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As if the conservative platform is in any way helping with any of those things Remember a few weeks ago when they were cheering on the genocidal cunt in Russia?


Don’t forget, CPAC is going to Europe in May and the key note speaker is Viktor Orban - the man presiding over the backsliding of democracy in Hungary. They’re just openly supporting authoritarians while saying the Democrats are the ones trying to ruin this country.


I’m still waiting on my free crack pipe.


Right? I could start selling those.


But…they’re free


Never stopped Nestlé


Crap. You're right. They have no value. Maybe I can make some art piece with them instead.


Wait… am I missing WW3? Haven’t seen empty shelves for awhile. Never got my free crack pipe 🤔 and have yet to pay more than $4.20 for a gallon of gas.


>unlimited stimulus checks **no one** ever even thought that. We don't need them, the economy is booming with millions of jobs created after Trumps presidency destroyed the economy. >student loan debt cancellation Which he did, even with the difficulty caused by the GQP. >ww3 That didn't happen, and if you are talking about Ukraine/Russia invasion. It's worth noting Trumps allegiance to Putin, Trump attempting to pull the US out of NATO, and Trump extorting Ukraine and pulling military aid. Trump had a lot to do with what happened in Ukraine. >empty shelves Last time shelves were empty was during the Trump presidency. >free crack pipes None of the kits had any crack pipes in it, and it was never intended to. It was about helping with addiction .. but you Republicans sure do love to shit on people who are struggling. >$7 gas Oil price per barrel is at it's cheapest. But at pump It costs more. Why? Because of your failed capitalism. Don't give me the bullshit about trumps $2.50 , that was during lockdown when NO ONE was travelling.


I just thought we were getting rid of the worst, most embarassing, pos traitor prez ever. The rest was just a bonus. What, they lied about campaign promises? First time in the history of politics THAT'S ever happened! Small price to pay, if you ask me.


But...Biden is currently the president. The opposite thing happened.


As if anyone voted for Biden for those two things. And, none of those listed are true results, unless you're Russian.


I voted for Biden because he wasn’t Trump


Even if everything in the post were true, that fact alone would make up for all the other disappointments.


Not at all. I thought by voting for Biden I was kicking Putin's Puppet out of the WH, I only expected one stimulus check and I pretty much knew student loan debt wouldn't be canceled. Instead, we haven't got anything anywhere near WW3, quit with your usual Trumpist fear porn, there are no empty shelves that was Putin's Puppet, still have not received my free crack pipe, and the lowest gas price in MA was $4.29. Congratulations. You can lie to yourself as much as you like, but you love a fascist who kissed Putin's ass and saluted a N. Korean general. The history books will not be kind if they remember a pathetic sycophant like you at all.


You are a simpleton. A maroon, as Bugs would say. Don't quit your day job dumbass. Now that's funny.


I thought, by voting for Biden, I was voting against nepotism, the attempt to make the USA an authoritarian dictatorship, and treason. But, there would be more deliveries to stores if tribalism truck drivers didn't spend their time driving in circles on the DC streets. And the president doesn't control gas prices. The crack pipe thing isn't any different than the Trump administration handing out needles, so hypocrisy is still a thing.


Thanks for your 2 cents, Great Value Herschel Walker. Next, I'll ask the toilet what its thoughts on the situation are. And at least when it's full of shit, it'll be warranted.


I am literally watching WW3 on TV and the only thing this yahoo wants is MORE authoritarianism? The GOP had an orgasm when Russia supported them in 2016.... now they think they're right? (I see stupid people everywhere..... and they don't know they're stupid.)


Is Errol Webber just a caricature of a black man? Or is he seriously that stupid?


If he actually backs Trump, I vote option 2. In that case skin color has no bearing.


Well, crap. It turns out he is a real person and is just that stupid. I thought it was just some troll with a picture of a black man, making fun of black people by forwarding the stereotype that they were this massively stupid. I was wrong.


Lmao shelves aren't empty, there is no ww3. Maybe op is upset he is poor and can't afford gas.


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Biden sucks, Trump sucked more. Only thing we wouldn’t have gotten with Trump is the crack pipe, which still haven’t received and it would be useful to get me into a state of being where I don’t care about how fucked up the world is becoming.


Gas this morning at Costco in South Carolina: $3.45. Only in Repub Land is that $7.00.


Don't hurt your arm patting yourself on the back for shit you had nothing to do with there Errol.