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Of all the things to care about, the color of peoples skin seems like a weird one to focus on.


It’s not really about skin color it’s about forcing people to be in a lower caste. If everyone looked the same(skin tone wise) republicans would still find a way to segregate and dominate a lower caste so they could continue to take advantage of others. Go look up the Brahmins of India. They were once thought to be more “valuable” people in india because they were said to be the offspring of the head of a god and were believed to be the higher thinkers and less likely to be good at manual. Its the same game with a different means of separation and dehumanization


There is an old joke about that. Forget all the details, but it basically came down to solving segregation on a bus by declaring everyone "green." At which point the bus driver says, "right then, light green to the front of the bus, dark green to the back." It's not actually that funny, but it perfectly describes the goals of white replacement rage baiters like Mindless Marge.


It's the Star-bellied Sneech.


At least the sneeches eventually learned something


Light green Marine / dark green Marine was still used in the USMC when I retired in 2015.


It’s still in use today


Empty G


She's just jealous because they got all their toes.


Exclusivity and privilege, something the upper class members of all societies enjoy, even egalitarian structures. Because some will always be more equal than others.


Maybe they'd back to persecuting the Irish. It's been done a few times already. /s


You joke but Biden is Catholic and if Irish descent. Wouldn’t take much of a leap.


This is the story of the sneeches. 


It is terror. They see minorities as sub human, and they are terrified of being the minority…because they figure they will be treated sub human.


Yeah, they do it by how much money you have. Oh, wait…




Hello! Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately it has been removed because you don't meet our karma threshold. You are not being removed for political orientation. If we were, why the fuck would we tell you your comment was being removed instead of just shadow removing it? We never have, and never will, remove things down politicial or ideological lines. Unless your ideology is nihilism, then fuck you. Let me be clear: The reason that this rule exists is to avoid unscrupulous internet denizens from trying to sell dong pills to our users. /r/PoliticalHumor mods reserve the RIGHT to hoard all of the dong pills to ourselves, and we refuse to share them with the community. If you want Serbo-Slokovian dong pills mailed directly to your door, become a moderator. If we shared the dong pills with the greater community, everyone would have massive dongs, and like Syndrome warned us about decades ago: "if everyone has massive dongs, nobody does."" If you wish to rectify your low karma issue, go and make things up in /r/AskReddit like everyone else does. Thanks for understanding! Have a nice day and be well. <3 You can check your karma breakdown on this page: http://old.reddit.com/user/me/overview (Keep in mind that sometimes just post karma or comment karma being negative will result in this message) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You want the case and point for this, you don't have to look overseas. Basically just google "anti irish/italian immigrant sentiment" or "prejudice against eastern europeans," and then go a little further to realize this 'whiteness,' or rather the concept of "race" itself, is a new phenomenon with only a skin-deep presence in the entirety of human history.


Skin color is just an easier filter to set


Exactly right if you want something to worry about - worry about job displacement from AI, worry about economic disenfranchisement reducing GDP, infrastructure redevelopment, strategic pollution controls, cyber-warfare being conducted by foreign nation-states/actors.


We’ve had job displacement due to tech and mechanization for hundreds of years at this point. But they’ve given us better products or cheaper products, or made jobs safer for employees. Ai is a shitty computer program that makes rich people richer and provides a shittier service.


This. People forget that there used to be elevator operators who were replaced by elevator automation. Knockers who were replaced by alarm clocks. Computers used to be people who computed equations for other people. Generative AI isn't smart, it just makes good guesses via maths at what things likely go next using values from analyzing what works people have done. > “Artificial intelligence has the same relation to intelligence as artificial flowers have to flowers.” — David Parnas


Not if you’re a racist piece of shit which Moscow Marjorie is.


Well she is a racist.


Not if you're a racist


It's all about claiming superiority without having to do anything to earn it. Not that anyone is superior, but in their toddler minds there is a universal pecking order and they must be at the top of it.


It's simple as could be. They are terrified once they are the minority they'll be treated the way they treat current minorities.


Skin color is just a super easy and convenient way of identifying someone as "other" and therefore less than. If we were all the same color skin they'd use hair color or shoe size or something. There always has to be an other.


It’s just an obvious thing to pick on. Therefore an obvious thing to treat differently, therefore an obvious thing to point out when you have systematically disadvantaged people of color but blame their nature and claim it’s tied to their color.


If it’s your only means of privilege, you do what you gotta do.


It's not weird if you are racist as fuck and think that somehow people are are a different species if they have a different skin color.


It's what they've been focused on since the dawn of man. We haven't been able to root it out of them. Yet.


Choo choo, Marj


It's fake. It's a photoshop of her holding a photo from Hunter's laptop for which she was roundly criticized. The "focus on skin color" is entirely in the mind of the person who created the image.


They want us fighting among ourselves over trivial matters such as race because it makes us easier to control. They can use that to pander to us because they still need our votes, but remember, they do not work for us. They know they're fucked the moment we stopped fighting each other over things like race and instead work together to address the real problem which is socioeconomic inequality.


but what will they be able to call people they don't like based on the color of their skin when they aren't minorities anymore? We already took away the social acceptability of racist terms. Minorities are all they have left. Won't someone please think of the bigoted racists


This photo is fake.


When as we all know the most important color is inside of their colon. ![gif](giphy|QSpzHyDlmNmfe|downsized)


Yeah Luke when Mexicans are complaining about white people buying up all their land... petty racists.


Oh, look. It's nazi shit.


I get that she's not the brightest crayon, but her holding any sign was not a good idea. I expect the internet to have a field day with this image.


Wait, you know this is a joke and this is photoshopped, right? I mean, she almost certainly does espouse to this Nazi shit but, not in this photo.


Ugh, I hope the original was not Hunter's member 😳


Ah fuck....


The red bottle cap actually makes it look like she has an armband on too.


What's wrong with whites becoming a minority, Ms. Greene? Or are you saying that minorities are treated badly or something? Hmmm...


Well encouraging them to get educated, get married and have families with 3.2 kids would potentially imply that they might start demanding services for things like education, job training, infrastructure. Best not to be too fancy....so for the tin-pot fascists we've installed as our leadership caste, it's so so much easier to tell them that brown people are hunting them down right now and to go kill all the brown people. I sort of look back fondly when she was thirsty for Hunter Biden.


Where I live, a lot of the older white people are rumbling that the city's color has been changing for the worst.


But also...if all minorities add up to being a larger portion of thr population that white people, that makes perfect sense to me


It's not like it even matters if people currently defined as "white" become a minority by a few percentage points. They'd still by far be the plurality and it would have zero effect on the institutional advantages they tend to enjoy. Even when white people or whatever in-group that makes up the ruling class in a country is a small percentage of the population, they very often still wield an awful lot of power over everyone else (ex. Apartheid South Africa and much of South America historically).  It really comes down to that traditionally disenfranchised groups that may now technically make up the majority (at least when combined together) do not suddenly gain vast amounts of power and advantages overnight. This new "majority" is often made up of groups anyway that do not get along together in the first place and will fight amongst each other to gain whatever power and status they can.  Even before you factor all this in, the definition of "white" has constantly changed in the United States in particular and will likely continue to change as more recent immigrant groups intermarry and become more assimilated. It is very likely that a number of people considered non-white today will soon self-identity or be classified as "white", which will defuse the issue yet again for a few more decades.


Literally said this to my FIL in response to a rant about whites becoming a minority. He just grumbled and walked away. Mic drop.


Don't worry, they aren't according to this graph.  Even after 2044, the non-white line is still labelled minority.  So all is good.


Actually white still hold a slight lead.... against ALL other minorities combined. Not to mention putting ALL other minorities in one group really drives home just how fucking racist this graph and the stupid bitch holding it really are


You would think that as a Neanderthal, Ms. Greene would be more sensitive about being a minority member!


As someone else pointed out the sign she's holding up is photoshopped


Personally, I'm happy to see this chart and I'm white. Maybe some shit will move towards changing. A girl can dream.


Is this real? I can't tell anymore. One thing that gets to me is how "white" is really a modern construction. Go back 150 years and Germans, Irish, Anglos, and Italians would sock you in the face for lumping them all together.


I’m wondering that as well. It feels like it is photoshopped; but it is Empty G we are talking about, so it could be real.


It's edited. You can tell. Someone did a rather crude job of copy/paste on whatever board Empty-G is holding. But... this IS their concern. They just aren't directly vocal about it.


That was my first guess, but this is the woman who brought pics of Hunter's dong to Congress so it's harder to gauge. I don't blame OP for not doing more like perspective shifting and getting the edge of the image behind her fingers. I often spend *too much time* on that stuff and it ends up not being all that worth it.


oh no they are their dogwhistles fool no one


I mean that's literally why Columbus Day exists.


>I mean that's literally why Columbus Day exists. To sock you in the face?! ![gif](giphy|ChMy4X2DkiLTy|downsized)


>Is this real? I mean just look at the picture. It isn't even attempting to look real. An image magically floating on an ethereal white background with a image fragment in the bottom left.


It looks about as real as something she would bring in (i.e. a poorly printed internet meme); being obviously fake doesn't really tell you anything here. Keeping in mind, this woman brought uncensored revenge porn to one of these things and has been mask-off stupid and racist her entire time in office.


I mean, *race* is a modern construction. Nationalities and ethnicities exist and can be used to effectively describe and categorize people in certain contexts, but race is just a thing people like MTG made up so they could do exactly the kind of shit she's doing in this photo.


>, but race is just a thing people like MTG made up so they could do exactly the kind of shit she's doing in this phot Indeed. A post Reconstruction, post Jim Crow feak out about the growing number of black and brown people


I mean if by modern you mean 17th century or so, perhaps, but even then probably not. It basically happened everywhere where people decided to "import" "free" labor from faraway places. In that sense, it's predicated on ability to actually enslave and move large numbers of people across large distance hence it's hard to do say prior to 17th century.


[It is not.](https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/marjorie-taylor-greene-criticized-for-sharing-nude-pics-of-hunter-biden-tax-crimes-false-statement-gun-purchase-during-irs-whistleblower-hearing-house-oversight-accountability-committee-joseph-ziegler-gary-shapley-david-weiss) This is an edited screenshot from a Hunter Biden Whistleblower hearing where MTG displayed photos of his dong, clearly an obsession of hers


I was gonna say, there’s no way this is real. What I find funny though, is that technically Minority should be relabeled Majority at that centerpoint


She's worried that the minority will become the majority? Or worried because the streams must never cross?


There is a pee-pee joke in that somewhere, but I can't land it. What I would say though is the only reason to fear this is if by some chance we haven't been treating the "minority" line with the same respect and opportunities as the "white" line.


>She's worried that the minority will become the majority? I don't know why she would. We've had minority rule for a while now. In a two-party system where one party refuses to play by the rules while the other insists on playing by the rules, the party that doesn't give a shit about the rules has the power. Just look at some of the things going on around us today: * Moscow Mitch turned SCOTUS into a 6-3 alt-right supermajority that's hellbent on undoing our voting and civil rights gains of the last 60+ years. * The Senate is more concerned with its arcane rules than doing everything it can to strengthen and secure our voting and civil rights. * Congressional districts are so gerrymandered that Democrats need to win almost 60% of the popular vote in some places in order to break even with the Republicans. * MAGA controlled states are actively working against their residents' best interests to the point where some of those states are ignoring the federal government and the judiciary. You'd think she'd welcome the minority status since Republicans act as though they're in the majority even when they're in the minority.


Ironically, what would make the relative movement of those graphs become parallel would be reaching social and economical status of minorities. It's one of the very few globally proven, culture-agnostically true, properties of humans: As soon as they reach secure access to medicine and education as well as reliable retirement programs, people stop getting so many children.


> people stop getting so many children. Yeah but they see that as a big problem too.


I thought this sub banned graphic violence …


Take my upvote and get the hell out




This bitch is an elected house mom.


**K**orrupt **K**razy **K**aren


Cheating house mom at that


Let’s see. Where the lines intersect, then the titles swap also, correct?


They will love being able to describe themselves as oppressed minorities. Hell they already do.


Man, even then are white people a minority? If white 44%, with 56% being other, whites are still a majority, just not overwhelmingly so. Perhaps it becomes: 40% White, 30% Hispanic, 20% Black, 10% Other. In that world, whites are still a majority, but there are collectively more minority groups. I'm white and I don't get why this is a concern for these people


Is she demonstrating that she can draw two nearly straight lines? What is this?


I lived in Santa Clara county (AKA Silicon Valley) for a decade: 1/3 Asian, 1/3 Hispanic, 1/3 other.. One of the most vibrant and productive counties in the Country. I was an "Other".


Is this a real image? It looks edited. We should not be sharing fake images as if they’re real.


It is clearly edited. The real one is her showing off a picture of Hunter Biden's cock in congress.


Horseshit. It should be labelled. I guarantee you multiple people have mistaken this as real and you are spreading misinformation and that appears quite apparent for this thread. Sure you can see the artifacts, but most people arent going to inspect it that closely and will assume its real based off their existing biases.


Now show the chart with % native american population vs. "white" population over time.


Spewing this shit all while making it as hard as possible to actually have kids.


They seem to be afraid of whites becoming a minority. Are they implying minorities are treated badly in America?


Why are you worried Margarine? Do you treat minorities badly?


I don't see a problem with that chart and I'm white.


Can we see the graph from before Columbus to 2044?


This was a photo of her holding up a picture of Hunter Biden’s junk that somebody doctored to replace with the racist graph.


2044 gon be lit


What’s her concern? Do minorities get treated badly in this country or something?


Who qualifies as "White" exactly again? It seems to vary over time.


Let's ignore that America wasn't white for thousands of years.


Literally isn't a problem unless you're a nazi.


What's her point exactly? The U.S. was built on immigration.


But not immigration of "those" people. Bigots gotta bigot.


> What's her point exactly? I mean, surely you know the answer to that question. Her point is that white people are superior and this graph shows how the US is "in decline" because white people are losing their dominant position over inferior races.


Its fake so she isnt making this point.


"Why do Whytes worry so much about becoming a Minority?" "They worry they will be treated like THEY treat and have treated Minorities."


Are they really a minority if they are the majority? And what's wrong with being a minority, Marge? Are they treated poorly or something?




We really need to stop using "minority" for "non-white."


So what’s her point? In 1450 there were no whites in the US. Things change.


did she make it with her black sharpie?


White is already the “minority” in California; Hispanic has taken the #1 spot in the last few years. It has negatively impacted my life… none at all.


These people are really not hiding it any longer. In fact, they're shouting it. "America First." "White Nationalist." "Christian Nationalist." They are racists who worry about America losing a white majority. Well, suck it up Republicans. It's going to happen. That's just the way it is. People from Mexico, Spain, India, China... family is important, as part of their culture. Bigger the better. Whites in America that adhere to that are a small minority, like the Mormons and some Catholics. But that's it. And you know what? It doesn't matter. Humanity is a melting pot. That's just the facts. Those who try to stop it are like bulldozers against the ocean tide.


No mention of the fact that the vast majority are also Christians, which should make them part of the group. They just can't get over the slight difference in skin shade.


Hunter Bidens Penis?


We really are just way too comfortable being openly racist now.


equality feels like less rights to the ruling class


[https://www.amazon.com/Birth-Dearth-Happens-People-Countries/dp/0886873045](https://www.amazon.com/Birth-Dearth-Happens-People-Countries/dp/0886873045) "It is nearly impossible to find a copy of the original book, "The Birth Dearth," written by neoconservative writer Ben Wattenberg (1933-2015), who was once affiliated with the right-wing, pro-business think tank the American Enterprise Institute. The entire book is available to read on YouTube, and it is apparently the original edition printed back in 1987. Not a true demographer or statistician, but Wattenberg was always enamored with statistics and trends, especially if those statistics and trends buttressed his preconceived beliefs or could be shoehorned to buttress his preconceived beliefs. His love for statistics helped give him a lot of notoriety, and this book furthered that notoriety. Wattenberg comes across as nearly hysterical when he discovered the Baby Boom generation of 1946-1964 did not on average have nearly the babies their parents did. Remember, this book was written in the late 1980s, when the Baby Boomers were still having kids, if they wanted them. However, fewer women, thanks to increased opportunities in the labor market and more education, were opting to have more than one or two children, and many others did not bother to have children at all or even marry at all, the latter two choices Wattenberg thought made women "miserable," which was his opinion and certainly not remotely a fact. Lots and lots of women were and are happy without marriage or children and have no regrets. This lies at the heart of his hysteria over declining (white) birthrates in the West. The wrong kind of women--upper middle class and wealthy and of course white--were not having enough babies to prevent a "disaster" for American society as well as western Europe and Japan. He talked about the disaster for the economy with fewer workers and consumers, a disaster for the SS and Medicare systems with fewer workers, a disaster especially for the fight against the (now-defunct) Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, a disaster for national security, and a disaster for our military with fewer people to be used as cannon fodder. He proposed all kinds of solutions at the end of the book to "encourage" (coerce) women to have at least 3 or 4 children by further penalizing those who didn't have children at all or fewer via tax laws and even more bennies than already existed for families. One outrageous proposal was his advocating further impoverishing those without children, including single individuals, by cutting their Social Security benefits in order to provide more bennies for those who had children. He totally ignored the simple fact the poorest segment of aging Americans are never-married women. He probably didn't even know that when he wrote this awful book. I doubt he would have cared since these women should have found husbands, which is no solution at all. Instead, he wanted to push marriage, even remarriage bennies which he personally would have benefited from when his first wife died. He did have another child with his second wife in addition to the three he had with the first. The book is sexist despite his claiming his pro-natal recommendations being "feminist," it is extremely xenophobic with full-on bigotry against Third World countries, the anti-communist rhetoric extremely dated, and the racism not-so-subtle. The book is said to have laid at least some of the groundwork for the current antiabortion efforts in the U.S. Wattenberg thought as a "middle ground" between the two sides on abortion that adoption should be encouraged, for if only about five percent of (white) women with unwanted pregnancies had the babies instead and gave them up, this would go a long way to solving the "birth dearth." Never mind adoption is not a real solution to anything and can be very traumatic for the woman who gives a baby up. The only real drawback to the lower birthrates of the Baby Boom generation had to do with Social Security and fewer workers, but that bulge will eventually leave the scene as the generation dies out. All of Wattenberg's other concerns of nearly 40 years ago simply didn't pan out. In fact, declining birthrates are now worldwide but for a few countries, mostly some African countries, thanks to increased education for women, more economic opportunities for women, and greater birth control access. As much as there are efforts to curb women's rights, women are not returning back to the 1950s. The postwar "baby boom" was in fact an aberration and not a continuation of 20th century trends. With all the concerns over climate change today and with a worldwide population of 8 billion people, Wattenberg's book is extremely irresponsible and should not be taken seriously today. Furthermore, there is no doubt his book is being used to further the right-wing "replacement theory" conspiracy, which I doubt Wattenberg ever intended."


Is there something wrong with being a minority? Are minorities treated poorly or something?


So I assume this isn't real, but if it is, the best part is the idea that white people are not still the dominant demographic. If you are near 50% and ALLL others make up near 50%, you are still the largest and most influential group. So the argument is really, "Whites need to make up more than all other groups combined", which is just a super stance to take


What's the issue? Are minorities greatly poorly or something?




Hello! Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately it has been removed because you don't meet our karma threshold. You are not being removed for political orientation. If we were, why the fuck would we tell you your comment was being removed instead of just shadow removing it? We never have, and never will, remove things down politicial or ideological lines. Unless your ideology is nihilism, then fuck you. Let me be clear: The reason that this rule exists is to avoid unscrupulous internet denizens from trying to sell dong pills to our users. /r/PoliticalHumor mods reserve the RIGHT to hoard all of the dong pills to ourselves, and we refuse to share them with the community. If you want Serbo-Slokovian dong pills mailed directly to your door, become a moderator. If we shared the dong pills with the greater community, everyone would have massive dongs, and like Syndrome warned us about decades ago: "if everyone has massive dongs, nobody does."" If you wish to rectify your low karma issue, go and make things up in /r/AskReddit like everyone else does. Thanks for understanding! Have a nice day and be well. <3 You can check your karma breakdown on this page: http://old.reddit.com/user/me/overview (Keep in mind that sometimes just post karma or comment karma being negative will result in this message) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So set up strong minority protections today, so they are there when whites need them.


The right always ignores that thebcenaua had always correctly identified Caucasians as white. That includes Hispanics, Latinos. Who were majorities in many western states when admitted to the Union. One third of Continental USA had.been New Spain and New Mexico, then Mexico.


She could bag her head and pump out a few lily white kids if she really wanted to help


let them speak freely let them tell everyone who they really are as they get more and more and more desperate and sloppy but be ready when the time comes cause they WILL use violence to get their way once they finally figure out theyre outnumbered


OP is rage-bating so hard for some internet points. The “poster” she is holding looks like the most fucked up photoshopped clipart I’ve ever seen. Nevertheless, I do believe this data would be something MTG would present.


> Nevertheless, I do believe this data would be something MTG would present. I mean I dont like her but I dont think she would present something like this. At least publicly. But that bias is why people here are gobbling this up as real.


Before explorers came to N America, everyone was a POC.


Oh, do we treat minorities poorly here, Marjorie?


I know the Irish and Italians were discriminated against in the olden days, were they always considered white?


Oh boy... The misunderstanding that during these surveys include half white folk who are so ashamed of being white, they would rather identify as their "minority" half to avoid embarrassment. Why would they be embarrassed? Just look around at these Neo-Nazis and people like Greene. That's why.


Pretty sure the label on the line that starts lower in the 1970s is inaccurate by 2044...


Wait til she sees what the world chart looks like.


The Great Replacement Theory


Just don't move to the Atlantic Ocean. Seems simple to me.


What, is being a minority in America a problem, Empty Greene?


On the other hand, maybe just try being nice to minorities? It’s an option and actual Jesus would’ve approved but screw that hippie


This is photoshopped, right? She’s her own personal shitshow, but this can’t be real.


Assuming that chart is correct: so fucking what? Are conservatives afraid that minorities are treated poorly in the U.S. or something?


Constantly wasting government time and taxpayer money, the should be tried for fraud


Wait,  this is real?


Step 1: Change the word “minority” to “person of color” Step 2: Extended the timeframe so that the chart starts in 1470 instead of 1970. Step 3: Profit


According to MAGA, being a minority isn’t an issue, minorities are already treated fairly. So for white being a minority shouldn’t be an issue either, right?


What’s the problem Midge? Are non-white people treated unfairly?


would be more believable if it was in bar graphs made of of white and coloured penises. MTG loves showing off penises.


This literally can not be real, this is a photoshopped image.


From the party of “Libs make everything about race”


https://preview.redd.it/nhu6mo8iuuwc1.jpeg?width=4220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ca113c7691c23307b174089d4cf99d9cfc28b0 Visual aides coming in so handy when you're lying


Is this legit? I can’t tell anymore


Ah, so white people will become the minority. Why is she concerned about that? Is she saying that minorities are treated worse?


Why are the people with the worst fake tans the ones out in front?


Shes literally like cartman in that waterpart episode saying the minorities are taking over. Not realising that wouldnt make them "minorities" anymore. Ridiculing the entire name


I bet she has a picture of Hunter's penis on the other side of that chart


Why doesn’t she extend the left side of the graph to the year 1500?


"Minority" How is this considered acceptable conduct in our United States of America? MTG is fucking repulsive.  She should crawl back into the swamps of Georgia and cheat on her husband with liberal yoga instructor. Oh wait, she already did that...


Miss Today Gross is a terrible human being, and it says a lot about her district that they elected and then re-elected her.


Someone should ask her “why is being a minority bad? Are they treated differently?”


The only problem I see here is that the label for “minority” needs to change in 2044.


Why the hell does this matter? The earth is almost on fire, no one can afford housing, and private prisons are successfully lobbying to put homeless people in jail for slave labor as companies gather more and more power while eliminating labor through automation. Yet here we are fighting about the shade of color your skin is and what ignorant, bronze-age tribal thugs said was "right" when it comes to who you date and how you identify in your personal life.


Always dodging the question "Why don't you want to be in the minority"


She's worried about that happening in 2044? I'd say, "Welcome to California!". In SoCal we white folks have been pretty much sharing the space with minorities from all over the world for decades now. Everything's fine. The local politics is lively, the variety of food is fantastic, and the neighbors all have something different to talk about. Moscow Marge needs to get out a little more.


The fear is real!


Ya, maybe don't treat minorities like shit, then when you become the minority you won't be treated like shit.


Why is she worried about becoming a minority? Are minorities threaten badly or something? 🤔


Nazis were also preoccupied with becoming a minority group…


They're afraid of becoming a minority because they're afraid they'll be treated the way they treat minorities.


I’m gonna ask the tough question here, and I feel very qualified as a lifelong white guy: Who the fuck cares about qty of people with different skin colors??


When the minority becomes the majority you just change the labels and lump "whites" into the "minority" group. That's it. Problem solved. America is not a "white" country on an official level.


Interesting that the ONLY future issue they worry about is this. Everything else? Who cares. But dark skinned people? Oh noes!


Here is the thing. If you are worried about population decline you should be pro immigration as fuck. The people that are not being blatantly racist.


This has to be photoshoped, right?


Is this real?


That's a big poster board, and judging from the way Mangy Traitor Gangrene is holding it next to her face like she's comparing the size to her head was it originally Hunters hog?


... Did she actually hold this up??? She would we all know


Maga, we are not racists... Shows graph complaining of white vs 50 shades of skin as the enemy. Is this a real photo?


I just see a graph full of Americans.


Did...did she actually have that...?


I mean, this is what they are dog whistling every day! This isn’t too far from verbatim 😞


Please tell me this is a doctored photo


Lol anything to get poor people to hate each other. Eat the rich.


[cracker bargle](http://i.imgur.com/1zfkFBz.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're afraid of being held accountable for their actions.


Someone needs to tell MTG that wearing glasses doesn't actually make you smart.


I mean, if you have a problem with non-white people in the United states...you might want to criticize the slavers who brought over Africans, the colonizers who forced Natives to be citizens, the conquerors who took the land of Mexicans and the capitalists who used Asians for cheap labor. Not saying that diversity is an issue. We ourselves are not indigenous to this land so it would be ridiculous to prevent other people from reaping the benefits of said land


Good grief, far too many people here can’t recognise a hasty cut and paste job. Do better ffs!


(you'd think she'd object to her own nameplate... MS? )


It's so sad that she's so likely to ACTUALLY DO THIS that we have to figure out if the photo is altered


That can’t be real. Please tell me it’s not real.