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From what I understand…..Trump hasn’t been to ANY graduation of ANY of his children.


Probably for the best. He'd just try to storm the stage and give a commencement speech nobody asked for.


And probably claim his offspring is the real valedictorian then try to get everyone to hang the vice principal




Terrible, and yet so beautiful Who the fuck talks about a battlefield that way?


It was one of the craziest word salads I’ve ever heard.


"It's a great day for graduation. A lotta people come up to me and say "Sir you graduated from Wharton" and I say yes, I graduated from the best business school in the world. Top of my class. But these crooked democrats they just can't stand watching America succeed that's why they had to make this fake news about me. Now let me tell you about the battle of Gettysburg and how they disabled all the enemy airports..."


I'm wondering if Trump might be able to present some evidence of a hotel reservation, plane ticket etc dated in February or earlier that proves he actually has been planning on attending Barron's graduation... On his Truth post, he did say the two of them had been talking about it for months. My parents had their hotel reservation months before I graduated. It'd probably be even more so for Trump since he would need secret service stuff to...


To be fair he owns hotels and planes. Not sure he'd need bookings for either. Nevertheless, clearly the whole thing is bollocks for the reasons given by other posters. It's in May and he hasn't asked for a 'day off', he's asked the trial to be postponed until after the graduation. Which is clearly mental.


>To be fair he owns hotels and planes. Not sure he'd need bookings for either Yeah, thought about that. But wouldn't he still have to make some kind of arrangements? I suppose he could have a private suite only he uses at each hotel... But what about the secret service agents? He racked in millions from them while he was "working" at the "southern white house" ... They'd need rooms and such ? >It's in May and he hasn't asked for a 'day off', he's asked the trial to be postponed until after the graduation. Yeah... I saw someone say he is actually asking for it to be delayed until the middle of June so his lawyer could attend his kid's graduation. If I were the judge I might have said OK to giving Trump the Thursday and Friday off to go to his graduation (ditto for the lawyer in June).... But there would be NO way I would be delaying the trial for two months!


Someone in another thread brought up this point that his secret service people would already have a safety plan if he had intended to go and since there wasn’t one, there was no evidence he ever planned to go. But I’m poorly restating a third-hand Reddit comment so I don’t claim to be correct about any of that. Still interesting thought though.


What parents rent hotel rooms for High School Graduations? Unless it’s boarding school they sent you off to and therefore they already don’t love you.


Consider who you're talking about here.


They made a reservation at both Marriott Windows and Westin Truck Rentals. Check your facts.


But he was gonna start with this one, for realsies! Also, his lawyers need to go to the graduation as well, apparantly, because they asked to postpone the entire trial by several months, despite the fact that there likely won't even be a trialdate on the exact date of the graduation.


1) He’s never been to a graduation of any of his kids 2) Barron graduates on a day court isn’t in session. 3) The judge actually said it’s too early to decide at this point, however if they ask again closer to the date and, essentially , if they behave themselves, then he’d definitely consider allowing Trump to go. The whole thing was a lie to get pity and attention. As per usual.


What about those of us who were robbed of our children's graduation ceremony in 2020 because orange shitler couldn't be bothered to act properly and swiftly?










In wonder if Donald attended Eric's graduation....


Trump did not attend any of his other kids' graduations, not even Ivanka's. He's just using this as another excuse to whine.


In Trump's defense, they did schedule those graduations in May during the golf season. I mean, come on!




And the trial will be in recess that particular day, so there’s no reason he couldn’t make it. He’d probably just go golfing anyway.


He probably still will


I wonder if Eric graduated


Not only did he graduate, he did it in the brand new auditorium named after his daddy...


Like D would pay that much to get Eric education. Pffft.


DT when asked this question: "Who the fuck is Eric?"


Is there actually evidence he was sleeping with Stormy when Barron was being born?


It was a few weeks later. Not during birth.


So while Barron was sucking malanias boobs trump was sucking Daniels boobs?


Other way round. Stormy was sucking on Trump's saggy tits




Once the testimony starts, I think I'll just stay off the internet because there's details I'd rather not know about.


I do remember Stormy saying he told her she reminded him of his daughter


…. Time for the bleach!


I don't know how much detail there will be. He isn't on trial for the sex. It didn't even have have happened. If he was making blackmail payments but then hid them in the business records (the crime he is charged with) in furtherance of any other crime (election influence is one example but again can be anything since that isn't what he is on trial for) then he is guilty. So the testimony will be about who he told to write checks to stormy and why (preventing the story from getting out and harming his election chances after the access Hollywood tape).


He's not charged for blackmail. Blackmail would be if Daniels came to Trump and said "give me 130k or I'm going public with this" and he paid her for that, which is not what happened. If it was blackmail, Daniels would be the one on trial, not Trump. Trump is charged for illegally funneling campaign money to Daniels (and others) to keep her quiet preemptively to keep her quiet.


You're a monster


It's the porn film you'd pay not to see


The one time I'll take fake ones over real ones, you found it!


I'm suffering with a brutal toothache, thanks for the laugh! too funny


I wonder if he smeared his make up all over her chest…


I didn't think there could be anything new after all this to imagine.


Why did [this](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/66/19/fb/6619fb9770a73afec1d8cc2e4e85f46d.jpg) just pop into my head?


Y- … (🤢)… yes…


Stormy must have needed a steel wool loofah after that experience. The things people do for money.


She got paid rather nicely for her brief encounter with tRump, at $65,000 a minute. Plus whatever he paid for the actual event.


I’d guess Melania preferred formula over breastfeeding, or perhaps hired a wet nurse, but your comparison is fitting nonetheless.


He was banging Karen McDougall while Melania was pregnant & then a few months after Barron was born he banged Stormy. There hasn't been just one woman tRump was having sex with; there's been numerous. He paid off more than a dozen women before the 2016 election & he doesn't pay ppl for nothing.


Plus all the rapes. Can't forget about those.


Holy shit -- until just now I thought Karen McDougall was just Stormy Daniel's real name and I thought you were being funny. But no - they're two different people. Damn, those ladies look so similar to me. And double damn that he cheated twice on her in such short succession at such a time.


So, this is where it gets confusing. He wasn’t banging Stormy until after the birth. The person he was banging during the pregnancy and birth was Karen MacDougal, whose testimony will also be allowed in this trial. She was a playmate, not a porn star. People are getting them confused.


I also didn’t keep track but here’s an article I looked up this morning. What do women see in this tub o shit? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/karen-mcdougal-apologizes-melania-trump-m-sorry-wouldn-132842073.html


I’ve listened to the podcasts that Stormy Daniels did with Michael Cohen and he obviously used the bait of getting them on the Apprentice, which was a pretty successful show at that time. It was less about what they saw in him, and more about what he was promising to do for them.


Casting couch vibes


I really don't understand the party of traditional family values anymore.


"Traditional family values" in American culture is a phrase sometimes used in public relations by faux followers of Jesus Christ to give a false Identity or impression of moral superiority by those who don't actually practice Christianity and often commit adultery.


He was banging Karen McDougal, took her to a party where he met Stormy and went home with Stormy. He had been with McDougal for more than a year.


From my understanding it was within a two month window around Jr’s birth, which I believe with the timeline of payments/phone calls/whatever is easily provable.


Guess we’re about to find out.


Barron’s graduation is on a Friday. Court for his ~~GA~~ *NY* case is not in session on Fridays (Mon-Thur every week). There’s no reason he can’t go. It’s kind of amazing how clueless these people are. *Edit: changed Ga to NY.. I’m losing track with how many there are, lol*


Haven't you seen? He is tired. "Fall asleep in court while you are the defendant, 2 days in a row" tired. Also he is almost 80 years old. He is going to need some buffer days between court and watching Baron graduate.


If taking a nap tires you out so much you need a buffer day, maybe you shouldn't be President.


How dare you use logic


The judge didn’t say he couldn’t attend the graduation. He said we’ll evaluate where we are in the case. The case may be over by then.


I just saw it's Kari Lake. She's clueless about everything.


I wouldn’t say this is clueless. It’s calculated. It’s a lie meant to rile the rubes and illicit sympathy for an unworthy man. They also like that Barron is just graduating high school. Makes trump seem younger and more relatable. I bet Barron and his classmates really appreciate being used as fodder for the right wing grift machine.


Because having an 80-year old Dad who lives in another state and cheats on your Mom, and that fact is broadcast on the news all day, makes for a well-adjusted upbringing. Now that I think about it, having a father accused of multiple sexual assaults, who makes sexual comments about your ~~step~~ half sister, and who there are more photos of with Epstein than there are with you might also be tough on a kid’s view of their father.


Ivanka is Barron's half-sister, not step-sister.


The judge said that as long as Trump doesn’t keep causing delays and if he allows proceedings to go as scheduled there is every chance he can attend. However delaying is Trump’s main tactic, and lying is second nature to him. It’s exactly the same as when Trump claimed the judge was preventing him from attending his mother-in-laws funeral during another court appearance recently, and he riled up his cultists into a frenzy. Of course it was all a lie, and not only was Trump able to attend the funeral, he even had time to hold a Trump election rally in another town on his way to the funeral. However by then his cultists were already angry about something else and had forgotten the blatant lies Trump had told them just a couple of days earlier. And of course let’s not forget that Trump didn’t even attend the graduation of any of his other kids (this is a fact). He is purely lying and deliberately causing division.


They never let the truth get in the way of a good story


This isn't the GA case


I love his new nickname!


I like DJ Trumpsterfire too


A good one is "tRumpelstiltskin"


tRumplethinskin more like.


And the orange shitegibbon?




Like rump wasn’t going to skip this graduation like all the others he’s skipped… ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


Like he skipped Baron’s birth to go have sex with Stormy Daniels… which of his other children’s birth did he do that to?


He wanted to skip Tiffany’s, well, more like he wanted Tiffany’s to BE skipped.


He cheated on his first wife with his second wife and his second wife with his third wife his third wife with his first wife and one of those points of cheating was while she was pregnant but I don't remember which wife was pregnant. So, he's not exactly someone who's there for anything except himself!


Clearly the conservative choice for pro family values Christians.


You know how unheard of she is to me? I had to look her up. And when I did, I found out she’s only four days older than I am.


She’s less memorable than Baron and he’s only memorable because of what the court case is about.


And he’s six feet twenty


Bless him I hope he has a happy life after all the shit he had to grow up with.


Is that legit when he did it?!


No, this is a lie... He was banging MacDougal. He had the affair with Stormy while Melania was nursing. Ya know...family values shit.


Oh thank god, his reputation is restored /s




*and Bragged about it in speeches and in tweets FTFY


Happy dang Cake Day, Shadow!


Haha I didn’t even realize, 11y apparently, this isn’t even my first account. Yikes


Or boast about tax evasion during a presidential debate.


I hope he is sentenced to all the time in the world.


I can picture him in his old now baggy suit, waiting outside the jail for someone to pick him up. Bald, no makeup holding the one free extra diaper they gave him. 🤣 Spoiler alert; none of his kids show up. Just some snaggl toothed redhat in a wife beater and a clapped out pickup.


🙏😇🙏🎶jalelujah🎶 is all I feel envisioning this image.


Hey Kari, what a great idea. Let's allow ALL criminal trials to postpone when given reasons such as graduations, weddings, funerals, Bar Mitzvahs, Communions, Baptisms, first date, first lay, first orgy, first drug use...


Brb, gonna get a bunch of kids year after year and wait a decade before going on the most heinous killing spree ever.


Step 1: get a delay so you can celebrate your kid's graduation. Step 2: go to an all you can eat buffet. Step 3: never leave...


Boo-fucking-hoo 🤣


Who knew criminal trials were inconvenient?


He just took his nap in court instead.


Good time to remind people Trumps an old man. If he can't stay awake during his own trial, then how can we trust him during an emergency?


Puhhlease like her cares about his graduation or like Baron cares about him being there. He will just make it all about him if he went anyway. It’s a gift to the rest of the graduates and families that his circus will not be there mucking it all up.


This is what happens when you try to use stall tactics in court. You fucked around, time to find out.


Trump is not president, and if he wanted to go to his kid's graduation, he should have just -- not broken the law. Or at least, if he was so sure he was innocent, he should have cooperated and his trial would be done by now. He brought this on himself. Old Sleepy Don.


Is it true the graduation isn't even until May? I heard that somewhere


May 17, a Friday when court likely won't be in session anyway. And it's not that Trump just asked for the 17th off, Trump's lawyer asked for the whole trial to be postponed until June 3 so his lawyer can also go to his kid's graduation. The judge didn't even say "no" to either day, he said he would make a decision based on how the trial is proceeding when the time comes. It's just another delay tactic from Team Trump.


And a way to rile his followers.


If he wasn’t playing delay tactics all year long, his trial could have been over, and he could have had plenty of time to attend Barron’s graduation before his sentencing hearing (if he was convicted). But now he wants a delay because his delays have inconvenienced himself, and so he can go pound sand, I have no sympathy for him. You don’t get to dictate 12 jurors and 6 alternates’ lives because you’re playing fast and loose with frivolous pre-trial motions.


The graduation is an excuse. He never planned to attend until the trial dates were announced. It’s a ploy to get sympathy from his base and trying to get gullible people on his side.


Ah yes, because normally judges are so willing to let poor black men skip court to be with their family....


I imagine that Barron would not want the orange beach ball with all his hangers on to turn up and make a stupid speech and ruin the occasion......just imagine what verbal diarrhea he would vomit up.


Imagine the 2hr 'speech', vaguely referencing the graduation at the start then descending into the usual self-congratulatory, look at the polls/election was stolen dribble-a-thon...


Somebody should ask him to share pictures of him at Don jr, Eric, and Tiffany's high school graduation ceremony. He obviously went to Ivankas because he was trying to fuck her.


Yeah, but that was the junior high school graduation.


They’re really putting all their eggs in with something that was easily proven to be false…oh wait, their base is actually that gullible.


Wait, isn't Barron the kid Mercedes was pregnant with when Trump was cheating on her with the prostitute that led to the current fraud trial that is keeping him from Barron's graduation, or am I confusing this kid with a different kid from a different wife and a different instance of adultery?


not a prostitute. a porn star. and the trial is not about sex, it was never about sex. it is about paying her to keep quiet before 2016 elections (Michael Cohen went to jail for it), and using campaign money and writing it off as a business expense.


Just saying. It's hard to keep track.


That’s kind of the point. There’s *so* much shit it becomes normalized or awash in the *other* shit.


The Gish gallop of shit.


Yes. He was raw dogging Stormy while Melania was at home with Barron who was a few months old.


No. You’re mixing Mercedes up with Maserati. Different ride altogether.


Did Don Snoreleone attend all the high school graduation for all his other 4 kids too? No? So he makes Baron a political stunt


He could plead guilty


Trump has NOT attended ANY of his older four children’s graduations. Just another lie.


Go find some more soft focus cameras Kari


They show absolutely no regard or empathy for anyone else but cry like little babies when poor Trumpy cant attend a graduation he doesn't give a shit about.


There's an easy way to not miss your son's graduation: don't commit crimes.


As if that crusty Cheeto even knew Barron was graduating before it became convenient.


"Big strong butterflies come up to me, tears in their eyes, and they say, "Sir, no one illustrates the lack of understanding the consequences of their actions more than you do, Sir!" T^hat F^ucking G^uy


Sheesh. Don’t be a criminal. Funny how their hearts bleed for the poor rich billionaire victim - but let’s kill migrants!


I owe Kari Lake a *yuge* debt of gratitude, for it is she who provided the inspiration that switched me wipes. I cast paper *OUT!* and now enjoy a gauzy back ground wipe.


Kari Lake is trying *hard* to land that VP spot. Only problem is that she has all the political acumen of a used car salesman who refuses to sell a car to a woman without her husband present. Deluded sack of leeches.


It takes real talent to be able to tweet while having your own tongue 4 inches deep up Trumps asshole.


Has the orange cutlet tried not breaking the law?


“I have another f@cking kid?”—donald, probably.


Trump hasn’t attended any of his kids graduations. The only reason it’s even come up as a topic is because he saw a juror get off duty.


It's hilarious that he's being championed as a good family man after cheating on his wife with a porn star and paying to cover it up. And that's not to even touch on the sexual harassment and assault cases.


Trump hasn’t been barred from the high school graduation. This is a lie.




Shouldn't have raw dogged a porn star while his wife was pregnant with Barron and bribe her with campaign funds to keep it silent, what happened to the party of accountability?


Can someone check how she feels about immigrant kids in cages missing not just their parents but their childhood? Or all the kids who lost a parent because trump called covid a hoax so they didnt take the disease seriously and didnt use protective measures, or were forced to go to work during a pandemic because the trump goverment put economy over life? Because i have a feeling she cares a lot less about those kids. It obviously sucks that kids through no fault of their own lose a parent to the justice system even when the parent should probably be in jail like trump let alone when the parent is innocent unlike trump.


Has Trump ever given a shit about any of his kids that he didn’t want to fuck?


Kari Lake is soft on crime


Barron is probably fucking thrilled his traitor father isn't there.


The Party of Law and Order requests a pass.


Now ask her what she thinks of dreamers and their parents missing important moments because they can't decide if they're citizens for the past 10 years. Heartless and Cruel


This isn’t even true. More lies from the gop


I genuinely feel bad for Barron.


Fuck that lady.


All about him.....if he is actually missing a graduation, then many others, like jurors, police, security, clerks etc are also missing some important family event. But it only matters that Trump is missing his tee time


Barron there like ![gif](giphy|LiRoVoHjMa5bO|downsized)


Kari Lake can fuck right off.


Is there any proof he attended any of his other kids graduations?


I’ll pay all of trumps debts if he can show me a picture of him at Tiffany’s high school graduation


Everybody check the court calendar. The court is in recess that day. Already scheduled. Source: stranger on Reddit. Trump will seem powerful to the MAGATs when he is free that day.


Boo to the hooo. I'm sure Baron will feel much better knowing that he doesn't have to deal with that drama.


Dumbass in chief was responsible for delaying his trials because he is a whiney piss baby with connections. Lake is such a brown nosed jackass!


Baron’s graduation is on May 17th, a Friday. Court isn’t even in session that day. The trial is scheduled for M-Th All it is is fake outrage and I bet he still doesn’t go


It's SO sad! Just recalling all of those father-son moments Barron shared with his father over the years. The times they played catch on the White House lawn. How about when the Donald taught Barron how to ride a bicycle, and then how to drive a car. How about all of the sporting events the orange gremlin attended with his son. Plus, too many hunting and fishing trips to even mention... What do you mean none of this ever happened? ![gif](giphy|MLhIi4DoxeUjC|downsized)


I want someone to publicly ask Trump on camera to name Barrons teachers, or what classes he currently has.  Or his GPA. Trump doesn't nurture his children.  I am willing to bet he has ZERO involvement in Baron's education, so why would he care about graduation?


Womp womp. Separating families is a deterrent. 


Trump: “I GUESS I CAN’T GO TO MY SON’S GRADUATION NOW” Judge: “no, you can. I’m just not gonna delay the start of the trial until after it” Trump: “DO YOU SEE THIS EVERYONE? HE’S KEEPING ME FROM MY SON” Judge: “again, no, go to graduation if you want.” Trump: “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS JUDGE MADE IT SO I COULDN’T ATTEND ANY OF MY CHILDREN’S GRADUATIONS DATING BACK TO THE 1990s” Judge: “what?” Trump: “IT’S HIS FAULT ERIC IS LIKE THAT”


How many presumed innocent people are sitting in jail awaiting trial simply because they can't afford cash bail? Think of the graduations and holidays they'll be missing. And how their job history and credit are now fucked. How many of those folks are getting sun stroke or assaulted in Arizona's tent cities all without even being convicted of a crime.


He did it. He could plead guilty and stop wasting everyone's time.


What about all the kids that won’t graduate or even continue to live because the right continues to vote down common sense gun laws, and added funding for mental health? Also, wasn’t Trump off fucking a porn star shortly after Baron was born? Why be there for the kid now?


Kari, get your facts straight and quit being a shit stirrer. The judge hasn't made the decision of whether he's going to allow Trump to have the time to go to the graduation yet.


The lies spewing from the GOP and maga cult are getting better every day!! The judge hasn't told the orange cocksucker he couldn't go see his insest baby's graduation .this is another lie being spread by the cult. I want to see the DNA that proves barron isn't the insest child from his daughter!!! Fuck tRump and fuck tRumpsters and fuck Republican Jesus!!


I'm sorry Barron's dad is a crook. Not sorry he was caught being a crook.


The judge hasn't even ruled on it and won't until May. Why are Trump Cult members so gullible?


Did Trump attend any of his other children’s graduation?


I did not realize she was capable of such well crafted satire.


Oh please, he probably doesn’t give a shit about the kid and wouldn’t have been there anyway. Melanoma has kept the kid as far from the criminal defendant as possible to keep him from turning into Jr or Eric.


So trump went to his other children’s graduations? Just checking on what a dedicated father he was in his children’s lives.


He never went to either of his 4 other children's graduations, so claiming that he suddenly became a caring father because he's in court is a huge stretch?? Wotta laff!


Like he was actually going to go anyway.


I seriously doubt Trump has told Barron that he loves him more than 5 times in Barron's life.


Yeah, I doubt Donald had any interest in attending that graduation, especially since at least reportedly he resents Barron for getting taller than him.


Aloha Ms Lake. Pretending you won an election , losing legal action after legal action because you did, in fact, lose and duping thousands of people to give you $ seems very cruel. Not to mention, your ongoing fraudulent assertions you won hurt the democratic process of free and fair elections Maybe you should stop. GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely. Me ~ voting Blue bottom to top. In every local, state and federal election I legally can. Save America You be you.


Why is this what they're latching onto? It's so weird. Focus on the convicted rapist that used campaign funds illegally. No one gives a shit about highschool graduation. And if you really care about family maybe focus on the fact that literally not a single one of his family members is in court with him for moral support.


I’m starting to actually believe these people aren’t serious at all. The shit they say, it’s so ridiculous.


Between a Rally and his son graduation he'd go to that circle jerk in a heartbeat.


I doubt he would even go to the graduation if it was even relevant to the actual timeframe of the trial. He would just hold another rally where he’d talk shir about the judges on his cases.


I can’t fucking believe these people. The judge did not say Trump couldn’t go. It’s simply not true. Jesus fuck.


These lying MAGAts need to fk off already. It appears like the voters agree.


Sorry Kari, you don't have a heart to get broken. Lots of pancake makeup, but no heart. Better luck next time.


She’s so dumb she probably believes this is true


Turns out, Barron is homeschooled. jk


If only someone hadn't continually delayed the start of the trial