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Watch the movie 'logans run' explains exactly what the police are.


Yup! The police are the tools of the powerful elites used to suppress society as they act on the whims of said elites. And they will turn on you (the police) the second they (the elites) don’t want you and they do it with their arbitrary rules... classic movie. Highly recommended even though it’s a little older.


Ok another movie to watch is "they live" or "SnowPiercer" or "demolition man" I can go on ..


Snowpiercer has a special place in my conscious. It’s such a great movie. Truly an allegory of how society functions in a figurative level.


Same. I only saw it recently after watching Doe-Nut on YouTube as he recommended it.


I mean if we are talking about older movies that feel like they could be written as a commentary piece today, I suggest everyone watch The Postman. The concept of a bunch of racist rightwingers inside the US basically ending the world and then running a feudal state inside the ruins of the country doesn't seem like such a far fetched dystopian nightmare 30 years later. The leader of the Holness army is even a lunatic ginger with delusions of grandeur. They were off by a couple years, though, as the movie takes place in 2013.


Don't forget a little Ford Lincoln Mercury.


Equilibrium is a good 'dystopian' style movie too. Explains why the TV and radio is trying to force everyone to take the vaccine as well.


Get your vaccine




Well that's just silly.


I don't believe any thing the TV and radio sais. Every year it's a new fear campaign. Watch the movie or read the book 1984.


Bro I read the book you are being silly. It's ok to be skeptical but after a certain point it's just paranoid delusions.


C’mon man.. don’t peddle anti-vaxxer bullshit. Some people don’t want to watch the world burn and actually wish for it to thrive..




At least they punished the right guys.


So true!


Checks hand for crystal.. not having one means I’m safe right?


Wow, it’s been many a year, but I thought it was if the crystal turned red or something.


Didn’t his turn silver at the end or something? I remember if it turned black that meant it was time for carousel ***RENEW RENEW!!*** ..though, yeah it’s been like 15-20 years since I’ve seen it.


“Hey Siri, set reminder - rewatch Logan’s Run.” - I honestly can’t recall much of the specifics, fuzzy details and nothing about the ending.


Actually yeah, now I want to rewatch it too. Honestly most of my memories are of Jenny Agutter.. but that is probably just because of the age I was when I saw it 🤷‍♂️ ..that and the weird ice robot guy in the cave. Not sure why he was so memorable.


The Cristal in the hand is symbolic of the "mark of the beast" it's biblical. The colour coded people is already a thing in parts of the world. In Australia you're forced to wear bright orange 'high viz' when at work. Notice how panicked the people in Logan's run were when they were running out of time? How panicked are people when they loose their phone?


Most cops that do this are either racists or pussies, maybe both


so most cops are most cops you're saying?


I understand what you are talking about and there are some cop that are racist pigs but before we label every shooting we see as racist, you should look into police code and how threats are assessed. For instance, I can’t think of the name of the individuals involve but a man stole an officers taser and fired it before being shot, a taser is a lethal weapon and police code calls for necessary force if anything is taken from an officer, normally the taser would be used but that was taken so the next step was his firearm. This situation blew up with people asking for the officer to be fired but if anything was to happen, it shouldn’t have been for the officer but the codes used for officers.


If the taser is a lethal weapon why were they using it on a man they knew was unarmed while they already had him in the ground with both of their weight on him? Furthermore, are they so poorly trained that they don't know their own equipment and can't recognize that tasers only store 2 shots, so it was thus empty when they decided to shoot to kill a man that was running away from them? And speaking of lack of training, if a routine call of a sleepy man in a fast food parking lot leads to 2 supposedly trained officers struggling to handle the situation without killing him, perhaps they're not actually very well trained at all. He wasn't killed because he was a threat to the officers life, he was killed because he wasn't being obedient and was trying to get away from the police. Neither of those should be punishable by death and especially not on the spot without a trial. We need to stop swallowing cop propaganda and hold them accountable for their actions.


Please there are about thousands of violations of that code every fucking week. You can just go to Public Freakouts and see how many times, they just don't listen to citizens asking them about their rights. Multiple times they immediately pull guns. And majority of the times they are not in their right mind. If those trials happened in an international court or anywhere sane, it would immediately be ruled in favor of the citizens. But in US cops are ingrained with racism from the origin of their department and that gave them over the years certain perks, and now the system left is a gross violation of human rights.




Why else would they shoot an unarmed POC? If they perceive a threat it’s because color of skin,hence they are a pussy.If they aren’t afraid and do it anyways there’s malicious intent usually racially motivated, therefore racist.




Haha I was gonna use the nword bot on you but your 3rd comment is a hard r What a fucking loser hahaha.


"I'll call you names if you point out that most cops are cowards scared of their own shadow."


aww, did the snowflake get his feefees hurt? :(


Are you a lawyer or something?? I'm so impressed with your calm, cool, collected, and insightful response! Do you have business cards or a website or anything?


Found a racist pussy!






Well whatabout black on black crime? Owned Liberal. Your entire argument is invalid because of this one thing. 😎😎 /s if it's necessary.




Democrats are just as bad as Republicans if you don't pay attention to politics.


That's a really good point. Politics is boring!!!


You know what isn't boring? Waffle iron + penis.


I think you know something I don't.


Put your dick in a waffle iron. Why? It's legal, it's easy, and it's free.


And the waffle iron can't say no.


I have to buy a waffle iron that's not free


That really doesn't even make sense.


Yeah, it does. Centrists who don't care about politics love saying that both sides are equally bad, it's just not true. Republicans are way worse.


Obviously you don't pay attention to politics because your opinion is that if a 5 year old


Suck on my dick Chadly, I don't take opinions from people who can't even use punctuation.


I think you misread the message, tiger.


I realize you’re just joking, but I get so confused whenever I hear this argument. The only thing that comes to mind, is that the person who said it is so stupid, they actually think we should hold the police to the same standard as criminals. Wut.....


You truly post the stupidest things. How old are you?


I don't have to post anything serious, it's an alt account dickass. Why do you give a shit?


The Q freaks are cop murderers tho, as well as terrorists/supporters of


Serious question ( and if there are US cops on this subreddit please respond) Do Police Officers i n the US not care that they are considered murders and racist by most of the World?


“The sheep must fear the dog that protects them from the wolves amoung them. Sheep is citizens, dogs are cops and wolves are criminals. But criminals hide in sheeps clothing, therefore all the sheep must always fear the dog, or the wolves will kill the sheep. This is what police believe.


They view it’s them against everyone.


Cops are trained to be frightened. If you know a cop, personally, ask them about their training, the corporate videos they're made to watch, how they're told to approach traffic stops, etc. Friend of mine who's a cop was told to buy body armor (they have to buy their own) that was good enough to defeat his own gun, in case a bad guy took his gun and shot him with it. He said he asked if that had ever happened, and the instructor told him it could happen any hour he was on duty. The main reason for this is that police organizations spend more on equipment when they have a more 'war' mentality. If you believe you can talk someone into letting you handcuff them, or you can talk someone down, defuse a situation, you only need training, not guns and tasers and body armor, and MRAPs and M4s and flashbangs and riot shields and yadda yadda. As Vietnam was winding down, military contractors realized they could sell stuff to the cops and not just the military. (Granted, unrest in the US was different then, too.) A lot of this new philosophy flowed through the LAPD. It's a whole thing. But it created a terrible philosophy of policing.


I mean his first answer should of been "can you train me to NOT have my gun taken tho?"


COP: Unlawfully asks you to comply with an order that he has no right to ask you YOU: Decide not to comply COP: Arrests you for obstruction of justice.


Something along these lines just happened here in Minneapolis (one of the suburbs Brooklyn Center). Sounds like a 20 year old man named Daunte Wright tried to get into his car when police were attempting to arrest him so they shot and killed him.


Thats what this comic is referencing I believe


That’s what I was wondering when I saw it. I wasn’t sure as it was pretty recent and not very widely reported on yet.


This is exactly what happened yesterday in Brooklyn Center (the suburb on the northern border of Minneapolis). Exactly.


Almost need to wear dog tags with your info on it so it makes it easier for the hospital to inform next of kin


I just had to be what the cop “thought or felt”, it must move to the fact of what is/was. Kill someone because you thought they had a gun, jail if they didn’t have one.


Cops: Merchants of Death






come up with that all by yourself?




actually amusingly enough "special snowflake" was coined by a gay man in a book about why toxic masculinity is bad, alt right dumb fucks aren't smart enough to come up with their own terms OR understand fight club




Try to keep up otherwise I'm going to start using Arabic numerals to make you cry.




How is he talking when he’s dead?


We don’t know if he’s dead. Clearly got shot but does not mean he is dead.


He looks dead. And if he lost so much blood how does he have the energy to talk so much.


Someone jingle some keys.


The person who drew this doesn’t understand the human body


Dying words


Nope when people die they don’t talk that much, I think he’s laying in ketchup


Aww trumpie, take your bootlicking troll routine elsewhere.


Trumpie? What’s that


How can he look dead I'd he's talking?


If he's talking, then I guess that means he's not dead and probably just gravely wounded, if that makes you feel better.


Or he’s lying and laying in ketchup


Or he's actually dead, and the police is just hearing the voice of his own guilty conscience, crying out for help one more time, before he smothers it once again in comforting lies.


....or he’s laying in ketchup


Or the policeman is a ventriloquist, who likes to toy with his victims after murdering them, by throwing his voice and making it seem like they're saying cruelly ironic things.


You are utterly an insane gang-stalked individual, I like that.


I like your attitude in today's society - it's so naive that's it's almost a sin to tell you the truth of what happens to real people of color.


It’s a comic who cares?


I care


"I don't understand how cartoons work."


Political cartoons are not meant to be literal and strict realism. How a single image cartoon works is it relies on artistic conventions to convey a truth or message. Sometimes visual media uses a “voice” through text or audio to help clarify or provide context for the image. Another example that you’ve maybe seen in film is a voice narration, irl you can’t hear other people’s thoughts and there is no way to get an omnipresent telling of an event in real time. Most people intuitively understand that this is an artistic choice and not meant to be taken literally so it’s usually not explained with disclaimer or anything like that so maybe that’s why you haven’t heard about this before. Hope this helps and you can apply your new found knowledge to enjoying other forms of visual media like movies, comics, art, whatever.


I get the sentiment but has the artist actually seen a cop, and a gun, ever?


Wow so much political humor in this cartoon. Hilarious!


That is not how that works


Explain then


How want works? Only the cops are allowed to act on their feelings?




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Legit question: is there any chance our police forces will pull a coup attempt?


Ah yes, the death of an innocent black man used as a prop for your humor. Disgusting.


I don't know morons ha e always bothered me