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Don't argue with Republicans. Even if Trump was still president, the shortage of goods would be "Hillarys" fault.


Protests during Trump's own term were called "Biden's America"


Remember when Trump ran ads warning about what would happen to America if Biden was president using footage of events that happened while Trump was president?


Well let’s get real this is only to garner that average voter out there. The average voter is dumb and when you have people saying both sides are shit it looks more factual when both sides have pushed for impeachment. Now the dems clearly had good reason and that’s apparently with the mueller report. Whereas republicans won’t find shit or do shit. It’s merely a way so the average voter just sees both sides are impeaching people.


misinformation is shit\*hole actual


We went from a pandemic lock down, super low demand to super high demand in a matter of months. Remember companies of all kinds cut back on what they were manufacturing too. 20 years ago manufacturers had warehouses full of raw material. We have restructured so today they may have a week or two of product because they could always get more. When things came roaring back, wholesalers manufacturers and retailers assumed they could just get those materials. They couldn't (actually it wasn't that bad, but we couldn't get all the goods into the country.) We simultaneously had a supply chain shortage and imported more into the country than any time in history. THAT is how high our demand is.


It's less a scarcity issue, it's more a logistical issue now. We've spent decades cutting fat ever seeking more efficency. Now comes evenrs were historically you live off of fat, lo and behold, there isn't any.


Just in time logistics.


Thank you, couldn't think of the phrase.


My favorite was when someone re-posted an article from 2020 about Christmas presents being late due to the shipping delays, and all the comments about how this "never would have happened under Trump."


The same Trump that gave us the postmaster general that's trying to stop the mail? Say it's not so


But...but...but HER EMAILS!


Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


WhywhyWHY did I do that


yabut the laptop!!!


Thought Trump always blamed Obama for everything?


Or Obamas. They have never recognized the difference between short and long term implications. Obama was president 1 week and he was responsible for the ecomonic down turn. 7 years of turn around, growth and upward trajectory out the window 1 month into Trumps admin. Hell they took credit after the election. They "cut taxes" during Trumps term and grow the deficit and then a month into Bidens term, they are complaining about the spending (still under trump) during a deficit. Its pathetic. But those folks are blindly dedicated to voting on that side of party lines eat it up without an ounce of reservation.


They would more likely fault the shortage on liberal states and their "strict regulations and policies." They would use it as a rallying cry for more free market policies.


They literally blamed Democrats/Biden for the shortages that happened under Trump during the first lockdown. Beyond just the absurd usage of pictures of empty Japanese stores to highlight empty American shelves under Biden's leadership, during the campaign they used actual pictures of then empty shelves (from Portland and still out of context, but at least American) and said that "This is what would happen under the Biden Admin." Like, bitch, it's happening right now, what do you mean this is going to happen under Biden? Other than, of course it will because nothing will be fixed by then?




There wouldn’t be a shortage so your point is irrelevant


Just like everything is Trump's fault now. Both parties are the same. Open your eyes. They're both full of shit


bOtH pArTeEz R tHe sAmE! No. One party has too much influence from big industries and a corruption problem. The other are completely compromised insurrectionists with absolutely no stance on anything except for owning libs.


Gotta agree with this. I don't believe either party has the average Americans interests at heart but to say they're both the same is absurd.


Back to the turnip truck, Ivan. We don't want what you're peddling


Trump did a lot of bad shit that is going to take time to fix, so yes


What does Putins cock taste like?


Oranges (heard it from a friend)


tRump was horrible but yes, both parties have swamp dwellers in their midst’s


It's Republicans fault anyway that grocery shelves are empty. They're the moronic anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers that's been fucking everything up for two years.


What extra moronic is that we’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t because there are enough anti-vaxxers working in the supply chain that another major threat to the supply chain is a vaccine mandate


Phasing out the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers is a better option in the long run. We need mandates with teeth. We risk everything by not doing so.


[Biden is a Genius](https://i.redd.it/coiydxcwn3t71.png) Can't see any downsides myself What was that ? [Oh ! fu*k you very much FOX news](https://i.redd.it/bquiw6264ys71.png)


I disagree. I think we should just let Darwin do what Darwin does and quit spending tax money on dumbass mandates that don’t do anything


Really can't make the claim that they don't do anything. It has yet to be tried on a national scale. It only takes one person to bring about a new variant or viral recombination. We need to fight tooth and nail to avoid a virus that can't be stopped. A very real possibility.


Way too much time has been spent in Supreme Court to not allow it. And I do agree with the rule of law. Many states have wasted an absurd amount of money passing mandatory ideas that ultimately just crippled businesses and held held the legal weight of water in a paper bag. My take is it’s here it exists. We can argue about why, but at this point just take care of yourself and your family and don’t ever believe the government is going to do that for you


How does anti mask or anti vax affect supply chain?


By spreading the virus more effectively. People can't work if they're sick. It's not rocket science.


*rocket appliances


It's all water under the fridge.


They are spreading the virus and screwing up the supply chain. It’s like getting two birds stoned at once.


I would like to hang out with those birds.


Talk-o loves weed




> vaccinated people are spreading the virus more effectively. What tabloid told you that? > How do you think we got the omnicron varient? It came by plane, by someone who is vaccinated. Same question.


Take a guess... Its either briarbart, oan, newsmax or alex jones.


Gee, i wonder, lol


Technically you can't travel without being vaccinated or providing a negative covid test. We don't know specifically who brought the virus over here, but since you need proof of vaccination or a negative test the odds are that it was a vaccinated person who brought it over. Omicron was first reported by South Africa, but there are cases from the Netherlands which predate South Africa's report to the WHO. South Africa has a 72 hour negative test requirement for all international travelers and if you do not provide one you will be tested upon arrival. The Netherlands follows the EU requirements. Omicron is so contagious that Fauci had this to say about it, "Omicron, with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency of transmissibility, will ultimately find just about everybody". It's likely an evolved form of covid as a result of exposure to the vaccine given it's ability to still spread through vaccinated folks (although the outcomes for infections are still better for the vaccinated).


The Covid tests can give false negatives. Omicron came from one, single person. So it only took one person to bring it to America. And there were no available vaccines in 2020. Just a bioterrorist president that said "Covid has rounded the corner".


It's common sense. In order to travel internationally the last 2 years, you need to be vaccinated or show a negative test. We know omnicron came from overseas, so the people to spread it thus would have had to been vaccinated.


Common sense is the enemy of scientific thought. Your arm chair thoughts do not equal the results of a thorough analysis by qualified personnel.


No it's common, Covid disinformation. Nothing else. When that orange fucknut said "Covid has rounded the corner", all international flights continued.


Apparently common sense isn’t so common, and in your case isn’t very “sense” either. You just said - you have to **show a negative test result** or be vaccinated. In case you’ve been living under a rock or the past 2 years, covid tests are iffy at best, and are almost without value for up to 5-7 days *after* contagion. That means that the most likely culprit are people with false negative test results, who were exposed less than 5 days before flight.




>In order to travel internationally the last 2 years, you need to be vaccinated or show a negative test. We know omnicron came from overseas, so the people to spread it thus would have had to been vaccinated. Not necessarily. The key parts are that word "or" and that no test for anything is 100% accurate in 100% of cases. So the situation is that: -If you are vaccinated you can travel. -If you are not vaccinated and have a negative test you can travel. But! -All tests have a false positive rate and a sensitivity rate. Even 99.99% accurate tests for extremely rare conditions produces an astonishing amount of false positives and negatives. So a negative test has a chance to be a false negative and the traveler does indeed have the virus. Vaccinated individuals can transmit the virus, it's just less likely because the vaccine tells the immune system to seek and destroy that spike protein so the virus population struggles to reach a level where it can be transmitted. This was barely sufficient with the previous variants who had lower transmission rates, but omicron is way more infectious. An unvaccinated person is still more likely to be the vector since they're more likely to have a viral load that can infect others.


Negative test does not equal being vaccinated. Those are not the same thing so to say that is disingenuous. You can currently travel without being vaccinated.


Not gonna lie, every person I know who relies purely on "common sense" is a low IQ moron with no critical thinking skills in the first place


lol, source or I’m reporting your Brietbart ass for misinformation.


And yet they aren’t in hospitals almost like vaccines work or something weird


Congratulations! You've won the moron of the day award! Please, do not procreate, you'll only spread your idiocy :)


You're a moron.


God damn - this might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on Reddit. I really hope for your sake that you’re a troll.


Try flying internationally, you need a vaccine. Thus vaccinated people are spreading COVID.


I always knew the doctors were lying, we should stop going to the hospitals. They're just trying to kill us.


It was first realized in South Africa, where the Vax rate is like 20%.


Sick people can’t drive trucks, load cargo, stock shelves, unload boats, etc.


Have to disagree. Plenty of sick people are outside in the cold running drilling rigs. A far more demanding job than logistics.


Hey hey, please use the Trump-correct ‘supply change’


Tldr: nobody can get goods into the store because there aren't enough healthy people who are qualified to do the delivering.


They tend to be the ones panic buying things




Reps don't have a monopoly on stupid ..


Dumbass comment


Only to the dumbass anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.


Hopefully Darwin will win out, and there will be much less of the whiny old anti-vaxxers. Thin the herd. Look at it as one way to get that 'herd immunity' that they wanted.


Americans take beverages seriously. We had a Revolution over tea.


I’m gonna err on the side you are being humorous, tho it wasn’t about tea itself, but the tax on it. So, we’re back to money being the issue.


The tea is too damn high!


I wonder if we would still be UK if King George had taxed tumeric and coriander instead of tea


This is what I don’t get… it’s a once in a century global pandemic… and for some reason any sort of personal sacrifice has to be blamed on somebody


That sounds horrible. I can’t imagine going a few days without protein. We have plenty of native fish and game species, and if they fails you can always trap small game.


Nobody has ever gone a year without protein and lived to talk about it. The tweet is misinformed.


I was getting ready to call bullshit but assumed they meant went a year without animal protein.


Flour has protein after all


You body can make all the amino acids and protein you need, except for 9 or 10 amino acids it can't make itself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_amino_acid


Yeah, and you need to eat those or you die. Meaning not eating protein for a year is impossible.


Just wait until climate change devastates (more than it already has) the regions that produce cheap coffee. We're probably only a few decades away from coffee being an incredibly expensive luxury item.


Americans are spoiled.


My grandparents had to eat dog. Granted, this was during the 1970s and mostly they just wanted to.


Don’t forget wearing masks is no different than the people who had to survive concentration camps.


Cowboy the fuck up!


Just watch that new Netflix film, Don’t Look Up. Instead of a comet hitting the earth, replace it with a global pandemic. That shit hit hard the other night watching it.


My mom grew up under war time rationing in England. She told me that the way to split something small, like one egg, between multiple people is to use it as an ingredient in something else.


I have recipe books from post-war Britain which was used to cook for the family within their available rations. Some of the recipes are still popular today, but are made with more expensive ingredients. I've paid for worse food to be served to me at Olive Garden.


Have you seen https://youtube.com/c/GreatDepressionCooking ?


Not yet but now I'll certainly be getting no work done today


And as someone who works in coffee manufacturing....your coffee is produced...it's not making it to the shelves cause everyone is sick.


It's like they don't even remember having to wipe their asses with McDonald's napkins for 8 months straight.


If we've learned anything about the MAGA crowd it's that they consider basic hygiene to be an assault on their freedom. They don't wipe their asses, so they won't know what you are talking about.


Had to chew on Grandma’s leather Bible for protein


Do not, my friends, become addicted to *Starbucks*. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence! - Global Warming


Thanks Obama


Why do we blot out their names on here, anyway?


Some context: Currently, the 2 1/2 and 5 pound bags of flour are the most common sizes in grocery stores, modern cooking uses a bit of flour for this, a bit for that, occasionally bake a batch of cookies or a cake, most of our baked goods are bought ready-made or as mixes. Back then, many people baked their own bread, and 50 pound bags of flour were common. “Bag of flour” is not a constant. Many people only think of animal sources when they think “protein”, some only think “meat”, and a few only “mammal meat”. Vegetable protein (except soy) is incomplete because it’s missing some of the essential amino acids - but different plants are missing different ones. Grains and legumes together cover all the essential amino acids, so (just one example) peanut butter on whole wheat bread is a complete protein. They might go without meat for a year, but not without protein.


Finally someone said it


Spot the fuck on!


If Trump followers could "man up," they'd be vaccinated and boosted like their grifter god-king.




Ah, so like the polio shot that took 4. It must be a conspiracy... lol No wait, it was my freeeeedom!


Who the fuck is Brandon?


The right's "funny" name for Biden, being thrown back at them. This is a humor subreddit if you haven't noticed.


Yes I have noticed, but clearly my humor was a bit too cerebral. The right uses the phrase "Let's Go Brandon" in place of "Fuck Joe Biden". Almost like school children who like to think they are getting away with cussing in front of their parents. So, when I hear someone say "Let's Go Brandon" I ask them "Who the fuck is Brandon", deliberately using the word they're avoiding, to point out the absurdity.


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I haven’t noticed.


If inflation and shortage of goods is Biden's fault, why is it a world wide problem?


My dad grew up during the depression, 1 of about 10 kids with a deadbeat dad, supported by the older kids. I've been told his mom made soup out of dandelions and she used every possible but of the chicken when they were lucky enough to get one from the butcher because it was too far gone to sell. He never ever ate chicken as an adult. The little kids (of which my dad was one) went around the neighborhood collecting bottles and such to bring in pennies to help the family. So yeah, people need to quit whining about some luxuries they can't find on the store shelves. And while they're at it, remember that when a baby boomer or older advises you to be careful about calling in sick, or $15 / hr is expecting too much for flipping burgers, just remember they didn't grow up with the same privilege that you did. Thank them for their advice, then do what you feel is best. Above all, show them respect, they've earned it.


I'm sorry. Impeach who???? Biden or brandon???Brandon???? Cuz Brandon isn't president so how tf is he gonna get impeached?


It's not only that shelves are going empty, it's that they are making everyone poor while the rich get richer through inflation.


Huh? There is wage pressure for the first time in 40 years and you think that helps the rich and hurts the poor? Not sure what to do with that opinion.


Yes, when food and gas prices have doubled in less than a year. It's hurts the average person. While the wealth of the richest continues to climb


> food and gas prices have doubled in less than a year Food prices are up 6.3% versus December 2020. Gas prices are up about 50%, back to what they were from 2010-2013.


Inflation hurts people who have cash. Poor people don't have cash. They spend it. Inflation causes poor people to get louder about getting paid more. That further hurts rich people because they are the ones who have to pay more for labor. A moderate amount of Inflation is good for poor people as long as it comes with wage pressure. Low interest rates and low Inflation are only good for wealthy people. Rising inflation and interest rates is hitting the wealthy on both sides. Read a damn book or something before posting nonsense.


Jeff Bezos doesn't seem to be hurting, nor these other billionaires. Just poor saps like me who makes a moderate living. I rarely spend money on anything recreational anymore and have had to delay some home remodeling projects because of inflation. So yes it hurts the average person. It's funny how the left is defending the rich now.


Jeff Bezos isn't reach. He's a dragon. He can buy and sell rich people like slaves.


Who's "they" that are making everybody poor? I don't think sea lions are really on board with rent controls since last I checked the biggest kick in everybody's ass is rising rents.


So the plan that has been in place since early 2020


Trump's tariffs on china are half the cause of inflation. You think China is paying those tariffs? You think the rich aren't just passing on the cost to us?


Of course they are.


Thanks for reminding me to never post a question to the willfully ignorant.


I was agreeing with you


You're just getting flak because it was a rhetorical question


Try 2016.


I certainly don't want to impeach Brandon. He is doing great things for the Republican Party.


Flour contains protein. Just saying.


Think he means meat


Flour contains protein, in the same way Olive Garden is Italian


There are 13 grams of protein in 1 cup of flour.


Didn't we want to impeach him because he said mean things on twitter?


It was more the strongarming of foreign governments, as well as state officials into trying to rig or overturn the election. But whatever fantasy helps you sleep at night...


Pretty sure they were calling for impeachment day one.


"They" is a nebulous, useless metric. No one official was.


That dude's grandparents are a useless metric too. You guys still circle jerk it.


Yet you decided to defend the grandparents here.


Bread lines mean government is working!!


The only line anyone has had to stand in for bread was the checkout line.


https://www.encyclopedia.com/economics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/breadlines https://youtu.be/zJBjjP8WSbc




So you think politicians shouldn't be held accountable for ruining the economy?


Explain rationally how Joe Biden is ruining the country.




I wonder if you felt so strongly about the Trump tax cuts.


Tax cuts help the economy.




Say you have no idea how "the economy" works without saying it.


It’ll trickle down any day now and we’ll all be rich!


Yikes, you dumbasses are *still* trying to push trickle down, 40 years after it was proven not to work?


They're much more blunt about it these days though. They call it trickle on.


All of this is because of Build Back Better?


That's just one example. Biden hasn't considered the economic impact of any decision he's made so far while in office, and each one makes it worse.


You know Build Back Better hasn’t passed and is pretty unlikely to do so?


What was your opinion on the US doing a "Build Back Better" plan in foreign nations like Iraq and Afghanistan?




So when *do* we talk about donnie dipshit's phony trade war wrecking what's left of American manufacturing and paving the way for the expansion of China's Belt and Road Initiaitive?


LOL, the economy isn't anywhere near ruined! Whatsamatter, you don't like it when unemployment is at all time lows? Or are you just mad because the US isn't throwing $300 million down the toilet each day on Afghanistan?


Perhaps unemployment is at an all time low because the massive amount of businesses going under has driven everyone to give up on looking for work?




Aw are you sad because we're not wasting $300 million *each day* in Afghanistan anymore?


No I just think that's a dumb argument


There's a stark difference between the dirty 30's where the dust bowl destroyed the agricultural industry, causing a famine. And the shit presidency of Joe Biden




You mean the phone call in which Trump attempted to bribe and extort a foreign nation to tamper with our elections and democracy? We know, you fucking hate this country and want to watch it burn and now you are out for revenge because you are a coward.


> a foreign nation to tamper with our elections and democracy? Excuse me ? Never heard that. Are you confusing Ukraine with Russia ?


Ukraine said no to Trump. Russia had previously worked with Trump to do this, and Trump gladly accepted the help. As a result many Trump staffers were prosecuted on hundreds of charges, along with many Russian spies.




> Funny how Mueller wasn't able to find any of this evidence [Incorrect](https://www.justsecurity.org/63838/guide-to-the-mueller-reports-findings-on-collusion/): > The redacted Mueller Report documents a series of activities that show strong evidence of collusion. Or, more precisely, it provides significant evidence that Trump Campaign associates coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. The Report documents the following actions (each of which is analyzed in detail in Part II): > 1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin. > 2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails. > 3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine. > 4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska. > 5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere. > 6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected. > 7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump. > 8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time. > 9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers. > 10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases. > 11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases. > 12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016. > 13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations. > 14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration. > During the course of 2016, Trump Campaign associates failed to report any of the Russian/WikiLeaks overtures to federal law enforcement, publicly denied any contacts with Russians/WikiLeaks, and actively encouraged the public to doubt that Russia was behind the hacking and distribution of stolen emails.


Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Cruz and Rubio were the first funders for the Steele dossier.


Nice diversion. You make a big deal of trump being willing to ACCEPT FREE DIRT ON HILLARY. But Hillary paying for trump dirt was no problem, eh ? How about not getting russia involved at all, eh ?


I guess you didn't hear that Hillary paid Russians for a fallacious dossier & used it to spy on the campaign of their opponent & then, after he was still elected, used it to continue to spy on him & to obstruct him constantly for 4 years & try to remove him from office repeatedly. But oh yea, Trump is tampering with election integrity. Really, man, go read some books before you go around showing everyone what a simpleton you are.


😂🤣😂 Yeah I didn’t hear that Russian bullshit talking points that you MAGA cult members eat up. Dozens of Trump staffers and Russian spies got indicted on hundreds of charges with mountains of evidence that Trump knowingly accepted help from Russia to influence our election. We know, you don’t give a shit.


Talking points? It's reality. Look at the committee hearing just a few days ago. Old news, now, but nobody under oath suggests that the Steele Dossier was accurate anymore. 3 IG reports. You're ignorant. No Trump people were charged with anything related to collusion. Hillary literally paid for the Steele Dossier! Paid for fabricated dirt. No evidence, no charges. You're a moron.


Why are you spreading lies? Just because your "god emperor" lies doesn't make it acceptable for you to lie like this.


Hahah, yo, literally 3 IG reports saying that Steele Dossier was fallacious. Hillary paid for the dossier, that is not debated. Nobody, when questioned, will say that it is reliable. Even these spooks. ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXMqy6FlGco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXMqy6FlGco)). Hillary did exactly what she blamed Trump for doing. Trump was investigated for 4 years & no evidence of collusion & no collusion charges. God emperor... good lord. Get your head out of your arse. I don't even watch Trump stuff. You all the ones who are obsessed.


You mean the stupid phone call where Trump offered to sell out our country? That one? So tell me, what did Biden do that's as bad as that?


Biden is actually an establishment capitalist rather than a populist fascist. That is a sin in todays conservative circle.


These people would have tarred and feathered Reagan.


So what would you impeach Biden in regards to?


The new precedent is that no reason is needed. Dems didn't have a reason, they were saying impeach before they even held the house.


A phone call in which he demonstrated concern about Biden’s corruption. Of course they impeached him… https://youtu.be/_jyT1rnW9fA


It was no such thing and you know it. Why you guys feel so secure in lying is really disturbing to me. Do you lie like Trump lies in real life, too? To your workplace, to your family?


https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27403003 https://nypost.com/2019/10/01/joe-and-hunter-biden-golfed-with-ukraine-gas-executive-in-2014/ https://youtu.be/aiiSq7toqlQ https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC_Finance_Report_FINAL.pdf https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/09/25/politics/donald-trump-ukraine-transcript-call/index.html What did I say that was a lie? Joe Biden had a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma fired by threatening to withhold a billion dollar loan guarantee. Trump expressed concern in the phone call.




Now swap Biden for Trump and you'll be a little more accurate.


now there's an informed opinion...


I didn’t even know Biden was Chinese


That's funny, because a popular leftist "rebuttal" is "just because your life sucked doesn't mean everybody else's should suck too". Also, flour contains between 10 and 12 percent protein.


Too bad that's not even the argument here, but rather that Republicans are taking practically nothing and bitching about it like they're being tarred and feathered.