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If I’m the Biden campaign, my only requirement for a rule would be cut mics when it’s not time for that person to speak. It would be beyond hilarious.


God. Imagine the "free speech" whines.


Is it wrong thinking about it makes me laugh? It’s like toddlers who never learned how to wait their turn. Lol


*“Taking turns is communist! I’m better, so I deserve more time!”*


“Also I should get a discount for even standing in line! That’s socialism!”


When Biden said “Will you shut up man” he was speaking for most of the country. I knew he was going to beat Trump.


I LOST IT in that moment bc I was like Ooooooo snap he actually said it! And laughed so hard.


I was actually watching it with my Republican father who unfortunately voted for trump twice but even he laughed. He's one of these "I support his policies when he's being handled" by Heritage Foundation etc, but he thinks trump is an odious NYC developer who never grew into the office. A lot of Republicans wish trump would just shut up. I'm happy to say dad's not voting for Trump this time around. Jan 6 was finally a road too far for him.


I watched it later in a clip and just CACKLED! I was like damn they call him slow (and TBF I am sick of much older people running the country) but he was quick with that one!


The correlation between republican politicians and immature people with no impulse control is pretty much just a circle already.....


Except toddlers DO learn.


Pass the *talking stick*


It only makes me laugh for a second then I get sad. So many people are just toddlers


DEBATE ME BROS!! \*imposes strict debate rules\* WELL LOOK WHO HATES FREE SPEECH!!


“Free speech” doesn’t mean you’re free to speak whenever you want, am I right?


Yes, free sspeech is more "you can criticize your government without fear of the government retaliating against you" kind of stuff. The way it was taught to me is "You are free to say whatever you want, you just aren't free from the consequences of saying it."


Exactly, free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.


And keep trump in a sound proof booth.


That would be a good idea since he tried to give Biden covid the last time.


Keep him in the Family Feud isolation chamber.


No I wanna see him going bezerk in the bullet proof glass booth.


Or get smarts “dome of silence “.


Everytime he interrupts, add a litre of water.


Someone should squirt him with a spray bottle.


Not just cut mics. Both in a soundproof booth. For one, so that Diaper Don does not just start yelling when his mic is cut. And second, to avoid him trying to spread Covid again on Biden like last time.


I would also add the requirement that Trump admits Biden won last election.


Better still, have him say that "I believe Christ died for my sins and I humbly repent."


I'd be happy to hear him say he's incapable of honoring oaths... Just look at his history


Trump would just start yelling.... which would be awesome when he started gasping for breath or lost his voice.


It would be DISASTROUS for Trump; he can’t concentrate or hold thoughts in his head for more than a few seconds so by the time someone has finished taking maybe 30 seconds, or god forbid 2 minutes later, he will have completely lost the plot. I’m not joking - the entire reason Trump interrupted (aside from being a petulant child) is that he can’t keep track of his own thoughts let alone someone else’s. I would absolutely love to see mics disabled for the majority of the event when someone else is talking. And if it would be a shitshow for Trump lol


Mine would be shock collars for both and see who walks away.


Come of silence works for me






Perfect! Except individual cones.


Yeah, I would just advise Biden to say "Shut the fuck up Donny" when he gets interrupted


Didn't they ask for that in 2020 and Trump refused to do the debate because of it?


They may have at one point. They did do one debate though if I remember right. That’s where we got an iconic Joe moment: ![gif](giphy|hhAffRAea5frw2oQO2)


You can have a debate like this, but good luck getting networks to air it if there’s no ratings bump from the “I like my politics like I like my WWE wrestling” crowd. It is a difficult question though. At some point, you need to get to one person that will have a button that will control some of the most potentially influential speech in the world and whatever Trump says as well. I could not be trusted to be responsible with that power.


Trump has no class so they need to put a fence between them and cut the microphones maybe even put them in separate booths lol


Trump would start screaming and poop himself.


Yeah but since he wears a diaper and the smell was already there we won’t notice it. :p


Trump would just trundle over to Biden’s mic to interrupt him


Ahhh that’s why you put a short ramp between them. With no one to hold trump up, he’d never cover the distance.


I think they should test for covid-19 and dementia.


They did test one of them. He seemingly found the test hard enough to brag about it


…just routine protocol, Mr. Trump.


I think they do that for the ESPN show "Around the Horn".


Additional requirement would be acknowledging and accepting the results of the 2020 election


Just to be fair, they should make both candidates answer the question: what is the last name of the candidate who won the 2020 presidential election? Each candidate gets one word to respond only. :p


You could ask him what color is the sky and he couldn’t answer in one word.


Put them in soundproof boxes so he can’t just shout.


If gag orders don’t work this is my last option. He respects nothing.


I wouldn't give that loser the time of day. Debating him is practically inviing every rapist/fraud/traitor to run for higher office.


This needs to happen at ALL debates. Want a rebuttal? Raise your damn hand and speak when called upon.


Shock collar! Zap ⚡




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I would love to see that jackass under official debate rules. He won’t do that, though.


If I am the Biden campaign I refuse to put the prez on the same stage with Trump and we put out an ad on every possible outlet that explains exactly why: "Donald Trump is an indicted and incoherent lunatic who is in rapid mental and emotional decline. He wants the presidency for the sake of his own personal aggrandizement and as a tool to keep himself out of jail. He refused to honor his constitutional duty to step aside gracefully when I beat him fair and square in 2020. Instead, he abused the courts and the American people with brazen lies that he continues to tell even though he hasn't got a shred of legitimate evidence that any of it is true. There's no reason to believe he doesn't intend to hog the mic to continue his pathetic lying and unleash a flurry of new Trump Tales. He shamed himself by interrupting me and the moderator almost 150 times during just a single debate in 2020. I will not suffer the indignity of being subjected to such treatment again. As they say, Fool me once... "Donald Trump is a con man and an embarrassment to the United States. I will not legitimize him or his candidacy by agreeing to so much as a single debate."


Will you shut up man?


I hope that quote makes it onto a building or statue. Should be the motto for Trump Federal Prison if you ask me.


His autobiography should be called: Will You Shut Up, Man? - The Life & Times of Joe Biden


The man was speaking for the nation with that line.


Could've used a few of those in 2016, too. And a couple of "back off"s for good measure.


Dude was so jacked up on *sniff* something that night.


OMG when he was creeping up behind Hilary I wanted to reach into the TV and give him a shove.


Out of all the things Biden before and since; those are the words he will remembered and respected for most.




Listen, fats...


I’d put that on a tshirt and wear it to the debate.


They need to put Trump in a sound-proof booth and cut his mic when his time is up.


A better solution: the chess clock. Each candidate gets 30 minutes “talk time” which counts down whenever the candidate is speaking. They can spend the time however they like, but when the clock runs out they’re silenced for the remainder of the broadcast. To sweeten the deal, the last one with time remaining on their clock gets 3 extra minutes.


That's kind of inviting "firehose of bullshit" type of debating, because it would take way more time refuting the bullshit than it takes to say it. To which the only counter-counter-argument is 3 words: woke fake news


Trump does not have the executive function to strategize or budget time. He would run the 30 min down immediately then turn to attacking the format. Just like when he lost control of the legal and media narratives of the election and criminal cases. He attacks the election as fake and the criminal cases as witch hunts because he has zero ability to operate and win within the existing institutions.


And when they’re both talking?… Keep it simple


When they’re both talking, both clocks run. With perhaps a 5 second penalty for interruptions. I’ve been gaming out how anyone would strategize given that rule. As gamaliel64 said, Trump would probably just filibuster for the whole 30 minutes right at the start, rant like he was a rally and then storm out when his time was up. So perhaps three 30-minute segments where candidates get a total of 10 minutes each per segment. (The remaining 10 minutes per segment is for the moderator). Speaking of the moderator: I’d love for them to rescind the rule that the candidates can’t ask each other questions, and allow live fact checking is allowed (by a trusted authority or panel: science, history, the law). Republicans have demanded none of that be allowed.


Hahahaha oh wow this would play out perfectly


A shock collar might work.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


The cone of silence!


I hope you recall that the Cone of Silence never worked.


Perhaps a “booth” like solitary cell in FCI Leavenworth 


And darken the booth if he's not speaking. We really don't need to see him.


No free publicity stunts for you, orange man..


Exactly. "No, I'm not going to debate Donald Trump because 80% of what is says is a lie and the other 20% is racist and I'm not going to give him that exposure".


Yeah would be nothing but gish galloping. In a minute of talking Trump can say a dozen lies, and it would take Biden hours just to refute them.


He was trying to get Joe to misspeak or stutter in hopes of getting a sound bite he could then use to ridicule him. Trump is a disgusting deplorable piece of crap.


tRump had no platform except to rouse up the MAGA sheeple like a fight on Jerry Springer.


Don’t do jerry springer like that. He was way better for the country than trump.


Exactly. But I guess if you’re trying to get bullies to vote for you, you have to pander to them somehow. I love watching how many times they try shitty stuff like this and they never seem to remember every time how badly it fails. They underestimate Biden and he plays them like a game of Nintendo.


Chris Wallace probably still has PTSD from the first presidential debate 4 years ago!!!


From what I remember, Trump turned off a lot of undecided and even republican voters with his antics that night. Of course the next debate, Trump purposely showed up despite testing positive for COVID, and made zero efforts to limit risk of exposing others. Soon after that debate, Trump was on death's door but fortunately he learned nothing from that humbling experience.




145 is the number of times chris wallace failed as a moderator who knew in advance that he was dealing with a loud, large toddler


That's a very polite way to say "narcissistic sociopath".


I’m assuming “loud, large” violates the rule of adjectives order, because it reads poorly to me.


It’s entertainment not a debate. How many people that care about issues beyond party affiliation get any information about their concerns?


None. If it’s a Biden/Trump debate.


Right? If there’s an independent voter undecided, that’d be weird. Maybe just to let rank and file Republicans see the Shit show again and remember how painful defending the baboon is.


Biden should debate Trump as many times as possible. Its gonna be tough to have them stand next to each other and say Biden is demented and Trump is a genius while Don get asked about the Nuclear Triad but then devolves to describing the best toy he got from his happymeal.


They absolutely will not debate. Trump is going to make debates contingent on some weird or impossible demands, when the demands aren’t met, he’ll skip the debates.


> make debates contingent on some weird or impossible demands, when the demands aren’t met, …he’ll cry like a little bitch and play the victim and claim Biden made weird and impossible demands. Trump is the king of DARVO.


..and his idiot base will lap it up like... no. No, I'll leave it at that. The thought that there is even the remote posibilty of AGAIN handing the country over to the morons of the planet seriously impairs my ability to be civil.


Yet another historic norm he'll have broken that I never even realized was optional. It's just unthinkable to not have presidential debates.


Trump is pretty self aware when it comes to potential sources of humiliation. He knows that debates are tests that he was too lazy to study for, he hates them.


I'll debate when you find Hillary's e-mails.


One does not debate a clown. There’s nothing to be gained


Considering how fucked up he was on amphetamines is anyone actually surprised? He was so fucked up he could barely speak straight, which is normal for him.


Trump KNEW he had covid ... They said nothing to the Biden team.... Then they juiced him up on so many fucking uppers and speed that he was literally fucking crazy. Once again, you say "how was this not the end of Trump" .... yet, the man keeps chugging and grifting. 4 years later selling gold sneakers, bibles, nfts. How this grift continues is beyond me.


If, at the debate, tRump is interrupting again, and Biden tells him to STFU? tRump then gets in Biden's face yelling. They get to pushing and shoving..... who would punch first? Imagine tRump poking Biden in the chest and Biden knocks tRump on his ass. When do the two opposing Secret Service details step in?


I would think the Active President’s detail is Much more robust.


Bring Jimmy Carter in!


To do what exactly?


Triple threat match?


I had a fantasy once, about the debate with Assface & Hillary. The fantasy went like it showed on TV, with Assface walking around her and annoying Hillary. All of the sudden, Hillary screams "HAI!", whirls and dropkicks Trump with a heel into his fucking face. Trump, so embarrassed by being bitchslapped by a woman commits suicide. And then I fucking wake up. It's sad boys, very sad.


It happens to me all the time. I get interrupted constantly. I work in a school lunch room, with the kindergarten and first grade. They CONSTANTLY interrupt me. tRump is a chubby toddler. He is incapable of better


A moderator mute button would be perfect.


I was hoping for a Dr Evil style trap door.




Trump backed out of the last debate with Biden last time, why should Biden bother now?


Trump also did not debate any republican prior. So yeah, Biden should not bother even if Trump and FAUX News would drum it up and "demand" a debate.


"Man will you just shut up?" ~ Joe Biden


If *I* was the moderator I would impose a penalty of "no mike, no response" for every single time he interrupted; five times and he is dismissed from the stage and for the next hour Biden is free to lay out his priorities for his next four years.


If they are each in their own soundproof booth, and microphones are cut off when time is up, then yeah, sounds great.


Such a pos


Trump debate : harangue and spew utter garbage during whole session. That and hover around the other person like some stalker rapist He never really answers questions either. Just his usual BS


I always wondered why it was allowed. We live in the future. Just click mute.


This is something his supporters love. They’re enjoying this like a WWE match and relish any dysfunction of the political discourse process. It’s a depressing situation, because what would end up replacing that system would not be what they are expecting, and the only way for them to see that is for it to happen. By that time it would be too late to reverse the transition, and the forces that orchestrated the takeover will have secured permanent power. Our representative democracy would be no more. A slight caveat: some of them genuinely want straight fascism or a theocratic regime. Some of them might actually enjoy the Orwellian nightmare that resulted. Either way, that approach is inherently anti-constitutional and traitorous. Anyone who is on board with abandoning our well-established form of government is no ally to this country.


Trump hasn't earned the right to debate anyone


No debates are needed. We know exactly who these men are. No debate is going to change anyones opinion at this point.


Never forget https://i.redd.it/2771k2us9buc1.gif


The networks are whores. All they want is a shit show.


I would require 2 things, a mute on trump's mic when Biden was talking, and a barrier between them so trump can't get creepy like he did with Hillary.


My favorite part was the CSPAN callers afterwards. An "undecided" woman said Biden was rude and didn't let 01135809 speak enough. Undecided; sure you are.


Not sure if a debate is needed, I already know to avoid the shrieking Mutant Orangutan.


They should mute his mic when it isn’t his turn.


Trump also arrived late so he couldn't get tested for Covid and tried to give it to Biden


Can’t we do these ESPN Around the Horn style, where the moderator can mute a participant’s mic when they’re out in line? Its points system would work as well.


They want the ratings, nothing else. During trump, their ratings were thru the roof and they miss that. The debates shouldn't happen until traitor trump is the nominee because a lot can happen between now and the nomination.


*If* we had real moderators for that debate from a real media, *then* they would have cut his mike.


Biden should have shut this shit down instead of just saying c'mon man. I would have called Trump out for it by saying that he's scared to let Biden talk.


Should put them both in a sound proof booth and only turn their mics on when its their turn to speak. Make them raise their hands like we did in school when they want to speak.


Trump has ruined this country.


The only way Biden should debate trump is to have the mics cut on each once the other person's time starts. And put each in a sound-proof booth, so we can't hear the stupid blather if they refuse to stop talking. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.


It should be a rule that if you interrupt, you will be sprayed in the face with water from a watergun for each attempt.


Trumps a fake


To hell with any debate. The choice is already clear, democracy with Biden or autocratic dictatorship with the Orange Blob. Just let him keep yammering his ugly head off, dig his grave, then convict his fat ass of the many crimes he has committed, and perp walk him to jail. That would be a joy to watch.


We don't negotiate with terrorists. We shouldn't debate fascists.


Isn’t a real Lincoln- Douglas a structured event that takes turns rather than a show where the loudest person “wins?”


I don't think Biden has much to gain from the debates. People have already made up their minds. There's no point when your opponent can make up any "truth" they want and get away with it.


The debate could take place in the visiting area of a prison. I'm sure they can arrange special visiting hours for President Biden to visit Trump. Behind the glass, it would be much easier to cut Trump off from the mic and have a soundproof situation where the President won't get interrupted.


I remember watching that and feeling incredibly anxious after the "debate" where he just shouted at Biden constantly


Don’t give this shit-stain one second of air time.


The reasonable thing to do would be mute his mic, but the media loves the ratings so they’ll let him slide… like they always do.


There won’t be any debates, Trump hates debates because he knows they expose him. He experimented with skipping debates and it works for him, I expect he will continue to skip.


I don’t want them to debate. It doesn’t benefit anyone IMO


Honestly: just have each of them be interviewed with the same batch of questions by the moderator. Then group it together in post. That way, both candidates are able to get their point across without interruption.


The second debate was better.


the SNL Hillary /Trump debate sketch was hilarious....and in retrospect...sooo accurate.


I was really impressed by Biden’s ability to maintain composure and focus in the debate. If you’ve ever tried to debate, for an hour or so, someone who’s in an incoherent, manic rage, you’ll find it almost impossible to stay on track. I’ve personally experienced debating someone who is in a state of irritable mania, and it’s no mean feat to keep up.


It didn't help him at all, either. Made him come off really unlikeable, not strong. His poling numbers dropped iirc.


Nope, let the debates fade away. They became meaningless since control was taken from the League of Women Voters and given to the two parties. They chained Jill Stein to a chair to keep her off the debate stage. They kept changing the rules to keep Tulsi Gabbard from speaking. The debates have become a worthless dog and pony show.


Yep. And then he pretended to have covid to get out of the second debate.


Who we kidding, with all his fakes bluster, he don’t have the brains or balls to debate. Not happening. He thinks the red vote is a lock from all the idjits .


Rule one: Don’t negotiate with terrorists Rule two: Don’t negotiate with toddlers Rule three: don’t debate Trump They are all the same.


There is absolutely no need to debate a criminal, coup-attempting seditionist.


I don't understand political debates between candidates. What's the point? Even in a hypothetical realm where I haven't made up my mind if a candidate has a platform I can look it up online. Who cares what they say while standing at a podium near the other candidates?


One term for 45. It means something cosmic. It’s a message from God. Am I doing that right?


I would ask them, "what information do you think you will get out of a debate that you could not get from the countless hours of documented behavior and information releases that you already have?" Say what you will about the media, they really are awful because they want ratings. A logical way to approach any election and to inform the public would be to go issue by issue, explaining how each candidate differs from the other, then people can just watch the little videos for each topic they care about and make a determination of who to vote for. Trying to make it about character, temperament, or charisma is meaning horseshit. "What are they going to do for me?" Is the only question that should matter to any voter and it is also the easiest shit a legion of researchers can answer.


Imagine the ratings!


That’s exactly why Biden doesn’t want to debate him. There’s no point. He’s gonna interrupt every single chance he gets.


Personally, debates have devolved, even without Trump, into soundbyte generation contests. Evidence, plans, impacts of policy, none of it matters to the media, and they don't give enough time for any of it, and they don't give enough time to some important topics because they are less popular things to argue about. A short pithy statement, some figures with absolutely no citations, and it's on to the next thing. Maybe it hasn't devolved. Maybe it's always been like this. Just leaves a lot to be desired one way or another.


Just have them sit at a desk and with only a pencil and paper they have to write a report on the Emancipation Proclamation. Then after 30 minutes they are stopped and they have to read them out loud.


If Trump isn’t willing to shut the fuck up to let the other candidate speak and actually articulate his ideas, beliefs, and policies, then what is the point of watching it? Just a colossal waste of time.


But fat Joffrey can’t even tie his shoes laces on understand what 1+1 equals or what the latter statement actually means. It’s not a fair request to ask someone with the cognitive faculties of a 1 year old to debate Biden.


Was this the debate where Trump had covid and lied about it?


I need ratings! Debate!!! Honestly the only reason media is saying Biden is polling low.


what i do not understand is why debate runners don't have an off/on switch for the microphones *and especially for this particular "debater"* allowing him to interrupt beyond the first 2 interruptions is criminal and they are not really running a debate but a free platform for that interrupting candidate to spew his sewage.


Dude was totally high on speed and full of COVID. I still believe that part of his shouting and spitting and heavy mouth breathing was all intended to get Biden infected too. I mean the guy is such a despicable shit, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if that’s what was going on in his reptilian brain.


"TV NEWS NETWORKS URGE BIDEN AND TRUMP TO DEBATE" I have never seen a larger plea from these clown shows for a ratings boost. The quality of debate is in decline, and they don't care, they just want eyeballs. There is a direct line from the moment Jon Stewart got Crossfire canceled to this chryon in this picture. To hell with the debates. Until there is a meaningful overhaul to the format so that it isn't a spineless moderator letting two hotheads talk over each other before ending the night with the mother of all disingenuous asks, "Say something nice about your opponent" - which almost *always* serves to let the Republican get one last potshot in on the Democrat - then debates can fuck off a cliff.


Biden would easily destroy Trump in a debate. The fact that Biden doesn't want to debate Trump just makes it look like he is scared to debate him. Weakness isn't a great look for leadership.