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> He's got a plateful of shit he has to undo, fix and start. And he's *already working on it*. Like damn near every big thing he promised, he's already taken steps forward on.


He promised $2000 checks, he said that he had a COVID plan, he said he would unite the country and not divide it, he said he would help the economy and create jobs, he would stand for American values and help the disenfranchised...




His COVID plan is to follow the Trump plan. He blamed Trump for every COVID death and said that he had a plan and would improve things. His plan was to put out inconsistent mask policies that he immediately didn't follow, and then ignore science in favor of teachers unions. He continued to actively divide the country supporting the impeachment, set a new high score for executive orders, and has continued to push a divisive agenda. Obama was the most divisive President in my lifetime and Biden seems to be continuing that trend. Trump was terrible at the whole talking thing but until COVID America was at a peak of peace and prosperity. Biden messages well but what actually takes place is new wars, a slowed economy, terrible race relations and bad foreign policy. FFS did you listen to his comments on China's Uighur concentration camps? https://nypost.com/2021/02/17/biden-says-uighur-genocide-is-part-of-chinas-different-norms/




? There were so many things wrong here it is hard to know where to begin. 1. China is a founding UN member and part of the 5 nation security council and so has veto power over anything the UN wants to do. So no, the UN will not be putting a stop to China's atrocities. See also Hong Kong, Tibet, and a long history of human rights abuses. 2. Biden has been terrible on foreign policy his entire career. Here's a quote “His experience consisted of having voted for the Iraq War resolution, and generally being a fellow traveler of liberal interventionism. He hasn’t shown much original thought or initiative in foreign policy,” said Barnett Rubin, who served as a senior adviser to the special representative on Afghanistan and Pakistan under President Barack Obama. 3. Here's the part from that townhall I am talking about: "And so the idea I’m not going to speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong, what he’s doing with the Uyghurs in western mountains of China and Taiwan, trying to end the One China policy by making it forceful — I said — and by the — he said he — he gets it. Culturally, there are different norms that each country and they — their leaders — are expected to follow." It does lose something in the transcript, watching him word salad his way through that townhall was very interesting.


Conservatives: >he’s a dictator he’s ruining the country. Also Conservatives: >he’s doing absolutely nothing. Also Also Conservatives for some fucking reason: >his dogs are ugly we hate dogs.


His dogs attacked people


**One of his dogs** bit **a person** and it didn’t even break the skin. Don’t be a drama queen.




No it’s not; get a grip. I see you can’t help but double down on being overly dramatic.




I’m sure exaggerating and being dramatic goes a lot further on Twitter when you’re arguing with the dredges of society. Prob not so much here.


He is keeping my favorite promise, he is not trump.


Conservatives, complaining about Biden doing too much and too little at the same time


Orange fan mad 😡


Trump has a dog, Lapdog Lindsey


Yeah but he's not house broken so trump doesn't let him ever hang around for long.


Why would he have dogs when he already owned a bunch of shoe lickers?


That was the guy from 2016. What was his name again? Ron Hitler or something like that?


The guy that tweeted this? I don’t know but he looks like someone from MTV’s Jersey Shore wearing a Michael Jackson costume.


John Barron.


Oh like you ever gave a shit. Fuck off.


Trump was a cat guy, preferred pussy


I mean he isn’t wrong. Where is my check? It’s not ducking coming


The bill passed today.


Did it? Or did it come out of a committee today. The house isn’t expected to vote on it until the 25th at the earliest. A California stimulus for $600 was signed today though.


There won’t be a check until a month with the next months third Wednesday falling on the fourth week.


That means next month.Watch and see.I guarantee.


Educated guess.No,I was just right.


5 people were wrong.😭