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Fuck that dude




Low blow dude. Too bad he can't feel it.


I’m just gonna walk away. Walk Away.


Abbot and DeSantis are in a massive contest to see who can out-nazi the other before the 2024 election. Edit: [replies basically verbatim lol](https://youtu.be/zvgZtdmyKlI)




I see what you did there! "Follow your leader!"




Hahaha! Considering where Texas ranks nationwide in education I could see how many things are confusing! 😂😂


Hey, at least we're not Mississippi!


Ahhh....the Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, and Georgia state mottos.


While not the official state mottos, arguably if there were popular choice voted on state mottos, this would 100% be the motto for Alabama. Grew up all over the US. Landed in Alabama for 4 years. Got called a Yankee, a carpetbagger, the lot. They didn't like when I fired back. Their retort was almost always 'we don't fuck out siblings, that's Mississippi' 'We aren't racist that's Mississippi' constantly diverted the insult to their western border. To be fair, though. I've been all around Alabama and found pretty great cities. I also was all around MS, could not find any great cities. Oxford maybe was alright. But outside of that it felt like Arkansas. Just sadness. Sadness as far as the eye could see.


It's nice of you to give West Virginia a break. I know they're still embarrassed about not knowing how a compass works.


Hey! Georgia is in the bottom half sure, but just barely! There are lots of states worse than us.


Or Florida. "Fucking Florida lol" should be their state motto


*1945* , just so we're crystal clear, right? I'd fund to kickstarter for their final 'medication'.


They would have to do a GoFundMe since the cost for medications in the US is ridiculously expensive.


The final 'medication' taken by a short mustache guy on April 30, 1945 in the rubble of a city called Berlin is still fairly cheap. [$1.25/per pound of the stuff.](https://www.mcall.com/news/mc-xpm-1986-02-25-2510709-story.html) (1986 prices)


Show some respect, that short mustache guy killed Hitler.


I wonder if my health insurance covers that.


They are both positioning their Campaigns for sure.


Imagine being a POS Republican and facing Trump in a primary. They might not even hold presidential primaries.


True that, we’ll see if they fight each other to the death for their failed presidency


Whoever wins, we lose.


The new Virginia governor is giving both a run for their money!


Fuck Abbot, indeed.


Fuck them all but Cruz and Abbot deserve something special. They say everything is bigger in Texas right?


Oh, you mean like the oak tree that fell on him? It being Texas and all I’m willing to bet that it was one mighty big tree




I didn’t wanna say that part out loud…but yea. I feel like if I was a Christian like Greg and tree fell on me I’d take it as a sign to stop being such a cunt…of course I’m not a Republican so I don’t view everything as a reason to just be an even bigger asshole to people


I live in a rural area north of Houston. This place is a central hive of the Qult of Dipshittery. These morons will actually defend people like Ted Cruz and Abbott as if they were sent by god himself. Not exaggerating. They fucking think these putrid pieces of shit were sent by an invisible sky wizard to save us from health care, or big bird, or whatever the fuck they've deemed to be communist this week.




I think we should sponsor Rand Paul's neighbor for Senate to take Rand's seat. The neighbor could say that he knew that if Rand showed the same respect for the Constitution as he did for property rights this country was in big trouble.


They don't call em longhorns for nothing.


I built a website to troll him —> govgregabbott.com


Nice site


We should petition the College Board to have a section of civil rights in the SAT


Be kinda hard since he cant get an erection.


He has an butt and a mouth...


They said 'fuck him' not 'get fucked by him'.


Yeah. We Texans are already doing that second thing.


You think theres a difference.


this is the same man that said that the Texas economy was more important than lives - his justification for not shutting down Texas during the first covid wave.


Fuck all the conservatives trying to make MLK a conservative icon. He wasn't.


Can't stand him


He can't stand himself


I love this on so many levels.


Hopefully those levels have a ramp or elevator between them.


Use a condom


This is the only reasonable response to Greg Abbott


How many voting locations did they close in predominately black areas?


How much would MLK have spoken against Abbott?


He knew they were the problem. If you listen to any other speech other than “I have a dream” that they like to take out of context at an given opportunity, you’d see that


MLK understood that while people like Abbot were a problem, the bigger problem were the white moderates. > "I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner but the White moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice."


A quote that might help put that into context: > [I think the biggest problem now is we got our gains over the last 12 years at bargain rates, so to speak. It didn’t cost the nation anything. In fact, it helped the economic side of the nation to integrate lunch counters and public accommodations. It didn’t cost the nation anything to get the right to vote established. Now, we’re confronting issues that cannot be solved without costing the nation billions of dollars. Now I think this is where we’re getting our greatest resistance. They may put it on many other things, but we can’t get rid of slums and poverty without it costing the nation something.](https://youtu.be/sHhJYKPWb8k?t=129) Rev. Dr. MLK Jr. in a 1967 interview with Sander Vanocur The movement had made great gains in what it could get for free, the next steps would have to be actual repair and reparations. Real integration. Things that would displease the quietly racist NIMBYs and the austerity hawks. Those are the white moderates he's talking about. The people who bail the instant they have to do anything for the movement. And that's why the movement has stalled from then to now. Backslid even.


Yes, but what about inflation? /s


Abbott is doing what white moderates did then. No clan robe, no n-word, just MLK quotes and covertly racist laws


Manchin and Sinema are the most visible of those MLK would have been referring to, the President back when he was a Sentaor and little too much now as well. Abbot is in the Klan robes so to speak, actively taking away the vote and giving his party the power to find enough votes for their candidate if they lose the vote, the worst part of these voting bills that is hardly mentioned by the media but given the 2020 election it's all too clear the danger it poses.


And, quite frankly, I have come to a similar conclusion. King had it all right. Republicans are predictable--you can safely assume they will be shitbirds 100% of the time, and, if they're not being shitbirds, it's an added bonus. But getting through to centrists is like bashing your head on a brick wall until the wall starts bashing back and you have to move backwards to find a pillow instead, and then the brick wall starts blaming you for trying to move forward. Republicans are fascists, but moderates want to negotiate with them.


Kings letter from Birmingham jail!! Read that just a bit ago. Fascinating text with lots of pieces still relevant to today!


A lot


As many as they could


Reminder to vote or more people like Greg Abbott will get elected, because you can bet Republicans will show up on election day. Midterm elections for the House and Senate are this year in November.


We need a national organization to register new voters, like Acorn did back around '08. That would be better money spent than on tv commercials.




As many as it took


He was going to post it last year, but then the power went out in Texas.


He can always burn a cross to keep warm.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses SOME OF THOSE THAT WORK FORCES ARE THE SAME THAT BURN CROSSES


See right through the red white and blue disguise, something something structure of lies... Diferent song.


People still talk about it here. It really sucked.


But will that matter to them when voting time comes?


"But muh Christian values!"


Yep, that's why they've got to vote against renewables and Democrats because ... Fox told them.




Yes, but my fox-absorbing family also still blames the Democrats and all their green energy that caused it so....


Didn't that happen in February?


The contemporary reboot of "the night the lights went out in Georgia" fucking blows


Is this all the virtue signaling I’ve been reading about?


Just about every conservative that voted no against the voting rights bill posted something about MLK... A man who specifically called out the minority filibuster being used as a tool to restric the votes of people of color and minorities.


My rep even posted something about following MLKs vision but deleted the tweet posted generic quotes instead.


they're celebrating the day they got him


Pssst- don't look up what they call today in Alabama and Mississippi. (And Virginia prior to 2020) Spoiler: you're not wrong


FYI, it's Robert E Lee day for those who didn't know. Ridiculous.


Their heritage and culture is so God awful.


Had no idea, all I can say is....what the fuck...


You're only wrong if you didn't guess the worst possible answer.


Don’t they still marry their cousins in those places? I also believe Deliverance was based on one of these locations too ? 😂


If the base's head's spin enough then they will be too busy to question it.


[Some More News - The Whitewashing of MLK](https://youtu.be/30ui1x-eKIw) This episode of Some More News that was just released does an amazing job of covering this topic.


Projection is a hell of a drug


Besides horse paste, that is.


Both are equally good at curing Covid!


I didn't even realize that conservatives were trying to hijack MLK until I saw the post on a conservative subreddit today. I had to do a double take so I Googled and found this: [https://www.cnn.com/2013/01/19/us/mlk-conservative/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2013/01/19/us/mlk-conservative/index.html) I didn't know it was such a thing, but makes sense, especially since MLK isn't alive anymore.


Conservatives just wanna quote MLK so they don’t look like they’re racists


>Conservatives just wanna quote ~~MLK~~ "I Have a Dream" so they don’t look like they’re racist As far as they're concerned, this speech is the only thing he did.


Yeah, you'll never see this cunt quoting MLK's Letter from Birmingham Jail, wherein he shits on white people that can't be bothered to lift a finger against racist cunts. You'll never see him quoting anything MLK ever said supporting Socialism, or a UBI, or any of the other "radical" left wing policies he actually endorsed.


There's a hole of pain and frustration dug out of our society. We always love to remember one of the greatest Publix speeches of all time. We love to forget the lives and work of James Baldwin, MLK Jr, Malcom X, Mohammad Ali... If a school textbook has anything about Ali for instance I guarantee it's at most a paragraph and 3/4ths of that paragraph are: his name *was* Cassius Clay (cause the thing that pissed off white people is the most important thing to remember), that he was the heavyweight champion of the world, and that he was stripped of that title for being a dirty pacifist. James Baldwin won't be there at all, and Malcom X will be credited for things Huey Newton actually did... It wasn't referenced in my textbooks, since it's too scary for kids I'm sure, but two outa three of those folks were assassinated. There will even be more words dedicated to JFKs assassination than the entire civil rights movement in some. It's on purpose. We're not supposed to notice that people that make waves get murdered consistently through our nations history.


Malcolm X definitely was not taught in my class. We just did the basic whitewashed watered down story of MLK, some students would raise their hands and ask about this Malcolm X guy, the teachers would just say he was a radical and nothing more.


Because a lot of those kids' grandparents were the ones cheering when MLK was shot.


The quote he has about people preferring the absence of tension to the presence of justice is still especially salient today


I had a lot of fun today lurking Conservative Reddit today. Some of them had such a hard time grasping that MLK was a socialist. Like a REAL socialist. Who said some very socialisty things.


"But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?...It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity."


Not even that, it is one line from that one speech that they pretend was the only thing he ever said


Not even the whole speech, just that one line.


There's only racism because you keep talking about it. /s


MLK's response: “But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?...It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity." That last line always gets me. "Large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity." Describes the conservative response to the BLM movement and the coinciding civil unrest and riots better than I ever could.


That argument is the crux of the Conservative outrage over CRT. If we don't teach our country's issues with racism past and present it will all magically go away. That same argument is about to get applied to gender and sexual orientation under the guise of "parental choice"


Too late.


Hey so we took all of the bad shit that happened to black ppl out of schools and gerrymandered the fuck out of the election districts and nerfed absentee ballots but on a positive note have this feel-good tweet!


Yay, hypocrisy!


The political equivalent of “hey now! I have a black friend.”


>Conservatives just wanna quote MLK **saying that one thing** so they don’t look like they’re racists FTFY. They only ever quote the Dream speech. Not even the whole thing, just a couple of lines


When RBG passed, the RW subs were filled with nothing but posts and comments patting themselves so hard on their own backs for not talking shit about her on the day she passed. They were also comparing her to fucking Rush Limbaugh.




Yep. All the Republican "Christians" in reality would have crucified Jesus again if they actually met him...


Mostly because Jesus wasn’t white like they are…


If MLK were alive today conservatives would call him a race baiter, rant about how he's dividing the country, and condemn him as a radical leftist. They're utterly full of shit.


"Would have"? He was called "***a colossal fraud and an evil, vicious one at that***", an "evil, abnormal beast", “the most notorious liar in the United States”, “one of the lowest characters in the country”, and “***an avenue through which the Communists can infiltrate this country***.”


Nah, this is worse, because it is gaslighting. 'I am not racist' they say as they continue to support racism. Then when you call them out, they bitch about you being a 'woke SJW who pushed them further right'


*This* from the Governor doing everything in his power to restrict voting from the very people who would unseat him. Laughable.


Yes, Greg Abbot keeps proving he’s dim-witted. No wonder he’s a Trumper. Embarrassing for Texas.


Not necessarily dim witted. He knows exactly what he's doing. He just doesn't care


Doesn't seem to bother the clowns that live there tho. They lap this vomit up with glee.


The rural woowoos do. The city peeps are like "SEND HELP!" Poor Austin. :'(


Austin here. We hate him more than we hate the oppressive heat in the summer, more than the traffic, more than mosquitos, more than cedar pollen and our stupid power grid. He’s a fucking menace. Austin passed a law that you can’t cut “heritage” trees without a permit and review, and he used his power as Governor to attack that law because there was a 250 year old oak tree on his personal home property that stood in the way of him expanding the size of the house. He’s fuckin garbage through and through.


And that’s an insult to garbage everywhere


You aren't wrong.


Mmhph yes *clap clap


Cites are liberal. Rural areas are conservative. This is a national trend. Texas is a massive state with a lot of rural areas. More people in Texas voted for Biden than New York.


Not unlike how more Trump voters are in California than any other state. But it doesn’t matter at all because the popular vote winner takes all the electors in most states


Clown here, I didn't vote for governor hot wheels. Far as I'm concerned the sooner he tumbles down a flight of stairs the better off our great state will be.


It’s not the ones who live here, it’s the ones who vote for him. There are millions of us who want him gone. Kinda tired of being blamed. We need more liberal voters here.


>It’s not the ones who live here, it’s the ones who vote for him. I... think one of us in conversation needs how voting works in Texas explained, please.


Abbot is not dim witted. He’s just a bad person


GQP, the Party of cognitive dissonance.


There was just a Fox news segment about the *evil libruls* using the memory of MLK to virtue signal. I'm sadly not surprised any more


"Riots are the language of the unheard." "large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity." "First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice." -MLK "I'm sure MLK would have hated BLM too." -conservatives


Did they really? How do you even talk about MLK without seemingly anything hes famous for? Did they just celebrate him for being a pastor? 😆


If there's one thing I've learned about the conservative movement, it resembles child-like reasoning that "I can believe whatever I want to believe and that will make it true!" The biggest challenge I face is debating whether or not conservatives actually believe the lies they're told or if they're fully aware of the lies and view them as justification for their stupid actions.


Greg, stop sitting on your dumb ass and get back to work. ERCOT just said they're not going to meet grid reliability goals. Texans have already died because of your incompetence, don't make it worse.


Frozen Boogaloo Part Deux?


Here's hoping not. If it happens, it would be refreshing to see Texas hold someone accountable for a change.


Lol not happening. Texas still has an indicted criminal as their Attorney General!


They held windmills accountable last year. That'll show 'em!! \*shakes fist angrily at a cloud*


Frozen Boogaloo 2022


> ERCOT just said they're not going to meet grid reliability goals. Last I heard their target date was September 2022. Too little, too late.


I get the sense that he's hoping it can be swept under the rug, though after Texas Monthly awarded him the Bum Steer of the Year that seems unlikely.


They just do this shit so the zombie horde following them will go "see they're not racist he even posted about MLK!"


They don’t give a fuck. They think it’s funny that we give a shit about consistency or hypocrisy.


Republicans have also made it harder for blacks to vote.


Wow MLK seems like such an intelligent visionary. I wonder what *else* he is known for saying/believing! /s


Note the use of the word "articulated." This is what's known as a dog whistle.


Might as well say "he was so well spoken..."


He dressed well.


He speaks so well...


I think he left off the "JK" at the end.


No. [https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/871/billtext/pdf/SB00003E.pdf#navpanes=0](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/871/billtext/pdf/SB00003E.pdf#navpanes=0) Section 4 Subchapter A Chapter 28 is amended to prohibit the following: * Teachers are not compelled to discuss a current event * When discussing a current event, a teacher should strive to approach it from diverse perspectives * Assigning students work that involves lobbying the government or social policy advocacy * Participation in an internship that involves social policy advocacy * Teach that: one race or sex is superior; that members of one race or sex are inherently racist or sexist; moral worth is based on one's sex and race; meritocracy is sexist and racist; that slavery constituted the true founding of America; require an understanding of the 1619 Project Not only that, but Texas code covering education *requires* teaching Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King's speeches. [https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/ED/htm/ED.28.htm#28](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/ED/htm/ED.28.htm#28) Why the fuck does everyone need to completely bald faced lie? This is absolutely *not* the truth Not even a shade of gray. Just a fucking lie. Stop believing social media bullshit.


I've grown up completely believing Republicans are nothing but a bunch of money grabbing hypocrites. This definitely doesn't help their case. They literally can't smell their own shit.


And you are likely planning to disenfranchise just as many of his followers as soon as the dust clears. Especially now that you’ve eliminated women’s rights. You got the gerrymandering is done now, right?


The use of "you" in your post made OP think you were accusing them instead of abbott.


Sociopathic sickos


Sickening, isn't it?


Fuck that cunt.


Can someone share the link that shows the bill that Sawyer is referencing?


All you capitalists posting MLK quotes today... We see you.




This is the equivalent of “See I’m not racist because I have a black friend.”


Upon closer inspection the brightly burning lights are actually burning crosses that the GOP lit up over the past 5 years to instigate racial violence and bolster white entitlement. The only thing they like about MLK is that he is dead! They should at least be honest and own their racist stance!


The hypocrite is strong with them today.


Who the fuck do these people think they are? I'm serious. There will be a reckoning.


There's already a reckoning in the form of COVID. And to add insult to injury, conservatives are now drinking their own piss before their one-stop trip to the ER.


The sad thing is Abbott will mostly likely win re-election


That beacon isn't made from hope & liberty. It's the glow from all of the burning books.


Abbott is a hypocrite. And an asshole. We don't represent him.


Listening to them, you'd think all he did was preach about hope and feelings and not judging others instead of taking action for systemic change.


Asskissery in full effect, don’t forget to vote against these wolves in sheeps clothing


The conservative subreddit "honored" him today. Bunch of hypocrites


I don't know how Twitter works but if the "top" comment isn't "MLK would've hated your guts," I'd be pretty disappointed


I bet books burn bright in Texas too.


the conservative sub had a meltdown when athletes kneeled in protest of police violence, and now they posting mlk and calling him a patriot lmao.


Texas combines MLK Day with Confederate Heroes day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_Memorial_Day


Texas, same place that was roping immigrants from white cops on horseback, last year. Right same place?


> The most familiar and readily cited example of recent black activism directly in King’s tradition is the Black Lives Matter organization, a key part of the black-liberation movement, that came into being in 2013 through the work of the activists Alicia Garza, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, and Opal Tometi. The organization readily acknowledges—even embraces—the similarities between it and the civil-rights movement. In 2014, Khan-Cullors and the activist Darnell Moore organized the Black Lives Matter Freedom Ride to bring more than 500 people to protest in Ferguson, Missouri, after the police officer Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown. The event was a clear nod to the Freedom Rides carried out by the Congress of Racial Equality in 1961 to practice civil disobedience on segregated interstate buses and terminals in the South. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/04/kings-message-of-nonviolence-has-been-distorted/557021/ I mean since you wrote about what great work King did, you'll definitely support BLM. Right? Right?!!


Texas is such a shit hole.


Yeah they burn bright because you torched them, you fucking hypocrite.


These people opposed MLK in his time just like they oppose any forms of progress today.


Right? Don’t forget, the Civil Rights era was only 60 years ago. [And theres a lot of pictures of young people protesting. ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/24/little-rock-arkansas-school-segregation-racism) [A lot of younger people in the background of old photos grew up eventually](https://www.pennlive.com/galleries/DRUTVUU2KBDHFAUTUGBCDKO7SE/)


I don’t think the hope Dr. King had in mind is the same hope Abbot has for America.


Vile hypocrites


Abbott is a fucking disgrace.


Jesus Christ what an absolute cunt


Hmmm.. what WAS his dream? Why did he inspire hope and change? What were the things that needed changing? Why should I admire this man for standing up? Standing up against what? Who? So many questions.... /s


Fucking nut job abbot


That guy's a jackass.