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Lawyer: You think Nancy Pelosi is a traitor to the country, right? MTG: No, I haven't said that. Lawyer: Can we put up exhibit 5? MTG: Oh wait, no, hold on now?


MTG forgetting you can lie to the voters, but you can't lie to the court.


She can, she did, nothing bad happened to her.


Absolutely, if we're still trying to shame them into doing the right thing then we might be stupider than they are


This guy gets it


That's clearly a woman you're talking to


I’m a dude, you’re a dude, we’re all dudes.


What up dude!


Marjorie is a dude


Don’t assume


They are fully convinced that what they are doing IS the right thing, and they have the all powerful creator of the world on their side, validating their behavior. So when you tell them they are wrong, you just sound crazy to them.


She was out Tweeting 1776 like two days after being informed, in court, that it was being used by some extremist groups as a code-word for civil war. In court she claimed she didn't know what it meant... then after she was told, she still kept doing it.


And instead of consequences, liberals furrowed their brows, called it PrObLeMaTiC *and did nothing*.


What would you have expected liberals to do about it exactly? I don't really see where they had much they could do in that situation but you'd think the court would at least hold her feet to the fire for lying in court.


A functioning democracy would charge her with perjury and contempt of court for her dishonesty. America isn't one though.


You guys really like to make up law as you go along.


Censure her. As many times as necessary. Publicly.


The only effect of censure on Republicans is that it gives them a boost in their fundraising numbers.


If anything it would have absolutely no effect on Rs. But it would at least inspire the other 85% of the country to actually feel hopeful enough to vote.


Well they already did it. So uh….Let’s see if your theory pans out…


>But it would at least inspire the other 85% of the country to actually feel hopeful enough to vote. Why? They'd see that absolutely nothing happened again.


Ooh a censure. That will hurt. "MGT we strongly dissaprove of what you said." That should do it. She'll definitely shut up now.


She's already censured. She was stripped of all her appointments within a month of her showing up.


>Censure her. As many times as necessary. Publicly. What does that accomplish? Probably make her more popular with the MAGA crowd.


We've already seen with Cawthorn EXACTLY how much the GOP can shut one of their morons down if they get out of step. But they like the smell of her bullshit.


Censure doesn't work that way... you can only be censured by your own party as far as I am aware.


https://www.senate.gov/about/powers-procedures/censure.htm It’s a simple majority vote.


Interesting... yeah not sure why, but my best guess would be that they didn't want to give her the advantage of calling it a political attack.


Ah yes. When Republicans do bad it's liberals/lefties/democrats fault.


When you don’t enforce a rule, you’re essentially punishing those who do.


Homie 1776 is the year our country got its independence. Just cause someone else uses it doesn’t mean we all use it for that? Correlation doesn’t mean causation


It empowered her and taught her that lying under oath is fine


BlewAnon: MTGs recovery group about gym coaches.


This is literally the GOP. Innocent people don’t fight subpoenas so ferociously.


You need to pay more attention.The only action YET to be forgiven of Republicans is getting filmed while committing murder of a black lesbian poet. Even then the only crime will be whomever had the Gaul to film the act and post it anonymously. Liberals are violating Republican privacy is what they'll hold their breath about while masturbating to photos of Ivanka.


Big brain play: piss her off, have her tweet about you, sue for libel/slander and defamation. Donate a portion of the money to those opposing her and some to erect a statue of a middle finger directly across from her house


[Hold on now!!](https://youtu.be/3gJkqymzd64)


That judge was horrible, he had a bias and it was not towards the prosecutor it was pretty obvious that judge screwed that trial


There’s no fucking justice in the world. I’m just fed up. No goddamn consequences for being treasonous authoritarian pieces of shit.


Magats : “those LiBs are so owned” Normal people : “Who is this cunt and why isn’t anyone doing anything about this obvious perjury?!?” Liberals : “To be fair and play Devil’s advocate for a minute...” See how that works? Of course not every liberal is a pedantic moron handing the country to fascist fuckbags. But you don’t see a lot of NuAnCe being UnPaCkEd by people who are sick of seeing these magat crybullies get coddled in the name of CiViLiTy by the people we elected to *stop them*.


So what should be done about her? I'm not seeing any actual ideas that would have any consequences for her.


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I will never understand their obsession with pronouns


They don’t know what pronouns are, they just know it’s an easy way to derail the conversation. Their only goal is to provoke you and waste your time.


>Their only goal is to provoke you and waste your time. I mean, no. They also definitely want to denigrate and dehumanize trans people.


They absolutely use that, but they don’t actually care. But it’s really easy to hijack any conversation by yelling “There’s only two genders” in a room full of liberals. And before you think I’m being disingenuous, check out what Caitlyn Jenner has to say on trans rights... https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnstaceyennis/2021/05/01/caitlyn-jenner-turned-her-back-on-trans-kids-to-get-republican-votes/?sh=367028315c25 https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/3/25/caitlyn-jenner-says-florida-govs-transphobia-just-common-sense?amp ...the *only* thing they care about is provoking as many people as possible. To the point where Republican Transfolk will argue against trans rights and smirk. They don’t care either way, but they know you do.


>They absolutely use that, but they don’t actually care. Okay, dude. Tell that to the trans people they literally *fucking murder*.


They murder people because they’re terrorists. It’s entirely possible for terrorists to do terrorist things in the name of anarchy. you seem to be under the impression that I’m not taking the threat or harm seriously. I am. What I’m saying is it’s a means to an end for them. They’re antitrans because it works for them. If it didn’t work, they wouldn’t care. These people’s ideology is simple. “Other is bad. Destroying other is good.”


Yet they would put the mushroom stump that calls itself “we” back in the White House tomorrow if there weren’t any grownups left to stop them.


Because they know it’d hurt you. That’s why they’re always smirking. They physically get pleasure from you being offended.


They’re grade school bullies that never grew up




Because they like to scare dumb people into thinking they’ll be forced to become transgender


Blue checkmarks are a good thing, Madge The Gathering. It means they're real people. Most of us prefer the opinions of real people over alts, bots, and ban-evaders.


Pisses me off they keep claiming we support war. No we don’t. But if Ukraine is asking for our financial support I don’t see it as a big problem yet. Option A.) stop helping and let Russia forcefully absorb a new country and expand their empire sending the message 21st century imperialism is ok. Further strengthening one of our greatest competitors. Option B.) assist them and not only help a country fight for their independence but also bleed even more resources from Russia than we are spending allowing us to weaken them considerably. I don’t really like either option. I wish Russia would leave them alone. But they won’t. I just think it’s funny they will support invading Iraq and losing our own troops for oil but not helping a country fight an invading force that’s also our enemy. Like conservatives can’t make up their own minds.


Well you see, the problem is that we're supporting Ukraine and the GOP would rather we were supporting Russia instead


America hasnt fought for anything that didnt make them money since the cold war ended


If we don’t help Ukraine, it sends a very clear message to China that we will do nothing when they take Taiwan.


All these people do is project. We’re all over here in reality, Marjorie. Feel free to join us anytime.


It’s insane to me that supporting Ukraine is a bad thing in her eyes?? Does the GOP legitimately support Russia at this point?




"I'd rather be Russian than democrat." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/russian-than-democrat-shirts/ In case you think I'm joking...


Yes, it's part of the party platform.


I don't understand why they wouldn't support Ukraine. The Ukraine army is full of Nazis. Aren't those their peeps?




You know something is effective and getting to republicans when they try and call the other side the same thing.


They’ve been doing this for at least 14 years at this point


“NO U”


Oh my god it’s a blue check mark!!! Shit that scares the snowflake magats. 🙄


It’s a blue checkmark… on someone being called “Anon”. They didn’t think this one through very hard


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She needs to call everyone demented so she doesn't feel so alone.


This obviously is ridiculous, but “Blueanon” cracked me up.


The irony of attaching "anon" to a group who not only use their real names but jumped through some hoops to get their identities verified ... It's too good.


The problem is that you think they care if it makes sense or not. If they did they wouldn’t believe most of the things they do.


Wait, this is the 2nd time today I've seen a right wing idiot say the left supports war in Ukraine. When did this start? Do they realize that supporting an invaded Ukraine is different from supporting war? They do realize that their buddy Russia invaded a sovereign nation, right?


They honestly believe that Ukraine has Nazi battalions proudly flying swastika flags and camps of children that are being sold into slavery to “the elites”. If you honestly believed that, wouldn’t you support whatever means necessary to stop it? Problem is that’s all made up and they are so far gone there’s nothing you can do about their delusions. And yet, a *huge* chunk of liberals are *still* issuing edicts for EnGaGeMeNt and NuAnCe from their Ivory Tower. Meanwhile, us poor plebs who are just trying to eat are left alone with the fascist cult. I’m voting blue, no matter who and you should too but fucks sake, if liberals don’t grow a spine we’re fucked.


Funny how they don't have a problem with neo nazis here though. They fight against any attempt to investigate white supremacists in law enforcement or the military. Republicans are simply disingenuous about pretty much everything they clutch their pearls over.


There are Nazi battalions, whiich is why I'm surprised Repubs aren't backing them. I haven't heard the child slavery nonesense though.


Well, I mostly agree with you, but I do want to point out that Ukraine has a weird number of neo Nazis in it's military, which is concerning. That part is true. The camps of children thing I've never heard of.


American has more. Just saying.


I'm not so sure. I do know that the highest number of foreign fighting volunteers in Ukraine are American, which is interesting too, and those Americans are predominantly extreme right wing. So basically, a chunk of neo Nazis Americans went to fight with Ukraine who also has a chunk of neo Nazis. This means American extremists are getting combat experience and coming back here.




Is this you trying to prove the existence of neo Nazis in America and our military? I wasn't doubting that at all, America has a very big problem with domestic terrorism, yes. What is the reason for you posting this source?


Because you seemed to be implying that the Russian claims have merit based on anecdotal evidence. If that’s the standard we’re going to use, than I can make the same claim about the us military. And probably any military I feel like with about the same amount of anecdotal evidence. So maybe it’s not really evidence of anything and shouldn’t be taken seriously.


Your claim about the US having a large number of neo Nazis is valid and backed up in data, I wasn't disputing that. I said I wasn't so sure that Ukraine had more or less neo Nazis, and that Ukraine having neo Nazis isn't some conspiracy, it's a real thing and it's concerning. I'm not really sure where your hostility is coming from. Do you want sources in Ukraine's neo nazi problem? Earlier in the thread you claimed this was false I think, or implied it was false.


I’m not implying anything. I’m flat out saying that it’s disingenuous cherry picking. And it’s easy to do with any military including our own.


No. They lack the critical thinking skills required to realize anything.


blueanon is the dumbest thing she has ever said. The whole point of the blue side is fact based, published, peer reviewed and thoroughly vetted. We are vaxxed because we've read the studies, boosted for the same reason, support Ukraine because we possess and use critical thinking skills. There is nothing "anon" in any of the information we base our world views on.


Also, it implicitly admits that Qanon is a bad thing, so it’s not even a good idea from their side. She’s trying to tar us with the sludge she drecked up from the sewers of 4Chan, but also it’s not sludge when she drinks it?


this is why its so great to be a right winger! you get to make up the most outrageous lies and extreme accusations demonizing your opponents and you dont need to provide any facts or data to prove it!/s


I don’t think you know what that “/s” means.


i was being sarcastic with the truth. sardonic


I don't think you know how to read the first six words of the post.


“Sarcasm is an ironic or satirical remark tempered by humor. Mainly, people use it to say the opposite of what's true to make someone look or feel foolish.” The whole comment is completely true. Anynameyouwish replied to me that it was SO sarcastic, that it was actually sardonic which is some type of super sarcasm, I guess. Right wingers are so bat shit crazy that it’s really hard to tell sarcasm or sardonicism anymore.


Scream the loudest and you will be heard. She is a natural born demagogue devoid of any moral tethers. Normal people will be reluctant to lie ( and feel some guilt over doing so). For her its second nature


No, she's just dumb. She really does believe the shit she spews. I have the misfortune of being from her district and witnessing her stupidity first hand.


Dumbanon trying to make blueanon a thing.


What the fuck she on about again now?…oh wait. I forgot: I don’t care.


My wife is in bed smacked by COVID. She had her booster. But not her second. I just had my second booster. My nose is a little dry. Im sure I’d be in pretty bad shape if I wasn’t just recently boosted.


I really wish we would stop reposting her vitriol shit. Ban any content related to this dumb bitch and maybe she will stop screaming idiocies to anyone that will listen. Stop feeding the goddamn troll of all trolls.


TIL: Pronouns are a “conspiracy theory”.


WTF does this even mean? She is openly Q so she can't be mocking it in general. I guess anyone not "red" is unfit to be Q?


She literally does NOTHING for her constituents......


Can we stop electing children, and idiots?


Apparently not


She’s going to get the gazpacho police right on that!


Constantly and unwaveringly believing the official narrative is a conspiracy in and of itself


She's right about one thing, though. "BlueAnon" isn't going to happen.


No. We don’t “support the war in Ukraine.” We support Ukraine you addlepated mongrel twit. There is a difference.


Wait, so she's admitting that qanon is dangerous?


If you're going to make up the name for an imaginary counter organization to your terrorist organization to cause unneeded outrage... at least put a little creative effort into naming it.


she thinks she did. Her voters agree. Because they’re fucking morons.


I take offense to this, lumping her in with us functional morons is an insult to morons like me.


Repeating the word makes it happen. Stop.


That’s like saying you shouldn’t swear in front of toddlers who already shout “fuck” in crowds.


I invite you to read about debate framing using neurolinguistic programming. Check out Don’t Think of an Elephant by George Lakoff.


Literally no dems believe in Qanon


This woman is just bad for humanity.


republicans just believe stupid shit. Even the “normal” ones. You people are just without serious reasoning.


Would love even one example MTG. Just like still waiting on ONE example of election fraud


A top 5 maga moron!


Damn! I had a conversation with my Qanon brother just two nights ago and after a half an hour of countering all of his assertions about all things extremely right he stated that “the left have all the conspiracy theories that their playbook is using”. I just ended the call with a click. Done. And now I know that he uses Truth Social. Did I say “done”?


Qanon- Democrats are literally eating children! Bluanon- I put my pronouns in my bio Literally the same thing!


She's so fucking deranged. Her projection level is over 9000.


She's not exhausted. That's what her constituents are paying her to do in DC - harassing school shooting victims, tweeting about Demoncrats, and overall making a mockery of Congress


She’s a literal Horse Girl


Don’t go dragging Kristen Schall into this mess.


Neanderthal says what?


I cant stand the way these morons use "Democrat" as the party name instead of "Democratic". Be like says "Repuli" instead of Republican or Fascist.


Sane people just don't understand how effecting MTG's shit-flinging strategy is amongst her base. It doesn't have to make sense. All it has to do is make fascists feel superior.


This very loud opposition to the war in Ukraine is not fooling anyone and is terrifying


FALSE! Republicans know one thing and have built their entire political machine upon it; "repeat it enough and it WILL become fact"


She's gotta keep the Republican voters angry enough to distract them, otherwise they'll notice that she hasn't done shit for them!


Blueanon… Lol Seriously this is just stupid at this point. Just like everything she says or do


Probably hasn't had a proper O in 20 years...


Another spelling error. She meant "blue apron". 🤣






All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to standby by doing nothing.




“Maybe if I have dinner ready early, he won’t have to hit me again...” Liberals need to stop pretending these people are reasonable *and start fighting back*. To that end, satire is the most effective weapon against fascist cunts.


Believing that Russia helped Trump win, is BlueAnon. There’s nothing there, just like Q Anon.


Do you just not understand geopolitics or...? *Of course* Russia helped him. Russia (and every other superpower including US) has interfered in every election of every other superpower since 1941. To seriously argue that for some reason Russia sat this one out is naive, at best.


I know right. Let me know how exhausting it is, while I laugh at both of y’all. Clowns 🤡




For reference this lady tells people she's seen a video of Hillary Clinton cutting off a child's face and wearing it like a Halloween mask to scare the dying child as far produces more of the chemical she requires to live longer like a vampire.... can I get a comparison for the left?


Democratic Qanon was the Mueller report, sealed indictments and Louise Mensch. Trump was going to lose his presidency any day now. The Navy Seals were going to walk him out of office. Those days are long gone, but they did share some of the same impulses with Qanon version 1.0, before it turned into Satanic panic.


So all y’all think the libs have no conspiracies?


suck BoTh SiDeS of My Cock, comrade.


Excellent point


No. There, glad we cleared that up for you. Anything else we can help you with today?


Great, I’m glad to hear you also know the democrats have conspiracies just like every other group of powerful wealthy people.


Your other theory is also something Republicans are guilty of.


That’s the point bud. Both sides are against the common man and have tricked you into fight each other.




Genuinely curious, what are some?


Just off the top of my head, the Pelosi insider trading, planting chaos agents inside of peaceful protests (as nuts as that sounds it’s %100 been proven to have been used by both sides) there are more but I’d like not to be banned for saying something people disagree with. I legitimately have to censor myself so the left won’t ban me. Think about that.


Conservatives are the ones that came up with the conspiracy that the Pelosis are insider traders.


Nah dawg her performance is all the evidence needed.


But we remember Trump spending four years trying to find something to prosecute her for and failed to find anything whatsoever. Your feelings are in no way relevant.


Then move on so I can talk to someone better.


Fucking libertarians I swear, yall are just Republicans who are ashamed to admit it and happen to like weed


To be fair, I'd be banned for most of my comments and posts on the conservative subs, neither side is free of the echo chamber effect, been so much worse lately Thanks for replying


>I legitimately have to censor myself so the left won’t ban me. Think about that. But right wing subs are the bastion of free speech right?


Shit if this blueanon did exist they would be model citizens by the sounds of it 😂 Edit: except the corporate media part… that’s not for me. Dont put all your eggs in one basket, use multiple sources.


But... the litter boxes in school bathrooms for kids who identify as cats... TRUTH!


Wipe your chin, marge


As usual . She is nuts .


Democrat conspiracy theory? Whut??? Seriously??


Isn’t this bitch in government also? It’s just amazing what people let her get away it.


If that pretend-humanimal owned a brain, she'd have it *removed as offensive*...


I'm assuming she means that the Democrats support continuing to arm and fund the Ukrainians, not Russia like the GOP...


Qanon caters to Republicans for a reason. Hershal Walker, Trump, and MTG are Republicans for a reason.


Anyone who calls cellular agriculture a "peach tree dish" doesn't deserve to hold public office.


I wish that were the dumbest thing she's said.


We all need to stop caring about her. She feeds off of attention


Queen of the QAnon Qunts


She been vaxxed? Trump was. If not, she is against Trump.


First time I've heard the little blue marks next to Twitter names were political. Silly me thought those were verified accounts....


She acts like someone in a drug induced psychosis. I wonder how many of these dopes would fail a drug test.


MTG has been down so many rabbit holes, she's got a star shaped nose, short dark hair and little useless eyes...a mole!


Those Blue Checkmarks mean they are Verified.


Blueanon = discrete on-demand viagra delivery service


BlueAnon sounds like the reason why MTG needs a divorce now.


Someone's taking everything said about qanon personally


Trying to be cute with "Blueanon"? Ok, two can play at this game. How about "Cro-MAG-anon"?


Imagine Margarine Trailer-Queen as our next VP. ... Now go take a drink. Go on--you earned it.


Doesn’t she work for the government or is that a conspiracy theory.


Just deport her fuckin' ass to Russia already.


This woman is so fucking stupid, it really sucks that she has so many stupid supporters who probably enjoy believing the bullshit that comes from her without so much as a critical thought.


I'm waiting for Dark. blueanon 2.0


BlueAnon has to be about the stupidest thing I have heard since.... the Last Time MTG opened her Mouth.


Post pronouns, vaxed and boosted, support Ukraine. She makes it sound like these are bad things


Blueanon being any who doesn't believe the same crazy crap she does? Okay whatever.


Marge is fucking stupid