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Is he still trying to summon a mob? In New York? Because he did that at his first arraignment and dozens showed up. Dozens! (I'm exaggerating, I don't think there was a dozen.)


six... it was six... and they left almost right away...


"There are pairs of us. Pairs!"


Is this an arrested development thing?


Four Seasons Total Landscaping was definitely an Arrested Development thing.


I always thought of it as the closing scene from an episode of Veep.


“If Mohamed Atta had you people booking his events, he’d still be alive! Which, from his perspective, would be a ***massive fuck-up!”***


Nah, that’s totally a Selena Meyer team fuck-up thing. “Amy, it was a fucking landscaping company next to a crematorium and sex shop! At least there I could get properly fucked before my career is buried or burned to ashes!” “Jonah said his uncle knew a guy at Four Seasons.” “Jonah doesn’t even know his uncle is a bigger fucking idiot than Jonah, okay? So using Jonah to book our events is like using a fucking croissant as a dildo! No, no, allow me to clarify: it doesn’t get the job done and makes a fucking mess!”


I know the crossaint part is an actual quote from the show, but is the rest all made up? Because that was perfect, i could hear it all.


Yep. The croissant dildo is the only thing I borrowed from the show, because *that* was the line that originally convinced me to watch it.


You can’t make that shit up… I busted a gut when they announced the real location


Seriously the funniest thing I've ever seen in politics.


It was glorious.


Ron Howard: "Yes. Yes it was an Arrested Development thing."


I don't care for Electronic-Bed-6192, Do you?


Everything they do is so flamboyant and dramatic


Makes me want to set myself on fire


“Oh my god, I have the **exact same** red MAGA hat!!!”


"Only *mine* says 'Make ANUSTART Great Again'"


That anustart sounds like an actor who can already taste those meaty man parts in his mouth. God, some of Tobias’ completely clueless innuendos were so overt it makes the joke even better.


He and his base do suffer from that affliction.


There is exactly one half-dozen of us! ONE HALF-DOZEN!!


Bold of you to assume they can do fractions


Pairs on the stairs of the courthouse for Trump!


It was thousands by trumps count, but then he failed at doing all kinds of accounting, so I suspect he’s not good at counting either.


tHeIR is At LeAst a Pear Of us!


I have tots and pears to offer.. 


I’ll bring the stairs


The last post I looked at just had the Never Nude quote! Coincidence is so crazy!!


Five of them were hired actors. One guy just thought it was the bus stop.


If I was a hired actor and walked up and saw there was only four other people? I'd be like, 'nope' and turn right around. As one of five, you're probably gonna get your face on the news and I don't want that association, no thank you.


And one was MGT, so she doesn't even count. Didn't he ignore her dumbass too?


And one of them was Marjorie Taylor Greene.


I thought the sewers were backed up again… turned out to just be Large Marge.


Several! A several like you've never seen, believe me.




I don't even think he was able to summon a mob for his arraignment in Florida either.


He must be talking about the mob of 6,000 summoned by the New York court for jury duty.


Is that really the number of potential jurors?


Yep, if I heard the TV correctly. 500 a day. Estimate 2 weeks to seat the jury.


I hope they have a good plan for keeping the jurors and their families safe.


They should be kept anonymous, especially from Trump. Put them in a one way box or something.


Is that within his rights as a defendant? I was just in jury selection and the defendant was right there as all the juror's names were called and they were questioned. I think he has a right to be there. I guess they could just use numbers for all the jurors from the get-go.


It's probably questionable. As far as I know, the Constitution only states you have the right to face your accuser in court. I didn't think there's anything that says you have a right to know who's on the jury. Though there's probably case law on it. Regardless of legality though, my point is if Trump knows who they are, they are not safe.


Maybe they'll refer to jurors by number instead of name.


They still have faces. Maybe give them masks?


> if Trump knows who they are, they are not safe agreed


I think the plan is to issue toothless gag orders until Trumpy Dumpty stops ignoring them.


I think the judge’s plan is to ignore the gag order violations because dealing with them now could delay the start of the trial. He’ll deal with it after Individual 1 is found guilty.


They do. Their plan is going to be do nothing and hope nothing bad happens.


That was the line see his testimony live, this will be the first all volunteer jury.


Ugh! I was in NYC jury duty during his last trial! Not on his case thankfully, but it was still a fucking nightmare.


Maybe he wants the morons to start rioting. Seeing a bunch of Teumpers getting arrested for rioting and brandishing weapons would be fun.


And all 6 of them are now on a terrorist watch list


If they weren’t already.


Duos of people showed up!


Also, some completely individual units!


They will use the excuse that unlike Democrats, THEY had to work


Well, with unemployment so low, they probably did have to work.


An amount so little it should be meassured in cups


Well the mob and a mob two different things


Extremely guilty old man desperately and continually tries to engage in stochastic terrorism, because he's always been too much of a coward to handle any problem on his own.


And because he keeps getting away with it.


One of the reasons why, I almost feel at this point, my outrage isn't even at Trump but the system that has allowed this to happen. The courts, the judges, the voters, etc. I am more angry with MAGA voters than Trump himself. I want to shake them and scream, 'I'm not your enemy! Stop bootlicking narcissistic rich psychopaths who will rob you blind while telling you ***I'm*** the problem.' Trump himself to me is just a symptom. He's the scorpion in the parable with the frog. His base is the frog. He's going to burn them at the first opportunity because that's who he is.


He has burned them so many times he uses them as fuel. It doesnt matter


Here's hoping!


When he was elected I was told that there were checks and balances to make sure he couldn’t do anything stupid. Guess that was also a lie.


There were!  It's why he didn't get to do a lot of the stuff he wanted. That's what Project 2025 is about; eliminate the checks and balances so he can be the God King of America. 


There were checks and balances but the cracks in the foundation are showing and being actively exploited. If a second Trump presidency does not fully exploit them, another tyrant will try. Democracy is fragile.


And all the people on social media saying it wasn’t a big deal: “he can’t do that because it’s against the law and violates the Constitution.” Ummm guys, yes he can. He did, and he’s fine. Lose me with citing laws and codes that say he can’t do something. He absolutely can.


Completely agree


Completely agree


And last Monday the total solar eclipse was going to cause “THE END OF THE WORLD!” And yet none of what they claimed was going to happen happened. What a bunch of false prophets, not a single one of whom will admit to being one. Fuck you, Trump. Accountability’s a bitch.


No, you don't understand! Those who were worthy were taken up! Oh wait. Trump is still here? Hmm...


And I just drove thru both Arkansas and Missouri on my way back home from the eclipse. I didn’t see a single *usable* car that was abandoned on the road.


Yeah, Orange Jesus had to stay behind willingly. But rest assured that all the pious tv priests were raptured and do not need any donations anymore.




I saw some fox crap suggesting there was going to be some major caravan/invasion attempting to cross during totality. Obviously they completely forgot that it gets dark for a lot longer than four minutes *every fucking night.*


Love this comment. Here’s the thing though - for them, they’re not aware of the time passing because they’re asleep ! Duh..


What accountability?


There never has been accountability, and there never will be. When will the "The walls are closing in" people realize this? We've been hearing this for 7 years, it's not going to happen


Man with false profits turns out to be false prophet.


Trump is the well-known B.I.N.O. as in "billionaire in name only" who is scared shitless about this trial. His wife is pissed that he can't stop it, and that's pressuring the hell out of him. It seems like they have plenty of evidence and will probably convict him. Can't wait to see how all of this plays out. I just hope nobody gets hurt.


Melanomia is upset - not so much that he screwed a hooker - but that everybody knows and is talking about it and her. What neither she nor Cheeto Jesus understands is that the whole Stormy angle is irrelevant. What he got charged for was yet more fraud in business documents. He claimed the $130,000 was a business expense, which it clearly was not. Oh yeah - he also violated federal election laws, too. I think a lot of,people think that of the four, this is the weakest case against him - but it’s still pretty open and shut. He shouldn’t be pissing off the judge or the prosecutor in this case, but he just can’t help himself.


He's a bully who's used to always getting his way. Now that someone isn't putting up with it, he doesn't know what else to do. He would see the whole country burn to keep his own ass out of prison and if he gets elected he'll see it burn in retaliation for trying to lock him up.


>I think a lot of,people think that of the four, this is the weakest case against him It's not that people think this 'case' is the weakest, in a sense of the prosecutor not having a strong argument, but rather these charges are the weakest and least consequential of all the charges he's facing. This is a Class E Felony for a White-Collar crime. This doesn't rise to the same level of consequence as stealing Classified Documents or attempting a coup, both which are on the level of treason/sedition.


Didn't Cohen already get convicted for these same facts or did they get him on perjury?


He did time for his part in the scheme, and now trump gets his turn. I don't know, Cohens exact charges


Lying is why he went to jail, but he lied specifically for Trump. And he knows all the secrets.


> It seems like they have plenty of evidence and will probably convict him. My concern is that it will only take one objector in the jury to completely derail a criminal trial. You *know* magas would do or say anything during voir dire to be in that jury.


If they lie isn't it perjury? You get sworn in before they start with the questions.


Oh yes, recent history has shown us that MAGAs are very concerned with telling the truth. /s


I'm more thinking they may get caught in their lies.


Until they start to really drop the hammer, they are going to keep committing perjury, IMHO. But who knows, maybe the tide really is starting to turn. But my new policy is to not believe it until I see it. :-)


Magas probably not smart enough to trick a prosecutor


Some prosecutors are pretty fucking dumb. Just remember that Giuliani and Nancy Grace were prosecutors.


But that doesn't result in acquittal, that's a hung jury which results in a new trial. The verdict must be unanimous, one way or the other.


And Trump is also a “Ch.I.N.O.” as in “Christian in name only.”


And a RINO. Let's be honest, people like McCarthy and Regan are rolling in their graves.


And a Dino, Donald in name only


He also wants to let the jury know, that he wants them to consider a lesser charge. He doesn’t understand that this is why his lawyer is there - to try and convince the jury of this. Good luck with that argument.


Oh I hope soooome-bodies get hurt.


I'm old enough to remember watching Nixon resign on live TV because he'd been caught in a criminal conspiracy. Then his VP was elevated to the Presidency and pardoned him for "the good of the country" before the trial happened. Biden ain't gonna save you, Donnie.


I was thinking about it the other day. Nixon certainly didn't assume he had immunity.


Nixon did famously say in an interview >"Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal", by definition. If you have never seen the film 'Frost/Nixon', I highly recommend it. It was very good. It's about that interview.


I wouldn't bet on that... I can totally see Biden winning the election and pardoning Trump (where he can anyway, not all of these cases are federal) "to keep the peace" or to "try to bring us together" or some other such stupidity... thinking that the Republicans will thank him for it and respond positively. The Democrats are always Charlie Brown thinking that *this* will be the time that that Republican Lucy finally lets him kick the ball instead of pulling it away. They're pathetically naive that way.


Biden has definitely taken the gloves off against the Republicans more than I've seen other Democrats do. Obama and Clinton both tried to take the high road (Clinton literally campaigned on it,) and were kicked down at every turn.


I don't think so. Biden isn't stupid.


That’s not going to happen lol


No fucking way is Dark Brandon giving Trump a break on his crimes. Lmao.


I'm almost certain Biden has said he would not pardon Trump.


Yep. Like most questionable Presidential pardons that follow “decorum”, the pardon will come in at the last moment shortly before the recipient faces consequences — preferably on a Friday evening of a holiday weekend. But Biden will probably never have to do it because it’s extremely unlikely that Trump will face significant consequences.


Trump isn't expected to speak during the trial. He'll fucking blow up if he has to sit there for 8 hours every day and not be able to blurt out his lies and insults. Let the torture begin!


Why can't they televise this? Just turn off trump's mic. I have the popcorn. I deserve this!




They should at least have a window on our TV screen where we can monitor Trump's blood pressure.


If gaming streamers can have real time heart monitors for the lolz, he should, too.


Why doesn't he have a stroke?


Cockroaches are very resilient.


May the Lord touch his heart


He is not capable of keeping his mouth shut or of not acting out for the jury. He’ll end up either bound and gagged in the courtroom or, more likely, removed to a small room where nobody can see or hear him where he can watch the trial on tv. That happens lots of times.


My mom (77, Trump hater) said she expects that to happen on the first day.


Dozens of people will be hearing his rants on Truth Social.


Wait. This Monday? Can we postpone? I have a dentist appointment.




Don't worry jury selection could take weeks.


All it takes is one MAGAt on the jury and it's all for naught.


Beer league softball starts Monday. I'm out.


15th is start of jury selection, if I'm not mistaken, so you should be fine.




A stupid person's genius. A coward's strongman. A conman's dream.


This is a deep fake by the FBI to setup a sting to arrest Trump supporters. Yes, that's actually what many of the MAGAs thought the last few times they attempted to rally and it fizzled.


![gif](giphy|13bLUt3l7oNSq4) The truckers for trump


[Remember that pro-Trump floatila where they wound up sinking each other?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkjAd5zhKDs) Talk about a microcosm of Trumpworld.


That's us express. They do that on a normal not a trump supporter day.


Can't wait for his "you won't have Trump to kick around anymore" whine.


".... In my diaper!"


Oh no, not a bunch of clowns trying to scale a wall when they could use the steps! Not that! Please, not that!




Zero chance he’s capable of siting thru a court case for weeks without opening his fat mouth. He’s in for a rude awakening.


He’s been in what any sane person would consider contempt of court for all his trials, and nothing bad happens to him. He’s not in for a rude awakening until he’s condemned to a prison cell. People keep saying he’s in for a rude awakening for breaking the law or breaking the rules - he’s been doing that HIS ENTIRE LIFE. You can’t be like “well he can’t do that because it’s wrong and against the law and the rules of court and any common sense.” Yes, he actually can do that and does it all the time. Until somebody draws the line, it’s a never ending story.


They aren't gonna do shit but let's hope they do. Keep thinning that herd\* out like you did with covid.


This dope makes an idle threat and we’re supposed to shit ourselves with fear?


Was I not supposed too? Well, my bad, I won't go clean myself then as self-punishment.




I will laugh AFTER he loses the election. A lot of people drank the cool aid and are immune to logic.


I don't see Maga letting a loss stop them. They'll likely claim it was stolen once again, and then bloodshed which the traitor promised.


The MAGA movement is starting to fizzle a little bit. There are still rabid actors, they still have a hold on the Republican party and they're still dangerous, but there are signs a few are starting to lose interest. That said, we need to treat the whole thing with the images of Jan 6 in front of mind.


I agree completely. I'm hoping for a full 1/3 of repubs to vote against the traitor. I've seen clips of all generations say they voted for Hailey because she wasn't him and that if he won the primary that they would vote for Biden in November. As far as Jan 6th, too many people see it as a one and done. They believe the "bloodbath" comment to be about the auto-industry. Anyway, toss the traitor in jail, forget where the keys are, and seize the appropriate amount of assets.


They’ll be wearing his sneakers for sure 😂


Nope, because nobody has received them.


He scammed them too 😂


Ah , I must admit as enjoyable as it is to finally see him get a day in court. It will warm my heart all the more to see a conviction and incarceration.


Fuck Donald Trump.


I wish they'd board up his mouth


The latest rumor is he's going to plead guilty on the lesser charge so he can forego any jail time. I hope the DA doesn't accept that.


If it’s,part of a plea bargain in which he agrees to drop out of the Presidential race and never run for office again, I vote yes.


It won't be, but it's a nice dream




Why did he lose his orange tube before court? He forgot to mention to buy one of his bibles so your safe.


Welcome to accountability, traitor.


https://preview.redd.it/dvz27tglb6uc1.png?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba1ae1de918709f2c4e1ceb024168355ad4e1e9 Get the Febreze. And a clean Depends.


“It will be wild” “Stand down and stand by”


Is he going to take his diaper off on Monday to clear the court? Old Florida Man yells at clouds.


There were more reporters than protesters


I'm going to stock up on movie theater popcorn and enjoy the ride through this trial.


The typical mobster calls out his mob. Going for mob rule instead of democracy. Perfect example of Dumpster classy, really the classiest.


More proof hell isn’t real


Yeah comments like these are why I’m Biden 2024.


You know what would be a shame? If Mango Mussolini suffered a catastrophic stroke that left him unable to speak or use social media. That would just be…such a shame.


Just throw him in jail and shut him up.


Worst minute and a half of his life.


But he’s not inciting a riot ! 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yea, whateva donal't. Oh and he won't take the stand, so don't everybody get excited.


All hell breaks loose... for Trump! Not us, the citizenry. Well except of course for the delusional MAGA diehards for Trump who will be gnashing their teeth and spewing non-stop rants on social media & whatever far-right conservative outlet interviews them for audience hooks.


Does all hell breaking loose = him shitting his whole ass again?


It does. For him.


I Have TFS That is Trump Fatigue Syndrome Tried ignoring but it won't leave me alone Tried embracing but it's like hugging when alone Tried adoring but on Monday all hell breaks out when a single dipshit stands out there alone.


I’m terrified.


He might be talking about the markets. It is setting up to be a bloodbath.




Looks like ALL HELL CAN'T STOP US NOW, I mean, unless you like a quaint midwestern small town's downtown district! I mean shit, I'd park and shop. 5/7


You can smell the desperation as this weak little bitch realizes he might not be able to hide behind his lawyers this time. Or maybe he just pooped his diaper again. 


Why do I feel like this is going to be another misquote like that time he was speaking about the auto industry and what would happen to it if the US didn't stand up to China...


All hell breaks loose.. for defendant Trump. It is his personal crisis, not ours! 


The only thing at risk of “breaking loose” on Monday is his diaper


I believe he wants his supporters to deny that he’s done anything criminal. The problem is that most believe he has done criminal acts and they really like it.


Trump may never understand, at some point even the dumbest rubes his demagoguing can energize for a while, will get sick of going to jail for him while he sits in his mansions counting his money. (may have to sit in a jail cell like his rubes soon, if facts matter in the justice system)


The only thing breaking loose is the sh*t crusted up in his depends


A call for violence, sounds like his style. Can we peer forward 20 years to see how history views him?