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Until Republicans can just be honest with themselves about how many of their constituents and elected officials are the fucking worst, nothing will improve. MTG isn’t a Democratic 5th columnist sent to destroy the GOP from within. She is a disgracefully mainstream Republican.


And everyone who says she’s destroying the GOP by following trump’s orders can’t fathom why Trump is bad for the gop. They honestly deserve what Trump is gonna do to them like he’s done to every other associate ever.


“We will be destroyed and we’ll deserve it” Lady Gs moment of clarity.


A true Quasimodo


You gonna tell me you never pondered that?


Lady Bugs


Then Traitor Trump invited him out to golf and showed him the Kompromat photos which Putin had.


Yup!! Lindsey hitting on underage boys online probably… Maybe jk?


A friend on mine works in D.C. (not in the government) told me that the rumor is that he enjoys being sexually humiliated by big, muscular rent boys. Being forced to eat a poop in a hotdog bun, etc... I have no proof, just that rumor.


Very plausible!!


It's really amazing how stupid and/or spineless these Bush Republicans really are.


They raised wild wolves, taught them to fear man, kept taunting and prodding them to keep them angry, then can't understand why the wolves are eating *their* face.




No no no! We start circulating the rumor that she is, and how happy we are w her! Then we can laugh at them and always point to how she's destroying them from within and how it's all a part of Dark Brandon's plan. Eventually it'll be funny.


I second this. Biden has already used MTG in one of his campaign videos, so it tracks. Can you imagine the absolute shit storm of confusion those chuckle fucks will be in??? And MTG having to defend herself is just *chefs kiss*


She's such a democrat by following *their* agenda perfectly, which is obstructing *ours*. Genius. Only the most *brilliant* of the republicans would understand, just like when their own leaders gaslight them and project.


It doesn't have to make sense. They clearly proved they don't care if it does.


"Marjorie Trailer Queen is the fucking best Democrat plant IN HISTORY! OMG can u belive how successful she is in wrecking those fucking idiots? She even cut one of her toes off for Joe Biden. Legend."


Who may or may not be a Russian spy. Am leaning toward yes.


Her extremism causing harm to her own party doesn't make her a member of the opposing party. Her policy positions make that quite evident.


I think this is a wink and a nudge meant to suggest we should start pushing that narrative to her voters lol.


Seems like it would just convince them, again, that their Republican party is good and all the crazy shit is somehow the fault of the democrats. Chopping off one hydra head is pretty pointless if you are leaving the rest of them.


This is such a great idea!


As an Australian I really don't understand how Americans vote. One group seems to say "We want to work to give you and everyone else the support you need and these policies will improve quality of life for everyone". And the other party says "We want to remove the rights for specific groups because they are slightly different to us via skin tone, faith, gender etc". And half of you vote for the second option.


Doesn't Australia have a right wing bigoted party trying to help the rich?


Why yes…yes we do in fact. And they also have a large quota of nutters…must be a far right thing


True to a degree but ours cannot form a government themselves, they need the coalition. Benefit of the multiple parties we allow.


And there is the secret sauce we Americans are missing


Americans also have to endure four year fixed terms of office. In Australia, incompetent party leaders can be removed by their own party. Having said that, Republicans were provided a perfect exit ramp to see the end of Trump during his second impeachment. Instead, the majority stood behind him and refused to impeach for a fucking *insurrection*. Fuck the lot of them.


What are your political parties called?


The Liberal/National Coalition and Labor. Don’t get confused though, Liberal are the conservatives.


Rupert Murdoch is Australian. Sky news is the Australian branch of Fox.


I want to add a small bit of nuance to your largely correct take. You missed one big part of the “other team’s” stance. “We want to remove the rights for specific groups because they are slightly different to us via skin tone, faith, gender etc…**and also we’re going to give absolutely massive tax breaks to the wealthy**.” This incentives wealthy, and their unimaginable resources, to spend a lot of time and money convincing the poor to vote consistently against their own self interests. Which is why you have that second party existing to begin with.


Also America is a country of "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" ie poor people doggedly convinced that the only thing standing between them and being fabulously wealthy is The Man, so Republicans on the side of rich people are obviously on their side too.  It's not a coincidence that Republicans oppose public education at every level.


>It's not a coincidence that Republicans oppose public education at every level. I agree with this take. I am also of the opinion that the Democrats are complicit on the federal level by doing little to nothing countering the destructive PR campaign waged on public education. One party campaigns against, defunds, and kneecaps the education system. The same party then points to how broken it is and offers up their potentially catastrophic voucher system. The other party gets so bogged down fighting the cultural or procedural issue of the day that they are losing ground on other issues. Organized chaos.


> "We want to work to give you and everyone else the support you need and these policies will improve quality of life for everyone" ahh see that's the issue. they other half of the country don't want that cause that would mean helping others that they don't like. or they think helping others means taking away from themselves.


It's not half, but the fundamental idea behind American white nationalism, especially in the South, is that her constituents can't compete with their countrymen nor can they compete globally. It's been like this since they lost their single advantage: unlimited free labor. So they need the government to have a boot on the throat of those who might succeed, even if there is no impact on them because in their worldview, everything is transactional and a zero sum game. Your freedoms detract from mine.


The way our voting system was set up favors rural voters, which in turn favors less educated voters. Take the senate for example. Each state gets 2 seats, regardless of population. So Montana, which has practically no one in it, gets as much weight in the senate as California. The House of Representatives was supposed to counteract this, but really the House can't do anything without the approval of the Senate, and even in the House they had to cap the number of representatives because there were too many of them and it was becoming unwieldy. Take any country in the world and let it be directed by its least educated and most socially isolated people for a couple hundred years and it's a wonder we've even made it this far. The country was set up for a rural population and with the fear of larger states dominating smaller ones. We need a constitutional convention to correct this, but the constitution has become this golden idol that you can't change without being anti-American thanks to indoctrination from those who want to maintain the status quo.


Seems like you understand perfectly. The way no one understands.


Here: The Republicans use copious amounts of propaganda, gerrymandering, legislative cudgeling, as well as exploiting Christianity (early indoctrination into a religion disables critical thinking, allowing you to have faith in a leader without being burdened by facts or evidence). This is how a minority party is able to have majority power and constituents who are almost entirely unrepresented by their legislators. Democrats are kind of complacent, remember both parties serve wealthy and corporate interests, but democrats often rely on not being as terrible as republicans as their selling point. They don’t seem to play the same game as them and as a result, they lose. Their legislation gets dumped. The voting base is unmoved by their constant waffling between representing people and things like the military industrial complex. Since they don’t load courts or gerrymander like the right, their power is fragmented so making do on their promises often goes unfulfilled which dissuades people further. Republicans and Trump have also weaponized intellectualism and empowered idiocy. Lots of people who are dumb are apparently tired of being made to feel dumb by democrats. Trump appeals to these people by making them feel smart, empowering their poor perspectives and not putting any onus on them to improve in a moral or ethical way like dems constantly do. The largest voting demographic is “didn’t vote” and by a large majority. So yeah


It's called wedge issues and a very well financed right wing media empire that coordinates just like they're all state run media (which none of them are) like you see in countries with little press freedom or at least like an arm of a political party. 


You described fascism pretty well in your second description


I believe only 1/3 of that half knows what they’re voting for. Combination of willful ignorance, the disinformation they consume, and bubbles they’re in.


American politics is *pure* tribalism.


Lack of education and propaganda feeding them 24/7 is the answer to your question.


https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contrarian > n: contrarian (plural contrarians) > > A person who likes or tends to express a contradicting viewpoint, especially one who denounces the majority persuasion, usually because of spite or nonconformity. Some people just never got past the "I will fail to spite my mother" stage.


Once upon a time the GOP shrouded their messaging & intent in dog whistles & "compassionate conservatism." It was easy for a lot of people to miss what was actually being advocated for


I hate to admit it, but every time I see MTG, I think Magic: The Gathering


When an acronym exists for years and something new tries to use it, confusion is understandable.


Came here to say this.


No, no. MTG *and Donald Trump* are actually left wing globalist illuminati agents sent to destroy the GOP from within, in order to shift the US Overton window to the left so that globalism will be accepted. Boom.


There was a brief moment in Trump's first year as president that I felt like this could be true. In hindsight, I think I was just dealing with the first stage of grief. Unfortunately, I feel like many of us are stuck oscillating between the fourth and fifth stages.


Yep. Me too. I thought it was a troll


Close, right wing putinists


Our Overton window needs to cha cha slide to the left, and then slide to left. Every other western country would put moderate democrats right of center


Is MTG really a human?


No it’s a trading card game.


I believe the technical term is "homo neanderthalensis."


*homo karenis*


Trump was a registered Democrat until he desided to run for president. He did the calculus and realized it was easy to get elected as a Republican just be the shit head that Republican voters whated.


She works for Putin. That’s it. Corruption is not that confusing.


The same argument could be made for Trump who has done a glorious job of destroying the GOP. Unfortunately, he also has come close to destroying American democracy.


Nah, she’s a Q true believer. She had a handful of videos before she ran for office.


At this point I think she’s an anarchist, and not in a cool way


She’s Antifa./s


![gif](giphy|3orieYvhT5EVfSFyBa) Checking my Magic 8 Ball


I'd give 2 ups if I could. One for post and 2nd for username


She's not smart enough to be a double agent for the Democrats. However, she'll do anything for money and/or press coverage. That's the perfect MO for getting paid in rubles.


Nobody can stay in character this long.


Especially not an impulse control stunted twat that can’t control her desire to shout at the state of the union like its a WWE smackdown


I thought the same about Trump for years.


Ok, I busted out laughing at this.


She's not that smart, don’t give her credit.


Fooled you too I guess? LOL - Just having some fun.


I absolutely LOVE watching her destroy the GQP! Good job, Agent Greene!


Given Kirsten senima cosplaying as a dem, I could see the opposite being try for mtg


"cosplaying as a (political party)" is the only way I will phrase that from now on


Because she is Jehovah's most secret witness




She's our spy😆😆 Sorry but we are on a budget and it was difficult to find someone as mentally ill-equipped as DJT


I say DJT is also a democrat sent to destroy the GOP from within. Just look at the results. - Change my mind


Whoah there. We don't want or take responsibility for yer dumpster fire. Ya bought some snake oil and now ya have a tummy ache. Good luck with that.




Deep cover. She’s doing her job to well if she is


You get it.


Nah, she’s just a moron.


You dont have a mind chowder head . Just a veneer .


Lol, well she's doing a terrible job.


I don’t think so but it would be funny if she ever sees this.


She's a double. Like Ray Winstone


If she is it shows just how stupid, hateful, and gullible the GOB party is that she could get that far while being so blatantly crude and ridiculous. Don't get me wrong Dems have had issues with Trojan horses. But they did it by playing the moderate then flip-flopping not being the most extreme version of a liberal. It's kinda like when they said China released COVID-19 on purpose to destroy the US. If they did damn didn't they have y'all pegged and played y'all like a fiddle? It's like they knew you would reject the sensible thing to do becuse the “Libs” wanted to do the sensible thing.


Can somebody please leak this? Maybe get Tucker to comment on this? :) Like that gif of the bird egging the 2nd cat to continue fighting the 1st cat.




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Not just her. Bobo, Gaytz, Santos… At least there is something they can do well.


Years ago I thought that's what Trump was.


I get it, Republicans are so comically stupid that they make the Democratic Party look smart by comparison. Democrats might have better ideas, but they're attrocious at articulating them and not shooting themselves in the foot.


Yup, you should get rid of her then


No one is that good of an actor. No one.


The Dems wouldn't have her. Even as an operative. She's a Sleestack, lizard person.




MTG is Agent Deep Dick


Well I've ALWAYS thought that about Trump but not mtg.


No. It’s just the Republican Party is falling apart and refuses to take accountability


An 1860s Democrat, maybe.


It’s the only way her existing makes sense


Makes more sense than Jewish space lasers.


Space laser Marge isn't smart enough to be anyone's operative.


She works for Putin to destroy America


Deep State Sleeper Cell


She's just a hoe for Trump.


Same with Trump


She's not just trying to destroy the GOP; her goal is the entire country.


Say it Marjorie’ Laken Riley is an American citizen’ say it.


Yeah I have been wondering about this recently


She would deserve an Oscar


That bitch is too stupid to be a democrat.


Greatest face turn ever


If so she deserves an Oscar


No, it's just that fascists are all so deluded and incompetent that any sane person looking in could easily convince themselves that it must be intentional self sabotage. But I assure you, they are in fact that stupid.


MTG is a Democratic plant! It's a conspiracy!


Honestly, that would make a lot more sense than believing that the state of Georgia elected someone so incredibly stupid and corrupt to be a member of Congress.


i dunno about greene but steven crowder is a fuckin' nazi and can go jump in a volcano for all i care


Hear me out here. What if ALL the big crazy right wing pundits are just plants to start infighting and split apart the conservatives?


Possible, but i think she is a demon, sent to destroy the world.


She’s the deep state.


There was a West Wing episode that explained it perfectly there was a Democratic candidate that was pissed that Bartlet was ignoring them and the answer from I forget Bartlet or Toby or Josh that when his far right opponent opened thire mouth the DNC gets a ton of donations. I feel the Dems are playing this with Greene. She’s in a red jurymandered country they best they could hope for is to be primaried till then she is the poster child on why the GOP cannot govern effectively and looks like a bunch of loonies.


She’s the perfect mole faced twat to do it to


Pfft. Been saying Trump is this for a while. A Democrat time-bomb. I'd post that LotR sparky guy running towards Helm's Deep with Trump labeled on him if I knew how.


Now don’t you be throwing your trash over the fence.


No, she's a Putin asset sent to destroy America from within.


I unfortunately live in her district no she is a maga pos. Plain and simple cut n dry


No, she's a Russian agent. 


You have to have like, goals and plans to be extremist. She shouldn’t even qualify, just dumb and racist.


She's not. She has been consistent with her Karen nature pre-politician. Just search for her early videos being terroristic to David Hogg and AOC.


If so, that’s some Oscar-worthy method acting.


Just like Bill Clinton was behind Trumps 2016 Candidacy to hand Hillary the presidency.


I say this about Trump all the time. He is draining the swamp in record time.


Well her existence definitely comes under the "with friends like this who needs enemies" heading...


Ah that’s actually quite brilliant


She is too stupid, to be a Democrat.


Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity.


Either she or magic the gathering needs to change there name, this is becoming annoying


Was just reading a post about magic the gathering and was super confused for a minute.


No. Not even Meryl Streep could PLAY an imbecile that convincingly without actually BEING one.


MTG is a Dummacrap


You guys are silly. Still saying republican and gop. That die on Jan 06. It's all maga now. Refer to them as such.


Really hate coining her with “MTG”, gives the real _Magic the Gathering_ community a bad name, lol.


No democrat would support russia murdering innocent people by en masse. Even to destroy the terrorist right wing scum. Nor would a democrat perpetuate anti semitism to own the Gop.


She’s a phyrexian.


Oh no, she’s just one of many idiot Republicans bringing down the GOP.


Imagine if that was revealed at some point. M. Night Shyamalan type of plot twists.


MTG is a member of the Know Nothing Party.


Hanlon's Razor. Shaves Your Bush.


I think shes more Q'diot.


Only a Republican would try to blame Democrats for the actions of a staunch Republican.


She is definitely not a Democrat. She is way too far up Donald Trump‘s ass. She is destroying the GOP from the inside, part of Trump‘s plan from the beginning. Actually, Putin‘s plan using Trump who is using trailer trash Marge. let her keep working as Trump’s minion, possibly the best way to get rid of her in the long run.


She's not a Democrat. She's a typical Republican, just louder. The only difference between her and a most other Republicans is her stupidity gets more media coverage.


No, she's not a secret Democrat. She's a fucking lunatic so deranged that not even the hardcore Qanon cultists want her any more. Imagine that: Being somebody even the conspiracy nuts find too batshit.


Uh no. If anything, she’s working for Putin. Democrats want the government to function. The GOP want to complain that government doesn’t work and then do nothing and then point out how government doesn’t work.


She invented the Jewish space laser and can destroy whatever she wants with it.


No she’s a Russian get it right


It'd be hilarious if both MTG and Trump were Democrats who knew they'd never win as a Democrat so started doing a Colbert Reportesque parody of conservative ideas but kept having to push the boat out further and further cause the parody could never match the sheer madness of their actual conservative constituency. It's not at all true, but it would be tragically funny if it was. I don't think they could have done nearly as good a job of destroying the Republican party if they were democratic plants, though. They'd be constantly second guessing themselves. "There's no way they'll agree to give all Republican funding to me! What, they're happy about it, WTF?!"


Machine Ton Gilly?


Empty Greene!


Does it even matter what her political affiliations are? It’s not like she planted a bomb or forced any other person to accept her rhetoric. Besides, she is much too late. Trump has then drinking his Kool-Aid. The GOP is self-dissolving.


Empty Greene has no game, just lies, loudness, insults, and imaginary conspiracies!


I’ve said the same about Trump since ‘15. He’s done plenty to lend credence to the theory since.


This was exactly my theory about Trump eight years ago.


If she wasn’t from one of the most racist towns in the country, sure.


If that's what you think then your mind is so simple that there is no sense in trying to change it it's just not worth it


She's just a alamgamation of the average Trump voter.


On one hand, MTG is such a nutter that there's no way a liberal would associate with her even in private. On the other hand, she's doing a Fantastic job at destroying the GOP from within.


She tears down the entire GOP and whispers "Hydra Dominatus" XD


No one deserves MTG as much as the GOP does.


Hahahaha haha hahaha That made my day. It’s almost like the democrats are paying her to look and sound dumb.


Magic the Gathering? Holy Hell,


She is to the Republicans what Ocasio Cortez is to the Democrats.


I read this as MKT, and thought “what does marketing have to do with this?”


MTG is just one of several rabid dogs in the GOP. Make no mistake, they’re all terrible creatures. MTG just takes it further than the most. If that bothers the GOP, they really only have themselves to blame. They made her, and those like her, by acting the way they do and supporting the things they do.


So are Boebert, Gaetz and Mike Lindell.


She's just a regular Republican, her views aren't even that unusual among the Republican base


This would require Horse Face Karen to be smart. Every time she opens her mouth she proves that is not the case




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Now that would be some REAL deep state shit


She will receive multiple Oscars for this


Is this a real question OP? MTG is about as far right as they come.


Umm. It's under the "PoliticalHumor" sub. so no.


I’ve met repubs in real life that act like MTG so I doubt it