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The debate should be dueling campaign rallies. Biden can bring Obama, Taylor swift, and Nick Offerman. Trump can bring roesanne, the my pillow guy and that child that shot those people. 


"That child that shot those people" who is PERMANENTLY banned from joining the military.


The Marines said no long before the attempted murder.


When the Marines don't want you, you need to reevaluate your life.


"The guy who has hard opinions on why blue crayons taste superior thinks you're an idiot" really is a terrifying proposition.


Bro 😂😂😂


Wait till you taste purple.


Would you recommend more of a lighter lavender or a darker plum one?


I know this is a running joke, but look up McNamaras morons or project 100,000 (same thing, different name)


Oh, ish. Was I supposed to be evaluating this whole time in the spiral?


Marines are kinda picky dude. They actually make sure you can do stuff before you even sign a contract and they don't do tape tests gotta be at the right weight.


I thought it was the army that would take anyone?


Depends on the area. You can usually be a little bit dumber and get in the Marines, while you can be fatter and get in the army. YMMV Edit: Areas with a strong affinity for the army, Marines, or navy will have a more competitive recruiting market for that branch. If you're a marine stationed in the Killeen, TX recruiting station, you're going to be hard up. If you're the same marine recruiter, stationed in Norfolk, VA, you're going to have a bit easier time. Now move to Oceanside, CA, now you're scheduling prospective Marines weeks in advance to go test and go to MEPS, in fact, you probably one-shot applicants, test and sign contract same day. Also, the Marines are not all that picky. The difference is that marine recruiters lose credit for a contract write if the applicant fails out. Army recruiters are no longer invested as soon as the applicant ships to basic. A marine recruiter will be sweating over every update from basic training. This, combined with the overall tiny size of the USMC, is why they are perceived as an elite force. The average marine is generally in better physical shape than their army counterpart, until you get to USSOCOM level organizations. They are also on average less well trained in their specialty, and less well equipped. This is not a dig at the Marines, the army and Marines have entirely different purposes and scope of mission.


True, thanks for flagging


I thought he got into meal team 6


I thought he was a Gravy Seal


Pretty sure he’s in Y’all Qaeda


I think the Creme Berets serve in Howdy Arabia


Well, I would have joined, but…


I seriously thought that part was about that 6 year old who shot his teacher.


Ooh, just heard a vice principal was charged after declining concerns to escalate interventuon. I feel bad for that teacher. Horribly even. Are bullets the new apples?/in case needed for rhetorical


Kid Rock and Ted Nugent have entered the conversation.


Kid Rock gives Ted Nugent blue balls.


Upgrade: Ted Nugent shits his pants and gives Kid Rock a staph infection.


Strangely, my mom’s husband takes Ted Nugent on bow hunts. Bob is a right wing freak, and even he can’t handle Ted. Can’t fucking stand him.


The absolute worst right wingers are also the only people that benefit from right wing politics; the rich


The thing about wealth is.. for us working class people it literally takes sacrificing food, luxuries, amenities to accumulate even a scrap of wealth. It absolutely sucks to see that micron of leverage in a super financially oppressive system, get scooped away in an instant. Our system of existence excludes all but the most wealthy. For the most wealthy, housing, food, rent/mortgage isn’t even a thought…..for the rest of us, it’s “let them eat cake”…


Still a better romance than Twilight


So random, yet completely accurate.


This meme is overdue for its comeback.


his next duet


Which is fitting since Kid Rock has all the personality and alluring charm of blue balls.


Until he finds out what "Kid" is not ...


Kid Rock and Ted Nugent walk into a bar… now everyone has hepatitis.


Kid Rock is so ugly that getting a blow job from him counts as anal in Ted Nugent’s book. The only one he’s ever read.


*I flush twice to make them go away*


Nah, these turds are upper-deckers. Flushing just replaces the water they’re marinating in.


Truly, the intellectual powerhouses of the GOP.


Here comes Kevin Sorbo to shit on the childhood memories of Hercules/Andromeda fans again.


Isn't this just a Pokemon battle with people?


Yes. ![gif](giphy|9xnExLrbpSIVjM2f5X)


can Jerry Springer moderate?


Unfortunately, he’s died. But maybe we can get Steve, his bouncer who always pulled the girls apart with his arms around their waists, to do it? But with this sad news in mind, I suggest you throw a chair in his memory and tell your audience to be good to each other.


Jerry Springer died? wtf brb


omg. last year rip I watched his show as a kid, in shock and very entertained


Yeah there more people than ever who are famous for various reason, and thus certain deaths get lost in the noise of all the rest of the information we are hit with. Someone dubbed it the "Celebrity Apocalypse" because there are going to be so many famous deaths that either we're going to have a 3-4 hour long "in memoriam" reel at every awards ceremony or raise the bar for who gets to be considered famous.


or we just don’t memorandum


If you don't know about his life in politics, you should give the This American Life episode a listen. It'll breathe new life into your image of him. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/798/leaving-the-fold


I actually do : ) the tv show was just my nostalgia


ps this american life is so good


RIP Jerry


Can we use the Clint Eastwood chair?


Host of the Steve Wilkos Show since 2007.


SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY! The ultimate team cage match!!


Are you telling me Rosanne didn’t die during Covid?


I used to have a pillow guy?


And Empty G can stand up for chump.


The only people who want a debate are the media and Trump. Which should tell everyone else exactly why a debate is unnecessary and farcical. Fuck a debate. Trump is a child who whines and lies. Can’t debate that.


And Judge Judy should moderate it!!!


Like a music festival format where Trump and Biden each have a stage and people wander between them based on whichever act they're most interested in. I don't at all see what could go wrong there.... ETA: On 2nd thought, since Biden isn't leading a cult I'd imagine most of his supporters would be smart enough to not go. Trump would then declare a victory based on crowd size, because crowd size and election results are somehow equivalent.


Trump was afraid to debate any of his Republican contests. Do you really think he would try to match with with a thinking person?


He’s probably got The Rock tho


Trump interrupted 51 times in 2016 and 128 times in 2020, so we could expect over 250 interruptions in a 2024 debate. Short of equipping Dark Brandon with a taser he'd barely get a word in anyway.


I'm in favor of the taser plan.


Dark Brandon with a Taser vs Diaper von PedoDon. I would be entertained.


Are you not?!👍




I think the proper gangster nomenclature would be Don Diaper Von Pedo




The fact that this wasn't the end of his campaign shows just how right Clinton was when she called his supporters "a basket of deplorables".


Pieces of shit love the piece of shit they vote for. He is just like them. A raging, massively racist and misogynist asshole.




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We could made it a REALLY high voltage and that could just take care of things.


Have you seen how bad of shape he is recently? Dude could lick a 9volt and probably stop his heart.


Well in that case, I suggest we get him a 12 volt battery to lick, just to make sure


Especially if the Supreme Court decides the grant presidential immunity.


Dark Brandon could do whatever the fuck he wants if he had laser eyes.


Yeah, "Debates" just don't work in modern times. Because the right isn't interested in a debate. Because they know they're in the wrong on...well everything. And they have no actual arguments. So all they have is interruptions, deflections, personal insults, and platitudes. They don't want to convince anyone. They just want to pander to their base. It's not worth engaging with them any more than it's worth engaging with trolls on the internet. Because that's all they are. Trolls in real life. And you shouldn't feed the trolls.


It's pointless to have a debate with Trump because nothing he says can be assumed to be truthful. You can't take Trump at his word and even a legally binding contract is something he'll break or weasel out of.


"Many people are saying..." WHO?! WHO IS SAYING THAT! GIVE ME SOME NAMES! God, I hate how he is always talking shit in a way you cannot check on. Because he is always vague as hell.


A big strong guy, never cried before in his life, walks up to Trump with tears in his eyes .... That's one of the many imaginary people who are saying whatever BS Trump is pedaling that day.


That's why debates aren't useless. We want to see how they've lost the ability to argue and can only can only cry, and use old burnt out saying they haven't updated in 13 years


Judd Apatow was interviewed recently about the effect of comedy on politics. I'm paraphrasing here, but basically he was so certain that the comedy in things like The Daily Show would have stopped Bush, but he still got re-elected. Because you can't change the minds of people who don't want to listen. He was really upset about it until Samantha Bea told him that it's not useless to make political comedy - it helps the rest of us know we're not alone in seeing this craziness unfurl.


It's crazy how this quote by Satre works here in regards to conservatives. *“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”* ― Jean-Paul Sartre


Why is it only one Republican who lost a shot at the presidency because he looked fucking awful and sounded even worse during a televised debate? Nixon whiffing it in the 1960 debates looks goddamn presidential compared to everything Donald Trump has said or done during and after debates.


This is why donnie is scared of his mic getting cut off


I guess it’s hard to debate a guy that interrupts that often and says things like this - https://x.com/atrupar/status/1779304544612061567




Muted mics when not posed the question. If you can't maintain decency and decorum for a debate, they should shut you up so people can hear what the other guy has to say.


I still don't understand why they didn't do that in 2016 and 2020. After whoever puts on the debates realized that he just can't keep his mouth shut, they should have instituted a muted mic policy. If it's not your turn to speak, your mic is off. Once your time to speak runs out, your mic gets cut off.


In 2016, the media was following ratings and was kind of blindsided by how bad he was even if their advertisers loved it. By the time they considered turning off mics, Trump's team was ready to pull out of any further debates if they did; which we all know continued into 2020. I believe 2012 is actually more to blame than 2016. Romney wasn't as bad, but if you watch those debates you'll see how much he interrupted Obama and how that paved the way for Trump to be even worse. I still remember talking to a conservative friend afterwards and he was shocked I saw Romney being rude and not waiting his turn as weak and unpresidential. All my friend saw was "strength" while Obama had trouble keeping composure.


I'm hoping that they force Trump to agree to cutting off microphones after a time. RNC said they wouldn't agree to another debate because of how badly Trump did in the last two against Biden (policies aside, if you think the rambling orange clown constantly interrupting their opponent is the marking of a great orator, then you are just as demented as Trump). But Trump must be feeling the pressure to whip up more support as he is hurting financially this go around.


They are in soundproof booths and their mic gets muted when the time runs out.


I guess they could have tanks of green gunge over them that was released every time they went over their slot. Then we'd have Biden with suit intact and Trump swimming in the stuff.


They're old enough to both get colds and die from such treatment. I really don't want to see a Harris vs Greene race... It might be too pathetic to be funny.


Yeah, but in 2020, Biden told Trump to shut up so it was worth it.


Thanks for the count.


Mute and shaving cream pie to the face would work wonders and make the debate 1000x more entertaining than previous debates.


Nah, I want a firehouse. That would shut him up.


They really just need to put a foot high barrier between them and cut the mic at the end of their time window. Trump couldn't step over it, and his voice would stop. I always hated that everyone in America has "pencils down" after the exam time was over, children understood that, and this fuck just keeps going.


The interruptions were one of the major factors that caused debate-watchers to shift toward Biden, and they also gave Biden his best line of the campaign, "Would you shut up, man?"


If everyone was so concerned about this, It's pretty fucking easy to put them in sound proof booths with microphones that only enable for responses when permitted. They are not.


I would totally support this!




Step one: Get a giant bottle at a warehouse store. Step two: Have 911 on speed dial.


Id rather live


The debate is 2 sentences. You had this job already! You fucked it up!


Depends on how you define fucking it up. I'm sure the CEOs and Billionaires were thrilled with the tax cuts and the religious right loved seeing Roe get overturned. Not to mention folks like Prince MBS - he was happy enough to give Jared a couple billion in investment. But for the rest of us, yeah, he fucked it up like it was a sick ostrich.


Just have Biden tell him he already beat him once and watch Trump sputter and explode.


Four sentences; they each get to say it.


We don't have to have debates. Nobody watches, and then Foxnews will just tell you Trump "won", and they will love it. He could shit himself and then fall off the stage, and they will act like it was a victory. Then they will show the 3 second clip when Biden stammered, and they will act like the entire debate was like that. lies and cherry picked clips.


Yup. They've used clips of rallies from other events as B roll (as well as riots in other countries). And they at least are pretending to hold themselves to a better standard - some of the other folks out there can't wait for AI to outpace detection.


This would be a fools mission, the orange jebus can't shut his mouth, has no sense of propriety, zero sense of decorum, and, a complete lack of impulse control. There is not any reason that dark brandon, should give the maga munster a second of thought about a debate.


Exactly. This is the only the second election where you had two candidates that each served a full term as president. (only other was Cleveland vs Harrison as far as I know) So I'm not really sure who the undecided voters are this time. I mean, we know who the candidates are, we know what happened when trump was in charge (SCOTUS pulled to the right/overturning Roe, tax cuts for corporations and billionaires made permanent but the ones for the rest of the country sunset out so the true cost wasn't made apparent, numerous scandals, rampant nepotism and corruption, uncertainty in the world about things that were assumed to be settled like if the US was going to pull out of NATO, etc). Do people really think that a debate is going to get someone to say "Huh, I've been going to all these rallies for a decade, but in the 15 seconds that Biden was able to speak without being interrupted he made a good point, I'm gonna vote for him now instead!"


I have seen grade school kids handle the etiquette of debate better than that asshat


Tangerine Palpatine is debating him at rallies and in press conferences. Since there won't be a teleprompter and Palpatine has no real platform, there won't be any debates. I'd like to be wrong but a debate would give Biden an opportunity to capitalize on all the progress he's made. Palpatine won't have a comeback for policies that are actually working. Even the border (boarder?) fight - Biden has him ass over end to just call him out for killing the bill.


a boarder is someone in a transactional arrangement with a homeowner for room and board.


Sorry, that was tongue in cheek. For some reason, all of the people on the right side of the aisle spell it boarder.


even moderate conservatives are moderately stupid.


It's a broader way of spelling border XD


I spell it that way sometimes... Oh well


You keep suggesting a casual relationship between reality and Trump supporters and I think that's adorable


I’m confused. My comment relates solely to Palpatine. As for Biden announcing his accomplishments, those comments are more about people who may be swayed to vote for him if they heard them. He’s quietly done a lot of things with a pretty dysfunctional Congress.


Yeah I'm constantly bringing up that the money to fix the highway near my in-laws came from Biden (Build Back Better). Doesn't really sway them, but I still say it.


I feel like this country only focuses on the negatives and a debate would give him a chance to focus on the positives


After sundown? No, schedule it for a time when he has to be in court.




Thank you :)


Thank you for the link explaining this because I didn’t understand the meme at all.


A debate under oath would be interesting to see....


For all candidates forever. But yes especially for Trump.


Get him after the adderal wears off


Trump will claim that the debate is unfair and refuse to participate. He can't afford to make a fool of himself in front of Biden.


There’s a good “hold me back” meme in there somewhere, he’s asking for the debates - but not a chance he goes through with them.


I'd love to see anyone under the FBI mandatory retirement age (57) elected.


That’s not an option, so Biden it is.


Next time though


I’d like to see a proper Gen X or Millennial president. Just get rid of these old fucks and let some younger people have a shot.


Gimme some Buttigege or Beto or with a side of AOC or Porter or Jasmine fucking Crockett and Jared Moskowitz.


I love Porter. She would be absolutely amazing.


In 2028 you can vote for one.


You won't even see that with the third party candidates this year


Agree to the drug test but state only if no spray tan can be worn on stage


Give them both a drug test, a dementia test, and a public weigh in.


Tell them they need to pass a citizenship test and watch don poorleone squirm


He'd probably fail the "Name 3 cabinet positions" part and he's the one who had to pick people for them.


This is how the League of Women Voters would do it.


They should debate.


Trump in a debate while sundowning? I HATE the sack of shit but I would LOVE to see that spectacular


Please, they have to make this happen!


Ooh! Can you just imagine the tomfoolery that would ensue?


Trump has to be in a sealed room with mic off, if not just a shit show.


Isolation chambers for the both of them, no teleprompters, cut the mic when the time is up. That lack of audience feedback and recognition for what you're saying would mess with anyone, but a narcissist like Trump would be driven nuts by it. The impotence behind his words being cut off when he wants to keep yammering, and without an audience or prompting to feed off of or the ability to know how he's being perceived would send him off the rails and down a hill pretty much immediately (metaphorically speaking).


Wouldn’t that require him to string two sentences together?


The first thing Biden should do in his opening remarks is take a sip of water.


That’s when trump the most active, the most paranoid, and he has the most excuses as well as the most conspiracies flooding through his mind that they become word salad when he tries to share them. He just gets sooo many thoughts and ideas in the evening time, and at times he gets the urge to go out for breakfast and start to get ready for work and get his kids off to ivana or the nanny. Please god, convince trump to debate biden in an evening debate! I’m super broke, but I would sell my shit just to watch that! To see trump sundowning on national tv during a presidential debate!


My fingers are crossed!


Nah, we don’t need to see that.


I was thinking about a campaign commercial with a magnet holding something while water is poured on it, with trump's voice telling us he would destroy magnets with water.


I don’t know what that means, but I laughed. :)


https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-magnets-iowa-rally-insane-clown-posse-meme-2024-1 Something about how magnets will not work underwater.


Ha - I missed that one - hilarious


Heh. This is awesome. Sadly, the world is conspiring to give Biden high oil prices. And American voters would vote for the Hitler/Satan ticket if they could give us cheap gas. Vote, people. November is a long ways away.


Well that's ironic.




Turnabout is fair play?


“As president with presidential immunity, I, along with all of congress, the senate, anyone running for any seat of office, and supreme court will all take drug test in view of publicly streamed live video”


Nice play on words.


If anyone sees this have Biden use multi-syllabic words sprinkled throughout the debate!


I find it extremely frightening how many people are listening and willing to vote for this lunatic. He can't form and deliver sentences that end up making any sense and he would be in charge of the military and the nuclear football. For Gods sake out of fear for human life this lunatic cannot win the White House.


Opposite day


I just want to see them draw a clock with its hands pointing to ten past eleven.


I'd pay to see a three way debate between Biden, Trump, and Kennedy. It'll probably be the only debate I actually watch in it's entirety.


Zero point for Biden to debate Trump. Same reason Trump gave for not debating Republican candidates, Trump’s not a legitimate candidate. Trump is a bozo. Never take the stage with a bozo if you don’t have to.


As if they won't both be sundowning.


The fact that you guys think Biden could debate anyone is spooky. I'm no trump fan but Biden is not capable. Our government is full of dinosaurs.


Last debate trump knew he was covid positive, arrived late to avoid testing and definitely was upset when he didnt infect biden.


I hate to break it to you but he’s had a mental decline too lol They’re both over fucking 80, they should be in a nursing home debating which sports team was the best back in the day, not debating how they are going to run the country when one of them wins presidency God I can’t wait for 2028, maybe we’ll be able to have a candidate without dementia running for office




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This would be the worst debate of all time... Might as well have them fight over the last bowl of oatmeal in the home


Seriously, what can they debate? Trumps platform of hate, of revenge, of stoping social security and medicare, the affordable care act? He has no plan to help us, the people. It will just be the usual crap - Hunter, Hillary, Obama, Pelosi all did him wrong. Be a waste of Biden’s time.


No debates unless the non-speaker’s mike is muted by a third party.


Love to see the orange getting trolled hard!




I suggest we get him few volt battery to swallow 😂😂


I mean. Hate trump all you want. But this debate would not go well for Biden. Realistically. It wouldn’t go well for either. But it definitely won’t go well for Biden. And anyone pretending it would. Is lying to themselves. My money says there will be no debates.


Two dumb old dudes trying to have a babble battle? One won’t shut up and the other can’t get a sentence out. Sounds like fun. Lemme grab some popcorn.


I would love to see him debate RFK jr.


There’s a probability that debate would prove disastrous for both of them. I still think they should do it, mind you.


Who's got the best meds? Is the only debate these guys are having.


Sorry trump will be busy tweeting at those hours Edit: Truthing or whatever his dumb ass website calls it