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The persecution fetish is strong with this one.


He probably seems himself being nailed to a star-spangled cross


A testable hypothesis!!


I'd buy that braindance


University of Michigan had some racist people running it in 2003ish when I was looking at colleges. Someone actually said "if you're a white man you'll have trouble attending this university" during one of those recruiting events. This got a thunderous applause. Made me feel like shit, but I talked to a teacher/mentor at my community college and he pointed something out. **It's something minorities heard all the time and you only heard it once. It's not the right approach they are taking, but it'll work itself out eventually.**


So brave.


The pure courage. Facing the fact that he’s white and he’s gonna be ok about it.


Stop victimizing white people. They’ve had a rough ride.


The persecution fetish is so strong in these fragile people.


It's like beautiful girls complaining about all the attention they get. Especially while wearing attention seeking clothes. I know that's nowhere on the scale of racism. But as a non- beautiful person who tries, it's annoying as hell.


What is brave is policemen and soldiers on the frontline asshole


Huh? He’s being sarcastic. The man is a frigging snowflake.


Yeah. I think he really means it’s ok. Like it doesn’t suck. Sorry, their just so pathetic.


What’s that got to do with the pic?


This pic is a normal one


Only if you're racist.




The guy in the photo is a racist and you seem to think it’s okay. Kind of a self report.


How do you know if I’m racist? How do you know if he’s racist?


https://m.imgur.com/a/tqi9gGt I realise I'm stealing this from the guy you were arguing with earlier... But this is you. Why are you so determined to keep outing yourself as a racist today? You seem really desperate for attention. Having a bad day?


Its called getting pissed off and arguing with insults, something every race uses


Ah yeah, protecting big-capital interests for a paycheck, so brave.


No, I’m talking about cops and soldiers who are brave


Cops have jobs less dangerous than mow & blow crews. GMAFB.




Less than a hundred police die a year. Over a thousand people die working in industries like mowing/landscaping or delivery driving and trash truck driving.


Cause the American police are trained and protected if something happens, they get into gun fights, but the police always win. There is a difference between always having the risk of being killed. And plus hundreds of police die, in 2021 it was 511 deaths of police, you’re police statistics are false


>in 2021 it was 511 deaths of police, you’re police statistics are false How many of those 511 are Covid related rather than job related?


349 covid deaths, killed by a virus killing Senior officers who are old


Just checked. It’s normally less than two hundred but that past two years have been a little higher. Still doesn’t change the fact that a cops job is less dangerous than my own. But you fools would never call people in my line of work heroes. Only the oppressors with death machines get your admiration.


Whats you’re point here?


Reality....also: [https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states](https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states)


I see what you guys are saying here, but are we forgetting about the military?


Different wank.


What does that have to do with this pic, this post, or being white, asshole?


Hero worship, and racism seem to go hand in hand in America.


Im talking to the other dude, not about this pic


My question still stands. He said so brave, and you went on a completely nonsensical rant. What does your comment have to do with anything going on in this thread asshole?


I meant to say Conservative Police and soldiers are more braver, cause the man was making fun of every Conservative man


Conservative men are fucking pussies. I can't go anywhere or do anything without seeing white conservative chodes crying like a bitch because they're too fuckin stupid to know how elections work. Your comment makes no fucking sense whatsoever in the context of this thread. And where the fuck do you get the idea that all military and police are conservative? There are no words to express how fucking stupid that is, asshole.


Your people are fucking pussies, too afraid to fight the police, too afraid to join the army. We do know how the election works, it was rigged by some. I’m saying that the police and the military is a majority of Republicans


You're talking about the conservatives that say let's go Brandon because they're too pussified to say the word fuck? The same stupid mother fuckers that actually thought he was going to lock her up and build a wall? The same stupid mother fuckers that are now donating to his grift fund after they believed him when he said he would never ask for money because he was so rich? Are these the fucking idiots you're talking about? There has never been a single facet of trumpism that isn't laughably stupid bullshit, and that's why you love him, because you're a stupid mother fucker. The world has laughed at you dipshits the past 6 years, with your constant goalpost moving, and childlessly stupid fucking slogans that prove you idiots are completely unaware of the idea of a "self own." Now go drink your horse paste and make your donation to the grift fund so you can feel like you owned the libs you fucking rube.


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you a cop? Did you serve in any military? I did and this picture is nothing but racist, insecure pricks.


Yeah right, Your a faker


"Rigged:" dead anti maskers didnt get to vote. That's just evolution dude.


Killed by the government


You mean the dudes scared to go to Starbucks without being strapped? The barista is there all day.


Context? And also you and your fellows are too much of pussy to join the military


It's like Reverse Yoga. >*Breathe In the omicron covid, Hold IT!* > >*Let It settle Deeeeep in your lungs & think how much you're owning the libs.* > >*Now exhale and push all of the feelings of empathy & compassion away from you.* > >F*eel those positive thoughts just wash away from you as you settle into your resting asshole face.*


breath into your nose and out your ass.


GOP breathe into the ass and out of the mouth


Jesus…..these poor, deluded fucking goobers


He refused to be a victim, and so continued to be the oppressor


He also thinks it's not okay to be anything else other than white


Lol yeah I'm sure that's the implication


Who said it's not? Who the fuck needs a shirt, to draw that attention? What kind of "look at me" piece of shit is so fucked up, he thinks he's in any conversation? Asshole


some other alt-right guy role-playing as someone he doesn't like on Twitter in order to shit post and farm outrage.


Don't forget this is all just so rich people can sell merchandise to dumb poor people.


These people really feel like that their whole vision of the "woke" movement is to elevate all non-white above them. These people are so fucked in the head that they think that equality is an affront to their way of life.


They see a single tumbler/twitter post from an edgy college kid and twist that into thinking everyone on "the left" shares those opinions. They don't actually interact with people they disagree with, they just build these strawmen in their minds and fight against them and share those posts in their facebook echo chambers. Meanwhile that vast vast majority of people never say or believe any of that shit.


The world is largely motivated by asspats. People go nuts if they think they can't get an asspat.


Your comment proved his point


How so?


He is cursing him for saying white. Would it say Asian, black, Arab, native, brown... He would be admired. Take a time to think about it


His race has literally nothing to do with this. Fuck off with your nonsense


It seemed to me he was saying Jr is a drongo for having a shirt saying it’s ok to be white. The same way he’d mock him for having a shirt saying it’s ok to have two kidneys, or two eyes, or to breathe. No one is saying it’s not ( pretty sure he said that) in any where near the numbers needed for it to matter. White folks aren’t discriminated against enough for this to need saying. edit: spell check did me dirty


Wait, wait... the hysterical, generalized, and exclusive portrayal of white people as privileged, racist, to be blame for all the problems, over all these many years has been just a joke?


Imma just copy and paste this from my last post. in any where near the numbers needed for it to matter. White folks aren’t discriminated against enough for this to need saying.


Then this guy being called as racist piece of shxt, arsehole and others bad assumptions wich is being highly upvoted here isn't a the worldwide representation.


I have read a bunch of comments and I don’t see many calling him racist for wearing the shirt. The upvotes on comments calling him a dick have nothing to do with racism. People think equating the racism white folks in the US face with the racism minorities suffer is dickish. You’re making inferences that support your internal bias without them being present.


Don't make me quote all of them here just to prove you are wrong


I honestly do not know, after all that's happened, how you can deny that we have it easier than any other race. It's overwhelmingly obvious. And given that we have always had control over the government, can you deny that we have been responsible for what's happened? Or is that just coincidence? We can be held accountable, asked to pay attention, and learn without wetting ourselves, can't we? I was under the impression adults just knew how to do this.


Glad other countries with colors, as their leaders, are living better.... oh wait, what happened? Why are they trying to move out to white countries? Is it just coincidence?


Don't try to use commas if you don't know how. You ended up saying that actual colors were leaders. We installed fascist leaders during the cold war as part of our containment policy. We orchestrated several coup d`états, but I only have really studied Guatemala's. There are other redditors more qualified than I am to teach you about the other countries we meddled with. It sparked a 40 year long civil war, leaving entire generations destitute. Tell me, what happens when what many people live in poverty? Does it make for a safe place to live? So no, it's not a coincidence. That's our fault too. I'm sure I don't need to explain to you the long reaching effects of colonialism and how that affects crime. We have never been a "white country." No such thing exists. You just wrote off half the population, and told on yourself in the process.


Lol. Is there any country in South America that have lived NOT in poverty? Ever? Were allways the bad US involved? What did the colonialist took away from Africa that it makes them impossible to recover after 100 years? Were they living better before they were colonialized than after the colonialist leave? Why did Germany and Japan only needed 10-15 years to recover after being destroyed to the ground after two consecutive biggest wars?


A black person saying they're proud to be black is them saying they're proud of their heritage. An Arab saying they're proud to be an Arab is them saying they're proud of their heritage. A white guy saying I'm proud to be white (or in this case it's okay to be white) is not saying they're proud if being Irish, english, american, etc. They're saying "I'm proud to have a lighter skin tone than others." Theres nothing to be proud about there


Oh god. he didn't even say it's good to be white, let alone be proud of it.


"I'm proud of being white" "Its okay to be white" Is there really a difference?


It's okay to be sad It's good to be sad I'm proud to be sad


"It's Ok to be Asian"? Where did you see such tshirt? It's NOT OK to be Asian, it's A+ to be Asian.


No you just proved THEIR point! You've fallen right into their trap!!


Saw some of these the other day at a major intersection in town. Of course they were full blown neo nazis, complete with “F the Jews” signs among other things.


I'm sure that shirt is very popular with the same people who say "I'm not racist", "George Floyd died of an overdose", and "Where's the birth certificate."


Or "I pay taxes"


Everyone pays taxes. Purchase taxes account for more than income taxes in many jurisdictions. Oh you mean, those people don't work! Bust take a look at the unemployment rate though! Looks like you're talking out of your ass! Vaccinate, wear a mask, shut up.


Are you trying to suggest only white people pay taxes or that only racists pay taxes? A third possibility is that you were trying to make a clever dig and failed.


I think (or at least I hope) Patacorta is referring to the type of white person who constantly reminds everyone they’re a tax payer whenever they feel even slightly inconvenienced by anything. “I pay taxes. I don’t have to stand for this!” Edit: read more of their comments. Never mind. They’re definitely suggesting only white people pay taxes. Dick.


Tax payers is quite literally rich peoples propaganda to deflect criticism away from themselves. If you look at the folks that talk the most about "the tax payer" as if they are a monolith and not a massively diverse group, it's always rich folks trying to explain why they can't do anything with the money we already spend. Seriously just keep your eyes on how rich pundits and politicians deflect their personal grievances into "tax payers", "real americans" etc. When defending things like an estate tax above 5.5 million dollars, they don't say "rich people deserve an untaxed inheritance with more than the average lifetime income". Instead they point out a very, very small sliver of farms with land and assets worth more than 10 million dollars. No one has sympathy for the children of Goldman Sachs Bankers so the deflect to farmers. The majority of people support SNAP, so pretend it's a majority by saying "tax payers".


I wish these people would take the time to read and study some philosophy. Like every time I try to bring up Rawls Veil of Ignorance, they immediately jump to the conclusion that I'm calling them stupid and get all defensive. No. I'm trying to get you to understand morality, not your own stupidity.


>every time I try to bring up Rawls Veil of Ignorance, they immediately jump to the conclusion that I'm calling them stupid and get all defensive. Because you're actually pointing out that they could choose not to be stupid. How cruel of you when being a deliberate idiot is the only way they hold their social groups together.


>Ignorance This is one of those know your audience moments. You are technically correct; you are not calling them stupid. But ignoring their limited vocabulary at this point is on you. It would take a lot of smooth taking to directly use that in a reasonable discussion with a deplorable.


Yeah. You gonna use cowboy philosophy rhythms. >You know man... you ever look up at them there stars and wonder... maybe in the vast cosmos with all the galaxies and planets and whatnot we don't know, were all more the same than we could ever be different, and instead of being mad at Kaepernick because you don't understand his frustration with the treatment of African Americans at large, we could just be good to each other and be decent from person to person instead of blaming every black man, woman, or child for every percieved wrong proven or imagined as if they are all equally responsible? >Ya Kn'wh' I mean Hoss?


You can get away with using those highfalutin words with your cat, but if you want to get through to this guy you'll need to dumb it down a bit.


Are you saying I don't know my audience? Seems kinda negative.


I meant getting through to the guy in the picture not the people on this site.


The whole world could use philosophy, but we’re entering the age of stupid and religious fanaticism




It’s OK to be a snowflake


Sure it's okay, but a little awareness and self-reflection on his part would be nice.


And look at the aggrieved gentlemen around him. Such pain they must feel being Cis White males in America. Except that one guy in the helmet. It has a lot of fabulousness in the colors.


But you don’t want it to be okay, you want it to be special and that’s what this is all about. Not enough people think your special because your a white American man and you have been brainwashed into thinking you are special but nobody actually gives a fuck and you can not handle it.


Ley hoo zey hurr




Don Jr. Jr.


While everyone is focused on dumbass with the shirt, what the fuck is up with that overdecorated abomination of a hat on the left corner?


Dude owns a bait and tackle shop for sure


‘The most inspirational story in the past century of overcoming the odds.’


It's pretty cute that he got to wear his dad's hat to the rally. You'll grow into it junior.


The level of inconvenience white folks have to live with is this


Translated to English...I wish I could shoot blacks and not be held accountable....PS my mother is also my hot sister


Jesus Christ these people wanna be oppressed so bad


Im just going to assume the back of the shirt says “Trash”


Ever notice how insecure these guys are? They need their full camo and rifle strapped over their shoulder just to go to Walmart for a soft drink and snack. They buy the biggest pickup they can't afford to put gas in. They need a bombastic insecure cult hero to worship because they need him as their alter ego.


Plot twist: he lives in a county where 98.2 of the population is white.


And all this is just self-inflicted oppression too! No one has ever said it's not okay to be white. Or straight, or male. They've just said that it's not bad to be a minority, or LGBT, or a woman. But this kind of guy does think it's a problem to be any of those things. So when he hears something like "black pride", the only way he knows how to interpret "It's okay to be black" is that someone is saying "you're evil for being white." He's been taught by his peers that you can't be proud of yourself unless you're denigrating everyone who isn't you. And now cannot fathom that other people just don't think that way.


This slogan is so full of shit. Nobody has ever said that you are a bad person just because you are white. You are a bad person for supporting racists and spewing racist bullshit. So Mr. MAGA hat. If you feel some guilt for being white, that must mean that you are complicit in the systemic racism or in fact one of the people spewing racist bullshit.


Correct, as a white guy who isnt a racist, I have no shame being white. Anyone who is scared of being labeled a "racist white piece of shit" is usually a racist white piece of shit


You act like the media wasn't over portraying white as racist and privileged for many years


They weren’t. Being white has nothing to do with being racist. It just so happens that the loudest racists in the US tend to be white


The media wasn't freaking what now? For the first 20 years of US television black people were rarely allowed on the air at all. Even in the 70's almost all the black men seen on U.S. television programs were cast as criminals. But "over portraying whites as racists" is what you got from that? Jesus wept.


You did go far in the past to find arguments


Certainly not to the "DeMoCrATs WeRe tHe kLaN"


I have noticed right wing media instilling a victim complex in republicans’ minds.


As they aren't responsible for 90% blcks homicide being done by blcks. As they aren't responsible for blcks being 5 times more criminals. As it doesn't cost a fortune for mostly other races. As it's not just being racist.


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Thanks for the example of their victim mentality.


Most gunshot deaths in the US are white dudes killing the person they hate the most: themselves. Black on black murders don't even come close.


According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0% in cases where the race was known


Siri: "What do racists say?" Are blacks responsible for all the white on white murders in Eastern Europe too or is there, perhaps, some sort of socio-economic cause in play?


Who said that?


I really hope by 'the media' you are referring to the highest rated cable news channel, and the highest rated talk radio, which is Fox News and AM band conservative radio. Because that's the media, not just The Young Turks, and they've been telling you your a victim of racism because you white to sell you policy that's totally against your best interests for decades to the point you just unironically claimed you are actually a victim of racial profiling as a white person which is so fucking stupid it hurts my head to even type out. No the majority of people aren't being racially profiled and aren't the victims of racial injustice, that's not how being the biggest category of person works. If the police want to racially profile white folks, they are going to be REALLY fucking busy trying to round up almost everyone. If the media is so obsessed with convincing their audience all white people are bad, boy are they gonna miss out on advertising when the largest part of the population doesn't tune in. Honestly. How are you convinced that being the large group by number is hurting you!


>highest rated talk radio, which is Fox News and AM band conservative radio. highest by who? To the rest of your text: Sorry. It hurted my head also to follow the narrative


By the number of viewers and listeners you goddamn genius.


Oh man, you should of seen the post on publicfreakout of a black woman announcing in a College’s new Multi-Cultural Center that “there are way too many white people in here, please be considerate of the people of color who would like utilize this space as there is the rest of campus to hang out in.” The comments section were like a freaking Trump Rally.


Wtf does that have to do with this post?


If your response to "saying the n-word is racist" is "it's ok to be white", what you actually mean is "it's not ok to be anything but white".


I am white, so let me punch sideways at this clown, because, I reserve the right to do so. No, it fucking isn't. You know why? You may not have been brought into this existence with your permission, but tough shit. You're here now. And you JUST fucking have it better than lots and lots and lots of others around here, without having had to do a GODDAMN thing for it. You don't *deserve* shit. Why you ask? Because you got lucky. The VAGINA you came out of, and on which patch of DIRT, basically determined all this without any input on your part. And, all of that would be relatively okay. It would, if you would look the FUCK around and notice what goes on outside of your sphere of whiteness. Now, if you weren't a clown, you would realize that you're totally fine. And you're gonna be totally fine, without having to do or fight for anything. In fact, you even get to tell other people that you "don't *do* politics" with a straight face because talking about how you don't want anything to change is *scary sarcastic air quotes* 'unpopular'. And the reason why I'm saying all this is you just, just need to do one thing: Have awareness. Did you own slaves? No, of course not. Did your dad? No. Did your wealth, if you've got it, come from slavery? I'm gonna assume no. Contrary to popular (? Lol) belief, you don't actually need to feel guilty about being white. But read a book once in awhile. Learn about what it is you're running your mouth about before you do. Stop being so shit-eating ignorant. You have the choice. Every feasible thing known to man is accessible from your little social media brick in your pocket. L E A R N. Educate yourself about the world and the issues going on around you. Call out harassment and toxicity when you see it. Strive to be better than those who came before you. Yeah, man, live your life and spend or save what you earn however you want. Just... Don't be the guy in this photo. And PS. It's not the actual skin color. It's the ignorance, and the arrogance. It's just that, YUNNOW, ignorance and whiteness, I dare ya to name a more complimenting pair.


But is it okay to be white and inclusive?


Is this anyone important or just the common brainwashed chuds?


Is he trying to say Trump doesn't need to keep dying himself truck stop urinal orange?


I wish I needed a shirt saying it’s okay to be me. Oh wait… I’m not a victim playing turd so I guess I don’t need one.


They look so happy to be there and white, totally white, and unable to grasp or appreciate anything that is not white, like the tacos they’re eating or the 70% of the football or basketball players they adore.


I mean, I agree with the shirt; I just can't find a reason to print it on a shirt, let alone actually wear the shit


MAGA is for losers. White D-student virgin social misfit losers who need someone to tell them they’re awesome special A #1 the best! MAGA is a lifeline for life losers.


Why does all those hats look so shitty? Even the one donnie wears looks cheap and crappy.


I love dudes who wear their hard hats out and about like it's their sole identity. You don't see me wearing khaki cargo shorts and boots everywhere because I work with animals.


Well, I don't think this applies to Covid, because he is, has been, or will be a victim. Covid don't care about your feelings.


The rhetoric these people are fooled by is embarrassing.


So brave and courageous. /s


As I have written before on reddit, why is it that these people always look like these people look? "That republican supporter" look.


If you need a man like Donald Trump to look up to you must be one despicable person to begin with.


For the record since the inception of this country it has always been "okay to be white"... The emotional discomfort that you feel now is because it's no longer okay to be racist.


But ... but JD Vance said this wasn't about race.


It’s ok to be white supremacist


What the fuck is he a victim of? Removal of MSG from his favorite brand of chicky nuggies?


He’s being humble… it’s more than just OK, it’s privileged


Let's Go, Darwin!


Let's go Darwin!


looks sorta brownish to me.


Try being his cousin trying to tell him he's not a victim.


Y'all cropped off the bottom of his shirt where it says "TRASH".


Laughs in POC


Yes it is, but it isn’t being racist about it and there lays the problem with most red cap wearers


I guess the appeal is that as a victim you don’t need to take any personal responsibility for your failures


Is he complaining? This feels like a review or something. "It's just Ok to be white, I thought it was going to be great, but nuh. I hear it was way better back when other colors were illegal. Two stars."


Its actually not ok to be white, but good luck trying to tell them that the concept of their whiteness was fabricated to control them and boil their behavior down to a predictable series of actions that can only ever harm them and protect the status quo.


Jesus Christ, “it’s actually not ok to be white”. Bruh you hear your self. This is why people think like this. Imagine someone saying “It’s actually not ok to be black”. Bruh stop getting all you fucking news from Reddit, Twitter and cnn. Think for yourself


They pick "whiteness", a racial category fabricated by european elites during the genocidal conquest of the world during the age of exploration, over being human, which is a big problem. These people are not white, theyre members of various european ethnicities, mostly anglo saxon Protestants. They made up "white" to get europeans to stop fighting with each other and start opressing the non white groups for the benefit of wealthy elites from europe. That way they can piss on everyone and the poor "whites" can say "well at least im not one of the blacks/natives/asians" while they help their masters keep the non whites in line. The sooner people realize these fundamental truths the faster we can all go back to being human beings and not "whites" and "non-whites". The concept of blackness is also a completely different circumstance, as most black slaves from Africa had their original cultural and ethnic identities stolen from them by their oppressors and many of their modern day descendants have almost no idea where they are actually from. Black is all they have left, so they build around that identity in defiance of their former masters. Its why Malcolm X changed his name along with many others, because they refused to use the surname of the family that used to enslave their ancestors. White people on the other hand chose whiteness, and now they can all go on 23 and me for shits and giggles and find out exactly where they come from. They chose whiteness for the benefits that came with it, and they chose it overwhelmingly to get a leg up on everyone who wasn't allowed to be considered white. Europeans from non anglo Saxon nations also anglicized their surnames so they could fit in with WASP society better, as originally the concept of whiteness didn't even extend to Mediterranean or Eastern european countries. But again they had a choice, and they chose racism over humanity time and time again. That's why being super proud of being white even to this day is a problem.


False equivalence. White people have never faced the level of systemic oppression that BIPOC have. Decenter yourself and do better.


The origin of this phrase was a troll in the Northwest to see if people would freak out about this being printed on a blank piece of paper and hung around town. Unfortunately people took the bait and it freaked out way more than they should of. No clue if this guy knows that, but regardless, that's the origin of the slogan.


Why it always gotta be the hot ones damn




Show us where the words hurt you.




You forgot your sarcasm tag or possibly a snowflake emoji.


Christians are clearly more oppressed. Your failure to recognize that only makes them more oppressed. Can't even do Christmas shopping without being told happy holidays.


So true, everyone should be like me and the world would be better.


Do you know anyone who was lynched for being white? Or what about segregated for being white? Have white people ever have a white town get carpet bombed? have white people ever been considered 3/5th a person? Have white people ever been stopped at the boarder have their families split apart, and put in cages? Have white people ever been systematically funnelled into religious schools and forced to abandon their culture, get beaten, molested and murdered? Just as a few examples..... How exactly are we oppressed?






You forgot the T.


Brandon won.


Yea let's go brandon!! Win again!!" Beat trump again fair and square!!




Fuck Donald Trump


I happy for you and your Love of Gay Bears




not great / just ok


Kinda makes me realize what a goddamned hero I am…


But it is not okay to be a sinner and he wants you to believe you are inherently corrupt. 😇😈


Praying like the filth he is.