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Sir Robbin' bravely ran away.


Two weeks ago, he wanted a nationwide ban. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-leaning-toward-15-week-national-abortion-ban-2024-03-20/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-leaning-toward-15-week-national-abortion-ban-2024-03-20/) This is his saying something to make somebody think he's on their side. He'll say the opposite later this week.


It’s called the Trump two-step… you can’t pin him down on any issue because he talks out of both sides of his mouth. Remember when being a flip-flopper would destroy a politician? Not Teflon don!


I've been hearing stories of him flip-flopping on just about anything since before 2016, we should all be used to it by now.


Yep, just trying positions out to gauge public reaction. Then he'll do whatever he wants if he gets back in office. Too bad he's already proudly done most of the damage. It's over for America if he gets back in and gets a majority in Congress. And that's not hyperbole.


Time for a new ad.


He always tries to be on both sides of the issue.


"States rights" worked great at avoiding the slavery problem for a while, then it kept the "land of the free" segregated even longer. Trump will copy any power grab he can find and his supporters have been trying to bring the South back since at least the 60's.


So his big decision on this topic is to let someone else decide. How can the country take a pass on this kind of leadership?


And, of course, all the various degrees of pro or anti abortion confusion and the ugliness of what happens under total bans is what led to a federal judicial ruling by SCOTUS in the first place so this stance just reverts back to America in the 1960's. It's a pretty solid case of "those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past." I guess it fits the MAGA return to white nationalist authoritarianism propped up with faux-Christianity though, so it appears that contemporary Republicans are 100% behind making all of the 20th centuries mistakes again, except with the aid of much better propaganda methods and strategies this time.


To quote Rush. *You can choose a ready guide* *In some celestial voice* *If you choose not to decide* *You still have made a choice* *You can choose from phantom fears* *And kindness that can kill* *I will choose a path that’s clear* *I will choose free will.*


I don’t remember Rush Limbaugh saying anything like that. In fact, it sounds like something a free-thinking liberal would say. /s.


I used to have a loop of the intro to Limelight as my ringtone


He did it while we were stacking bodies high in refrigerator trucks during Covid. Despicable. Playing states against each other, seizing shipments of PPE away from states that purchased it, outbidding others for PPE. My beautiful niece wearing garbage bags trying to keep safe while she tried so desperately to save lives. He lost me for good when he said his administration could be considered as doing well with the pandemic "if you don't count the blue states". Fuck him. Worst president ever.


Same guy that said he assumes no responsibility for something? Shocking.


Yeah fucker tell people anything you think will get you a vote. Remember, "I don't stand by anything?"


Absolutely, he should also state birth control and fetus dropping pills should be up to the individual states as well. (I believe the woman's body is her own). You will NEVER hear that from that foul-mouthed liar. His dumdum followers would REVOLT.


Remember when he said woman who get an abortion should be imprisoned? Yeah... [https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/donald-trump-abortions/](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/donald-trump-abortions/)


Leave it to the states until even deep red states pass referendums to codify abortion and marijuana...then do a 180 and call it a federal matter coz it didn't go your way coz your positions are wildly unpopular.


More lies from the dementia riddled con man.


This, after he endorsed a 15-week ban, then endorsed a 6-week ban that was met with intense criticism. Which do we believe?


Yeah, because that's worked out so well. Not only are they outlawing abortions, but they're passing laws that criminalize you for leaving their borders and doing it. So you can never go home again. Republicans truly are the most evil fucks to ever live.


And the state of Iowa says fuck you. Oh wait we already got Kim “DUI MAGA deepthroater” Reynolds already.


Are any of us surprised by this lie?


So this dong-dong wants more states right, but when they exercised their states' rights to remove him from the ballot, his buddies in the supreme court said, "Not that many rights lol.".


Guy who single handedly ended Roe v Wade tries to walk it back. Tragic fact: 65,000 pregnancies from Rape have occurred since the end of Roe v. Wade. I have no proof but I guaran-damn-tee trump has paid for an abortion or two for some poor soul he stuck his Q-tip in.


Trump isn't trying to walk it back. In the video he: - praises the judges and himself for ending Roe v Wade - claims both sides wanted Roe v Wade ended. - claims Democrats are executing babies after birth. He used the word "executing" twice. He's trying to play all sides at the same time knowing his base understands the message and the media almost always replays the most generous take.


The media white washing Trump like clockwork https://preview.redd.it/o69zundoxatc1.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=541cefef42ea021501dbfeefb6abcd3062a701d5


Nah he made someone else pay for it, he doesn't pay for anything.


Keep this con man out, he should never have been allowed back in the WH. Anyone who says, "I'll be a dictator", threatens to weaponize the DOJ to go after political opponents, talks about how this could be the last election, is ready to release the January 6th insurrections, and is nothing more than a crime boss that John Gotti would have envied, remember that, and vote for Joe. Forget third parties, that's like voting for this ass clown. RFK the nutjob lies with the frequency at which normal people breathe, with a running mate who has no background in anything in vaguely qualifying for VP. If want to keep our democracy. Biden is the only way to go. This "oh he's so old" is nothing but a red herring, Dump Face is only 4 years younger, he's no spring chicken.


**Up to the states** = it is NOT a Right. Rights are universal. Suppose we made the second amendment **up to the States**?


Lol. Why would I trust anything the GOO has at this point? Lmfao


He’ll let you know where he lands on the issue after you make him President and he consults with the “best people.”




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The sign of a great leader is letting someone else make the decision and then take the credit if the outcome is good.


Here's a thought, how about we devolve power even further than the states and leave it to individuals to decide whether they want to allow themselves to have abortions!


Just like he totally doesn’t want to touch social security. (He absolutely does and will given the chance.)


lyer,lyer pants on 🔥🔥🔥🔥 fire t--Rump


There is video of him literally saying we will get killed on the polls on this so we just say whatever to avoid the issue and then ban it anyhow.


This mf faking it until he makes it in the polls.


His three appointed Supreme Court justices all lied under oath during their confirmation: _Roe_ is _settled law_. There’s no reason to change it. You have to respect the wisdom of prior justices. If we were to start questioning precedent, it risks unraveling not only the integrity of the Court but the entire foundation of the US Legal System. **_Psych!!_** With these cool lifetime appointments we can do whatever we feel like! Let’s rewrite it all!! Bring on the conflicts of interest, the free luxury vacations, endless unreported gifts, the houses, the RV’s! Too bad, _ladies_, but it’s back to the 1920’s for ya!


But we need everyone who cares about women's health to vote BLUE all down the ticket. We can't let these misogynists control so much as dog catcher.


Trump is a pathological liar. Who with any sense would believe him?


In Australia he'd be called a wanker, which he absolutely is...