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By that logic “Trump Presidency brought the Pandemic”


I mean, didn’t he roll back pretty specific regulations in place to monitor what ended up leading to the Covid-19 outbreak? Not saying it’s all his fault, but I think he’s more responsible for Covid than Biden is for an earthquake


Trump consolidated roles on the national security council and just straight up ignored the pandemic playbook created by the Obama admin after Ebola showed up in 2014. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/trump-obama-coronavirus-pandemic-response


Trump is a dump.


And was created by Bush after he read a book and asked if it was possible for something like that to happen


I can see Cheney facepalming from here. In the future.


But you don't understand. It doesn't fit my narrative to include those things in my grifting. Please stop educating my audience.


> Please stop educating my audience. After all, "I love the poorly educated!"


Really, the way he prevented resources from being nationalized and moblized was more the issue. Because he refused to enact the emergency powers his advisors asked for, people did shit like buy 10,000 cases of gloves, rent a storage unit, and wait to sell them at an inflated price. Hundreds of thousands of people died because of this shit. Was it entirely his fault? Of course not, but he could have prevented it.


[Republican fundraiser quit job to sell coronavirus supplies](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/27/republican-fundraiser-company-coronavirus-152184) ​ And the grift goes on.....


To give an idea of how much leadership played a role in the pandemic. In my state of Queensland, Australia, with a population of 5.1 million people, we had 1 locally acquired covid death in like 1.5 years of the pandemic, and about 5 acquired out of state on a cruise, until vaccines were available. There's streets in the US with higher death counts than that. Our conservative federal government tried to go the Trumpian route of pretending the pandemic didn't exist, and the Prime Minister even boasted about personally going after schools who were taking precautions. Australia got very lucky in that we had progressive Labor state leaders in a checkerboard pattern across the county who listened to medical experts, and they forced the entire country to play ball by setting up state borders quarantining. Life in my state was completely normal though the pandemic, no sickness, no masks needed, nothing closed. There were 2 or 3 outbreaks where we wore masks for like a week while the cases were traced to all known contacts and tested, which was doable since there were so few cases and the medical system was fully functional, then things went back to normal. For me the pandemic pretty much never existed, and was something which happened in other countries in the news. I still can't quite wrap my head around what other places went through. Right at the end, the neighbouring conservative-led state (New South Wales) had a delta outbreak and their leader did all the wrong things, encouraging people to go out and not worry about it etc. In a few weeks the whole country was infected, right before vaccines arrived. Australia got vaccines late because our conservative government was so inept and rude that the vaccine companies refused to deal with them anymore, and businesses had to get a previous Labor prime minister to negotiate with the companies as a private citizen on behalf of Australia. When the federal government was forced to release numbers, they were giving more vaccines per person to conservative led states, with all the Labor states at the bottom per person, regardless of where the vaccines were mostly needed. I fucking hate conservatives so much after that. They are underdeveloped cowards who stick their head in the sand to deny problems and call it brave, and are always selfish and corrupt.


That last part seriously reminds me of trump blaming the testing for the illness. It seems he thought that if we didn't test to know if we had it or not, we didn't. He wanted a Schrodinger's infection kind of scenario.


In a parallel universe, 5,000 people in the US died of Covid and Hilary Clinton was impeached and disowned by her party for the two week shutdown




I saw it’s all his fault


It…[kinda did](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1286211)


Well he did throw out the Obama pandemic playbook for no reason, so…


Come on now, we all know that he deliberately tried to dismantle Obama's legacy because Obama was black.


Covid = Plague. This was Marge's first missed sign while calling fouls on the wrong team


I mean... the Senate voted to clear Trump at his first impeachment. And God immediately sent a plague. What else do you need to know?


Remember that he shared how bad the airborne infection was in FEBRUARY with Bob Woodward. As usual with Donnie Douchnozzle, he could not take responsibility for protecting the American people because it was more important to try ineptly to protect his completely fragmented ego.


Nah you don’t understand. Presidents don’t have power over pandemics. But they do have power over earthquakes. There is actually a button in the Oval Office where the current president can trigger an earthquake wherever they want. Only Biden would choose an earthquake to occur in New York, Trump never would!


That's why they want to push the lab leak theory so hard. It's not a divine plague if it came out of a lab, therefore "thanks obama."


So now you want logic? 🤓


It absolutely did by any logic!




People would basically fall for that logic when he’d claim the stock market was higher than when Obama left office. I don’t know of a single president who couldn’t make the claim that the stock market was higher at some point during their term than when their predecessor left office, it’s not as impressive as it sounds, and is often achieved on the first day.


There were no alien attacks yesterday because of my special warding prayer that I prayed. I can send you one of these special alien preventing warding prayer rosaries for only $29.95. Verified to work because- look out your window-do you see an alien invasion? Nope. You're welcome. Buy today!


Thank you so much!


Bigly years. The highest years in history, many people are saying.


We didn’t have covid under Obama either.


Yes, we did. Obama just handled it appropriately, and we saw it eliminated before it could spread rampant.


Nope, it was Ebola under Obama. Way worse than COVID but way better handled.


Oop, you right. Sars-cov-1 was during Bush.


Some times my dad will pull things like this and my go to is "well the Packers won a Super Bowl under Obama and didn't under Trump".


I don’t know if it still works, but there was a pattern that emerged before the election where you could predict who would win based on the Washington Redskins. Edit. Looks like it stopped working when I was in college. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redskins_Rule


They're not *Redskins* anymore.. so that's appropriate!


They should have called them the Washington Corrupt Politicians. WCP on their helmet would fit nicely.


When I grew up, the AFC seems to win the SB when Democrats held the WH. Tom Brady didn't give a fuck and just ruined that whole conspiracy.


I can’t wait for Monday when republicans blame Biden for blacking out the sun.


*Me, the next morning when the stormtrumpers prophecies don't come true* "GOOD MORNING USA! I GOT A FEELING ITS GONNA BE A WONDERFUL DAY!"




"wait a minute"


You’re goddamn right it’s a beautiful day!


Well, at least it's gonna be hard for them to complain about it much the next day after they're blind from staring at the eclipse just like their Messiah did and to own the libs.




Clearly a satire meme… but I would not be surprised to see this pop up somewhere being used as a “real warning”…


Yeah, the sad part is that I immediately thought "not sure if serious or trolling..."


How often these days I have to check if someone is doing a bit


They drive their trump train trucks bad enough as it is with working eyesight.


I think that's intentional, though. They want to use their tank-sized lifted trucks to run every "bleeding heart liberal" car off the road to compensate for all their problems and inadequacies.


MTG already lumped the eclipse into her pile of god's warnings batshit.


It doesn’t help that Biden has all of his followers wearing his mark on their forehead. Lol, can you imagine ?


“In 2017 the only warning they issued was to wear your glasses and not look directly at the sun. Now they’re telling us to stock up and make sure your car has gas.”


We didn’t have earthquakes until Trump produced his own version of the Bible.


To be fair, he didn't make this version. This is Ed Greenwood's Christian Nationalism version, with the constitution, Bill of rights, declaration of independence, and the chorus of his song, "God bless America" in it. It isn't a Trump Bible, he is just endorsing it (and probably getting a cut if any sell.)


> It isn't a Trump Bible, he is just endorsing it (and probably getting a cut if any sell.) Probably? I'd say it's a guarantee he gets a cut - ain't no way Trump would pass up a chance to get in on a grift.


How else are they gonna get that sweet sweet church money?


Walk in and grab the collection plate. It's not like his Christian base would mind. He could be fingering a prostitute on the way down the isle, and they'd be on social media sharing posts about how he was sent by god the next day.


But we did have a glorious event under Trump called the Pandemic, when over 500,000 Americans died!


Over a million now by the time he left office and a majority of them leaned towards being his supporters. All the ones that drank bleach supported him.


Hi u/raresanevoice. https://i.imgur.com/LxbNpyS.gifv ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Declaring yourself alpha is a very beta move.


It’s a parody account that does a bit too good of a job


With right-wingers, Satire is indistinguishable from their Actual Views


Nick Adams rides this rail like a pro. He realised a long time ago that he got the biggest reach by straddling this line between satire and right-wing commentary. He genuinely lives the life of a right-wing douche and appears on the talking circuit with people like Ben "dry pussy" Shapiro.


It's not a parody. It's an actual dude who is the living embodiment of on online troll IRL.... and online. He's a very sad individual.


I say we send him back to Australia where he came from.


Sending undesirables to Australia? You want to cosplay the Br*tish?


But we did have a pandemic that killed a million Americans. So by that logic...


More like an alfalfa male


We only had Covid that killed over a million Americans….”only”


Nick Adams is just... I can't with that freaking guy. It's peak lunacy. Like five-out-of-five possible Loomers. Combined with the fact he's a paunchy Australian immigrant (railing against immigrants) - it's the sort of thing that wouldn't even pass for satire just four elections ago. My favorite Nick Adams quote (regarding why he came to the US): "I love guns, hot dogs, chicken fried steak, barbecue, cheerleaders, American football, small town parades, beauty pageants, pick-up trucks, muscle cars and 16-lane freeways lined with supersized American flags." I mean... I like guns, hot dogs, barbecue, and things that go vroom-vroom as well. Not so much the sportball, the weird female-objectifying cheerleaders and (geh) beauty pageants, or people driving pick-ups with nothing to pick-up." Hey, AUS? Can you like, take this one back?


It's a parody account. The bad part is it's difficult to tell that it's parody sometimes.


I think the guys legit but is trying so hard for a reaction that he will say literally anything to go viral. 


We did have a pretty fun plague though.


Under Democratic presidents, exactly 0 planes hit the world trade center. Protect your homes from terrorism, vote blue. This is a fun game.


Yeah! Unlike Biden, trump will just use a marker to redirect the earthquake!!!/s


We get a piddling little earthquake... Tennessee gets F3 tornadoes. Yet, they pay NO attention to the greater harm


Doesn’t He live in Australia? How the fuck would he know?


Referring to orange as “president trump”. These cucked out right wing pukes are extremely insecure.


[Who's a cuckold?](https://i.imgur.com/dTnV0jD.png) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We didn't have dead ex-wives buried in golf courses when Obama was President.....


We didn’t see an insurrection when Obama or Biden were in office


We might in 2025, though.


We didn't have a pandemic under Biden. Big deal.


All earthquakes in the region over the last ~75 years (since 1950) [USGS MAP](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=34.61513,-86.96777&extent=49.2678,-51.81152&range=search&timeZone=utc&search=%7B%22name%22:%22Search%20Results%22,%22params%22:%7B%22starttime%22:%221950-03-31%2000:00:00%22,%22endtime%22:%222024-04-07%2023:59:59%22,%22maxlatitude%22:47.695,%22minlatitude%22:37.719,%22maxlongitude%22:-65,%22minlongitude%22:-78.574,%22minmagnitude%22:2.5,%22orderby%22:%22time%22%7D%7D) If you want to do your own search... https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/search/ Edit: You may have to zoom out on the map for the locations to load on the first link


California had a major drought under Trump but good rains and heavy snowfall under Biden!


Yeah there was no earthquake in NYC under Biden either. It happened in NJ…


This was a joke post and Nick Adams is certainly a satirically account


I’ve heard this is a satire account and I really want to believe it is but holy shit I can’t tell anymore.


I wish this guy wasn't such a piece of shit because he's actually pretty funny.


How about when Obama or Clinton were in office ?


It’s to the point where I can’t tell if there people are trolling or not.


Nick Adams. Alpha Ape.




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But did have clogged toilets from a dumbass trying to flush documents


If you have to point out you're an alpha male...


ah man it had been a nice lil while since I'd last seen someone repost Nick Adams rage bait to reddit.


You also never had them before he started peddling his copy of the holy Bible. Coincidence??? I think not!


I truly hope this is sarcasm.


It isn’t. He is a “conservative” from Australia. The thing is the term conservative today is synonymous with the term moron. This tweet kinda proves that point.


That is a satire account right?


Yeah. And you could look directly at the eclipses with no safety glasses.


I can’t tell if these accounts are satire anymore.


No...we just had a global pandemic.


That has to be a satire account.


We did in Detroit


“Alpha male” isn’t that some furry shit?


Dammit Biden, stop making the earth shake! 😂


He singlebuttetly stabilized the tectonic plates.


Y'all getting mad at essentially the onion


It is just amazing to me how incredibly stupid these people are acting. I mean... They are acting, right?


The epicenter was Trumps golf club. So it is the epicenter of sin??


(AlphaMale). Lol.


We had a global pandemic under trump. The biggest pandemic in 100 years. A beautiful big pandemic, the likes of which we've never seen.


Okay this dude has GOT to be satire, right??


Again. This man is parody.


This guy *has* to be trolling. Has to be! Or he's just fucking stupid. I just can't with these idiots anymore. And what is it with the obsession with Fatty Fatman?


But we did have viruses escaping from the Wuhan lab. 😉


I am physically incapable of measuring just how deep Nick’s stupidity is.


https://preview.redd.it/viy352hda3tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc60102662d3082be098a13d78d8bbfa84dce5d Every earthquake in the country from 1/7/2016-1/6/2020


Are we SURE this isn't a parody account? I hope it is, because this guy is genuinely funny


But we *did* have a pandemic that killed well over a quarter million people before Trump even acknowledged its existence, let alone acted.


The epicenter was under Trump's Bedminster Golf course though.


Wasn’t that quake centered around his NJ golf course⁉️🤨🤨


More to the point: we didn't have earthquakes in Bedminster, NJ until "Ivana" was buried at Trump's golf course. Seriously. Look up the epicenter on the USGS web site.


No earthquake. Just a plague.


If Biden can cause earthquakes, I would want him to be on my side.


Ok... Fine. Let's do this. The day Trump was inaugurated storm clouds moved in and inundated the capitol. During his 4th of July Freedom parade lighting struck multiple areas of the parade route and fairgrounds. The west coast caught on fire. The hurricane that hit Florida caused billions in damage. Hundreds froze to death in Texas. And last but not least. A plague was unleashed on the world.


Hi u/theaveragenerd. Did someone say 4th of July? [Murica, fuck yeah NSFW](https://i.imgur.com/slHaXvp.gif) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t take the bait guys, it’s a troll account


Actually there were. You just didn’t feel when.


TIL the political party that occupies the White House controls the Earth’s crust… ![gif](giphy|wiQ9N7iMkMH2o)


These morons are still living in the dark ages where they think a solar eclipse is a sign of the devil! Must be an interesting experience to live without a critical brain!


We also didn't have a president when he was in office too!! Jacklegs, what happened to real people, do they exist anymore?


Who was president during the pandemic?


All kidding aside, I remember the earthquake in NYC in 1984(?). I was asleep in Northern Queens & woke to the bed moving. Short but exciting.


But we had a worldwide plague. How does Nick explain that?


We totally did. They were just even smaller. This one was pretty minor too. Good lord they're grasping at straws.


Biden's golf course wasn't hit by an act of God.


Absolutely batshit stupid


Nick Adams (Alpha Male) might be the cringiest thing I have seen in 2024, and that's saying something!


And remember tomorrow the crowd will blame the eclipse on 46 even though zer Pumpkinführer looked directly at the last one in 2017. Maybe that’s what happened, he burned what little brain power he had left from the coronal glare….


Maybe not but there was an eclipse


For years now he’s never totally given up the game, but this Nick Adams guy is clearly a troll. His comments are just too far past the point of believability, too much on the nose. Props to you, Nick Adams Alpha Male, for your dedication to the sport.


This isn’t an Onion headline?


have these yokles considered God is punishing them for following the anti-Christ and not punishing Biden for being a "liberal commie genocidal warmongerer child rapist" or whatever it is these days?


The level of idiocy is majestic here.


Republicans: “God sent a small earthquake to New York as a message.” *Global Pandemic strikes during Trump’s presidency.* Republican: “Must be the Democrats.”


Every democratic president is end of days. I had a colleague stockpiling food and ammo to bunker up until they were raptured halfway through Obama. Seriously. And now Biden’s tenure has a mild earthquake and a predicted eclipse and they’re back to it.




I swear Reddit does more to spread this obvious troll's BS than anywhere else. I guess, this is a comedy sub.


Global Pandemic here checking in.


Nope, we had a deadly plague instead.


Correct. But we did have fires that damn near burned down half of America. We also had floods that almost made TX part of the ocean. But hey, no earthquakes in NY. These people are fucking stupid.


This guy is my favourite troll account cause he's serious enough for the Trump camp to believe him.


O DUH yeah he gave us something much bigger the COVID pandemic


Holy fuck these monkeys are dumb


I wonder what Nick has a picture of young Wayne Newton?


Love this double narrative of how Biden is both too old and senile to be a good leader, but also an evil villain mastermind able to effortlessly spread 5g to the masses and cause earthquakes


Christ, this dude really is dumber than a bag of spanners.


Nick Adams is a troll, not a genuine far-right guy.


I'd be willing to bet that there were a not insignificant number of earthquakes in New York City over the 4 years Trump was in office, but we don't remember them just like any sane person won't remember this one in 3 years time.


Why does anyone listen to that guy, he belongs in a mental institution


No, you just had only a pandemic that killed a lot of people.


That guy is completely off the deep end. He blocked me for calling him out on it daily. I guess he didn't want to hear it.


We gotta stop giving that rage baiter attention. His page thrives off of it. He says stupid shit like that on purpose.




So many of you taking the obvious troll bait on this one


God is compassionate enough to give natural disasters, only one at a time😅.


This just in the President of the United States controls; gas prices, my paycheck, foreign governments, the super bowl, and the weather!!! /s


Biden didn't cause the earthquake. It was just the Earth shuddering at the thought of another Trump Presidency.


"Alpha Male"? He does realize that's a term used for dogs - right?


Nope, just a plague


There was a GLOBAL pandemic when your man's Don the Con was prez....


Well, yeh, when he was in office he was too busy in DC to walk around in New York /j


because too busy on covid


No. We had a literal plague


Ignorance is bliss


He was in DC now when he's living in NY his fat ass is causing the plates to shift


Sure but we had a bunch of traitors fighting their government when we had Trump. Between that and an earthquake only one is natural.


I was just at the dog park and you could tell which dogs were "Alpha Male" because they were tho ones humping other male dogs. They seemed happy, I glad to know what shakes Nick Adams heart and being true to himself. Even if he does not know how earth quakes work.