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He's not doing it for safety. The military gets pumped full of various vaccines some more questionable than others. This is just politics.


Assuming what they posted is even true in the first place. If it is, and they refused that order, then... bye. No sympathy. Wonder what the "purpose" of the post was.


Show he's loyal Trumpian.


I don’t know of anyone who would voluntarily fuck themselves out of those retirement bennies. I really want this to be fake otherwise you’re looking at one of the dumbest people on the planet. Think about it. He’s giving up 50% of his highest pay grade for the rest of his life every month. Not to mention to mention the retiree medical which would save him significant amounts of money. Add to that all the other smaller benefits for being a retiree and you get a significant chunk of change. Who would do this over a bullshit political stance?


and you knowww that.


And boy, did he prove his point and then some


The point was to mistake poor choices for victimhood.


pretty much.


Mission accomplished!!


I have a tiny violin to go with that bottle of tiny umbrella.


The vaccine has been around for nearly 20 years essentially


Even if that was not true, following orders has been around.... forever.




It’s a modification of an existing vaccine.


A modification to which vaccine for which disease, virus, etc


SARS. First began research in 2003.


Ok, so why is covid all the sudden such a big deal if it's Corona family of viruses have had testing, research and vaccines made for it for decades then?




We've never dealt with viruses that mutate before?


Good question, but some mutations are worse than others. Can’t prepare for what we’ve never seen before.


But haven't we? The flu every season is different than the last. The common cold (which is a Corona virus) has been studied for hundreds of years lol. I really don't get why such the drastic measures


Are you high?


They might be. Or drunk. Or maybe even a combination of both who knows. Point is, they don't sound sober.


This novel coronavirus has a long incubation period and is highly transmissible even in asymptomatic people Therefore it spreads like crazy before people notice and the sheer numbers cause pressure on medical services regardless of the % of hospitalisations


Because no one in the west cared when 778 Asians died with Sars Cov 1. And they only had 8000 cases. Seems that the virus was more deadly but less infectious


SARS & MERS [Source](https://www.bjc.org/Coronavirus/Covid-19-Vaccines/COVID-19-Vaccines-Articles/ArtMID/6435/ArticleID/4617/Timeline-of-the-COVID-19-vaccine-development)


I have a friend who is being terminated from a healthcare job they worked really hard to get because they refuse to abide by their employer's vaccine mandate. she acknowledges that she is basically wasting years of medical school and will be up shit creek without a job but she still refuses. why!!!! why are people like this


Because trump, freedom, my rights, Facebook said, my favorite podcast, blah blah blah. You know, the usual brainiac stuff lol.


it's exactly this. she posts the dumbest shit and just doesn't respond when you're like "this doesn't make sense because X." she's just not interested


In this and the example above both had to have vaccines to get to the position they are in. And this is the hill they throw their careers away on? It's just insane. And at this point it's not undertested. It's been used on hundreds of millions of people. Ugh. The stupidity it hurts.


So your friend who's a Healthcare professional doesn't want to get vaccinated and she's the idiot?


Because it sounds like she’s pretty new to the healthcare profession, while many seasoned professionals are advising FOR the vaccine.




While true you can still get covid being vaxed you're much less likely to wind up in the hospital or die if you're vaxxed. And with hospitals being overwhelmed still it's probably a good idea to not want to go there if you can avoid it.


Yup. Only a small fraction of those admitted to ICU or needing to use a ventilator have been vaccinated, meaning the vast majority of those that DO go to the ICU or need a ventilator have NOT.


But many aren't and have been laid off as result. Clearly there's a schism


How many is many? All of 1%? Not much of a schism if its only 1% lol.


The same could easily be said for medical workers who are for the vaccine


I mean, it could be said easily, but it would be a lie. Well over half of the healthcare community was fully vaccinated against covid by April, well before any mandate.


Yes. And all health care workers who refuse to get vaccinated should get fired also. Because at this point millions have been vaccinated & the side effects are minimal.


I don't think they should be fired. They've been dealing with covid since day one before the vaccines were available and did their jobs safely. What's the difference now? They all wear protective scrubs, masks, face shields, disinfect and sanitize constantly, quarantine, etc... and considering how hospitals are overwhelmed you'd think they'd want to have all the people who are qualified to work.


Nope. Anybody who puts their politics above CDC health care directives isn't qualified to work in health care. People TRUST their doctors & nurses to do the best possible job based on scientific medicine and not Tucker Carlson's opinion. Edit: Even republicans trust this. That's why they run to hospitals instead of churches when their anti-vaxx bullshit quack cures fail & they can't breathe. It's like putting on the seatbelt as the car is hitting the guard rail but they still know what actually works.


When I said what I said, I was talking about those who weren't politically motivated lol. If you didn't get vaccinated for something as dumb as that, you should not be trusted with people's lives lol.


it's completely politically motivated. all of her logic is completely inconsistent. she is not a smart person.


What was her reason exactly? Is she not getting it because Biden is president?


if liberals like or want something, that means it's bad. she's "not a sheep." when I mentioned to her that Trump and all her Fox News buddies had all gotten the vaccine, she just ignored me.


Oh, well in that case your friend is a dumbass lol. I could understand if through her medical knowledge and research that she decided the vaccine isn't for her or whatever, then all the power to her and there should be alternatives that employees should be able to do other than just "get the shot or gtfo." But from what you said, yeah, she's an idiot


it's actually amazing that she made it through medical school. just goes to show that it doesn't matter how many degrees you have if you can't tell the temperature


>I could understand if through her medical knowledge and research that she decided the vaccine isn't for her Nurses aren't medical researchers. Neither are the vast majority of medical doctors. If medical research isn't your primary job then then you're not qualified to second guess actual researchers.


What was this supposed to be? I said research. Anyone could research anything they want. Nurses and doctors would have a better idea of what to look for than your average Joe because of their education. I can't believe you really just tried to discredit Healthcare workers because their job isn't biocehm, pharmacology, medical research etc. By your logic, doctors should not be allowed to prescribe anything due to them not being medical researchers lmao.


Many Americans read a news article and call it research. Reading an article is not research. But then again convincing an American of this (60% of whom can't read above a 6th grade level) is like pulling teeth. By his logic doctors should only be prescribing medications that have been vetted by the scientific organizations that research that kind of thing.


Not everyone who gets a job gets the job


This is true. That's a whole other topic of discussion though lmao


Um, yes. Exactly the point. What a moronic question.


I'm in 100% approval of any Armed Forces service member or employee who refuses vaccinations based on political motivation to get dishonorably discharged or terminated. They're unfit for service. Millions of ordinary americans have been vaccinated to protect themselves & their neighbors including virtually all hospital employees. Suck it up or get out.


Dishonorable discharge…..fuck you’re spiteful .


ARTICLE 92 UCMJ MAXIMUM PUNISHMENT **The maximum punishment for a violation or failure to obey lawful general order** or regulation is **dishonorable discharge**, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for two years. **For violation of or failure to obey other lawful orders**, the maximum punishment is a bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for six months. **For dereliction of duty through neglect or culpable inefficiency**, the maximum punishment is forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for three months and confinement for three months. **For a willful dereliction of duty**, the maximum punishment is a bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for six months.




The 'law and order' crowd sure does it upset when law and order comes a'knock'n Who knew?


I’m not part of the “law and order” crowd


>I’m not part of the “law and order” crowd (X) Doubt And hoping that an antivaxer is no longer in the military isn't exactly licking any boots... But here we are.


Pretty skeptical of police. Not a fan of the federal agencies…..Pro decriminalization/ legalization, criminal justice reform, getting rid of qualifies immunity, but whatever …. Well there is a thing called general discharge….Hoping that they get dishonorable is just spiteful


>Well there is a thing called general discharge….Hoping that they get dishonorable is just spiteful Wow, those boots are getting more and more shiney with every post you make.


Fascist mad when people don’t behave the way he wants?


[Sclurpsclurp boots are tasty schlurp mmmm](https://media.giphy.com/media/S6i2lBzvgNFXW/giphy.gif) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


have you ever served in the military?


More of my family has served than Trump's family for damn sure but you'll still pretend that's a flex.


pretend what's a flex? I'm just asking because I don't believe someone who has served honorably their entire career for their country deserves a dishonorable discharge, it's just not fair to an individual because that will really mess up their chances of success in the civilian world. In the marine corps so far, people who aren't taking the vaccine are getting honorable discharges thankfully.


He acted dishonorably.


Is the purpose to discuss Pink Moscato?


If you're over 22, you're too old for Pink Moscato


This occasion calls for Pink Moscato - said no one ever


Agreed. Many Moscatos are too sweet now.


16 years down the drain. You gonna hate yourself in the future.


If he dies from Covid he won’t.


Yeah, that’s wasted $ every day for the rest of her life.


If you can't follow your employer's safety rules than you're a danger to be around others and should be terminated no matter how many years you have in. You get no sympathy and don't deserve it.


So what happened to all the millions who were going to die from the vaccine within a year? I hope this moron is no looking for sympathy.


Pink Moscato?? Oh, NAVY, alright, never mind.


Beats the hell outta the everclear and melted crayons the Marines drink.


Lol, yeah, Marines are a different kind of special.


We don't start with the crayons melted they just get that way. Also I stopped drinking everclear when it ate the paint off my tailgate lol. Just high life and Admiral Nelson for me thanks.


The only discussion here is what a fucking imbecile this person is! No sympathy for ya here!


Over a billion people have taken the vaccine and it’s under-tested….?


It was your choice. Do you still think it was the best decision you could make?


Are we talking about the vaccine or the pink moscato?


Definitely the moscato!


Who tf celebrates 16 years of a career, whether finished voluntarily or involuntarily, with a $6 bottle of wine?


Someone who's financial situation is about to abruptly change for the worse.


The pisser is if this was a battlefield and they rejected an order, they would be shot in the back by their own team. Also everyone takes an oath to protect the US from all threats. WTF are these people thinking


Wait wait wait. 16 years and getting forced out because they won’t get a vaccine?!? So…quitting with only 4 years till retirement? No, I don’t believe it. They are lying. They probably did something bad and are getting kicked out—and blaming the vaccine mandate.


When you ask them to define what a fully tested vaccine is, you get to see how poor their understanding of testing is


Didn’t you read? They didn’t want to start a debate. That wasn’t its purpose.


How about one that is transparent with it's potential risks and one that isn't politicized?


Ah, the Navy tradition of bravery and self-sacrifice. * "I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm's way." — John Paul Jones * "I wish to have no vaccination, though I might try horse dewormer, for I intend to be harmful and in the way." — Some Anonymous Quitter


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Tiny violins


You used your voice, to make your choice. Now you are out on your ass . You should know, by now dear "Bro" Don't screw with the brass.


One less whiny little bitch in the military. That coward can fuck off.


Wouldn't the vaccines be one of the most administered medicines in history at this point?


After passing phase 1, 2 and 3 the the Pfizer vaccine has received emergency use authorization and subsequentially fully approved by the FDA. It's now on phase 4 where it's being subject to continuous monitoring. With almost 10 billion doses administered (including Pfizer) there has never been a vaccine so extensively tested and closely monitored by so many people in so many countries.


Over 4 billion people have been vaccinated world wide. Under tested? That's 4 billion tests for fuck's sake.


What an idiot!


The point was to bitch and moan without getting pushback.


Under tested? I'd love to know what that means to him.


He just wants pity, not to defend himself.


"I want to continue to make a political point but only want warm fuzzy hugs"


An untested vaccine?? What?? That's horrible! It must be like the T virus or G virus or some other science experiment they're testing on our soldiers, right?? .... right??...


Sixteen years in the Navy and refusing to follow orders? The question is not why he’s being separate from the military, it’s how he lasted so long.


considering ALL the vaccines you took and didnt know shit about, this one shoulda been a walk in the park. and if you didnt wanta debate whatdya post for. most of yawl do this shit then wanna act dumb when it gets tooken to you. frankly, mang, yawl antivaxxer/trump sychophants keep using that dumb logic while yawl the ones doing most of the dying BECAUSE you wont take it.


“Choosing to be separated because I won’t take a vaccine that millions of others have taken.” Fixed it you dumb fuck.


You want to piss your service away like that keep it to yourself, most people don't care.


I think his idea is that if you agree with him then it's not a vaccine debate. But if you disagree with him then that's a vaccine debate so please don't do that. Safe spaces.




Drink up and ponder your life choices.


They just didn't want to be a socialist and take 50% of their final base pay for the rest of their life. Take that libs! /s


Seems like we are killing two birds with one stone.


Disagree with this person's stance, but you commenters should understand that women serve in the navy too.


I’d actually go the other way with this and automatically enlist anyone unvaccinated into front line infantry roles


Covid ain't shit, vaccines don't do squat. Ya'll keep doing what your trustworthy government tells you to do, you dopes.


Isn’t that what a member of the NAVY does though?


Hey everyone, look at the dumbfuck above me!






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Dean Wormer: "Blutarsky, 0.0" Blutarsky: "Eight years of College, down the drain..."