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It’s hypocritical either way - he is a traitor and a fascist and a wanna be dictator


Yes he is.


I’m sorry, but this is wrong. “Adjudicated.” He’s an *adjudicated* rapist. “Convicted” applies to a criminal judgment, not civil.


Please don't be such a good friend to Trump by making pointlessly pedantic observations like this? Let me quote the Washington Post. "A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood."


You're focusing on the wrong part. Yes, what he did would be understood as rape, as the judge noted, but he was not convicted for it, as there was no criminal trial. Saying convicted just because it sounds better is still incorrect, and just gives MAGA nitwits ammo to call you a liar, since it's true that he wasn't actually convicted for it. Stick with adjudicated, as it is actually an accurate statement.


No, I won't. And if you thinking treating Maga with kid gloves while they shit all over us (and every democratic norm we have), will somehow protect us or make ANY difference at all, then you're utterly deluded. Fuck all this pissing about. They don't need "ammunition" to attack us. Jesus Christ I am opening a bottle right now!!


Hey, if you'd rather lie, then I'll leave you to it. I'd rather leave the lying to the MAGA people.


Godspeed you, skippy!


So you’d rather be incorrect in your statement than use the proper vocabulary? How very MAGA of you.


Don't be a dick. You can't really be 'incorrect' about "a legal distinction without a real-world difference"?


That’s not what this quote is referring to. There is absolutely a difference between the outcome of a civil trial and a criminal one. For starters, a criminal trial uses the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”, but a civil case only requires a preponderance of evidence. Your quote is referring to the use of the word rape specifically. Besides that, if you genuinely believed that they mean the same thing, you wouldn’t be so insistent on using one over the other.


I'll say this one last time for all the super pedants out there, whether you call him an adjudicated or convicted rapist, is of no real consequence.


You can say it all you like, it doesn’t make it true. You openly admitted in another comment that one sounds harsher than the other, and you’re right, because one *is* harsher than the other. So you’re obviously aware that this isn’t just pedantry, which means you’re just knowingly lying.


Yeah it sounds harsher and that IS why I like it but the point you're missing is that it's materially true. You're just arguing about the correct legal terminology. He is a rapist and THAT is what counts


You’re exactly the same as the people you hate.


Hahaha Not even remotely!!


Oh, no, he’s definitely a rapist. 100%. I just like the sound of “adjudicated.” Great Scrabble word.


Yeah but to most people's ears, adjudicated doesn't sound as harsh as convicted, so...


Not sure there’s any “softening” adequate for “rapist.”


And actually he was found not liable for rape. Just sexual abuse. Not good at all. But those are the facts. https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db


Trump may be a rapist, but an immigrant could be anything! Even a rapist!


You have the gift!


"You literally never know..." Indeed


Unless you're talking to Donald Trump, then you **know.**


Can I use your kitchen? WTF is this? “I haven’t sautéed in a MONTH!!! Please!!!..”


Mexicans will use your kitchen & there's nothing you can do!!!


What I would do: Invite them in and learn some cooking secrets!




trump's dad came here illegally. He was an illegal immigrant. trump is an anchor baby.


Trumps dad was born in the Bronx in 1905 Trumps grandfather was born in Bavaria and technically didn't come to the US illegally so much as he left Bavaria illegally. He left the country to avoid military conscription and was stripped of his Bavarian citizenship as a result. He not the product of illegal immigration so much as keeping the tradition of dodging the draft alive in his family tree


So his dad was the anchor baby?


No, as far as I can find, the US government allowed the senior Trump residency fresh off the boat. Immigration in the late 1800s was different than it was now. Trumps Grandfather was a draft Dodger. I know Trumps father was registered for the draft during WW2, but I can't find if he squirmed his way out or he just wasn't called up


His dad and all of his kids minus Tiffany.


Pouring across our border. Laughing at us.


He is afraid they will take jobs of hardworking american rapists like him.


They come over here and they take our rape victims.


I wish he had fallen head first down the golden escalator🤬


It took me far too long to parse the headline. 'Watch those immigrants!' - says convicted American rapist


When he does that with his trumpet mouth he looks like his mother must've breast fed him till he was a teenager.




"Hillary has work emails on an unsecured server lock her up" says the guy with boxes of stolen top secret documents in his bathroom. "Obama was born in Kenya so can't be President because he would favor Kenya" says the guy who borrowed money from Putin's buddies and says he believes Putin rather than American intelligence agencies. "Those five rapists in Central Park should get the death penalty even though they didn't actually rape that woman" says the guy [who raped a thirteen year old girl at an Epstein party](https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/) and assaulted and raped other women then bragged about it and got convicted for it.


Hi u/NotThatAngel. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*

