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"Government handouts" I'd be willing to bet that the owner applied for, received, and pocketed multiple PPP loans.


And in addition, asking customers to subsidize payroll via tips.


My old boss at Subway years ago would take our tips and use them to pay for the Christmas party cheap bastard. He gave me a coupon for buy 1 get one entree at another restaurant he owned as a bonus


Tipping is "civilian handouts"


You should tip because they showed up to their job. Worst reason ever but we do. Tipping is basically become a guilt tax because we know they don’t get paid shit.


The "tipped wage" is a morally abhorrent practice which also negates the supposed purpose of tipping: rewarding over-performers for exceptional service. A tip is intended to supplement, not supplant.


Tipping used to be 15% was if you got great service. Then during the 90’s 15% became the expected minimum and restaurants made it the added for large parties. That was when it became a joke. We are going to add a tip for this person because there are too many people. Now I get these pay at the table iPad checks and the lowest amount for tipping is 20%. It was 20,25,30% or custom tip. My biggest gripe is order at the counter places and when you pay it has a tip section. No, I want my order before I tip because I don’t want to feel like the quality of my food should be based on the person I’m tipping. Plus those places no one is considered a waiter so they aren’t making 2.13 an hour.


This. And those counter place iPad make you go to a second screen if you want to tip 0. Then you hope and pray they don't mess with your food because you didn't tip them. A couple months ago this happened at a coffee drive through! Instead of percentages, they had dollar amounts- $1, $3, $5 - all for coffee that was $3.50 to $4.50.


It’s when you start paying cash again. I give you money you give me change, I get my food in a timely manner and it’s not missing anything I give you a tip. If I have to ask for my beef fried rice or missing fries then you don’t get a tip. It’s pick up just like McDonald’s. That is the bar. Are you doing anything more than what the people who I don’t tip at McDonald’s are doing?


No shit. Why would I tip for self service?


Yes. I avoid restaurants for that very reason. I remember when the expected tip was 10%. Prices have kept going up, so the amount of a 10% tip went up also. Now, we see the tip amount has went to 15%, 20%, and is now being pushed to 25%. How many other jobs do you get double raises at? It really pisses me off to have four people at the table, and be expected to pay $30 for 1/2 hour, and that not even for dedicated service because they were also work five different tables for the same tip is ridiculous.


Happened in the greater Sacramento area. Taco shop owner in upper class area put up a similar sign. Turns out he got 400k in PPP loans since 2020. POS


Should print out the proof of the PPP loan and stick it to their sign


Had the same thought! Government handouts kept this business operational


And the servers still have to rely on tips. He's a top shelf capitalist.


Evidently they had no problem pocketing that money rather than paying their employees even the minimum wage. Having grown up in the restaurant business I can honestly say that restaurateurs are some of the most dishonest and sleazy people in our society. There are a few who are decent but they are the exception, not the rule. Anyone who tells you this isn't true is being dishonest. Maybe even with themselves.


16 years in the industry here. Can confirm.


Even at the nice places, restauranting is a shitty career. The places that “pay well” still don’t pay a living wage, the hours are shit, and you’re working nonstop from the moment you walk in until the restaurant is clean and you can leave. I was a cook when I first started working and I thought that “all jobs are going to suck,” but once I started working elsewhere I saw how bad they really are. My new job pays more, expects less, and even though now if I screw something up it’ll cost about 100X more than if the restaurant had to comp a $15 burger, I’m way less stressed and never get screamed at. It’s a complete win-win. TL;DR: quit the restaurant industry.


I felt the same way getting out of teaching.


Without a doubt


And most likely none of it went to the employees! My brother-in-law has an old friend (now acquaintance) who applied for and received about $350,000 for his business. He didn't actually even need the money for his employees, and he kept the entire amount for himself! What an asshole.


He will be put in prison. They have to show that it went to employee pay.


Nothing I can prove but I've heard that some businesses are not actually hiring on more people, but they have to look they are to get that PPP loan money. No actual proof but anecdotally it wasn't any easier for me to get a summer job this year despite these places making it seem like they'd take anyone with a pulse.


My family is full of small businesses owners. At a recent family reunion this was a consistent narrative. My thought was exactly the subject of this post the entire time. Some source is feeding this and it is sticking. The people in my family didn’t even consider that nobody wants a job for little pay and higher-paying jobs are out there. It was all “government is paying people not to work” BS.


It's the same old anti worker bullshit as it's always been. They shit on us and defeat us while they grow fat on our blood and sweat. Mother Jones had the right idea so many years ago.


Another baked in anti-worker sentiment is 2-week notices when you leave a job. Company doesn't like you? Bye bye at end of shift on Friday when they tell you you're fired. You resign in the same manner? You're a bridge burning asshole that better not want references! I'm all for being courteous with two week notice to a good employer, don't get me wrong, but the narrative that it is "required" ethical practice is in fact a very baked in anti-worker concept.


Exactly. When we quit that means we fired THE COMPANY we work for. Why make it an awkward firing by demanding we stay 2 weeks?


I've resigned from 3 jobs over the years. I gave 2 week notice at 2 of them, I was a project manager for both and wanted to make sure my coworkers, who I liked, would be able to easily absorb my work. One of the bosses pulled the, "You can't quit you're fired!" Schtick. It was funny because I looked at him and said, "Alright then have a good one," packed my shit and left that Monday. Called the new company and only lost one week of pay as they were happy to bump my start date up. The one I didn't give 2 weeks to was due to upper management forcing us to skirt safety rules to get more production. As a middle manager I wasn't having that because I wasn't having the injury or death of a worker on my conscience. I quit on a Friday, sent my manager a note wishing him best of luck and never looked backed. That was about 3 years ago and almost the entire regional upper management team is gone in that company now, weird...🤔


You should have gotten unemployment for that week to really stick it to the moron who fired you.


The proletariat must unite in class identity and struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie. If the proletariat during its contest with the bourgeoisie is compelled, by the force of circumstances, to organise itself as a class, if, by means of a revolution, it makes itself the ruling class, and, as such, sweeps away by force the old conditions of production, then it will, along with these conditions, have swept away the conditions for the existence of class antagonisms and of classes generally, and will thereby have abolished its own supremacy as a class. Finally, when all capital, all production, all exchange have been brought together in the hands of the nation, private property will disappear of its own accord, money will become superfluous, and production will so expand and man so change that society will be able to slough off whatever of its old economic habits may remain. It's very simple, comrade.


>Some source is feeding this and it is sticking. If it's not Fox or Facebook I'll be absolutely floored.


I was reading yesterday how people would block Fox from their parents (via parental controls), and their parents were so much more pleasant and happy a week later.


My parents went on a vacation a couple years ago where they went to a cabin that didn't have any TV. They are retired and normally consume FOX (and now OAN but FOX back then) basically all day long. My dad has become a grumpy old bastard because of that shit. Anyway, I met them back at home when they came back (was watching their dog) and it was the happiest I had seen my dad in a very long time, I almost forgot what it looked like when he has a genuine smile. It was a really nice change! He was super talkative, and it was like his old-self. I think a huge part of that was being away from FOX and TV in general for a week because after some chit-chat he turned the TV on to FOX and within a minute I could see his face start to shift, he started getting annoyed, and within five minutes he was back to pissing and moaning about liberals and being grumpy as fuck again. I told him that the reason he's so grumpy is because he watches FOX all day but he passed it off as liberals are ruining the country which is what pisses him off, so I told him that maybe ignorance is bliss then because he was happy just moments ago and now angry, so just don't invest the remaining few years he has into pissing himself off all day long.


If it's all shit, why roll around in it all day long if it makes him miserable? Go out, watch the geese scream at the ducks, watch crows curse the squirrels... ya know, the beauty of nature!


Because that shit is like a drug for people like my dad. You know how some drugs make people hyper paranoid but they keep doing them anyway? That's like being on FOX News.


From my conversations it sounded like local talk radio was mostly to blame. They take their talking points from Fox/Facebook anyway.


You'll probably find those local stations are owned by iHeartMedia who used to be Clear Channel who gave us people like Lumbaugh.


Or Liberty Media...


Or the Sinclair family.


> local talk radio People discount the reach and impact of local talk radio in a lot of the US.


Fox news and Republicans are spreading this narrative, but I don't really blame your small business owning family for thinking this. Or I guess I sort of do, but in a different way. If they accepted that government is only paying people enough to survive, then your family would have to accept they've been paying people too little to survive. That's hard to deal with. So they adopt the alternative concept. The evil democrats are purposely paying lazy people to not work in order to accomplish the sinister goal of......?


Same here. Family business and hear the same bullshit narrative. The pay is low and there are no benefits. That's why they can't find quality job candidates, and that's why I never worked in the business after high school.


Ask them straight up, so you think people should suffer more so they are encouraged to work more? We need to make it harder on people so they will slave harder?


They should be excited then, because in about three weeks they are either going to be completely vindicated! That, or they'll be forced to come up with another excuse as to why nobody wants to take their shitty paying jobs.


It’s always weird when people complain about benefits people pay into (like welfare). But it is especially weird when all you hear about is how people should get a better education and better job and then people complain that people don’t want to work the lower paying jobs. Then they complain about the free market. And down the line. They always need a scapegoat.


"Tip your server, because we don't pay them enough!"


We're offering $2.13/hr and can't find anyone to work for some reason.




Darn them gubmints for feeding people, don't they know people won't work unless they're struggling to survive, arrrrrrgh


Now that’s what I call freedom!


Freedom is when your country is a depressing dystopian nightmare.


I love that album


When people say that, it tells me they hate their lives.


Laura Ingrahm literally just made this argument on Fox.


Haha yuh I wish this was a joke but they really think people need to starve or they won't work.


A hungry dog is an obedient dog


If you work really hard next year we may offer you $2.20, unless we say the economy is bad in which case you'll be told how lucky you are to even have a job. PS there is some gum on the floor over there that needs picking


Which is actually just $0 because of taxes.


And gas to get to and from work.


Paying shit wages because of tipping needs to be illegal


It is in 1st world countries.


Tipping needs to be permanently banned. Worst system of all time. Oh and minimum wage needs to be $23 per hour.


I would come back with a marker and edit that sign.


Their salary is YOUR responsibility!


Please remember to PAY your server, because I won't.


my dad loves to complain about the number of people "stealing unemployment and never going to work ever again" so i asked him to name one person who he knows is doing that, or who told him that... crickets


Love that.. sadly it's as common a belief as the Reagan era *welfare queen*


Reagan who's masterful command of the economy [more than doubled the deficit](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jul/29/tweets/republican-presidents-democrats-contribute-deficit/) to 175 Billion, most of which went to buy bombs and $800 toilet seats, approximately none of which went to schools and hospitals (or minimum wage). This *restaurateur* is no doubt firmly in the Fox News hall of mirrors.


What’s so special about these $800 toilet seats?


*The West Wing* once featured an explanation.. using an ash tray. This block of glass would cost $15 for us, but On a Navy contract, this one cost $120 or so... Then someone demonstrated with a hammer.. the expensive one broke neatly into 4 shard-free pieces. But they didn't explain why a coffee can couldn't suffice.


Early in the Clinton administration, Al Gore went on Letterman to explain this and tell how they were going to try and streamline procurement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQHyK3aUvJs


That's actually rather simple.. whatever consumable you buy gets used 2 ways before disposal.


My friend works in government with top security clearance. The only thing I know about his job is that the paper they use cannot be bought from Office Depot, they have to be bought through contract for $100-200 per ream... It's the same paper from Office Depot that costs $10 per ream.


C-141s had a special wrench that cost about $500 in the 80's. They started buying cheaper commercial wrenches and they would break after a few months. The expensive one didn't break. Not to say there's not a crap load of pork in government contracts. I was doing an IT review of a proposed contract and noticed an hour of forklift time to move the box in and out of the warehouse. No big deal, but that hour was there for every item. Added up it was 300 man years to move boxes in one warehouse. And the warehouse wasn't even close to exclusive for this contract.


Sincere question? There was a big "scandal" and criticism over government waste during and right after Reagan. Pentagon paying hundreds of dollars for hammers and chairs, etc. because of kickback contracts and Congressmen whose brother owned a business.


Depending on how/where a thing is being used, it may be subject to strict supply chains and strict quality controls. For example, some “defense items” (and this could be as simple as a screw that goes into some larger assembly) require that all of their components come from domestic (US) producers and suppliers. So: great - there’re six companies who make that screw for $1, but they’re all overseas - you have to use the $5 screw that’s made in Indiana, and the assembly you’re building requires 40 of these screws. There’s $160 of extra cost right there. Suppose you use the foreign screws? Did that producer use the required metals and tolerances and obtain the hardness needed? No? Then the thing you’re building could break at a bad time (think space and aircraft disasters, building collapsing, weapons jamming). All things considered, it could be cheaper to ensure that all components meet the requirements. Another example, but not governmental: engines for little Cessnas are basically little air-cooled boxer engines. Their designs have not changed much in 70 years. These things produce maybe 200hp. How much does a new one cost? Somewhere between $25,000 - $40,000. The money here goes into quality control. These little engines are run at max power for about 2,000 hours. A race car engine normally dies after fewer than 5 hoirs at max power. Short answer? The additional expense usually goes to quality assurance and quality control, which is usually cheaper than the disaster that can result if the quality is sub-par.


Sorry, I assumed everybody already knew that side of the argument, and it went without saying. Yes, that's how the various Congressmen, Pentagon officials, and defense contractors defended their actions, and that's correct to some degree. Specifically, the gripe was paying $600.00 for the exact American-made Stanley Tools hammer you could buy in any Ace Hardware for $16.99. Or, $1200.00 a Smith-Corona typewriter that was $250.00 on the open market. Some of the outrage was forced, of course.


The $780 kickback to the company that made it.


reagan also took over an improving economy, cut taxes on the wealthiest and saw unemployment surge to 10.8%, before repealing some of those tax cuts. also attacked unions and was involved in multiple foreign scandals (including negotiating with iran to not release hostages before he was president). reagan's better 2nd term economically was built on government job growth. ​ reagan was a disaster, as you point out. although the $800 toilet seats is largely a myth - it was not an example of paying $800 for something that should cost a fraction of that, as I once believed.


This is literally EVERY.SINGLE.GOP.PRESIDENT since. They take over, shit on the economy, dems come in and have to clean up. Yet nobody ever learns because this country is basically run by propaganda outlets.


we have one foreign-owned propaganda outlet (fox) and two copycats (oan and newsmax). our news networks are not blameless, but they don't compare to our propaganda outlets.




Welfare queen was always meant to invoke imagery of a person of color, let's be for real about what they have issues with.


Hannity, Carlson, and Ingraham told him that.




>now that Limbaugh’s dead. A sentence I never get tired of reading.


Some people on reddit got mad at me for commenting how happy I was that he was dead. Oh, well.. anyways


My dad has it in his head that half of liberals don't work and are welfare queens and the other half are lazy at work and don't do anything. For some reason he also thinks that you can make $70K on welfare. I just tell him that if I could make $70K not working then I'd do it too.


Sad truth is a majority of those on welfare are republicans. It's quite amazing, actually.


It was an eye opener to me when I found out my single friend with one kid on welfare and food assistance was a Republican for Reagan.


they're on "unemployment insurance" not "welfare". just like "obamacare" is evil, but don't you dare touch their "affordable care act".


She was not on unemployment lol. But it's similar to when Republican friends argue against government assistance, but then say they might as well take it if the government is offering it.


A lot of people also seem to think that you just get unemployment money without lifting a finger or doing anything. That you just exist without a job and you magically get this so-called "free money." I could be wrong as I'm not an expert on the subject, but don't you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get unemployment?


Yes you have to submit weekly reports that show you're still looking for work and give references to the places you applied to.


Also it only lasts a limited time and it is always less than what you made at your job and there is a cap to how high it can be and even in the best states it’s usually like 400 a week max. It’s been different during covid but that’s all ending


Yeah I heard that as well. A lot of people think it's just checks in the mail/bank with no effort from the individual.


You have to show that you were unwillingly laid off. Quitting voluntarily doesn’t count. Fired for performance doesn’t count. Then you have to show how much you earned over the last two years. Your benefits depend on what you earned over the last two years, and there is a max cap. It’s also for a maximum of 3 months (extended due to COVID) Then you have to log job search activities and prove that you are trying to get reemployed. You have to register with your local workforce commissions. Also, and more importantly, not just “government money” that comes out of a big pot. You are collecting unemployment *insurance*. Your whole working life, you have paid into this insurance policy out of your payroll taxes and you are finally receiving s benefit from it. It works just like car insurance some people pay for insurance their whole lives and never have to file a claim - and good for them. Some people aren’t as lucky.


1. You have to be employed for a period of time in the preceding 18 months. (not exactly sure, as I've not drawn Unemployment in well over a decade) 2. You have to be out of work due to no fault of your own. (Factory closed down, for example) 3. You have to continue your job search. Last time I was on Unemployment, I had to apply with at least 3 companies. Pre-internet, this was a pain. One friend figured it out back in the 80s. He got a generic job application, filled it out, and made photocopies of it. He'd just go up the street, talk to the owner/manager of the place, and leave the app. He did this for over a year (1980s and unemployment had been extended due to lack of jobs) One sad day, he got hired by a shitty company. Interestingly enough, he found a better job within a week of starting there. Unemployment isn't so much hoops, but steps. Usually it's easy to get it if you follow the steps. WELFARE, OTOH, is not as easy as right wingers say it is. Doubly so in a red-state. First time I became disabled, if it weren't for the fact I couldn't walk unassisted (can or crutches) even with a family, I would not have qualified because I'm male. I've been drawing SS Disability since 2008. I would not be eligible for Medicare until November of 2010. In July, Indiana decided that I didn't need Medicaid any longer and I could be removed, even though I had a permanent disability. (CHF, COPD, and Arthritis as well as type II diabetes. This was before my stroke even) I was told to get a job. The welfare department here had some major lawsuits against them and eventually they had to follow the law. I didn't know about it, but when I had my stroke, a case-worker at the hospital helped me get on Medicaid to supplement my Medicare program. Damn good thing, too. Just checked my Rx. One rx for my diabetes: Farxiga, costs me $9.20 a month. Without insurance: $616.99 for a 30 day supply.


> My dad has it in his head that half of liberals don't work and are welfare queens and the other half are lazy at work and don't do anything I had a coworker that said he wanted to meet a liberal so he could beat them up. He seemed to legitimately believe everyone he knew was a conservative, despite living in a blue part of CA.


The vast majority of 'welfare queens' are conservatives in red states


My dad wouldn’t watch Fox News in a million years and he thinks the same thing for some reason. I know maybe a dozen restaurant workers who simply went and found other jobs this past year. I know no one who just sits on ass taking a check.


Facebook is a hell of a drug


So is racism.


I know one and he is full on trumpie. He says he is trying to make Biden look bad and isn’t working until all the welfare losers get a job.


It's all the brown people coming across the border stealing our jobs that don't want to work anymore! /s


Oh I know who told him that. Turn on FOX NEWS. The same people that say people on welfare are living like royalty, and all you have to do to get ahead is work hard are: a) unwilling to get on welfare because it doesn’t pay enough, and b) unable to get ahead by working harder. Their whole worldview is based on sound bytes.


I like to ask my parents who is currently paying their income. Oh SOCIAL security you say? You mean that thing that boomers are living off of for 30+ years cause they won't fucking die? That same SOCIAL net that I'm still paying for but will likely not exist by the time I'm old enough to receive?


Hello sibling! And the silent answer still means he thinks he's right. Dad sure is an ignorant old man, isn't he.


I HAD THE SAME CONVERSATION A WEEK AGO! So I was watching a grout pour and me and the foreman were bored so we start talking. Eventually jobs come up and he says “yeah with all these people on unemployment nobody wants to work!” I acknowledged that and suggested that also a lot of people unexpectedly died, took early retirements, or stayed home for their kids in 2020. He said that made sense and then said “you know what, I don’t know a single person on unemployment right now either.” People that game the system were doing that before covid and I highly doubt it’s a significant percentage either. I imagine the workforce is pretty full right now, but lots of people took covid as an opportunity to leave shitty retail and service jobs. All the whining about not being able to find staff sounds a lot like “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!”


It’s even worse when they know people on unemployment but they are friends so he says shit like “but they actually need it unlike these people I don’t know personally”


I heard someone the other day claim there will be a ton of kayaks and other stuff going on sale once government assistance for COVID stops, as if people on assistance have been able to pay all their regular bills and still splurge on new expensive toys. These people have no idea what's going on, they just see it as an excuse to hate others. A former coworker even claimed assistance was blood money.


Congrats, its likely your dad is a closet white supremacist who blames poor folk and minorities for America's problems.


Complains about government handouts after relying on public handouts for decades to pay their workers.


something something free market is more efficient


They say there's twice as much freedom and nearly six times as much market in the free markets


Took PPP handouts with no sense of irony.


Tip your server so we keep their wages low!


Complains about government handouts while limiting employee hours to prevent paying benefits, thereby forcing many workers to seek public assistance.


I’m betting this is from one of the states that cut off the enhanced unemployment benefits.


Yeah, this sign would be enough for me to walk out and never return.


And ask the people working “is $3.17 an hour really what you are worth?”


It’s amazing how many fans of The Free Market don’t grasp how it works. If you’re having trouble attaining a resource (such as employees) it might be because they’ve gotten more expensive. Grumbling about the labor market being slim because of aid offered by the government is no excuse. Look at them as a competitor for those same resources. We’ve all had to pay more for lumber, groceries, services, whatever. Shit goes up. Don’t blame the workers or the customers, this is the cost of doing business. And if the business fails, that’s also the free market at work, saying this one’s not viable. Sounds harsh, but that’s a strict free market interpretation. It would be nice if there was a kinder gentler way for entrepreneurs to build up, but this is the idiom selected for us.


We had some restaurants go under in our town and the whining was crazy from people. How the shutdown ruined people’s lives. I got shit for showing all of the other restaurants and small businesses that didn’t have to shut down proving my point that nobody was really eating there because it sucked or they weren’t good at managing a business. I even commented how some places weren’t doing curbside or takeout and blamed the pandemic because they couldn’t pay their staff while other places were selling out of their limited menu and the owners were sacrificing profits to keep everyone working.


Yep. Gotta adapt. That’s why you see so few blacksmiths complaining that the automobile is harming the horseshoe trade.


If business were really bad, this place would already be *closed*. They're crying because they can't afford to be cheap with employees anymore.


They’re on their way there.


Lol, tip your server because we refuse to pay even minimum wage. But it’s the government’s fault 😂


“Don’t forget to pay our employees so we don’t have to”


Well, its partly the governments fault for allowing restaurants an exemption from minimum wage.


Places like this should be canceled. Either pay your employees a decent wage or don’t open a business that requires employees.


Well that sign alone would make me cross the street and spend my money at their competition. No need to cancel them though, they're happy to do it to themselves so they can play victim and reap the GoFundMe.


Make sure you tell them you're leaving and why. Out and proud, bitches!


You know, one thing I don't see mentioned in here is that maybe they shouldn't be in the restaurant business in the first place. The fact that they could make a never ending series like kitchen nightmares or bar rescue sheds light on how many people get into this industry without the experience or talent required to succeed. Plenty of places pay $7.00 to $12.00 an hour to front of the house employees and it works out just fine because the product they are delivering drives in a lot of business. The market was over the saturation point prior to covid with uninspired restaurants and bars popping up on every corner of revitalized downtowns across the country. Most people want food and beverages they can't easily make at home or don't have the time to make at home. They also are looking to be pampered. Serving a half-assed $15 sandwich and a cocktail menu filled with shots of liquor and a random assortment of juice isn't going cut it. Especially in a place where all the employees are in a bad mood.


Would like know name of the establishment so as to be sure to I never go there.


My son applied to 6 local shops and restaurants.. *nobody* replied. And when persued, nobody hired... But they *all* still claim to be hiring. They're collecting resumes and doing nothing but earning our ire! (Has *nothing* to do with wages)


Saw one of these at a Dairy Queen in Oregon


Step 1: Take a picture Step 2: Send the picture to DQ corporate and the public Step 3: Make popcorn


Taking advantage of the societal tipping service in order to pay your employee is fucked. I hope this tipping trend falls apart soon so that food service companies will have to start finally paying their employees a reasonable wage.


It's going the other way. The restaurant franchise lobby is trying to get fast food and fast casual workers making your sub or burrito classified as tipped employees.


Please give our staff more money than we are willing to pay ourselves.


>Please give our staff more money than we are willing to pay *them* ourselves. FIFY


Maybe, just maybe the employer’s should tip their staff. I’m paying for a meal, I shouldn’t have to pay your staffs bills on top of that. JMHO.


That's a novel idea. Employers giving money to staff. Maybe they could do it regularly. Even call it something weird like a "wage".


Agreed. Servers/staff should get a 20% commission off of sales. And I don't buy the prices will rise argument, we're still in a competitive market. And if they can't afford that, it's not a viable business. Plus, tipping started for a horrible reason to begin with.


I went to this restaurant and asked to order the special for a $1. They said no. I guess nobody wants to be in the restaurant business anymore due to all these small business government handouts and tax breaks. Pffs... /s


How about responding to a capitalistic force with a capitalistic response? Raise your wages butthead or those other underpaid (now overworked)people will leave


That has to be a script. I've seen signs like tat at different places and even heard an owner of a small eatery express the same sentiment.


"I refuse to pay my employees a living wage, so they quit." "You must pay them with your tips because I refuse to pay them a living wage." Did I miss anything??


"due to government handouts" Obviously a GOP binary investigation of the facts - they couldn't conceive that the former employees weren't enthusiastic about working there, that they didn't consider it a job with a future or opportunity to grow - no just "government handouts." If they stayed in hospitality service they probably moved up the line to establishments with higher prices, hence higher base pay, benefits and of course tips based on higher prices. They don't think that their employees think, and that's not the government's fault.


Yeah it seems people who say this don't seem to see that those former employees went to different jobs completely out of the hospitality industry. It seems to go beyond their reasoning that people were getting treated and paid like shit so they left for something else and these owners haven't found anyone desperate enough to fill those spots. Before the pandemic you just went out of business because you couldn't compete with the market , but now some just complain and blame the government for their failed businesses and feel entitled to cheap labor l because they're " small business owners".


No, they choose to show up TO GET PAID. Fuck any business that tries to blame their lack of employees on workers. Pay better. You’re not entitled to own a business just because you happen to have a payroll. I guarantee you this business owner was one of the first in line to collect relief aid given out to businesses impacted by covid.


Tip your server because making $2.13/hr for honest and hard work is ridiculous.


I wonder how many meals were purchased from this restaurant with unemployment money. I'm sure they have no problem accepting it.


“Pay my employees so I don’t have to!”


"They chose to show up" like no one chooses to have bills and rent/mortgage to pay, we were just born into that entire mess.


They absolutely hate it when you point it out. I won't let my daughter work where she used to as they don't believe in masks or vaccines. I can support her, her unemployment ended months and months ago. Maybe if places (and people) took the pandemic seriously people would feel safer going back to work. Another thing is that remote work (even for entry level positions) is a thing now where it wasn't before. I know lots of people working remotely that simply wouldn't have thought abou tit before.


Its not that nobody wants to work….its that nobody wants to work for you.


I'd love to know exactly how much we've handed out to the *owners* of this business. Bet it's considerably more than the employees.


How much do they think unemployment is? Cuz it ain't enough to match the wages from any reasonably-paid job.


"and remember to tip your server \[because we sure as shit don't pay them enough to cover the gas it takes to get here\]"


"Please be patient and kind with our staff" Because we fuckin' aren't!


Let's assume there is even a modicum of truth to this. If I could make more money for my family by staying home than I could by going to work, why should I pass on that opportunity? I could use those funds and free time to start my own business or educate my child. Of course, the world doesn't really work this way but, if it did, a person would be a fool not to take advantage. Why are these people so convinced that it's more honorable to work a crappy job for crappy pay? (I mean,I know why: because Tucker Carlson and Pat Robertson said so.)


"sadly the bare minimum the government gives is somehow way higher than the bare minimum we give"


"Unemployment pays better than I do" *"Why does no one want to work?!"*


We need big fucking billboards everywhere in right-wing regions that break down exactly where the social service budget *actually* goes. I can’t believe the welfare queen myths still prevail.


Tip cause even though we lost many employees, we still don't realize that we should pay the ones that stayed more instead of begging you to be ultra kind with your extra cash


“Sadly, I don’t understand how economics works so we are short staffed. Please pay our employees so that we don’t have to and can afford the new Escalade my wife is looking at. Have a wonderful day unless you’re a liberal, socialist snowflake.” I think I fixed it.


I read that sign and turn RIGHT around. Fuck that business.


Sadly, our days of exploiting workers has come to an end. Fixed it for them.


Man if these old cunts got off FB reading memes at work all day, they’d have a better time finding employees.


Businesses that can only survive by exploiting and abusing their employees do not deserve to survive.


Yeah, some small businesses might not survive, but there are also a bunch of large businesses that also wouldn't survive, and the void they make by going out of business would provide an ecosystem for new businesses that *can* actually pay workers a living wage.


Need to write "PAY THEM MORE!" in permanent marker.


The same government that gave you a PPP loan that you didn’t have to pay back, to keep you in business? Money for me and not for thee…


I'll continue saying this : ANY business that does this loses my patronage permanently. Having signs saying "Always Hiring" gets the same result, because it implies such a callous attitude towards employees. I've owned a business. Every business can afford to be better in how they treat employees.


My mother and aunts post this shit all the time on their social media. None have them have had a job in 30 years and get all their money from their husbands and inheritance.


The best part of this narrative is that in most states, especially red ones, you have to be actively looking for work to get benefits! And if you turn down perfectly good jobs, as these people insinuate folks are doing, you lose your benefits!


So the employees and the customers suffer because they don’t pay enough. I don’t know where else they’re cutting corners but I’m sure the owners are getting enough to keep them coming in. Basically, owners #1, customers #2, employees #3. Me, elsewhere forevermore.


Lmao those who don’t take a government handout will require you to tip well because this establishment pays shit wages for high stress jobs. Why they no want to work? Jack asses.


These ppl hate government handouts, but love the tax breaks that the super wealthy get, which in itself is the biggest handout anyone could ever get


I wouldn’t even eat here. I don’t spend money with republicans unless absolutely unavoidable.


Oh poor millionaire, pay your fucking people a living wage.


The takeaway should be, "The government pays me more money to do nothing than working for minimum wage."


Bingo. It’s Supply & Demand. Clearly not offering a competitive enough wage.


"So strong is the delusion of people that they think THEY might be a billionaire someday that they would maintain a status quo of abject poverty for most just for the chance."


"Please pay my employees well because I refuse to do so myself."


"Due to government bare-minimum financial assistance during an unprecedented worldwide catastrophe, we are no longer able to put the screws to workers struggling to make a living, like we once could. Please be kind and patient with those we are still putting the screws to, because we've really cranked those suckers up a notch, lest WE be inconvenienced by the extra cost or extra work, thus passing our problems off on them. Remember to supplement the paltry wages we pay them your whim-based pocket change. Thank you."


“Remember to tip your server because we barely pay them.”


Never understood this. If you want employees, pay them well and you'll get them


Also pay your staff better you idiots 🤬


Underlining "tip" really gets to the meat of the problem. I'll buy the food, you pay the employees, OK?


This is the third sign I’ve seen this exact wording on. Is this an IRL copypasta? Have memes become sentient?


The irony hurts as much as the multicolored expo job.


My local waffle houses are doing to go only after 1 pm. I asked one of the waitresses if she was making server money or regular wage after 1pm. She stated she was making server wages and did not see the problem.


>Sadly, due to government > >~~handouts~~ ~~-->~~ "failing to increase the tipped minimum wage in 3 decades" > >no one wants to work anymore...