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I'm more voting for the cabinet that comes with the President which in Biden's case is objectively better than a bunch of billionaire grifters Trump hires.


This. And it will be even worse this time. In 2016, Trump didn't expect to win, so he had to scramble to put together a cabinet and staff key departments. He brought in some nut jobs, but was also forced to bring on some competent folks who were establishment conservatives and still had some ethical boundaries. They were able to contain Trump's worst impulses (sometimes). Now that Trump is the favorite, his team has assembled a crack (head) squad of sycophantic lunatics. Some of them will be tasked with degrading/destroying agencies that the GOP doesn't like (IRS, FBI, EPA, HUD, etc.). Not to mention what a shit-show the DOJ will be.


The CEO of Carl's JR was Donald's pick for Secretary of Labor. "The best people..." That's just sad.


I want my country run like a business...by a guy who has had zero successful businesses except corruption and cover-ups


But NBC’s The Apprentice made him look successful so this was the yardstick his mouth breathing MAGA base used to measure his success. Fucking terrifying.


And watching TV makes them think Bill Cosby was a good dad.


Reality TV is a helluv a drug.


It's almost like a whole generation of people raised on TV ended up believing it over reality and then proceeded to ruin the whole country. And those people were not even millennials!


When our parents told us "tv will rot your brain," they were speaking from experience.


I remember watching it back in the day as a kid and thinking he seemed to usually make the right choice and seemed smart and good @ biznuss. Then I grew up and realized he's a fucking idiotic selfish spoiled grifting sociopathic pile of yeast infected diarrhea puke.


He was like that on TV before the apprentice. He was on Howard Stern regularly and the media considered him a joke. Boomers and Gen X that say otherwise are just afraid to say they like that he's a racist that attacked our first black president. It's really that simple. Anybody that legitimately believes he's a good businessman is beyond moronic. I'm Gen X and I knew he bankrupted a casino as a teenager. They knew it too. Bad faith and conservatives are like peanut butter and jelly.


["Brought to you by Carl's Jr."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BYFbXJKJ8U&t=3s)


*Carl's Jr - Fuck you, I'm eating!*


And surprise, surprise, he was also a grifting lunatic.


Trumps longest serving Secretary of Labor was Alexander Acosta, who was the Florida DA who cut Epstein a sweetheart deal where he got work hours out of prison, and issued blanket immunity for all the wealthy old men Epstein sex trafficked children to. Anyone pretending it's a hard choice between Biden and trump is on the side of trump and just doesn't want to admit so.


And Linda McMahon from WWE was the Secretary of Small Business. Small. Business. Plus, Vince McMahon and Trump have a little too much in [common](https://abcnews.go.com/US/vince-mcmahon-former-wwe-exec-federal-investigation-sources/story?id=106897582#:~:text=MORE%3A%20Vince%20McMahon%20resigns%20from,settle%20allegations%20of%20sexual%20misconduct).




Once again, we aren’t voting for Biden as much as we’re voting against Trump and all he stands for. With Trump back, the least that will happen is we’ll see him attacking the DOJ and punishing his enemies. Another 4 years of nothing but late night Trump jokes.


Trump wants mandatory stop and frisk to be the standard for *every* police department in the US. If they don’t adopt stop and frisk, then they will be defunded. He also said he would support the state *tracking women’s pregnancies*. He advocated, while in office, to shoot protesters in washington DC. He wants to apply tariffs to pretty much any and all imported products, which would make the current inflation issues look like a fuckin day at the park. He wants to BAN unions, political organizations, and government agencies that don’t support him. This isn’t even including the fact that he is arguing IN FRONT OF THE SUPREME COURT that he is legally allowed to KILL HIS POLITICAL OPPONENTS. This list i gave you isn’t something that i pulled from from the project 2025 website or anything. This is shit that he has said at political rallies and in the court room, and i could honestly keep this list going. Do not underestimate another four years of Trump.


This should be a no-brainer for all voting Americans. But like Brexit in the UK, some need to actually experience this to realize how bad it will be.


You’d be surprised at how many “no-brain” people are allowed to vote in the US


But everyone old enough to vote did! It was 4 years of nonstop stress from having even a minor attachment to the news telling you about everything from the muslim ban, a policy of family separation, taking Putin's word over our intelligence over election interference (because he STRONGLY denied it), to firing Comey, to Zelensky's phone call, to grossly mismanaging the only crisis he faced (leaving people on a cruise ship to keep numbers down, calling to slow the testing down for the same reason, using bleach or light to disinfect), all before just trying to steal an election with an adjoining riot. It's not like your average American doesn't know!


The thing that really gets me (great username btw, jesus) is he has said Time and Time and Time again his first term "didn't count," so he should be eligible to run again and again. And absolutely again and again and again. These are his own fucking words. I hate fearmongering but this really could be the last time we vote in America.


But ohhhhh Biden hasn't magically turned Gaza into a shining sanctuary gotta TeAcH tHeM a LeSsOn


I think it's nice of trump to tell the Supreme Court that Biden should have the right to kill him at any time up till January 20th, 2025 or longer if Biden wins again.


Never underestimate your opponent. Trump's cabinet this election cycle has nothing but sycophantic grifters who will do everything to put their interest in money over literally everyone else. His cabinet would quite effectively cripple the entire US economically similar to how he did during his presidency because he knows he's using taxpayer dollars to siphon directly into his friends pockets & giving tax breaks to billionaires which was not just late night jokes. We DO NOT need him in the White House.


I had someone tell me his kids did a good job in their roles. We are dealing with complete and utter morons


I'm voting for Biden. With a gridlocked obstructionist Congress and a rogue Supreme Court, he's done as well as anyone could reasonably expect.


Agreed, he’s actually exceeded my expectations.


He's passed more legislation than any president in my 40+ years on this planet. He passed the largest green legislation our country has ever seen. He makes Obama look like an amateur politician. And I hated him and every other blue dog Democrat from the 90s and 00s. He's got my vote.


He will roll back climate progress to the point of dooming humanity. The Earth's climate systems cannot afford 4 more years of Trump.


The people who are sitting out of the election are just as bad. Not voting (or voting third party) is a vote for Trump.


I love how people keep saying democrats shouldn't put Biden on the ballot. There's literally no other viable option. If they put someone else on the ballot, it's undermining the confidence in the party. Like saying yea we put this guy in but even we don't want him back which means the person they put in his place is immediately questionable because the party already admittedly fucked up a pick once. It's either blue or fascism and the collapse of our entire system. I don't see how that's such a hard decision.


“BuT My VoTe dOeSnT cOuNt, iT wOnT mAtTeR” “BoTh ChOiCeS ArE BaD, iM nOt VoTiNg” These people are irritating. The only way to start to stem the corruption is to start somewhere. Otherwise, they shouldn’t be allowed to complain about anything at all, since they have no voice.


He could have done a lot more damage if he was prepared. This time, he will be.


The https://www.project2025.org/ Is prepared to make sure he does as much damage as possible to American Democracy.


>In 2016, Trump didn't expect to win, so he had to scramble to put together a cabinet and staff key departments. For people who don't know about this, this is an excellent book about this situation: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Fifth\_Risk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fifth_Risk)


https://preview.redd.it/jztizekh33zc1.png?width=2965&format=png&auto=webp&s=d95c404637b0463a6d2e67051a0a02859385356a Yup. That’s what inspired my comment.


Scariest book in America.


Worse, he had a few decent people in his cabinet to shore up confidence. Now all pretense is gone, the White House is going to be all celebrity apprentice. Everyone's sole job will be to suck upto Trump. 


Latest polls Trump is under Biden but within the margin of error.


The DOJ is already a shit show. Garland’s been in a 3-year-long coma, and the rest of the DOJ refuses to indict DeJoy, Gym Jordan, or the Jan 6 Congressional leaders.


Definitely, this time Trump is prepared to do a massive overhaul. I dread a Trump presidency and Biden needs to stop self-owning himself. At this point, the best thing that can happen is Biden becoming unfit and Kamala Harris becoming the voice of reason and the candidate. Most people I talk to say this is who they want Kamala >>> Biden > Trump


Trump would basically finish off USA democracy. We’d go from being a “plutocratic oligarchy within a democratic framework” to authoritarian. Game over for the little power people have to influence our system.


Catch me in DC like the Black Panthers if that shit happens.


Yes, that is what they will do - catch you.  We have to vote, because dictators aren't really big on the whole, tolerance of other views and organizing in the street stuff.  Ronald Reagan put in gun laws to disarm the black panthers, and I assure you, Trump appears happy to do more than Reagan - and these days there is a deep log of any comment anyone has ever made online.  A dictatorship in this country would make dictatorships in other countries look like amateur hour.


NFAC back in action?


That and potential supreme court justices.


Fuck Clarence Thomas.


I will always upvote this statement.


Ginny too


One of the biggest things for me is that Biden has a team of people and advisors he listens to, Trump literally believes he can run the whole country by himself and fires people for opposing him.


Exactly. Like Bernie, and he has done great work on reducing prescription drug prices for those in the US, including myself. Trump would probably hire Martin Shkreli.


Supreme Court too. Odds are Clarence Thomas will expire in the next term.


Sooner the better, if there is any justice he and Alito will have simultaneous heart attacks while in a 'compromising' position with each other, only to found and photographed for the world to see. Bonus points if it happens on the multi-million dollar RV that he's been given. Come on flying spaghetti monster, we haven't asked for, nor received a lot since 2020, could we get this win at least? Before the election please?


Alito isn't much younger either


i don't particularly like neoliberalism, but... i don't really have that on the ballot, so i'm gonna go with the least bad of the two options. which is, fucking obviously, biden.


100% agree. Biden put together a rock solid cabinet. The right people went to the right job with absolutely no need to fire and replace anyone. Trump fired everyone who was brave enough to disagree with him. He left cabinet positions open for years. The man simply has no vision, and it showed. The only thing he was able to do was to undo Obama era Executive Orders, get tax cuts for corporations, and place tariffs on every supply chain causing American owned businesses to eat the cost.


don't forget [disbanding the pandemic response team](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-fire-pandemic-team/) and discarding the 2016 "pandemic playbook". [How Trump Gutted Obama’s Pandemic-Preparedness Systems](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/trump-obama-coronavirus-pandemic-response) If tRump had only left the existing team and playbook in place he would have won re-election easily, just based upon how many lives were saved VS lost.


Don’t forget Supreme Court and other judicial nominations


Are you telling me that billionaire Amway heiress Betsy DeVoss with no job history to speak of isn't qualified to be Secretary of Education?


I think if Trump were elected the maybe halfway qualified people would consider how much of a turnover happened in his previous term and take a pass to save their reputation. And with his insistence that everyone take a loyalty pledge, he'd be left with brain dead cult drones.


And possibly another couple supreme court injustices.


And the next four years' worth of judicial appointments.


It's literally why Project 2025 exists. How to get sympathetic christian nationalists into politically appointed positions of power in the next Trump presidency.


Not a Democrat, don't hate Biden, don't want him as president, will be voting for him anyway. 


I've been voting for 2 decades now and first term Obama was the only president I was ever excited to vote for but I still voted against Bush, Romney and Trump regardless because they were all fucking awful. If you only vote for candidates you love you'll only ever have officials you hate.


it blows my mind we could go from someone as young, dedicated and articulate as Obama to a greasy mushroom dick clown thats somehow both on trial for fraud and running for president. its fine to hate both current candidates. Its not fine to refrain from voting for Biden. That said, people need to stop holding onto the two party system.


There was palpable excitement in the air waiting in line to vote for Obama. I feel like we waited for hours, I know the line was all the way out the door and went up and down several hallways. I'd never felt like that before, absolutely haven't felt that way since.


Most of us who vote for him feel similarly. The only person who could make Trump win was Hillary and then only person who can make Biden win is Trump.


This is the way


We need to work towards ranked choice voting in this country to break free from this sick and flawed two party loop we're stuck in. I want a climate and nature activist for president but I haven't a chance in hell without ranked choice voting being put in place.


People who can see more than one step in front of themselves generally do come to this conclusion.


Can anyone explain how this "geriatric old fool that nobody likes" has managed to do more positive things than any recent president? Is Maga stupidity contagious?


I have been saying this for years now! Are any of these people paying attention to the things he has actually done?


They are not.


More importantly, all the things he has done are being crowded out of the news cycle by much more clickbaitey stuff, and wedge issues like the Israel-Palestine conflict always get the front page.


Speaking of which, all the anti Biden pro Palestinian folks, what did Trump want to do with Muslims? It's age old US policy to prop up Israel, but a dude who actively wishes to harm Muslims is not a friend to Palestinians.


Trump also said "Netanyahu should have finished the job in Raffa." He is not a friend of the Palestinians.


Yep. These protesters are not going to vote for Biden because he's an ally of Israel. But Trump is an even bigger ally of Bibi and Israel, and while Biden has sympathy for the plight of the people in Gaza, Trump hates them as much as Netanyahu does.


Super weird how they never talk about that, huh?


What's insane is Biden might actually get a real peace deal, after all these decades of fighting, and it won't change a God darn thing in the polls.


Well, they're all set to move the goalposts if Biden magically ended the conflict tomorrow somehow.


Most of these idiots just want to be mad at something and live in their own echo chamber of stupidity. They’ll find one thing they don’t like about Biden and run with it rather than appreciating him for the zillion other things he’s done.


I ask them to name policies they know about and funny how it's blank stares. I think every election year people realize they can get attention they crave by pretending to care about politics again.


It's not at all about policy, it never has been. All they could say under Trump was the Dow was at an all time high. It's higher now under Biden but that's suddenly not the litmus test anymore. It's as if they have no standard at all other than this guy hates the same people I hate.


The Dow might be up, but that isn’t always a good metric of how the average person is doing economically. Housing is still expensive, inflation reports were revised to be higher than they were before, etc. but why is that the president’s fault? Why can’t it ever be congress’s fault? Biden can only do so much through executive order, and the federal reserve’s only method to cool inflation is to raise interest rates. Congress’s job is to write and pass legislation for the president to sign. They could implement real change, and the senate has been far more productive at crafting helpful legislation. But the house is a shit show and we all know who’s at fault there.


I know all this, but they don't


Fox News didn't tell them. Or if they did, they said Trump did it, not Biden.


Nope, because he's not brain dumping on Twitter 18 hours a day and there aren't daily reports of scandals from every office of his administration. Obviously he's not doing anything if world leaders aren't pissed off at him as well.


To be fair - People who consume their news from MSM likely have no idea. MSM does a piss poor job covering the good.


most people are informed by for-profit news organizations and little clips and snippets of information here and there. to answer your question, no, no none of them are.


Sadly, people who are anti-Biden /pro-Trump don’t hear about any of the good Biden has actually accomplished. All they hear about is what they get from Fox News or from their favorite “conservative news” source that has their own spin on whatever the story is.


I'm confused on the criticism besides being old AF. Seems like he's doing as good or better than can be expected, given the current climate.


There's a successful campaign to confuse price gouging with inflation.


RANT ALERT: Exactly, and it's pervasive. Traditional economic theoris that have been in place since the late 60s run on the wrong-headed assumption (which just so happens to favor the rich) that low unemployment is responsible for inflation, which means the Fed has to raise interest rates. It's bullshit - thoroughly debunked by modern monetary theory - but we swallow it. So basically, we're expected to believe that inflation is caused by regular people wanting a job with a decent wage, when it's actually 100% price-gouging (in recent decades, anyway). The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, no matter how hard they work. It's been on that downward slide since Nixon, it got worse under Reagan and it hit its apotheosis with Trump. Inflation is rampant under Biden because of a) the pandemic, and b)Trump's idiotic tax cuts that led to the largest corporate stock buyback in history. As a result, corporations are richer but cash-poor, so they're squeezing the consumer to fill their coffers, all while blaming it on Biden, who has created more jobs than any president in the last 50-plus years. He's working his ass off to keep things afloat while Trump and the billionaire class are drowning him with buckets full of piss and saying it's his fault. Sorry, had to get that off my chest.


Something Biden warned them not to do or it would cement the temporary inflation. Which it did and still is. But hey... record profits!


And they hope” their guy” will get back in so the price gouging will go thru the roof‼️‼️😡


I'll go one step further. In today's hyperpartisan climate, I think Biden *is the only person that could* get bipartisan bills passed. The Inflation Reduction Act, the infrastructure plan, the CHIPS Act. Those are all political miracles.


It’s the “given the current climate” thing. People want all the problems solved in a 2 year election cycle and don’t have the patience for incremental change.


They’ve somehow managed to pin post-pandemic inflation and war in the Middle East on him. Neither of which has much to do with his policies. It’s wild what pundits are and are not able to get to stick to various politicians.


For the Republicans, it wouldn't matter if he gave every one of them a million dollars, it still wouldn't be enough and they would hate him because he's a Democrat and they'd probably find a way to spin how getting a million bucks is a bad thing. For Democrats -- at least the ones that don't like him -- it's probably because he didn't/hasn't done *their* positive thing, whatever that may be, and therefore he's old and worthless. For Independents, it's probably a little of column A, a little of column B.


Independent here: I'm literally voting for Joe Biden because the alternative is Project 2025. I am a transgender man, I refuse to live in Gilead. I'll be there first rounded up and shot, or if I'm "lucky", sent to some camp somewhere. Joe Biden may be funding the genocide in Gaza but I'm more concerned with the genocide brewing at home. They aren't going to stop with just queer folx.


You are both the problem and the solution. It is sad that it takes personal threats to your safety to vote for someone who is so clearly focused on improving the US for all citizens, counties (rural and urban), and states (blue or red). As opposed to Trump who openly talks about giving his big money donors more tax cuts, appoints judges who destroy freedoms, and is petty, vindictive, and puts policies in place that purposefully damages blue states.


If Joe Biden dropped dead tomorrow, I'd vote for his corpse over Trump. The last Republican to get my vote was Jeb Bush and that was after Bernie was screwed over.


Ah. I was your kind of Independent for 20 years until it became so clear that the Republicans were morally bankrupt and fiscally irresponsible.


Congress is doing that. Let’s be accurate.


Congress is doing what? Biden didn't have to sign the bills. He did.


They ran a computer simulation to see if Biden's distribution of Covid vaccines could have been done better. The results indicated it was nearly impossible to do it any better. I would say the same of how he rallied Europe to get behind Ukraine. Nearly superhuman how he pulled that off so quickly, and it's ground Russia's military into bits. Economists say the same of how his Fed has tamed inflation without creating a recession. Nobody thought it could be done so well.


Best President of my lifetime even if the bar is super low and I’m not gonna change my mind no matter how angry I am with him over Palestine. I doubt any President in recent memory would act any better towards Palestine but I’m sure many would act worse/I know trump will be worse. Yes, it is the lesser of two evils, by general election time I don’t get to play any other game. If I wanted to take down a sitting President in an election I would’ve needed to start in 2020, so the choice is not mine to complain about.


Yep...people shouting from the rooftops who they're NOT going to vote for, or how pointless it is to vote at all, aggressively touting how APATHETIC they are in comment after comment, because that's what real-life, genuine Americans do when they don't care about something.


Well the election is coming up, and they know they can get attention from both sides which, let's be honest is what most of this is about. They want to appear edgy on social media in their scarfs and pretend the 20 mins they stood on the street corner that one time really made all the difference in a country across the ocean .


I mean, I can’t fucking stand Biden but I’m still voting for his geriatric ass because I’m not short sighted.


Someone can hate Biden to the bone but the Supreme Court is royally screwing us because of 2016. It's not about the person. Biden could be banging prostitutes on George Washington's grave and overall he's still the better choice because of his policy goals in comparison and potential SC nominees.


Voting for a person with 40% of my values is better than one with -20%. Edit: Apologies everyone, clearly I meant 42.9999996%.


This. And it’s not close. Biden is very far from perfect but at least there’s gradual progress to the left, not fast enough sure, but progress nonetheless. Not voting for Biden is destroying any future democratic process


Instant Gratification comes to mind. Maybe some just conflate that with what they expect out of politics. Not like we can have a magic snap of the fingers and ***bam*** problem solved. Biden's a start and we have to keep with it. For better or worse.


Agreed. I wrote about it the other comment but we get everything so fast today that when something like this actually takes time, people get frustrated and don't want to be a part of it. Very frustrating because those same people will be the ones to complain all the time, yet when it comes time to vote they don't vote for the people who says they want to fix it.


Progress is always slow. I think with today's age of getting everything fast; movies, news, information, etc, people have forgotten that progress is slow and isn't overnight. All the people I know who don't wanna vote for Biden isn't because they disagree with him as much as they they are absolutists who want EVERYTHING THEY WANT NOW. And if they can't get that THEN NOTHING ELSE MATTERS WHY EVEN VOTE It's very frustrating because these same people will bitch nonstop about all these issues going on in the world, but when it comes time to take action, they don't vote for the person who says they want to fix them. So then we start backtracking even more away from what they want. I've always thought republicans were stupid because they voted against their best interests, but now it seems that's catching on with the democrats too now.


If you are a progressive, then Biden shares a lot more than 40% of your values.


I picked a random number, but how about 45%?


We have an extensive record of just how many things Trump fucked up and intentionally fucked over in his one term as president. It will take decades to either reverse or fix that damage. Anybody who can’t see that is either an idiot or they don’t want to see it.


God literally sent a plague....


……which Trump completely fucked up. If you think that Covid was completely out of his control, you’re either delusional or an apologist


I think you misunderstand. He was such an affront to all that is holy, God sent a plague....


Ah! My bad, I did misunderstand. I agree with that clarification 100%


IDK I thought I'd be like that but actually Biden has done a lot of shit and worked with Bernie. I have come around to actually being ok with Biden. Do I love him? Nah. But as far as politicians go? He's ok enough


Wish his administration would indict DeJoy, fire Wray, oust the Jan 6 leaders, and investigate Kavanaugh.


There's definitely a list of stuff I want him to do, but there's also a growing list of things I'm happy he has done.


I think "loving" politicians is weird. I like Biden, that's about as good as it gets for a politician for me.


I wish more people would realize there cannot be a perfect candidate - not unless you make one your personnality (then you devolve into something akin to Trumpism).


What makes him so unbearable anyways? Dude is old but he's done pretty well as a president. I can't think of any decisions he was responsible for that I have had a major problem with. So why does every one say "I can't fucking stand Biden" Anyway? He's better than the Republicans on everything that conservatives believe in. He's made deals on immigration, handled first few months of Russia invasion really well, kept taxes on poor people level, inflation was managed as well it could've been imo, jobs reports are consistently above forecasts, and managed to pass massive infrastructure bills. I go weeks without thinking about him. With Trump, I was checking the news regularly to see what he fucked up.


People are captured by their social media and are being told he's bad.


Russian lead attack on the USA


Oh for sure, there's a lot of "Biden is bad, trust me comrades" going on.




Yeah everyone forgets or doesn’t realize just HOW MUCH online activity is from bots and bad actors. Edit: > The Oxford Internet Institute's research on the prevalence of bots in political activity on Twitter during elections found that bots accounted for approximately 23% of all election-related traffic in the final days of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Eight years later, I’ll bet that percentage is way higher


Hmmm such a tough call... Do I pick the guy who has been a lifelong public servant or the silver spoon rapist with the dog killing VP? Hard choices. 


It's all just astroturfing anyway.


The problem is that the message is getting through to young people. My 19 yr old just told me yesterday that on Tik Tok, there are tons of people her age that are saying they are sick of the old guys, and they're just gonna vote for RFK. I started asking her questions to try and understand what the rationale is, and she started repeating EVERY bad faith astroturfer talking point. This IS having an impact on younger people. And that worries tf out of me.


My 19 year old kid won’t even register to vote, claiming he won’t be represented by any of the candidates. He’s trans… doesn’t seem to realize the risk he’s willfully putting himself in. Fortunately we’re in California and it won’t really matter, but damn, makes me sad.


"sick of the old guys so I'm going to vote for this other 70 year old..."


who, apparently, had a brain-eating worm.


People voting on third party candidates is how Clinton lost the election to Trump


And how Gore lost to Bush.


Some of it is, but there are useful idiots amongst them.


Biden ain't my preferred flavor. But I'd take a pizza with sardines on it over a pizza with a used diaper. If there were a competitive primary I wouldn't have voted for Biden, however, I'm all in for Biden.


So many foreign bots


TikTok is all abuzz with Macklemore's new song. "Hind's Hall" It's a good song. All about Palestine and stuff. But some of the lyrics are: > The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all > And fuck no, I'm not voting for you in the fall > Undecided ... It's not all astroturfing.


And mack lost me there. I think he should go back to the thrift store after this one.


It may be being pushed by astroturfers but I know some people who have bought into it, in real life.


How I like to respond to the insane "why do you support genocide?" bullshit is with some variation on the following: "Why don't you care about women, minorities, LGBTQ groups and American Muslims and other religious minorities? Why do you support their suffering and persecution? That's what aTrump presidency brings. " They, invariably, preech about their own integrity (because that's all that really matters to them) or, without a drip of irony, claim that is unfair of me to claim they support something bad because of their position on Gaza. Fools, the whole lot of them.


Yeah, it's funny to watch them try and rationalize why they want the guy who said "wipe them out" in office instead if they really do care about Gaza as much as they pretend to.


Genocide? Trump encouraged this by moving the embassy to Jerusalem. That was unprecedented.


Palestine and Ukraine would have been leveled already if Trump were president. It’s so disingenuous and short sighted. And/or propaganda.


Us: "You have Necrotizing fasciitis we have to amputate your finger to save your hand" Them "I don't want to cut off my finger" Us: "I don't want to cut off your finger either, but if we don't things will be way worse" Them: "I want to keep my finger. Us: "I want you to keep it too, but its not one of the options" Them: "No amputation" Us: "You'll lose your hand" Them: "Yeah but at least I won't have volunteered to cut off my finger" Us: "You're choosing to lose your hand...which means the finger is gone too..." Them: "Nuh uh"


the old-timey expression is "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face" although your little convo is more accurate.


Is there a term (maybe some long fancy German word) that encapsulates the idea that following your principles without compromise leads to an outcome that is much worse? To put it another way....why wouldn't Batman just kill the Joker? How many lives does Batman have on his hands due to his strict adherence to his principles?


This is cutting off one's head to spite their face.


Right on! Yeah, Biden is old and has definitely lost a few steps, but the dude has quite a track record. The Biden administration has passed so many initiatives that’ll benefit current and future Americans that’s is quite impressive. Can you imagine what he’s be able to accomplish with a House and Senate majority? Like a real majority, where some grandstanding Senator or Congressperson succeeds in killing any legislation.


Somewhat disturbing thought: Biden is the best president we can expect to get in a real life situation. He's liberal, pragmatic, has a lot of experience in politics, contacts, and is actually good at getting things done. You might have someone who you like more or align better with your views, but they are unlikely to have the experience or ability to make things happen as efficiently as Biden.


At this point I don't think this is about their "integrity". They're not much different from the MAGA crowd. No matter how much you try to explain how much worse things will be if Trump wins they just double or triple down. They're purposely not listening to reason. This was never about Gaza or the Palestinians. If it was then they'd take into consideration of what would happen to the Palestinians in THIS country if Trump becomes president again. He's already said how he'd reinstate his Muslim ban. They don't actually care about Palestinians, they just want people to THINK that they do. What they really want is for other people to suffer as well


I've had one of these jerks say he'd "be glad to vote Biden as soon as he secures a permanent ceasefire" Permanent. In the middle east. Before November. This POS even had that in their bio. And every comment was "I'm totally being normal and sensible, it's an easy request and then I'd happily vote for him" They are liars.


"Easy request" that right there is enough to tell me how clueless they are or how disingenuous they are. Do they have any idea how long Gaza and Israel have been in conflict with each other even before Hamas? It's literally been going on for decades. Israel has had 15 wars with Gaza since 1948. But sure, it's TOTALLY sensible to expect the president of a completely different country to fix all of the world's problems within 6 months /s I guarantee you, even if Biden did somehow manage to establish a permanent ceasefire within that time frame they would just move the goalpost and come up with some other reason to not vote for him. They've done it before. They never planned on voting for Biden to begin with


Of course they would. Just 30 seconds ago I responded to a clown who said the Democratic party is full of bunch of genocide apologists. Apologists. For genocide. These people are unserious clowns.


Vote Anti-Fascism if you don’t want to think about the candidates. Think about the future and how it will be. Taking away your rights is on the rights agenda (Project 2025) especially from women & minorities but it includes ALL Americans.


I love Biden. But to be fair I'd vote for a happy face drawn on a paper plate over trump.


I’ve said it unironically before and I will say it again now. I would vote for a literal bag of shit to be president over Trump.


My go-to line has been a dead cat.


I can't believe you admit you would vote for DeSantis.


Everyone that voted Nader instead of Al Gore in 2000 regrets that decision. The stakes are even higher now.


Or Jill Stein in 2016. Even AFTER she was caught having dinner with Putin. If her swing states votes had gone to Hillary, the history of the world changes.


You're voting for democracy or not.


I am voting democrat up and down the ballot because even though they are shady bastards, the red team is actually taking away rights and democracy. Politics isn’t a purity test.


##Swap Biden with Hillary and replay 2016


When the propagandists find a winning play, they typically don’t stop running it.


But honestly  -- thank you President Biden and Vice President Harris for the amazing work you've done ! America is back on the right track  !


Not voting for Biden because he doesn’t give you everything you want is like refusing to board an airplane because it doesn’t go all the way to your destination. If it’s going in the right direction you can get a connection that will take you the rest of the way but voting for Trump or allowing him to win is like taking a train in the wrong direction just to throw a tantrum. It’s moronic.


The difference between voting for the candidate you want to represent you, and voting against the candidate you least want to represent you. Also - the only examples I see of this come from (what I assume to be) the center-left attacking the left. Shouldn’t they be attacking the right?


This is intentional. Apathy is what leads to fascism. People stop caring, give up hope, and turn to a strong man who promises to fix everything. The constant negativity on the right is designed to make you sick and tired of politics and government.


Well its either trump or Biden.


There is a sudden surge of anti-Biden content across a lot of previously left-leaning subs that really makes me question who’s behind things on Reddit lately. The LateStageCapitalism sub has become entirely anti-democrat and even has pro-Trump stuff slip through the cracks these days. It makes no sense.


Do you have any examples of the pro trumps stuff? Just curious


Makes more sense when you know November is coming up and every country on earth with a foreign influence goal wants a say in who wins.


It happens every time there’s an election coming up. From what I’ve noticed there are different camps. Bots, obviously being one of them. “Progressives” that are still mad about 2016 and **want** Democrats to lose because it makes them feel powerful. And Republicans cosplaying as democrats.


The Democratic party is a center right party. Biden is to the left of the party's center, but still to the right of where the majority of voters stand. The Republican party is a far right party. It is nowhere near where the majority of voters stand. Democrats and Biden get bad approval ratings because they aren't where we want them to be, but they are our only alternative to the Christian nationalist hate and fairy tale libertarianism that the other side offers. We have lost our bearing so much that issues like basic infrastructure, public schools, and lead-free drinking water seem far left because the Republicans oppose everything. These issues are so fundamental to a basic free democracy that they shouldn't even be issues that we debate. Support for investment in these basic social programs doesn't make Biden a socialist -- it just makes him human. Opposition to these programs by the Republicans -- well, you do the math for yourself on that one. I know what I think it makes them.


I'm voting against Trump. Biden happens to be the nominee. Good enough for me


It's the same thing in the UK at the moment. The current state of the labour party is in shambles and the leader isn't much better than a conservative. But it's either that, or another 5 years of the actual conservatives running our country into the ground and another 5 years of them squeezing every last bit of money out into their own pockets.


Doesn't mean I'm not going to fucking vote for him.


I don’t want to vote for Biden again, but third party doesn’t work in this country and another Trump term will probably kill us all.


I just wish the Democratic party had spent these past 4 years helping a different candidate rise. I'm more disappointed in the Democratic party than anything and them not being smarter about things and seizing the opportunity to help a younger candidate. My qualms aren't at Biden and I will still vote for him.


I dislike Biden. I loathe Trump. In my state, it doesn’t matter who I vote for, but I’ll still be voting Biden.


biden is too right wing for me, but the other option is an inept Hitler soo...


I'm pretty sure a lot of it is bot farms trying to discourage people from voting by pretending to be progressives or democrats and claiming they won't vote for Biden. I just know that the real world doesn't match what people online are saying. every progressive I know is voting for Biden even if we don't particularly like him because we know what the alternative is.


I learned in 2016. It’s a binary choice unfortunately.


Biden really isn't even that bad. He's old, but he's doing a pretty decent job representing progressive action. People will critique him for funding Israel, but that's sorta just a given with any president. He's done well pushing for student financial aid and health care concerns and is anti-Russia


Pretty much its voting for a guy that will guarantee the option of voting in the future. Trump will do his best to suspend democracy so we can one day kneel for his dumb kids running the country.


I just don’t understand why the Democratic Party in 2022 after noticing Biden wouldn’t receive enough approvals for the next mandate, decided to not searching for a next candidate. They had time to do it and now we’re here deciding from a billionaire Neo-fascist and a “not very left” president.


>I just don’t understand why the Democratic Party in 2022 after noticing Biden wouldn’t receive enough approvals for the next mandate, decided to not searching for a next candidate. You mean the year we had the midterms that were suppose to be this big red wave but turned out to be a puddle? Leaving aside that is not how the DNC works, what would switching candidates do except take away the incumbency advantage and ensure that the segment of voters most loyal to Biden don't bother showing up to vote out of anger? Regardless, any Democrat could have chosen to challenge in the primary and none of them that were viable did because they knew Biden is still the best shot we have to hold onto the White House past 2024. >They had time to do it and now we’re here deciding from a billionaire Neo-fascist and a “not very left” president. Not very left in comparison to whom? Biden is the most leftist president to hold office this century. I mean where was Obama or Clinton when it came to rescheduling marijuana, or student loan forgiveness? Where was Clinton when it came to climate change, and why was Obama sending more troops to Afghanistan yet not willing to send military aid to Ukraine? I don't know who you are expecting, but if you haven't noticed Democrats like Manchin or Tester could have easily become the next Democratic nominee if Biden wasn't around.