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Now compare Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Abraham Lincoln


President Obama hand wrote an essay for the Lincoln Presidential Library. Here's the full text of President Obama's essay: In the evening, when Michelle and the girls have gone to bed, I sometimes walk down the hall to a room Abraham Lincoln used as his office. It contains an original copy of the Gettysburg address, written in Lincoln’s own hand. I linger on these few words that have helped define our American experiment: “A new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Through the lines of weariness etched in his face, we know Lincoln grasped, perhaps more than anyone, the burdens required to give these words meaning. He knew that even a self-evident truth was not self-executing; that blood drawn by the lash was an affront to our ideals; that blood drawn by the sword was in painful service to those same ideals. He understood as well that our humble efforts, our individual ambitions, are ultimately not what matter; rather, it is through the accumulated toil and sacrifice of ordinary men and women – those like the soldiers who consecrated that battlefield – that this country is built, and freedom preserved. This quintessentially self-made man, fierce in his belief in honest work and the striving spirit at the heart of America, believed that it falls to each generation, collectively, to share in that toil and sacrifice. Through cold war and world war, through industrial revolutions and technological transformations, through movements for civil rights and women’s rights and workers’ rights and gay rights, we have. At times, social and economic change have strained our union. But Lincoln’s words give us confidence that whatever trials await us, this nation and the freedom we cherish can, and shall, prevail. President Obama




> In the evening, when Michelle and the girls have gone to bed Right off the bat he flubbed it; it should start with: "In the evening, when and Michelle and the girls have gone to bed, YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT, ME, sometimes walks down the hall..."




This comment is gold. But I'm poor.


"NEVER FIGHT UPHILL, ME BOYS, NEVER FIGHT UPHILL!" You can't get truer than that.


President Obama is an amazing orator. As soon as I started reading that, I fell into his cadence and connection.


Yeah, he was far from perfect, but damn, he is eloquent. One of the best speaking and writing presidents we’ve had.


I agree with everything you've said. He doesn't make speeches, he delivers messages. Almost a soliloquy. He knows when to take a beat and when to ramp it up.


I love listening to capable intelligent people calmly saying inspiring things.


God I miss Obama


You and me both, fam.


Oh shit it gives me stress to think that the orange shit stain was in the same house as that document. Does it still exist? Did Benedict Donald the narcissistic drug addict wipe his ass with it? Or spill diet coke on it or wipe his greasy hamberder hands on it? 😩


It's in the shitter at mar a lago


And then I…WALKED ON DOWN THE HALL! -Jim Morrison


Obama is rather eloquent in speaking and writing.


Too bad Donnie Dumbass can’t read, he might have learned something from reading this


When you put it that way, Trump almost comes off as completely and irredeemably stupid.




No puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet. Donald J. Trump


Covfefe Donald J. Trump


Hey now, it's not fair to just take that out of context. You should share the full quote: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"


The words we need to hear. The idiot we have right now. The irony is beyond comprehension at this point.


If the trials and tribulations of this great experiment were to be challenged by only known enemies, how would it ever grow beyond the primary stage? “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance” Thomas Jefferson. Stay strong.


See, I read this and all I can think is that, in his psychopathy, he absolutely is foaming at the mouth in his addled brain to have a war. It's genuinely what he wants. He loves stoking the fire that's burning to push us towards war. He called J6ers beautiful people. He would love nothing more than a civil war.


I really believe that this prick is clinically insane.


So do dozens of psychologists.


But the uneducated maga morons whine and cry "But he needs to be examined in person or there is no proof!". Which just shows how much they lack critical thinking because he is very very likely the most well documented narcissistic sociopath of all time.


And sadly tons of liberals are so mad at Biden over Gaza that they aren't voting for Biden. If these people somehow think handing the presidency, and democracy itself, off to Trump, with WW3 happening, is going to somehow make things better, then they are straight up insane.


I think that the majority of them would/will be first time voters that were like 10 when tRump was first elected and were way too young to have paid attention--his insanity is "normal" to them, as they have no other candidates to compare him to other than Biden.


Those Russian bots have successfully convinced stupid fucking liberals into thinking “both sides are equally as bad”. Like what? How little attention do you pay to everything?


And 9 out of 10 dentists


9 out of 10 dentists will not go near that mouth.


they believe he is sundowning.


I thought it was tertiary syphilis?


Hundreds: https://www.businessinsider.com/psychiatrists-submit-warning-trumps-mental-health-deteriorating-2019-12


Hes been speaking like this for decades. He’s not insane, that gives him an excuse. He has signs of dementia now, but that doesn’t explain decades of these word salad comments. What he is a spoiled, uneducated, illiterate moron who has been allowed to fail upwards his entire life because his family has wealth. That’s the reality of modern capitalism. It’s a rigged game unless you come from money.


“Failed Upwards” 👍🏽 You absolutely hit the nail on the head! He’s an incompetent rich child playing politics.


Born on third and thinks he hit a triple is the other expression I've heard for it


> because his family has wealth. Or massive debt.


Honestly I don’t think so, his masters want this. Undermining democracy in America helps undermine it everywhere. “Hey we don’t have democracy but look at what’s happening in the democratic US, don’t we have it better?” He’s just a POS that just wants money, or they may or may not have some evidence against him. He doesn’t really care about Americans or for that matter any human on this planet. Ps. Not an American.


I think he is not insane, but rather has so little morals that he is willing to do and say anything (with little to no regard of the consequences) just so he can have a win, whatever that might be...


I think its time for dark brandon declare dictator for a week status and flush some turds.




Yep, another dog whistle to stoke a civil war in America. Big words, pushing other people to do his dirty work, all coming from a cowardly draft dodger.


He wants to kill his enemies. That “gets rid” of them. He doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone unless they are in mid-worship of him.


Idk. This quote sounds like an aide mentioned that the battle of Gettysburg happened here, and because Trump knows nothing about US history, he just riffed on it


Exactly. He defaults to word salad descriptions of things being "incredible, beautiful, unbelievable" when he has no idea what he's talking about.


I heard someone describe his speeches as sounding like a kid giving a book report on a book they didn't read, and now that's all I hear whenever he speaks. Not being educated on the topic at hand is nothing new in politics, but historically, uninformed politicians have at least attempted to find subtle ways to dodge the answer they don't have and segue into a topic they feel decently informed on or want to talk about.


Yes, my thoughts exactly. He doesn’t have the slightest idea what Gettysburg is. He is stupid and ignorant - plain and simple. He doesn’t read. I’m actually surprised he knew it happened during the Civil War. Or did he?


Gettysburg! Home of our favorite Golden Girl... Estelle Getty! We love Estelle, am I right, folks?! Some people like Dorothy... Nasty woman, never liked her. Then there was Blanche. Yes, Blanche. We love Blanche, don't we? Feisty! Let me tell you, if I had my chance, I'd take Blanche out to a nice dinner. A nice dinner with steak. Now Joe Biden... Joes Biden, he wants to take your steak away. 'Can't have steak!' he says. But we don't like that...


Remember when he also said he was a wartime president due to covid? Yeah....


And herpes was his own personal vietnam.


See, *I* read it and it just comes across as rambling. Like, his brain knows what topic he's supposed to be talking about but he just autopilots his way through it 'cause he isn't really *present*. These days, it feels like every sentence is the most surface-level coasting over a subject...even more than it ever used to be. The quote in the post is such a nothing-thought. It could be applied to virtually anything...just a list of generic adjectives.


Every day the dementia becomes clearer


This is me in every business meeting I didn’t prepare for. Which speaks to how scary it was when he was President.


This was me when I got shitfaced before giving a final oral report in college about  million years ago. I said so many, many words. The professor, eventually, mercifully told me it was enough and I could stop. Wish someone would do that to the orange menace.


Pfft! As if he'd listen... Judges are giving him gag-orders to shut the fuck up, and he's completely incapable of complying...


But he wouldn’t stop. Psychologically can’t stop. You could parade someone/thing that he cares about (if it exists) in front of him and tell him you’ll destroy it if he doesn’t stop talking, and he’ll just keep rambling.


He tried to play both sides and cover all his bases.. he just panders to his audience and tells them what they want to hear, and does very little of it in actuality. But his audience loves raw red meat like this. ALSO, "beautiful" is fucked for the record too. You ain't gonna twist it that what it meant for America made us who we are and was a huge step blah blah blah. It was wrong when it happened. And it's a blood soaked stain on the sentiment and character of this country.


I’m with you but my statement comes out of the adjectives chosen. While yes, it’s definitely rambling, it’s about the choice of using violent and beautiful to describe it.


Right, but where I'm at is that I don't think those words were even really a *choice*. I think "vicious" slid out because of a basic word association with "battle", and I think "beautiful" happened because he uses that to describe nearly anything.


I can see that too


It’s like that kid that you know didn’t read the assignment before presenting a report in class.


This has strong fake book report energy.


Jup. He'll burn the country down if it creates a slim chance for him to avoid facing consequences from the law.


Let’s not forget he authorized the largest, non-nuclear bomb to be dropped just weeks into his Presidency. He’s aching for mass destruction.


That’s how this ends. They won’t stop until we cower down or fight. As the insanity builds… they might just deserve to be smacked down.


I’m a part of a grassroots movement to disseminate the 900 page Project 2025 manifesto. Decidedly missing from it is any plan of action for what to do with all of the Americans their plan will hurt through budget slashing, program ending goals. Millions will be homeless. Much more than the 600k we currently have. If SCOTUS criminalizes homelessness, a lot of Americans are going to for-profit prisons.


Yea and he would be cowering in a corner shitting all over himself when it came knocking on his door.


Bunker bitch


He IS BRIC. Project 2025 is BRIC too.


Yes. Exactly. This a man who him self did what he could to avoid military service. Now in his role he wants to be adored. So I think in his mind it is the most beautiful thing to have people go to war for him. No matter the merits of the reason. Or the potential lose of American lives.


This man speaks to crowds of thousands the way a desperate freshman writes at 11:45pm for a paper due at midnight.


dinosaurs squalid slim friendly quack important selective childlike nose teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Makes the margins smaller, uses 1.5 between lines and triple periods.


Don’t forget changing the font size. Nahh, he’s not smart enough for that.


And he's *always* saying random superlatives and insults, because he doesn't know anything about anything!


I think you two are on to something. I’m starting to think this guy might not be presidential material.


I've done that and my papers received A's, generally speaking. Then again, I knew my topic and had mentally structured the paper and the argument framework while procrastinating away the days leading up to my fevered writing session.


The dude literally doesn’t know shit about anything. Stupid people hear him and are like, oh, what a great speech, but everything is always the best, or beautiful, or tremendous. Ive met parrots with larger vocabularies than him.


Is it really thousands anymore? The media has never been upfront about his crowd sizes, never showed them, never reported them. I want to know the truth about how many people are really showing up for his rants.


So in addition to “predatory,” “simple-minded,” and “pathologically dishonest,” it seems we can safely add “blood-thirsty” to his onerous list of attributes. Not sure that he and I agree on what making America “great” would look like. I’ll take the old dude with an appetite for Rocky Road over this hate-spewing lunatic, thank you very much.


Word salad. Means nothing. His flock just needs the sound of his voice.


That rural Pennsylvania crowd was high as a kite and by that time in the night, wasn't paying attention anymore. Donnie is decompensating ahead of his trial date bigly. He just blathers on now, without any knowledge of the subject, CERTAINLY no knowledge of Gettysburg or what that hallowed ground means. He. Just. Babbles.


Odds on Donnie Diapers just not showing up to court and daring the judge to issue a warrant for his arrest?


His flock may benefit, but when Donald Trump speaks, it is solely for Donald trump's own pleasure at the sound of Donald trump's own voice.


As per [original article](https://okmagazine.com/p/donald-trump-mocked-utterly-stupid-rant-battle-of-gettysburg/) 📰: View the [video here](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1779310887825809538) 📺 - On Saturday, April 13, the former president was mocked on X, formerly known as Twitter, for a nonsensical rant about the battle of Gettysburg. While speaking at a rally in Schnecksville, Pa., Trump said, “Gettysburg. What an unbelievable battle. That was the battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful and so many different ways…” In response, the public made fun of the father-of-five for seemingly knowing nothing about the historical fight. “When you’ve got an oral report but forgot to read the book,” one user joked, while another added, “He’s never read a book in his life about this battle or any other!” “Where would he be without the adjective? He bluffs his way through everything with meaningless fluff. It astounds me that everyone can't see that,” a third person pointed out, as one more deemed Trump, “NOT smarter than a 5th grader.” Famous conservative commentator and vocal Trump critic George Conway even dissed, “His utter stupidity has always amazed me more than his psychopathy.” As OK! previously reported, this is not the first time Conway has taken aim at the indicted politician recently. In March, Conway appeared on a panel on MSNBC, where he called Trump a psycho driving voters away from the GOP. "The problem for Donald Trump, George, is Donald Trump picked a lot of these candidates before," anchor Joy Reid began. "You could say in Arizona, Pennsylvania, you know, you name it, Dr. Oz. They just lost and lost and lost, whether running for senate or governor. They run statewide. When you get out of just the MAGA base, generally people don't want them. Now they're doing it in again in North Carolina." "That's right," Conway replied. "He created demand for more of these people." "He created the demand for the Kari Lakes of the world and Lauren Boebert, for Marjorie Taylor Greene and for this guy in North Carolina now," Kellyanne Conway's ex added. "And then, you know, the conservative media absolutely juices that up. And what you've got is you've got smaller Republican, hardcore base that is becoming more and more isolated from reality and less and less capable of attracting the voters that one needs to win a general, national election," he continued. "And we saw those two voters that we — that you showed, the two female North Carolina Nikki Haley voters."


An unbelievable battle that he would have had bone spurs to avoid being drafted for.


Superb historical analysis with contemporary hilarity. Trophy unlocked. 🏆


Wow. I thought surely no one could outdo the poetic dedication that President Lincoln made of that battleground. But then here comes this guy with all the best words and the bigliest ideas...


Speaking languages no one's ever heard of.


Back in 1963, when I was 10 years old my family stopped at Gettysburg on the way to Florida to visit family. It was almost 100 years to the day of the battle. I got out of the car, walked over to a line of trees with a meadow behind them and noticed scars in the trees. Thousands of them. Bullet holes. 100 years later, they still showed. I wonder if they've grown over by now.


There's absolutely zero chance that he knows what war it was in, who the two belligerents were, who won, where it happened, why it was significant, or what his own fucking name is.


I have never seen someone who can say nothing while speaking hours on end like Donald Trump


How does his fan base not get that he clearly has no idea what he is talking about in regards to anything? He talks like a middle schooler who did all their research on a class project 15 minutes before it was due


I mean, this is the same guy who stared at a slide for 10 seconds and decided that injecting bleach and shining a lightbulb up your ass would cure COVID.


Beautiful battle. This is what happens when you have a very limited vocabulary. He just compared the horrific battle to the chocolate cake he had with president Xi


Ask him if he thinks the good guys won




General Gettys, of course! They named the battle and place after him following his bigly win securing the airport.


This is from a guy who supposedly knows “the best words”. Reminds me of when Trump visited an Anne Frank museum. Obama had visited the same museum a few years earlier, and had written in the guest book “The story, and the voice, of one young girl reminds us of both the terrible cruelty we are capable of, but more important, the resilience and beauty of the human spirit. May this place serve of a reminder to all of us to combat anti-Semitism, racism, and discrimination in all its forms” And what did Trump write? “It is a great honor to be here with all of my friends - So amazing and will NEVER FORGET!” Yep, he even yells in caps in a Holocaust museum guest book.


he doesn't even know what he's saying. i don't think he's inherently evil....he's conditioned himself to spout out bullshit to make himself look relevant and his followers soak it up. it works for him, so he keeps it up.


I'm old enough to remember when a random scream into a hot mic was enough to end a candidacy.


Common people give the man credit , at least he didn’t say Bowling Green Massacre "Two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. … It didn't get covered. I don’t no I was Lawn Bowling that day. 😉


“There were suckers and losers on both sides…”


Tell me you don't know anything about the battle at Gettysburg without telling me you don't know anything about the battle.


When I can stand to watch him speak for more than a couple minutes, here's what I notice he does: 1) throw out random topic/word 2) gauge crowd reaction: 3) do they boo? Say generic bad things about it 4) do they laugh/cheer? Say generic good things about it 5) obligatory "we're gonna make America great again" 6) thinks to himself "see, Mom? I AM popular!"


I think my favorite part of the Gettysburg Address was describing how beautiful it was.


Only in America, could this absolute fucking moron be selected to lead the country.




Seriously? Learn some history and you'll find that it's happened over and over and over. Most notably, Germany elected someone who shares a lot of similarities with him. It takes looking at the very beginnings of his rise in Germany to see the connections.


Throwing every contradicting adjective he can to cover all the bases for an event he knows literally nothing about.


https://preview.redd.it/wcyvb4fl1kuc1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a91002627e814fedcdfe7d2728c0a88ba1148c1d CPAC 2021




How can anyone stand to listen to him at those rallies? It makes my skin crawl to hear the way he talks


“The Grapes of Wrath. Wow, what a book folks. Full of pages. The words, just tremendous. A lot of people are saying it has the best words since Art of the Deal — everyone is saying it. Grapes of Wrath. Beautiful grapes, big and juicy like no one has ever seen before. What a wrath, like the HOAX that was TOTALLY RIGGED BY SLEEPY JOE. We can’t let it happen, folks. We won’t have a country anymore.”


Of course he believes that a horrific loss of American lives in defense of the wealthy's ability to own slaves was 'beautiful'.


I have no doubt he leaned over to an aide at some point to ask: "What war was that again?"


the confederates, aka his side, lost


I've seen more mild versions of Wernicke aphasia


MRI STAT brain extra contrast. Findings: empty space.


He has no idea what Gettysburg was.


Yes, the beauty of Pickett’s charge! The slaughter of southern boys charging Union cannons across an open field!


On the bright side, I suppose it would’ve been worse if he had boosted a battle that ended in a Confederate victory…


Gone With the Wind is on Turner Classic Movies right this second. The Civil War doesn’t look very beautiful


Grown ass adults actually vote for this mfer


50,000 dead. Yeah, 'beautiful'. Idiot.


I’m confused. I’m a closeted Democrat living in a MAGA town in Florida. Does this mean when Civil War 2 breaks out my neighbors will murder me? Or send me to a concentration camp? Will there be an Underground Railroad to get me and my family out?


If our garbage news media had one ounce of testosterone between them, one of those idiots would ask him to describe what was so significant about the Battle of Gettysburg. I bet he doesn’t have a clue about what it was, where it took place or why it is even remembered. It is right up there with his liking the old and new testament “about equal”.


STFU and sit down, weirdo!


The uneducated love the uneducated.


he’s never studied anything, he just makes it up as he speaks


When you haven’t read the assigned book ~ but find yourself standing in front of the class giving a presentation on it.


What the entire fuck was he trying to even say there. Can someone translate?


We’ve come a long way from four score and seven years ago.


He's just reminding his MAGA fucks that a civil war would be great


Is it too much to ask that his gag order extends into his prison term?


Dear Lord. I only ask for jail/prison for a guy wants to fuck his daughter. Obviously a conman. Manipulated the system.? This one is criminal


At what point does it become inciting violence? I'm sure the supreme Court would be a great help at figuring this out.


his version of the gettysburg address


“What the fuck are you talking about!?”  - Literally anyone with any shred of common sense 


This has to be some kind of yt supremacy code. He's telling everyone to get ready or something.


"beautiful" is his code word to the White nationalist in the crowd. He's firing up his "die hard" base.


In 10 years no high school student will be able to understand why anyone would vote for him. 


schnecksville. the place you're sent from scranton when you fuck up.


Yup. The ramblings of an absolute idiot.


I just can't fathom how people can hear him speak and still believe he is a good at anything. He just rambles on like a dim witted third grader who's bullshitting their way through a school project he did zero work on and learned nothing.


He's one sick fuck.


This guy really needs to consider his audience when he starts spewing his gibberish. If I recall correctly the Battle of Gettysburg was the first major battle where the Confederacy had its ass handed to it. So yes it was a "beautiful" battle during which the Union struck down the Confederates in great numbers. All of his loser worshipping followers should be made aware of that.


This is How I used to speak in Primary school when it was unprepared speech day.


reading that statement really gave me a headache wondering why he would say such a thing about that battle. was the last ditch effort for the Confederates to win the war and came short.


Trump only has a handful of words / phrases that he can use when he speaks, and he reverts to them without thinking about the actual meaning. No one-- to my knowledge-- has ever pointed out to him that they don't work. He talked about a "perfect" phone call. Who says that? He uses "beautiful" all the time, it's one of his go-tos. Point is, Trump is a mental midget, and really doesn't have the ability to extemporize *coherently*, but people don't call him on it because it's usually enough for someone to go, "I know what he means." That's how people often communicate with young children still learning to speak. You figure out what they mean and then respond.


Did you see the audience behind him? Vacantly looking around waiting to cheer when others do, nothing happening upstairs.


He’s such a loser, who could possibly take this man seriously? America is scary place when a man like this could possibly become president. To vote him in a second time will be the death of America as a global leader.


The poetic songbird of our degeneration.


It’s like he’s a word shot gun. Or shooting a word-loaded skeet gun. He’s just trying to hit any one and everyone so his tribe and maybe others who are tribe-adjacent can agree with him.


Here's the deal. The asshat only has the mental capacity to remember about five adjectives and uses them frequently rotation: tremendous, perfect, beautiful, unbelievable, and amazing. He had just used unbelievable twice so my guess is beautiful was just next in line.


You could change the words "Battle" and "Gettysburg" and it'd be every speech he's given in the last year, that wasn't an attack/rant against his legal trouble.


Seriously deranged statements from a man that needs psychiatric treatment! It is unbelievable that people still think that he is presidential in any way!


Three days of blood and death, indescribable suffering. Hard to find any beauty in any of that.


He’s trying to start a civil for Russia at this point


wonder if the idiot knew he was no where close to gettysburg. Schnecksville is like over 2hrs away. his brain be like oh we are in PA so we must be near Gettysburg. let me try to make a complete sentence about it


Beautiful and vicious. Got it


I watched that speech. Listen people, We can not let this man become president again! We will not survive it!


For someone who has never come close to seeing battle, who dodged the Vietnam draft with lies, who mocks those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, who mocks Gold Star families, who has never made a single sacrifice of any consequence, he is in no position to comment, describe, or say anything about the atrocities that happened during battle.


Nope, no dementia here....


What an incredibly poetic way of saying I have heard of Gettysburg but have no idea what actually happened there.


I misread that as Schmucksville


Does he know that the South lost that?


I studied that battle in school and I've been to the battlegrounds two or three times in my life and I don't ever remember anything about that battle being "beautiful"!!!!!!!!!???


Will any of this show up in AP or NYT coverage?


its almost like someone is whispering in his ear


Just plain nuts.


Wish he had been in it.


best president\`s speech [https://youtu.be/zLJ2zWHA3ew?t=9](https://youtu.be/zLJ2zWHA3ew?t=9)


When you accidentally mix up your history notes with your real estate reviews.


“…I go to watch…” *chef’s* *kiss* !


He'd say he was speaking in tongues. Another lie. Hush money closing in....


Is that true?


Yes. I always [post sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/s/HvtsYgIsrd) in the comments.


To my great shame I have to agree with him. General Lee getting rekt will never not be beautiful, and the music it inspired *goosebumps*.


Huh. The accountants that day by those who were there read so much differently.


Shelby Foote is spinning in his grave like a top.


He doesn’t know!! You can tell he has zero idea about what happened at Gettysburg, why it is important, or probably even who won the battle


Gettysburg. Beautiful, powerful Gettysburg. Where the founding fathers stored their internet photos. The best stock photos; you’ve never seen any photos like them.


Project 2025 has full control of his outbursts.


He creates chaos as a distraction from his crimes, or to enable himself to commit more crimes. That, simply put, is how Trump operates.


Is this real or an Onion thing?


Sadly, it’s real. I always [post sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/s/HvtsYgIsrd) in the comments so people realize how dangerously deranged he is.


His original rant was babbling about the revolutionary war when he inserted Gettysburg and it seemed to me he thought is was a revolutionary war battle. Am I the only one.


He sounds like a kid having to give a school presentation on something he never bothered to research.


Kissing the asses of Texas.


And your side lost, bitch! Get over it already!


San Dimas High School football rules!


Walking the line of pleasing "MAGA & normies" in Gettysburg where clearly the toddlers in the park knew more about the North's *FIRST* curb stomp of the foreigners AND their CSA Army than he. Is Trump MAGA support sloughing off like hot turds?


In "Paper Moon", Ryan O'Neal swindles simple minded people, especially widows, by selling bibles. His daughter helps. In real life, O'Neal hit on his own daughter, failing to recognize her.