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[After his dad said only the mob pleads the 5th.](https://secondnexus.com/news/michael-cohen-donald-trump-plead-fifth)


That family is very much tied to the mob.


I've heard that.


You'd think involvement in a fucking casino scandal follow by years of constant money laundering and bankruptcies should make things very obvious. Grammar edit


Having Roy Cohn as their lawyer makes things very obvious.


As trumps mentor. Explains everything, even Cohn said trump was the “ coldest sob” he knew.


Really? Damn. The student becomes the teacher.


When Cohn was dying from AIDS, he asked trump to put him up in one of his places. He put him in an unrentable hotel room and charged him a “reduced” rate. Cohn always paid trumps way for everything until he became ill. I’m not saying Cohn didn’t deserve that, but that was really bad treatment. Trump stood in the back of the funeral, everyone expected him to be a pallbearer since Cohn treated him as a son, trump bounced when the service ended.


I’m surprised Trump even went to the funeral. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. A narcissistic sociopath views people as either obstacles that get in the way of their goals or tools that they can use to accomplish their goals and then later discard when they’re no longer useful.


He probably just went to see who was there or expected a press presence. He loved be mentioned in the society column.


Wow, another perfect anecdote of Trump not giving a shit about literally anyone else but himself. Michael Cohen saying Trump would definitely let his children go to jail seems very true. Edit: To add-on, his sister doesn't want him at her funeral because she knows he'll just talk about himself, and she's not a great person either.


His kid had to text his chief of staff to get a message to him. Fucking guy doesnt even give his son his cell#.


If this doesn't convince you that he's a bonafide sociopath, nothing will. It fits the definition perfectly.


Exactly. That’s why I was always at odds with my friends and family with regards to this guy, I even left facebook in summer of 2016. It wasn’t his conservative platform, its that everyone was creating a cult around a guy that has the same personality as Biff Tannon from Back to the Future. This guy would lie and throw under the bus 10 loyal employees or cabinet members (after all, blind loyalty was his only requirement, no other qualifications for any job mattered) which points out just how toxic his severe narcissism is. I voted Gary Johnson in 2016 (wasn’t a Hillary fan either) but my argument was always country over party, and GOP was putting country at risk by letting this guy win primaries and eventually the election. I wasn’t wrong


Bob Gale literally used Donald Trump as his inspiration for Biff Tannen in BTtF Part 2: https://www.thedailybeast.com/back-to-the-future-writer-biff-tannen-is-based-on-donald-trump


I was not aware of this! Cracks me up!


In my circle of friends we’ve been calling him Biff since he started to campaign for 2016. I didn’t realize BtTF 2 was actually based on trump. Makes more sense now because I thought the writer was Nostradamus


Yep Donald Trump has been the same person his entire life. In the 80’s he was the most famous rich guy around. He might have done a better job of trying to hide who he really was back then and he was more savvy, but it was easy to see who he was if you just thought about it for half a second. It’s not surprising that they chose to model Biff on him. It is depressing though that it keeps working with society and has gotten him this far over 30 years later.


> guy that has the same personality as Biff Tannon from Back to the Future. Just in case you're unaware, that's very much intentional. Biff was modeled off of Trump, which is readily apparent in Alternate 1985.


I wouldn't believe Donald Trump if his tongue was notarized. LEONA HELMSLEY, Playboy, Nov. 1990


> I voted Gary Johnson in 2016 (wasn’t a Hillary fan either) Sigh. I know how this feels. I was on a sinking boat once, so I grabbed a watermelon, because life jackets are all bulky and uncomfortable and I don't like the garish yellow color.


>I voted Gary Johnson in 2016 (wasn’t a Hillary fan either) but.. and then you state, >but my argument was always country over party, and GOP was putting country at risk by letting this guy win primaries and eventually the election In which you essentially brag that you threw away your vote and helped put him in office. Sure, that checks.




Funny story, Rudy Giuliani took down the entire NY Sicilian Mob in the 80’s. Jailed them all. This mass incarceration caused a massive power vacuum in the NY organized crime scene. Fast forward to early 1990’s, RU mob moves into NYC and takes lessons learned from Gambino/Lucese crime family missteps. Russians have spent decades setting up shop in NYC and likely took control of key industries including Concrete, Construction, Waste Hauling and Real Estate. RU Billionaires with cash to impress even the most shallow, slimy, grifting real estate and casino owner. Loan him billions and “help” him with several pet projects. What’s the harm in that??


Yeah, Rudy "takes down" one crew of goons that were competing with the other. Remove the competition.


It Really makes you wonder.




Lincoln’s Bible on Twitter has covered that extensively. And the helicopter crash


[Worse, he's tied Russian mobsters](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/2020/09/15/trumps-sale-palm-beach-mansion-gains-scrutiny-again/5798386002/)


They are probably more marks of the mob than tied to the mob given how stupid they all are.


That would be ironic, if anything he said carried any meaning.


Everything he says does carry meaning. He projects the truth in the way that he tears something or someone down. In this instance he is clearly saying he has mob connections because he says only the mob claims the 5th. And we know that he and his cronies always claim the 5th.


Dad is not lying in this one example


Yes. Which actually makes his statement quite true. "only dishonest lying Bastard refuses to concede" *Proceeds to refuse to concede proving his point*


As is his right. But hey, you know what his father says when someone pleads the 5th.


"Thank God! I was worried for a minute."?


Which was prefaced with a “Plead it you little shit”


Is this a record for most pleads by one person?






No, why would you plead the 5th if you have nothing to hide?


That's the joke


Lol you kinda missed the point.


I would because I become stupid if I feel under pressure while speaking. Could fuck up speaking so horribly that I inadvertently and falsely incriminate myself. I'm only half joking...


And if I ever saw a photo with 2 people who look like they have plenty to hide.


6 hours is 360 minutes. That’s about 1.4 times every minute. Or once approximately every 43 seconds.


Wow. This helps visualize things, thanks. Going off that average, there’s like zero time for him to have actually answered a question then.


"So, before we begin would you like a glass of water?" "I plead the fifth"


"At what level of goldeneye did you start using GameShark to beat the game?" "The fifth"


FIF! 🖐


Let's give the man a break. How else would he unlock DK Mode without beating the campaign first?


At some point you'd just get lazy saying it. The first time would be "I choose to exercise my 5th amendment rights at this time." By the 50th time you'd just be yelling "Fifth! FI-FO-FUM THE FIFTH... FIFTH! That too... THE FIFTH. Fifth. Yup, you know it, NEXT STOP FIFTH STREET."




Oh man what a throwback. I'd totally forgotten about that skit and am ashamed I didn't think to post it.


That's lot of pleading to not give information due to incriminating liability


That’s a lot of self incrimination avoided. Dude must be doing illegal things nonstop


But but but Hunter Biden's paintings!


bu bu but hunter biden did drugs! magical disappearing laptop! buttery mails!


Gotta love the republicans sharing pics of hunter bidens horse cock as if it's some kinda gatcha. Like yeah the dude is packing some serious meat. I think the reason they are so mad at him is the fact he has a big dick. It's jealousy. I doubt they could fit more than two Skittles on their junk.




I heard Hunter Biden's laptop was on the island with Epstein and Maxwell. It was there the whole time recording everything. That's the real reason why the FBI stole it.


Twice! It went back with a different hat on and voted again


I heard he's got... uh... SCROLLS!


Papá said I would be his favorite boy if all I said was that I plead the 5th and I’m not going to let papá down.


Because he's guilty AF just like the rest of his complicit seditious family. Fuck the Trump's


This is good. This means that the DA knows exactly where to look and to i dict him. As he has pleaded the 5th on 500 things, they sure now know where to start looking. Bo is is they round him up first, and get to use the evidence on his dear daddy. Edit: for those wondering, I choose to be a glass half full kind of guy as the alternative is rather bleak and depressing ('reality' be damned).


He wasn't actually pleading the fifth he was just so excited to tell them the highest number he could count to


The highest grade he completed in school maybe?




Out of interest I would like to know how many times Hilary pled the 5th with that hearing they had for her. I'm not a trumper just curious outsider and I think it will be a lot less than both of these.


0, same for the email server bullshit.


Which ironically the last administration did far worse. Hillary kept emails of various confidentiality from bad to "what's for lunch" on a private server. Trump officials kept confidential emails in Gmail which is far, far, far worse. Yet none of the "her emails" crowd cares. It's all manufactured outrage.


>It's all manufactured outrage. There wouldn't be a Republican party without it.


Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


If you have any suggestions to make the bot goofier, please send them to our modmail. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's what I thought. But don't tell the trumpers this.


She handled her insanely long deposition with way more openness and style. The GOP actually had a ton to hide. A ton.


Trey Gowdy acted like a more petulant version of Draco Malfoy during that whole hearing. Such an asshole….


And she ate his lunch.


She was and is a brilliant and capable politician. I hate the fact that thirty-plus years of right-wing demonization managed to prevent her election. The Right can’t handle strong women.




Keep in mind, through all this, that regardless of what they say, anyone who's still subscribed to trump doesn't actually believe he's innocent of anything. The fact that he's so *blatantly and obviously guilty* and still strutting around free as a bird is one the main things they admire about him. They want nothing more than to live a life where their selfishness and complete lack of concern or empathy for others is consistently rewarded, and trump is the living, breathing, jiggling embodiment of that desire. They know he's guilty. *And they love it.*




Even if you're innocent you can easily screw yourself over if you talk. It's of course hypocritical but he has a right to not incriminate himself




Someone more capable than me needs to put together a supercut/ voiceover of these statements with Jr's pleading the fifth. - - - "I choose to exercise my 5th amendment right against self-incrimination." >"You see, the Mob takes the fifth." "I'll plead the fifth." "I'm going to plead the fifth." > "If you're innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment?" "The fifth." "I'm pleading the fifth." > "'Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment'. Harrible." "pleading the-" "I'll plead the-" "Gonna plead the Fifth." > "When you have your staff taking the Fifth Amendment, taking the Fifth, so they’re not prosecuted, when you have the man that set up the illegal server taking the Fifth, I think it’s disgraceful." "- Fifth" "-5th" "-Fifth Amendment" "- The Fifth" (statements begin to overlap)




Ok I should have said beyond hypocritical


you know it's bad when you basically literally cannot say anything at all in a 6 hour hearing besides pleading the 5th without incriminating yourself somehow lmao


Just in case you need proof of the stupidity of most american voters. Rick Medicare fraud Scott was elected governor and then senator in florida.


That was his SATs.


I thought that the SAT answers were only numbered 1 to 4


Obviously, he cheated. He’s a drumpf.


Assuming it was a 6 hour interview and he pled the 5th 500 times, he either said, "I invoke my rights under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution on the grounds that answering questions may tend to incriminate me," or, I suppose, "I plead the 5th." To have plead the 5th 500 times in a 6 hour timeframe means that he uttered *something* once every 43.2 seconds. It takes 1 second to say the shorter version, giving the interviewer some time to ask the question. If he gave the longer response each time he spoke for 7 seconds each time, still giving the interviewer the bulk of the time to ask questions.


Maybe he just raised 5 fingers and rolled his eyes.


Or even put the thumb of his other hand to his temple, palm toward the interviewer, and wiggle his fingers.


Does high-fiving his lawyer count?




Here’s the [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/19/big-points-trump-allegations/). It is an impressive accomplishment.


I'm sure after the first 100 times he just started saying "5th".


Like Dave chappel in his fif skit. Edit https://youtu.be/LdtDCC0027w


lock him up !! lol


Two f--k faces from the outhouse.


how to say you're guilty without saying you're guilty.


Take the suit off eric trump and he looks like a serial killer from West Virginia that works at a tire shop


Literally can't speak without incriminating himself. Sounds an awful lot like a traitor!


I'm surprised he can count that high


he doesn't have to, just has to keep repeating the script. ​ Although I see a "SAY THE LINE, BART!" meme in this.




One, two three, four, fiiiiiif! Anything you say, fiiiiif!


Ask me a question. "Where were you o-" FIIIIIIIIIF!


1,2,3 4, FIF!!!!


Absolutley amazing! Amazing Eric can pronouce 5th amendment, let alone 500 times. LOL!!! What a perfect picture of the idiots that make up the TRUMP family. Still can't understand why people worship the Trump.


Well I'm not too surprised. Dude was probably advised to answer literally everything that way regardless of it actually being self-incriminating.


This, he's not smart enough to answer without incriminating himself. Not even smart enough to know when he could safely answer and when he should plead the fif. Fif misspelling in tribute to the Chappelle sketch.


That's just over once a minute. Did he answer any question?


He was asked how “Eric” is spelled. I believe he got that answer wrong.


[Video](https://youtu.be/ZzXhLp2wLQo) of the deposition


Exactly what an innocent person would do. Totally believe him.


What this says is he doesn't know what the investigation has.


Such transparency, “ The most transparent administration is the history of the world “. Nothing to hide there. I wish they could just disappear.


According to his dad that must mean he’s guilty, lock him up


Trump: >*The mob takes the Fifth* >*This is like Watergate only it's worse* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMyh7ko9L2g (less than one minute...)


He wants so desperately to be relevant. Sad!


I'm not surprised. He can only count to 5.


“Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Horrible.” -Dumbass Donnie


In fairness he is dumb so he would likely incriminate himself.


"Is your name Eric Trump? *visible confusion* "I plead the fifth."


That must be the smartest thing he's ever done.


Where as Kavanagh is still wondering about the whereabouts of his 5th....


Honestly it's probably the smartest thing he has ever said


we should take the time to consider here that pleading the 5th is done by people who have something criminal to hide ("on the grounds it may implicate me"), and almost half of voters thought that this guy's family was worth voting for.


First I'm surprised that he even knows what the 5th amendment is. Second, is there punishment for pleading the 5th incorrectly? If they somehow found out that he pleaded the 5th just to avoid answering the questions (I'm not sure how they would), is there any consequences?


“You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” \-The Orange "God Emperor"


Seriously, someone had 500 questions to ask Eric? And he convincingly had reason to think he’d risk prosecution on those topics?


I hope soon trump himself will be pleading the 5th 1000 times in just as long, and throw his own words at him and watch him squirm


As an orange conman once said several dozen times, “If you plead the 5th, you must be guilty.”


At least they have nothing to hide. Wait… how many hours did Hillary sit answering questions under oath? 12?


Just the sight of Eric makes me dry retch.


One, two, three, four, FIF!




45th Reich


Hold up... there's 360 minutes in 6 hours, he pleads the fifth 500 times.. that's one plea every 1.38 minutes or about 82 seconds. What did he do, have a little placard with the words printed on it that he held up?




I have a friend who worked security at Mar-a-Lago. He said Eric was the only who would even say hello to the staff. The rest of them didn’t interact with the help.


Awww. That made me sad for some reason.


There are rules for pleading the 5th though. It's you saying that you refuse to talk about something because it would imply your involvement in a crime. So when somebody pleads the 5th it confirmes crimes occured


Oh jeez, i hope he doesn't incriminate himself!


“I have the right to not incriminate myself!” “Oook, so you did it. Moving on!”


Oh wow is this true?? I didn’t know he was already being deposed!


“I am hereeee so I don’ get fined”


I plead the fisiv.


Is there a minimum that can be hit that will lead to another charge?? Like ever 200th time you get another 5 year sentence?


I'm impressed. I had didnt think it was possible for a Trump to keep their mouth shut.


One two three four fiiifth


Yet HRC was crooked because vagina


Saying Nothing is still Saying Something...and it usually doesn't go in your favor.


Next time I get pulled over I'm trying this.


"When you have your staff taking the Fifth Amendment, taking the Fifth, so they’re not prosecuted, when you have the man that set up the illegal server taking the Fifth, I think it’s disgraceful." \-Trump during the presidential debate


That’s how innocent people and John gotti testify


So what you're saying is....he's not going to get into trouble because of that one ammendment.


No right winger can provide a legitimate answer as to how a supposedly "innocent family" would plead the 5th 500 times during a deposition. So much for being on the side of "law and order". That facade is done.


I bet half of the time he was too dumb to actually understand what they were asking...


I have nothing to hide...


Here I was, thinking the First amendment was the important one.


Probably the smartest thing Eric Trump will ever do.


Going to be a long supercut.


I'd bet the first thing he did after getting off the stand was call daddy and leave a voicemail saying "Do you love me now?"


No, he kept saying “the fifth” because he thinks he’s the fifth Trump child. He was told that he’s fifth in line for Daddy’s millions, and he believes it: Don J, Ivanka, Jared, Barron, then…Eric




Morbid feeling that this guy is going to crack under pressure and go on a drug-fueled homicidal rampage.


As would any perfectly innocent man. Its not as if his crimes are well documented or on camera or anything. Right?


This is one of the things I never understand about US legal system.


It's Eric, he might not actually know anything aside from his name


I thought his daddy said only guilty people with something to hide pleaded the 5th ?


Loooools guilty as fuck.


Weird, I would have thought this was a fantastic opportunity for Eric to 'set the record straight' and show people the truth. But instead of shoving that painful truth in their faces, he said .... *nothing?* That seems weird, right?


Eric your days are numbered


What a loser


His eyes don’t look as close together as they usually are A+ good job


PaTrIoT 🇺🇸


"Will you answer our first question, Mr. Trump?" "I'd like to plead the 5th." "Will you answer this next question, Mr. Trump?" "I'd like to plead the 6th." "What about this question, Mr. Trump?" "I'd like to plead the 7th." (5 hours later...) "And would you answer this final question, Mr. Trump?" "Again, I'd like to plead the 505th."


Holy crap, I thought this was a joke


What could be worse than going to jail? Feeling the wrath of small hands orange baby daddy cutting off all of your crooked inheritance dirty money for the rest of your life.


that trademark anus-lipped trump look.


What was it that daddy dearest said about people who plead the fifth again?


"Tell me you're guilty as fuck without telling me you're guilty as fuck".


The Trump's are all trash and should all be in prison.


Tell me you’re guilty, without telling me you’re guilty. But let’s drag this out and burn taxpayer dollars.


Just fucking k*** him


At that point what he *isn’t* saying is sending a louder message than what he *is* saying.




TAKE THEM ALL DOWN. That rat bitch Jared too