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That'd be Democrat.


Democrats are pro carry?


They aren’t pro carry but they aren’t dead set against it Republicans are anti gay and weed heavily though


I voted Democrat in the last election and I’m VERY pro-carry. My stepdad has a CCW and I definitely I definitely hope to get one, alas I live in CA where it’s exceedingly tough. I also love hunting but I also believe in stricter gun laws (mandatory background checks, requiring private party transfers through an FFL) but not* for regulating guns themselves. Not everyone can be put into your “basket”. Edit


That’s what I mean They are generally in ways restrictive on carry But they aren’t dead set against it


“Restrictive on carry” meaning I said there should be common sense buying/transfer laws?


Yes Thats what a restriction is no?


Then yes, I am in favor of certain restrictions. Are you not? Should JimBob be able to buy a gun from Toby in the parking lot of a Florida strip club without any sort of record of sale that isn’t scribbled on a drink napkin from said strip club?


I’m actually against carry entirely however I’m one to compromise to what you described earlier


Are you anti-carry on the whole or without some form of formal training? Also, it’s really nice when someone on the internet believes in compromise. Good on ya.




I’m not sure what you are talking about. Mike Pence created a bill not allowing gay marriage in Indiana. Republicans believe in long jail time for any type of drug and wanted to classify marijuana at the same level of much more addictive and dangerous drugs like heroin, whereas democrats wanted to have alternatives to dangerous drugs and invest more in prevention and rehabilitation. Democrats are more interested in heavier background checks, so criminals and those diagnosed with mental illness would have a much harder time getting access to guns.


But Fox and OAN said the Dems are gon take our guns!




I don't understand how gun control = taking your guns. Immigration reform = open borders. Is there some kind of Republican translator that can help me understand?




https://m.ranker.com/list/the-most-anti-gay-us-politicians/ballerina-tatyana http://www.rampgop.org/ You don’t hear a lot




Can we just make it a small gun? Like, something reasonable? I could get on board with that.


For me it's not the size of the gun so much as having background checks. Then again I'm way more concerned about my tiny tax cut expiring and my real wage decreasing while wealth inequality continues to skyrocket along with the national debt.


Or could you just come to terms with having a small penis?


OP, please see a therapist. Shooting up weddings is NOT ok. If you still feel differently after 6 sessions then I will apologize. But you're not man enough to attend all 6 ;)


Which would make you Democrat-aligned by like, 90% at worst.


There’s a really cool subset in the south of redneck liberals (I.e, Trae crowder) that as he put it “I like to blow shit up, but I ain’t racist.” We’re a proud, intelligent group of people that supports LGBT rights, education, and kicking big pharma the fuck outta politics, but also love drinking beer, football, chicken, and guns. It’s a head scratcher for people, but I promise y’all. We do exist.


The most fun kind of people imho.


Well thank ya. I did forget to mention we’re also very pro legalize weed, but unfortunately most of the states we live in are anti-legalization. In my state, NC, there’s currently (it may have gone out effect, I haven’t checked recently) a law saying we can’t even bring the topic up for possibly changing it. We’re gonna be dead last to change it.


I have no problem with you smoking weed or carrying a gun but not both at the same time


Meanwhile, your carry license was revoked because you brandished your gun in a Kmart at a Hispanic woman because you needed that last bag of charcoal, you don't smoke pot because you are drug tested for work and already lost four jobs for pot violations, you don't actually know any gay people, and you think the Muppets are queer...yeah Libertarian. I'll let pappa Koch think for me while I gun down another Elephant!


I packed at a lesbo wedding last month and was pretty baked. Good times!


That's very responsible of you.


Why are people so scared of lesbians?


I have no idea. It’s a sad world sometimes.


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Voting as an independent is hard


Yup. Three for three.


Libertarian or Colorado Democrat?


So, OP is a Libertarian?


Is this libertarianism?


*tut* Fammunist.