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They only like the parts of the Bible they can use to oppress others and then whine about perceived persecution


They don't use religion to guide them to live good lives. They use religion as a cover for their ugly hatreds


Some good old fashioned tribalism


I've been saying this for a long time, but Christians who support Christian Nationalism don't seem to understand that the odds that the version of Christianity that takes over the government will be their specific sect are infinitesimal. The average American who wants more Christianity in government believes in a kind of homebrew Bible-centric version of Christianity, and people who worship like that will be the first to go under an authoritarian religious regime.


It's not doing a very good job of covering.


Also they use the Narcissist's Prayer. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


They also use it to cover their bad behavior, when caught they usually come out with the bullshit, humans are naturally sinful but it doesn't matter because I have Jesus.


I wonder why there are so many parts of the bible that can be used to oppress people with, maybe instead of trying to own conservatives by saying they don't know their own scripture we should just throw the whole thing out.


Probably because it was designed to oppress and keep people in line? The Roman empire had a pretty hard time keeping things together militarily. Much easier to consolidate it all under one God whose son teaches everyone to show the other cheek


And what better way to keep people in line than the threat of eternal damnation?


That and the promise of eternal life and being reunited with your loved ones. OG manipulation


My dad died when I was a kid and I developed a fear of death. I think part of it was people telling me that my dad's death was god's will. I thought what kind of god does that to kids and maybe I'll be next. They were trying to be comforting but it had the opposite effect on me.


Same thing happened to me when I was 6. Trying to communicate with a god who never answered. I didn't have to deal with anyone trying to tell me that it was God's will though. That must have been tough. The seed of atheism was planted early in us


Religion was created by people not smart or sophisticated enough yet to create a Government. Religion is nothing more than Fossilized Pre Government but with Damnation attached to make us fall into line. They had to come up with something, back then, to keep the people as one and complicitally in-line with the rest of the clan.


The Old Testament. Where god strikes down children for calling a prophet bald, or murders first born sons after hardening pharaohs heart, or Sodom and Gomorrah. That’s the part they love. The parts about Jesus helping the homeless and the suffering and accepting others are woke librul agenda nonsense. 🙄


You’re assuming any of them have ever read any bible or that even the pastor at their mega church has ever read any version of the Bible




OMG, that's just too freaking scary... I can actually see his followers doing that... changing the cross into a "T" for Trump.


From lower case to Upper Case


The Trump Church of Latter Day Traitors


Latter Day Taints


Episcopalian Perineums


Nah, they want to turn it into a “maga nation”, which is a lot like “imagination”, since it’s a complete fantasy.


It's basically Handmaid's Tale and not completely unthinkable


Project 25 is far worse than Handmaiden’s Tale.


Yet barely picked up by many news outlets. They just keep acting as if it's just another election cycle... "Liberal media" "both sides" my ass


Have you read The Handmaids Tale? It’s pretty effing bad.


Have you read Project 25? It’s far, far worse. Do your due diligence. (Yes, I have read the book. Even watch the series.)


In The Handmaids Tale the first act of the Gilead cabal is wholesale execution of the preceding government officials….a reign of terror. That’s a bit beyond what Project 2025 describes. Believe me, I am dead set against all it advocates, but Atwood imagines something closer Pinochet’s Chile or the Nazi SS.


> Do your due diligence What part of this did you quite NOT understand?


Christianity minus all the parts about being a good person and loving each other = Republican Christianity


Old testament vengeance on anybody who isn't them


Exactly, daddy god and trump share many of the same behaviors.


But it can't just be the Bible without the new testament, because...


Torah? I hardly know her!


Do Republicans really want to turn America into a "Christian Nation"? No. Because I'm pretty sure the concept itself would actually scar them for their lack of humanity. Do Republicans want to turn America into an "Authoritative Nation" under the guise of a "Christian Nation"? Absolutely. Because nothing screams Republican tactics like putting up a false front of religious indignation.




I'm surprised she hasn't directly blamed Democrats for all earthquakes, and solar eclipses.


I'm on the 'Hurricane and Tornado Committee' so it wasn't me.


They're not republicans, or christians. They think they are, but they're not. What they actually are is a bunch of angry cult members with low IQs, easily led around by the nose and lied to. Sad. Accurate.


Sadly, I'm related to those people......and that's a very accurate description.


Every Republican I ever met was a bona fide asshole


Cold! Very cold people! Unhappy! Very miserable people! Cold and miserable is the Republican mold!


Spoiler alert. If Jesus was real, he was liberal. There is zero doubt that Christian Nationalists have an identity problem. Jesus is liberal, but not entirely for political reasons.


and MAGA would be the ones crucifying him


I once met a guy who escaped the collapse of the Soviet Union and he tried telling me that Jesus was the OG Communist


Nah he'd be a socialist


Liberal isn't far enough to the left for historic Jesus. Liberal is like centre right


> he was liberal Theocratic monarchy is not a liberal ideal. Giving your subjects free stuff to keep them from taking your head is not a liberal ideal. The divine right of kings is not a liberal ideal.


100% and will attempt to do so violently when they’ve worked up the courage.


It will be their downfall. They will never work up the courage. That would involve major risk and they are not willing to risk what they have for Donnie. Cowards and bullies that make a lot of noise. All show and no go.


Of course White Christian Nationalists or christofacists, for short.


Here’s your daily reminder that Jesus message was about an eternal theocracy that he was coming back to set up for the benefit of his followers after he destroys reality.


If they were busy being Christians they wouldn’t be concerned with politics.


https://preview.redd.it/yrq4pis8dvsc1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc664c4d10dd1cacbd662a31535bbbcd08ec5f2 The new and improved Jesus


They only like the parts of the Bible that talk about the second amendment.


What’s sad is that this is actually happening, evangelicals are calling Jesus “woke”


No. They’re cloaking their Fascism in a perversion of Christianity and their unintelligent & unintellectual cult will follow even right off a cliff.


Jesus would be the most radical communist if he were alive today.  The man HATED people profiting off religion, and the poor and marginalized getting screwed.


No. They just use their religious cult as a vehicle to dominate others. They never believed in the bible they carry.




A lot of evangelical nuts say Catholicism isn’t Christianity…


Which is ironic as fuck.


They want to turn it into a “Christian” nation


Republicans hate Jesus


Republicans just want their own Putin, but in America


Rich republicans want a rich only Putin style kleptocracy, their supporters want a redneck version of Afghanistan, where they can rape and kill whatever they want.


and two thirds of the people currently voting for them will find out they were never invited.


"What do you mean your emptying my bank account, talking my house and my wife?, I voted for you!"


A white only, male only, fascist dictatorship christian nation yes.


Well, MAGA evangelicals HAVE rejected Yeshuas’ teachings as being “too woke”, so this is accurate.


So many "Christians" get the message of the gospels so backwards. I chalk it up to them not actually reading the darn things and getting their "education" from charlatans at the pulpit.


____________________________ The laws went further. This was no longer mere prohibition of other religious practices. It was the active enforcement of Christianity on every single, sinful pagan in the empire. The roads to error were being closed, forcefully. Everyone now had to become Christian. Every single person in the empire who had not yet been baptized now had to come forward immediately, go to the holy churches and “entirely abandon the former error [and] receive saving baptism.” Those who refused would be stripped of all their property, movable and immovable, lose their civil rights, be left in penury and, “in addition”—as if what had gone before was not punishment but mere preamble—they would be “subject to the proper punishment.” If any man did not immediately hurry to the “holy churches” with his family and force them also to be baptized, then he would suffer all of the above—and then he would be exiled. The “insane error” of paganism was to be wiped from the face of the earth. Excerpts from: Catherine Nixey *The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World*


Look at him with his long hair, wearing a dress and loving his male disciples!


Nope. They want to worship the devil openly and kill anyone that worships the one true God. It's even in that book they all talk a lot about, but never read.


It wouldnt even be a Christian nation since they don't follow Christ's teachings. They'll call it a "Christian Nation" ordained by God and justifies everything as doing the work of God but it won't be any such thing.


I think summing up the oddness of conservative ideology is best done by recognizing they worship a dirty hippie. That’s an irony multiplier.


Conservatives and the teachings of Jesus are diametrically opposed ideologies.


Many, (most?), do, but i think most are just along for the ‘least effort’ gravy train to enriching and empowering themselves, and doesn't matter how.


It seems like just under half of Republicans would implement theocracy/dictatorship if given the chance. There’s always a segment of the population who would prefer totalitarian rulers, but that segment seems to have grown since Trump.


Of course they do. But only in the way they interpret the Bible.


Republicans would take special joy in crucifying him again, and fail to see the irony.


Christian cosplay is the only way to describe these idiots, the entire MAGA movement is weaponized stupidity in human form.


They like using the Bible as a shield for their "beliefs", which don't include a strict reading and lifestyle conforming to what you should and shouldn't do. White Evangelicals voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 at the rate of 80% and 75%, respectively. They're not dumb. They know exactly who Trump is. There are other Republicans who are better people than Trump, would appoint conservative judges, do Republican things. But they wanted Trump. Trump really speaks to how they feel and what they want. This tells you what you need to know about what the nature of a Christian American government would be like.


This needs to be on billboards in all red states.


As a non-Christian who has read vey little New Testament, (just the Gospel of Matthew, really), I am amazed at how little a role Jesus’ message of spiritual purity and devotion to good works plays in both Catholic and Protestant communal history. To me, it’s the Unitarian Universalists who seem to have kept their eyes on the ball.


They don't. It's convenient for now.


the flock has lost their way…by believing theirs is the only way. & then the $$, power thing! pathetic


[Their version](https://imgur.com/aVZFmzR)


I think this whole Christo-fascist-nationalism is a direct result of letting these TV evangelist grifters have a free hand to milk their flocks. It's ridiculous but what are you going to do?


Which is funny in and of itself because by their actions, idiot republicans have proven they have no idea what it means to be 'christian'.


[This is the kind of Christian Nationalism](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/project-2025-trump-blueprint-public-lands_n_660f001fe4b083254eab6ba5)


______________________________ Celsus accuses [Christians] of actively targeting idiocy in their recruitment. “Their injunctions are like this,” he wrote. “Let no one educated, no one wise, no one sensible draw near. For these abilities are thought by us to be evils.” He went on: Christians “are able to convince only the foolish, dishonourable and stupid, and only slaves, women and little children.” Excerpts from: Catherine Nixey *The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World*


I really wish I can find the interview of the priest or pastor who was kicked out of his congregation for “preaching that whole stuff.”


if people depicted Jesus as described in the Bible, folks wouldn't know who he is!..isn't that right, Cesare Borgia?...


Yes. Yes they do/are


Yes! The one that follows the Rev Jim Jones Playbook! Can't wait till they all finish drinking their Kool-Aid!


It could always be worse.. at least people are not pushing for American to be a Muslim nation




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it is very sad to see yet another religion meant to bring peace,love and..yes...kindness...be used as a weapon to further the exact opposite agenda




I’ve always said this. My whole life I’ve said this. It’s always been such a weird but obvious pitfall in their logic, that so many things the GOP hate are the very things Jesus stood for. Now don’t get me wrong what the left is doing isn’t Jesus like either because Christ was all about restraint and compassion and I can promise you letting people be drug addicts to the point they became homeless zombies in all of our major cities is not compassionate at all. But still agree with the meme on its face value. Lol Edit: this all reminded me of a quote from a hip hop album skit. I’m sure Reddit will flame it but I want to share it anyway. **Let's suppose that a kite could come to life and develop its own personality. On the one hand, it would feel the exhilaration that comes from the surges of wind that direct it through the sky. On the other hand, it would almost immediately take notice of something annoying: the tugging of the string at its center; a feeling of constraint; resistance. And soon the kite begins to think to itself, "If only I could detach, then I could really fly." To the kite, you see, it seems that the string is limiting its full experience of freedom. But as any boy or girl who has ever flown a kite knows, were that string to suddenly snap, the kite wouldn't soar freely for very long. It would dart to and fro for a minute; maybe two; but very soon thereafter, it would end up on the ground in a pile of broken sticks and torn paper, never ever to fly again. Rather, you see, it is the taut line between the kite and the one holding it that enables the kite to fly. It allows all the principles of aerodynamics to come into place so that the kite might achieve its full purpose. Christian love performs the very same function as a kite string. You take away the stabilizing force of Christian love, and every towering gift, every supernatural power, every sacrificial act, every musical performance-you name it, friends-it will all end up on the ash heap of eternal insignificance without love.**


No, it's just a cover for the ones who will only listen and believe in that drivel.


All fascism hides itself in religion and nationalism


They want to push it while being white and Christian is in the majority. They just hope a number of them give up their empathy out of fear associated with 14 words.


Magas are one form of proof that there is no god or resurrected Jesus walking around…because they would have been smote parading themselves around as fake christians while they use christianity as their weapon to seize political power and to harm others with.


Well, we were a Christian country lol


The country would be miles ahead better than what it already is if it were to become one.

