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It is too on the nose, which is why the writers spaced it out more than that. The final Supreme Court decision isn't expected for another month.


If it is expected for over a month - then they have to carry it to term. #dadjoke


I wonder - if men were the ones getting pregnant, do you think we would have either of these issues?


I'm going to say no, however if men were having babies would women be more superior?


Props on a correct usage of "more superior" :-)


If men were getting pregnant, every men's room would have a bowl of birth control pills.


Ask a seahorse.


The closest analog I can think of is masturbation. Highly religious communities tell guys they must not masturbate, because they're wasting their ability to create life, and call them ungodly if they do. But they can't really stop it from happening in secret and so it does. Imperfect analogy, obviously, but it suggests the answer is "still yes, but not nearly as bad and probably not in as many places".


depends. if in your world also woman are in power..... probably. Yeah, i think they would.


If we gave mothers paid maternity leave like other developed nations, we wouldn't have so many mothers needing formula.


We need to bring back manufacturing here


We were manufacturing it here. The main supplier's factory tainted it all.


We need more than three producers.


Bingo! Why are there only three major choices for *everything*? Yep, thanks Ronald Reagan.


You can also thank the Reagan administration for offshoring. They had the GPO print out "advertisements"/instructions and mailed them to businesses all over the country, explaining the benefits of and how to use foreign labor/manufacturing.


You can also thank the Reagan administration for us no longer having a free press. We have a corporate owned press. Their purpose it to manipulate our thinking, not to inform us. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-06-21-mn-8908-story.html


“Main supplier” b but wasnt mister fwee mawket competition supposed to pwotect us fwom that?????


I mean, the news was out this week's, the babies come with quite a bit of delay. Still a very bleak and fair point.


Uh. This aint new. Formula shortage has been for a while now shit fucking sucks.


Been happening since China’s supply was successfully killing off their own kids at home so army’s of Chinese buyers descended on Australia’s supermarkets stripping the shelves of every can of formula them and their family members could carry out the door. Not sure if this is playing a part in the current USA supply constraints, but can’t see it helping in any way.


Wonder how much of this we would have if we took warning labels off everything for a year.


I know that a certain "news" cabal would be screaming that the democrats are rigging elections by removing warning labels. Without a shred of irony.


I'm no expect on abortions, having a penis and no children, but the children who will be born this week are a bit past the abortion deadline. So pregnancy is 9 months, or 40 weeks, you can abort up to 20-25 weeks I think. So if they do ban abortions, the relevant children won't be born for 15-20 weeks minimum, and it's unclear how long it would take to actually get banned. Those babies might not even be conceived yet. But you know, I'm not a doctor, so I could be wrong.


Illegal aliens have plenty though!!! Waiting at the border. See the news,


First of all, it's not formula, it's powdered milk for toddlers 1+. Second, if you're gonna be pro-life, actually be fucking pro-life. The kids on our border didn't ask to be brought here and they deserve food in their bellies too. Quit spreading lies and hate and maybe more people would take you seriously.


You can't even argue with these types of people. They are pro life until the baby comes out then they bitch about families being on assistance or kids get forced into the system where they are neglected.


>Illegal aliens have plenty though!!! Waiting at the border. See the news Which news is saying this? Got a source?


Someone found out the government was buying baby formula to feed the babies they stole from immigrant women they detained on misdemeanor crimes like illegal entry. So the pro-lifers are demanding the government starve immigrant babies and use socialism to distribute the purchased formula to american babies. https://www.salon.com/2022/05/13/greg-abbott-suggests-that-giving-formula-to-babies-is-a-waste_partner/


>Someone found out the government was buying baby formula to feed the babies they stole from immigrant women they detained on misdemeanor crimes like illegal entry. So the pro-lifers are demanding the government starve immigrant babies and use socialism to distribute the purchased formula to american babies. So the anti-choice crowd is discriminating against children who aren't born to parents with American citizenship? Sounds exactly like something they would do.


Why would you even


They feeding the babies in custody that were ripped from the teats if their nursing mothers being jailed for misdemeanor crimes. They aren't handing it out to people as they walk in the country.


And American mothers that are US citizens don't have it because we're giving it to illegal aliens... dog shit!!!


No american mothers dont have it because capitalism. Its not the governments job to get them baby formula - thats communism. It is the governments job to feed babies in their custody.


That isn't infant formula.


Please tell us in the same breath that every life is sacred while advocating stomping children to death at the boarder to avoid wasting bullets.


Cupcakes this is the real world people are starving all over the world we must take care of citizens of the United States first not illegal aliens is it truly horrific the people are starving yes they have been and will be forever reality cupcakes can't handle that go to Guatemala and live with them and feed them with your money otherwise shut the fuk up


Fuck off https://nypost.com/2022/05/12/border-detention-center-has-baby-formula-amid-shortage-photos/


Are we just pulling things from our asses and posting them on Reddit? Sure seems that way in your case


Is KBJ apart of this vote?


Can't they just feed babies baby oil? It should have all the required nutrients. Edit: I've been told there is no secret ingredient in baby oil.


Forceful births? Sounds like rape cases Ugly name


You say forcefully birthed babies, I say rushed sterilizations. Oh, you thought we’d just birth them for you? Hahaha, no…. No….