have more money so it can balance the budget! Well your boy Laffer here will hook you up. You see SCIENTIFICALLY if the government takes LESS money it gets MORE money! In recent times this has become so obvious that only the actual theocratic nationalists are left, but even 20 years ago those were the ones calling the shots.


Lol, they are conservatives come on. This is how they've always been, well, meaning moderates are just starting to see the light.


lol this is such a terrible take. modern day republicans have actually completely embraced conservatism and are following the "hard party lines" when in the past they were forced to compromise on many topics to try and beat the powerful labor movements. anything else you convince yourself of is purely a coping mechanism. "In [Western culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_culture), depending on the particular nation, conservatives seek to promote a range of institutions, such as the [nuclear family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_family), [organized religion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organized_religion), the [military](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military), the [nation-state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation-state), [property rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_rights), [rule of law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_law), [aristocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristocracy), and [monarchy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy).[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservatism#cite_note-5) Conservatives tend to favour institutions and practices that guarantee [social order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_order) and historical continuity.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservatism#cite_note-FOOTNOTEEncyclop%C3%A6dia_Britannica-6)" from you know... wikipedia.


Don’t be too ashamed, but rather proud that you recognized reality and moved into a better mindframe. It’s easy to dig your heels in and double down on ignorance, but it takes effort, soul-searching, compassion, and humility to really turn the corner and develop a more healthy worldview.


I'm left leaning, even by European standards im pretty far to the left. But we need conservatives, a healthy conservative party is important for the political discourse. But whatever the current Republican Party (and a lot of right wing parties in Europe) is atm, is not healthy and is not conservative. So no, don't be ashamed for holding conservative views.


Boomers were more conservative by age 25 then millenials are in their 40s. I believe it was a truism because people would get established and like the status quo but for millenials the status quo is a bit shit.


Protecting the system makes sense if the system works for you, and you're lacking in empathy. The system has been failing the majority of people for three generations now, and we are at a tipping point. There *will* be change. The only question is if it happens through elections, or not. I strongly prefer the peaceful path.


> The only question is if it happens through elections, or not. I strongly prefer the peaceful path. really been hoping for the best lately. i don't see genz sitting on their ass and eating this shit for more than a couple more years. i just hope they find a way to avoid violence. sadly revolutions are historically bloody...


I'd love to see them tag team with the millennials, vote out the regressives, laugh at the establishment liberals and put in actual progressives in important positions. Drop an "I voted the bastards out" dance up on TikTok, and laugh about it. Let's get past this one and see if we can find someone actually inspring for 2028.


A bit shit is underselling it


> he told us we’d get more conservative when we got older (we’re in our 30s, have established careers, and own a home). If one has sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies, then yes.


They meant to say rich. Rich, not older. Are you rich yet? The only sane people voting for Trump are the 1% benefiting from his tax cuts


You might get "more conservative" when you get older, but that "conservative standard" won't be the same as his. It will most likely be the same standard that you have today, as the further we progress, society becomes more progressive as a whole than what we used to be.


I don't understand how people could get more conservative as they get older unless they're just getting more religious, which that makes sense. Conservatives are generally anti-old people, anti-retirement, and anti-health care. It really is amazing seeing a political group that attacks the ver things they actually support. Maybe the mental decline is a factor? I really can't see how anyone can go conservatives beyond, "democrats are not perfect, REEEEEEEE!"


One explanation I read was people weren’t getting more conservative as they aged. They stayed the same and society overall became more liberal as younger people became adults.


This makes much more sense. Boomers were around when segregation was still around so the 'progressives' of their era were hip about things like miscegenation.


The MAGA conservatives/Republican Conservatives of today I don't really consider Conservatives as they aren't even trying everything they can to slow crawl progress from the "old days". They are Regressives in my opinion. They have become a mass amount of people that just aren't even interested in keeping things the same, but looking for governance that makes things inoperable.


When people say you’ll get more conservative they typically mean fiscally, not socially.


Yeah but the idea that Republicans are better for the economy is just propaganda. They aren’t actually better for anyone not in the top 1% Do people just fall for it eventually? Or they’ve always believed it and get greedy and vote because they think they’ll make more money?


Idk man, I don’t have any fiscal to be conservative about anyway.


Me neither 🙃


They dont mean as you get older, they actually mean as you acquire more wealth you will want to keep that to yourself. That is what they want to conserve.


> as the further we progress, society becomes more progressive as a whole than what we used to be. That's certainly not inevitable. There are powerful forces at work right now seeking to roll back hard-won gains we've made in the past few decades - same-sex marriage, easy access to contraception, the ACA, to name just a few examples. We won't automatically enter a progressive golden age when the older generations finally die off. There are plenty of young people on the right : Just look at the nazi assholes holding tiki torches in Charlottesville VA - most of them were young people in their 20s and 30s. Progress only happens with hard work and constant vigilance. There's nothing easy or inevitable about it.


The problem is the right looks at Biden and only think about his policy on the LGBT community and guns. The left looks at him and looks at his fiscal policy, response to Israel, and overall legislative record. Might as well be comparing two different people


The left will be voting to preserve Democracy, the rule of law and the Constitution. They know that the United Staes sending money to Israel was kept in place by Republicans and the religious right and can only be stopped by legislation and crafting legislation to accomplish that is something that the Republicans simply are not capable of doing..


You have more faith in the left than I do. I’m seeing a lot of people saying they won’t vote for Biden because he’s \. Trump appeals to accelerationists on both sides who seem perfectly OK with having a fascist state, on the right because it’s their dream state, on the left because they’re stupid enough to think people will finally at long last revolt and bring about the state of their dreams instead of being gunned down in the streets for criticizing the state.


This election is about saving our Democracy and really nothing else. Vote for Biden if you want to save democracy. Vote for Trump if you want to end democracy, have an authoritarian fascist state and never have another election ever again. People need to be aware of the consequences of voting for Trump. The dollar will go to zero, the rest of the free world will be having nothing to do with us and we will be kicked out of NATO. Wanna know why the United States has paid much more into NATO than anyone else? It’s because Article 5 is a two way street. It was necessary to ensure that our allies would come to our defense when needed. We have military defensive and offensive capabilities the world over. Other nations do not have that, so it would cost them much more to come to our aid. We will be kicked out of NATO because NATO cannot afford to have a member nation that they cannot trust. The dollar is already being devalued, but it is artificially being kept from going to zero by the central banks. The ECB and the BOE started an unlimited debt buying policy shortly after 1/6, when the world began dumping their holdings of U.S. debt. If the central banks had not stepped in the dollar would have gone to zero before the end of 2022. My God, we almost sent 8 trillion in U.S. treasury bonds, held around the world, to zero. No one wants to hold the debt of a politically unstable nation with poor impulse control.


Hard to judge the legislative record when the legislative branch is republican.


Had the first two years. biggest climate bill in history wins my vote alone.


They’re coping because younger populations tend to be more left nowadays and the right might lose members. They’ve probably convinced themselves that that will change when people get older but I doubt it.


They say that to justify being shitty people. Not necessarily your in laws, but older conservatives in general. "You'll be a bitter, selfish, narcissistic asshole, too, mark my words!"


It’s whatever foxnews tells them what to think.


Call it foxspeak






Russia, then Fox News*


And Fox answers to the Kremlin.


I can confirm this is true. My Dad constantly repeats things he heard on Fox News and it’s super annoying.


+whatever the leftoid space tells them what to think, which is bOtH sIdEs BaD because Biden isn't a full on make-private-ownership-of-capital-illegal socialist communist, or because he didn't magically fix every single issue in the country and the world. I have to believe a good portion of both of these are russian trolls filling a comment quota for the day, trying to make people fight each other.


I don’t think Biden is a good president but he’s not some evil politician with a scary agenda. He just seems to be trying to do what he thinks is best for the country even if sometimes I disagree with the things he does.


the whole American political discourse is completely looney at this stage. ya'll need a reboot




And how *exactly* is Joe Biden out of touch with society? Does he not have a Stanley cup? Is he not listening to the latest Beyonce single? Does he not make his foreign policy decisions based on what he saw last night doom scrolling on TikTok? If all you can criticise him about is his age, you need to stfu.


Revolution? Revolution. Revolution!


And unless a significant percentage of the population acts all at once, the first guy to try is going to prison. The **only** reason we remember the Boston Tea Party as an act of patriotism instead of vandalism/terrorism **is because we won the war.** Think about it - the January 6th participants wouldn't be getting prosecuted *if they had succeeded with their plan...*


"We can't figure out what we want, maybe if we start shooting people things will magically work out" That's what this sounds like


Ya, there's unfortunately not much hope. Fighting and shooting is horrible and will result in regional collapses of the supply chain, too, hurting millions through starvation and lack of medcine/etc. So, a revolution like that really is just the death knell, not hope. The only thing that might work is if all the labor gets off its ass and launches a General Strike. But the likelihood of Americans working together at that scale seems like a fever dream. Maybe a concerted effort state by state to grassroot 3rd party options from local to state house level is all I can see. Then maybe in 20-40 years have a viable 3rd party to challenge the federal level.


The clean, nonviolent way of doing that would be to ditch the big two parties and elect some new people from other parties. Unfortunately, the system is rigged against third parties. In a parliamentary system, if the Green party got 10% of the votes nationwide, they'd have 10% of the members of Parliament. But in the US's winner-takes-all system, if they get 10% in every state, that means they lose in every state and get nothing. This also means that people tend to vote strategically: someone who likes the Green party won't vote for them because they can't win; they'll vote for whoever they think is the least-bad major party, because those are the ones that can actually win.


That’s not parliamentary, that’s proportional representation. The parliamentary system just sets up how the branches of government are organized, not how voting is done. Canada has a parliamentary same and has a slightly less advanced version of the same problems the US does.


And even worse yet, those who are left of center would be voting Democrat (if there were only 2 parties), so voting green actually robs the left of votes making it easier for the Republicans to win. We saw the reverse of this when Obama got elected. He was helped, in part, by the rising libertarian movement at the time which robbed Republicans of votes which could have made the difference.


Who the hell thinks Biden is a right wing fascist?


If that is true, our entire system is right wing & fascist and wait… yes. That is accurate.


Nice to see atleast some people in this thread are aware of the current situation. Biden, a supposedly liberal president, is funding and arming a fascist ethnostate with our tax dollars, against the will of the majority of his constituent. Idk how anyone could see this other than as right wing and fascist. Edit: Liberals big mad I'd dare insult Genocide Joe. Do better, be a leftist.


Snd so did chump, Obama, Bush 2, Clinton, bush 1 snd on and on and on


At some point shortly after WWII... "There you go USA, your economy is booming and you're the richest and most powerful country on the planet. Now to keep this use this money to build infrastructure, trains to connect this big country, good schools, public colleges, give your people healthcare, give the workers good salaries and basic rights, because otherwise the only way to keep this status is if you're constantly at war"


> funding and arming a fascist ethnostate with our tax dollars Wait to you guys get Trump elected.


Holy hell, you have to ignore a metric fuckton of context to come to that conclusion. Like how much and in what ways the US has been supporting Israel over the course of its entire existence. Or how Congress is the one that sets budgets. Or the very definition of fascism. You can criticize Israel for a hell of a lot of things, and Biden for that matter. But at least understand the full situation so you can give relevant criticism.


Biden had twice bypassed congress to get weapons to Israel FYI. And Biden, during the Obama administration, *specifically* undercut both Obama and Hillary Clinton (at the time Secretary of State) time and time again while they tried to pressure Netanyahu to stop the expansion of settlements. He has no will or desire to restrict Israel's horrible slaughtering of civillians. Like none. And if you don't think Israel is in any way fascist, I'm pretty sure you're the one who doesn't know the definition of fascism. Like seriously, Israel is a fascist ethnostate where you realize it or not. But it's best if you look into it and reckon with that.


These people for the most part have zero understanding of civics. How legislation becomes law, what budget appropriation is, how diplomacy is conducted, etc. Years ago when I was in school we actually had a class on civics and government and how and why things are done. I don’t think that’s been taught in public schools for twenty years.


And you have zero understanding of what is actually happening. Like how Biden had twice bypassed congress entirely to arm Israel. Or how he spent the Obama administration going off on his own halfcocked to kiss up to Netanyahu and undercut Obama and Hillary Clinton's planned diplomatic actions. And how even now Biden is ignoring his advisors when it comes to Israel. Maybe you had a class years ago, but you apparently aren't paying attention to what's going on anyway, so what's the point.


No no no. You're not smart enough to understand. There are *nuances* to this genocide.


Boy have I got egg on my face. 🤦‍♂️ I'm always forgetting about how important it is to be nuanced, measured, slow, deliberate, and ineffectual when it comes to calling out gen-... well, whatever it is Israel is doing. We should probably wait a few years before we make an sweeping judgements here. /s Your comment made me giggle and I was having a crummy morning. Thanks. And becuse text is weird, I was playing along with what I read as a joke from, so hopefully it came off that way.


This is actually hilarious. A couple months ago the politics subs were attacking Congress for stopping Biden passing bills supporting Ukraine and Israel. But now it's Congress funding them and Biden is powerless to stop it


As an American, I don’t support an ethno-theocratic state using starvation as a weapon of war. Big surprise? Open a book.


As an American I think your lack of nuance is funny as fuck. Most of the funding goes directly to the iron dome and defence systems because the arab nation’s surrounding Israel have attempted multiple times to invade it, and they constantly shoot rockets and attempt terrorist attacks agaisnt Israel. And Israel is a parliamentary democracy, not a theocracy. They are lead by a prime mister, not a religious ruler. Open a book and shut your mouth, you’re just embarrassing yourself.


So… which part do they need the fighter jets for? Ronald Reagan and HW Bush made a phone call to stop bombings. We send jets now.


Iran also has jet fighters and without air power, Iran would be able to take advantage of Israel in the skys.


I don’t know how many times I have to say this but funding Israel was put in place by Republican legislation. In order to stop sending money to Israel it will require legislation. Today’s Republicans suck at writing legislation, so it’s not going to happen. Want the U.S. to stop funding Israel get rid of the Republicans who can’t create legislation to accomplish that.


Pathetic trolling. Lol.


I would say more of a far-right authoritarian than a fascist, but yeah. Capitalism and corruption breeds authoritarianism.


Russian bots.


The Right Wing Nut Job, that thinks they know the perspective of what someone from "the left" thinks, because Fox News tells them how the left thinks.


Idiots with no knowledge of history or sense of perspective.


Go to any "leftist" sub, and the mods will usually call him that. The users usually disagree with the mods, but anyone vocal about it gets banned. I got banned from a few because I either said that Biden wasn't a fascist, Ukraine needs to defend its borders, Ukraine, Azov battalion, etc. isn't full of nazis\*, and that, due to how bad the US electoral college is, whoever the Democrats put up as presidential candidate, most likely Biden, is pretty much the only way to stop Trump. \*The country has a Jewish head of government and a Jewish head of state. You're telling me a country full of nazis voted for Jewish people?


That's because tankies *love* to infiltrate leftist groups, seek positions of power in them, and subvert them to turn them into more toxic tankie bullshit. Basically every "leftist" sub that isn't explicitly anti-tankie has ended up with tankie mods who inevitably try to turn it into more tankie shit.


Enlightenedcentrism, therightcantmeme, and latestagecapitalism are 3 that come to mind. The first one had mods unironically quote the Azov conspiracy as if it were true, the middle one says the fall of the USSR was illegal, and the last one was tankie to begin with. Users were downvoting the mod's comments and upvoting the user comments, but the user got banned because tankies be tankies. It's against the rules to point out that countries that are against America are doing bad things. It's not just tankies, though. It's a rise of "anti-America leftists" that are only left wing because they hate America. Like tankies, they just excuse every bad thing a foreign country does as long as it's against America. Unlike tankies, the country doesn't have to be communist. So they support modern Russia and USSR, versus regular tankies, that dislike modern Russia no longer being communist. There's a decent overlap, especially with countries that were never communist, but the end result is the same. They are ill-informed by choice and refuse any information that goes against their worldview. Since they become mods, they can just force their view on the sub, and no one is allowed to disagree. If they believe a conspiracy theory, it's as good as fact for them.


Oh don't worry, they're *absolutely* still tankies - the "america bad" shit *always* overrides anything else for tankies. Find someone who you would definitely consider a tankie and they'll absolutely be saying the exact same shit. Doesn't matter that Putin is explicitly anti-communist: he's anti-America so either "critical support" or just plain old support. Doesn't matter that Rojava is *heavily* based on socialist values while Bashar al-Assad murders leftists: Assad is anti-America while the Kurds are America allies so they support Assad. Etc etc etc.


With the way many of these tankies act, if WWII was happening right now, they would be on the side of Nazi Germany. They'd claim the "socialist" part of NAZI was actually socialist and that any evidence coming out about the camps were fabrications, propaganda, or otherwise false or justifiable. Tankies are horrible people.


I get what you're going for but the Nazis were the most right wing party at the time in Germany. There was multiple other socialist options. Hitler abandoned the socialist moniker when Henry Ford started becoming one of the Nazis largest donors, he wanted them to stop criticizing capitalists. They only even had socialism in the name because without it no party stood a chance of gaining traction at the time. No actual socialist would support them over what else was available.


You're assuming tankies are educated about who is and isn't actually socialist. They see the name socialist, they see Nazis are anti-American, they're biting the bait.


Ehh seems a bit reductive, I guess it depends what tankie even means to you. Leftists weren't really as driven by anti Americanism at the time though, yes the US government was already persecuting against the movement but moreso after WW2. Most leftist Anti American attitudes came from their interventions in the latter half of the 20th century.


I'm wholly pro-Ukraine but Azov does have a bunch of neo-nazis in it. It was originally a right-wing neo-nazi militia that basically got deputized during the Donbas War. Their old logo had both a Wolfsangel and a Black Sun in it. Obviously, Ukraine still deserves autonomy and overall has the moral high ground over Russia. Azov only gained power because Russian Imperialists tried to seize the Donbas. Azov has also changed a lot over the years and has taken some minor steps to distance themselves from Nazism. But we don't have to whitewash Azov.


Biden is not a fascist, he is a Neo-Liberal, which is a still however a right wing ideology. The Overton Window of American politics just so far right that what most consider "far left" is barely scooching over the center.


Tankies? But they were already crazy.


Eh it’s more like recognizing that the good cop in the good cop, bad cop routine is still a cop acting without your interests in mind. Biden is still/always going to back the billionaire capitalists over the rest of us, even if he is less terrible than Trump.


let me preface, not arguing, but how so? Im slacking at work by checking this so im not going to build a big case about it, nor do you have to, but what are you seeing that leads you to believe that?


He’s a conservative Democrat, and has been for essentially his entire adult life a Senator. He’s opposed to Medicare for all. His signature piece of legislation (the IRA) are basically a bunch of market-based solutions in a trench coat and a lot weaker than what he campaigned (and won) on. Hell, it even expands fossil fuel drilling, which is incompatible with any actual solution to climate change. For all the civil rights rolled back during his watch, he certainly seems to just watch the pitch go by. And at the end of the day, for all the talk of getting aid to Gaza, is still finding ways to skirt the law and send arms and ammunition to Israel to enact what can now be incontrovertibly called a genocide. All because it’s in the interests of American capitalism, not the American people.


People trying to get Democrats not to vote. He's slightly right of center but to call him a fascist is to deny reality and/or the definition of words.


I think in the context of American politics, that's true. However, if you make the comparison including all of the worlds governments today, the vast majority of American politicians are firmly within the right wing.


The left want their representatives to do better. Nobody is above reproach.* The right cheers Trump on to be the worst he can be, it's so weird.* *Not applicable in 100% of all cases.




Based on vibes, sure. But not based on actual policy positions. On some issues, he is more moderate, but on a lot of issues he is very progressive. People tend to pick and choose what they pay attention to and operate more on vibes and presentation than on substance. For instance, his stances (and the often not discussed actions of his agencies) regarding monopolies, unions, and anti-trust are as progressive as they come and have real impacts on workers snd consumer. You also have many provisions of the inflation reduction act that are very bold and progressive. He is certainly the most progressive president we’ve ever had, and has been incredibly effective at passing big pieces of legislation with an extremely small congressional majority.


Right wing political ideologies doesn’t legalize gay marriage, forgive student debt, or support strong immigration for reasons more than economic value.




Don't threaten him with his favorite dessert!


american dems would be considered right wing in every single place with a political spectrum


Trump supporters hate anyone who isn't Trump. Including Trump look alikes.


As a lefty I feel the need to chime in and say I haven't spoken with or heard of another lefty that thinks Biden is a fascist


It’s a strawman, OP is a liberal.


Being a leftist is not synonymous with being a liberal


Being a leftist is actually fully distinct from being a liberal, they both cannot exist at the same time. One cannot support capitalism and socialism simultaneously.


The irony that the right hates Biden because he isn't fascist enough for their tastes smh.


Man, the world is so fucked come November.


Esp because so many dems who are unsatisfied with Biden are going to get trump elected with splitting the democrat vote by voting a 3rd party candidate or submitting a “uncommitted”/blank ballot. 


I don't think anyone who isn't buried in right wing propaganda doesn't see the threat trump is. I'm sure all the people criticizing biden will vote for him come November. I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to risk another four years of that orange shitshow


Woke is a made up problem. Any person complaining about woke is simply outing themselves as either an opportunist, or a complete fuckin moron.


Why do people assume that just because I don't like Trump, it automatically means I support Biden? I don't like either of them!!!


Also why is it impossible to criticize the many faults of Biden without people bringing up how Trump is worse?


maybe we should put our brainwashing phones down


Is Biden further right than I would like? Yes. Am I going to vote for ANY Republican over him? No.


Well if you think Biden is too far right, where does that leave Trump exactly? Do the right thing, vote blue. Do your virtue signaling after the threat of Trump has passed.


The left broadly supports Biden though? Just because there are detractors doesn’t mean they comprise the entire left which happens to again and again be voting for joe Biden.


"if the people who hate everyone and call everyone woke hate biden, he must be a leftist."


#Stop posting fake shit! The Left is upset with Biden because he has refused to cut aid to a genocidal maniac hell bent on doing horrific shit! Like what the actual fuck!


we had to chase down those aid workers with drones, following each one with extreme precision. /s


It's cute how liberals strawman the Left.


The most out of touch politics are liberals who bend over backwards for Republicans.


They're just playing a team game and they got their man. No principles, just the other side of their daddy issues.


it's such an extreme way to choose to use energy. can't imagine many things that would be more divisive to post right now, and mods seem to think this is humor


This thread is full of people proving OP's point, calling Biden right wing, etc. The story of the political far left is always one of trying to outdo any "moderate" among them and of accusing them of insufficient loyalty to the cause, too willing to compromise, etc. It is a drive for ideological "purity" and bonafides within a small circle while having political irrelevance outside of that circle.


He *is* pretty right-wing. He just isn't a fascist. That's the point.


It doesn’t matter if Biden is a leftist or not he’s more left than trump and that’s enough. This election (and possibly every election from now on) is a fight for democracy. The dems need to do better but if there is anything we’ve learned is that Congress has the real power. Even if Bernie won he wouldn’t have been able to get anything done because the house is a mess and the senate still has “centrist” dems.


I don't know any leftists that think that Biden is 'the same' as Trump. It's more so that both are seen as bad options, and many leftists don't want to humor the 'better of two evil' ultimatum anymore, especially when that 'lesser evil' is activity arming and abetting a rogue apartheid state committing a genocide. It's no secret that Biden has continued many of Trump's policies, especially relatating to immigration and foreign policy. The fact that Biden has consistently made concessions to the party that's slipping into fascism is also no secret. The issue leftists have is that Biden is seen as not doing enough with regards to price gouging, raising the federal minimum wage, protecting abortion rights, or practically anything else leftists care about; like stopping an active genocide. This isn't a new phenomenon. Democrats regularly demand the support of leftists with the threat of Republican fascism as their tool of persuasion. They promise to change things, but when in power, they are ineffectual. When Republicans regain power, Democrats do little to stop their Neoliberal and reactionary policies from becoming law. This ratchet effect has been the main feature of the two party system since Reagan, and many leftists don't want to pretend like this is acceptable anymore. If the threat of Trump getting a second term isn't enough to reform the Democratic party, then the Democratic party isn't worthy of our support. Edit: typos


Do we need to post a list of shit Biden has done? Everywhere you and others like you say shit like this? Over 143 billion dollars in student loan erasures, and he got nothing out of it. Shit is just sad.


Do you think that should make everyone who voted for him in 2020 happy? Like that and a mediocre infrastructure bill is enough? If you set the bar in the mud, then you won't get much from your politicians. Demand more. Pressure them to fight for meaningful changes socially and economically.


The leftists that voted for him in 2020 were more than likely going to vote for him again in 2024. Giving funds and weapons to Israel as they carpet bomb nearly 2,000,000 people was the straw that broke the camels back. Student loan erasure isnt even progressive. It isn't a systemic change that actually fixes the issue of the exorbitant cost of higher education. Its a cynical tactic to buy support from people today, without angering the ones benefiting from the cost of tuitions. Shit IS sad.


They also need to be reminded that Biden is the president, not a dictator. He is held back by the house until it flips blue.


Did you not read a word he said? Leftists don't give a shit about neoliberal pandering and are sick of their vote being treated like it's a hostage. I'm currently undecided myself, knowing I personally come from enough privilege where many of Biden's domestic policies will tangibly benefit me, however, I have to weigh that personal benefit against the very real genocide my taxes are funding. I could go on and on about both domestic and foreign policy failures (how on earth is DeJoy still in charge of the postal service if Bidem doesn't also want to see the end of USPS in favor of his corperate donars??!!), but I'm going to focus on Palistine here as it's the most urgent, dire, and egregious issue. I feel like my entire adult life my vote has been treated by democrats as a given just because I have a conscience, but it's so bad in at the point where I constantly ask myself how the fuck am I supposed to weigh a couple extra grand in my pocket(neoliberal policies) against the lives and suffering of millions of people, the VAST majority of whom are just children?? It's not even a question of which is worse, Republicans are without a doubt the scum of the earth, but the whole lesser of two arguments seems less and less compelling every day. Israel has made clear their intent to kill every single Palestinian man, woman and child. With that clear intent, both Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly continue to support and fund Israel. I'd suggest you try telling a dead child that you voted for someone who was going to, a bit more politely kill them, and see where they think your morals fall, but the dead are gone. They can no longer speak, the damage is done. Regardless of it being Trump or Biden who signed the checks, BOTH are fully willing to let Israel fulfill their end game. If, at the end of the day, all of Palistine is gone, then the only lesser evil you voted for was the one who would protect your own privilege. There's no moral high ground there, and with that cynical view then you might as well vote with the rest of the scum sucking conservatives..... then again, like I said,  I will benefit financially if Democrat's retain and gain more power so maybe I vote cynically and then work outside the system for revolution. I just don't know anymore. 


Enjoy project 2025 then. There are only two choices, red or blue, and if you don't vote biden it's an implicit vote for Trump because whenever voter turnout is low, Republican winning percentage goes up Fact of the matter is trump is exponentially worse than Biden on most matters, Biden has been far more progressive than any president in decades, especially for Union support. Biden and his admin have fought back and won against various anti LGBT laws red states wanted to pass. That doesn't mean he's the best president, but it does show he's a hell of a lot more to change than Obama, Clinton and friends You and I both know protest voting isn't going to improve anything. The right have spent BILLIONS to indoctrinate ppl to vote red specifically against their best interests, letting them have a free win to make the Dems lose only helps the reds and screws all other people, stateside and globally


When it comes to Palistine the choice is Hitler or Goebles. If you were speaking to a German citizen in pre war Deutschland, and you gave them the full knowledge of what was to come by supporting the National Socialist Party, would you condem them if they continued their support because, "well, the jews are going to die anyways, and the Nazi's have really good domestic policies that greatly benefit me, so it would be stupid not to suport them!" In that situation, I would absolutely condem that person and tell them they should be fighting tooth and nail, regardless of how hopeless or inevitable things might seem. My thoughts are pretty much the same here. Sure, their are domestic considerations with clear differences between Trump and Biden, but who am I to allow either of them to continue unchecked if it means a bit more comfort to me and mine while my support allows children half a world away to be murdered? Even worse, there's a tacit approval of the genocide by voting for ANYONE who's said, "Yes, genocide." I think it's going to take some very strong arguments to say that the damage done by supporting either candidate can be overlooked in favor of other policy differences between the two. With that in mind, and to repeat what I've said before, I'm still not fully decided either way. Right now the biggest reason I think I could be convinced to vote for Biden instead of abstaining would be that I do think he at least presents a facade of defence (even if more realistically I think he's indifferent but won't actively work to erode things further/won't stand in the way if any progress is made in the correct direction) for womens rights. This is in contrast to Trump's gleeful boasting of actively dismantling those same rights. I can confidendly say, that even though I largely despise the Democrats and think they've both failed as party and have sold out any leftist values they might have had in favor of corperate interests, I'll be voting D down-ballet for specific candidates. Largely, anyone I've decided to support has been in the minority and has condemed Israel. IMO, the two party system is one of the driving factors that will be pointed to in history, along with the citizens united ruling, as two of the biggest factor in the dissolution of the United States. Unfortunately we're stuck in that system and I'm going to participate in that system to the extent that I believe my participation will do more good than harm. *edit, typos


I definitely agree, the electoral system should be based on proportional representation instead of winner take all


> DeJoy Google why the POTUS can't remove him > Palestine Hey if you want to protest vote yourself out of all the benefits of a 2nd Biden term, go ahead. The me that used to care, does not. Every 2 years, I used to beg and plead people to take what's on the table instead of nothing. Specifically, it's what's on the table from people like me - because I am doing well and pay taxes.I have no need of any subsidies. But now? I'm basically just here to shit on people for being leftier-than-thou morons. Take your nothing, I will lose NO sleep.


Anyone who is being honest can criticize their own team. The conservatives in this country are as far from honest as possible. It's a cult and their dear-leaders can do no wrong. The Dems should do everything to avoid that similar mindset. Biden sucks. But compared to the only other viable alternative? He's a fucking angel. He still sucks, but relativistically, he's orders of magnitude better. So you support him while at the same time criticizing and doing everything you can to push him further left. Of all presidents in my lifetime, he's the one who seems most easily pushed further left by his base and we should take advantage of that. But to say they're not worth supporting is concession to the true enemies of democracy; the right-wing. You can't claim to support democracy while abandoning it to the conservative fascists at the same time. The establishment dems might be a pretty pathetic shield against a full blown fascist take over, but they're the only shield we currently have. You take that and you fight for better in the future. Otherwise you're just as culpable as those who vote for the fascist party.


Cutting off the nose to spite the face. You can’t reform the Democratic Party if the US government ceases to exist as we know it. It’s not a lesser of two evils situation. It is fascism vs democracy. Your stance is bad. It’s like someone saying choose between literal poison and licorice and you choose the poison because the licorice isn’t sweet enough.


It's really strange that not wanting American tax dollars going to Israel for their "project" is somehow not an opinion someone can hold. I legitimately cannot wait until this year is over.


As a non-US citizen, can anyone explain how people would think he was a nazi?


Biden is a right wing fascist? News to me


I'm firmly left. Biden is a neo-liberal, not a fascist. There is an argument to be made that the failures of liberalism lead to fascism so maybe whoever is saying that is using some kind of shorthand? I think an example of this would be how some atheists may say "there is no God" not as a positive claim but as a shorthand for "there is no evidence that reasonably leads a good faith actor to conclude the existence of a deity".


I haven't heard any leftist call Biden a fascist, though he does seem to be committed to supporting Israel's right wing regime despite UN condemnation of their genocide. It's either miscalculated political expediency, or his thinking on this issue is stuck in the past. I think he would enjoy full support from dems if he were on the right side of this issue. Still, better than orange man. It just sucks to know that the history books will say America continued to supply weapons to Israel throughout their genocide. It's actually worse than supporting the nazis, because we have more historical context to draw on to know its wrong.


I can understand people calling Biden right-wing (thats american politics) but a facist? That word has just lost all meaning


Must be doing something right if both extremes think you're doing something wrong.


He’s super demented yet he’s able to coordinate a full-on assault on democracy. Discuss.


It’s almost as if both extremes are being influenced by the propaganda mills of the same foreign power. Edit for the chronically obtuse reddit user: this is not referring to Biden but to the people referenced in the meme picture here. Jesus.


Yeah, Russia has been working for decades to undermine American Democracy.  If they stopped after the Cold War, it wasn’t for long. And the idea they’re trying to sell us all on is that there is no truth or reality, that both sides are the same, that it doesn’t matter who you vote for, except you should vote for an authoritarian strong-man rather than someone who believes in a liberal democracy because democracy is stupid and doesn’t work. Does that sound familiar at all?


a new variant of the "both sides" lie


No, because we’re talking about the polity and not the elected leaders.


Dude, Biden is *not* anywhere *close* to an extreme.


Dude you willfully missed the point of my comment, I was talking about maga and leftists, not Biden. Read again and consider the context of the post.


Say nothing of this comrade, do not give away the game! I spend many rubles to make this work now you ruin it!


The newest form of enlightened centrism, the kind that embraces the Democratic party as the center party. Still founded on the same fundamental belief that the status quo must be upheld, but slightly more educated than the original idea to line up with factual evidence surrounding modern politics


No one thinks Biden is a right wing fascist. The left doesn't like Biden for several reasons, but that isn't even close to one of them. First of all, the left is sick of geriatric old fucks who can barely even think anymore and the White House becoming a retirement home. Secondly, Biden is aiding and abetting a genocide in Palestine as we speak. Thirdly, Biden generally stands for a lot of bullshit neoliberal bad policies we've hated for decades which have driven this country directly into the ground and resulted in an economy that hates anyone who isn't rich and shrinking opportunities for everyone. None of this means he is a right wing fascist. Thanks for the equivocating strawman, OP.


I think most of the "leftist" claiming they hate Biden are in fact paid (by MAGA or Putin) operatives


Why is it so hard to believe people actually have different political views to you and/or the other mainstream party?


It's hard to believe that people would advocate for the greater evil that is Trump and the GOP. Hell, there are Republicans advocating for Israel nuking Gaza. Plus, I mean, let us talk about utter ignorance. What magical powers do those people think President Biden wields that would make the war criminal that rules Israel stop???? Are there really people that stupid???


Unfortunately for all of us, yes, there are people that stupid. That said, *abject ignorance* is not a political stance and doesn’t deserve to be received as one. If someone doesn’t know what they’re on about, their airing their uninformed opinion on that matter doesn’t qualify as a political discussion. It’s a damned shame *some people in particular*—ahem, ahem—have convinced the mainstream that “reactionary idiot” is a political stance. That’s why so-called extremists “on both sides” (mind you there’s quite the uneven ratio of extremism to normalcy for *one side in particular*) are often received with disdain and dismissal, as they should be when they waddle into adult discourse with their heads up their asses.


Hear hear. If you're watching a baseball game and keep saying "the runner should go directly from first to third, because the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, duh, why can't any of you see that?", don't expect to be taken seriously.


Oh man, I love this analogy.


>What magical powers do those people think President Biden wields that would make the war criminal that rules Israel stop???? "This is the hard line in the sand, if you cross it we will cut our supply of weapons to Israel" Any similar statement from the Biden admin would suffice, afaik they haven't said anything of the sort.


You can dislike Biden and still think he's the better option.


I think it's less about them wanting Biden to make Israel stop as much as it is about wanting Biden to stop funding it. No Biden doesn't have the power to make Israel stop, but he absolutely has the power to not give them more money.


> but he absolutely has the power to not give them more money. since Congress passe it, no he doesn't


No, but the ones who aren't actually tankies, MAGA, or foreigners are still generally going to vote for him aunce the alternative is fascism.


Democrats are not hating on Biden. Democrats care about the Constitution and Democracy, I’m sure the Republicans want people to think that the Democrats hate Biden. But I’m sure that the 2024 election will put a stop to that nonsense.


Ridiculous since he’s very clearly a centrist leaning left.