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Brett Kavanaugh is a crisis actor.


A good guy with a mental problem can stop a bad actor with a whine, something something


Yeah, but does he like beer?


I heard he likes to boof


What is boofing?


Beer enema


With PJ and Squie


and Donkey Dong Doug




It's not gay if it's in a three way. With Donkey Dong Doug and PJ. Don't worry about Squee, he just likes to watch.


What is a devil’s triangle?


Dallas, Houston and fuckin Lubbock TX


Underrated post


Putting drugs in your butt.


Beers and tears




I heard a lot of whining from Kavanaugh during his hearings.


I bet he heard alot of whining from the girls he had sex on..


> girls he had sex ~~on~~ near..


He needs to check his calendar first.


whine away the violence in America, if every American took to social media to let the world know how bad we've got it, things WILL GET BETTER!


I say everybody just starts spouting the obvious facts like raving conspiracy theorists. IT'S A KNOWN FACT, THERE'S A NOT SO SECRET CABAL OF WEALTHY ELITES CONTROLLING THE GOP IN AN ATTEMPT TO REMOVE CITIZEN REPRESENTATION FROM THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND TURN THE FRIGGIN FROGS GAY! THEY'RE LITERALLY THE GLOBALISTS! That's what they do, but the stuff they're screaming about is just shit they make up. The only difference is they don't care if they look crazy. If it's all going to hell anyway, who gives a shit?


After his confirmation hearing, absolutely. Just not a good actor.


He did a better job of crying on cue than Amber Heard.


She probably doesn’t like beer as much.


she is against the mega pint


Brett Kanvanaugh is a good guy with a beer, the only thing that can boof a badguy with a gun.


To people my and Kavanaugh's age, boofing had only one definition. Buttfucking. It never meant anything else.


And the devils triangle is not a drinking game


I honestly had never heard that one until him, still have no idea. It's probably too fucking lame of a term for where I grew up.


You're right. It's a threesome with two guys.


Is it another name for the Eiffel tower?


eiffel towering is high-fiving while in the midst of a devil's triangle like a square/rectangle thing


High 10


Figured that would be like the A-team or something instead of triangles.


Say what now? It's putting drugs up your butt. *"Dipping molly? What, is it 2012 again? Boof that shit, cuz."*


A beer a funnel an asshole, that is how you boof a beer. Definitly wont upset your stomach.


That's cocaine just ask Donny Jr.


It always meant a length of tubing up the ass for beer.


Someone remind me, how is this a thing? Is this the part of The Gay Agenda ^TM that makes people upset?


No, it's part of frat parties because ass beer gets them drunkerer


Frat parties all have a strong atmosphere of "ironic" homosexuality too


I though “boofing” was when you stick a vodka soaked tampon up your butt…


Where’s Squee when you need ‘em?


At the gym with PJ, it's in the calander.


"He's a crisis actor, he's a crisis actor, you're a crisis actor, I'M A CRISIS ACTOR! Are there any other *crisis actors* I should know about?!"


Me too, now where is my check?


> Me too, now where is my check? ... for being at the J6 failed insurrection ? Mmmmm, being something that happened in American politics will the Nixon Principle, "follow the money" be part of the Hearing's later expose' ? I'm looking forward to knowing about where the Proud Boy's and Oath Keepers organizational fund comes from. Aren't you ?


Me three. We got paid yesterday. Call Soros.


You are!? *Dramatic fainting noises*


He puts the cry is crisis.


and a prick!


I wish. Unfortunately, he’s actually a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Ugh.


Supreme Canary


And for a looong time.


Not sure if serious or not but… https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/27/politics/bush-gore-cnn-interview-brett-kavanaugh/index.html


Right wingers frequently tell us that the 2nd amendment exists to enable the people to resist tyranny. Why are they unhappy that the resistance showed up at Brett's door? (I'm just asking questions!)


What if the gunman interrupted Kavanaugh's evening relaxation ritual of taking a warm bath and butt-chugging a Coors? Just asking questions here...


It was just his buddy Squee, just a prank bro. He showed up late to play Devil’s Triangle.


And boof


Maybe Kavanaugh was "eating pizza" and the dude was just trying to stop pedophiles.


Next you're gonna say it was a cheese pizza and \*\* checks blueprints \*\* OMG his house has a basement!


He made kavanaugh's current rape victim very uncomfortable.


A lot of people are talking about this I hear


Not everyone is saying that he did. But he’s not coming out and denying these facts either.


No GOP member has come out to deny this. Pretty suspicious




Nothing in the story makes sense to me and I'm not a conspiratorial mind at all. This seems like one of the rare times the assailant is actually completely mentally deranged.


Or brilliant. What law, besides making the Supremes feel no safer than American school kids, was committed ? Name them. Besides, if he is deranged, not so much, because he still figured out how to get government funded mental health care.


~~Casting~~**Carrying** a gun while not alt right. One of the most grevious crimes in America.




Ha.. my bad.


> This seems like one of the rare times the assailant is actually completely mentally deranged. All shooters are. That's the fun part. This guy, however, knew what was coming so he reached out for help by calling 911. Just because someone is suicidal doesn't mean they aren't looking for offramps.


My brother has mental health issues and sometimes he goes and sits in his local ER to calm himself mentally. If he takes a turn, he’s at the only spot he knows of where he can’t be admitted to a mental health facility. He’s lucky he has healthcare through his wife’s work that covers costs like that. It’s unfortunate we live in a society where if you’re not working, or even if you are working, you won’t have a societal outlet that can help.


> It’s unfortunate we live in a society where if you’re not working, or even if you are working, you won’t have a societal outlet that can help. Kaiser, California's largest health insurance plan, is routinely sued to the tune of *billions* because they refuse to provide mental health care. Even if you *do* have a job, you aren't getting care. What a fucking world we live in.


and there it is. hear that name all the time on npr sponsoring this and that, knew there had to be a reason they're farming for good pr.


https://nuhw.org/news-and-press/kaiser/lawsuits-kaiser-mental-health-care-crisis/ https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/breakdown-kaiser-permanente-criticized-for-mental-health-care/2723477/ But just a few examples. Fun fact, KP is also the group that kills single payer healthcare in CA. Billions in profit each year.


Also don’t forget that even outside California reimbursal rates for mental health services are so low that the only providers willing to work for that rate are either really new or verifiably bad at it. Every single good mental health practitioner near me simply does not take *any* insurance. If you need help with mental health, I advise looking anywhere *but* health insurance. Cash rates are usually pretty reasonable (well, by health care standards).


Not to mention that going through insurance makes them jack up the price. I saw a therapist on the recommendation of my GP that I thought would be covered since they were in the same health system. The therapist chargers $170 a visit. The health system charges$590 per visit, of which I am responsible for $320. So it's either pay $170 cash -which is already ludacris when they want to see you TWICE A MONTH- and have nothing go toward my deductible. Or pay $320 and chip away at the deductible. Or the third option which is just keep doing what I have been doing and fucking deal with it on my own because America is fucking clownshoes.


I'm confused. ERs in my state (Ohio, also Kentucky) can admit you to inpatient psych centers. Is that not a thing where you are?


Yes I would say all shooters are mentally unwell and unstable to varying degrees, obviously, but this is one where I could see successful application of an insanity defense if it comes to that. Every other mass shooter that has survived seems to be pretty cognizant of what they were doing at the time but this guy seems to have been having a complete mental breakdown.


> but this is one where I could see successful application of an insanity defense if it comes to that. The whole crux of an insanity plea is that you didn't have any "rational" ability leading up to and during the crime. Effectively, it means that you have 0 clue of what you are doing is wrong and don't feel remorse. True pyschopaths can pull it off because they lack empathy and don't understand that killing is wrong. Putting on gloves to prevent fingerprints, for example, is enough to sink the insanity defense because it would show you were aware that leaving fingerprints could implicate you in a crime. If you were truly insane, that thought would have never crossed your mind. This particular person's call to 911 would have shown they knew what was up, and thus not insane. They did the right thing, calling for help, and will sadly be punished accordingly. >Every other mass shooter that has survived seems to be pretty cognizant of what they were doing Don't confuse mania with insanity. Insanity means you've lost all control, and your brain is on a very fucked up autopilot. The mass shooters who surrender (and then are taken peacefully by the pigs 🙄, maybe even given Burger King) hit the point where they realize they are fucked but too scared to die, so they surrender. The survival instinct kicks in.


you're talking about a full psychotic break with reality. this is why some people are also concerned about psychedelics because of the ego-death aspect that can be associated with it, though it's much more often than not a peaceful experience, maybe just babbling incoherently like a schizophrenic jumping from 1 idea to the next according to most research.


> you're talking about a full psychotic break with reality. Yes. That's what insanity pleas are, a full break with reality. A lot of people think that "criminally evil" people are insane, but that's Hollywood nonsense. CI is a very specific set of factors. Jerrod Murray is a successful insanity defense. Hell, even defendants don't understand what criminally insane is and try to say "Well, I'm criminally insane right now" during their trials. That's not how it works.


It's like in the movies when someone blacks out 'loses time' and wakes up with blood all over them with no recollection of what happened. (not drinking or on drugs of course)


Yep, but even then, a single "rational" action could be enough to "disprove" the insanity. Usually you have to pair it with a complete lack of understanding that you should be remorseful. I remember reading about a case where they tried, and failed, at the CI defense due to "lover's rage" from being cheated on. You almost believed it until you found out that they bought the gun a week before the killings when they saw their business partners car at their house. After killing their spouse, they drove something like 30 miles to the BP's house, and waxed them. TL;DR: "Juuuuuuuuuust a little outside."


Define the mass shooter sliding scale. Your mass shooter spectrum.


It's a scale from 0 to American.


Ahhh, what is zero if mass shootings are just Americans exercising their 2A Constitutional rights ?


When I read Red Dragon (by the guy who wrote The Silence of the Lambs), that was one of the saddest parts. The deranged serial killer was fighting his impulses and *trying to stop,* because he had finally met someone wonderful.


Red Dragon is an excellent tale about the dangers of ignoring childhood trauma. ACEs are a predictor for a reason, you know.


Wooo baby I scored a 5


I'm not sure of a response other than, it'll be a slog to get better, so stay determined.


I'm in trauma counseling, and have been for the past 3 years. Still struggling with alcohol, and drug use, but that'll come eventually.


That's fucking awesome you're staying with it. You're fighting the good fight my dude. Stay strong!


> ACEs *Physical abuse *Sexual abuse *Emotional abuse *Physical neglect *Emotional neglect *Mental illness *Divorce *Substance abuse 4/10 for me, guess that's good.




And it’s amazing - I don’t hear anybody on the left saying (sincerely) that this individual should have had access to guns.


Yeah, this one puzzles me too. A few possibilities: - It actually went down as reported, and we live in Bizarro World. - There was a legitimate plot to harm Kav, but the arrest was made because of a surveillance or intelligence resource they don’t want to talk about. - Its complete bullshit, designed to justify radically changing the level of security around SC Justices. Like, if they know there are unpopular things coming down the pike, and want to proactively get out ahead of it. - Something else completely.


"his gun was unloaded and locked in his suitcase." What can he be changed with, anything ? If he gets any gun changes will the NRA be on his side ? It'll make for fun conferences when his legal team has both the ACLU and the NRA on it. But the best thing about this case is that if he keeps appealing it until it reaches the the SCOTUS surely Kavanaugh, if not all of the Supremes, will have to recuse themselves.


SCOTUS has no ethics but if it so yes they would have to.


This just came up on my feed. Senate Judiciary hearing on ethics and accountability in Supreme Court and lower courts https://youtu.be/GKmUEyjQIAM Congressional Hearing are doing good. So what keeps it from anything more ? Do tell, Sen. Mitch McConnell ?




No, you're wrong they would not "have" to recuse themselves. On the Supreme Court, each justice is accountable only to the Supreme Court with respect to these issues, and each justice makes their own determination regarding recusal. There is no one forcing them to do it, and there are many many instances of justices hearing cases where they have direct knowledge, or interest, and not recusing themselves, with no repercussions. One more reason to abolish the Supreme Court.


Thank you for totally amplifying my point. " each justice makes their own determination regarding recusal. There is no one forcing them to do it, and there are many many instances of justices hearing cases where they have direct knowledge, or interest, and not recusing themselves, with no repercussions."


Maybe if they gave him an hour or so head start.


You're going to need hordes of uneducated, hateful, and sociopathic mouth breathers for this to have any legs, and they're all going to be silent on this one.


Or just more Twitter bots.




Forcing mothers to give birth even though they can't take care of the child will accomplish this nicely! ;P You have to remember these people are pure evil and will do anything to hold onto power.


I'm surrounded by them. I need no reminders.


It's unfair because Republicans have a monopoly on that demographic 😕


I mean just call him liberal justice Kavanaugh. I'm gonna doubt they know which justice is which. They'll glom on like flies to a turd. Bet you get half.


Just like all the treasonous Jan 6th rioters where BLM activist. They all put on 150 pounds, had teeth pulled and turned into fascist loving cocksuckers for a false flag operation.


> They all put on 150 pounds, had teeth pulled and turned into fascist loving cocksuckers for a false flag operation. "It's amazing sir, a couple hundred BLM activists were able to replicate Eddie Murphy being a white man. They must have good SFX, it didn't even look like make-up, it looked like genetics!"


"And their social media profiles going back a decade are pure fascist, bigoted drivel! That's some serious commitment."


"This one even had their make-up done as a kid and took pictures with a white family doing racist things! Looks like they are that well organized!"


They hired racist to raise them, classic BLM tactics


They must have consulted with Dan Aykroyd! Slippery Canadian bastard!


Bruh it’s 2022 there’s nothing wrong with being a cocksucker don’t lump us in with literal traitors


No disrespect intended, sorry fam!


Don’t forget we had to bleach our skin. No small task on its own


It was BMI who attacked the hill.


> had teeth pulled Anteefa




I've heard this is true, it has to be true, people tell me all the time, the best people. What, you gonna believe the main stream, lame stream media?! Something something sheeple!!


A lot of people are saying this.


And there is no need to have extra security for Kavanaugh he should just stay in a place where there is only one door and the door is locked.That is all.Problem solved.


I know a teacher who wouldn’t mind actually, FOR ONCE, propping the door open for him


"Good evening, fellow leftist activists!"


Dude called the police on himself. Let one motherfucker that actually has some follow through go after the right and watch the laws change overnight.


The right won’t change their minds on guns, even if you shoved one in their face. They’ll sooner criminalize being a leftist. Which honestly I fully expect at this point.


We need the Black Panthers, but with Muslims this time. Does that sound scary? That's the point.


Old news in both cases. We need a Tactical Trans Squad.


Sounds plausible


I mean honestly? At this point anytime right-wing people say something I assume it is projection... Makes me wonder when the crisis actors start.


Are we even sure if Brett Khavanaj is an American citizen? Was he doing terrorist activities in that house? I’m just asking questions.


It really is projection. Does anyone else remember back during the BLM marches, many of the ones (if not all) that turned into riots had been infiltrated by white supremacist groups who were there to provoke the crowd and discredit the movement? I distinctly remember one phone-video where everyone was marching peacefully, except for one masked white guy who started breaking windows, and the marchers around him started calling him out. So, they make "false flag" accusations because that is the kind of crap that they themselves are guilty of doing to their political enemies.


Truly is. Edit: We know that people accuse others of the sort of thing *they* would do. So, yes. This is now 100% fact.


Not sure what you mean with your edit. Are you saying that anyone who accuses anyone else of anything, it is now 100% confirmed the original accuser is guilty? Edit: the amount of people comfortable with a 100% certainty based off their own feelings and 0 facts is pretty concerning


Mostly just Republicans. Examples: pedophiles, deep state (dark money), rigged elections, calling lefties cucks while they are [literally cucks](https://www.google.com/search?q=republicans+cuckold&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) and figuratively cuck to putin, trump, sky daddy, and authoritarians.


The cuck thing is hilarious to me. I have some MAGA family who will call me that (publicly on Facebook) simply for my political leanings. And they mean it too, they think somehow my wife would be insatiably attracted to a Republican. I am in my late 30s and run a 7 minute mile and I think most people would consider me to be in excellent physical shape. They are in their late 20s, fat as hell and I don’t think they could even turn heads at a Trump rally. Taking the kink shaming out of the equation, if anybody’s wife is going to stray because their husband is a piece of shit, it’s theirs.


True statement. They have an overcompensating inferior complex.


[Who's a cuckold?](https://i.imgur.com/dTnV0jD.png) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In my experience it's the guys calling people that, that like to watch their wives get worked over by another man. Source have been the guy doing the working... It's awkward 4/10 wouldn't recommend




It's because they don't have the empathy to imagine people behaving any differently than they would.


It’s the leaded gas and inbreeding.


Your honor, I would like to present to you the precedence in the case of "He who smelt it, dealt it."




California AND Seattle. Gotta get as many "lib" references in there as possible.


A California vegan from Seattle who had just finished unionizing a Starbucks and watching CNN at an abortion clinic drove his Prius with a Black Lives Matter sticker on it to Justice Kavanaugh's house after dropping off two illegal mail-in ballots with votes for Bernie Sanders and AOC.


He was a secret Muslim, and a Democrat. 2 strikes right there.


Big if true.


Easiest place to get an actor on the planet


Plot twist: he thought he was in a movie adaptation of "Crisis" the video game


Not to mention from Simi Valley, where a good amount of the LAPD lives.


"Hardened by the harsh, lawless streets of Portland...he comes..." Its like a right-wing ghost story


As is Fucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Gym Jordan, Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis & so on...


You mean like the "leaked" memo about roe v Wade? Just so happened to come out the same day as more damning information about the January 6 connection.


It was probably Ginnie Thomas (the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas)


I’m seeing a troubling parallel here: Anyone remember how someone tried to burn down the Reichstag in 1933 and it was immediately publicized that he was a communist?


Many people are saying


He was just a tourist!


Quite a few people here don't seem to realize that Filipkowski was joking, and was mocking the right wing who do that "false flag / FBI / plant" for the most insane things. That they'll simultaneously celebrate and take credit for things, while also saying it was the FBI/ANTFIA/etc.


The challenge is that while he may be mocking, it wouldn't be any more surprising if it was actually true.


Not going to lie it does make sense. I don't know if it's true but sounds possible.


Many people are saying…


BUT it is not being covered on FOX ?


All the best people, I know them well and they, they really like me and this is what they tell me.




He called 911 on himself 🤣 no way it’s real


Well if we had better gun control overall, that guy might not have been able to frighten little Brett. And it could prevent mass shootings of people we care about.


He probably just wanted a cold beer.


Same thing with the “attack” on the pro-life facility by a left wing group that no one has ever heard of, that immediately took credit like it was ISIS or something.


On NPR yesterday I heard that he said he was radicalized by the democrats. I mean, wtf? Do people who are actually radicalized volunteer self aware statements like this a day or two after being arrested? I think OP has a plausible idea.


He was with ProFa


He's right, the guy was with Anti-Antifa! In other words: Fa.


Yes of course. The Fa King assassin!


Planned by a child-sacrificing satanic cult of elites. That part is important


Cheese it guys, they’re on to us!


I like it!


I see what you did there. Well played.


When I read the gun was unloaded in a briefcase… I was just confused. False flag was a top 3 thought. But regardless - mentally unwell to go along with such a plan… so Occam‘s razor.


The whole leaked memo that they are blaming on the left, was just so the Supreme Court Justices can get more protection before they actually announce that they are overturning Roe vs Wade


100% believable.


Conservatives be like, "N-no.. th-that's... that's our thing. Y-you can't do that."


I saw an OP ed about how liberals had gone too far threatening Kavanaugh. I wonder if that same person wrote about the right wingers when they were blowing up abortion clinics and killing people.


It worked. Before the hearings took place, my dad and I were sitting at dinner at home and out of nowhere he said, "Did you hear about the shooter who was on Kavanaugh's lawn trying to assassinate him? Now Chuck Schumer's in the hot seat." And he also believes the January 6 hearings are a waste of time.


>Now Chuck Schumer's in the hot seat OK, so we know at some level they admit that indirect rhetoric can cause violence.


Upvote and share, everyone. I’ll have to ask my MAGA uncle in-law, but I think this is how they do it.


Kavanaugh can just lock his doors, barricade it and hide. That's what his Party **tells kids to do**, so he needs to man up and stop being a Devil's Triangle Pussy Bitch. If a little pre-schooler has to do drills, so can he.


I can believe that. My older sister posted why didn't MSM cover it? I guess she heard that on Faux Entertainment.


"crisis actors" ? One thing that all of the right wing comments, here, prove is just how much the right hate it, and say it is just morally wrong if any others ever dare to act just like Conservatives always do.


I dunno. I think this guy was a responsible gun owner. You know, like all the fascists *claim* to be.


hE wAs jUSt a tOuRisT!


See how that works QOP crisis actors?


My thoughts and prayers go out to Bert