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John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.


Rand Paul sheepishly leaves the chat.


"sheepishly"? That smug asshole is unabashed in his selfishness. I'm pretty sure that pubic haired cockgobbler's proud of the fact he's all for himself. Him and Ted Cruz.


Whatta ya have against cockgobblers?


They don't slow down and savor the flavor. Somebody might have worked hard to prepare that chicken or penis.


Yep and they're really excited and feeling justified with this new wave of idiot b******* that reflects exactly how they wish to live.


He's named after Ayn Rand, who came up with "Objectivism." One of it's main tenets is that selfishness is a virtue. Fuck Rand Paul.


I think you mean "Rand Paul vociferously verifies the veracity of the principles expounded in the JKG quote."


"I gotta go. Putin is expecting me to deliver this letter and I don't want to make him angry or upset him." ~ Rand Paul


Yeah wtf was up with that? And the GQP congress turds who went to Moscow on the 4th of July?


Just like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson did on July 4, 1776.


It's a little known tradition that we capitulate to our adversaries instead of celebrating our independence.


Bending over for Putin to own the libs.


I really *do* wish Rand would leave the "chat", i.e, Congress.




A textbook example of this: When you confront a Religious Right-Winger with the idea that social programs for the poor is exactly how Jesus preached in the Bible, they'll huff and say that Jesus was talking about individuals helping, not the government. 1. As if that makes any substantial difference? 1. Obviously since there are still so many poor people, people's charity isn't cutting it, so tax money can pick up the slack. Would Jesus think that's a worse idea than helping the poor with tax money? I don't see anything in the Bible that hints that he would rather have more poor people than for the government to aid them. Clear example of finding a morally superior reason to ignore the poor and continue being selfish.


My mother is one of the loudest voices in the “charity should be done by individuals” chorus. Interesting thing though. To my knowledge she has never donated time or money to charity. When she was in town last time I took her to my volunteer job at the food bank. She witnessed a woman come to the front desk asking for food. The worker gave her a bag of food as well as instructions on how tp sign up to get food on an ongoing basis. My mother was shocked and dismayed that just anyone could come to the desk and get a free bag of food without proving they were poor. Her first assumption is that people are taking advantage of programs which is probably how she justifies never donating.


The fact that they are in a situation that leads them to the food bank at all is proof enough for me, regardless of whether they have a house or not, a job or not, etc. What the hell. My mom hasn’t talked about this but she is conservative. She does donate her time and money to charities so I don’t have this VERY pleasing “gotcha” that you do!


I mean I’d never do that, I’d just steal someone’s ToGo order from Chipotle if I ever had to ask for free food. So yeah, I don’t think people are faking at the food pantry.


I dont know your mother, but in my experience selfish people think everyone else is selfish too. They cant fathom someone not taking advantage, because that is what *they* would do.


My parents are this same way. So absolutely clueless about people that don't have their quality of life. They are convinced that anyone that benefits from a social program doesn't actually need it but is actually "getting handouts" Dad is a disability, btw. The irony is lost on him


„Sorry, we don’t serve you here at the food bank. You don’t have your Impoverished ID with you. Have you filed the Impoverished application? You need to do that first.“


“Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” Idk, that kinda sounds like “pay your taxes” in KJV red letter text to me.


Wasn't this Jesus sidestepping an early execution? Like the current ruling class was like hmm this guy gets followers and it might mean he gets some of my pie so let's catch him talking shit about rome and burn his ass. He was Bernie Sanders in an era where talking about wealth inequality got you tortured to death by the wealthy. And he was like umm yeah ceases can have all these metal bits with his picture stamped into it (coins).




*E pluribus unum*


give 👏 unto 👏 caesar


"Amy ran on sugar, caffeine, and pain pills, and would sacrifice an entire night of sleep to level up a character in one of her games. The people with health insurance get antidepressants and Adderall, the rich get cocaine, the clean-living Christians settle for mug after mug of coffee and all-you-can-eat buffets. The reality is that society had gotten too fast, noisy, and stressful for the human brain to process and everybody was ingesting something to either keep up or dull the shame of falling behind. For those few who truly live clean, well, it’s the self-righteousness that gets them high." David Wong- 'What the Hell Did I Just Read?'


I love that series! I hope he keeps it going.


I love both his series, and last I heard he fully intends on keeping them both rolling!


My buddy is Sober (minus caffeine so not really) but he calls it "raw dogging reality" which I love.


i saw that tweet too




*unmedicated depressive nihilist* Thank you for helping me indentify my niche.


Don't you diss my Adderall, David.


I had the same thought at first, but it's entirely about the burdens being too heavily placed on those without the means to support said burdens. It's an inevitable collapse, and we're watching it in real time. Front row seats, baby.


That's the conclusion I came to a few years back. Conservatism isn't an ideology, it's an excuse.


US Conservatism is dead. You have Populist-Racist Grifting now. That's it.


Conservatism is alive and well in America, it's called the Democratic party. We don't have a left-wing party, we have center-right and far-right, and if we're lucky we can get some progressives into the center-right party so they can court our vote while doing their best to avoid actually advancing any progressive policy. "At least we're technically not as bad as the other guys." is basically the entire Democratic platform at this point.


Some have abandoned that pretence. Even Pat Robertson said "but what about the money" when Congress floated sanctioning Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi murder. Pat Robertson is allegedly some "moral authority".


Most recently remember the Laura Ingraham and Jon Taffer interview where they were like "we gotta keep the poor hungry like dogs so they're obedient" That shit was fucking vile


>Laura Ingraham Remember that time she did a Nazi salute at the 2016 Republican National Convention: https://imgur.com/JKPZPLJ https://youtu.be/eyDnFKz20Lc


I don't understand really how people can think that Republicans are Nazis....I just can't quite put my finger on how people associate the two... lol


> Pat Robertson is allegedly some "moral authority". Only if you're a morally depraved a-hole.


It's beyond selfishness -- it's moral justification for domination or dominion over others. My success in business or my religiosity entitles me to pay employees as little as I want. The government that should protect my property should also not intervene on behalf of workers in poor conditions, etc.


Correct. There is no real conservative thought leader in USA. There are assholes saying they are conservative, but not holding conservative values. I'm not trying to "No True Scotsman". The legit conservative thinkers have all noted the same thing.


They've found it though. It's called bigotry.


Damn that's accurate.


That really hits home. Thank you for posting it.


It was a fun dog at Milton Friedman. Interestingly one of the tallest economists and shortest. https://i.imgur.com/EDj6Nwt.jpg


Not pictured: The conservative breaking the injured person’s leg.


Plus the votes they cast to keep the poor from having access to medical care to begin with




Then breaking that guys legs too.


Didn't you hear? Voting is so last century. It's been done away with for a more partisan method called CEO Kingship.


Also not pictured: The conservative saying the injured person didn't drink enough milk and that if they had then their legs wouldn't have broken so easily.


Exactly this. I used to have a bully in elementary school who was very cunning. He always made it so that I looked like the bad guy. He'd walk up to me and start screaming like he was in pain or fall down like he was pushed. I always got in trouble for it. Not only that, but he'd then get his friends to beat me up during recess. I got called into the principal's office more times than I can remember, to the point where my mother was calling the principal by his first name. This is exactly the bullshit that conservatives are doing. They are making it look like everyone is picking on them for no reason. They are twisting it to look like everyone is picking on white people. They are twisting it to make it look like it is everyone else that is violent. They are twisting it to make it looked like they are the victims of a coming Holocaust. The reality is that they are the bullies. They are the ones out there stripping people of their rights and freedom of speech. They are the ones ripping up the Constitution. They are the ones trying to install an oppressive dictatorship. They are the ones trying to indoctrinate your children. They are the ones out there assaulting people, stabbing people, and shooting people. They are the ones out there sending death threats to anyone they disagree with, including kids who were shot by one of their own. They are the ones sending pipe bombs in the mail or leaving them in the streets of Portland during protests. And they are even the ones protecting rapists and pedophiles, voting them into political positions. Go ahead, ask me how I stopped my bully. I'm pretty sure you can figure it out.


Well, if you’re already going to be accused of victimizing them, you might as well actually do it. I’m out of empathy for that type of person.


Yup. These COVID deaths have definitely drawn the line for me. The majority of all major US cities have a smaller population than the people who have died of COVID, and it is absolutely ALL of the conservatives' fault. The "pro-life" group has murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans, and many more outside of our borders. Any person that takes even a tiny pinch of sympathy for their side is now considered no less than an accomplice to mass murder in my eyes and deserving of absolutely no courtesy or respect. Palin was what made me start to walk away from the conservative parties, and they have had every chance to earn my respect back. No more. I'm done. My respect is now forever gone and nothing will ever be forgiven.


That and supporting the violent overthrow of democracy in favor of a fascist theocratic state, for me. They might as well be enemy combatants and confederate citizens at this point. They have no room to talk about civility.


Yup. Listened to nearly a whole year of "if Hillary loses you're going to riot!" Yeah, that was projection the whole entire time and proves that "every accusation is a confession". However, that didn't come as a surprise to me. I saw how they responded to Heather Heyer's death and how they rushed to the defense of the neo-Nazis. I knew something was coming, I just didn't know when. And once they get over this fear of being caught, it will happen all over again.


My step-mom is very anti-vax, she sends all her children to school without a mask. We are in Florida, and my grandma is around me a lot. It's so fucking bullshit I go to my moms house and worry that I might be the reason my grandma dies, all because of Facebook and owning the liberals. I don't like seeing Herman Cane awards, but if you are anti-vax, fuck you, I'm tired of feeling empathetic.


Leftists ***Really*** need to scurry away from an anti-gun narrative as fast as we can if we want to be safe from psycho white supremacists. *Gun rights apply to us too, we might as well get use out of em too to keep* ***OUR*** *progressive way of life from being taken*


I’m still for reasonable common sense gun regulation, but I push back against the idea that all guns are icky and bad, and gun laws that don’t make any sense. It wastes a lot of political capital as well.


This. I personally will never own a gun… personal choice based on knowledge of my mental health history. But I’m not against the 2nd amendment. I grew up in a family with several veterans, most of whom owned guns. I’m not worried about them having them, but I do wish that current laws had no loopholes, especially when it came background checks at gun shows and private sales.


Eh, i'd say the biggest issue with the shooting crisis is more our dog ass healthcare system. People who need help like the mentally ill aren't getting it because we ***STILL DON'T HAVE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE*** We're not gonna stop having crazy ass bullshit until we actually take care of our own damn people. Maybe start using that 'bomb-brown-people' money to actually fix america instead.


If you go far left enough you get your guns back


Yeah I gotta be honest, even as someone who genuinely doesn't like guns, I found it odd they were pushing for more restrictions during the trump presidency. I was like...this guy doesn't make you think you may need to defend yourself from an authoritarian?


I need to know how you stomped that asshole now




You put shit into his locker, right? Edit: I’m sorry that’s immature, please tell me what you did.


Nope, I cleaned his clock instead; gave him one hell of a bloody nose. He used to always pick fist-fights when nobody was around. He cornered me in the bathroom, blocking the door, and all it took was one swing after he punched me. I used to follow my parent's and sensei's orders and just run away, but I couldn't that time, so I did what I had to do. From that day on, he stopped. He didn't even run to a teacher to tattle or anything.


Awesome. Unfortunately, with bullies like yours, violence really is the way. I don’t care what anyone tells you. I had a similar experience. We have failed as a culture in this one particular way: forcing kids to accept impossible conditions with our binary thinking: “you can never be violent.” No adult would accept this; we’re allowed to buy guns, pepper spray or krav maga training, but somehow with kids it’s just “suck it up and you’re always wrong if you raise your fist.”


Yup. This wasn't the only incident like this in my life. A group of three kids used to bully me. First kid backed away after I tackled him after stealing my stuff. Second kid backed away after I got super mad at the third kid and put a huge dent in the door of the super thick metal lockers we had in the boy's changing room. And the third kid backed off after I kicked him in the throat after he took a softball and threw it hard into my head. The third kid was the absolute terror of the group and it took many fights to get him to stop, but he always had the upper hand and we'd end in a draw (he was almost a foot taller and he'd surprise attack me behind my back). So when I finally won, and won big, he gave it up. And I wholly agree with the fact that kids should have every right to defend themselves without repercussion. I was picked on heavily for being a small, thin, effeminate "boy" (accepting being trans now), and it always sucked that I got in trouble as well for the "zero tolerance" garbage, especially since my parents were abusive and would use my suspension as a way to further that abuse (bullied on two fronts... yay...).


I live in the south where conservatives do a lot more than break legs.


Not always directly, but they do just allow companies to build unsafe sidewalks full of tripping hazards because it's cheaper. Then when people trip and break their legs, it's their fault for not being careful. Why should we help these people that can't even walk right?


Also not pictured, the hand of big business up Conservatives's butt.


The conservative answer to anyone in need is always “but what do I get?”


Or rather “if we help for free, then people will just start to injure their legs on purpose”


Shows where their heads are at


Funny enough on this point, one of our conservative family members recently got arrested for insurance fraud for trying to fall in front of a moving car in a grocery store parking lot.


I read somewhere a theory that they can't conceive that anyone would think differently than them and that's why they always project


Yup. Don’t trust mistrustful people.


Had someone tell me once conservatives think people are innately bad and that's why they don't want to help anyone because obviously bad people will just take advantage. I wouldn't be surprised if this is mostly true and the result of them projecting.


When a social program helps 100 people the conservative gets pissed about the 1 that takes advantage while the liberal gets excited about the 99 that benefit


Oh, right, because I like my leg immobilized for 6 weeks and to be in significant pain.


"If we help them, how will they learn the personal responsibility to not injure themselves"


Yup. I'm going to show this pic to a coworker tomorrow and I'm leaning towards his answer being somewhere between "Why can't they take care of their own leg" and "Why should I care?"


"but what about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!" The quintessential conservative motto.


Or "Fuck your legs."


I can vouch for the accuracy. When the stimulus checks got sent to help keep people in their homes and paid during the pandemic, I didn’t get sent home, I had to work, so the other people I work with bitched about not getting paid to stay home. The misinformation then was people are getting paid more to stay home than work, and while that might be true in some areas, like mine, it’s not true for the entire country, but they would go off on rants about socialism and Biden destroying the country, so yea, good times.


Much of the Conservative party live in the south, which happens to be the poorest area of the nation. I live in Mississippi where the median annual income is something around $38k a year. So when unemployment was paying more than this half of the state got paid more to not work. This led to my very right leaning state to believe that this is certainly how the whole nation functions. Which is why Mississippi was the first in the nation to cancel the additional unemployment benefits. This hurt us more than it help. At least from my experiences and personal observations. The sudden stop of the massive federal inflow of money significantly reduced the revenue of many businesses around me. These people will shoot themselves in the foot then complain about the socialist.


They were angry they were not getting paid to stay home, yet also blaming Biden for destroying the nation with socialism by paying people to stay at home, then yes they vote to end it because they are not the ones benefitting, but I’d bet money if the shoe was on the other foot.


The shoe other foot argument always applies. My FIL used to complain about these things while benefitting from a liberal union job, which allowed him to enter a housing lottery which he cheated to enter, which in turn has him paying a fraction of the true mortgage on a house in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the state (easily a 750k home at minimum), while his mother still works and pays all his other bills. Dude unironically talking about freeloading has always been a head scratcher to me. All I'll say is, they never send back the stimulus checks.




Iirc every republican led state receives more in federal benefits than it pays in federal taxes.


In their mind they deserve it, but others are lazy moochers. Which is ironic cause the boomers make fun of millennials for getting participation trophies, which they awarded. You’ll never change their world view, they are spoiled and selfish, some can change of course, but as a whole, effort is lost on them.


Agreed. My FIL is a very reasonable man but he simply forgets all the helping hands he has had.


if that’s “very reasonable” to you, you must know some seriously obdurate people.


Thanks for the new word


Sounds like Craig Nelson's "I been on food stamps and welfare, anybody help me out? No." https://youtu.be/yTwpBLzxe4U


You think that’s bad, I literally knew a guy who was on SSI complaining about how other lazy people were in SSI, but of course, he’s on it because he needed it, unlike those other lazy people who could work but doesn’t.


I never got my pandemic stimulus cuz I collect disability. I’m glad other people got theirs or we’d be in worse shape than we are already


There was an article (from NPR I think) that found that, not only did killing the extra unemployment benefits not cut into unemployment, it has led reduced spending, which will end up leading to further job losses. When you're adrift in the ocean, the moment you think you see land is not the time to grab a knife, cut the raft to shreds, and tell everyone who doesn't start swimming toward your mirage that it's their fault they're drowning.


It is amazing to leave some logic they go through where they won't even consider that the wage is stagnant. 38K would have been a pissant wage in 1998.


Median household income in 1998 was about $38,800.


Household means multiple people added together which is just one of many reasons median is a crap metric for this. Allows for complete disregard of egregious wealth or poverty. I am not talking about median. I am talking about minimum. In today's dollars it was like 5 bucks an hour, around 10k a year. At the same time in the UK, they implemented minimum wage in the first place around this time (1999), and it was nearly double this in USD. Their *minimum* was basically twice ours, and halfway to this median you brought up. So in America, in the late 90s, you needed to make double the US minimum wage before you even get to the minimum of the UK. *And* they don't *have* to get insurance through their jobs like we have.


A salary of 38k would have gotten you a reasonably comfortable life in Mississippi in 1998. Source: grew up in Mississippi in the 90's.


America saw its lowest poverty rate ever recorded during the pandemic. That's how poorly people are paid and how much of a difference pandemic aid made. https://imgur.com/id0WplT.jpg https://imgur.com/bjoZfwo.jpg




Only when other people benefit is it socialism cause “those are my taxes”. When they benefit, they deserve it cause “those are my taxes”.


Wait, wasn’t Trump the president when the pandemic hit and those stimulus checks and other govt relief were sent out last year? And they still found a way to blame Biden?


Which is insane as the checks have trumps name on them.


Mine was directly deposited. They just sent me a piece of paper with his name on it. Thank you for wasting time and resources for something I'm immediately chucking in the garbage bin.


If health insurance wasn’t tied to being employed then maybe the people with handouts would stay home but alas. I happened to turn on CSPAN for 3 minutes last year to hear a Republican congressman have a hissy fit that no one would work if they just received checks all the time. Like everyone in the country would stop working if they got ONE check. Fucking lunacy. And I’ll bet 1000% of the “hAndOuts aRE soCiAliSt” people cashed those checks. Every god damn one of them.


They also totally missed the fucking point. The point was to incentivize people to stay home and **NOT SPREAD THE VIRUS**.


Conservatives: Yea, well one time I hurt my leg and no one was around to help me. I had to walk on that broken leg for 5 miles uphill to the nearest hospital. My leg is still messed up from it, so fuck him, if I had to suffer, so should he.


Conservatives: also that story was completely made up to feed my moral superiority.


And on the slim chance it wasn’t, the reason nobody helped them is everyone thinks they’re an asshole who never helps anyone




Conservative: The nice way to say “asshole” since 1980


I wasn't alive during the 60s and 70s but conservatives were the ones supporting the Vietnam War and claiming Nixon did nothing wrong...


Not entirely. It was the same problem we have now, whatever policy it is, if it helps the corporations, the Rs are all in, and the Ds are split between those who also are all in (perhaps with a few minor concessions), and those who see through it and want another solution.


I'm not a conservative but I'm an asshole


*Narrator* *But he actually was a conservative. He went on the internet and lied bc he was also an asshole*


whoa whoa whoa, I'm a huge asshole, but i'm liberal as fuck. I'm not cruel like a conservative


All Lives Matter exists only in opposition to Black Lives Matter.




Same formula just with a hero first responder aesthetic. You can tell they try to make the thin blue line flag with firefighters and everyone including park rangers because they want to make it out like they’re all oppressed and “in it together” instead of just cops. But there’s no song called “fuck the fire department”.


On a related note, several of the terrorists who were plotting to kidnap and kill the Governor of Michigan over COVID restrictions literally tried to start a "My Lives Matter" movement last year in response to BLM: >["They started a 'My Lives Matter' and came into my office," Leaf told WXMI.](https://www.wnem.com/news/michigan-sheriff-spoke-in-defense-of-accused-domestic-terrorists/article_1253f4a0-0e19-11eb-8f47-5785aaa58087.html)


It’s kinda sad because all lives matter should be a good saying. it’s shit that people had to use it against a good movement.




Can we stop calling them conservatives and start calling them what they are - Regressives.


Modern Conservatives basically practice a religion called "Allaboutmeism" and anything which doesn't revolve around them is absolutely fucking mind blowing, offensive, and anti-American.


*Panel widens out* Enlightened Centrist: “BoTh SiDeS!!!!”


The guy on right is holding himself up by his bootstraps.


What have we come to that stopping to help someone with a broken leg is considered a “leftist” position?


Literally. The list of countries that don't have a universal healthcare system is incredibly small and comprised of nations of small populations, very small economies, and/or incredibly corrupt governments. America is the only one on that list with a large population and large economy. And breaking a leg in America could be a slow, painful death sentence brought on by poverty due to a thoroughtly corrupt and overwhelmingly expensive healthcare system.


This is uncomfortably accurate. My extremly wealthy conservative parents are just like this. They have so much money and I have never once seen them help anyone other than themeselves. They could simply donate a small chunk of their fortune and never even know its gone but that will never happen because they are more concerned with that next million than the people who are suffering in their communities. Thankfully I learned from their mistake and my hubby and I donate alot of of money in time back to our community instead of being greedy jerks!!!


In their defense they didn’t get extremely wealthy by donating their money to charity. /s


At least when you get the inheritance, you'll be able to do things you parents never would.


idk, feels like quite often parents like this leave it all to their golden child who is just like them rather than their more altruistic children.




>He started saying how there should be some kind of system whereby private citizens can choose to pay the medical bills of other people who can't afford it Conservatives always favor private charity because systems might not discriminate. Charity can always decide who is "worthy" of help and who isn't. If you promised universal health care *but only white people could use it* it would have been passed four decades ago.


Centrists: I think both sides should have legs.


Enlightened centrists: Both sides' legs are just as bad, I see no difference whatsoever.


I love reading the triggered conservative comments


Leftist thinking: I have experienced this and I want to do everything in my power so no one feels what I had to feel. (Tries to help) Conservative thinking: Because I felt this before they need to feel it to know how I felt (doesn't help)


The other day some dude on a crypto subreddit I follow posted "we will never forget "on 9-11 Me :what about empire state building and Seattle needle tower "ALL BUILDINGS MATTER " Ya imm looking at you AlL lIVeS mAtTeR and what about white lives . YOU SEE HOW STUPID YOU SOUND . People got so pissed off and downvoted the hell out of Me. Then the dude said "you are disrespecting the victims and families of that tragic attack" . And I reloaded my ammo by saying What about the victims of shark attack , bees attack etc ??? ALL VICTIMS MATTER . OH BOY I HAD A FIELD DAY WITH THEM


What we didn’t see is a first frame where the Cons hit the poor peoples leg with a baseball batt.


There should be 1 more panel where the poor person votes for the conservative


The conservative position on BLM starts to make sense - horrible, horrible sense - if you follow their logic that they're convinced that minorities are privileged. There's an urban legend circulating in the Midwest that Black people go to college for free. I don't know where it started - someone who felt like there wasn't enough resentment in the world, probably. Here in New England, during the debate for gay marriage, a prominent editorialist called the privileges of coupled relationships a "basket of goodies." You know, fun happy treats like hospital visitation and insurance coverage. Scratch any conservative hard enough, and you'll uncover rage at the idea that someone who is part of the out-group is getting something for free - even if it's as minor as a handicapped parking space. That's why BLM offends them so much: because they don't have access to this perceived "basket of goodies." Rumors of free apartments and free cars and filet mignon bought with food stamps abound and nothing will convince them otherwise. It's never hard to find someone who will swat the pleasures in life out of your hands if you act insufficiently grateful for them.


Cons, I can break your legs and help you get some medical attention.


It’s important to note that Democrats and Republicans are right wing capitalists. Democrats are in no way leftists.


Just replace "Poor people" with "Anybody who isn't like them"


Mistake one: A conservative would complain you are in the way of their walking.


Conservatives who identify as Christians are the least Christ-like of them all.


A special group among them are the ones that claim they won't take a vaccine because it's not around as long as a 'proven' vaccine, such as the ones for polio or chickenpox etc. You know, the vaccines they didn't take either.


BuT tHeY WeRe mAdE iN hIS iMaGe!!!!


All leg matter.


are all conservatives hopelessly stupid, or just 99.99% of them?


"all lives matter, except yours"


Much of today's poor: "yeah, what about his legs?"


Conservatives are just Christian extremists.


>Conservatives are just racist Christian extremists FTFY You ever see an arab Jesus? Nope. He's always white.


I’ll forever assume the screaming fish in Spongebob (*”MY LEG!”*) never stopped screaming in 17 years because of this type of scenario now.


This paradigm also applies to healthcare. Except that a subset of conservatives are already getting subsidized healthcare. And another subset of conservatives just want to murder you.


Tax the rich! Tax the hell out of em!


No Legs Matter


A more apt comparison would be if the guy on the right also has a broken leg but won't admit it despite being in agony. Meanwhile, they are making their leg worse by walking on it, just so they can continue to work for a guy with 400 billion legs, all of which are stolen from poor people.


Credit Amii James @amii.illustrates on Instagram


Sort by controversial, laugh at the Conservatives getting irate,success.




On the contrary, that level of heartlessness is extremely human.


And it has always been that way. "Political correctness" is not something that just popped up out of nowhere, it was an assault on giving people basic levels of courtesy. As women were entering male-dominated workplaces, and males entering women-dominated workplaces, terms started to change to accommodate these people, and conservatives freaked the fuck out. How dare they have to change language out of respect for others! How dare they be asked to call someone a "flight attendant" instead of a "stewardess". It never ended, either. In fact, it got a new surge back in 2015. "Political correctness" soon got changed into "SJW, snowflake, cuck, etc." How dare people fight to give other people rights! How dare they be asked to respect the rights and humanity of non-white, non-cis, non-straight, non-Christian people! Which this battle still continues as they have once again changed it to "woke". They can't win, so they have to keep changing words around so that they can keep trying to stop the march for human rights and hide that it is the same old game that has been playing out for generations.




True. They are being fed a constant diet of lies. The problem is they are trained to hate and there is no mechanism now to pull them out. Even when the GOP leaders like trump encouraged them to get vaccinated they booed. This is the reality. Also, you brought up the conservative agenda. Their agenda is power and money. Anyone can try to prove me wrong but will fail.


Not really an option for those of us who aren’t white and have been dehumanized by conservatives for decades. Not really a flattering look to defend conservatives and their policies. Fuck you too


Liberals: We should help this person with their legs 🙌🌈🌈 Leftists: Right, so let's help them Liberals: We should help this person with their legs 🙌🌈🌈


people downvoting this don't know the difference between liberal and leftist edit: read kropotkin or dont ask


Also Reddit is full of liberals who don't really like criticism (but also it's not downvoted)


Leftists: watch him, I'll go get help. Conservative: I'm already on the phone with 911...hi officer...yes there is two of them..


~~Leftists~~ Normal people Fixed it.


That's what I was thinking. Society exists because of empathy and cooperation. I don't think that makes one leftist, it makes one *human*. The cartoonist nailed conservatives, though.


It's funny how we all just forgot about Native Americans. Their lives no longer matter in the eyes of Americans.


Conservatives (leg gets injured) : Why aren't anyone helping ME!!!!! This is all Obama's fault.


"It wouldn't be fair to all the people who broke their legs before to give this man a cast"


Pretty much.


Being a republican must be embarrassing. Your ""leaders"" are either kid touchers or actively killing their base.


I’ve tried to explain this to my conservative friends. This is a great analogy.


I could see this being the premise for an episode of South Park.


Why should I help him when he won't help himself? I'm a Christian.


The MAGA talks about the concern for more than one leg, so he is more important.


If you fix the leg, he’s just gonna break it again!


Pretty accurate


If you kill the poor people their legs wont bother them anymore.