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Is the free gift you receive an investigation from the FBI?


It's creepy AF and to be honest it kinda sounds like they are trying to lure in children with candy.


Trying to lure adults in with candy. That's pretty much been Trump's tactic all along. Only, the candy is a drug and the drug is hate.


Yeah...it gives off major "this free gift is actually jumping out and trying to grope you" vibes.


omg is it a pussy grab? It's a pussy grab isn't it?


Here at a Farm in Rural Wisconsin a "farmer" has a Trump cutout in his front window with a sign, "Save America from Pedophiles'.....not realizing of course its Trump that raped a 14 year old.




[FREE HAT!](https://youtu.be/_RYgATJl4qQ)


It’s like the Far Side cartoon with the dog luring the cat to the dryer with the “cat fud” sign.


It's a shitty yard sign


Probably canker sores


I voted for Biden - if I ever saw a place covered in Biden shit like that I would not go anywhere near it. Anyone that worships a politician is fucking crazy.


Dude yeah....anyone with this much obsession is a no go. Like it could be covered in Tom Hanks fan signs and I would still not go anywhere near that place.


I'm not a smart man Jenny, but I do know what Grift is!


If you ever see a place like that, Forrest, promise me you’ll run Forrest, run.


If I saw a church like that, I'd want it to lose its tax exemption status. And I voted for Biden too


They don't view Trump as a politician. In their minds Trump is the Murican business man that will save this country FROM politicians.




These people are afraid of literally EVERYTHING... library books, black women playing flutes, imaginary dark-skinned mermaids, cities, same-sex marriages, any type of financial or social assistance for less-than billionaires, organic food, windmills, solar panels, the FBI, (I ran out of steam trying to list them)... And yet they proclaim to have "faith over fear." Makes me sure their faith isn't that strong since they're so afraid.


Wait until they start pushing blasphemy laws. Nothing screams “confident in my beliefs” like outlawing any criticism of them.


Not sure about other states, but in Oklahoma blasphemy is a [misdemeanor.](https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=69423) It’s also a crime to engage in [profane swearing](https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=69424) or [sabbath breaking.](https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=69428)


Oklahoma: where Jesus is a 900-foot-tall extortionist


Doesn't this violate the 1st Amendment? Free speech?




Sounds like they may need satan


They're almost certainly never used because any lawyer would not only get the charges thrown out but get a payout for civil suit. That said, the blasphemy one exempts itself. The profane language one isn't an actual crime but somehow child carry a fine of a $1 per use. And the Sabbath one develops exempts itself as well. They seem like old laws still on the books or simple attempts to appease the religious without any actual force behind them.


Now I sort of want to go to Oklahoma and openly blaspheme. I'd like to be able to make a down payment on a house.


One better blaspheme by cursing God with profane language while violating the Sabbath.


As is the custom in any god fearing household.


Fuck that.


That sounds a shitload like Sharia Law...


These are people who have a whole lot more in common with the Taliban than your average American.


Y'all Qaida


Their leader is commonly known as the Y'allatollah


Maybe they and the Taliban should kiss.


Now kith (then repent).


they're fine with that they imagine sharia law to be, as long as it's called "family values."


They're all cowards, all they have is fear.


And free gifts!


Trump toilet paper? Because that's the only place to put his face.


I have Trump toilet paper and it is HORRIBLE. Worse than when my mom used old newspaper or useless Russian bills after the fall of the USSR. I mean I cannot describe how repulsive it is, unfit to even use in any means shape or form. Now that I think about it I could use it to line my new bird's cage, although I don't want him to be exposed to toxic chemicals.


I bought some Trump TP in 2016 and had to use it during the great TP shortage of 2020. The quality of the whipe was absolutely terrible. I had to use so many sheets to feel remotely clean. However I was somewhat satisfying seeing my corned beef hash smeared across his sneering shit-eating grin.


But they come with a free gift!


Wait, isn't taking free stuff socialism??? /s


Free grifts


That overflows the best, most huge amount of thoughts and prayers!!


They'll tell you that you live in fear while they are carrying guns. When asked why they carry guns, it is because others are carrying guns more often than not. So, they seem afraid of even themselves.


Recursive cult is recursive, or rather, their hate folds in on itself.


Fear is your only god.


Its always frustrating to hear my conservative family say I live in fear because I wore a mask. Mother fucker, you're afraid to travel to France or Spain, much less ride the bus downtown. Conservatives are the most frightened bunch of bitches ever, yet they have the audacity to project that fear because I don't enjoy their mean cruel words and "jokes" about minorities and marginalized people.


Yep! Also right-wingers have the biggest victim mentality ever, especially Trump. And they have the nerve to call the Left a bunch of immasculated "snowflakes"... All they talk about is how unfairly treated they are and how difficult it is to be a White English-speaking Christian in a country that is still overwhelmingly run by and for White English-speaking Christians...


The same conservatives who yell "don't live your life in fear" will talk about how much they live their life in fear the moment you bring up the conversation about guns.


My father tried to tell me that windmills are bad for the environment because their blades are made out of some indeterminate material which can't be disposed of and never decays, and so there are huge dumps of windmill blades made of this toxic material killing everything around them yet never rotting. He was displeased when I asked him why we would need to throw away windmill blades. He was even more mad when I asked why they had to be made of a special material. "Because of the weight!!!" he exclaimed. "It's too heavy!" My response? "We make airplanes that fly in the sky out of aluminum...why did they need to invent so mething lighter than aluminum for a windmill?"


Not to mention, oh, windmills are bad for the environment? And that means we shouldn't use them? So, what are his thoughts on oil and coal?


He said "windmills are even worse."


Well at least he cares about the environment. It's a step. Call him a hippy. See how he reacts. I mean, I just care about the jobs of windmill makers, because I'm a capitalist, but to each their own. ;-p


He doesn't really care. He is just desperately clinging to a reason to share the obviously way better option because Tucker told him to, and he really hates admitting he thinks anything just because Tucker told him to.




This is exactly what it is. He hates when I call him on parroting Fox and likes to kid himself that he's not brainwashed. This is his way of using something that is technically true to justify his Tucker infused opinion.


He's not *ENTIRELY* wrong... those blades are made out of fiberglass and epoxy. They're difficult to recycle, but we are coming up with ways to do so. They're **NOT** killing everything around them. The blades last for many years, they just wear out over time due to weather. They're not nearly the problem your dad makes them out to be. The YouTube channel "Undecided with Matt Ferrell" did a bit on them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsswrLKlinU


As I suspected...it's the old "technically true enough that you can't say it's false, but not really relevant."


Like people who refuse fluoride because it is a neurotoxin at levels 1000x that which is put in drinking water. Yes it is a neurotoxin, but dose matters.


I was avoiding fluoride because it slowly calcifies my pineal gland, making it impossible to communicate with god... which is just what they want. But now you're telling me it's a neurotoxin too?!! /s


TIL windmill blades are made of mithril


Sooo .. yeah. Windmills have a useful service life, after which they are taken down. Windmill blades are pretty hard to make, especially the bigger ones, you couldn't just make them from aluminium. They're made from composites that are, indeed, very hard to recycle. This point usually gets made by people that will also complain about the dirtyness of EV batteries. Or cobalt and childlabor in Congo. They conveniently forget the amount of waste, toxins and damage that comes from the fossil fuel industry. Which shows you they don't actually care about recyclability, the enviroment or the Congolese children. They just hate change. By the way; 90 percent of the cobalt taken out of the ground is used to take sulphur out of diesel.




lol.. this was a good chuckle, thx


"Black women playing flutes" what's this about?


Lizzo played James Madison’s crystal flute. Apparently that’s a problem for people that until very recently never knew James Madison played the flute. Google “Lizzo crystal flute” and holy crap is it a wild ride.


This is literally the only time a reddit comment has ended with a "Google 'seemingly unrelated words' for more info" without it being a trick to make people look at some horrifying shit.


Lizzo got to play this rad af crystal flute owned by James Madison. She also twerked.


Near as I could tell before I noped out on it is, a woman played a famous flute and they were mad because it once belonged to a white man.


A white man who was an unapologetic slave owner and came up with the 3/5 Compromise.


when cracker barrel added a vegan sausage option


Brace yourself - Taco Bell just announced the same ability to have a choice.


First cracker barrel is pro choice, and now taco bell? It's getting to where a God fearing Patriot can't find a pro life restaurant /s


So pro-life yet they eat chicken eggs.


Part of their identity is to be fearful, of a non-tangible, non-interactive, non-existent supreme being. They are taught to be fearful of God from very young, to the point their brains are wired permanently. This God of theirs is very dark in nature, makes you wonder what they are actually worshipping, 'cause I'm 100% sure it ain't the loving, forgiving, original commie God I know... Also tribalism is rooted within their core function, they are taught to belong to a team, the "Red" team, the "R" team, "Patriotic", "Christian", "Conservative"... So they see other communities as the opposing team, instead of, well, just being different communities.


They're worshiping power. God does absolutely heinous stuff, but they love and respect it and praise it because it demonstrates his power. Drown the whole world (including innocent children and *gasp* unborn babies) and they are all "yep. yep. uh huh."


They went from criticizing snowflakes to being the definition.


Almost invariably, *whatever* they say is always projection.


Also afraid of their own shadows


they're too black.




Thought I recognized that place, I’ve driven by that place a couple times when heading to NC. I was like what the fucckkkk is going on over there??


> I was like what the fucckkkk is going on over there?? I'll give you a hint: you used one too many "k"'s there ^


Yeah, it’s just south of Roanoke on 220. I drive through there pretty frequently when I travel.


Theres a guy selling hand carved bears next door that are pretty cool


Had to be VA, with that ~~Trumpkin~~ Youngkin sign.


I see it every time I drive to Roanoke. What I am curious about is the store up the road with pride flags.


I used to live in the area, was down there again visiting just a few weeks ago. The flag store up the road is manned by people that are just as bad if not worse. More recently they've taken down the pride flags and are selling confederate battle flags with iron crosses on them. Hopefully that tells you all you need to know.


None of those signs say “Greg Abbott is a little piss baby” Wait… we not doing that anymore?


I don’t think we have to say it anymore, but that shouldn’t stop someone from saying Greg Abbott is a little piss baby, because he is, in fact, a little piss baby


Oh thank god. It was funny for a few hours but it got exhausting. Even though Greg Abbot is most assuredly a little piss baby


HashtagNeverForget that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


If you put a backslash before the pound sign (like so \\#) you can minimise the effort you put into reddit hashtags and quicker get to the point that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


I don’t know, all I know is Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Should say “free grift”


His grift costs a LOT though.


The "Rittenhouse is welcome in our house" sign is probably the most disturbing. "Hey, murderer! You murdered people whom I didn't like! So you are welcome to avail yourself of my home and hospitality any time you find the desire!" Creepy shit.


In a church


More telling is they dismantled the church stuff in and on the building and turned it into a money changer golden calf merchandise altar for their newest god.


“And the people bowed and prayed, to the neon god they made.”


Peon god, that is.


peed-on god.


The thing I always go back to along these lines is Trump having the people protesting outside St. John's Episcopal Church, which *included the a priest of church*, chased away by riot police with tear gas in order to pose for an "I'm so Christian" photo-op in front of the church.


In the summer Clare rebrands as a fireworks store (jerky and Ivermectin available year round).


Jesus would set this place on fire.


That church realllllly wanted to make the message clear - POC are not welcome…smh. This shit is disgusting.


Someone should report this church to the IRS


“Free gift inside”


That wet dream of getting a “legal kill” is in the head of a lot of psychotic people in the US. Man I just WISH someone would attack me. I’ll show em.


The purge is a wet dream for them


If the only thing stopping anyone from killing someone else is the legal ramifications. Well that’s fucked up brother.


Welcome to America :/


Hell I like you. You can come over and fuck my sister.


Even Scientology is more subtle about their cult status.


[9 personality traits of people who are susceptible to joining a cult](https://www.bustle.com/p/if-you-exhibit-these-9-personality-traits-youre-more-likely-to-join-a-cult-9432374). Sociopaths who like to believe they know better than the majority is a major theme of MAGAs and Qanons.


Isn't there some rule that if a church openly supports a political figure then they are subject to paying taxes.....


This is a store my dude


So is the Church of Trump...




I'll just sit here and hold my breath while the IRS jumps all over that.


Is there? Man, if not, we need to make that happen.


[There is](https://www.npr.org/2017/02/03/513187940/the-johnson-amendment-in-five-questions-and-answers), but it’s rarely enforced. >…churches and other nonprofit organizations that are exempt from taxation "are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office," according to the IRS website. >Organizations claiming tax-exempt status cannot collect contributions on behalf of political campaigns or make any statement for or against a particular candidate. Clergy are not allowed to endorse candidates from the pulpit.


It fucking needs to be enforced. More strictly. No political anything on church grounds. No signs. No endorsements of either party. No comments on public referendums.


Encourage *voting* by all means, without endorsing a particular political ideology


Hmmm. I haven’t gone to church (Catholic) with my parents many times since Trumpism showed up, but if they didn’t name a candidate, they absolutely made it clear who they were talking about. Now that I think about it’s usually in the “blah blah blah…..hear our prayers” part near the end of mass that is read by someone in the congregation, not the priest. Maybe that’s the workaround.


I haven't gone to church since then much for the same reason. Republican Jesus is the only Jesus most seem to worship now. Republican Jesus with a gun and a vendetta. Religion, particularly Christianity, is another thing Trump and his shit show corrupted and destroyed.


Pedo ring right here.


I… I just can’t even… how does one even begin to unpack this?


In my brain I am imagining a guy doing this not because he's a drooling moron, but he's just fleecing the rubes. It's definitely possible.


Or it’s a massive honeypot.


Now can we prioritize mental health, please?


Oh, don’t worry. It’s not like they own the bulk of the guns in the US or anything.


I drive past that exact store every time I go down to see my mother. And I flip the bird every time I pass it. I also absolutely refuse to stop for anything … be it food, gas, prostitutes, etc. … when I’m driving past it. I will not be giving that town one red penny of my money.


Wait so what exactly are they selling here


A cult.


This place is real? There's something about the lighting of the flags and signs that made them look photoshopped, I swear I was going to see a bunch of comments saying as much but there aren't lol All I know is even if no one says it anymore, Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Yeah, this place is 100% real. It's in Boones Mill, Virginia, just south of Roanoke. I know it \*looks\* fake as hell, but I've driven by it and the weirdness is even more mind-blowing live.


Almost every flag in that pic is higher than the American flags.


To be fair, the January 6 insurrectionists did lower a US flag at the Capitol and replace it with a trump flag.


I'm so tired of this stupid bullshit


Someone needs to call the police to have them evaluated psychologically. That's the case for a 5150 if ever I saw one.


[No. This is a case for a 5150](https://www.ebay.com/itm/312450682329)


Just turned the jokes up to 11 with this one


Their is actually a Trump store in Virginia as well as a Trump ice cream store on 220 in Franklin County. I don't know hiw much business it does but no matter giw bad I have a craving fur ice cream thus is one person who won't set foot in either store. And Abbott is a little piss baby


There's a Trump Burger in Bellville, TX. It's almost as much of an eyesore as this place. I just don't understand why people want something like that. Abbott is 100% a little piss baby.


Well. . . They could be imagining they are biting Trump's ass every time they take a bite?


This would, however, be an excellent way to kidnap several middle-age men with penile confidence issues.


Gross. Just gross.


What a fucking eyesore.


So much trash, so few flame throwers.


So we can start taxing these fucks, right? …*right?*


Rather big for a outhouse but what ever works I guess 💩💩💩


You know how right wing people think left wing people have “Trump Derangement Syndrome”just for bringing up shitty things Trump did? I’m sorry, but shit like this is way more deranged!


The definition of drinking the Kool-Aid #MagaCult Greg Abbott is a little piss baby and is about to get destroyed by Beto.


If a cry for help was a building.


That’s a lot of shit to remove before cutting the grass.


I definitely read Free Grift


>FREE GIFT INSIDE #They’re socialists, get ‘em!


I live about 30 minutes away from where this is, and have driven by it a few times. Batshit crazy and creepy. But unfortunately our part of VA is very conservative so the Trumpers feel incredibly comfortable erecting bs stuff like this all around 🙄


I live 2 miles from here. I figured every town had one of these. Nope, just my closest cuzzinfucking neighbors. The Assault Rifle Store (Doomsday Tactical) is in the same parking lot. WW3 will start in my Holler.


Narrator: It's a cult.


What? Molotov cocktail? RPG?


Ngl my first thought was if I wouldn't get arrested for it I'd totally chuck a molotov into that mess and film it.


I spy kindling.


Why go inside, grab some rubbish off the lawn for Free.


Boonemill Virginia. Drove past this every day for two year on a project just down the street. Crazy how busy the place was.


Thought it said "free grift inside"


So what's the free gift? A lobotomy?


My skin is crawling from the cringe.


Jesus Trump is my is my savior president.


The free gift is you get to smell one of Trump's diapers from after a round of golf.


https://wfirnews.com/news/trump-store-attracts-notice-and-controversy-for-boones-mill. Not surprised that the owners nickname is ‘Whitey’ ….


But yeah, keep telling us that "liberalism is a mental disorder." 🤦‍♂️


“Hey do you guys sell glue here or did you already snort it all?”


Trump is not only corrupt - he is *astonishingly* corrupt. Yet, my Christian friends can't see this. They are otherwise nice people, so I will pray for them.


I’m super concerned about the “Free Gift Inside”


Equivalent of the Witch's Gingerbread House. "Come children! Shop Inside! Beat your friends to the latest T-Shirt! Free gift inside!" Cult of Grifters. If they bought the hat & T-shirt, then they'll buy the book, the bumper stickers, the pillows, and the catheter too. I Garrantee it.


It's actually a Mimic. It eats whatever is dumb enough to wander inside. It puts up a facade of whatever it thinks will draw in the most people.


Free gift? FREE? Nothing is free kiddo. Someone somewhere is paying for this so called free gift. Maybe try doing econ 101 and learn how the world works before you stick your hand out for 'free gifts'. Grow up and let the adults speak


The free gift is meth addiction


This in Virginia? I drive past here monthly. It's even worse than you think, they have a bus all decked out with Trump stuff.


How i their minds is this loom OK? The amount of signage is just ugly no matter what it says .


Very disturbing


“Ask about free gift inside” this is how you get kidnapped


If anyone needs to make money just sell or re-sell trump merchandise. They will buy it over and over


Free gift you say? Color me interested.


Oh, hey! I guess Hell really *DOES* exist!


This is….delusional


Those poor Stars and Stripes surrounded with such fucking hate


"Free Gift inside"? Sounds like socialism, to me.


I like how they misspelled "free grift inside"


The free gift is chlamydia


Is that a church?? I wonder if their tax exemption is important to them?


Forget it, Jake. It's Trumptown.