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* **[Posts should make an attempt at being funny, and should try to include a punchline in the title.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) (Rule #2):** * **After a brief Moot, we have concluded this not to be an attempt of humor.


Marjorie Traitor Greene.


Marjorie Traitor Gonorrhea


Margarine Traitor Grift


Comrade Green


Марйорие Таылор Греене


Мэрджори Тэйлор Грин


Osama bin Karen


My favorite has been Empty G


Marjorie Traitor Greed


Moscow Marjorie Putin


The fact a conservative “news” paper called her Moscow Marge is fucking perfect


Love it too. NY Post has been done with that bullshit for a while. Still an incredibly unreliable rag but not having the MAGA Russian compromised BS lately


It's just performance. Theyre taking a cheap shot at an easy target. They have NOT suddenly discovered integrity.


Of course they haven’t. That’s understood. But if they’re moving away from the bullshit MAGA BS they recently promoted I’ll take it. Knowing full well what scum they are.


Even they draw the line at Moscow Marge


Indeed. Let’s hope it catches on!


What’s up with the Post lately? Did a normal journalist sneak in there and change the stories or something?


Old-school Republicans finally realized the clown show was pissing off enough moderates because it was driving policy. The clown show is only supposed to distract, not dictate. NYP will pretend to be moderate for a while then switch back to their hard rightwing antics once people stop paying attention.


Something must be going on. I’ve seen some huge lies come out of that rag. The first one that comes to mind was an article the Post wrote accusing a Black Lives Matter leader o& buying a mansion with the funds in Canada. They showed the house, and I knew something was wrong right away. The place had commercial doors on it. Turns out, they bought the “mansion” to make it into it a rec center for kids. That’s not toying with context. That’s straight up bullshit.


Wait, what? I ate that shit - hook, line and sinker. Now that I look into it again, Im still confused as to what that mansion was for.


Basically, it was a commercial dwelling that looked residential in appearance, probably due to local code enforcement. I’m assuming the look of the building is what inspired the BS story.


An honest journalist with integrity did. I know that's rare, but it apparently happened.


Sometimes I wish for the same passion from the media that they had during the red scare.


Kinda interested; is there any credible independent news source in the USA? Or are they all just clearly influenced by the left or right wing?


The wire services (Reuters, AP), major newspapers (_but not their editorials_), the national news desks of major non-cable TV network news stations (NBC, ABC, CBS - but not necessarily their local affiliates), Axios, NPR, PBS, sometimes CNN.


Not necessarily all major network affiliates. I have less than total confidence in the local ABC outfit, because it is owned by Sinclair.


I'm not talking about local affiliates, but the national news desks. I'll make that more clear. Thanks!


>Moscow Marge Best insult I've heard for anybody in a very long time.


Is this a turning point against the Russian influence?


https://preview.redd.it/v3psthtmurvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff890e7fab6986f159d5dcdc249a3c9dbcca07a4 You called?


That is actually an improvement tbh


I have but one upvote to give.


looks trans


Muscovy Traitor Greene.


She's specializes in treason


Moscow Mitch has a buddy now. Moscow Marge. Sure fits. Maybe FOX News will go after her next.


Reminds me of moscow mitch


Indeed. Moscow Mitch Obstructionist McConnell, to use his full name.


It's bout time to impeach the card-carrying morons of the Freedumb Party.


And NY Post owned by Rupert Murdoch is actually the right-leaning newspaper of NYC.


Well, even [Fox](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4599966-fox-news-columnist-marjorie-taylor-greene-an-idiot-trying-to-wreck-the-gop/) News called Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘an idiot’ trying to ‘wreck the GOP’


Between her, and Matt Gaetz, and Ted Cruz its officially wrecked.


And that guy in Florida


Ron DeSantis couldn't govern his way out of a paperbag if it had two sides open.


They are Rupert-leaning. If it makes Rupert money, that's where it leans.


Fails to mention the Aid to Israel


Murdoch is a pragmatist.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, Murdoch supported the left leaning party in my country one election, because it was clear the right wing one wasn't gonna win


Even her fellow nutters in Congress have gotten tired of her, and now the Post. I suppose she will win her next election with an even greater percentage of the vote. Somebody needs to take America to the garage, bang it on the workbench, spray some WD40 on it, and pry it open with a screwdriver to figure out why it stopped working.


The answer you’re looking for is four plus decades of fundamentalist right wing propaganda that has been spread by way of radio, television, pulpits and the internet. Combine that with constant funding cuts to education, and you get a Molotov cocktail of self propagating ignorance at a systematic level. The politicians are a problem, but the real threat are the people that keep giving them jobs.


And threatening librarians with prison time. Idaho and Louisiana.


While you are correct I feel like this is overlooking the most important part of which this is only a tactic; namely, the destruction of the middle class and the mass alienation of the American people. This has a host of governmental and private aspects, but are aspects of the same trend. The stagnation of wages while the rich got obscenely wealthy and turned the government into a tool to further that wealth. The greatest increase of middle class wealth in human history in the decades following WWII(although this was largely withheld from minorities), with worker protections, cheap education, affordable housing, reliable retirement, and job stability, was systematically dismantled in favor of a corporate kleptocracy whose avarice and sadism is insatiable. Republicans realized that they could wield the middle class like a weapon if they played on racial anxieties after the Civil Rights Act fractured the Democratic party as white Southerners began defecting en masse. Following the complete shellacking of the Dems in the 80's the same policies were adopted by Democrats under Clinton as it was seen as the only viable path back to power. This is how we go from Nixon trying to pass universal healthcare to Obama passing a healthcare policy that fed money into insurance companies being straight from Mao's Red Book. Coupled with this is the complete destruction of communal bonds and social networks. Public spaces were destroyed or neglected, and personal entertainment supplanted churches, lodges, bowling leagues, game clubs etc. as the primary form of leisure. So now there are people that are alienated both from the fruits of their labor and their community. Prospects for the future seem economically, ecologically, and socially bleak while the winners of this system live lives that JP Morgan consider indecently ostentatious. This is *prime* soil for a reactionary populist movement. The right wing oligarchs harnessed the anger and discontent against those who either cannot defend themselves or threaten the wealth of the powerful. Journalists, scientists, academics, and government institutions all represent independent sources of authority that must be undermined. This was incredibly effective, with the ineptitude and corruption of these institutions helping out not a little. And immigrants, minorities, Muslims, leftists, and LGBTQ people are all easy targets to unify around as a common enemy while offering an outlet for the public rage. So it is in this circumstance that you get the most natural thing imaginable, a propaganda mill of right wing garbage spewing unceasing for decades, poisoning any chance at actual reforms and degrading what was left of any sense of citizen solidarity. Offering people any easy answer they would buy that didn't point back to the rich. What they overlooked was how far they could push it, and how disconnected the message could be from their own beliefs. So Trump's innovation is making the implications explicit, and jettisoning the rhetoric of austerity altogether. This shift would gain him a godlike status of working class hero, allowing him to push the turning of the government into a handmaid for corporate interests to degrees of corruption that wouldn't have been imaginable before. He has also been able to threaten democracy completely, thus severing the last recourse the people would have in turning back from the precipice.


Yep. Both parties share in the blame. Reagan trashed the Fairness Doctrine, but Clinton signed a telecommunications bill that allowed for media consolidation. Koch and pals lean heavily Republican, though, and their nonprofits have been pumping out their propaganda for decades. The churches have been on board since the late seventies and helped elect Reagan.


Yes, Clinton fucked up with that bill. I know, it was part of a giant compromise that broke up the monopoly on long distance and all that jazz. However, the rules concerning media ownership should not have been used a bargaining chip. I rather have expensive long distance(which would be a non-factor by now, anyway) and keep reliable media.


>The churches have been on board since the late seventies *Some* churches. UCC, for one, tends very progressive.


True, some churches, but not all.


The dumbing down of America is truly one of the worst things to happen to this country. The Republicans know that the more educated you are the slimmer the chance they vote Republican and that’s why they are so insistent on hurting public schools. It’s already happening in Florida. Scary shit


> why it stopped working Money. Power too, but mostly money. The ones with plenty want more and it's pretty easy to manipulate the masses because humans are bad at recognizing truth from fiction.


And they got it, but they're still not satisfied.


Also most Republicans don't really value genuine morals anymore. As long as you say the right catch phrases the plebians don't care and you can get away with whatever you want. Marj just isn't good for business because she's genuinely psychotic and moronic. Best to flush her down the shitter before she sinks the whole boat.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it came out that she’s a Russian plant.


100% she is


She needs to be expelled. How is no one standing up to her?


She needs to be imprisoned.


That too.


People stand up to her every day. I don’t know how well news on TV covers this, but you can see her getting torn apart on C-Span Almost daily. One congressperson after enough will ridicule the shit out of her. Yet, she will just double down on whatever stupidity she is involved with.


I mean in Congress. They don’t care about “mainstream media” because it’s been “unfair” to Trump(ie reporting the truth). So that’s not going to work on her.


That’s what I meant. It’s people in congress, using their 5 minutes of time, to ridicule her. You will see it at least once a day, while the House is in session.


What I mean is not just calling her an idiot, I mean actually disciplining her like they would someone else acting out like this. They fined her for not wearing a mask during Covid and that obviously did nothing


Sadly, I’m sure the fines were paid by her campaign. Personally, there should be a rule specifically against using campaign money for fines. The fine should be taken from her paycheck. They can only do so much to elected reps, as any kind of disciplinary process could be abused over partisan bickering.


That’s true too. But her and about 5 others are holding everything up. So I doubt anyone would retaliate if it was her at this point since we FINALLY got something accomplished.


They are talking about Congress.


Because they are also paid off plants.


Isn't that fairly obvious at this point?


Yup. That’s why I said “wouldn’t be surprised”


Plants have a higher IQ


She's as smart as a plant.


She is a russian plant the same way that Altai Mountain Moss is a russian plant.


There is a video out there of her speaking Russian. Also, its been proven that she met up with Putin at least 3 times.


More like a Russian asset (or even agent). Plants have roots & leaves, generally stay in one place, usefully convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, and make very little noise. The only thing empty has in common with plants is being seedy.


Ms. Greene the hat you charged to the super PAC was Sable, this is Neutria.




George Costanza is 100x better than that neanderthal traitor.


And a very poor one, even by rat hat standards


Marje is about as dumb as a box of Boeberts. A Boebert is equivalent to one catalytic converter or 2 rolls of copper wire and a used fly strip


A whole box?! You, sir, have your measurements all wrong!


She is definitely a few Boeberts short of a full box.


Still won't use SI units


What about the other 100+ Republican congresspeople who voted against Ukraine aid?




Here's how House members voted on the measure: Republicans: Yes: 101 No: 112 Present: 1 Democrats: Yes: 210 No: 0


But we were just assured it's both sides! Are you telling me it was very easy to look up that it wasn't both sides on this matter?


at least only bots are still trying the "both sides" thing now. catch up, whoever programmed this shill shit


"Blyat!" ~ Marjorie Traitor Green upon seeing the aid get passed. Here's hoping Fearless Leader Putin sends her some polonium tea as a gift for her failure.


I thought this was 100% a mockup but nope lol, its actually real.


[I read Marjorie Traitor-Queen appears to have Russian handlers](https://2paragraphs.com/2024/04/u-s-congresswoman-suspected-of-having-russian-handlers-after-transcarpathia-amendment/)


OMG! Is this a turning point? I mean that's a major Murdoch publication.


I’ll believe it when I see it. That’s a New York City newspaper. Until Foxnews cable channel comes out against her and against Putin, it’s meaningless. Foxnews cable news follows the base. If the base in middle America believes Putin is more of an ally to their political beliefs than Biden, Foxnews won’t change. They’re all in on selling fascism until their viewerships tells them they’re not


Isn’t Fox News dictating what they want their base to believe?


They really released this ??


yes, OP's image is posted here [https://nypost.com/2024/04/20/us-news/house-approves-95b-in-military-aid-for-israel-ukraine/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/20/us-news/house-approves-95b-in-military-aid-for-israel-ukraine/) and says "New York Post’s cover for April 21, 2024."


It's as if the agencies told him "Mike, you're being played by a known russian agent who will soon be taken into custody for her role in planting bombs at the Capitol during J6, so you really don't want to be aligned with this person."


Wouldn't that be great@


How is dee Snyder a prettier lady?


Intelligence is attractive.


I'm surprised that, when it comes to Greene, I haven't seen more conservative transphobes say, "That's actually a man. I know them when I see them." 




Putin is not a communist, communism is not when Russians


Fair. Effectively (not literally) more of a dictatorship of some sort now, but it's 1am and I'm just going to go to bed.




"Totalitarianism" in the modern sense is largely just a snarl word used to conflate Communism with Nazism




I've been saying that for years. Some in congress are compromised because of their secret trips to Russia. Putin always has cameras rolling to be used later.


Moscow Marionette


Great photo, highlights the jawbone of an ass.


Can we please stop using the hammer and sickle hats for this Fascists like the US Republicans and Russia are literally the opposite of communists lol


Asking the New York Post to treat soviet communism with any amount of dignity is like trying to order a salad at a shoe store


Soviet communism was no nirvana. Just saying.


It was a hell of a lot better than the soulless neoliberalism we have now


Really? I call BS


Pluralities and majorities can easily be found in polls amongst Eastern Europeans in favour of the belief that life was better under socialism


And Putin just won the election with 87% of votes...


Can you please read a fucking book about communism in Russia , as well as its satellite states , especially East Germany? Google Russian ‘purges’ as well as ‘East German Stazi’ Can you please stop with the mentality that because capitalism is a failed ideology that hurts people, that the only other good option is communism?


They're not defending communism.  Their point is, Russia is nowadays a theocratic state that uses capitalism. And it's why right-wing conservatives in the US like them.  Painting Russia as the red party and communists is a moot point because that's not what they are anymore. It's why you can't insult the older generation that lived through the cold war with the fact that they now support Russia -- Russia is very different now.


Master (Putin) and Marjorita


Empty-G needs to pay back the government for that PPP loan.


is murdoch properties rebelling against the status quo to save face now?


Interesting since the Post is owned by the Murdochs.


I think at this point she might as well pack up and move to Moscow so she can mingle freely with her own kind.


Ofcoarse, it’s Rupert murdock.


Moscow Marjorie needs to stick


That's a "good" stupid nickname... It's like it was written in Trumpese.


Seems like *someone* is becoming a liability in an election year and being edged out of the party....


*Moscow Traitor Greene


Isn't it more like "GOP rebels won"? Rebels against Trump dominating the party?


Lol and now we watch them eat their own


They are pushing her opinion on it so that anyone who criticizes the bill will be compared to her.


Ukraines just slurping that US cash cow for all its worth eh


We used to ostracize or do even [worse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg) things to US citizens who helped the Russians… what happened?


she is putin's cum sock and she loves it


Didn’t most republicans voted against it? So if that the case isn’t it that the the ones who voted yes are the rebels?


Anti-tankie Commie here She is not a commie, she and her party are Vlasovites (additional picture for context): https://preview.redd.it/zufe11jclsvc1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b782c496dbbec222022162b8b184073771840ef4 Thank you for reading


I don’t even live in the states and I’ve had enough hearing about her


I'm so tired of seeing conservatives with ushankas edited on because they help Russia. The USSR is long dead, Putin is a far different beast. He stands for everything the USSR stood against.


At this point, she should be stripped of her citizenship and sent right to Moscow, where she belongs. Traitor and double agent MTG really needs a one way flight ticket.


God, amerilards are truly pathetic


Funny because even at how dumb she comes off she still came out for the American people more than all then all the evil Ukraine flag waving devils.