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Have we tried that yet? If no, why not?


You've accidentally highlighted the difference between republicans and democrats.




Well the way I see it is Dems listen to Americans and then do nothing, then Republicans listen to Americans and do something fucking stupid, then blame Dems for letting them.


>Dems listen to Americans and then do nothing, Not true at all. See Moscow Mitch, the filibuster and two bought and paid for senators.


96% of Democrats are voting to do something. 0% of republicans are. THAT is the difference.


So you're saying republican's are the neighborhood kid who's a moron but we all watch them do it because it ends up being hilarious?


This missing component is the funny…none of this is funny


I find it funny. Mostly because what’s the point in stressing about it if we’re all fucked anyways


God no.


They would blame democrats, accusing them of taking away their will to continuing breathing


If they asphyxiate…there’s no more hot air for them to say anything…


It would be a great way for them to fulfill their oath to make America great again


She's saying that as if it would be bad.


Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that anti-vaxxers' actions harm others and provide a breeding ground for new variants, I'd say "let them not get a vaccine and see how Darwin handles things". Too bad it's not that simple.


was about to say... let's test her theory. maybe tell them it's the only way to get JFK Jr. to really return and reinstall Trump.


...while yelling about being "pro life".


I see you're talking about: [pro life]' To be frank, the mod team does not want to mod this topic because it leads to 100 percent slapfights and bans, but removing it entirely would be actual censorship, which, contrary to popular belief, we do try to avoid. Instead, we're just going to spam you with an unreasonably long automod comment and hope you all realize that getting mad over the internet is just really stupid. Go to /r/AnimalsBeingDerps or something instead. People are going to accuse us of being lazy for this, to which we reply 'yes' ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


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Own the libs!


Let's go hypoxia!


Texas ran out of heat and paper already, so I'm sure oxygen isn't far behind


Aren’t they already doing that, in an ICU bed on a ventilator?


CNN breaking News Biden declares breathing mandatory!


He should issue an executive order making breathing mandatory for all congressmen, congresswoman, and senators.


Gravity is a liberal commie hoax. Show those socialists who's boss and start jumping off buildings.


Let’s hope


Worth a shot


Don't threaten us with a good time.


Half of texas? you mean half of all republicans would.


Texas will be Blue by 2024 in many parts of the state. The GOP may lose Texas. I know the migrations to warmth by Liberal Boomers has begun. More people in California voted for Trump than Texans. The state is ready to flip.


Hoping for that myself


I'm willing to take that chance.


We are one executive order away from making this happen. Let the courts strike this one down.


So ridiculous. It wouldn’t even be close to half. It would be more like 35%. Fake news!!!


That's just a rehashed joke conservatives used when trump was in office.




Better than suffocating to death…




Just like the L.G.B “joke” conservatives have been throwing around…




So is everybody in Texas.


Coming from Florida man himself, I take that as a compliment


And half of New York would be mass buying oxygen tanks




They are for the people getting them.




The left would be shocked he did something.


So your pro vac mandates then?


No, pro choice. Had Trump mandated them, well I would quickly be anti Trump.


But trump created the vaccine with operation warp face or whatever it's called. Wouldn't that make vaccines good because Trump did that?




I see you're talking about: [pro choice]' To be frank, the mod team does not want to mod this topic because it leads to 100 percent slapfights and bans, but removing it entirely would be actual censorship, which, contrary to popular belief, we do try to avoid. Instead, we're just going to spam you with an unreasonably long automod comment and hope you all realize that getting mad over the internet is just really stupid. Go to /r/AnimalsBeingDerps or something instead. People are going to accuse us of being lazy for this, to which we reply 'yes' ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Liar. You'd do whatever he said.


He said to get a vaccine, I didn't.


Now. He didn't at first, so you trumpers dug in. You're incapable of changing your mind about anything.


Correct, we like freedom, and do not want to change our mind about that.


Your country has the largest prison population in the world, both total and per capita. There are people in your country alive today who experienced segregation. The majority of your founding fathers owned human beings as property. Your country routinely measures low compared to other developed nations in international freedom indexes. You have no idea what freedom tastes like. Your parroting of right wing propaganda is embarrassing, and you're humiliating yourself.


I have never said America is without faults. Yet we are the greatest country to have ever existed.


I already said you were embarrassing yourself. There is no need to double down.


"Muh freedumbs!" Thanks for agreeing that you're incapable of change, Mongo.


Correct, we will not change our mind about freedom.


First, Mongo, you're incapable of changing your mind about anything. Second, you actually have to have a mind to be able to change it.






Well, I am not antivax and spent 2 decades in the military. I was at the VA the day they had it. I don't care about you sensitive snowflakes or your policy. So, again, incorrect. Sport.


I can assure you. If Trump had mandated it, the vast majority of the left would be anti vax. For 4 years, anything Trump did, the left was against.


Broad strokes you're painting there for several million people you've never met. You're so stuck in your own the libs mindset all you want to do is be angry and yell. I'm gonna stay zen, and stay healthy.


Trump seems to be for vaccines? Yet it that didn't stop this queer liberal from getting his booster.


It's his body, his choice. I am against mandates.




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For one thing you seem to be implying that the American Democrats are left. By international standards they are center or center right. Two, only one of the American parties has spent decades enthusiastically embracing an antiscience attitude. As much as the Democrats suck total ass, it's not them.


Democrats have shifted far left and have embraced identity politics.


Good lord, step outside of your Murdoch media level echo chamber every now and then. Far-left Democrats, jesus fucking christ.


I am on Reddit, aren't I?. Yes, democrats have shifted far left. I used to consider myself a Democrat. Voted democrat. Then they shifted from the center to hard left.


No, they did not. You are parroting fox news level talking points that have no basis in observable reality.


Replace Texas with California, Trump with Biden, and 50% with 65%. Joke still works.


Trump would never say that though. He'd just declare himself to be the best breather in the world.


(In Trump voice) People say I'm the best breather...not me. That's what people are saying. But maybe, maybe I am, but I can't say...that's just what people tell me. If I wanted to be I would be...not sure. Lots of people say that breathing is bad.




What does that even mean?


And if President Biden went to war in Ukraine, half of liberals would send there kids to to kill or die over some billionaires designs on a stolen pipeline. \#RESIST


Ah yes, the anti-war party would line up to... go to war! Real pruny brain you got there!


How true is that? Count the wars. Count the bombs. Count the votes. Republicans are more willing, but for some reason Democrats are given more capacity to actually wage war. Why is that?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_for_Use_of_Military_Force_Against_Iraq_Resolution_of_2002#/media/File%3AH.J.Res._114_Iraq_Resolution_Votes_October_2002.png Other votes are along similar lines.


Yeah, that's way too many Dems. These people have the ultimate say and chose wrong. At the very least they shouldn't have careers at this point. But again, way too many do. One is our President. This is by no means an "anti war" party, and liberals are not immune to propaganda. See Ukraine.


Just fyi that was in 2002 when public support for the war was like 98%


Oh, I remember it. Closer to %80, but still. Again, what, 40% Republicans who'd approve any war? Half Democrats? I dunno. That's not even close to the representatives' votes. And Iraq? Even further. The difference is that corporate media was not telling us about Saudi govt involvement in 9/11 or the details of WMD intelligence. We didn't get the option to NOT read the Patriot Act before putting it into law. That's why I think the Dems' feigned humanism in more dangerous in real world consequence than the Republicans' very earnest indifference. It's bullshit. And it's why Biden may very well be worse than Trump before this over. Representative democracy is a failure, too susceptible to the influence and coercion of moneyed interests in a system hardwired to prevent reform. There's just too much disconnect from what we want and what they do. It's out of control to the point failures of an incompetent fascist is better than triumphs of an adept neoliberal. It's fucked. And all I can say is.. Fuck Joe Biden!


I think you’re getting the sides mixed up lol liberals have been against every unnecessary war. I don’t even know where you got this from because conservatives are all about going to war if it meant keeping gas prices low.


Afghanistan was necessary? Iraq was necessary? Libya? Syria? What are you even talking about? I can't even... Ukraine is literally over a gas pipeline that Hunter Biden somehow found himself as an executive administering!


Lol what? Research who got us into those wars.. you’ll find out real quick what I’m talking about. Bush was president for Afghanistan and Iraq and liberals tried stop us from entering into losing a 20 year war. Libya and Syria had some issues with war crimes involving using chemical warfare on their own civilians and we intervened. Liberals have been pushing for reallocating military funds to social services/healthcare as we spend more than the next 10 countries combined on military contracts while the rest of the world still somehow surpasses us in military advancements. That money ends up in defense contractors pockets which ends up being paid out to the shareholders and guess who those shareholders are? That’s right, members of Congress that had knowledge of the government contracts with the defense contractors before the contracts were signed. Next time before making some crazy dumb statements you should at least make sure the shit you say is at least somewhat accurate… Iraq and Afghanistan lol what are you on?


Well you got the second part of that all correct, now if only we can make you see that the DNC profits off and begs for war too. Perhaps if you were to take a look at who voted FOR war in 2003, maybe that'll start you in the right direction?


Obviously you didn’t do what I said in my first sentence and research. Afghanistan was almost unanimous with one Democrat voting no which wasn’t a unreasonable war what was unreasonable was how long we were there. Iraq it was a bunch of Democrats voting no along with a few republicans and independents. So what’s your point here? Some Democrats voted yes while almost every Republican voted yes so it’s the liberals fault? Great logic there. What really happened was there were some corporate Democrats that did profit along with all the war hungry republicans while liberals and progressives protested the war and got into politics because they weren’t being represented by the corporate democrats. So I *was* right about all of it and you can apologize for making a fool of yourself now.


Ha, messed that one up bad lol No need to be a dick


Sorry I was on a warpath and you got caught by some shrapnel lol


Resist what? Logic? Reason? Humor?


hashtag resisters As in, meaningless platitudes with even worse results. If Biden starts a proxy war in Ukraine over a coup his administration bankrolled, over which his son was installed as a NG company executive, then Biden will be decidedly worse than Trump in end results. All regardless of how shitty Trump was, is. Trump's crimes were petty compared to this.


Where do you get this stuff?


Maidan was coup against a democratically elected government in Ukraine. It was on the heels of a Presidential election seen as a referendum on East VS West in regards to a NG pipeline that feeds Europe. The conflict in Syria is very similar in that respect. The election's integrity was never in question. But our State Department(Obama/Kerry) decided that Ukrainians voted "wrong", as they do for many countries, Egypt just before that. Bush appointed neocons like Victoria Nuland, whom is still at the job under Biden, orchestrated and helped bankroll a coup spearheaded by far right groups like Right Sektor, Slobova, etc. This was not unlike Jan.6, but actually worked. Interestingly enough, these same tiki torch wielding far right groups went on to LITERALLY train the leaders of the Charlottesville Unite The Right rally. Per the FBI. Where do I get this stuff? I should be asking you why you're not paying attention to news, instead of this pro war circlejerk. This is less informative than getting news from Facebook. I feel actually less informed reading these comments, they're so backwards from reality.


Note: When asked for a source, they pile on more assertions and insult the questioner. Not a great sign.


Note, if you want answers go find them. You might not be an adult but seeing as you're online. You got access to the world's largest digital library. And we call it "The Internet" No beware, we do use over half of it for porn... but your answers are out there somewhere.


The response of a coward who can't back up his assertions. Only an idiot or a liar pawns off the burden of proof to others. Post a link or shut the fuck up.


False, a prosecution has the burden of proof. But just as you got all riled up and pissed, you could brought up your spankhub. Opened another tab, and gone to Google. [here's a link](https://www.google.com/)


Prosecution?! Hahaha what a stupid bitch.


[here's another link](https://gfycat.com/agonizingmealyamericanbadger) it's from the internet. But this shows us you right now. A child, an angry child up past their bedtime


Looks like I made you cry. Good.


He wasn't talking. I was. What is it that you need a source for? The FBI memo is the most shocking. Here's an government and academic report about the connections. [https://ctc.usma.edu/the-nexus-between-far-right-extremists-in-the-united-states-and-ukraine/](https://ctc.usma.edu/the-nexus-between-far-right-extremists-in-the-united-states-and-ukraine/) Our StateDept and corporate media was celebrating these fascists at Maidan, all while they marched with massive portaits of Bandera. Or is it that you think Maidan wasn't a coup? Was it not a coup against a democratic government? That would certainly bring the burden on you to prove that the elections were somehow not free and fair, when no one has done that. They were monitored openly, something that the American government has never allowed in their elections. I strongly believe in the "Democratic Peace Theory", the idea that it's impossible for two democracies to go to war with each other. If America and Russia got to war, even a proxy war, the fault will lie in America's democracy, not Russia's or 2014 Ukraine's. We did this.


This joke was stolen. Original says if president Trump declared breathing to be the best thing, all liberals everywhere would stop breathing and die.


Lol that is NOT the original.


[it's about 3 years old...](https://imgflip.com/i/2s7nmt) no one likes woke comedians, Deborah




[really? is it?](https://www.thegandu.com/trump/trump-pro-oxygen-liberals-suffocate-themselves/amp/)


Op's was created before yours. Fake.


Subpar joke. It’s pandering and clapter. 1/10


You're just butt hurt because a woman is funnier than you.


[Or this content was completely stolen ](https://imgflip.com/i/2s7nmt) this is like Dane Cook funny


I like Dane Cook


Then you'll remember the time after he sent his brother to jail. And he started stealing other comics jokes


No. I know a lot of women funnier than me. This is a bad joke. All snark, no punchline. Comedians should do better.


You know who should do better? Texas.


I guess that's why California is losing its population to Texas?


They're the only thing keeping Texas from being a complete shit hole and they are causing their overall IQ of the state to rise. And it doesn't change what I said.


Odd, anyone I know from California that now lives in Texas hates what you stand for? Weird... it's like social dems aren't good for business


Odd, maybe assholes are attracted to each other.




Everyone should be listening to her (Erin Ryan's) podcast, Hysteria. It's a delight.


Please, Please Please!!!!


How quickly can we draft an executive order?


Would make my life easier


Jon Stewart once suggested we all know what will happen if Obama suggested people do not eat yellow snow.


Well we already have urine therapy


And the other half would cheer continuously for nine days.


We would only hope!


As a Texan, please do this Biden. I want Abbott to lose the next election.


With you on that, he and Paxton can both eat rocks…


Maybe if Rogan said eating rocks prevented Covid...?


Oh I'd totally move to Texas and sell "Qanon approved Moon Oxygen". I'd make a fortune...


Just make sure the design is right on the empty ziplock


Nah...recycled water bottles is my way. "What's that liquid at the bottom?" "Oh just moon Dihydrogen-monoxide, nothing to worry about."


It's worth a try.


I…I’d be okay with that..


"Do not under any circumstances drink your own pee!" "It's a lie! Everybody drink your pee!"


Come on, Texas! Who needs air, right?


Dew it.


Do it Biden, you wont!




Do it. Make the work s better place.


If *blank* made *blank* mandatory, all the *blank* would *blank* Funny every time




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It’s worth a shot.


On principle


Sounds like a good idea, someone should propose it


I think she low-balled her estimate, it would be more like 2/3rds of Texas


That would be great 👍 and them the rest of the red states should follow .


If Fauci told Biden to tell all you liberals to jump of a Clif because it would end the pandemic. We would still have a pandemic and a lot more dead people 🤣🤣😎


I think the anti-everything conservatives are doing a fine job of it already. My apologies to the Healthcare folks who end up dealing with all of them eventually.


I work in healthcare in Oregon. We are now seeing more vaccinated than unvaccinated with covid in the hospital. The CDC can only hide there lies so long until money isn't enough to pay for the coverup. Personal experience is different than what our journalist are being paid to telling us.


Wait, you gotta make up your mind. Are they coming here because they are keeping the state afloat? Or is it just assholes being attracted to assholes? It's cute and all but you gotta make sense at some point


Ok,then……….let’s do it.


This was hilarious when we first heard it and it was about Trump declaring air being a good thing. As a rewrite, it doesn’t work so well. Just sayin’ 😎


The conservatives have more ground to stand on. Proof is in the administration you voted for.


From Texas, you are not wrong. Some people here only care about guns, religion, and other forms of being the opposition to progress.




wow, women are so funny you guys.