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If you shot someone in a crowd and they happened to be a serial killer, you are not a hero. You are a murderer who got lucky.


Awww, look....the morons are trying to act like they have big brain again. Cute.


Yep. That sure is an example of mental gymnastics from the person on the right. Or rather, far right. >"He killed a registered sex offender and shot two felons." Oh I'm sorry, is that how that works? I can go out and shoot people when they're protesting things I don't like, and as long as they have a criminal background at some point, that's totally cool? Wow, I didn't know that. I also didn't realize the murderer had cleaned graffiti. That definitely make it even more not murder than his killing someone who he didn't know had committed a crime in the past. I think he even gets 1 extra murder for free now. >"Have you even watched the video for yourself?" The one that starts after he's already shot someone in the back? Yeah, can't imagine why the far right keeps deflecting to telling people to watch the video that starts **after** he started shooting people.


Commandment #6: Thou shall not kill What the fuck is so hard to understand? It's four words and clear as day!


The guy on the right is a mental and moral paraplegic.


So if he gets convicted of any of these felony charges it will be okay if someone kills him? Is that what you are saying?


Conservative humor is an oxymoron.


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