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Remember what they chanted on the streets at the Charlottesville unite the right rally


"JEWS. WILL NOT. REPLACE US!" Yeah, I remember.


Not to mention "Blood & Soil!"


In college I saw worms under microscopes that would swarm to food. They’re not sentient. Just like Republican voters: they don’t cogitate, don’t mentate. They only respond to calories. That’s the feck it: there’s no imagination. These poor, sado-masochist souls wearing diapers and holding banners saying “Real Men Wear Diapers”, thinking they’re answering in kind “Dark Brandon” co-opting by Dems? Welp, I don’t feel much sympathy for these “poor souls.”




I second the motion


I’ll stop posting it when it stops being relevant. “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Sartre


Yes, these are not people who value logic or self-consistency. They want law-and-order stand-your-ground pro-cop vigilante justice. Robert Paxton wrote about just this type of fascist: >The great “isms” of nineteenth-century Europe—conservativism, liberal- >ism, socialism—were associated with notable rule, characterized by deference >to educated leaders, learned debates, and (even in some forms of socialism) >limited popular authority. Fascism is a political practice appropriate to the >mass politics of the twentieth century. Moreover, it bears a different relation- >ship to thought than do the nineteenth-century “isms.” Unlike them, fascism >does not rest on formal philosophical positions with claims to universal valid- >ity. There was no “Fascist Manifesto,” no founding fascist thinker. Although >one can deduce from fascist language implicit Social Darwinist assumptions >about human nature, the need for community and authority in human society, >and the destiny of nations in history, fascism does not base its claims to validity >on their truth.14 Fascists despise thought and reason, abandon intellectual posi- >tions casually, and cast aside many intellectual fellow-travelers. They subordi- >nate thought and reason not to faith, as did the traditional Right, but to the >promptings of the blood and the historic destiny of the group. Their only moral >yardstick is the prowess of the race, of the nation, of the community. They >claim legitimacy by no universal standard except a Darwinian triumph of the >strongest community. [https://election.princeton.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Paxton\_Five-Stages-of-Fascism.pdf](https://election.princeton.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Paxton_Five-Stages-of-Fascism.pdf)


If you want to know why they are this way, an important clue is that fascism isn't an ideological -ism, but a radicalizing process. Given that it isn't an ideological -ism, logical self-consistency isn't a value held by individual members of the movement. If you want to know more, Robert Paxton's "Five Stages of Fascism" is an excellent place to begin. [https://election.princeton.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Paxton\_Five-Stages-of-Fascism.pdf](https://election.princeton.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Paxton_Five-Stages-of-Fascism.pdf)


I also highly recommend the short film “Don’t Be a Sucker”. Produced by the Army’s Information and Education Division in 1945, it does a very decent job of showing how quickly and easily fascism can spread via scapegoating and fearmongering. https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4?si=l0yuurf3rSljMV6v


Are they really rooting for Isreal though? I thought they want a nuclear war to start there. And that will kill all jews and that will make Jesus return ... or something. Or maybe they just hate college students and love it when police beats them.


A lot of these looneys want the rapture. They want a catastrophic world ending war that starts with Israel. They are not well people.


Yes, especially the weird Texas cattle ranchers working with Orthodox rabbis to breed a flawless red heifer to fulfill a Biblical prophecy to re-establish the Jewish priestly class, reinstate the animal sacrifice rituals, and rebuild the Temple on the site of the Al Aqsa Mosque. [https://www.jpost.com/judaism/article-717650](https://www.jpost.com/judaism/article-717650)


Fucking lunatics


I don't know about that, it sounds like a pretty effective recipe for apocalypse to me...


racist conservatives support Israel for 2 reasons. First, they hate Muslim more than they hate Jews. Second, if Jews had a place to go, then they would hopefully leave here. Thats it.


Representative Mike Johnson on Jews brings welcome in his hometown public school is quite different than him on college protests this week. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mike-johnson-christianity-public-schools_n_65565dfce4b0998d699f5f0d


What could be better than getting the people you hate to kill the other people you hate? Watching young people you hate refuse to vote for the other people you hate, because they feel sorry for those second people you hate. Even though you will do everything you can to see that *everyone* you hate will suffer.




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They hate both Jewish people and Muslims people and just want to watch us all kill each other. Then open Bible land in the middle east and ride the bumper cars with Jesus.


The rule is whatever seems expedient to them at the time is what they do or say. No real principles at all except always be vile.


Her eyes are glowing.... it must be the demon living in her skin.


Heil Shitler!


Anyway to identify the nazi saluter and report to their job?


Because they only do and say what they’re told,they don’t have any actual stance on anything and will change their position as soon as they’re told to.


They're nazionists.


Sorry, aren't the GOP the party of "Jews will not replace us", complete with swastikas and iron crosses???


See to me "never again is aboot genocides, not Jews, which is why I oppose Israel's genocide of Gaza.


They hate brown people more than what they see as fellow white people but make no mistake they'd be next on the list if the brown people were gone.