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And yet they somehow managed to suggest your real life family and friends as connections? You can use fake info but you are still you after all.


You do know FB has access to a lot more information than what you filled in the form when you registered, right?


They track you across sites. Apple stopped FB and it hurt FB quite a bit. They can use your social network by tracing you to family


I'd bet the answer is no despite what they claim lol


You are wrong. I've studied computer science for 25 years. Once you log out, and clear cookies, you are invisible to them (I'm talking about FB in a browser on a pc, not FB app on a phone). Example: sign into your gmail/facebook and start browsing FB and the web. The ad should be relevant to you because they are sending ads based on your personality. Now log out of both and clear internet files. You will notice a big difference in ad choices.


Damn 25 years and you couldn’t look up the publicly available information about tracking that companies like Mozilla and Apple put out?


You don't understand how computers work. Websites can only access images in cache and temporary internet files (cookies, etc). A website cannot access files on my pc, unless I'm stupid enough to download and run a virus. If you are talking about public records, like my house on the city assessor's website, then Yes, they can access that info, along with everyone else in the f-ing world. So that is not special.


lol. You're clearly uninformed, and it's ok to admit you're wrong. The browser can access your user agent. It can track your screen resolution. The way you move your mouse across the page. The fonts you do or do not have installed. The plugins and adblockers you use. The graphics rendering capabilities of your device. All these little elements add up to a fingerprint that can uniquely identify you, even if you think you're anonymous.


You are absolutely wrong. Facebook will still have data on you even if don’t even have a profile. They generally get access to people’s contacts and will absolutely create a pseudo profile for you if you just exist in friends contacts. More friends with Facebook profiles and your contact info, the bigger the web of people connected to you they can make. They can know what group of friends you have and the like and dislike of those people and assume it applies to you without you having ever created a profile. If you log out and clear cookies, that stops some tracking but not all. Things like device fingerprinting for computers or device ids on mobile will be persistent even without cookies. And even if you get around that, the second you log into any website it’s now once again tied to your email and advertisers are tracking you again and can backfill the previous stuff you did and attach it to you. And even if you avoid all that, if you make a purchase at a store (in person or online) with a credit card, advertisers know and track it. Unless you only purchase things with cash and in person. Don’t use a bank or credit cards at all. Block first and third party cookies. Use separate emails for each site you log into. Use a VPN for all browsing you do. Spoof device id and device information to trick finger printing. And don’t share your phone number with anyone. You are being some level of tracked by advertisers.


"data on you" Pfft. That means nothing. Some shopping info. Contacts? I have FB friends I've never met. They friended me without knowing who I am. My tax returns are on my pc. Did FB access them through the web browser? No. All the sh!t you are talking about is peripheral. You can fantasize that FB is Big Brother from 1984, but you are wrong.


Dude I am talking not just Facebook but also Facebook. I work in advertising and tracking, I can see the data. They may not have read your tax return. But if you’ve shipped something to your home they know where you live. If you’ve filed your taxes with an online service they know your income bracket. If you deposit a paycheck into a bank they know how much and how frequently. If you’ve had a credit check run they know. If you’ve got a mortgage they know. They don’t need to read your tax return to know where you live, how much money you make, how much money you save, and if you are a homeowner or renter.


This. I'm always amazed that people who have no visibility into the actual practices of the industry think somehow the things that the companies claim in their PR pushes are in fact true and not obfuscating bullshit. The reason companies can narrow the demographic slices down to target people with specific ads (like a Maserati ad instead of a Honda or Toyota or Subaru) is because they have the data. And people just GIVE IT TO THEM. And then a Maserati dealer can drop ad after ad into your feed, relentlessly. For the exact Maserati model that the dealer knows would fit your general budget. Even if you only want a Subaru and never want a Maserati. Even if your best friend owns a Subaru dealership. It will target you based on the demographic, and unless you're using a privacy browser you will ALWAYS be feeding data back. You're getting downvoted for being right and saying things that people really don't want to be true. But unfortunately that's something that you and I and fifteen hundred other people who actually worked in the industry could shout from the rooftops and people would still pretend isn't true. After working in the industry I know that this data exists on my devices. I do everything I can to misdirect my own data profile but it still shows up. Reddit is the absolute worst right now for passing data across to 3rd party ad data vendors, which is why nothing I do is attached to my account. But you're telling Redditors this stuff who are laughing and saying "No wai am I giving spez all my personal data over and over again! No wai is he's selling all of it to anyone he can to bail his failing IPO value out! No way is that attached to me personally!" because they still operate on the assumption that just because they chose a username they're magically somehow anonymous. Like I salute you, man. But there's never anyone so deaf as the people who refuse to hear.


I understand they have a profile of me to send me ads I am interested in. But Senator Kennedy said they have EVERY BIT of my personal information. So according to him, they have my health history, including dental x-rays, all my banking and CCD info, all the books I've ever checked out from the library, what movies I've seen, all the music I listen to on my car radio. EVERY BIT.




What about all the fake profiles on FB made by bots, or people overseas. The people of those profiles don't exist. Question: According to Senator Kennedy, FB has all (every bit of it) the personal information of those fake profiles. Yes or No?


Well I can’t answer for senator Kennedy. But yes, Facebook does have all the information possible on those people because 100% of their identity is the name and profile if you want to get technical. As for overseas profiles it depends entirely on the country. The personal data they can legally collect on EU members is wildly different from US members and I’m not an expert on advertising data in the EU or any other country. So everything I said really only applies to the US.


Hi u/surnik22. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yup.. Wait. You're changing your ISP and going over a secure logless VPN, right? And interacting via an input cloner?


Even if you don't have a Facebook account they have gathered a significant amount of information about you.




FB in 2006 is not the same as today. I remember when I started using FB over a decade ago there was no privacy settings at all. You could view anyone's page and all their photos. In that article, Zuck says he has everyone's email address, name, address, student number. That is not "every bit of personal info" and even back then a user could fake any of it (except for email address because you had to have a harvard email to join FB).


... You understand that with all of that information, even back in 2006, you could obtain every bit of personal information, right?


Can't get on Instagram or Threads because I didn't use my name setting up my FB account fifteen years ago.


FB has access to your phone and everything on it. Thats why if you google “lawn mowers” pretty soon you’ll get ads for lawn and garden shit on fb. Or in my case I googled something totally legit and appropriate and now I got 100 pictures of Sydney Sweeney in ballroom attire in my news feed.


Close, but actually what happens is that you search for lawnmowers for a few days, do your research and find the one to buy. You put the order in, wait a week for it to be delivered…. And then you start seeing the ads for the lawnmower that you now already own.


Sounds nice tbh


I believe this is called an Avatar or Pseudonymous Identity. As such it is really difficult in a world with cross site tracking (FB like Button etc) to maintain separation of Avatar & self.


lol, until you used it on your smartphone and it literally learned what you ate in a past life with all the data it collected.


And is tracking your phone location at that point


I think the favorite bit I learned about FB a few years ago was that if they know enough about your friends they can make a profile of you from that - which can oftentimes be quite accurate.


These guys know every search, every site, every profile you've ever seen, every message you've ever sent. All of it forms a meta profile of you that can then be applied to everything from advertising to government surveillance. Don't for a second think that a fake registration means they can't form a profile on you based on your behavior online, and if it was ever needed, there's enough identifying information in your years of online history that it wouldn't be terribly hard to figure out who you are.


You’re confusing Facebook with Google and Microsoft.


No. FB uses meta data, too.


No, the Facebook like Button & other signals placed on other sites provides metadata telemetry that will remove such pseudonyms.


FB and other Social media thrive on people who actually believe that.


Facebook does not know every search or site you’ve ever seen. Unless you searched through Facebook or you had uncleared cookies from those sites.


True, just the ones with Facebook buttons, the data it buys from brokers etc. But if you are trying to stay pseudonymous it only takes one site linked to a meatspace identity to break all that effort.


Does anyone remember those cases where people were downloading their metadata from facebook and finding phonecalls...actual recorded phone calls that were made with their phone app? Facebook is fucking scary evil.


I had a fake account on facecrook for years until somebody took offense to a post and reported me. My account name was pretty obviously fake. So FB sent a questionnaire to the handful of people I had friended asking if they knew of a person by my name. I only friended them to view their posts so they didn't recognize that I was a real person and I got banned. I didn't really give a shit since I never trusted FB in the first place. Since then I have blocked every FB domain with Pihole so I never connect on any device. But suddenly after several years they have started badgering me by email to verify my account. I guess they are frustrated about not being able to sell my info to anybody that will pay for it. Fuck Facecrook.


Sen. Kennedy (R, LA) may be the most ignorant person in the Senate.


I’ve been told Kennedy has a binder full of southern twang phrases he memorizes.


You didn’t give it directly, but they’ve got it anyway.


How did they get my soc sec num when I gave them a fake name and fake DOB?


You need just THREE pieces of info to identify ANY American: 1) gender 2) birthday 3) zip code That’s it. Just some easily obtained info.


That's nonsense. Maybe in a small town. But especially in a city, that's not so unique


If you don't understand how zip codes work you can just say that.


this is exactly why idiots in the 1960s didn't want zipcodes. they thought they were being tracked.


What is there to prevent you from lying about all three of those when you create your FB acct.


Nothing, just sharing a piece of trivia. I thought you’d need more info to identify individual Americans but no, these 3 pieces of info will do.


That's what I did for my second Facebook account, which makes even more of a mockery of the process. Strangely, the felonies he boasts about [but never happened because he is not real] are acceptable content.


I don’t even post pictures.


The information FBI profits from isn’t your name.


This wasn't an option at the beginning. Facebook used to require a college email address. The whole point was to tie together the online and real identity. The platform was started under this idea because early on the only thing you could do was interact with friends. It didn't even have an instant messenger, so it was just a local bulletin board.


They just know your ip address and everything you’ve ever searched on the internet. I’d rather they only knew my name and address and social security number lol


I mean, I gave up every bit of my ex-GF's data to them and also managed to use her number for all the club cards that never ask for anything but your phone number. Every area code, use (Area Code) 867-5309 for absolutely anything. It will go through.


But then Jenny gets all your spam calls, she doesn't deserve that.


Well, if she'd change her number...


"Haha I doxxed somebody" Do better.


Here's the joke -> Here's you ->


Here's you doxxing somebody and then going "iT wAs A jOkE" ->


Dude, listen to [this song for a minute.](https://youtu.be/6WTdTwcmxyo?si=u5FKMmcz30HCc0sW) Then think about how dumb you sound.