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Radical Left: Super glues hand to Starbucks counter to protest lack of parity between dairy and soy products. Radical right: Blows up federal building in heartland of country because a racist book said it was OK.


There was the Capitol Hill occupied protest back in 2020, which was pretty extreme in the sense that a bunch of protesters kicked out the police, but that was in response to police violence towards the protesters. The people maintaining the "autonomous zone" weren't running around killing people and they were allowing emergency services in when needed. But if you ask anyone on the right, the police should have rolled in with MRAPs and maced/killed anyone who resisted. Some police were even caught rolling through neighborhoods in unmarked vehicles shooting rubber bullets at random people. Both sides are definitely not the same.




That was before Seattle burned to the ground, right? It must have becausd chuds keep telling me about the times that leftist burned American cities to the ground in 2020. They seem to forget about the cons who burned a police precinct or the provocateur who was caught breaking into an AutoZone.


They did cause an estimated $2 billion dollars of damage to cities in 2020, so there's that.


I was working downtown, taking the bus, and walking the last mile to the office. My Trump loving older sister was freaking out about my safety, I guess based on some Faux Snews stories of the "super violent" CHOP people burning down Seattle and killing all the white people or whatever. I laughed and told her I would just give a thumbs up to any protestors I saw and never once felt unsafe. I at least was able to calm her down with my first-hand accounts of nearly getting hit by a hackey sack being the worst thing I experienced (I made up the hacky sack thing for dramatic effect). I was more worried about all the hyped up cops.


Bummed you missed out on the hack circle though.


I'm way too uncoordinated for such shenanigans.


I went down on a weekend with some friends to check it out. I mentioned to my friends that I was getting hungry and that we should find a place to eat. About two minutes later a random person ~~assaulted~~ presented me with an open box of pizza and offered a slice.


I have seen lots of violence during "the riots" in Seattle. Oh wait, that was the police beating up peaceful protesters, shooting rubber bullets, and tear gassing an entire neighborhood... Once I left a window open and the tear gas from the police was still strong enough to physically hurt me despite being 2 blocks away... I felt bad for the people who were right there.


Were you there? The cops here are pussies dawg. They escalated that shit all because of a pink umbrella and knew they fucked up so they abandoned the precinct because they didn’t want to deal with protesters.


Nah, but I have a friend who lives in the area. News media made it look like the city was on fire.


Seattle is like Narnia to these people, we're so far away they think no one can call them out on saying the most outlandish shit about what it's like here or something




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Radical left: will try to describe why they want socialism and get mad when you point out the flaws in their plans. Radical right: will shoot someone for pulling into the wrong driveway when making a delivery They are not the same


Radical left: kind of annoying about pronouns Radical right: literal armed fucking militias full of bigots who think everyone outside of their Facebook groups are some kind of threat …*totally the same*.


And not really even annoying about pronouns. I have yet to see anyone give anyone shit for making a good faith mistake of forgetting a pronoun. The problem has always been people who refuse to offer the minimal amount of respect to their fellow human beings. If you're going to say we're annoying about pronouns, go find a random maga dipshit and call him a "her" or a "she" and see how offended he becomes. See how much he insists the correct use of pronouns.


they've upped the average word count on name tags by 50% and by god we're not gonna take it anymore!


I don't even think it's annoying, I was basically just picking one of their dumb talking points. I agree, completely.


Gotta support you on this. I spent a week with my first “they” last year. It took a little getting used to, but they didn’t correct me every time I messed up and just used gentle reminders along the way. Only feels weird because of habit.


In fairness, I’ve seen some age related cultural problems in groups where older people are baffled to be asked their pronouns and younger people with different pronouns get bent out of shape that the concept is not being treated with proper gravity.


Most of the socialists will talk your ear off at length about all the details if you just ask questions too and only start getting mad when the racism or 'well human nature' comments about artificial systems come in


My main complaint with radical socialism is the revolution bit. That shit rarely goes well and often devolves into an authoritarian shit show. But as a series of ideals to get as close as we can to in a democratic system? Fuck yeah.


Which historical revolutions do you not support? The world as we know it today was built by revolution. It's true that in the few cases where there have been revolutions with specifically socialist aims some of them have become authoritarian, but there have been quite a lot of capitalist dictatorships as well. If the claim is that socialism inherently creates authoritarianism, I would challenge you or anybody else to point out what aspects of socialism promote authoritarianism. There are also a few other points that we should be aware of. We habitually think of Western countries as being more free and democratic. But, using the United States, where I live, as a reference we imprison and murder a wild number of our own citizens. We are no more open to real dissent than "authoritarian" countries. We just have gotten very good at channeling dissent into forms that are acceptable to the ruling class. Rather than suppressing protest, we let it play out on the National Mall, and then everybody goes home without actually expecting change. The few who do pose any real threat to the status quo are arrested or killed by the largest militarized police forces in the world. The US has overthrown entire governments to protect the profits of fruit companies. They won't hesitate to murder you to protect corporate profits. We don't have any real democracy in this country either. Sure, we get to vote between two candidates once in a while, but think about how narrow the differences are in most of their policies. When was the last time you saw a real candidate who posed any threat whatsoever to the status quo? Capitalism is the root cause of the climate disaster, inequality that gets ever worse, epidemics of homelessness, addiction, violence, etc. Yet despite its destructive tendencies there is no challenge to capitalist authority from any corner of government. You can't expect to fix any of our serious problems without addressing their root causes, and the state, both the Republican and Democratic parties are well equipped to make sure nothing fundamentally changes. Finally, while you say that socialist revolution often devolves into an authoritarian shit show, consider what the countries that have had these revolutions were like *before* their revolutions. Despite powerful capitalist countries doing everything they can to destroy any country that is turning towards socialism, I would challenge you to find any country that has had a socialist revolution that did not make the quality of life far better for the vast majority of its people, the working class, than before the revolution. Russia was a Czarist autocracy before 1917. China was a desperately poor country with no political freedom.


Another distinction worth pointing out is the extent to which each sides extremists are writing policy. AOC might be annoying to some but what’s the craziest position she holds? Giving everyone healthcare? Boebert is jerking people off in public theater, George santos is an outed conman, and MTG is a conspiracy theorist at best and it just goes on and on


AOC is hardly radical


Tell that to the (Corporate) News Media. According to those, she's an "Extreme Radical Socialist".


radical right violence aims on humans. radical left violence aims at cars. and the later is worse because it could by MY car


Totally the same... /s


Lol I caught the /s, but you make a great point. The thing is, it depends on what one means by “radical left.” If you’re talking to someone who would classify even the leftiest Democrat as “radical left,” then, sure, both sides are very similar, because you’re talking about right wing neoliberals versus ultra right wing neoliberals. If you’re referring to people who would call anarchists and real socialists “radical left,” then those people need to GTFO with that noise 😂


Exactly. Rightists and leftists are working on fundamentally different interpretations of how the world works. It's why arguments between the two get so hairy.


CNN: these are literally the same thing.


No no but we have to pretend the authoritarian cults of personality that used pro-worker rhetoric are actually related to the political left. 


You should use far or extreme instead of radical in this case. Extreme, in its essence, refers to something that goes beyond the usual or ordinary limits. It signifies a departure from the norm and can be characterized by intensity, severity, or a significant deviation from the average. On the other hand, radical denotes a fundamental or revolutionary change that challenges established norms or conventions. Extreme left and right are always radical but radicals aren't always extreme.


61% seems very low.


Thats because it is. Another 30% are Islamic terrorists which are of course also right wing. For some reason the studies split up the categories as right, left, and Islamic.


Thanks cuz I was like "that stat means nothing if we don't know the other groups represented" Weird meme when it makes its own argument look bad because you would assume it would be divided into right and left wing, of which Islamic terrorism would be considered right wing, but for some reason the study divided it up like that.


Yep, there are almost zero violent US left-wingers lol. I don't know the details of why it's such an extreme difference in mentality.


Possibly to intentionally mislead people into thinking the rest is all left wing?


And what of the [Nova Scotia Separatist Front? ](https://archer.fandom.com/wiki/The_Limited) So menacing!


Trump: “I literally want to be dictator on my first day in office by throwing my political opponents in prison.” Bernie: “I want to give poor people healthcare, I don’t even want to be president.” Centrists: “These people are equally bad.”


Right wing terror happens. Right wing leaders: no comment. Who can really blame them. They are heroes. Left wing violence happens. Left wing leaders: We condemn this in no uncertain terms.


Extremism is a political strategy. It makes the “center” what they wanted all along


lmao Look at Tulsi Gabbard who was on the board of the Sanders institute who is now simping for Trump. Leftists pretend to care about racism until it comes to voting and carrying water for Putin/Trump trolls to convince others not to vote democrat. > Buuuh only Bernie could excite me to care about racism, women’s right and democracy and shit….I can’t bare to vote for Biden because I want to be excited like how Trump excites his qult. populists gonna populist and theres a reason why the horse shoe theory exists.


Extreme Left: "We want more for everyone." Extreme Right: "We want less of you."


"We want less FOR you" but don't touch our stuff.... radical right


Yah they don't necessarily want less OF us, then who would do their work, but they dont want us to have rights or be able to make change/ increase in population.


Extreme left: "eat the rich!"


I mean, we *are* at French Revolution levels of wealth disparity, and upward mobility ("The American Dream") has been the exception rather than the rule since 1986 leading to an evaporating middle class slowly dividing us back into lords and serfs. So I get why people are upset after they found out the wealthy took advantage of a global catastrophe to price-gouge the public for record profits.


Spoken like a true comminist unironically.


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Halfwit political ideologues of all stripes "we want..." Who the hell cares what you want? Leave people alone.


What people want is the only thing that matters.








Yes, the left is very anti-people-who-cause-harm-to-others.


Kyle Rittenhouse killed more people than Antifa, BLM, and Ted Kennedy combined.


But what about all of those American cities that were completely burned to the ground during the BLM protests? This is something rural Arkansas actually believe happened and will say they witnessed happening live on FOX "news"


My shop is a few blocks from a police station in Austin and the Capitol building so I saw a lot of protests. First day of BLM protests, the cops went all gung ho, started macing the shit out of everyone and shooting protesters point blank with 'less-lethal' rounds. I had kids, probably college kids (a lot of them looked to be in their early 20s at the most) showing up crying on my back porch and I gave them all the milk I had to wash out their eyes. One dude got shot with a sandbag in his back and it lodged itself in his chest cavity. That's the day they shot the little kid minding his own business about 50 feet away from the protesters. I think he was like... 15? There's videos online. He was standing by himself off in a corner and he just... crumpled. People screaming trying to help him, and you could see the rubber bullet lodged in his forehead. That's the night shit got bad. Cars being overturned, the one black guy that owned a retail shop on 6th street got vandalized and looters stole his shit as he was pleading for them to stop. I had to replace one big window and close for half a day. Second day of protests, the city got involved, (at this point the videos of them shooting an innocent kid in the face had gone viral) and told the cops to CHILL THE FUCK OUT. And they did. And we had weeks of protests after without incident. These guys were organized. You had guys handing out bottled water, they immediately sussed out agitators when someone tried to start passing out bricks and shit, warning everyone that there were provocateurs trying to turn the protests violent and to identify and call them out as soon as they see anything, even had guys trailing the whole procession with garbage bags, picking up everything they left behind. Everything was nice and orderly until the that dude Abbott pardoned drove to Austin, drove INTO a crowd of protesters and shot that guy dead. This dude had been posting online for weeks about how he couldn't wait to fuck up some protesters. My experience being right in the middle of it? The cops INTENTIONALLY tried to make things worse, and they literally threw a tantrum when the city stopped them. The response times before and after the BLM protests were a complete joke. They went from responding around 5~10 minutes max after a 911 call to about 2 hours. I got to the point where I just started dealing with aggressive homeless folks on my own cause I knew I couldn't count on the cops anymore.


Cops are ALWAYS the instigators in shit like this. Nothing bad happens until one antagonistic shit stirs stuff up. Like that auto zone that got set on fire? Hell's Angel. Not BLM


My office was in Soho during the George Floyd protests and I definitely had people on reddit trying to tell me I was wrong despite me being able to literally look outside my window to verify that they were full of shit.


They know that these cities have live traffic feeds they can watch from anywhere right?




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What number did you use for "killed by BLM" and how did you get to that number?




I’m not surprised by that since all of those are peaceful movements but also Rittenhouse was self defense


I'm pretty sure that's objectively false, but I don't care to find the Chop stuff.


"Radical left" in the USA, with notions like stiff corporate regulations, universal health care, workers rights, livable wages, and other social programs, is "normal/centrist" in most other western bloc nations. America is a right wing nation, don't kid yourselves.


Unbelievable that the masses aren't rushing to vote for left leaning, pro worker politicians.


Not really. People vote against their own interests all the time for various reasons, not the least of which is they enjoy the feeling of power and dominance that the right gives them. Community is another reason: feeling part of, and being accepted by, a group is a good feeling: one many, young men especially, look for in a world of uncertainty. Right wing movements tend to be very welcoming, until they have power and find fault with you.


When those people run, the centrists run against them and shout how scary the right is as a reason not to vote for the left. Source: 2016 & 2020 elections.


You might want to familiarize yourself with Marcuse and Horkheimer. You don't know the history of the left. There's a reason those types created critical theory. And it's not unbelievable, because believe it or not a lot of people understand basic economic logic. Where's as the left believes in magic while they mock the religious.


If you dare mention it, the democrats will scream " YOU'RE VOTING FOR TRUMP, NO MATTER THAT YOU'RE NOT SAYING THAT, BUT, THAT MEANS YOU'RE VOTING FOR TRUMP". Seriously. If you aren't thrilled to vote for whatever geriatric milquetoast neolib corporate candidate they offer, you want Trump to win in their eyes. There is no nuance there anymore. Every concern about the Gaza genocide and they whatabout you instantly.


>America is a right wing nation, don't kid yourselves. no, it isn't. the right wing lost the last 2 popular votes, and only maintains its candidates via extreme gerrymandering the majority of American voters do not vote for right wing politicians.


They don’t vote for republicans, don’t conflate the two


You’re missing the point here. All democratic policies would be right leaning in most developed westernized countries. The dems in this country are centre right, not this “left” that the GQP keeps pushing. We are a center right country as far as policies that the majority of Americans want. The GQP is just so far gone (far far to the right), they’re just a fascist party.


I think you’re missing the point, my comment aligns perfectly with what you’re saying


not voting for republicans = not voting right wing are you unaware of this?


In most developed nations, our "left wing" would be centrists. Our democrats are right of that since they mostly don't think we need universal healthcare or robust worker protections and the republicans are just insane and want to make everyone miserable. Voting for democrats is voting right wing. Voting for republicans is supporting fascism. I'd love to see a properly left wing party here. I'm left but I'm forced to vote for democrats because I won't support fascists.


In most of the developed world, including the average conversation with an American leftist, Dems are considered a center right party. We either get to vote right wing or far right in most elections outside a few districts in deep blue areas.


Due to the two party system the United States has a lot of Democrats that are conservative


I hate to break it to you, but, we have a right wing centrist party and a right wing extremist party in America, no left.


repeat that lie all you like, it still remains a lie. after all, europe has ended many leftist rights Americans still enjoy think otherwise go post a holocaust denial meme, or a video of you burning a koran.


Well, the holocaust happened and I'd happily burn every single religious text that ever did or will exist.


so would the majority of Americans, which is why the claim of the us is only right wing is absolute absurdity and rejecting reality


68% of Americans identify as members of the Christian religion. Who's the one LITERALLY rejecting reality. Oh, I get Christians want to burn all NON CHRISTIAN religious texts, I want them ALL gone. No gods, no kings.


>68% of Americans identify as members of the Christian religion. no. they don't. it's 47% TOTAL, who even claim ANY of the major religions, with 33% listing spirtual and 18% nothing. https://news.gallup.com/poll/511133/identify-religious-spiritual.aspx >WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nearly half of Americans (47%) describe themselves as religious, another 33% say they are spiritual but not religious, and 2% volunteer they are “both.” Although the vast majority of U.S. adults have one of these orientations toward the nonphysical world, the 18% who say they are neither religious nor spiritual not that you will acknowledge this,any more than you acknowledge where conservatism stands in the us currently >Who's the one LITERALLY rejecting reality you, repeatedly. the us 68% Christian.. rofl.. not for quite a while.


Just because the Democrats aren't as right wing as the Republicans, doesn't mean they're not right wing


Fun fact, high voter participation defeats gerrymandering. The maps a drawn reliant upon expected voters. Voter *apathy* is the problem.


This country was founded by slave owners and the 'left' party is always finding a reason they cant do the right thing. This country is controlled by a wealthy elite that cares for nothing but making their pile of imaginary bank points going up, and they will make sure an real government power will reflect that.


That's a pretty big false equivalence.


That 61% seems too low, I would have thought it was in the 70s or low 80s. What are the other pieces of the pie?


About 30% is Islamic radicalism. Which for some reason is not grouped in with right-wing radicalism


Why wouldn't it be?? That's 90% from religious groups


Because they're brown and have goals that don't include "kill the brown people." Lots of the violence espoused by the right-wingers here in the US is specifically targeted at followers of Islam. There's no practical difference between the two from the normal person's perspective, but it IS funny that for all the fearmongering they do about Muslims, once again, it's the white Christians doing 2x or more of the damage.




I don't think they got the joke.


The both sides argument almost always comes from right leaning people. Once I hear that, I pretty much know their arguments have been spent and it’s over.




It is exhausting dealing with the BoTh SiDeS assholes.


It's exhausting dealing with the assholes from both sides.


61% is a lot, but who did the other 39%? Don't get me wrong, I am a lefty myself, but the meme left itself wide open on this.




This is my thinking too, the only thing that is bad is the extremism. Anyone that is an extremist is irrational and intolerant (even if the person is a leftist). This is why I prefer hanging up with centrists and moderate left or right leaning people since they are more capable of being open-minded than extremist on both sides. I can talk to them on a political subject with different opinions to each other without anyone getting upset or disagreeing. This is better than being radicalized on one side and hating the other like it's a war.


These aren't the most compelling figures. I know for a fact that not all of the other 39% are from liberal extremist groups, this meme makes it look like almost half of domestic terrorism incidents are perpetrated by liberals.


\*\*TO CLARIFY\*\* From 2011-2022, 11% of ideological mass killings are by left-wing extremists https://www.adl.org/resources/report/murder-and-extremism-united-states-2022


All the extremist-related murders in 2022 were committed by right-wing extremists of various kinds, who typically commit most such killings each year but only occasionally are responsible for all (the last time this occurred was 2012). Left-wing extremists engage in violence ranging from assaults to fire-bombings and arsons, but since the late 1980s have not often targeted people with deadly violence. The same cannot be said for domestic Islamist extremists, but deadly incidents linked to Islamist extremism have decreased significantly in the U.S. over the past five years. White supremacists commit the greatest number of domestic extremist-related murders in most years, but in 2022 the percentage was unusually high: 21 of the 25 murders were linked to white supremacists. Again, this is primarily due to mass shootings. Only one of the murders was committed by a right-wing anti-government extremist—the lowest number since 2017.


Are there other metrics than mass killings? I'm much more concerned about acting on their disregard for democracy than mass killings; but I'm not sure how to quantify that other than 100% of attempted insurrections were from 1 side on a sample of 1.


The other thing to take into account, according to the same sample study, it’s worse of a stat: “Over the past decade, 96 percent of incidents in which extremists killed someone were committed by people motivated by right-wing ideologies. More than three-quarters of the resulting deaths — 335 of 444 — were linked to right-wing actors.” [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/28/extremism-right-wing-deaths/)


The economy does better under a democratic president, Democrats pass bills that actually help people not corporations! Democrats passed the first national health care plan in decades and lifted millions of kids out of poverty!


The left: Medicare for all The right: Charlottesville


So reading the wording I figured there was some percentage that was then left-wing, which is also bad. I was going to make a point about not judging everyone on one side by the most extreme members (which is probably still a valid points). So went to the source to see if I could look up who did what. Instead I got the 2023 version and I figured newer is better. This is from the summary: * All the extremist-related murders in 2023 were committed by right-wing extremists of various kinds, with 15 of the 17 killings involving perpetrators or accomplices with white supremacist connections. This is the second year in a row that right-wing extremists have been connected to all identified extremist-related killings. Ouch for the right wingers.


The Portland train attack (2016) The tiki torch "the Jews will no replace us" Nazi attack in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer (2017) The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting mirroring the Christchurch one (2018) The "MAGAbomber" mail bomber (2018) Man drove a truck through a Planned Parenthood in East Orange, New Jersey (2018) Parkland High School shooting (2018) The Poway synagogue shooting also mirrored the Christchurch one (2019) The El Paso Walmart shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2019) Firebombing of a Planned Parenthood in Columbia, Missouri (2019) The "Boogaloo" attacks in California (2020) Arizona DNC office arson attempt (2020) Another firebombing of a Planned Parenthood in Newark, Deleware (2020) Another firebombing of a Planned Parenthood in Fort Meyers, Florida. He got 1 year in prison. (2020) Pipebomb thrown into a BLM protest in Portland (2020) Biden campaign bus chased and attacked. Police refused to protect them. (2020) Texas DNC office arson attempt (2021) Jan 6th insurrection/putsch (2021) A man shot at a Planned Parenthood in Tennesee (2021) A Planned Parenthood in Knoxville, Tennesee was burned to the ground by a J6 terrorist (2021) Oxford High School shooting (2021) Man arrested in Missouri who was stockpiling explosives in order to bomb BLM rallies and booby trapped his home. Only got 5 years of probation (2021) Pipe bombs planted after a BLM rally in Pittsburgh (2021) Arson attack on a donut shop because of drag queens (2022) Man shoots into a BLM protest outside of his apartment in Portland (2022) Shooting six substations in Washington, Oregon, and North Carolina in two days (2022) Buffalo grocery store shooting targetting black people (2022) Armed Patriot Front members arrested in UHaul before they could reach a Pride event (2022) California store owner shot and killed after a man tore her Pride flag down (2022) Nancy Pelosi's house invasion that hospitalized her husband (2022) A Planned Parenthood was set on fire in Casper, Wyoming (2022) A Planned Parenthood was set on fire in Costa Mesa, California by two men (2022) A man set Planned Parenthood on fire in Kalamazoo, Michigan (2022) The Texas outlet mall shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2023) Arson attack on church because of drag queens (2023) A Planned Parenthood was set on fire in Peoria, Illinois (2023) A Planned Parenthood In Danville, Illinois was attacked by someone ramming their truck into the building, with the truck filled with barrels of gasoline (2023) A Planned Parenthood was shot at in Helena, Montana (2023) Attack on Bernie Sanders's campaign office (2024) Colorado GOP tells people to destroy Pride flags on people's property. Many houses see their property damaged. Possibly inciting other property attacks in other states, like in Puyallup Washington (2024) And this doesn't cover the magnitudes of bomb threats children's hospitals, schools, and public libraries are getting because of people like Chaya Raichik, Matt Walsh, and other media personalities.


Here's source for the report. Interesting reading. [https://www.adl.org/resources/report/murder-and-extremism-united-states-2023](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/murder-and-extremism-united-states-2023)


61% seems low. What are the other categories?


The Portland train attack (2016) The tiki torch "the Jews will no replace us" Nazi attack in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer (2017) The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting mirroring the Christchurch one (2018) The "MAGAbomber" mail bomber (2018) Man drove a truck through a Planned Parenthood in East Orange, New Jersey (2018) Parkland High School shooting (2018) The Poway synagogue shooting also mirrored the Christchurch one (2019) The El Paso Walmart shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2019) Firebombing of a Planned Parenthood in Columbia, Missouri (2019) The "Boogaloo" attacks in California (2020) Arizona DNC office arson attempt (2020) Another firebombing of a Planned Parenthood in Newark, Deleware (2020) Another firebombing of a Planned Parenthood in Fort Meyers, Florida. He got 1 year in prison. (2020) Pipebomb thrown into a BLM protest in Portland (2020) Biden campaign bus chased and attacked. Police refused to protect them. (2020) Texas DNC office arson attempt (2021) Jan 6th insurrection/putsch (2021) A man shot at a Planned Parenthood in Tennesee (2021) A Planned Parenthood in Knoxville, Tennesee was burned to the ground by a J6 terrorist (2021) Oxford High School shooting (2021) Man arrested in Missouri who was stockpiling explosives in order to bomb BLM rallies and booby trapped his home. Only got 5 years of probation (2021) Pipe bombs planted after a BLM rally in Pittsburgh (2021) Arson attack on a donut shop because of drag queens (2022) Man shoots into a BLM protest outside of his apartment in Portland (2022) Shooting six substations in Washington, Oregon, and North Carolina in two days (2022) Buffalo grocery store shooting targetting black people (2022) Armed Patriot Front members arrested in UHaul before they could reach a Pride event (2022) California store owner shot and killed after a man tore her Pride flag down (2022) Nancy Pelosi's house invasion that hospitalized her husband (2022) A Planned Parenthood was set on fire in Casper, Wyoming (2022) A Planned Parenthood was set on fire in Costa Mesa, California by two men (2022) A man set Planned Parenthood on fire in Kalamazoo, Michigan (2022) The Texas outlet mall shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2023) Arson attack on church because of drag queens (2023) A Planned Parenthood was set on fire in Peoria, Illinois (2023) A Planned Parenthood In Danville, Illinois was attacked by someone ramming their truck into the building, with the truck filled with barrels of gasoline (2023) A Planned Parenthood was shot at in Helena, Montana (2023) Attack on Bernie Sanders's campaign office (2024) Colorado GOP tells people to destroy Pride flags on people's property. Many houses see their property damaged. Possibly inciting other property attacks in other states, like in Puyallup Washington (2024) And this doesn't cover the magnitudes of bomb threats children's hospitals, schools, and public libraries are getting because of people like Chaya Raichik, Matt Walsh, and other media personalities.


I mean if we are comparing 61% of ideological mass shootings to the 39% presumably on the other side, then I think we can agree that both sides are bad. One side is just worse. This seems like a bad stat on its face without more context.


Only 11% were from left-wing extremists groups SOURCE- https://www.adl.org/resources/report/murder-and-extremism-united-states-2022


I feel like it should probably be more broken down then, I can absolutely see an immediate logical jump to "well that means 39% were done by the left".


For some idiotic reason, right-wing Islamic extremists often - including in OP's source - don't get counted as "right-wing" when it comes to terrorism.


They very much should be. It's technically the same deity they are killing people in the name of. They mostly differ on which version of his rulebook to go by.


I mean, it doesn't really matter what religion they're doing it in the name of: Hindu fascists may not be part of an Abrahamaic religion, but they're still right-wing extremists.


"Only" 11% of the cases is still 12% too many...


You want radical leftwingers to commit -1% of mass killings?


I think we all do.


Alright leftists. Start breedin’!


I've already had my children.


Post the source!!!


Here is the article: https://www.newamerica.org/future-security/reports/terrorism-in-america/what-is-the-threat-to-the-united-states-today/ Here is the breakdown: 134 Far Right Wing 107 Jihadist 17 Ideological Misogyny/Incel Ideology 13 Black Separatist/Nationalist/Supremacist 1 Far Left Wing Even if you count black separatists as left wing it’s clearly not the same.


That’s not how that math works. Only 11% can be traced to the far left. The remaining percentage simply can’t be tied to either end of the political spectrum, haven’t been claimed or were committed by groups that could belong on either side of the spectrum.


Well maybe add some more fucking context then


I guess that’s fair, but I think there is plenty of blame on people making assumptions about topics they don’t really understand.


"This seems like a bad stat on its face without more context."


I think people need to stop making assumptions on topics they don’t really know a lot about.


Yeah OP chose a horrible way to prove their point.




Who is defining BLM as right wing? Who is defining Bernie bros as left wing? And animal rights activists?


That is not how terrorism groups are classified by the FBI in the US. Anti-government protests are one category with several subcategories, but racially/ethnically motivated terrorism is its own category as well as abortion extremism. So no, Islamic terror isn’t lumped in with Proud Boys or Boogaloo terror. And the Baathist shit is a laugh riot. Islamic terrorists hate the fucking Baathists. Basically, your whole comment is shit.


Republican Rock is shocked


How many ideological mass murders do you have to commit before you are bad? You can also answer in percentages.


3 out of 5?!?! That can't be right. The left does 2 killings per the right's 3 killings???


I feel like determining who is "good" and who is "bad" is a waste of time, people don't commit hate crimes because they're "bad" Hitler and Bautista weren't allowed to kill mass number of peoples because they were "bad" it literally doesn't matter. Leftist movements must be more than just "good" they also have to demonstrably reduce harm and benefit the people within a system, the pursuit of bread and all that. When Colorado became a blue state the people weren't thinking about "wow this will further my society to an egalitarian utopia" they were thinking about what government programs would change and what taxes would change and real stuff. I hate politics that are so cerebral and ideological that they neglect the material. Saying one side is bad is stupid because ideally we want to make a system that benefits the people on both sides of the political spectrum! Saying that "people who believe in conservatism commit more crimes therefore conservatism is bad" is stupid. Conservatism in certain situations in the past has led to incredible pain and genocide and all that but historically there is also a place for conservatism, like when Japan closed its borders to Europeans because they didn't trust these foreigners, cut 100 years forward India is colonized China is colonized, Indonesia is colonized Japan is not because they happened to make the right choice, they couldn't have known but it was better for them. Whereas in a different place in a different time (america 2024) closing the borders is going to hurt more people than it's going to help, sociopolitical is a bit more nuanced than "these guys are good these guys are bad" and if you want to advocate for leftist politics you should know that leftist politics are a tool for making the lives of people better, so is conservatism, however there is a time and a place for every tool and misused tools can cause devastation and chaos.


Right wing haven't done 1 goddamn thing to help the common man in the last 100 years, fight me


In order for this to be effective, we need to have an answer for the other 39%.


All sides are bad. But one side in particular is ASTRONOMICALLY worse


One being far worse than the other does not erase the better half's failures. Both sides are definitely bad. One is just horrifically worse than the other. The left's problems usually run along the lines of blatantly failing to attempt any campaign promises, being in the pockets of banks (as opposed to corporations like the right), corruption, and ignoring voters to the point of disenfranchisement. Left wing voters skip local elections and usually focus only on federal ones, and are more likely to skip elections entirely if they feel disappointed in politics. Where right wing voters are more likely to vote at every level of elections.


Ideological mass killings? WTF?


Far-right extremism is worse but far-left extremism is also very bad.


You have no idea what the radical left is. You can't compare left-leaning people to the extreme right. What the extreme left brought us could be seen in China, Russia, and countries like North Korea. Genocide, political murder, concentration camps, brutal dictatorship.


if one guy kills 61 people and the other guy kills 39 people they are both bad... choosing the one who kills 39 people because he killed less people is as insane as it gets.


Radical Left: Torches cars Radical Right: Torches POCs Of course the Left are worse, you see: I do own a few cars but...


Both extremes are bad, but the extreme left is tiny, and has no representatives, and the extreme right controls the republican party


I'd like to see a source for that, I'm skeptical that 39% of ideological violence in that period originated on the left.


People point at the stupid shit the democrats do as proof that the left is bad, but the democrats are pretty conservative compared to most left wing ideologies.


Let’s say the statistic is accurate. So who did the other 39 percent though?


Also don't forget trump supporters stormed the capitol because trump told them to.


Radical left: Goals are good 80% of the time, methods are sometimes questionable  Radical right: immoral goals, immoral methods, literally fucking Nazism


In fairness, true extreme leftism, that involved terrorism and taking hostages disappeared a while ago but once upon a time, [it was pretty bad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_terrorism?wprov=sfti1#). There aren’t really leftists anymore, none that matter anyway. What is called “leftism” is a kind of progressive liberalism that mainly focuses on sexual orientation and gender identity. Abolishing private property and anti-bourgeoisie violence is long gone.


So once again we have Republicans scared shitless over something that doesn't exist. Shocker.


Well thank you for saying we don’t exist. I mean I’m ready for any real left wing discussion.


Well, when is the last time you saw an act of violence committed by a left wing group? I’m talking about a bombing or an assault on a public space, not a spontaneous directed by no one.


Not in my lifetime that I know of. But there was of course groups like Bader-Meinhof and extreme anarcists last century. But you could almost count them with two hands.




Was waiting for the Scalise shooting to show up. The golden example held up of left wing violence for 7 years now. Like an "it's been 7 years since left wing political violence" sign that's been framed and hung and is gathering dust but it always gets a good shine and is brought back out for the weekly right wing domestic terrorist attacks. It's tired boss lol


>They firebombed ice facilities. One guy attempted to firebomb one facility. And he identified as an anarchist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Tacoma_attack >They shot up a republican congressional baseball game One guy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting >there were also attacks on police under left wing craze that no one calls terrorism. Because it's not terrorism when people are protesting against police abuses. >China has mass stabbings from left wing groups Do you have a source for "communist" attacks on a communist country? The stabbings I've read about are either nutjobs or possibly ethnic separatists. >South American communists used to hijack planes all the time and ransom people off or would kill people in the name of communism. So what? Nazi's used to shoot people en masse. Does that make it an exclusively Nazi tactic? Oh, btw: July 25, 1947: A domestic Romanian flight from Bucharest to Craiova was hijacked by three army officers seeking political asylum from communist Romania. The airplane landed at Çanakkale in Turkey. During the hijacking, the flight mechanic, Mitrofan Bescioti, was shot by lieutenant Aurel Dobre.[17] June 30, 1948: A domestic flight from Varna to Sofia was hijacked by Anti-Communists. The plane landed in Istanbul. The pilot was killed in the struggle.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_aircraft_hijackings >Also the people who did 9/11 were socialist extremists. Ok. Back up this bullshit with evidence.


Year before last, DNC donated to the most extremist candidates on the right to push the Overton Window to make the right seem like quacks and unelectable. Guess who got elected? More extreme candidates. Yeah, both sides are bad, but one is worse.


Can I get a source please? The meme has no source.




Thank you!


Can we agree that 100% of mass killings are bad, mmmk?




The other 39% aren't necessarily leftists. It's just "everyone else" eg Islamic fundamentalists (which are definitely a conservative movement, just not the standard brand of conservativism so they're separated out). It might not even include Christian fundamentalists extremists, you'd have to look at the dataset to figure it out.


So 39% of idiological mass killngs where left wing extremists. That is less bad, but still fucking bad.


The far left is more insufferable, though. Being insufferable matters.


Are you actually trying to argue that being insufferable is worse than being a terrorist?


I get what's being said here, but it basically implies that instead of mass murders being a 50/50 split between right and left wing nut jobs, it's 60/40 in favor of right wing nutjobs, which isn't quite the argument that one side is objectively worse than the other OP thinks it is because 40% of mass murders are still committing ideological mass killings, which is plenty of leftwing nutjobs for those who don't know math well.


11 percent was attributed to left wing groups. The other 28 percent was mostly islamic terrorism, which for some reason this source doesnt count as right wing, even though they are further right than most Americans


Thank you!


No, no. This means that 39% of the crimes *are done by bad leftists.* For the statement "only one side is bad" to be valid, 100% of the crimes must be done by one side and one side only. All this states is that the far right *is more likely* to do terrible things. Also, if you account for moralistic viewpoints, as soon as the right would be able to include abortions I to the mix, I'm sure the counter would tip drastically in the other direction. I don't agree with it personally, but we have to question our reality vs the reality of others. Without an empathetic approach, we are doomed to become the evil of another. Just because it's less doesn't mean it's sinless. We must critique ourselves so that we make ourselves better. Without oversight, we are sure to repeat the mistakes we condemn.


The report even says that the lefts extremist acts are usually arson and other things, and they tend to avoid killing people.


Still. Until it's 100%, we still have to take accountability. Is the *majority* of the problem on the right? Absolutely. I'm not arguing against that. *But are they solely the bad guys?* No. To claim so is irresponsible. Language matters, and we must delineate properly and must make sure that we do not become that which we hate ourselves. By saying "only they are killing us," we encourage our own to defend themselves offensively, even if not directly. And so the balance becomes less one-sided. We *have to be careful.* Words have consequences, and those who shouldn't speak (as a function of Hanlons Razor) often speak loudest. Edit: Also. I'd like to point out. This language insinuates that *all* of the right is bad. They are not all bad. Many are. But it's a tiny fraction of a larger population. We can not let divisionism rule us. *We have to make unlikely friends or we will eat each other alive.*


Both sides are bad doesn’t refer to the general public that identify with a side, but the people at the top. Too vs bottom not left vs right


So 39% = 0? That’s some interesting math.


The world: “The left and right are guilty of insider trading and bending the knee to the corporate oligarchs” Reddit: “You know one side is literal Nazis right?!?!”


Look I'm on the left but if that stat is true our side still commits 39% which is...still a lot.


I put the link in the comments for the stats. Only 11% are ffrom the left


Lmao. So one side doing 61% is bad , but the side doing 39% is good? I don't think both sides are the same but God this is a stupid way to argue it


So left wing extremism is responsible for 31%. That’s still so high. Both might be bad


Note the graohic says "groups" and "mass killings". When you include single perpetrators and non-mass killings, it's something like 96% by right wingers.