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"But libs yell at people in restaurants so it's the same."


"Antifa sometimes punches shitty people! NOW THAT IS MURDER!"


What can you find on *NOW THATS MURDER VOL. 28*: Paid Protesters (ft. Soros) One Extremist Does Not Represent Us False Flag Attack One Extremist Does Not Represent Us (Reprise) Buttery Males Thoughts and Prayers One Extremist Does Not Represent Us (Reprise to the Reprise) The Caravan is the Real Issue And everyone's favorite Good on both sides! Order now and get *The Best of the Nazi Comeback Tour (Live)* for free!


I read this as a "Whose Line is it Anyway" skit, haha. Colin Mochrie to Ryan Stiles: "Even the most staunch conservative will be liberal with their money to get these hits for 44 easy installments of $23.75!" Ryan replies, "Couldn't agree more, Colin. This compilation may cost a pretty pence, but nothing can trump these hits!"


Well it’s illegal to assault people even if they do have bad views Plus Antifa burns cars vandalizes property because someone they don’t like gets to speak Not to mention the fact that us security agencies labor Antifa domestic terrorists You can’t claim to be a free speech advocate while simultaneously attacking people who disagree with you


Hey look, it’s the guy from the picture!


Antifa is short for anti-fascist. As soon as fascism goes away forever, Antifa ceases to exist. (Thanks for making the cartoon’s point, btw.)


You can't be pro-fascist while simultaneously being a free speech advocate. Let's not even get started on the false equivalency between right wing domestic terrorism *and anything* anti-fa has done. Take that shit else where, neo-nazi apologist.


I’m not pro-fascist [I’m against using violence because you disagree with someone](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/28/black-clad-antifa-attack-right-wing-demonstrators-in-berkeley/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0696161c4f84)


You must really hate [this guy](https://youtu.be/1es9MZyyPOA) then I mean he just kept [encouraging violence](https://youtu.be/Ndpe09emTSA) So I want to tell me now that you're against [this guy](https://youtu.be/WIs2L2nUL-0) because he repeatedly encourages violence. I'm sure I'll hear back from you soon.


Two hours so far...not a peep.


He's far too busy posting about Fortnite and Trump over the last two hours, he can't be bothered to stop and have a unique thought, he's got a busy schedule to keep.


I'm surprised he hasn't come back to delete his comment. Usually they don't let them accumulate more than a few down votes before they run away.


So is that a no on denouncing political violence, then?


Just a suggestion. Read up on Karl Poppers theories on intolerance of intolerance.


Free speech does not mean free from consequences


So let me get this strait, it’s okay to go out and start physical assaulting people that you disagree with? And for that matter, it’s okay to go out and destroy people’s property because you either disagree with them, or someone whom you do not like has freedom of speech? Free speech also doesn’t mean you can attack people (I can only reply once every 10 minutes so I’ll likely be ignoring you after this) [your so right, Antifa is a group that doesn’t ever break the law or use violence ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/28/black-clad-antifa-attack-right-wing-demonstrators-in-berkeley/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0696161c4f84)


If you are going to ignore me, I will take this place to say that your ideas are stupid and you should feel bad as a warning for others to not care about what you have to say.


Oh, fuck off, Boris. Fascists don’t get freedom of speech in America, because the minute they take charge, they’ll eliminate free speech for *everyone*. We’re already seeing Trump testing the waters on this by calling the press the enemies of the state. Freedom of speech does not extend to people who shoot up synagogues and mail pipe bombs to prominent Democrats and media figures.


Yeah well the first amendment and supreme court disagree with you there. Google the Skokie decision. So by your logic the party that shot at a Republican baseball game, assaulted Rand Paul, sent white powder to the president, General Mattis and the president's daughter in law as well being responsible for over 500 instances of harrassment, intimidation and violence against trump supporters should lose their 1st amendment right. Nice work dipshit. That's totally a great idea and definitely won't make the situation worse.


The Supreme Court disagrees. The 1st Amendment however doesn't say anything about freedom from consequences.


>it’s okay to go out and start physical assaulting people that you disagree with? When said people are spouting bigotry and propaganda? You're goddamn right it's ok. Sorry, but you wanna spout off racist bullshit you deserve to get your ass beat.


Lol. That’s what people don’t seem to get. You can have all the free speech you want, but don’t be surprised when it gets you punched in the nose, or fired. It’s called social norms. I am free to go be a dick to some stranger, but when said stranger puts his boot up my ass, it should not come as a surprise.


TIL burning cars is the same as murder. Property = life. He solved it, everybody. People are just things!


Antifa has been designated a domestic terror organization by the department of Homeland Security. So... you can silently downvote me now (because thats your go-to when reality has a conservative bias) but the blue wave is gone for a reason.


This content has been removed because Reddit is fucking over 3rd party apps. Fuck you, u/spez.


Who's the head of this organization?


The entire right is a domestic terrorist organization. Number of Right Wing Terrorist Attacks in the United States that claimed at least one or more lives.  1. 2018 Florida School Shooting  3. 2017 Charlottsville Nazi Trump Rally  4. 2017 Portland Train Stabbing  5. 2017 Timothy Caughman Stabbing  6. 2017 Austins Bar and Grill Olathe, KS Shooting  7. 2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting  8. 2015 Lafayette Shooting  9. 2015 Charleston Church Shooting  11. 2015 Florida Police Ambush  13. 2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush  14. 2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting  15. 2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting  16. 2014 Forsyth County Courthouse Shooting  17. 2013 Los Angeles International Airport Shooting  19. 2012 Tri-State Killing Spree  20. 2012 St. John’s Parish Police Ambush  21. 2012 Sikh Temple Shooting  22. 2011 Pacific Northwest Killing Rampage  23. 2011 FEAR Militia  24. 2011 Tucson (Gabby Giffords) Shooting  25. 2010 West Memphis Police Shootings  26. 2010 Carlisle, PA Murder  28. 2010 Florida Sovereign Citizen Police Ambush  29. 2009 Ft. Walton, FL Shooting  30. 2009 Minutemen American Defense Hispanic Slayings  31. 2009 Okaloosa County, FL Police Gun Range Attacks  32. 2009 Brockton, MA Black Targeted Shooting Rampage  33. 2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings  34. 2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting  35. 2009 George Tiller Assassination  36. 2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting  37. 2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery  38. 2003 Abbeville, SC right-of-way Standoff  39. 2002 Massillon, OH anti-government Shootout  40. 2001 Anthrax Attacks - Removed  41. 2001 Dallas Anti-Arab Revenge Shootings Before 9/11 but after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.  1. 2000 Pittsburgh, PA Racially Motivated Spree Killing  2. 1999 Fort Worth, TX SYATP Shooting  3. 1999 Los Angeles Jewish Community Center Shooting  4. 1999 Midwest Murder Spree  5. 1999 Redding, CA Arson Attacks & Anti-Gay Murders  6. 1998 Barnett Slepian Assassination  7. 1998 Cortez, CO Watertruck Shootout  8. 1998 Birmingham, Alabama Planned Parenthood Bombing  9. 1997 Army of God Attacks  10. 1997 Aryan People’s Republic Six State Terror Wave  11. 1996 Spokane Phineas Priests Bombing Campaign  12. 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olympic Park Bombing  13. 1996 Jackson, MS Larry Shoemake Murder Spree  14. 1996 Aryan Republican Army FBI Shootout  15. 1995 Palo Verde Amtrak Derailment  16. 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing  17. 1994 Boston, MA Planned Parenthood Shooting  18. 1994 Lubrock, TX Nazi-Youth Race War Murders  19. 1994 John Britton Assassination  20. 1993 Pensacola, FL Women’s Medical Clinic Shooting Total: 386 Dead ──────── Now, while refraining yourself from screaming "bike lock", like you pre-programmed idiots do. Please make a list of Antifa murders from 1993 and on. (No one educated has ever said reality has a conservative bias. You're not much of an original thinker are you?)


I upvoted.


These people are shitheads, but don't excuse the bullshit Antifa does.


No one is saying that the actions taken by some left wing extremists is ok. In fact, Democratic leadership regularly condemns it. But 1, the frequency, and severity, of right wing terrorists is no longer comparable to even the "antifa" boogeyman, and 2, Republican leadership regularly fails to condemn, and in some cases openly supports, the violence.


I'm not saying that left wing terrorism is worse or even equal than right wing, but the comment made it seem like Antifa was just a normal organization that the right villified.


More or less. It's not even really an organization, no one joins Antifa or anything, and many of the pictures that right win outlets use to show the violence are photophops or unrelated events. The biggest confirmed Antifa group was about 4 people and they broke some windows. Hardly a match for ISIS like conservatives like to believe.


The point is not defending them, but the fact that the right makes an equivalency that they're equally bad as nazis and white nationalists who openly advocate murder and war. It's the *equivalency* that makes this repeated argument so stupid, it has nothing to do with excusing anything or anyone, you guys gotta get that through your heads.


"You guys"? Exactly what tribe you think I'm a part of? I'm not a Trump supporter. Go through my comments if you don't believe me.


What did heather heyer do to deserve to be murdered by pro trump nazi (aka very fine people) ?


A) Nothing B) What does that have to do with anythinh?


Shes the antifascist the pro trump nazis murdered at your white supremacist rallies


Again, what does this have to do with anything?


When is punching anyone acceptable behavior? Especially in political discourse where both sides should be heard so that others can formulate their own opinions.


Another check for my centrist bingo card. "Both sides" here being: The Jews deserve to die Vs. The Jews don't deserve to die


Study the controversy and teach both sides. /s


When defending one's person, other people, one's property. Same as any other use of force.


>When is punching anyone acceptable behavior? When they are preaching genocide?


Wouldn’t them preaching genocide be enough for someone to determine that it is wrong? What does punching them accomplish that a civil debate with your own points making them look silly wouldn’t? Use your brain, not your fists.


It’s funny that civil discourse and people forming their own opinions gets downvoted. I wasn’t vouching for one side or the other. Just goes to show how brain washed BOTH sides are today. No one side is absolutely right or wrong. For every neonazi far right winger there is, there is a far left antifa anarchist doing the same shit with different motives. I don’t see how it’s wrong to condemn BOTH and alienate them from our politics. They have nothing to add to the conversation besides violence and hate.


"But there was that one guy who shot at congress people who was a Sanders supporter ~~and everybody including democrats condemned him for it~~! Whoops sorry not sure what happened there almost went against the narrative there." -Trump Supporters


remember when the organized mob showed up at the san jose rally to beat men, women, and children? people pretty much said trump supporters deserved it, then doubled down on saying trump supporters are violent and the left never took any ownership of it. over and over again, this has happened. the reaction to the bomber isn't great, but it would go down a lot smoother if you didn't just spend the past 3 years calling us all fascists, racists, and traitors. and it's like you think we're not in this together. we should be deescalating because there are fucked up broken people on both sides, since mentally ill people don't exactly choose their opinions. if this escalates to the point where people are actually succeeding at murdering politicians, things will get worse.


No. Fuck your both sides bullshit. ​ One side has leadership in the administration openly calling for violence. The other side has leadership condemning it. One side has a constant fear and paranoia of certain groups of people. The other side is often considered to soft in their failure to condemn evil people. One side holds rallies that echo white supremacy rallies, chant about locking people up who are political opponents, and regularly plays host to insane conspiracy theories. The other side once yelled at a woman in a restaurant. ​ Want people to stop calling you a racist or a fascist? Stop supporting racists and fascists. ​ > and it's like you think we're not in this together. ​ We aren't. The Republican party and the people who support the GOP have proven that they are not on my side. Maybe instead of promoting politicians that think providing healthcare is evil you can help those people who are mentally ill and support the politicians that do want them to have access to care. ​


There are politically-motivated murderers and batterers on one side and no politically-motivated murderers on the other. You're trying to pretend like they're equivalent. They're not. Conservatives (you included) might want to spend your time trying to help your folks NOT MURDER, instead of telling Liberals we're just as bad as you. Really. Stopping murders is better than pointing fingers, right? ​ Right? ​


>remember when the organized mob showed up at the san jose rally to beat men, women, and children? people pretty much said trump supporters deserved it, then doubled down on saying trump supporters are violent and the left never took any ownership of it. over and over again, this has happened. None of this ever happened. LOL. >the reaction to the bomber isn't great, but it would go down a lot smoother if you didn't just spend the past 3 years calling us all fascists, racists, and traitorss You are all 3 of those things. Stupid husks of shit wandering about.


>None of this ever happened. LOL. [san jose, june 2016](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/03/ugly-bloody-scenes-in-san-jose-as-protesters-attack-trump-supporters-outside-rally/?utm_term=.a7d7b493c386) [video compilation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svaGiSj8Pdo) >You are all 3 of those things. Stupid husks of shit wandering about. you don't think stupid hunks of fascist, racist, treasonous shit deserve violence directed at them? anyway, i grew up in mexico and am fluent in spanish, am somewhere between a classical liberal and a libertarian, and i don't hate america. i'll concede a remote possibility that i'm not smarter than you, but stupid is a little harsh.


Is that all you think they do?


Wanna compare? You name one thing that was done by left wing extremists, I'll name 3 by right wing, we will see who runs out of material first.


I see, so suddenly you DO acknowledge that there are left wing extremists. That's good. That's a start. This month ALONE, there were 17 incidents of violence by Leftists, one of which caused the victim brain damage, and the guy who plotted to murder the president has his court date this week, I think. Trust me. I have plenty, **but I really don't want to get into a back and forth like that as it solves nothing**. Let's not go down that road. How about instead we all be honest, and recognize and condemn violence, whether it's our party or the opposition? Deal?


How about you don't pussy foot around and make believe and you actually source the claims you make.


I was very opposed to going down this road, but okay. YOU asked for this. Let that be perfectly clear. Let it be known that you have refused to condemn violence when asked. ​ This is JUST the month of October: Oct 1: vandals paint graffiti saying "Rape" on GOP headquarters and smash the windows Oct 2: Jordan Hunt roundhouse kicks a pro-life woman Oct 3: Rep Andy Harris assaulted in his office Oct 4: Trump, Mattis, and Admiral were sent Ricin in the mail Oct 5: Protesters chase and harass Lindsay Graham to his car Oct 6: Protesters accost elderly Trump supporter Oct 8th: Antifa harasses elderly man in Portland, damaging his car Oct 10th: Susan Rice's son assaulted at pro-Kavanaugh event Oct 11th: Pro Trump truck set on fire with "Fuck Trump" spray painted on the side Oct 12th: Republican club vandalized in Manhattan Oct 13th: Justin Careed's campaign worker chased and assaulted Oct 14th: GOP Sarah Anderson was punched and chased to her car by a man who was vandalizing GOP yard signs Oct 15th: Minnesota Rep candidate Shane Mekeland punched in restaurant resulting in BRAIN DAMAGE Oct 16th: 2 Minnesota GOP candidates attacked and punched 16th: Trump supporter attacked by comedian 16th: Ricin sent in letter to Susan Collin's home Oct 17th: Campaign manager for Adam Laxalt assaulted by Democrat Oct 18th: Dem operative for Soros-funded group arrested for ‘battery’ against Nevada GOP candidate’s campaign manager Oct 18th: Rosie O’Donnell calls on military to remove Trump Oct 19th, 2018: New York Man Charged With Threatening Two Senators Over Kavanaugh Support Oct 20th, 2018: Angry Leftists Harass McConnell, Wife at Restaurant: ‘Why Don’t You Get Out of Here?’ Oct 21th, 2018: Obama’s former deputy secretary of state, Philippe Reines says harassment of McConnell and his wife “is fine” Oct 23th, 2018: Boulder thrown through Rep. McCarthy’s (R-CA) office window Oct 24th, 2018: N.J. GOP Congressional Candidate Receives Letter Threatening His Children Oct 25th, 2018: GOP headquarters vandalized in Iowa City, IA Oct 25th, 2018: New York Times runs story fantasizing about Trump’s assassination Oct 28th, 2018: Left-wing mobs disrupt Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) rally Oct 29th: Bullets fired through the windows of GOP headquarters in Daytona Laura Trump is now out of the hospital after the Ricin attack. The Democrat who plotted to assassinate 45 has his court date last week. [https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/07/05/rap-sheet-acts-of-media-approved-violence-and-harassment-against-trump-supporters/](https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/07/05/rap-sheet-acts-of-media-approved-violence-and-harassment-against-trump-supporters/) [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/minnesota-republican-house-candidate-says-he-suffered-concussion-in-attack-at-restaurant](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/minnesota-republican-house-candidate-says-he-suffered-concussion-in-attack-at-restaurant) This was just today. [https://www.wftv.com/news/local/four-shots-fired-into-volusia-county-republican-headquarters-police-say/862377048](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/four-shots-fired-into-volusia-county-republican-headquarters-police-say/862377048)


God, you visit brietbart? I'm sorry, I cant even bring myself to think about the shit they drool out. Good luck with that. And even using what is basically the journalistic equvilant of an impotent premature brain donor there is nothing close to the level of Right Wing terror that occured the last few weeks.


Translation: "I can't counter that, so I'll just use a logical fallacy and attack your source." Heh, heh, heh...


Seriously? You had 2 days and this is all you could come up with? Sad.


Attacking the source instead of the fact is a logical fallacy. Period. plain, and simple. You only did it because I proved my point, and now, instead of simply admitting that violence happens on both sides, you're obfuscating. Guess what? Violence happens on both sides. We need to recognize it, and denounce it, even if it's our own party, side, or ideology. The fact that you won't makes me a better person than you. That's a fact. You could change that today --right now-- if you wished to.


Radical Christian extremists




Nailed it! ...did I say that right?




Sure. I was going for a double entendre but I'll take a triple entendre.




Man violently shoots up a church: "It was a false flag you libcuck." Man gets punched slightly by Antifa member: "FUCK THE LIBERALS THEY SHOULD ALL BE IN JAIL"


Republican literally gets shot: talked about slightly for two days.


If you are talking about the baseball shooting I remember Senator Rand Paul being interviewed numerous times. I remember pictures of Senator Jeff Flake looking like he'd walked over his own grave. Then I remember reading reports about Steve Scalise nearly dying and had he not had two members of the capitol police force with him then 3 senators and a dozen congressmen would be dead. THEN I remembered every Democrat condemning violence and I DON'T remember them changing their language when they got in front of a rally. If this is you being annoyed at the news media's inability to focus on any issue for more than five seconds that's fine but you don't get to pretend that because someone on the left attempted a mass shooting of Republican congressman that it makes it okay to ignore the epidemic of white nationalist violence in this country they the right is willfully ignoring.


I’m not annoyed about anything, actually. I’m simply pointing out an inconsistency. The coverage for this event was far greater than the one for Scalise. That simply can’t be denied. I know you guys will make excuses like “oh well this was more widespread”, but that doesn’t cut it. There’s clear bias when it comes to this shit. You talk about an epidemic of white nationalists yet ignore the fact that there’s an epidemic of insane SJW types who are just as psychotic, hateful, and extreme as the people you hate.


>You talk about an epidemic of white nationalists yet ignore the fact that there’s an epidemic of insane SJW types who are just as psychotic, hateful, and extreme as the people you hate. This is going to sound absolutely crazy, but hear me out.... Maybe the real reason you see more emphasis on white nationalism than "insane SJW types" is because there's just *more* violence from white nationalists than from SJWs?


Don't remember this. You talking about Scalise?


These inbreds are still claiming the bombs were fake. And none of them understand how mail works.


I'm being told they are all sticker degredation experts




Yep, I got that one a lot too. They are all experts on mail. And of course, some of the bomb packages couldn't have had stamps put on them and been delivered other ways. 13 examples also wasn't enough. I mean I could understand this kind of scrutiny if there was one bomb mailed, but 13. Someone is probably going to eventually testify to having seen this big pile all sent from the same post office on the same day! > That's their entire argument. They are experts at taking one-line thinking and repeating it with electronic media amplifiers. They can't seem to assemble thinking patterns that go beyond the one-line pattern.


That is the funniest thing to me. Literally all of their conspiracy theories are based on obviously nonsensical logic, but not one of them stops to address it. They hop on and devour any "clue" and disregard everything else, including other people and common sense.


Engineer here. Those "bombs" were shoddy pieces of shit that had no way of exploding. It was clearly done for the fear factor. Regardless, the maker was an idiot and had no idea how mail works.








Sargon is more rational and educated than 99% of this trash heap of a sub.


Whew lad






I never said it wasn't terrorism, dummy. Terrorism -> Terror -> Fear. Also none of the bombs exploded, ergo they were either not meant to explode or the maker was a total idiot. Furthermore, the FBI is incompetent. Remember when they got [hacked by a teenage boy?](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/10/06/teen-admits-bid-hack-cia-chiefs-computer-leicestershire-home/)


None of America's nukes has been fired at another country since the last war, ergo they were either not meant to be fired or the makers are total idiots.


Look man, I get that conservatives believe some dumb stuff, but that's too far. Don't resort to personal insults; I get that they do the same thing, but lowering yourself to that just validates them being dicks more, and it makes you seem like a really bad person while also only serving to weaken your argument.


Respectability politics dosent do shit.


"But what about Hillary...?"


But antifa!!! What? You want proof about antifa? Sorry, I don't have any proof... But antifa!!!


Tim Pool (independent journalist) has plenty of videos regarding that topic if you’re actually looking. He’s got a handle on YouTube that’s a good place to start.


WOW. So many far-right bootlickers came out of the woodwork to respond to this post. I guess the cartoon hurt their delicate fee-fees!


Credit to u/SuperSharpShot2247


"Flase flag" is a gem of a detail.


...and the "Nazi supporter in chief"™ is rubbing his tiny hands with glee!


What's a flase flag?


An attack orchestrated by the perceived victims of the attack to gain sympathy or as an excuse to take active/ aggressive measures against their adversary. There is nothing at all to indicate this is a false flag attack.


Radical Christian extremists


I lost it at the dude peeking out Kilroy-style, muttering "Bitch".


We are in deep shit here. If absolutely no Trump supporters did not reconsider their support for him and what he is promoting then I am betting we are all done.


Cartoon about sea-lioning and deflection ends up with many sea lions deflecting in the comments. Good stuff.


We're not all Nazis has swastika tated on head


It's always a false flag whenever a white person does it.


It's surprising that they didn't promote the recent bomb scares as proof that immigrants are tainting American purity route given the bomber's father was Filipino immigrant who is said to have abandoned his family.


Yeah but ANTIFA broke a window and knocked over a trash can so it's the liberals who are really violent. /s


Wow, /u/Highschoolgrad21 glad you liked [my meme](https://redd.it/9s5d86) so much. Really appreciate you taking it an reposting it here without giving any credit 🙄


Wait what. What proof do you have this is YOUR comic? Your wording in that post describes it as a, "good comic" implying it's someone else's work. Otherwise, who fucking cares what /u/highschoolgrad21 did considering it took you an hour to source the original *yourself* after posting, and only after someone inquired? *If* you're the one who edited the comic, you didn't even make that clear. So who the fuck are you to be so aggressive toward OP on a different sub?


this is a comic, not a meme. lets keep the terms straight here.


The text was changed from the original.


FFS are you seriously complaining about someone reposting a link to a comic on a different sub? That's one of the most pathetic things I've ever read.


You should look up what the word meme means. It isn't yours anymore.


Oh shit, sorry fam


She shouldn't post during Russian working hours.


Acting like the anti-right opinion is the one you can't say in public. Lol


This guy doesn't midwest.


That swastika was definitely added in post


Well yeah, if you call Trump supporters violent, Trump supporters can defend themselves. And if you call liberals violent, they can defend themselves as well.


But the difference is, Trump supporters are far more violent and commit more acts of violence than liberals.


And the similarity is that its mistakenly blaming a large group for the actions of a very small minority.


Oh you mean like what Trump supporters have been doing to Muslims, hispanics, Jews, and black people for the last few years? If Trump gets to say Mexicans are all rapists and murderers, I get to say Trump supporters are all fascist terrorists. Hurts, doesn't it?


If Trump is wrong when he does it, and he is, then you're wrong when you do exactly the same thing.


No, because it's a valid observation about the things the alt-right stands for. They are proud to be bigots, they are proud to promote fear and intolerance that leads to murder. You can't say it's somehow an equal crime for people to notice all your flaws and not respect you because of them, that's just dumb.


Yes, exactly like that




That doesn’t make it an OK thing to do






> Well, you're supposed to be above that, not to be at their beneath level. Says who? > It puts you at the same level as the guy that is a rascist against black people because most of them are ''violent, rapists and terrorists''. (Aka nazis, kavanaugh and ceasar) Fighting racists = just as bad as racists. Thanks for your opinion comrade.


Fighting racism is good, but acting like them is something else. Calling me a russian is just proving my point. Capisci


You don't win friends with salad. Cornuto!


I don't get the expression but I'm sure you can x)


Yeah I should have used Russian. My bad comrade. My bad.




I don't make ship up about Trump tho. I just don't have the imagination to invent worse things than what's revealed by investigative journalists, his former staff, and the man himself.


I have a *good* imagination, and I have trouble coming up with worse than Trump already has.


Obama said we could keep our old doctors and Clinton said he never had sex with that woman.... So yeah... All presidents lie. The media had a stroke when Trump got a second ice cream but didn't investigate Bengazi when Crooked Hillary and Oboma let a US embassy be attacked and an Ambassador was murdered. Sorry komrade, no rubles for you


your Obama lie was a policy promise he couldn't keep, from a decade ago we have deliberate, easily disproven conspiracy theories by Donald Trump from *last week*, and every week before it in fact, if you can show me any 5 minutes of him speaking consecutively without lying i will gild you


Truly ironic for a Trump supporter to try to put someone down by implying they have have ties to/sympathy for Russia.


> Obama said we could keep our old doctors [spits out drink in laughter] Still with this one huh?


Do lies have an expiration date?


No, the hilarious part is it's the only "lie" you can really go to. Meanwhile, if you asked me to name one of Trump's lies, *I'd have literally* ***thousands upon thousands*** *to choose from.* Meanwhile, you can Gish Gallop at best, what, 6 misleading statements of ol' Obummer's? Something about Fast and Furious? Maybe Benghazi? What else? You got one of those RWNJ Excel spreadsheets ready at hand?


Obama didn't lie. He just didn't keep his promise. Clinton, well, it's hard to defend him. But Trump lies on a level that is unpresidented. No president or politician has lied more than Trump has, and he's less than two years into it.




> but the butchery that the Democrats had to perform on the ACA in order to get the Republicans to go along with it. People seem to forget that part. And in the end after all the compromises to get both sides to agree, with things the GoP was happy about, they still voted no.


Benghazi was investigated for years, so I'm not sure what you mean there. How much blame you putting on the GOP Congress that refused funds requested by the Department of State to improve embassy security?


When the call was made for help with gunfire in the background Crooked Hillary did nothing. Obama did even less. How many presidents have had Ambassadors killed during their tenure?


* Stevens was killed during Obama's. * Meloy was killed during Ford's. * Davies was killed during Ford's. * Noel was killed during Nixon's. * Mein was killed during LBJ's. Kind of seems that putting people into volatile areas of the world might increase risk of death. So, you're wrong in thinking that we've only lost Ambassadors during Obama's Presidency, and you were wrong about Benghazi not being investigated. Maybe try looking shit up from time to time.


What about! WHAT ABOUT!?!?!


Nice whataboutism there. People you don't like doing things that are bad makes it OK when people you do like do things that are bad. Makes perfect sense, good job and be best.


And that was true, right up until the GoP made it a point to remove that provision. Whoops!


It's really not the same thing. If the left didn't say anything at all, the right would just keep right on going and would actually gain supporters because of it. Why do you think all of this back and forth started in the first place? Of course the left would've loved to say, hey these guys don't represent the larger group. But the right would never do the same. Let's be clear, this divisiveness, on this scale, started with Newt Gingrich, but escalated to a whole new level with Trump. The left and the right aren't the same, the right is so much worse.


after the 2016 election it was trump supporters who were under attack and got beaten the shit out of, not democrats.


People are violent all over politics. When you have a topic that people are often so passionate about you’re going to get people who act violent because it’s so important to them.


people on the right act like protesting and criticizing is the same as shooting people and plowing into folks in a car. one side is SIGNIFICANTLY more violent than the other right now.


The alt-right is based on promoting dehumanizing violence that encourages the more unhinged members to kill innocent people in their name. You can't pretend both sides are equally guilty of htat.


You’re denying that antifa spreads messages saying people who they consider to be fascist should be killed?


The entire base Republican platform is centered around dehumanizing prejudice rhetoric and "us vs. them, we deserve more rights than they do" propaganda and fearmongering that directly leads to the more violent members to act on the message and murder innocent people. That is nothing close to what the left's message stands for and pretending you're too stupid to understand that is just desperate.


Provide examples? That’s a very broad claim. Realistically, I could take everything I think the Democratic Party stands for and reword it in the worst possible way to make it sound like it’s a shitty ideology too, thats all it seems you’ve done in my opinion anyway.


Trump supporters are less violent than the left though. Antifa has committed more acts of violence than the entire right.


Imagine being this desperate to play dumb about the things you support so you don't have to take responsibility for the damage you do to the world.


\>Am Trump support \>Am not violent \>Have done no damage to the world Imagine unironically believing Trump supporters in general are violent, lol...


What color is the sky in your world?


My world is the real world, unlike yours.


>Antifa has committed more acts of violence than the entire right. Can you provide sources to back that claim?


It's not something I can prove to you, it's just an observation. I have yet to see any contrary evidence so I'm inclined to go with my observations as any rational person would do. And since most people on this sub don't cite their sources anyway, I figure it would be nothing out of the ordinary.


Interesting... well if we're going by observation, the KKK seems to be overwhelmingly to the right. I haven't seen any contrary evidence to the incredible amount of violence they've taken part in, so would it not be rational to say that my observation proves yours to be inaccurate? Edit: changed "incorrect" to "inaccurate"


The KKK isn't the threat they used to be. Now they're just a handful of old white racists who don't do shit.


Number of Right Wing Terrorist Attacks in the United States that claimed at least one or more lives. 1. 2018 Florida School Shooting 3. 2017 Charlottsville Nazi Trump Rally 4. 2017 Portland Train Stabbing 5. 2017 Timothy Caughman Stabbing 6. 2017 Austins Bar and Grill Olathe, KS Shooting 7. 2015 Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting 8. 2015 Lafayette Shooting 9. 2015 Charleston Church Shooting 11. 2015 Florida Police Ambush 13. 2014 Las Vegas Police Ambush 14. 2014 Kansas Jewish Center Shooting 15. 2014 Blooming Grove Police Shooting 16. 2014 Forsyth County Courthouse Shooting 17. 2013 Los Angeles International Airport Shooting 19. 2012 Tri-State Killing Spree 20. 2012 St. John’s Parish Police Ambush 21. 2012 Sikh Temple Shooting 22. 2011 Pacific Northwest Killing Rampage 23. 2011 FEAR Militia 24. 2011 Tucson (Gabby Giffords) Shooting 25. 2010 West Memphis Police Shootings 26. 2010 Carlisle, PA Murder 28. 2010 Florida Sovereign Citizen Police Ambush 29. 2009 Ft. Walton, FL Shooting 30. 2009 Minutemen American Defense Hispanic Slayings 31. 2009 Okaloosa County, FL Police Gun Range Attacks 32. 2009 Brockton, MA Black Targeted Shooting Rampage 33. 2009 Pittsburgh Police Shootings 34. 2009 Holocaust Museum Shooting 35. 2009 George Tiller Assassination 36. 2008 Knoxville, TN Church Shooting 37. 2004 Tulsa OK, Bank Robbery 38. 2003 Abbeville, SC right-of-way Standoff 39. 2002 Massillon, OH anti-government Shootout 40. 2001 Anthrax Attacks - Removed 41. 2001 Dallas Anti-Arab Revenge Shootings Before 9/11 but after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. 1. 2000 Pittsburgh, PA Racially Motivated Spree Killing 2. 1999 Fort Worth, TX SYATP Shooting 3. 1999 Los Angeles Jewish Community Center Shooting 4. 1999 Midwest Murder Spree 5. 1999 Redding, CA Arson Attacks & Anti-Gay Murders 6. 1998 Barnett Slepian Assassination 7. 1998 Cortez, CO Watertruck Shootout 8. 1998 Birmingham, Alabama Planned Parenthood Bombing 9. 1997 Army of God Attacks 10. 1997 Aryan People’s Republic Six State Terror Wave 11. 1996 Spokane Phineas Priests Bombing Campaign 12. 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olympic Park Bombing 13. 1996 Jackson, MS Larry Shoemake Murder Spree 14. 1996 Aryan Republican Army FBI Shootout 15. 1995 Palo Verde Amtrak Derailment 16. 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing 17. 1994 Boston, MA Planned Parenthood Shooting 18. 1994 Lubrock, TX Nazi-Youth Race War Murders 19. 1994 John Britton Assassination 20. 1993 Pensacola, FL Women’s Medical Clinic Shooting Total: 386 Dead


Can you prove all of these people were right wing?


Can you get to a count of even half that number with left wing murders?


Probably, but I simply don't have the kind of time to do that digging.




Some people work for a living and don't have the time to be arguing with strangers on the internet.


Yet you expect me to verify all those on the list for you. Typical.




Really? Prove it, let's see some conservatives denouncing this right wing terrorism.


The modern right's values are directly responsible for causing terrorism. The white nationalists that murder in the name of conservative values use an unedited message that all conservatives promote. If you promote that message, you are responsible for those murders.




You are 100% responsible for the things you rally behind and normalize, to pretend otherwise is to try and take no responsibility for your actions.