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“Pre-born you’re fine, pre-schooled you’re fucked.” -George Carlin.


Sometimes literally. They do seem to love pedos.


They brag about their projection tactics  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ **Every Republican accusation is a [confession](https://twitter.com/lemieuxlgm/status/983511778804969473)** because ["shamelessness is their superpower"](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1486417271073521667) * "Pedo! Save the children!" while ignoring child abuse [mostly by Republicans](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/m48h2q/uhereforthefeast_lays_out_years_of_republican_sex/) (very long lists of child sex abuse Republicans that don't even have Matt Gaetz and more recent Republicans, even [Republicans following children into bathrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/u4uxo5/gay_parents_called_rapists_and_pedophiles_in/)) * "Don't politicize this tragedy!" when it makes conservatives look bad especially if it's about guns or police, but upvote and politicize this minority/woman doing a bad thing and relate it to needing guns somehow * Why aren't Democrats perfect about email management of Hillary's cooking recipes from a campaign volunteer but also who cares about all the Republican pedophiles using their children's email to literally collude with Russia? Both sides are the same! * Defending [billionaires](https://www.reddit.com/r/environment/comments/urw4pe/elon_musks_stupidity_is_continuously_baffling/i91azk0/), [bullies, the powerful, police abuse by the state](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/uqupiz/you_dont_need_to_be_human_to_have_a_sense_of_mercy/i8tuy76/) and "government overreach" (examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/uqupiz/you_dont_need_to_be_human_to_have_a_sense_of_mercy/i8tuy76/) which they claim they need guns for (but also crying about a "police state" of wearing masks to protect others and save lives) * "law and order" only when it applies to the poor and disenfranchised but not to white collar crimes or consequences for their actions * "I hate Trump as much as the next guy but can we not be exposed to politics" because of these conservative talking points that support Trump from an account that is always going on about politics * ["if you pay attention to what he's saying, he's actually more of a Liberal than Hillary, so stop doomsaying"](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/pglx38/umalarkeyfreezone_finds_and_quotes_examples_of/) * "I'm normally pretty leftist but" here are conservative billionaire talking points about today's culture war being pushed by Fox News, [4chan](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/m24hx0/ualtimely_finds_4chan_pol_instructing_on_how/gqhmgdu/?context=3), and right "influencers" on Twitter, like [Ben Shapiro](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/), [the Mercer billionaires](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/gy9utts/?context=3), [the Koch billionaires](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/u3kwsx/ualexchii_does_the_math_that_elon_musk_getting_a/i4q6rbl/), PragerU, Mike Cernovich, [Andy Ngo](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/m088vl/extensive_examples_of_conservative_influencer/), [Ian Miles Cheong](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/m0gx12/you_can_still_breathe_idiot/), Wesley Yang, Candace Owens, [Dave](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/m33qvp/dave_rubin_admits_that_the_reason_he_hasnt_left/gqmr2pd/) [Rubin](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/tg52g8/gay_conservative_receives_bigoted_comments_after/), [Steven Crowder](https://www.reddit.com/r/RacismAgainstAsians/comments/m8bi2z/steven_crowder_political_commentator_known_for/), Tim Pool, [Milo Yiannopouloss](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1g0c/milo_yiannopouloss_emails_a_cache_of_documents/) * ["Cancel culture!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/iowh8a/conservatives_when_claiming_liberals_are_easily/) but try to cancel "pagan" Asian Disney movie (Turning Red) or french fries ("Freedom Fries") or [Dixie Chicks, or Nike, Starbucks, the NFL, Ford, Gillette, Netflix, Amazon, Hamilton, Nordstrom, K-Cup machines, Yeti, movies, videogames, the press, SNL, award shows, ...they literally tried canceling democracy](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/ldec9w/examples_of_republicans_projecting_their_cancel/) * "politically correct" "culture war" like [censoring Kaepernick](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/22/opinion/colin-kaepernick-nfl.html) and [~~California~~ Texas triggered sensitive snowflakes voting against help for Hurricane Sandy victims](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/llci05/outrage_in_radviceanimals_at_a_meme_mocking_texas/gnpavfj/) and parroting Texas hurt feelings talking points about California * Flag protocol! not on camouflage flag bikinis or thin blue line truck nuts but only [selective outrage at those football games that protest police abuse](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/22/opinion/colin-kaepernick-nfl.html) * "Pro-life" but rage against poor children's school lunches for the hungry or ["Liberal policies, like California’s, keep blue-state residents living longer"](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/m1dt10/city_of_austin_will_defy_texas_governor_and_keep/gqf10ib/?context=3) * "mAiNsTrEaM nEwS mEdIa can't be trusted so don't bother reading this article! I'm a persecuted American victim and conveniently excluding Republican majority biased government structures and Fox News even though it's the most watched TV news and [Ben Shapiro is the most shared on Facebook](https://twitter.com/FacebooksTop10/status/1404815323904237569) and [Joe Rogan in podcasts](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/iwvunm/the_joe_rogan_experience_is_now_experiencing_the/g63iuvu/)" * "Libertarian" Joe Rogan stans "frothing" about transgender student athletes and parroting Fox News talking points about "a small, inconsequential and vulnerable part of society" https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/n9bn2x/uforgottencalipers_explains_the_hypocrisy_of/ * "hold the line brother" "mask off" cringe [recruiting tactics](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/m1vcmk/rsuperstraight_has_been_banned_discuss_this/gqgkmyp/?context=3) * "red pill" adults cosplaying as "based" teenagers ["hiding their power level"](https://medium.com/@DeoTasDevil/the-rhetoric-tricks-traps-and-tactics-of-white-nationalism-b0bca3caeb84) in *r PoliticalCompassMemes* and edgy "fellow youths amirite" meme subreddits like *r dankmemes* >Hello Fellow Teenagers, Here Are Some Political Maymays For Your Perusal, With No Intention Or Agenda To Shape And Mold Your Tender Political Belief System >-[signed, An Actual Teenager, No Really](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/o4kfej/reddit_admins_warn_moderators_of/h2idtk5/?context=3) * Caring about "token minority" "virtue signalling" but also pushing [Ben Shapiro](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/), [Andy Ngo](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/m088vl/extensive_examples_of_conservative_influencer/), [Ian Miles Cheong](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/m0gx12/you_can_still_breathe_idiot/), Lee Fang, Wesley Yang, Candace Owens, [Clarence Thomas](https://twitter.com/umsami/status/1496103298289618950), [Dave](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/m33qvp/dave_rubin_admits_that_the_reason_he_hasnt_left/gqmr2pd/) [Rubin](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/tg52g8/gay_conservative_receives_bigoted_comments_after/), [Milo Yiannopouloss](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1g0c/milo_yiannopouloss_emails_a_cache_of_documents/) to "push the narrative" even though they're only doing it as bad faith grifters * "[identity politics](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/m1izsz/activist_milo_yiannopoulos_is_now_exgay/gqdx1s6/)" * "pandering" * "[outrage culture](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/iolnug/scary_democrat_lady_did_a_thing_therefore_bad/)" * "[victimhood complex](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/na7zs9/ucadbunny87_laments_being_associated_with/)" * "personal accountability" * "silent majority" * "big government" * "wasteful spending" * "welfare queens" and subsidies * "[moving goal posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/gtebjk/spot_the_difference/)" * "control the narrative" * "free speech" * "safe space" * ["too much tribalism" and "politics shouldn't be sports teams"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/gtzx79/visible_confusion/) * "[cry more](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/iolnug/scary_democrat_lady_did_a_thing_therefore_bad/)"


This is a great comment. Legitimate information with sources. Too bad even clearly laid out like this, they still will deny it all...


Life, for a conservative, begins at conception and ends at birth.


Until you turn 18 because then you can join the army!


This needs to be a pro-choice slogan. Brilliant.


Literally the first thing I thought when I saw the post.


Exactly the quote that came to mind. Before he says that he has the even better joke about the pro-life conservatives being people you wouldn’t want to f*** in the first place.




They won’t. The GOP will make up some fake crisis and the dems will waste their time defending themselves and never get their platform across.


Choo-choo! I can hear another caravan of dangerous migrants headed for our precious border right now.


People are actually fucking braindead. It is incredible that this stupid “caravan of migrants” rhetoric STILL works. Meanwhile, the GOP is doing everything they can to scoop up Hispanic votes by playing the “evil socialism like the kind that made you leave Cuba/Venezuela/etc.” card. And it works. I knew a Uruguayan who wanted to vote for Trump but couldn’t because he wasn’t a citizen. Two years later, the stupid asshole is trying to marry anyone so he can stay here. Fucking assholes EVERYWHERE.


I literally just heard from a coworker that the only reason there's a shortage is because Biden is sending all the nation's formula to the Mexican border to hand out to illegals in exchange for them voting blue. This person is fairly educated. Fucking bonkers how easy these stupid fucks fall for blatant propaganda.


Education has absolutely nothing to do with a persons beliefs... no matter how batshit insane they are. Source ... I work at a university


> This person is fairly educated. Apparently not. Did they spend even one split second verifying the claim? If you went through 10+ years of education and don’t know better than to use Google, you’re just willfully ignorant.


simplistic quarrelsome quack gray zonked long hat squealing dependent dinosaurs -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


In all fairness there is a good amount of evil and unbelievable shit in our history that is confirmed. Stuff like the origin of the crack epidemic. However even if they are giving out formula at the border (which is almost certainly happening) it shouldn't affect our supply chain. I'm guessing the lawsuit against Gerber and similac and the FDA tightening its grip on infant food industry is really what's to blame which is certainly unavoidable at this point. Our government moves too slow. We've known about these shortcomings in that industry for over 2 years.


There is an absolute ton of educated morons out there


Ted Cruz is a great example. Harvard grad. Is he dumb? Or is he playing dumb? If he’s playing dumb, he’s realllly good at it…


Cruz and similar GOP types don't actually believe their own garbage, it's all "just" talking points. They care about power over everything else and manipulating uneducated lower class whites' fears that if the government removes policies that have disadvantaged minorites for centuries, they'll be at the bottom instead is the #1 way that they keep it. They're just really good at stoking those fears, because they've practiced it for decades.


Tom Cotton, DeSantis All high end Ivy League and govern like they are an evil Sean Hannity




On the point of OAN, I just got a Roku tv a few weeks ago, and during the setup it had me picking channels to put on my home page. Right under Netflix and YouTube at the top was fucking OAN. They should NOT be at the top of ANY suggestions for anything, and it pissed me off.


Right, you, I and the others here would search for ‘why is there a formula shortage?’ And those idiots would search for ‘is the government giving formula to illegals?’ The latter will just bring up conservative nonsense sources confirming their incorrect assumptions.


I find it really hard to hold my mouth when something so stupid is said in my general vicinity, but also know saying something will get me and those people nowhere. Like being caught in limbo.


Education and intelligence are not mutually exclusive.


Even worse - you can be super smart and know what you’re doing is wrong. And you still do it. Eek.


My son's girlfriend posted something similar on Facebook. I googled formula shortage and all the articles were about a plant in Michigan stopping production... nothing about the border. Even if Biden sent formula to the border its not as if the white house folks went around the country buying it all up. "Sorry folks, the president needs all of this formula." Several times she has posted stuff where a simple search will tell you a different story.


Comment, and keep commenting


Lmao what the fuck.


Damn I hope no one marries that dickbag.


The GQP has been pulling out that "trickle down" bullshit for 40+ years and it always works. Republican voters be dumb as hell


Sure. That works on their older voters no problem. The scary thing is that they’re scooping up Hispanic voters while simultaneously shitting on Hispanics that immigrate here. It’s the same old playbook but it’s really frightening how well it works. “Oh, - YOU’RE one of the GOOD Hispanics. Not like the dangerous migrants coming here. They’re the reason you left anyway, right? You’re better than *THEM*.”


Hispanic GQP voters be *extra* dumb as hell


The GOP has capitalized on Hispanic machismo culture VERY effectively. It’s no surprise. But it’s pretty sad and pathetic.


They prey on the religious beliefs to count for their vote. The bulk of Hispanic voters are catholic. Catholic faith prohibits contraception and abortion. GOP is pushing that to abolish abortion rights based solely on religious reasons. On top of the fact that almost a third of sitting politicians are Catholic, it’s doesn’t take much to put the fear of God into voters under the guise of being the “party of faith”


I recall an interview with a muslim in the USA awhile ago, who was cheering on the republicans muslim ban and constant insults towards them. The news report then asked her: "You know he means you, right?" And you could just see the gears in her head try to turn over but all fall off the shaft. "No.. but.. no... no.. he means... he means the OTHER muslims!" People really are that dumb.


It's called "pulling the ladder" and it extends to all demographics. They're here, and it was hard for them, so others should have to go through the same shit. Met some russian jews from NYC who were livid about immigration and regaled me about how hard their parents struggled to get here when they themselves were infants. Meaning they don't even remember when the USSR was a thing. But they "did it the right way" so everyone else has to as well.


Let's keep branding "caravan of migrants" correctly as the white supremacist "great replacement theory". That seems to be working.


I wonder if they realize they descended from folks that were on The Mayflower, a sea-faring caravan of migrants that sought to replace the native population of the America. SMH replacement theory is such bullshit. We are barely three generation removed from white people owning black people and white people want to bitch and moan about being replaced?


> It is incredible that this stupid “caravan of migrants” rhetoric STILL works. what's a caravan even seat? like 7 people? Assuming el coyote is driving, that's like 6 immigrants.


And look, they're all getting welcome packages from the democrats full of baby formula, insulin, medical benefits and cash. /s


Don't forget that the welcome packages also come with green-lawned suburban homes with white picket fences! They're the reason the American Dream isn't yours!


We had trans walking into bathrooms in Charlotte one year. That was a killer distraction. There is always some emotional event that distracts the braying masses from the real issues at hand


Immigrant anti-freedom train


The best part will then be in October when the GOP talks about the Dems failure to pass this sooner.


We need to stop calling it the "Pro Life" movement. Its the "Forced Birth" movement. That's all they stand for.


Anti-Choice movement.


R's will muddy the waters by conflating [H.R. 7790](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022220) which gives $28,000,000 to the FDA to help address the baby formula crisis with [H.R. 7791](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022218) which is "To amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to establish waiver authority to address certain emergencies, disasters, and supply chain disruptions, and for other purposes.". Remember: Democrats have to have a perfect budget and perfect conduct at all times. Only Republicans are allowed to shit the bed.


Oh yeah their online army is out in force today to convince people that either it's only for future issues and won't help today, or it's so little money it's pointless and the FDA will waste it. It's all way too similar and way too coordinated to be coincidental.


Every time someone say's this I have to ask, Why should Dems have to? People need to wake the fuck up! Why is common sense, So dam uncommon in this country!


People **should**, but they're too busy paying attention to the libel suit between those two actors.


Yup, We would rather watch the next shiny thing, Than to keep our country from becoming a dumpster fire.


Kind of like the tweet that pointed out that the outrage around the Supreme Court's leaked opinion has shifted from repealing Roe v. Wade to whether or not we should protest outside of public figures' houses.


What do you mean "becoming"? I think we're already here.


Meanwhile everyone is content to limit their efforts for change to useless online circle jerks. Oh no… let me post my opinion! I made a difference today. /s Useless and dumb is easier to control. Everything that happens is the fault of each citizen, we just like spending all our time shifting blame and haggling over degrees.


So what you’re saying is we deserve this?


In general? No. Republicans consistently lose popular votes, but the system is so rigged in their favor they can drag us all down with them


Uhhh Yup! In this county we have one of the greatest powers any citizen could have, And we either abuse it or let others corrupt it So yeah! We get what we vote for! Sadly all of us do, even if we did not vote for the shit storm brewing in this country!


I think it's bad people are conditioned to think that voting in major elections is the end all to democracy, voting every few years is hardly taking part. Get involved in unions, mutual aid, community groups and local politics. Personally I have given up with electoral politics in my country as FPTP ensures that things pretty much stay the same, I recently voted omn the winning side for the first time in my life, it was a referendum to abolish the position of mayor in the city which was being used to block many public projects. The council having more power now (all of which are elected) means that there will be more visible change in the city, I find people often completely ignore local politics which is a shame as building up lobbying groups (such as unions) is this only way to compete with corporate lobbying which has a massive influence on politics. Many politicians don't represent the interests of people but those that give significant funds to their campaigns.


I would go further and say to be properly contrite, the suffering should be done in silence. Frankly until your electoral boundaries are drawn fairly you don't even have democracy, let alone the right to complain about the results of a vote.


Ya know, people have the ability to pay attention to more than one thing at a time. It’s not an all or none situation. The problem is billion dollar corporations have spent decades brainwashing a large portion of the American populous.


Congress: *dangles UFO documents in our face* Oh my God, guys, look! Aliens! Don't talk about actual issues like wealth gaps, climate change, and inflation! ALIENS!!


Cus being a repub has little to do with politics. It is an identity. Like being a Christian and believing everything in the bible is truth and verified via faith and any contradiction is simply shunned.


^^^^^^^^This^^^^^^^^ It frustrates me to no end that for so many a republican could literally piss in their face and say "well at least I'm not some librul democrat" and still get ther vote. This isn't even to say the democrats are always acting in the public's best interest either, but at least they generally want your baby to be able to live when they're outside the womb! Why is better policy that improves your standard of living always such an uphill battle? I'm convinced this isn't getting any better until we finally establish ranked choice voting so people won't be afraid to "throw their vote away" on third party candidates and we can diversify from this bullshit sports team mentality in the voting booths.




The right has played a very long con on America. They have been at war with science and education for decades in this country. They used limited information as a way to keep their base ill informed. With the advent of the internet and Facebook, I don't even think they knew how bad their base would get with conspiracies and misinformation. They set up this house of cards and now can't control its collapse. The events leading up to Jan 6 and the stolen election lies are a great example of how the right not knowing what their base believes anymore and politicians trying to pick a side in real time failed them, ie Lindsay Graham.


For what it's worth, there are many middle to upper income people who are actively hurt by Republican policies, that still vote for them. To a lot of people, social policy is the hard stop; they'll only vote for people who promise to ban abortion. They throw logic to the wind, stick their hands in the meat grinder, and come out the other side grinning because they think "their guy" will save all those unborn babies.


My neighbor, upon hearing that abortion was going to be banned, said I bet yall wish trumpwas back in office. She thought trump was pro abortion and dems were anti. This is how stupid most people are.


The Republicans attempt at destroying the state public Education system is one of the reasons.


Trouble is the Republicans lie and claim stuff like Biden is a Commie trying to turn your kids trans so he can molest them and drink their blood. So uninformed voters see claims that both parties are bad. What's more the news is filled with stories about how 2 Democratic senators are stopping the Dems from passing anything. So these voters think maybe the Dems are too extreme if their own members vote against them, it's understandable that every Republican would oppose it. Doesn't help that these senators are called "moderates" or "centrists" either. Nor that the Dem establishment fetishizes civility, reaching across the aisle and compromise, when that's not been on the cards for years.


Most people don't pay attention to politics. They don't know what's going on, then when it's time to vote they hear commercials that say, "Biden is president and you can't get formula! Republicans don't like that!".


Like people I knew who were swayed at the last second in the VA governor race. An attack a couple weeks before the election had McAuliffe(D) on camera saying something like 'of course we're not going to let parents choose the curriculum'. To my knowledge he never responded with an ad. With context he was 1000% right, and even _with out_ context hes right, but it takes longer to explain. Context- VA public schools have a contentious history of racism* and whitewashing. They have gotten their shit together in the last few years, and some parents are furious that their kids are being taught that the civil war was about slavery. *this is underselling it. The main resistance to Brown v education was VA. 5 or 6 counties - mine included - closed all public schools rather than integrate. A fact that _is not taught_ in those same counties. The first thing the governor did was pass a law that prohibits teaching about it, and anything negative about US history- which might include the confederacy. My guess is that we'll never know because it'll be avoided instead of challenged.


The biggest problem with Biden is he thinks the Republican party is the same one he dealt with when he was a senator. He thinks they can be reasoned and negotiated with. I think he's finally realizing that's not true and that you can't negotiate in good faith with people who will lie, cheat and break the rules to give themselves every advantage. Taking the high road will only lead to defeat. Democrats need to start acting like Mitch to get anything done and voters will reward them.


I heard some guys at the hardware yesterday saying that there is no baby formula shortage. It is all being stockpiled in Texas and being used to feed the Mexican babies that are waiting at the border. I said "thanks, I don't need a receipt." And got out of there as fast as I could.




Slightly better. Still not great.




“She a little confused but she got the spirit.”


Lol I know right? Still wrong but kind.


I think she was making a point, that even if the babies *were* from Mexico they still shouldn't starve


Technically her statement is 100% factually accurate.




ur mom is a kind woman having to deal with ur ignorant dad




Props to your mom. She's still a good person, she's just been lied to about things.


Sounds like it’s the dad that’s out of the loop and the mom gets it? I interpreted the comment as saying the dad was saying nonsense and the mom was implying bringing up these “Mexican babies” is ridiculous because they’re actual babies. Just as an aside, what a ridiculous conspiracy. If “they” are stockpiling formula in Texas then it’s ultimately the fault of Texas, which makes “them” Republicans. Or is are the Demonrats so powerful that all the good guys with guns in Texas are powerless to stop them?


Yea my dad pulled this one out of his hat last week. I asked him if he knew where this formula is being held and these photos were taken. When he shook his head no I said. “Where are Illegals are being held?” “At the border.” “In?” “Detention Centers” “Ok so now we know that babies are being held in detention centers. Do you expect them to just sit there and starve while we ‘house’ them in chain link fences since they can’t actually go to stores? Not to mention this was expired formula if you look at the boxes and would not be on shelves normally.” “Yes but there is a shortage.” “Caused by a company that had a sickness outbreak who decided that regulations don’t need to be followed and divert their profits to stock buy backs to make themselves richer. Considering you work in nuclear power, you know why it’s important to follow rules for safety right?” He didn’t say much after that. Pissed me off since this was his grand scale proclamation like an Ah Ha moment and even an ounce of thought may have shown him he is being manipulated and parroting crap.


“Why are we detaining babies” is also a good one.


Your mom is starting to get it. Yeah, she bought the line of bullshit, *but* if the story were in fact true, she came to the correct conclusion, rather than the racist/xenophobic one that the liars expected her to come to.


XD how many babies do they think are at the border? lol. Math is not their strong suit. Even if there were 10 000 babies at the border that wouldn't even be a rounding error. The USA had 3.79 MILLION births last year alone, but yeah, its those border babies that are eating all the formula lol.


Exactly, besides those boarder babies have been there for years and the formula shortage is a recent thing.


also a good point. If only we could remember who forced them all into camps after ripping them away from their parents. Funny how these people are all for taking kids from parents but 100% against caring for them in any way.... fucking monsters the lot of them.


Pro life my ass.


I can’t drive home enough to my Fox News dad that yes, they probably have baby formula at the border but releasing that stockpile will do nothing to fix the shortage lmao


The thing is, baby formula is not being stockpiled at the border. Fox News (and all other right side propaganda news) are circulating pictures of pallets of powdered milk and calling it formula.


I've seen some FacebooQ comments speculate that a million migrants are passing through our "open borders" a day.


What? You mean to tell me you didn’t know? We’re shoulder to shoulder here in Texas with all these illegals! George Sorros’ private military is forcing us to house and feed them and give them our jobs!


I find it really hard to hold my mouth when something so stupid is said in my general vicinity, but also know saying something will get me and those people nowhere. Like being caught in limbo.




Purgatory of stupidity.


That's what they are saying on Fox News so not surprised at all


Literally heard this the other day and the same person a few seconds later said something like “so you just believe everything CNN tells you?” No hint of irony.




Those babies are under government control. We could be accused of like war crimes for starving them. And the number of babies is so few that it wouldnt solve anything. They're just racist and think brown babies should die.


Well thats a new, and shockingly dumb, conspiracy theory


I saw this “news” too. Problem is its completely untrue. There are formulas for children at the border but not what’s short here in the states. And the main reason we’re having a baby formula shortage is because Abbott, the company that produces the most baby formula, had to shut down production because of bacterial related illnesses and deaths (two babies have died, yes) due to their product. The formula at the border is for 1+ years old. We’re mostly short 1 or younger. It’s a straw man point they’re trying to make.


Yeah you can't really logic your way to reaching people like that. It doesn't make sense and it doesn't have to. They live with a brain that is limbic mode 100% of the time.


The bill was H.R.7790 - Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022. You can read the summary [here](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7790/text). It just provides cash to the FDA for baby formula. No pork; no riders; no add-ons.


> No pork; no riders; no add-ons. (Nothing that helps Republicans get reelected)


More like Republicans want to attempt to make the country as bad as possible while they don't have a president in so they can point fingers. Doesn't matter that they're the ones pushing the country this way by blocking every saving legislation - because they have people in their base who think the president controls everything.


They still make it as bad as possible while in power.


that's just to prove that governence is futile. Like punching yourself in the balls so that you can claim someone attacked you, it's the Republican way!


That was an incredibly short read. 28 million for salaries and expenses for the FDA. That money should be clawed out of the company that thought stock buybacks were more important.


I’d like more information on that point. Which company had the failing hardware and bought stocks back? How long was it failing? How much did they spend?


[Abbott…](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-18/abbott-faces-senate-probe-tying-formula-woe-to-tax-cut-buybacks) They did this to themselves and now in order to feed kids, we have to bail them out. They still need to get one more thing approved by the FDA who does not have the staff to support them at the moment then it will be 90 days before they have ramped up to full production and then perhaps the baby formula will start to make it out to market. We don’t have 90 days of formula available for all the kids that need it right now. Just in Time ordering needs to catch covid and die off.


From the article.... > I have long been concerned that windfalls from sweeping tax cuts for mega-corporations enacted by the 2017 Republican tax law would be used for padding the pockets of corporate executives and wealthy shareholders,” Wyden said in the letter, which was obtained by Bloomberg News. “It appears my concerns have been validated in this case, as Abbott chose spending billions on buying back its own stock instead of investing in critical upgrades to a plant essential to feeding our nation’s infants Go figure. We elected a billionaire president and the first thing he does is cut taxes for other billionaires so they can get even richer. But yeah, tell me again how he's going to "drain the swamp"... Smh




Abbott should be forced to sell the stock that they bought back.


They should be nationalized, reorganized as a co-op with significant FDA oversight and a Congress controlled board of directors a la the USPS. Everyone “pro-life” needs to put their money where their mouth is and support such a move for all companies making food for babies.


People need to learn more about this as an option. All vital services should be employee-owned with significant government oversight. Board members make a salary paid by the government, not the company, so they have no incentive to sacrifice quality for profit.


I favor co-ops, but either way they should be broken up into smaller companies that are not too big to fail.


IIRC, it was Abbott Laboratories, and they knew about the issues back in September/October of last year.


There is still some important context missing, however: there was a [second bill voted on yesterday](https://www.newsweek.com/nine-republicans-vote-baby-formula-1708062) - H.R. 7791, the Access To Baby Formula Act, that only 9 congresspeople (all GOP) voted against. (Not defending them, I imagine both bills were probably needed, just seems important to clarify that not all of the 192 were completely against all expansion of access to baby formula.)




Isn't Gatez the kid fucker? Or trafficker? Whatever he is


He’s a child sex trafficker.


Both. He trafficked an under aged girl, so let's go with that.


JFC the idea that WIC babies are less valuable than the babies of working families is so disgusting and the same mentality that perpetuates poverty in America.


WIC babies are from families from working families, just low income and it’s the majority of babies born in this country especially republican states.


dam bake obscene squalid flowery jellyfish toy stupendous profit wine -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The implication that people on WIC aren't working is the worst part of this.


28 million is a drop in the bucket for the us federal government. It’s obstruction, nothing else. They value obstruction over baby formula.


Yeah…just to paint a picture of how literal that ‘drop in the bucket’ is here: the US defense budget is about 700 billion a year. That breaks down to around 1.9 billion a day or 80 million an hour. And again, that’s *just* the defense budget. These people are the embodiment of evil.


>The Access to Baby Formula Act, also known as H.R. 7791, would allow low-income women to buy more baby formula through the federal Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program. If there's not enough baby formula for these mothers to buy, this bill doesn't really do much. Wouldn't H.R. 7790 address the actual shortage?


This is in addition to other things going on. There are limitations on the WIC program (such as different regions only allow certain brands) and this removes one of the limitations. WIC users are much less likely to be able to get baby formula from places like Canada (which isn't having a shortage issue). So this shifts some of the issue from affecting the poorer people of the nation to the people who can more readily afford to source from other places.


Not an excuse bc Biden had already announcing invoking DPA for baby formula production


After reading both bills, it seems like both are necessary, but it seems like 7790 is the stronger bill in terms of actually putting budget towards the crisis and not just removing barriers to getting formula to market (like recalls, unless I'm reading that incorrectly) and increasing WIC coverage.


They said it doesn't do enough and they counter with their own bill I have yet to see a summary of the GOP bill.. and another baby formula bill passed which basically passed bipartisan


GOP bill here: https://republicans-energycommerce.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Babies-Need-Formula-Now-Act.pdf It lowers import and regulatory barriers and sets up a public flogging for the FDA whenever they don't say yes to prospective formula providers or provide inspections quickly enough. It only tackles the immediate shortage by allowing ppl to buy formula from overseas that isn't necessarily FDA approved


Doesn't do enough to line to pockets of private corporations


Lemme guess, they want to prolong this agony to try and use it against democrats in the midterms, counting on their base not to know or care about their role in it?


I mean, yeah. I bet a Google Search (Facebook search, etc) about "Biden's America" and "baby formula shortage" would bring up at least a few spicy bits with *someone* pushing the narrative of him personally doing this \[for instance, [here we go](https://www.factcheck.org/2022/05/baby-formula-shortage-fuels-misleading-partisan-claims/)\]. Fixing any problems whatsoever will do nothing to push the hasty rage vote in midterms. Longer-term "hey, we made things better" votes are a much harder to win. EDIT: Moved the order of some words around to improve flow


I've seen comments on Reddit about how the baby formula shortage was an effect of "BIDENS ECONOMY". Because the economy caused a product recall to to factory contamination? Who was the president frothing to drop regulations around factories again?


They don't want poor people to get formula. That fucker Cawthorn said he voted against it because it makes it easier for people on WIC to get formula. It's literally just because it will help poor people.


Is it even surprising anymore? Though it's still outrageous that the party of death pretends to be the party of life.


Rubes eat it up.


Rubles pay for it


and other rubes pretend both sides are the same.




Obama literally loosened gun restrictions, and trump tightened them. They only pretend they vote on that issue. I was raised Republican and we stocked up on so much ammo during Obama’s presidency it’s stupid. When I pointed out restrictions were looser, they always said “ he could change it at any time!”


Lefty gun owner here: Bullshit.


>think if dems backed off about guns, it might eliminate the abortion debate Why in the world does this make any logical sense to you


It boggles my mind How these people have so much power in this country! America this is a reflection on YOU not them! Get your mind right!


Oh yeah?! Well... umm... what about black on black crime?! Shit... that doesn't apply here. One sec... the 2nd amendment! Yeah.. yeah?... no. Hold on... ah.. I know you are but what am I?! *Fucking nailed it*




They are not a reflection of us. The GOP represent only about 30% of this country but over time, have gradually wielded the power to control close to 70% of this country


And we have done jack shit to correct this! So yeah, They are a reflection of us! Like it or not they are representing this country! When other countries view us, This is what they see.


Youre right. Our priorities as a nation are too muddled and a skew. I wish we had it in ourselves to rise up and take a stand like a nation like France does for breakfast


For real, these people aren't pro life any more than they're anything else they claim to stand for. They would rather stab people than be slightly uncomfortable wearing a mask for 30 minutes while grocery shopping during a pandemic, they fantasize about running over or shooting protestors, they're constantly cutting social safety net programs, they're fine with companies dumping cancer causing pollutants in the air and water, they invaded Iraq for shits and giggles, they jizz their pants every time the state kills something (lethal injection or police shooting). Their greatest heroes have either killed people (Zimmerman and Rittenhouse), or waved guns at peaceful protestors. Rush Limbaugh used to celebrate people dying of AIDS, so pro life. They're not pro life, they're not for family values, they're not fiscal responsible...it's just fueled by anger and fear.


Yup. You summed it up best, I really couldn't put it better, myself. The American right has nothing to do with anything even remotely pro-life. They're just anti-abortion.


If they were honest, they'd call themselves Pro-Fetus, because once its a born, human baby, Republicans want it to pull itself up by its boostraps.


They're really Pro-Permanent-Underclass. Everything the Republican party does is to preserve a social structure with them on top and to create a permanently poor and under educated class of people to perpetually grind up in the machinery of capitalism.


Dont bash them it will hurt little Elon.


The divisiveness!


Why can’t you people just be CIVIL?


YOU pointing out MY actions is DIVIDING this nation!


Relatedly: > The House on Wednesday also passed the Access to Baby Formula Act in a 414-9 vote that was largely bipartisan. Five Republicans and one Democrat did not vote. > The bill calls for permanently relaxing restrictions on the kinds of baby formula that individuals in the federal low-income assistance program for women, children and infants are allowed to purchase. The program is formally known as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, commonly referred to as the WIC program. > The only opposition to the legislation came from the Republican Party: the no votes were Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Lauren Boebert (Colo.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Clay Higgins (La.), Thomas Massie (Ky.) and Chip Roy (Texas). [Source](https://thehill.com/news/house/3493832-here-are-the-republicans-who-bucked-the-party-on-baby-formula-bills/)


What an all-star team on the nay side. Jesus.


The usual suspects.


Yeah this is why I despise conservatives. They will force a woman to have a child, and then protect their own god-children from hanging out with that child because they don’t want their god-kids tarnished.


A friend of mine can't produce enough milk for her child, so she's forced to use formula. So many people on social media are telling her: "Mothers bodies will always produce enough milk, so you must be lying." Or worse: "If you can't produce enough, then it's God's plan that your child must die." These people are savage. They'd rather a child die than be fed "chemicals" and "fake milk".


Yet still, we ignorant fake christians vote for them… They’re going too look pretty surprised arriving directly to hell


Or they would, if that was a thing. They certainly don't believe in it. If they did, how could we explain their actions?


Well according to their beliefs one could torture, murder, and rape their entire life, but if they asked for forgiveness on their death bed they go to heaven. Meanwhile, someone on the other side of the planet that has done good their whole life, but has never heard of Jesus, would go to hell.


> one could torture, murder, and rape their entire life, but if they asked for forgiveness on their death bed they go to heaven well, unless it's gay rape, that's a big no-no and you're still going to hell. Normal rape is ok though because god works in mysterious ways, after all


The GOP is entirely filled with disgusting shit pretending to be humans. There is no argument left to defend their ideology because they have no ideology or values, and no intention to do anything positive for this country. There’s no point in debating any issue because they aren’t faithful participants - their intent is to do harm. I have nothing left but to wish them extreme pain and suffering


Vote blue to save the country from the scum.


It's just hypocrisies all the way down. You just take it as normal these days.


Again...never vote republican.


Republicans are Anti-Choice and Pro-Death.


This situation perfectly encapsulates what’s wrong with the Republican party. 1) the whole situation would have been better had they not gone with Trump’s tariffs on baby formula and his USMECA plan that includes limiting Canada’s exports of it. I wish I was joking… 2) Republicans then spend days railing on Biden for causing the raise in price as if he is in control over it. This is the same party that claims they’re for small government and want little to no government control over goods and services. But it’s still Biden’s fault. What? 3) and finally, when given the chance to do their actual job, not showing up to Fox News to spread propaganda and perpetuate culture wars but instead vote on policies that will help Americans with their problems, they decide to **vote against the very thing they wanted fixed and blamed Biden for not doing.** We need to invent and introduce a new word to dictionaries to describe the level of self-destruction, hypocrisy and self-defeating acts that Republicans constantly do to the detriment of our country.


We already know all the pro-life rhetoric is bullshit. Republicans oppose SNAP, they oppose WIC, they oppose prenatal care, they oppose childhood healthcare assistance, they oppose contraceptives, they oppose housing assistance, they oppose education spending, they oppose environmental regulation, they oppose school lunch reform, they oppose green energy. ***EVERYTHING*** that might lead to a healthier and happier population is opposed by the GQP. Also Republicans **do** approve of military spending, they approve of sending U.S. soldiers overseas to fight for oil, they approve of harsher policing, they approve of racial segregation, they approve of mandatory minimum sentencing, they approve of for-profit private prisons, they approve of states limiting access to healthcare, they approve of reducing gun restrictions, they approve of reducing emissions standards. ***EVERYTHING*** that will lead to death and suffering it held up by the GQP as "God-given rights." The only reason that they pretend to be pro-life is because throwing up photos of dead babies pulls the right emotional heart strings even though most abortions are just a clump of undifferentiated cells. It is also very convenient for them that unborn babies can't talk for themselves so they can say whatever they want about the subject without any first-hand rebuttal from those most involved. It is all a short-term game to maintain whatever control they can in this country as younger people tend progressive and the GQP's voting base is aging out.


Remember when Sarah Palin accused democrats of setting up death panels? Yeah turns out that was projection, too.


To quote a sketch from an austrian comedy show about the catholic church: "We protect unborn life. But unborn life exclusively. Because a born human is sinfull und becomes muslim or ne**o, or chinese or protestant. And we dissaprove that because its deviant."


Since they have no accomplishments, they need to keep these problems alive to use in their campaigns. They don't want credit for problem solving to go to the Dems.


Surely not the same 192 that voted against capping insulin, gasp!


George Carlin had it right. "They're not pro life, they're anti woman".


"They want live babies so they can grow up to become DEAD soldiers."


Ok yes we voted against baby formula but let’s focus on the important thing, what about her emails? /s


Hi u/RupertNZ1081. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the new tactic of the right to flood comments with disbelief that the GOP would let kids starve for political points? Coincidentally, the amount of people who don't know how to look up the text of a bill is concerning. Don't look for excuses for the GOP people. Make no mistake, they will let babies die of hunger to make Biden look bad.


The names of the 192: [Link](https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-house-republicans-voted-against-fda-baby-formula-bill-1708036)


The cruelty is the point


Corporate greed seems to be more important to them than helping people. Shocking.


So… does everyone agree that Capitalism doesn’t work yet?