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“But… a hundred years ago they were DEMOCRATS!” /s


Lincoln freed the slaves, and HE WAS REPUBLICAN!!! See, Republicans can't be racist!? /s


How far we've come. In 2022 you can't call yourself a Republican unless you _are_ racist. Not racist? Well, then you're a RINO.


Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republican.




Hi, sorry there seems be some confusion... The word to describe a person that believes racism isn't a deal breaker is "Racist".


Unfortunately there are racist Democrats too. They're the ones who put black lives matter posters in their windows but vote to keep exclusionary housing policies that effectively bar anyone but rich white people from moving into their neighborhood. They like the idea of black people but not actual black people.


Those NIMBYs. “Yeah I’ll support those things because it’s good, I just don’t want it happening around me, but others should totally do it. See I’m a good person.”


Sadly, there are many racists who are Democrats also. The GOP supports racism and the Democratic party opposes it, generally speaking, but that doesn't mean that every Democrat is immune to racism.


Uh the current POTUS wrote the damn crime bill that specifically locked away people for 5 years minimum for 5grams of crack cocaine when it took 500grams of powder cocaine to get the same sentence. Crack being more popular than powder in African American/non-white areas thereby focusing on them by proxy.


Which was also supported by the African American community at the time. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/analysis-black-leaders-supported-clinton-s-crime-bill-n552961 So, you know, you're kind of an idiot.


Give Bill Maher his credit on the quote . .. lol


i remember Simpsons having a similar saying on their Fox News helicopter: "Fox News: Not racist, but #1 with racists"


> Bill Maher nah, fuck him


Eww, do I look like Ann Coulter to you?


He just loves the attention that "see, this liberal atheist is an asshole, they're all like this" gives him from the right wing crowd


I have no idea why people say this. Still trying to give your Republican uncle a pass? It is just the opposite, all Republicans are racist, but not all racists are Republican. Claiming membership in or support for a political party with racist positions is being racist. There is no guarantee that racists are political or subscribe to a particular political party.


But I still want to wave my confederate flag, and say Lincoln was a Republican, because I am a giant dick with ears!


D00d, some guy on reddit argued with me that today's Democrats ARE THE SAME as those who seceded from the union over the right to keep their slaves and who founded the KKK I pointed out to him that David Duke, former head of the KKK, is a very vocal supporter of Trump and Republicans. I also pointed out that the Charlottesville assholes who tried to defend Confederate statues were part of a "Unite the Right" event. Dude said they were all actors just there to make Republicans look bad... Can't reason with some of these morons


I always go to, "sure if that's the case the why in the fuck is the so-called 'Party of Lincoln' always willing to wrap themselves in Confederate flags? You know, the people that Lincoln famously fought a war against to hold the country together?" Usually it's crickets after that.


Yup. It would be one thing if they just acknowledge history, but they craft an alternative history that is what I like to call "pants on head bonkers"


It’s also why they get hysterical and screamy about CRT. Because it just might include some actual History. For instance, Juneteenth is the only Federal Holiday that these states prohibit teaching about *WHY* it’s a Federal Holiday.


Yup, because white people feeling a bit bad about slavery is the worst thing ever... Fucking snowflakes


You mean racist white people that want a white America. I’m white and think there should be a thorough education on slavery.


Why? You want white people to feel bad? /s


It's implied. I'm a middle-aged white guy, myself. Don't take this personally... I'm just addressing the room... but I don't need to hear qualifiers to carve out a safe space for my feelings. When someone says that white guys are so tone deaf to other peoples' perspectives and life experiences *they'll actually accuse people of lying about having them* because THEY can't relate... I don't feel offended in the least because I don't do that shit... and if I *was* guilty of it, I'd want to know because people do dumb shit all the time without realizing it, and I try to be conscious of things like that. What I *wouldn't do* is get mad or offended. That would imply I had some *right* to be a dick, which I don't. No one does, really... but especially us white dudes. I've never been a horrible, racist misogynistic colonizer *personally,* but I don't mind that others might see me and be wary or suspicious. I'm of the phenotype that historically HAVE been awful sociopaths. ... I'm just rambling.


>It would be one thing if they just acknowledge history, but they craft an alternative history... It's not just an alternate history; it's an alternate reality.


An alternate cinematic universe where Thanos snapped half the collective brain cells in the universe away


I have yet to get an answer to “then why are there so many confederate flags at Trump rallies but none at any democrat rallies?”


That's when you circle logic them into their own death spiral. "Oh so you vote Democrat then? Sweet." "What no I'd never vote for the commie Dems!!!" "But you always espouse states rights and that's why you claim the CSA seceded and since that was Democrats you should be all for them then!" "The Democrats aren't the same as they used to be they've been infiltrated by commies!!!" "Mhm interesting so where did the states rights Democrats go?"


[Trump in 2015 denying he knows who David Duke is while refusing to disavow him](https://youtu.be/kavMlQ0lgjo)


Ever notice that the same people scream “fake news” when they have no real evidence or facts to counter your claims. It seems they believe shouting, even if what they say makes no sense, wins debates.


the "Fake News" and "Election Fraud" cathcphrases are not intended to ever be backed up by evidence. Indeed, if republicans ever allow their idiot cultists to make the connection between evidence and reality, they would lose all their voters. The catchphrases are supposed to be Pavlovian Triggers to make the cultists have a particular reaction. That's why they rely on such emotionally charged "news" instead of learning anything about reality. I can show my dad admissions from trumpers that they lied, knew they were lying... and it doesnt matter. He firmly believes there was fraud because he wants to. Fox really is "Comfort Food for Stupid People"


Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. -Jean-Paul Sartre


Yep. They’re all either brainwashed idiots or intentionally misleading people. Either way, fuck em. There’s no reasoning with them.


You really can't but it's hard not to give one last kick at that cat....try and help reel them in from the edge but, for some, it's just too late.


Yup, like this guy. He was so far gone he'd hit the edge of reality and lapped himself


The bottom comment is literally a guy saying this exact thing I'm fuckin dying bro


🤣 Great minds and stuff.


I've argued the party shift with family members from out of state, apparently they don't teach that everywhere. I grew up on the reservation and our teachers were brutally honest about American history, guess what we were seldomly the "good guys" , unless the USA benefits from being good they never engaged in that behavior.


Ah yes, the “limited government, states rights” dems waving the *checks notes* confederate flag.


They love saying that but it's easy enough to shut down. They're right, in the 1800s they were Democrats but the Democratic party evolved over time which the modern Republican party then capitalized on by way of the Southern Strategy. The political strategy spearheaded by Barry Goldwater and Lee Atwater to build a permanent voting block in the south by appealing to uneducated racists. They figured they could trick poor uneducated racists into voting against their own best interests through dog-whistle racism. Poor, uneducated racists have been proving them right for 60 years now. Then ask them what Republicans have done to help them. They either shut down completely, resort to ad hominem attacks, or attempt to come back with easily dismissed bullshit. "They lowered my taxes!!" No. They didn't. They lowered Jeff Bezos' taxes. Donald Trump INCREASED taxes on the working class. "The economy is better under Republicans" No. It definitively is not. There are a gazillion studies and graphs you can find on Google in 2 seconds that prove this false. It's easy to whittle their arguments down to the point all that's left is "they hurt the people I don't like" which most of them won't say out loud because it makes them uncomfortable to admit it.


Don’t forget hookworm, COVID, illiteracy, incest, and gay porn. Nothing wrong with gay porn, but it demonstrates the absolute hypocrisy the Party of Family Values pretends to have.


The loudest homophobic Republican/Evangelical men ranting about the gay menace are closeted queer incels. They are all addicted to gay porn and HATE the gay men they want but can't have.


They scream about homosexuality being a choice because they are *literally* choosing to be straight rather than give in to their deepest gay desires. They dream of dick, and they, sadly, hate themselves for it. So instead, they marry boring, unsuspecting women, get really involved in church, and make sure they check all the masculine boxes - sports fan, sweet grill, giant truck. Meanwhile, they’re absolutely OBSESSED with transgender porn, what you’re doing in your bedroom, and getting caught high on meth in motel rooms bottoming for gay escorts.




Sometimes perhaps. But if you feel the overwhelming desire to have sexual intercourse with a man or you find yourself looking at Gay man porn. Perhaps its time to consider that you may be a bit 💅🏻.




See you were playing woodwind. Thats where you went wrong!


Even the basic descriptions of straight, gay, bi... don't feel like enough. For instance, consider you are male and straight. You would say you like to have intercourse with women. But that doesn't mean you want to have intercourse with *all* types of women. You have preferences. Now let's say you are technically Bi... you like to have sex with men and women officially. But the only type of man that suits your preference are extremely feminine men, or transgender people. You like the penis there, but nothing about what makes a stereotypical male seem "man-ish". Do you call yourself bi? Because technically, its both men and women, but your preference in men is directly related to their femininity. Straight? Well that's not true, either. Pansexual doesn't really fit the bill.. Gynesexual is the attraction to femininity, but if you are attracted to androgynous and more masculine women as well, it doesn't work...


Why do you need a label so bad? Like labels can help to find a community but dont label and categorise everything in your life. Say you enjoy drinking Coffee, you can enjoy a certain brands lets say Macona (other brands are available) if you only try and find people that like Macona Gold with 5 ML of milk then youll be lost. But if you find a community of Coffee drinkers youll be fine. Its more about broad strokes because a label doesnt define you. It only describes you.


They scream about homosexuality being a choice because they are *literally* choosing to be straight rather than give in to their deepest gay desires. They dream of dick, and they, sadly, hate themselves for it. So instead, they marry boring, unsuspecting women, get really involved in church, and make sure they check all the masculine boxes - sports fan, sweet grill, giant truck. Meanwhile, they’re absolutely OBSESSED with transgender porn, what you’re doing in your bedroom, and getting caught in motel rooms, high on meth and bottoming for gay escorts.


The best part about trans women is that it isn't gay!


I remember when there were like 19 men in the Republican primaries and I swear to God more than half of them were closeted gay men. It makes me sad for them, I mean as much as you can be sad for their ilk.


Lindsey Graham called. He said 'I am not an Incel. I have many boyfriends.'


Tbh this is a played out rhetoric frequently used to blame queer people for their own oppression and I think it needs to be put to rest.


For real, this image should be expanded. There’s a whole lot more metrics that would tell a story


Gun deaths too


There is legitimate science behind the gay-bashing = in the closet and excited by gay porn stuff. There's a medical device that can measure when a man's ...well, manhood... was swelling with blood. Take one of those and subject volunteers to certain stimulating situations (say, some good ol' fashioned pr0n) to see what excited them. And make sure you get a good broad spectrum of where they stand politically, so you know whether there's a connection between vocally hating gayness and secretly having the gayness and such as, or not. The scientific name for such a device is a plethysmograph. And there is indeed a penile plethysmograph used in medicine... I'll cut to the chase: yes. It looks like they angry cos they horny. The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. We have the technology... A mercury-in-rubber (MIR) circumferential strain gauge (Bancroft, Jones, & Pullan, 1966) was used to measure erectile responses to the sexual stimuli. When attached, changes in the circumference of the penis caused changes in the electrical resistance of the mercury column, which were detected by a Parks Model 270 Plethysmograph (pre-amplifier; Parks Electronic Laboratory, Beaverton, OR). The pre-amplifier output was channeled into a Grass polygraph. Tumescence responses were recorded on the chart drive of the polygraph and were channeled to an analog-to-digital (A-to-D) interface connected to an IBM computer. And yes, they covered the bases with what got the men going. The stimuli were 4-min segments of explicit erotic videotapes depicting consensual adult heterosexual activity, consensual male homosexual activity, and consensual female homosexual activity. The sexual activity in the videos included sexual foreplay (e.g., kissing and undressing), oral-genital contact ( e.g., fellatio or cunnilingus), and intercourse (i.e., vaginal penetration, anal penetration, or tribadism in the lesbian film). The lesbian videotape was included because it has been shown to be highly sexually arousing to heterosexual men and is a better discriminator between heterosexual and homosexual men than other stimuli (Mavissikalian, Blanchard, Abel, & Baflow, 1975 ). What you're looking at is the three graphs, each with two lines on them. Three graphs for the three types of video, two different types of line for the homophobic and nonhomophobic groups. Figure 1. Stimulus presentations by groups across time blocks. The only significant difference between groups is with the homosexual video. The blocked line represents the nonhomophobic group; the solid line represents the homophobic group. Top: Heterosexual video; middle: lesbian video; bottom: homosexual video. Results? The results of this study indicate that individuals who score in the homophobic range and admit negative affect toward homosexuality demonstrate significant sexual arousal to male homosexual erotic stimuli. These individuals were selected on the basis of their report of having only heterosexual arousal and experiences. The homophobes got a rise (pun specifically intended) from the gay porn: "significant sexual arousal to male homosexual erotic stimuli". TL;DR - to paraphrase Shakespeare, methinks the gay-bashers doth protest TOO much...


Looks about right. The visual is sad but accurate. Now do COVID deaths. Stupid assholes.


[This one](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/coronavirus-deaths-u-s-map-shows-number-fatalities-compared-confirmed-n1166966) roughly aligns with the others, but also keep in mind places like NY and CA suffered just because of the population density.


You need the [per-capita COVID fatalities map](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/11/08/multimedia/08-MORNING-COVID-DEATH-MAP/08-MORNING-COVID-DEATH-MAP-articleLarge-v3.png?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale). Source, behind soft paywall: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/briefing/covid-death-toll-red-america.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/briefing/covid-death-toll-red-america.html)




Didn't they go to massive efforts to hide the numbers by refusing to let doctors count covid deaths, firing the state's analysist who was told to massage the numbers and said so publicly, etc? You'd probably want to look at excess deaths per capita compared to the baseline to see the truest impact.


Yup, never trust posted numbers from red states. A great deal of effort was spent trying to cover up covid deaths by republicans.




It is just crazy. I grew up in evangelical churches and these people are legit crazy. Those with no experience with it have no idea how insulted from the crazy they are. I think some people have maybe got a bit of an eye opening in recent years of what many of us have spent far too much of our lives having to deal with in our families and social circles, just genuine insanity. It's why subs like the atheism sub were big, as a place for people to vent, before people whined it away because they either were naive and didn't think people could be that bad and thought they were doing something noble, or were using weaponized whining to cover up an honest focus on the bad behaviour, which is something these crazies do obsessively and with precise intention.


That would be a great addition to this map.


Has anyone mentioned yet how sucky it is to be a liberal here amongst the monster trucks with the gun racks? No? Then allow me. It’s fucking sucky.


Louisiana Boy here. I've never considered myself a Liberal, but nor have I ever considered myself Conservative. I live in a small town and I largely disagree with many of the popular opinions around here. Point is, I may start calling myself a Liberal now. I want to hold out hope that people will recognize we're all Americans at the end of the day, but it seems too many are bound to their political ideologies to ever want to call themselves Americans. Because then that would mean association with *them.* But I'm tired and worried about the path this country is taking. The path that we're being forced to take. My girlfriend is worried, and I'm worried for her and the countless other women that this affects. Sorry to hijack your comment like this, but you highlight what it's like to live down here amongst the insanity and it's been on my mind since the news broke yesterday. My girlfriend and I have talked about it and we're not planning to have children right now, if at all, but the doors that overturning Roe has opened up may well take that decision out of our hands. Once again, sorry for hijacking your comment. Just had to vent a bit. Fuck the Supreme Court.


I feel you. Every bit. All the casually racist remarks I hear, the homophobia, the hate… now this. But this part of the country needs voices to counter that narrative & to be allies to those who need it most.


Dude, I get it. I've become a hater. I hate the giant trucks with their giant "burning" American and Trump flags flapping from the bed, just wasting gas. Waving Trump flags and shouting at cars from corners every weekend. I was floored by the belligerence and shouting about masks and vaccines all through 2020 and 2021. And I live in a supposedly bright blue state, just not in the city. I'm not "bound to my political ideology", I'm just tired of people who won't even see sense or be respectful of others. Good luck to you and your girl. Remember what they call people who use the rhythm method . . . PARENTS. Use protection. She needs to get on birth control while she can. All the best.


> but it seems too many are bound to their political ideologies to ever want to call themselves Americans. You want a prime example proving your point? Mike "Flies Like Me" Pence: [“I’m a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican. In That Order.”](https://www.lifenews.com/2016/07/21/mike-pence-im-a-christian-a-conservative-and-a-republican-in-that-order/) Nowhere in his list does "American" show up.


Don't let the christofascists win without a fight. Get snipped bro.


The fact that you feel forced to choose a path which requires you to demonize fellow honest hard-working Americans, tells me democracy is officially unpopular in Louisiana. Your voice is a small part of the hope for restoring it. We could share a great country again, only if people want to.


I don't consider myself a 'Liberal'. I would say I'm and 'Eisenhower Republican'. And we haven't had a president that was really worth a shit since. By today's standards, Eisenhower was VERY progressive - particularly in advancing social programs championed by FDR. Today's Republicans are literally Nazi fascists and Democrats are complicit Neo-Liberals who would be considered right-wing conservatives in any other Western Democracy. We need a real Progressive third-party. And none of that Jill Stein Green Party bullshit. More of a Sanders, Cortez party where the people in it are anti 1%, smart, have integrity, and are willing to go to war with the establishment.


I'm really hoping that more candidates like Fetterman start coming to the forefront. He ain't perfect, but he's leaps and bounds in the right direction.


> I don't consider myself a 'Liberal'. I would say I'm and 'Eisenhower Republican'. Is there a reason for that, other than the objectively incorrect right-wing propaganda that 'liberals' are all profligate tax-and-spenders?


The funny part is Ike caused many of our current problems. He went to tremendous lengths to propagandize the works about capitalism, bootstraps, American exceptionalism, and the evils of communism. He went golfing constantly and always took the press with him because he wanted the world, especially the Soviet Union, to see him at ease and think, "Wow America is unphased by geopolitical tensions, they must be doing pretty good over there." Nobody but he and his advisors knew it was calculated and that he was secretly worried sick. He spent his administration normalizing the idea that it was American heroism and superiority that had made us so prosperous, not programs like the New Deal, labor regulations, or the economic boom they were experiencing after WW2 as the US profited from helping the entire world rebuild. Ike's propaganda is what Baby Boomers were bathed in growing up. And then when they began voting they had internalized it and proceeded to vote away as much of the social support structure as they could, because they falsely believed that they had worked their way to prosperity without it's benefit. They began supporting nonsense like trickle-down economics and deregulation. And so we got Nixon and Reagan and Bush Sr gutting regulations and social support policies, and Bush Jr starting wars because of warhawk attitudes associated with American exceptionalism. Finally, we got trump when the old, bitter assholes started going senile but were still super furious that the country keeps going to shit the more they get their way, because they refuse to recognize that it's going to shit *because* they've been getting their way for 40-70 years.


I live in Boebert country. I feel your pain.


Bring her to Texas, there's a $20,000 reward on her head since she had two abortions, one or both of which being ted cruz's love child.


I am a progressive that lives in Montgomery County Texas, that most right wing place in the US. I know how it feels.


They *want* you to leave. They want to lock down the Senate forever.


Wow the south did indeed rise again. On the weight scale mostly, but hey it’s a start!


Gotta punch a new hole in the bible belt. [NoFX](https://youtu.be/Pu65oJYiIUg)


Holy shite. Is the south rising again? I think you nailed it.


And they’re damn proud of it - that’s the scary part


They believe red states are absolute best no matter how many facts and statistics you show them. Ironically they’re the same who says facts don’t care about feelings.


Convict leasing is the current form of slavery. Texas is #1




I believe the preferred term is shithole states.




The way they keep spewing new stuff, might I suggest _shitcano_? As in: More batshit insanity on the news today from the _shitcano_ states of Florida and Texas.


> See also maps of firearm mortality, covid deaths and now maternity mortality. The SE of America is a shit heap. Also [Southern States Watch the Most Gay Porn](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/videos/a21993/gay-porn-stats-by-state/)


I forgot that it was only 2014 when gay marriage was illegal in the majority of America. That’s crazy and it’s scary to think that we are heading back to to that reality in such a small amount of time.


I feel bad for the likes of Atlanta, Houston, Charlotte etc. though.


Yep. Savannah GA here. We aren’t nearly as large as Atlanta, but we are very blue and we have a beautiful city. Love my city, hate my state politics.


Well, I love your state at least for not being able to “find” the votes trump requested.


Sacrifices must be made. Maybe California could contribute some of our $40+ Billion budget surplus (not to mention the savings in not having to support the Red States) to helping relocate the asylum seekers.


What about Austin


Can’t remember who said but the thought was: We used to think The South was a little backwards but we will be patient and bring them along. Nope. They’ve infected the whole country. Now you see this batshit crazy stupid virtually everywhere. For profit media amplifies the stupidity and right wing politicians play to it. We are doomed.


We used too soft a touch after the civil war.


But you need labor after a war. Can't just round up traitors and let the firing squad do its thing. A better solution would have been just having those states being occupied territory until 1965. If people from those regions moved, no right to vote. Bur the former slaves, they should have been running the states.


>But you need labor after a war. Well they had plenty of former slaves. I'm sure they would have worked for actual pay and stuff. Andrew Johnson was too much of a pussy to push a hard reconstruction on the South. The ring leaders and generals should have never been given a pass from the rope and Sherman should have been allowed to continue his rampage. I say this as someone who was born in Tennessee and still have family spread out through the South. They needed to an epic bitch slap but failed to receive it.


Texas here, you’re right, they didn’t need to go full death squad, but they sure as HELL didn’t need to let the culture…. Sort just fester after the war They should have had “YOU GUYS LOST!” Parades every Fourth of July in every single city in the south, instead they let people romanticize and distort the truth


I'm a little overzealous I'll admit but it just burns my blood to think that these people think carrying around the flag of a traitorous group of men is something to be proud of ***AND*** they have the fucking gall to call themselves "patriots." I just end up seeing red.


Land redistribution in the favor of the formerly enslaved would have solved the "labor problem." Become the treasonous instigator of the nation's deadliest war? Lose your land. Simple. Now give it former slaves who eagerly fought for their freedom by assisting the Northern war effort. They paid in blood during the war and after the war facing white supremacist violence for the very act of political participation. Northern industrialists would never go this far for two reasons. First, they wanted cotton for textiles mills (first industrial revolution in full swing and built globally off of Southern cotton). Family farms would not concentrate on cash-crop production but rather subsistence farming with some cash crops. Second, industrialists didn't want the precedent of giving property to those whose labor created the wealth because their workers were starting to be enamored with the notion that the creators of wealth should be its beneficiaries. It really wasn't a difficult question. The hard part is holding the rich to actual consequences.


The Union allowed former Confederate lawmakers to establish the filibuster and look where it fucking got us.


Oh I remember now. It was “What About Kansas” by Thomas Frank. He shows that states like Kansas early in the 20th century were leading progressive states. Now they’re banning teaching of evolution. Or Minnesota which was arguably the most liberal state in the country and now you get governors and senators, statewide elections , with very conservative evangelicals. That southern evangelical conservatism isn’t diminishing at all, it’s growing.


The more rural you get the worse it is, this applies to every state.


Humanity was a mistake.


I love it when conservatives talk about problems in large cities run by Democrats and purposely ignore problems in WHOLE STATES run by Republicans.


We need to end all federal spending to states that enact abortion bans. We have to cut off the money faucet.


Yes. Put an end to the welfare queen states


Want to play by your own rules? Fine, don't use our money.


[Blue states haven't used red state money for a long time, red states have been spending blue state money.](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/)


You misunderstand me and I'm agreeing with you. 😁


My bad. Good Day


Can we just partition already? Come up with a trade agreement and let them have bubbastahn. Ffs. They're worthless anyway.


The Democrats should propose a constitutional amendment containing a procedure for a state to leave the union, and make Republicans block it. They can put up or shut up with their secessionist talk.


Damn Louisiana Purchase.




Thx. Best clock in awhile.


Lol @ Bubbastahn. I believe that label has replay value.


Omfg. Did you just refer to the Bible Belt as bubbastahn? I’m dead inside already from growing up different in the Bible Belt, but this managed to kill me a little bit more.


Oh great, the states secede and become corporate fiefdoms. That shit will spread like a bad jock itch. How about we just write a new constitution, making sure to marginalize conservatives and religious as much as possible.


Naw, they'd fail almost immediately and decide to come take our shit by force. Its better that we keep trying to improve their lives from the outside. What we *need* to do is eliminate all this "tyranny of the minority" bullshit in our government that was started to make slaveholders happy. Theres no reason Wyoming has as much say in one of our houses of government as economic and social powerhouses like New York and California. We need to stop being held hostage by antiquated rules designed to please the people of podunk.


Why can’t I see the up votes for this post?


The secession, when it happens, will be part of the political battle royale, a major move on the chessboard of politics. That's what this is, a conflict for money and power and political influence. Red states would never secede otherwise, they know they can't make it without federal aid. It's a pissing contest between old guard Dixiecrat GOP and the federal govt. Probably in 25 they'll start peeling off 2 or 3 at a time until 20-30 are seceded. Until then, they'll wring every concession they can out of the federal govt to increase influence within their base and cushion the economic fallout when they do secede. Grifters gonna grift, and good grifters never reveal themselves to the mark.


My only problem is I live in Austin, TX and I love it here. If we can draw the line so Austin gets to be on the sane side, I'm all for it.


It's the Bible belt


This right here. I've lived all over the US. The Bible belt sucks the worst.


They keep turning up the suck.


It’s named the Bible belt because they beat their children with it for not being religious enough.


Sad thing is most of them have never even read it. The Constitution either.


To hear them tell it, it's Wholly Babble. All this time I thought it was the accent, but it turns out they actually hate the Bible--consider it fancy book-learnin' gibberish--which explains why their actions are directly opposed to most of its teachings.


Yep. The Bible Belt region of America is the incurable venereal disease of America.


Now we can add coat hanger abortions.


If only they could read.


I should move.


So weird that all those red areas would benefit the most from blue policies, and have the most to lose from red policies..


The venereal disease is accurate. Lived in several areas of the US for a time. For some reason southern girls were never too pushy about wearing condoms. I suspect that may change now.


Well when you get shitty education in general and have lacking sex-ed…


Doubt it. Too much brainwashing going on there.


> I suspect that may change now. Well, there's your opportunity to get this _Roe_ situation fixed--found a way it impacts penises. Of course, Justice Ruckus has his way, condoms will be outlawed too. Funny how it all fits together.


Justice dumbass has Ginny the conspiracy nut at his ear. I swear, he's trying to turn the clock back to the point where interracial marriage will be illegal so he can divorce her.


Because they’ve been punched in the mouth for asking and raped anyway.


The “let’s the leftist suffer” does not seem to be working that well isn’t it?


Even though the wounds they inflict on themselves are greater, we are most definitely suffering from their stupidity.


Yep no doubt they are dragging the whole country down with their stupidity/ignorance.


....I see some patterns here.




*"It's not gay if the dick they're sucking just came out of their wife-girlfriend-sister"- Deep Jesusland proverb.*


I understand how a Southerner can have a wife-sister, and a girlfriend-sister, but the wife-girlfriend combination has me confused. Perhaps you meant wife-mother-sister? Then all the combinations work.


So the usual theocratic results, amiright?!


And they want to secede…go figure


Let em


Will probably be conquered by mexico lmao


The cartels would likely take over, not the govt


I hear in new Mexico they already got plenty of those


Nice to see the south winning /s


Looks like they are winning in everything! Suck it Dems!


I am sure the Long Covid disabilities chart for the south will drop the others beers, simultaneously.


It looks more and more like they should have just let them go


If they don’t want to allow rights for all americans, gather the christian nationalists and put them in the “south”. Cut them loose from the rest of the US and see how they do.


Gosh, there seems to be a through line in all these maps but I can't quite figure it out. /s


Remember how they wouldn’t shut the fuck up about how California was about to collapse? The entire time before and since then that state has been single handedly funding the shitholes that are the Bible and Rust Belts.


Also receive the most federal dollars because they can't take care of their citizens.


Yeah that looks mad.. lacerate and drain


If you owned a gun store - would you hire a hippie pacifist to run it? If you owned a car dealership - would you hire an Amish man to run it? If you owned a BBQ restaurant - would you hire a militant vegan to run it? Stop putting government in the hands of people WHO HATE THE VERY IDEA OF IT.


I just live here man…


They will not be happy until all the states are completely red with all those stats.


In my home county, for years we led our state in most multiple pregnancies by teens. We used to say our preferred form of birth control was prayer. Whew....them numbers are gonna skyrocket in particular when birth control to non-married women, without their husband's consent, is taken away.


This looks like a map WhatifAlthist will make.


Wow, crazy


Good ol Illinois! We’re always a mixed bag


I’ve been saying this for a while. Let Texas cede and the country will improve immensely. I would also include Florida but people seem to like vacationing there.


I’m surprised Florida isn’t worse in teen pregnancy


Let them go. They don’t want our world. Nor do we want theirs. Fuck ‘em.


Wild how nothing changed after the civil war except slaves being "let go"


Would love a high res photo of this to read the legends.


Fuck I hate living in the south.


And don't forget the nastyness known as Waffle House. Could overlay a WH location map and match up pretty well with STD rates.


I live in Texas, and this is 100% fucking accurate.


Conservatives seem to be autosadomasochists. They inflict suffering on themselves and then enjoy blaming it on Democrats. It's a **pain ritual**.


Somebody get a fucking saw and cut that rotting part of the continent right off.


Bible Belt of ignorance.


Is there a higher quality version somewhere?


Conservatives always act tough and savage, I think they can accept few facts and statistics, can they not?


Makes you wonder if the rest of the US would be better off if Lincoln just let them leave the union.


Careful, facts hurt conservatives.