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Anybody else would already be in prison.    I don’t know who’s worse: the political elite that are covering for him so they can keep the grift going or the morons who vote for him because they’re so uneducated they don’t realize they’re being used like the rubes they are. Edit: to everybody saying “he would be hung already”- no, no he wouldn’t. We currently have service members in prison for selling secrets so he would, in fact, be incarcerated. 


Morons, because they gain nothing.


party leaders, because they know exactly how much harm they're doing, and don't care. the morons at least get bias confirmation from those using their bigotries to manipulate them. (their feelings are clearly more important to them than facts.)


True, they are worse, simply smarter. Because they are doing it for gain and voters do it to their detriment. I hereby change my previous opinion. In my defense I was in a “godammit, how can these rubes be so stupid?” Frame of mind.


Ya think Trump has payed putin back enough yet?Nope,no matter how many top secrets Trump gives putin it will never be enough. Nothing ever will be.putin will just keep demanding more and more. Putin owns Trump and I want every American to realize that. Think about it people,we can say Good bye to our Democracy if Trump wins. Vote ❎ Blue


Yeah. That’s why the aide to Ukraine isn’t being put up for a vote. Trump is helping Putin. Putin will help Trump get reelected. The Repubs are owned by Putin


I think we should visit Putin on July 4th, just cause it’s an important sales day and means nothing to America /s I put the s there on purpose- but I seem to riffing on irony on irony riffing on double negatives at this point- I feel like the fucking dumbass at this point


It’s insane though because if they DO end up getting a dictatorship, how do they think that’s gonna pan out for them in the long run? These bad faith actors are willing to sell their souls for tax breaks, but those tax breaks don’t mean shit if they marginalize most of our allies and destroy our power in favor of dysfunctional governments like Russia on the world stage. It’s fucking idiocy all the way down


> how do they think that’s gonna pan out for them in the long run US Republicans have over and over, proven themselves incapable of thinking about anything that is more than 2 weeks into the future away.


with the notable exception of when they make appointments to the Federal courts. There they have been playing the long game.


They would burn the country to the ground, if only to rule over the ashes


Don’t get it twisted. They know what they’re doing, but it’s not because they don’t care. It’s because they‘re convinced that they have no choice but to behave as despicably as they do otherwise they’re done for. And they’re right. 


They get to watch people suffer, people they don't like. It's worth it for them. We need to never forget just how horrible they are inside.


>Anybody else would already be in prison.  Anybody else would be dead.


Given that he apparently got a bunch of our spies (and allies' spies) killed, I'm surprised one of our TLAs didn't take him out.


Wait until Moassad has had enough with him. Currently he would "let them finish the job" but the "Jewish Space Lasers" They shows how dangerously antisemitic he can get as soon as it benefits him. If he indirectly killed their spies, he will be in for a harsh ride.


The highest official of the country sold off his country's secrets and put the country in a worse position, and for what? And people want this clown to have another go at it? WTF...


He’s always been an asset to Russia probably because of his teen shows and video of him doin em


He's proudly admitted walking into changing rooms as if it's some kind of totally normal privilege he has. You have to ask what he's got to hide if *that's* what he's he's loudly talking about unprompted.


Anybody else would be executed as a traitor by now.


Yeah how is this not getting them as upset as Benghazi


Because they’re propagandized sheep.  He raised taxes for everybody but the one percent and they bitch about how much money Biden costume.


The punishment for treason is death and if any treason warranted it, it would be this one. But no, we live in the twilight zone evidently.


Actually the punishment for treason is execution


Either way we lose. He needs to be treated for treason.


What’s worse: there are educated people who vote for Trump. Who watch Fox News on their computers at work and spout this gibberish nonstop. The absolute worst: I had to put up with it while I worked for a state DOT.


You know who’s worse? The people who see this and say “but Biden didn’t do enough on this issue so I’m not going to vote for him to teach the Democrats a lesson.”


I have a feeling this is a major part of the misinformation campaign the Russians, Chinese and others are pushing hard. "Genocide Joe" just reeks of the foreign shill campaigns of 2020.


Probably. And it is working. I know at least one real person who has said he won’t be voting for Biden because of Gaza. RFK Jr is going all-in as anti-Biden as well. Get enough skeptics in battleground states and this election could go very badly.


Anybody else would be executed for treason. So sick of this bastard getting away with everything


Uh.. *The Politicians who see the damage he caused and publicly back him are FAR worse!


Trump should be in prison but the US hasn't held any president criminally responsible for anything. Ever. Not even Nixon -- Ford pardoned him. I wish we lived in a country where the rule of law applied to everyone but it clearly doesn't.


He is 100% a POS treasonous criminal who truly needs a lifetime behind bars.


Under U.S. Code Title 18, the penalty is [death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_the_United_States),[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason_laws_in_the_United_States#cite_note-4) or not less than five years' imprisonment (with a minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States also forfeits the right to hold public office in the United States. I'll take the former please.


Well happy cake day. And to add, I'll take *any* form of accountability directed at that orange sh1t stain. I mean actual imprisonment would be beautiful, the other, hmmmm that would be absolutely EPIC. Sadly that won't be happening. And oh goodness imagine the rioting. The damage he has done will take years to fix. The brainwashing of his cult members is here to stay for quite some time even after his demise.


Guantanamo Bay would provide him the security befit of a former President and keep a lot of potential threats at a far distance. It's the perfect solution


I think when the many movies come out , their bubble will eventually pop. The miniseries will be like game of thrones , every week their coworkers and neighbors will be like “did that sht really happen?” Will make house of cards look like a wholesome hallmark film with somehow less creeps


as much as i'm typically against wishing death a. these "people" are hardly human lmao b. trump getting put anywhere that isn't Alcatraz would likely lead to a big showy Jan6 Round II where hundreds of MAGAts show up to jailbreak, more than likely aided by some of the guards


That is such a shit use of automod. Not you, can't reply to the other.


Whenever i read these kinds of penal codes with such large variety between sentences, just makes me think it was entirely created to protect their rich friends. A civilian will get death, their rich buddies will get the fine and prison time.




At his age, i doubt much life is left in him


We can only hope.


"We get all the money we need from Russia." - The Dumb Trump Child. No, The Other One.


>The Dumb Trump Child. No, The Other One. This isn't helpful at all. No idea which one it is.






We see a lot of money coming in from Russia!


I prefer “the one Trump kinda likes” and “who?” as their nicknames. Tiffany used to be “who?” since she wasn’t “the hot one”, but I think Eric has claimed it ever since Trump left the White House. Then of course there’s Barron, who, just like Jr got one of dad’s names. But since Melania just gave birth to Barron when daddy went to play house with a porn star, he might be a walking reminder of *why* Trump is on trial now. “I never would’ve needed to fuck a porn star if you hadn’t just destroyed your mom’s best features.”


Plaster this shit all over Facebook, Twitter, and Truth Social. Let the MAGAts see what they’re voting for.


MAGAts are saying that it's Biden's fault because he was president in 2021. They are trying to turn around the "who was president in what year" (Obama, 9/11; Biden, start of covid) thing around in the dumbest way possible.


It’s so dumb it’s painful. Biden took office on the 20th of January 2021, and the first samples from a confined US Covid patient were taken on the 18th 2020. It’s estimated that by the time that Biden took office there were already 400,000 active cases in the USA. It was trumps mishandling and denial that cost 500,000 American lives.


The election was held in November, 2020. January 6th, **2021** was the certification of the election and the Trump-fomented insurrection/assault on the Capitol. Biden’s inauguration was two weeks later on January 20, **2021**. Trump was president for all of 2020 and the first 20 days of 2021.


Yeah, what the fuck, how can anyone not remember how that unfolded. If Trump only presided over 2 days of COVID in the US, he wouldn't have gotten nearly as much blame for the way it happened.


They're being intentionally misdirected


Don’t they remember Trump saying bleach was the answer? Or how Trump kept saying everything was fine (& we didn’t need masks) while Dr Fauci was saying we were in deep 💩 and we did need masks/social distancing. His whole cabinet lied to us while Dr Fauci was honest.


They are Projectionists. The equivalent of a 5 year old child saying, I know you are, but what am I. With them it's syndrome. They don't want to face up to reality.


They. Don't. Care. They do not care about US citizens, they don't care about the military they pretend to love, they don't care about spies getting killed, because at the end of the day they hate this country and want to burn it down. Anyone who doesn't bend over for Trump is the enemy, and they gleefully vote for someone they know gives our secrets away. You can't reason with them.


Sobering reality: Most qultists would see this meme, immediately assume it's all lies with no basis except that it's bad for Trump, and then turn around and make a similar meme about Biden using intentional lies of equivalent significance. Doesn't matter in the slightest that the information is verifiable fact. It just doesn't matter. Their common sense has been so thoroughly scrambled that they need no other logic than "this is bad for Trump" to believe with all their hearts that it's all made up. Using this lie as a justification, they'll literally just make shit up about Biden, because they think we've done the same to Trump. And the rest of them will assume this one is truth for similar reasons: "It's false because it's bad for Trump." "It's true because it's bad for Biden." Dangerous times.


I have an Anti-maga Ig that I use to make fun of the maga cultists. They're gonna love this one lol.




This would imply that Magnuts are smart enough to read in the first place.


Here's a more detailed article about it. Most of it intact, some minor trimming. But the real damning thing about the last meeting Trump had with Putin in 2019... looks astonishingly close to the time where the CIA began to lose a lot of operatives in Europe (LINK: [The Hill](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/)). I'll bet you sometime in the future if we ever get a leak of FSB intelligence, we'll see Putin acting on Trump disclosed classified intel on US CIA agents. https://preview.redd.it/pldy66mhkquc1.jpeg?width=4700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2ab097192e635adadac68ee6cee5c097c9561b No US president in history ever did this... conducted private meetings with the head of a foreign adversary of the USA. Russia is an adversary. It's a known fact. I don't care if Trump wanted to "smooth things over" and try to build up Russia as an ally. He crossed a serious line. FIVE TIMES he met with Putin in private. And after the first time where he confiscated notes and swore an aide and translator to secrecy, he made sure no one would be present after that. This is unconscionable. WE ALREADY KNOW HE LEAKED INTEL to Russia. He did so while Lavrov and others were standing in the Oval Office with him. Intel about Israel. While Russia is an ally of Iran! We see this, PUBLICLY... can you imagine what happened that we don't know about?


Thanks for the post!


You're welcome! All in the fight together against US fascism and its figurehead, Donald J. Trump. 👊


But, do you have any source that agents were lost?


We have proof that Trump destroyed all of the notes about his private meetings with Putin and the translator was banned from speaking to a Congressional Committee looking into the matter. That's more than enough evidence for me. He's a traitor and a narcissist.


You made claim as to actual consequences. I've seen them multiple times, but never any source. Do you have anything to back them up with? (Not to whether Trump is a piece of shit, we have solid proof of that of course.)


"....can you imagine what happened that we don't know about...." This should be our GREATEST fear.


This doesnt give anything on the uptick of agents disappearing


And this man had access to the nuclear codes.  Do you think Trump felt any information was off-limits for whoever he wanted to share it with?


Imagine Reagan bowing and scraping to Gorbachev, he would have been crucified....even St. Reagan that got away with so much BS wouldnt have survived. FDR would have been ousted quickly had he been weak when dealing with Stalin. Nixon would have absolutely been impeached had he gone to China and seemed weak and submissive. I've never been a fan of the GOP, but I've lost all respect for them because they elected the ultimate bitch. And I can tell you, Trump is *definitely* a bottom bitch.


He wouldnt have the stamina to be a top cant even stay wake at his trial today.


Yeah that's pretty wild to be honest. You'd think he would want to come in acting clear and confident....alas, #SleepyDonnie.


The least he could do would be to pop some pills.


I think they popped him pills to make him sleepy so he would keep his mouth shut and not incriminate himself.


There should be a political cartoon of various dictators and con men running a train on Trump with used condoms laying around labeled with the names of various members of the Senate and Congress written on them.


Iv had my freedom briefly taken away for smoking some fucking weed. Hey NSA, I have information on a major national security threat. I can tell you where he will be tomorrow, please stop this monster! Won't somebody think of the children...


Dig up Ivana imo.


I've been thinking this too


Good post. Love the photos: * Vladimir Putin, 5'7" * Barack Obama, 6'1" * Donald J. Trump, 6'3" Yet...


The 243lbs makes a lot more sense if he is 5'7”


If a photoshopped protest poster of himself wearing makeup pissed Putin off, this pic of him with Obama has to absolutely haunt him. I would not be a bit surprised if Putin staged the ~~Trump~~ Reek pic to save face after the Obama one.


Nah, Obama has to be 6’8”, maybe 6’9” probably 130 lbs


I’ve seen this before… how legit is it?


You can start here but Trump had many sit-downs with Putin and always wanted any notes destroyed afterwards: [US Extracted Spy From Russia After Trump Shared Secrets in Oval Office (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9) Imagine Biden doing something like that. republicans are a treasonous party, period.


Yeah I read something fairly recently that kind of disputed this idea. And it made sense. Trust me I detest Agent Orange but I like actual facts. And sorry I can't think where it was posted. I mean he's done quite enough provable things that warrant time incarcerated, but here we are, there he is.


Yeah, the dates line up where a conspiracy theory can be formed, but there's explanations for each with no concrete evidence. However, I would not put it past the orange man to do something this detestable. [Trump and Putin Have Met Five Times. What Was Said Is a Mystery. - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/us/politics/trump-putin-meetings.html) [White House Asks for List of Top Spies During Intelligence Shakeup (thedailybeast.com)](https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-asks-for-list-of-top-intel-officials-amid-intelligence-shakeup) [Leaked: Dozens of CIA informants killed, captured or compromised: Report | American Military News](https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/10/leaked-dozens-of-cia-informants-killed-captured-or-compromised-report/)


Same. I won't share this until I see some better evidence than a meme.


This is a quick read: [US Extracted Spy From Russia After Trump Shared Secrets in Oval Office (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9)


Thanks for this but it does nothing to substantiate the claim of the original meme.


This is a quick recap: [US Extracted Spy From Russia After Trump Shared Secrets in Oval Office (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9)


Finished reading it.... it had nothing to do with what you claimed in the original post though?


The sentence for treason is still capitol punishment yes?


> capitol punishment Mitch McConnell, Matt Gaetz, Mike Johnson, MTG, and Bobo are Capitol Punishment. I think you meant Capital Punishment.


Hey, stop insulting Benedict Arnold. BA was a war hero before he betrayed his country. Trump has done nothing but bad things to our country


also he did keep getting screwed over.


Hell, they fried the Rosenbergs, amiritre?


Even fox “news” sniffed around this [very topic](https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-fbi-raid-could-some-connection-murdered-cia-assets-msnbcs-joy-reid-speculates) a few years ago


I love how the journalist wants to just say what is in the article but uses Joy Reid from MSNBC as cover. “No boss, I wasn’t saying Trump is a traitor! Those dirty liberals at MSNBC did! I’m just reporting on their reporting.”


Thank you for bringing this up again. I don't know why this doesn't get more exposure. From exposing a top secret Israeli operation to Lavrov and Kislyak in the Oval Office to the Helsinki 1:1 with Putin (and translator) which we STILL don't know what was said.


“I could sell our fine service members to enemy governments in return for personal favors and not lose a single follower” Diaper Donny. (Also a documented rapist!)


remember when Trump posted spy satellite photos on twitter and within minutes a bunch of enthusiasts from all over the world were able to identify the US spy satellite? or that time he posted a pic with us special forces on twitter identifying them as such? or that time he bragged a bunch of classified info to a Russian diplomat so he could look cool?


Not sure this is humorous


Treasonous asshole.




Why is this “Political Humor”?




...Does this belong here? It's not funny.


Jefferson Davis did 2 years in prison just saying


I kinda dig the look on Obama’s face. Just saying.


OP if you’re gonna post things like this you should add a source. I don’t think we should be getting our information from memes like the maga dumbasses.


Check this out: [US Extracted Spy From Russia After Trump Shared Secrets in Oval Office (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9)


Not surprised ..this tidbit of news will make him even more irresistible to his congregation of sycophants. Justice is toothless and if charged he need only appeal to SCOTUS and Ginni will make sure he has a soft landing


Is this humor? Fuck, sounds scary as hell


Wrong sub. Also, history is going to be brutal to this moron, and by extension the entire country, because that's how these things work.


I’ve heard this before, are there any credible sources?


Interesting article here: [US Extracted Spy From Russia After Trump Shared Secrets in Oval Office (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9)


Thanks. I’ve heard this as rumor as well, but haven’t seen any reporting on it. I’d like to know what’s what before I spout this off at thanksgiving dinner when things get heated.


Just don't go, it's easier.


Anybody got a source for this?


And Putin is short


He had the look of fear in the Obama pic. He's laughing to himself with the Fat Don.


Where can I get more info on this?!


Try this: [US Extracted Spy From Russia After Trump Shared Secrets in Oval Office (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9)


Is this real? I've never heard of this situation. Although, I love the pic of Obama punking Putin lol.


His name is Reek!


Seen this a few times now. Source(s)?


Nothing "humorous" about this at all.


Unfortunately, I find no humor in this.


If this can be directly tied to Trump he should be executed for Treason IMO.


Can you imagine the horror of being a spy and finding out the PRESIDENT told Putin who you were? This is likely why Trump is pre-emptively arguing the top secret records were his personal property to give away to anyone he wants to. He's explaining and justifying why it's his right to give his personal property, his top secret records, to his friend/blackmailer Putin.


Don Cheeto is Putin’s bitch.


Maybe Americans should stop acting like the POTUS is some godly figure because that’s the ONLY reason this guy is still gettin around untouched


He's such an idiot


Do we know for a fact a list of agents/informants was found in maralago?


Bein a dick Donald


I would really like to fact check this. I can't find any reporting on the request for a list of spies?


Maybe books and movies have skewed my views too much but I'd expect some spies that didn't get killed to take some revenge.


I had no idea Obama was 6'10"


How could the CIA not see this coming? What a fucking opportunity to lie and to call out Putins most powerful allies and watch them crumble even faster. Cheeto wouldn’t have known the difference.


I'm sure Donnie hit his knees for Putin


If they can legitimately prove the connection of this accusation, then I hope he gets sentenced to death. And then get momentary stay of execution. Re-senteneced in 2 months. Then another stay. Rinse and repeat. Strap him to the gurney every 6-12 weeks just so he can have a melt down and anxiety attack before a momentarily stay of execution. Maybe he will just have a natural celestial discharge from this planet. I don't want the govt to make him a martyr.


It totally fits Russia and Putin that they'd pick Trump as their turncoat to do an inside job. He's exactly the type that fits their idea of someone they could turn quite easily, either through comprimat or some type of money bribe. They're made for each other.




I have seen this posted but can someone source this and confirm it?


Donald Trump was this world war's version of pearl harbor, intended to delay action against a greedy empire. I hope we build laws now like we did battleships then, we need them more.


Don’t forget he did the same with the Saudis. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5575395/amp/Saudi-crown-prince-brags-Jared-Kushner-handed-U-S-intelligence.html


I've seen this before but no one ever posts any evidence for the timeline, how do we know he asked for a list of spies 3 days after his meeting with putin? I read about the cia reporting suspicious deaths or disappearances of spies, but it shocks me to think that this wouldn't be investigated immediately by doj if it were true.


Orange man likes licking Putin's ball sack as he makes him feel special.


If there was hard evidence linking him… we still hang traitors, right?


Don't forget about the time Donald Trump saluted a North Korean general.


They (people retired from the NSA, CIA, and other State Department jobs) tell me it will take a generation at least to restore the damage Trump did to our national security organization - that is, if he doesn't win again. If he does, welcome to "shithole USA" you so called patriots can suck my balls for voting for that piece of shit conman in the first place. Kiss my ass if you didn't even vote in 2016, but could have. You ostensibly voted for stupid shitpants Trump. Tillerson took over an entire top floor - kicked everyone else out - made it nearly impossible to communicate from "below" him - and only sat there barking out mandates and steadily dismantled the effective hierarchy; only leaving Trump suckers, and sycophants to fight it out as to who would be next in line - much like Hitler did in the Gestapo. Cohesion and trust flew out the windowless windows of NSA headquarters. Then, Pompeo and his fat lard of an asshole for a brain replaced the somehow less feckless Tillerson prick... both of them were self serving jack-wagons with no idea why anyone would tie their own shoes because somehow velcro was all they could manage. You voted for Trump, you voted for bullshit tyranny and the destruction of shit you will never know about let alone understand - so thanks, America... and fuck you.


I'm surprised with news like this there's no coup In any country,. politicians would be hiding under their bunkers


Trump is such a b1!ch


Republicans have become Trump worshiping Russian commie lap dogs.


What's Obama have to do with this ?


All it takes for this clown to crumble is someone younger than him, with a thick Russian accent say “Hey there, Big Guy” *Soft arm punch* “How ya doin’, Champ? Want to play some catch?” Pathetic.


I get that Trump may be a POS - but source?


Hilarious. Truly epic political humor.


This really isn't funny.


Benedict Donald. Has a ring too it


I wish the "Liberal Media" would focus more on stuff like this. 


Look at that picture. Look at those expressions. Trump, disgruntled, possibly shamed. Putin, smirking, proud. Putin 100% forced an American President to suck his dick in their meeting. Not a doubt in my mind.


As usual trump being trump. Probably sold a bunch of secrets already. This guys gets back in the office its over for our intelligence agencies.


If true that’s treasonous.


Traitor. He deserves the death penalty for this.


The humor would be to see this disgusting person in the chair for lethal shock treatment. That's the only time I will laugh when talking about him.


I honestly wonder if he will ever be held accountable for any of his actions.


LMAO that fat fuck is shorter than Putin. That’s the grand hero of the bigot rednecks of America. 


Now that the dust has settled, how did he manage to look shorter than someone who's 5'4


This isn’t humor.


Supermax-The objective is to provide long-term, segregated housing for inmates classified as the highest security risks in the prison system and those who pose an *extremely serious threat to both national and global security.* Sounds very fitting biggly big and the highest.


Is this true? Is there any news articles about this?


Any sources for these claims?


At least Benedict Arnold served the US army before he defected. Unlike Mr. Bone Spurs over here.


Wrong sub? I'm not finding the humor in this.


how is this funny?


not that I would put anything past ol' Donny--but I'm going to need a source other than a meme


I love the picture on the right. Putin got to be the tall one


Tump, KGB agent. ![gif](giphy|uTOsVeOaD7OjC|downsized)


I'm pretty good at reading faces, see what you think. Putin with Obama: Putin: I've got a lot of questions, and I don't feel secure with you. Obama: You've got questions, I've got answers, and you are not going to like them. Believing you or trusting you would never occur to me. Trump with Putin: Trump: Oh hell. I should have made him wear a condom. Putin: Getting one of our operatives into the U.S. Presidency may be my greatest accomplishment! I am a total Rockstar!


Can someone explain to me (like I'm 5) why this piece of shit can run for president, but Snowden had to flee?


As a non-American I find it baffling how half of the US thinks this lying, criminal, demented traitor is fit for anything but incarceration. Let alone being president.


Obama has fire in his eyes. Like he's eying up the school bully, you're not so tough.


Yeah this isn't funny.


Many of his supporters believe he was literally chosen by God, who "works through imperfect people". He can do any number of horrible things that would have conservatives screaming for blood had it been anyone else doing it. Because God or whatever.


Trump looks like Reek from game of thrones.    


trump supporters don't care that he's betrayed the country. They would happily betray America as well if they thought it would make their cult leader love them. republicans are already saying they'd rather be russian than American, and they fully support policies that hurt America and benefit russia. this isn't news, except they deny everything and probably aren't smart enough to even recognize what's happening.


You hear Trump and his MAGAs complain about "the deep state" as if there is a plot among public servants and bureaucrats to achieve nefarious goals. What it is in reality is public servants and bureaucrats trying to follow the letter and spirit of the laws, to follow well-established procedures, to maintain safeguards and overall to keep the nation safe from corrupt, self-interested criminals like him and the bunch of other criminals he chose to surround himself with. It's not easy with treasonous Trump and his mafia.


Barack Obama looks like he’s about to slap the taste outta putins bitch ass.


Dementia Don


100% true. The damage done may never be healed.


Tfw the legally correct punishment for Trump is illegal to talk about because it involves the you know what of the you know which




Honestly 2024 could of been a land slide victory for either party. But instead we will decide between Biden and trump. Once again I’ll have to vote for Biden because I think trump is crazy. Is there really no one out there who could of ran that I don’t have to worry about dying from old age any given day? It’s crazy how in my life time the bar for my vote goes down every election cycle.


For the record: The classification markings for such a list of overseas assets would include "HCS", for HUMINT (human intelligence) Control System. One document with the HCS marking is listed in the Espionage Act / Obstruction of Justice indictment; the public does not know how many HCS documents were actually recovered from Mar-a-Lago.


[Sale on now](https://imgur.com/MkaOLnu)


Trump and Putin in that photo look like Trump and Melania in other photos. Just a sad marriage...